Concrete wall panels for garage. DIY monolithic garage

A garage is a necessity for any car owner, both protection and security. In the article we will talk about how to choose a concrete garage, build it yourself, consider the types, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of concrete garages.

Types of concrete garages, their pros and cons

A garage made of concrete or reinforced concrete slabs is the most reliable place to store and maintain a car. The building can be erected with your own hands, it will not take much time, and besides, it is a relatively inexpensive construction.

The buildings are divided into:

  • Precast concrete buildings, which are built from blocks or wall panels and floor slabs. You can purchase ready-made sets of garage slabs; they are distinguished by lighter, but no less reliable designs.

Such buildings are erected in a short time; if necessary, they are quickly dismantled and transported to a new location. Now many companies offer to purchase a concrete garage with installation by the company’s specialists; in this case, installation is carried out within a few hours.

Today, manufacturers offer factory-cast ones into a single design. Such a garage is delivered to the installation site and firmly mounted on the foundation.

But the size of monolithic garages is limited by transportation; moreover, dismantling it is impossible and transportation is difficult, but such a structure is installed quickly - in a couple of hours you have a full-fledged, reliable garage, almost ready for use.

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete buildings erected from concrete poured into reinforced formwork. The work is carried out using a small concrete mixer: for the construction of a standard garage, a machine with a capacity of 0.5–1 m3 will be sufficient.

A monolithic concrete garage is quite reliable; it can be built of any size, shape and configuration. For reasons of economy, instead of ASG, you can use slag or foam concrete, the price of which is lower, and besides, such walls will retain heat better.

Advantages of a concrete garage


  • Reliability. The walls of the garage will protect the car from atmospheric influences and foreign penetration.
  • Durability. The garage will last for decades, as it is built once and almost forever.
  • Environmental friendliness. All materials used do not contain substances hazardous to human life and health.
  • Frost resistance. Concrete is not subject to destruction from exposure to low temperatures.
  • Fire resistance. The material is not afraid high temperature and keeps his operational properties even in contact with open flame.

Disadvantages of a concrete garage

A properly built garage has virtually no drawbacks, except that it requires insulation and heating of the room (see). Temperature in winter period the garage will be only a few degrees higher than outside, so for a comfortable stay in it it is necessary to install heating.

A garage made of foam concrete will require protecting the walls from moisture penetration, you will have to do external finishing buildings (see). A prefabricated garage made of concrete panels is limited in size; construction requires the use of equipment, and if the elements are connected by welding, then specialists.

Stages of the garage construction process

Let's start with the fact that any work begins with a project that indicates the dimensions of the building, necessary materials and their number, the location of the building on the ground, that is, all the necessary parameters.

You can make a concrete garage project yourself or order it from a specialized organization. Competent craftsmen will analyze the soil, determine the depth of freezing and groundwater, which is important in the case of constructing a basement or workshop under a garage. Installation of concrete garages is carried out on a leveled base, free from fertile soil, garbage, covered with a layer of sand or small gravel and carefully compacted.


Shallow strip foundation for a garage


  • A monolithic or prefabricated garage without a basement is placed at a height of 40–60 cm and a width of 25–30 cm.
  • Reinforcement is carried out with reinforcement with a diameter of 12–14 mm.
  • The tape should protrude above the ground by at least 10 cm.
  • The surface of the foundation is waterproofed with a layer of roofing material or other rolled material to cut off moisture from the walls.


A monolithic, reinforced garage is built using formwork; it is placed on a foundation with a distance between elements equal to the thickness of the walls.

If there is no factory formwork, then you can use various available materials:

  • Plywood.
  • Boards.
  • Metal sheets.

The formwork is secured with bolts or studs for easy disassembly and subsequent assembly of the structure. The walls are reinforced with a spatial frame or individual rods. Particular attention is paid to the corners of the building.

Concrete is poured in layers (each layer no more than 50 cm thick), carefully vibrated to release excess air. Otherwise, voids and cavities may form in the walls, which will weaken the building and deprive the surface of its aesthetics.

