What are mosquitoes afraid of? What are mosquitoes afraid of: proven methods for getting rid of small pests Mosquitoes are afraid of light

Essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, clove, thyme, geranium or lavender will help get rid of mosquitoes, midges and ticks.

If you tolerate contact of oil with skin well, you can mix 20 drops of any “anti-mosquito” oil with 30 grams of any base oil (preferably from grape seeds or wheat germ), and apply the resulting mixture to your skin. open areas skin. You can “enrich” baby oil, cream or Vaseline with essential oil.

If you are wary of the idea of ​​applying essential oils to your skin, you can drip them into a medallion-jug and wear it around your neck.

In an apartment or country house you can add essential oils to aroma lamps and place them near open windows. Another option is to soak a napkin in a mixture of oils and place it next to your bed at night.

Spicy cloves against mosquitoes

A proven and very effective folk remedy for mosquito bites is cloves, a popular spice. The specific smell of clove tree buds is pleasant to humans, but insects cannot tolerate it.

Pour a tablespoon of cloves into a glass cold water, bring to a boil over low heat, wait until it cools and strain. Apply clove decoction to exposed skin with a cotton swab; you can also spray it on your clothes. This will provide you with protection for several hours.

Cloves can also be used to replace a fumigator or anti-mosquito coil. Cut the lemon into thick slices and stick clove buds into them. The citrusy-spicy scent is usually associated with Christmas spirit, but also works great as an insect repellent. Place the resulting composition next to the bed or table on the veranda - and insects will not bother you.

Vanillin is an effective repellent against mosquitoes and midges.

The aroma of vanilla is associated with fresh baked goods. Compared to cloves, this smell is much less pungent, and making vanilla mosquito repellent lotion is much easier.

Dilute a teaspoon of vanillin in a glass of water - and the product is ready. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the exposed skin. You can also spray your clothes or room with vanilla water.

Vanillin solution is especially valuable in cases where we are talking about annoying midge– it is more difficult to repel it than mosquitoes, and even special means do not always cope with this task. Vanillin will provide good protection.

Vanillin does not have to be used in solution: you can add half a teaspoon of vanilla powder to 50 grams of baby cream, then mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting aromatic cream to the skin, exude a “buttery” aroma - and enjoy life without mosquitoes.

Decoctions for repelling mosquitoes: wormwood, wheatgrass and valerian

Another old and proven folk remedy for protecting against mosquito bites is decoctions of valerian root, wormwood or wheatgrass.

For one and a half liters of water, take a handful of crushed roots of any of these plants, bring to a boil over low heat, then pour into a thermos and leave for 30-60 minutes, then strain and let cool.

The resulting product is used to wipe open areas of the body and spray clothes; this can protect against mosquito bites for 4-5 hours. However, cat owners should use valerian with caution: the smell of valerian will repel mosquitoes, but is guaranteed to attract undue attention from the pet.

Mosquito repellents from your home medicine cabinet: camphor and “Zvezdochka”

If you have camphor preparations in your home medicine cabinet, they can also do a good job in repelling insects. Any camphor-containing product for external use can be rubbed little by little into the skin behind the ears or lubricated on the wrists. And to drive mosquitoes out of the house, you can boil water in a small saucepan, add a few drops of the product to it and boil for several minutes - the fragrant camphor steam will force the insects to leave the room.

Another excellent mosquito repellent is Vietnamese Golden Star Balm, commonly known as Star. It contains clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and peppermint oils, and this “cocktail”, precisely applied to the skin in small quantities, quite effectively protects against mosquitoes. However, it should not be used by allergy sufferers, and “Zvezdochka” is not recommended for children under five years of age.

Cologne “Carnation”: the best of alcohol-containing means of protection

Smell of alcohol blood-sucking insects They also don’t like it, so for short-term protection you can treat the skin with alcohol, vodka or even cognac. However, the best alcohol-containing folk remedy for mosquitoes is “Carnation” cologne, which contains carnation flower extract.

This is an inexpensive cologne with a rather pungent odor that many find unpleasant. However, as a mosquito repellent, Gvozdika is very good. A small amount of cologne is applied to the skin or clothing, providing protection against insects for several hours.