As the concrete hardens, a row of formwork is removed and fixed higher, arranging the next row. The last layer is leveled, the horizontal level is measured for correct installation floor panels. After removing the formwork, the seams between the layers should be freed from concrete leaks, leveled and plastered.

The prefabricated concrete garage is assembled like a designer on a prepared foundation using a truck crane. The elements are connected by brackets, bolts or welding. The kit includes detailed assembly instructions, which must be carefully checked and the slabs installed in the specified order.

The seams between the panels and connecting elements are embossed with cement mortar.


Let's talk about some of the nuances that need to be paid to special attention when installing the roof.

Gable garage roof covered with corrugated sheets


  • A monolithic garage is covered with reinforced concrete slabs, and the material of the walls and the area of ​​the garage must be taken into account.
  • If the walls are made of concrete, then solid covering panels can be laid.
  • For weaker walls, hollow slabs are used. For example, a 6 by 6 garage made of foam concrete simply cannot withstand the weight monolithic slab, the wall material under pressure will gradually begin to weaken, and there may be a risk of roof collapse.
  • The panels are mounted on cement mortar.
  • The slabs are laid with a slope of at least 3% to allow water to drain.
  • The gaps between the roof panels and the locations of the mounting loops are sealed with mortar or filled with foam (the excess of which is cut off after setting); the surface of the slabs, if necessary, is leveled with a screed.
  • Before you start roofing works the roof is dried and dusted.
  • The panels are covered with rolled material: roofing felt, TechnoNIKOL, etc. The work is carried out in accordance with the instructions for laying fused roofing coverings.
  • Alternatively, the roof can be covered with ondulin, soft tiles(see), corrugated sheets and other roofing materials.

Garage floor

Both in a monolithic garage and in a prefabricated one (if the floor slab is not included in the package), the floor covering is poured using the following technology.

  • The base is leveled and compacted well
  • A layer of sand or fine gravel 10 cm thick is laid and also compacted tightly.
  • Waterproofing is laid, the role of which will be perfectly performed by two layers of film, roofing felt, TechnoNIKOL and others roll materials. The edges of the material extend 15 cm onto the wall.
  • If a concrete garage is equipped with heating in the future, then it would be rational to insulate the floor so that the heat is not wasted and your feet do not get cold. Insulation is placed over the waterproofing - polystyrene foam, mineral wool and so on.
  • To strengthen the coating and protect it from destruction and cracking, a reinforcing mesh of reinforcement with a diameter of at least 14 mm and a pitch of 10–15 cm is installed.

Important! The mesh reinforcement must be protected by concrete on all sides. To do this, “legs” are attached to the mesh on the bottom side, which will allow the mixture to penetrate under the reinforcement. Protective layer made at least 3 cm thick.

  • Compensation gaps are installed along the walls and around protruding structures; for their construction, foam plastic 5 cm thick can be used.
  • Concrete is poured with a slope of 2-3% directed towards the gate. The thickness of the coating varies between 7–15 cm and depends on the requirements for the floor.
  • To make the base strong and monolithic, it is recommended to lay the mixture at one time.

  • After the concrete has completely set, you can begin additional decorative finishing floor: cover polymer composition(see), paint on concrete, lay tiles or make a self-leveling floor. The main thing is that the surface is non-slip.

Garage door

Function performed garage doors, consists of protecting the doorway from entry by unauthorized persons and theft of the car, as well as preserving heat in winter time. Therefore, they must be durable, reliable, safe for the owner, tightly closed and easy to open.

Several types of gates are installed in a concrete garage:

  • Recoil.
  • Swing.
  • Lift-and-swivel.
  • Roller shutters.
  • Sectional.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. If the garage is located in a garage cooperative or in a country house, then ordinary swing gates, as the simplest, proven and reliable option.

All other types are appropriate near the house when the garage is being monitored, as they have poor resistance to breaking and entering.


We told you step by step what types of work will have to be done when installing or building a concrete garage. If the chain “project – garage – concrete” is followed correctly and consistently, all recommendations and instructions are carefully followed, then as a result you will receive a reliable, durable shelter for your car.

Thematic photos and videos presented in this article will clearly demonstrate some of the nuances of construction and help you understand complex issues.

We offer three types of Concrete garages with a width of 3200mm, 3420mm and 3900mm, length 6000mm. height 2600mm.

Name Price (RUB) Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Weight (kg) Quantity per car (20t)
Concrete garage 1 + Concrete floor + Gate 185000.00 6000 3200 2600 14700 1
Concrete garage 2 + Concrete floor + Gate 205000.00 6000 3420 2600 15700 1
Concrete garage 3 + Concrete floor + Gate 225000.00 6000 3900 2600 17700 1
Concrete garage 4 (without floor) + Gate (2800x1900x3) 160000.00 5480 3240 2320 10230 1

Reinforced concrete garage1

Reinforced concrete garage2

Reinforced concrete garage3

Surely many motorists have had to deal with the problem of arranging a parking lot for their vehicle. Many people prefer to use paid guarded parking lots, however, there are also some car owners who, for various reasons, want to have their own garage. In addition to its direct functions, the garage is also attractive because it can store various equipment and accessories for the car, carry out minor repairs, which is very difficult in a parking lot or garage complex. One of the most popular today are reinforced concrete garages.

From a technical point of view, a reinforced concrete garage is a structure made in the form of a monolithic box. Since reinforced concrete structures are quite heavy in weight, it is quite natural that prefabricated reinforced concrete garages are especially popular, the delivery of material for which in parts is most economically beneficial for the buyer. Often, for a buyer who has studied the market, it becomes quite obvious that buying a reinforced concrete garage is much more profitable both economically and in terms of labor costs compared to building a garage from other materials. This design has many advantages: fast construction, convenient transportation to the assembly site, no welding work, the ability to quickly dismantle and transport to a new location.

Of course an important factor is also that the market building materials offers a fairly wide range, any buyer can choose almost any garage reinforced concrete price which suits him. Moreover, the market makes it possible to choose any size, shape of garages and offer relatively low prices compared to building a garage from other building materials.

One of the varieties of automobile “dwelling” is a concrete garage. This structure is strong, reliable and durable, thanks to the technical characteristics of the building materials used.

Previously, the construction of concrete garages was an expensive and labor-intensive process, since all structural elements were manufactured directly on the construction site. Required:

  • Construct formwork of the required size.
  • Install reinforcing mesh into it.
  • Pour the concrete, compact it and level it.

As a result, the reinforced concrete garage, the price of which was much more expensive than other analogues, was not popular and was classified as “elite”. Now the production of the required elements is carried out in factory conditions, where, with the help of modern equipment their cost has become much lower (≈ 40%).
Monolithic garage has become more accessible to a wide range of people and is popular among car enthusiasts. The developers took care of the ease of installation, offering customers ready-made structures for assembly on the construction site.

Prefabricated concrete garages are “mini-constructors”, all the elements of which are made in such a way that their assembly does not pose any problems. Manufacturers have developed “classic” projects, some of which can be implemented without resorting to the services of construction crews.

Garages are prefabricated reinforced concrete. Typical factory projects

A reinforced concrete garage, the structure of which is manufactured in a factory, comes in two types:

  • Prefabricated concrete garage.
  • All required “spare parts” of the structure (fasteners, plates, iron gates) are included in the factory package.

  • Monolithic garage.

The ready-made monolithic box is assembled at the factory and installed on the construction site using lifting equipment.

Most often purchased prefabricated type reinforced concrete garage, since its installation can be done independently, which reduces its final cost.

Consider popular factory prefabricated projects.

  • Prefabricated reinforced concrete products without floors-1.
  • The kit includes reinforced concrete slabs, from which a structure is mounted, the linear dimensions of which are 400/625/245 cm. The weight of the garage is ≈12.15 tons.