With the arrival of the warm season, various insects appear, some of which cause a lot of problems. All people have been familiar with mosquitoes since childhood. These insects cause a lot of trouble because after the bite a blister remains in place, which will cause a lot of inconvenience.

One mosquito can ruin your whole night, as its buzzing will keep you from sleeping. The bitten surface of the skin not only itches, but also does not look aesthetically attractive.

Therefore, every year an increasing number of methods of combating these insects appear, some are represented by special sprays and creams applied to the surface of the skin, others repel them even on approach.

Also, do not forget about the numerous folk methods, which are also effective. Let's look at the problem with the appearance of mosquitoes in more detail.

Mosquitoes fly into homes for several reasons:

  1. Because of high humidity. For example, if the house has a basement and it was flooded, then most of the mosquitoes will enter the house from there.
  2. In addition, the insect is sensitive to the smell of human sweat and flies towards him.
  3. There is an opinion that mosquitoes fly towards the light.

There are several basic methods for getting rid of mosquitoes at home:

  1. Chemicals.
  2. Folk remedies.
  3. Drugs from the pharmacy.

Chemicals according to their intended purpose can be divided into the following groups:

  1. For personal use.
  2. For spraying.

They are also divided into those that need to be used indoors and outdoors.

The features of all drugs that can be found on sale include the following points:

You can find quite a few different drugs on sale, they differ in composition, recommendations for use, cost and, of course, effectiveness.

How to make mosquito repellent with your own hands?

There are several popular folk remedies that can be used to solve the problem in question:

  1. Bird cherry has repellent properties. To do this, you can put leaves and flowers on the windowsill.
  2. Tomato seedlings also quite often used to repel insects. It is enough to place it on the windowsill, and the problem will be partially solved.
  3. Bloodsuckers, in addition, are afraid of the smell of anise, eucalyptus, cedar and lemon with cloves. There are reviews on the site about.
  4. You can make a tape with your own hands that will repel bloodsuckers. For this you can use paper tape, onto which gelatin and starch glue are applied, after which basil leaves, crushed to dust, are sprinkled on top.
  5. It has been revealed that mosquitoes cannot tolerate valerian and tobacco. They can be used as natural repellents.
  6. Tea tree has long been used in the fight against mosquitoes. The oil of this tree has the greatest benefits, as it not only repels insects, but also solves problems with bites.
  7. There is another popular way to solve the problem: You can soften a cotton swab and place it on the windowsill.
  8. You can also have a long-term repellent effect. To do this, you can plant elderberry under the window.
  9. Caucasian chamomile another well-known remedy that has been used for many years. This plant contains a special substance - pyrethrum, which is a natural insecticide. The substance has a repellent effect not only on mosquitoes, but also on many other insects.

The above points determine that it is possible to protect the premises at minimal cost.

What are mosquitoes afraid of?

Mosquitoes are afraid of:

  1. Pungent odors.
  2. Various toxins.
  3. Ultrasonic vibrations at certain frequencies.

In most cases, factors that affect insects are not present under normal conditions.

What plants are mosquitoes afraid of?

There are quite a few plants that have a repellent effect:

  1. Basil, lemon balm, mint or rosemary. They have a pungent odor and contain essential oils.
  2. Regular tomatoes also have a repellent property.
  3. Pelargonium fragrant has beautiful view and at the same time can also effectively repel bloodsuckers.
  4. Garlic, lavender and walnut can be used to repel mosquitoes.

All of these plants can be used in different ways to protect yourself from bloodsuckers.

What smells are mosquitoes afraid of?

As previously noted, mosquitoes are susceptible to various odors. They don't have to be harsh or strong; some are even very pleasant for a person. An example is the aroma that comes from elderberry or tungsten.

Mosquito repellent for children

Quite a lot of different products are created for children that are highly effective.

Everything can be divided into the following main groups:

  1. Creams, lotions, sprays.
  2. Fumigants.
  3. Children's anti-mosquito bracelets.
  4. Repellent devices that create an ultrasonic wave.

Let's start the review with creams, lotions and sprays:

  1. Many products should be applied in a thin layer, which does not require rubbing in the product.
  2. Most products should not come into contact with scratches and wounds, as well as mucous membranes, to avoid the development of an inflammatory process.
  3. It is recommended that maximum treatment be applied to clothing rather than leather. In this way, the impact on the skin can be significantly reduced.
  4. In some cases, the substance is applied to the stroller canopy.
  5. All products should not be applied more than 2-3 times a day. After the bloodsuckers do not attack the child, you should wash off the products from the surface of the skin.
  6. Any high-quality cream has an effect for at least two hours. If the validity period is shorter, then there is a high probability that a fake was purchased.