  • Prefabricated with reinforced concrete products-2 floor.
  • Similar to the ZhBI-1 set, supplemented with floor slabs. Garage weight ≈ 16.52 tons.

  • Prefabricated reinforced concrete garage with floor and basement reinforced concrete products-3.
  • The reinforced concrete products set-2 is supplemented with the required blocks for the construction of a basement. Garage weight ≈ 26 tons.

Prefabricated concrete garages. Construction technology

For the construction of prefabricated concrete garages, the plant has provided detailed instructions installation, which describes all the necessary actions of workers. Assembly work begins after the foundation is laid out.

Consider the sequence of the process of installing a reinforced concrete garage (without a basement):

  • Installation of floor slabs.
  • Assembling the side panels.
  • Installing a rear garage wall.
  • Fixing the door panel.
  • Installation of metal gates.
  • Installation hollow slab ceilings
  • Construction of the roof.

Anchor bolts and brackets are used to fasten the slabs of reinforced concrete prefabricated garages. No welding work required. To hang metal doors, the threshold of the iron concrete garage is leveled for proper installation of the lining. Then the gate hinges are secured and the door leaves are strung on them.
External and interior decoration The design of a prefabricated concrete garage depends on the wishes of the owner. The easiest way: level the surfaces with plaster and paint them in the required color.

To install a monolithic reinforced concrete garage, lifting equipment is required. As for the gate for it, you can’t do without welding work.

Concrete garage. Estimated cost

The price of a reinforced concrete garage depends on its configuration: the larger the “set”, the higher the cost. If you compare the price lists of leading manufacturing plants, you can get your bearings on current market trends.

Too low a price should be a concern, since the quality factor of prefabricated reinforced concrete garages depends on the quality of the concrete and the reinforcement used. Violation of production technology will lead to rapid destruction of the slabs, the repair of which will be useless.

Price of a standard prefabricated garage made of reinforced concrete:

  • without floor (reinforced concrete goods-1) – from $1650
  • With floor (concrete concrete products-2) – from $1780
  • With a basement (concrete concrete products-3) – from $2600
  • Similar monolithic garage – from $3000

The indicated price does not include delivery and installation. The cost of these services is ≈ 35–40% of the price of the selected design.

How to properly build a monolithic reinforced concrete garage?

To build a prefabricated reinforced concrete garage yourself, you should study in detail the key stages of construction described on our website.

Let's look at them briefly:

Documentation for the construction of a garage.
First of all, you should obtain permission from the relevant authorities, which is mandatory for this type of construction.

Before arranging the foundation, it is necessary to determine the level of groundwater and the depth of soil freezing. This data is especially important if you plan to build a garage with a basement. For this purpose, survey work is being carried out. If groundwater located at a depth above 2.5 m, then installation of circular drainage is necessary.

For prefabricated reinforced concrete garages, they are mainly used strip foundations, consisting of factory reinforced concrete blocks and equipped blind areas. The slabs are installed in a trench on a layer of compacted sand, fastened together and waterproofed.

Strict compliance with the manufacturer's instructions.

When constructing concrete garages, you should strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations. This guarantees durability and strength of the structure.
Ventilation arrangement.

After assembling the concrete garage, you need to take care of the influx fresh air. Optimal and inexpensive option– natural ventilation. The exhaust pipe is located 0.5 m from the floor level, the exhaust pipe is at the ceiling level.

Insulation of the garage

This action will help save on heating the garage. The best option– polystyrene foam (thickness 50 cm, density 25). It is glued to external walls, additionally secured with plastic dowels. Then glue is applied plaster mesh, into the layer of which it is recessed. The surface is plastered. Metal gates lined with inside roll insulation.

Repair of precast concrete garages

Over time concrete slabs Cracks may appear in which the reinforcement can be seen. Damaged concrete should be removed (preferably with a stream of water under pressure), the rods should be cleaned of rust, treated with anti-corrosion agents and sealed using special putties.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Prefab Concrete Garages


  • Quick assembly.
  • Strength and durability.
  • Possibility of dismantling the prefabricated garage.


  • The high price of a reinforced concrete garage.
  • Same appearance prefabricated structures.
  • A monolithic garage cannot be dismantled after installation.
  • Expenses on lifting equipment.

Reinforced concrete garage - durable structure for storage and maintenance different types transport. Specifications reinforced concrete makes structures reliable, durable, heat-saving and relatively inexpensive. It is possible to build a concrete structure with your own hands (with some help from equipment and people). The easiest and fastest option is to purchase finished design and install it in the desired location.


Construction from reinforced concrete material presented in two forms:

  • monolithic;
  • team.

This type of reinforced concrete structures is very popular among motorists. Its installation does not take much time and effort. Companies that sell ready-made reinforced concrete garages also offer installation (or dismantling) services. The company transports the concrete object to the desired location and assembles it (within one hour) at the construction site.

There are several types of buildings:

  • a structure that is assembled and installed. site;
  • finished object (assembled at the factory, transported to the customer).

In the second case, the main parameters of the structure are determined by factory standards. Customers who want to connect the structure to the house (place it in the basement or make it part of the first floor) resort to the first option, place an order, and agree on the dimensions. In this case, the price may differ in one direction or the other. This will depend on the complexity of the building, its size, installation time and other things. Each company has service catalogs describing prices and all the details of the process. Check out the details: do you need an inspection hole, floor, cellar, etc.

Some companies call such structures “mini-constructors”. Parts of such structures are created separately from each other. Are taken into account the smallest details, so that when all the parts are in the desired location, installation does not take much time. In the catalogs of companies you can look at previously completed and possible models of similar garages. Some of them do not require specialist intervention. Thus, you can save on the services of builders.

Reinforced concrete structures are built from:

  • concrete blocks;
  • wall panels (additionally, slabs are used to cover the space).

In the latter case, the kit includes all the tools (as a set) for installing the building. The main advantage that such a garage has is variety. Blocks or panels can be adjusted to any size required by the customer. Such constructions best meet the operational requirements and desires of customers. You can create a building with cellars, an entire garage park or a workshop. Can be easily placed inside inspection hole or additional premises for employees or craftsmen.


Solid blocks are made in the following sizes:

  • 2.40x5 m;
  • 48x2 m;
  • 1.9x2.8 (for garages with an opening for a gate).

The wall thickness ranges from 80 to 120 mm. The value must correspond to the rib thickness and is calculated separately for each block. Such a garage can be built of absolutely any size. Let's look at an example of building a garage for one place. For construction, panels of specified sizes are used: length 5-6 m; width 4 m; height 2.3-2.6 m. If such parameters do not satisfy the customer’s needs, a special design is purchased. They are presented in different sizes and greatly facilitate the construction process.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Let's look at the good and bad sides of solid concrete buildings. Advantages:

  • Possibility of construction according to an individual plan;
  • possibility of dismantling;
  • reliability and strength, such reinforced concrete structures are installed “once and for all.”


  • the construction process takes several days;
  • in order to speed up construction, the use of special equipment is required, and this means additional costs;
  • redevelopment is impossible;
  • during repairs, you should find a room for storing building materials;
  • size restrictions.

The situation is a little better with reinforced concrete structures, which are manufactured separately. Advantages:

  • large selection of tile coverings;
  • you can purchase already finished materials, which will reduce repair time;
  • construction will take about 4-6 hours;
  • possibility of dismantling;
  • You can use a concrete room an hour after installation.


  • blocks can become deformed if stored and used improperly.


For prefabricated garages

Let's consider the features of building construction of this type. After purchasing such a structure, the factory issues special instructions if you decide to do the installation process yourself. It describes all the necessary steps to build a durable building. After the foundation is laid out, construction can begin. Main stages:

  • install floor slabs;
  • assemble and install side panels;
  • install back wall garage;
  • fix the installed panels;
  • pass (it is desirable that the gate be metal);
  • install floor slabs;
  • arrange the roof.

Use brackets to hold the blocks together. No welding work is carried out. You can choose the finish, color and design yourself. We recommend that you level the surface with plaster. This will immediately give the garage a well-groomed and aesthetic appearance.

To install concrete buildings of this type, the help of lifting equipment is required. The gate can be installed without welding. Main stages:

  • Obtain permission to erect a solid building from the appropriate authorities. It is impossible to start construction without receiving a special document.
  • After purchase, the factory will provide you with special instructions. Follow her advice and get great results.
  • Build the foundation ( best option- strip foundation).
  • Install the slabs in the trench, fasten them together, and waterproof them.
  • Solve the problem with ventilation (it is better to choose natural ventilation).

Every car owner must ensure that his iron horse has a “home.” One of possible options could become a reinforced concrete garage. This is a reliable and durable structure that will protect the car from any weather adversity. It is much more reliable than brick and iron. But previously, concrete structures had their drawbacks.

The construction of such a structure was expensive and labor-intensive, since all elements of the structure were manufactured on site. It was necessary to: pour the foundation, tie the reinforcement, fill everything with concrete and compact it thoroughly. And the cost of such a building was significantly higher than that of its analogues. And many simply couldn’t afford it.

Now the technology has become much simpler. Part of the structure is produced in factories and sold as prefabricated elements (based on the principle of a designer). This helped reduce costs by 50%. A concrete garage has become much more accessible and is gaining popularity among car owners. is a construction set for adult men that can be assembled without special labor without resorting to the help of construction crews. The designers focused specifically on ease and simplicity of assembly.

Today there are 2 types of reinforced concrete garages:

  1. Made. Its essence lies in the fact that all components - from walls to fasteners and gates - are included in the kit.
  2. Monolithic. Buy ready-made wooden box, into which the reinforcement is installed, and then the pouring process occurs.

The first type of garage is the most popular. It is simpler and cheaper.

Types of prefabricated projects:

Depending on your needs, you can choose required type garage and independently or with the help construction crew collect it. It is not recommended to undertake the collection of reinforced concrete products-3 yourself, since the design is more complex and dangerous to assemble.

Construction technology

The designers of such garages provide detailed instructions that clearly indicate the sequence of actions that must be followed. Let's consider the procedure based on the reinforced concrete products garage-2. Stages:

  1. Installation of floor slabs;
  2. Assembling the walls and rear wall of the garage;
  3. Installation of the gate panel;
  4. Installation of the floor panel (the panel is hollow);
  5. Roof installation.

Lifting devices will be required to install all components. Installing the gate will also require welding work. The advantage is that more welding work you won't have to resort. The building slabs are held together using anchor bolts and brackets. Another advantage is that a garage of this type does not require internal and external finishing works. It is able to function immediately after assembly. Weather conditions will not have a detrimental effect on the strength of a reinforced concrete garage, unlike an iron one. The second requires painting to avoid metal corrosion.

But still, after a long period of time, the garage begins to wear out. The concrete will begin to crack and particles will be visible in the cracks. reinforcing mesh. In order to prevent the garage from further deteriorating, the fittings should be cleaned of rust (using a jet of water under pressure), coated with an anti-corrosion agent, and the cracks sealed with a special putty.

To save on heating costs, you can insulate your garage. Foam is most often used. It is attached to the outer walls of the garage using a special solution, additionally secured with plastic dowels. Afterwards, a plaster network is applied, which is embedded in the glue applied to the foam. At the end of the work, the surface is covered with putty and painted (optional).

To sum it up

A concrete garage has a number of advantages over brick and iron. It is more reliable, easier to assemble, much warmer and more durable. Of course, such designs also have their drawbacks. They are much more expensive and look the same. There are two types of such garages: prefabricated and monolithic garages. The first has a number of advantages that make it more popular than a monolithic reinforced concrete garage. It is easier to assemble and is much cheaper.

If the question is about building a “home” for your car, and the financial issue is not a priority, then you shouldn’t even think about which one is better. The answer is obvious. Reinforced concrete structures will last a long time and flawlessly.