Fumigants are chemicals that can kill pests sufficiently long distance. Special children's products are created so that they do not have a strong irritating odor and do not affect others. An example is the Raptor “Nekusayka”. However, it is worth considering the fact that the product must be located at a distance of at least 1 meter from the stroller.

You can find anti-mosquito bracelets for children on sale; their features include:

  1. The bracelet does not include toxic substances, which determines a significant reduction in the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
  2. The bracelet can be worn on both the leg and the arm.
  3. Some versions of bracelets have a pungent odor.

Lately they have become even more popular ultrasonic devices, their features can be called:

  1. The device generates an ultrasonic signal that has no effect on the human body.
  2. On sale you can find devices for children that not only generate ultrasound, but also emit light throughout the night.
  3. There are also keychains that can generate sound and repel insects.

An important point is that devices of this type are not officially registered in Russia and their sale is illegal.

Mosquito repellent in the countryside

At the dacha you can use the most various methods mosquito control. At the time of flowering, many plants can emit odors that will repel many insects, not just mosquitoes. It is possible to install and homemade traps, for example, made from a bottle or adhesive tape.

Mosquito infestations lead to sleepless nights for villagers and city dwellers. The bites of blood-sucking mosquitoes cause irritation and discomfort, even causing allergic reactions in sensitive people, which is why it is so important to know how to get rid of mosquitoes at home.

During summer holiday Many people want to spend time in nature and have a picnic, but the buzzing and mosquito bites can ruin their vacation. Female insects in a state of gestation feed on the blood of humans and animals, so this is a seasonal phenomenon. Females lay their eggs near water, so mosquitoes mainly live around rivers, lakes and other bodies of water, as well as in places with high humidity and swampy conditions.

Mosquitoes can carry several types of viruses, including:

  • Malaria.
  • Yellow fever.
  • West Nile virus.
  • Zika virus.
  • Dengue virus.

But these diseases are rare. Discomfort and allergies appear much more often.

Mosquitoes participate in natural processes - they pollinate plants, act as food for frogs, fish and birds, so their complete destruction will lead to natural disasters. Don’t forget about personal hygiene - the less the smell of sweat, the less interesting you are to blood-sucking insects.

Traditional methods of getting rid of mosquitoes

Essential oils and some seasonings are effective against mosquitoes. Among the leaders among the remedies popular among the people is cloves - both dry buds, which are often used as a tasty seasoning, and clove oil. Pour 5 grams of buds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, and then spray on the skin with a spray bottle.

The following odors also have anti-mosquito qualities:

  • geraniums;
  • basilica;
  • lavender;
  • lemongrass;
  • lemon balm;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus.

The best available means for protecting a country house, garden, apartment

There are plants that reliably protect against insects with their aroma.

  • Lemon balm (during flowering). It is enough to place the plant on the windowsill.
  • Catnip.
  • Bird cherry (bouquet of flowers or leaves).
  • Tomato seedlings around the house.
  • Valerian, tobacco (not acceptable to everyone).

The garden weed leek is useful against mosquitoes; a decoction of its roots will repel blood-sucking mosquitoes. Used to protect against mosquitoes and:

  1. Caucasian chamomile.
  2. Ageratum.
  3. Thyme or thyme.
  4. Calendula.
  5. Mint.
  6. Basil.
  7. Rosemary.
  8. Sagebrush.
  9. Tea tree.

If you run out of liquid in your home fumigator, you can fill it with 100% eucalyptus extract.

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How to repel mosquitoes on the street and in your summer cottage

I will list a few simple means at hand that can be used for a walk in nature.

Formic acid

While relaxing in nature, find an anthill and place your T-shirt on it. Gradually the T-shirt will become saturated with formic acid. The substance remaining on the T-shirt can be wiped onto exposed skin.

Vinegar mixture

  • Table vinegar 9 percent (50 ml).
  • Vegetable oil - sunflower, olive or other (50 ml).
  • Shampoo with a pleasant aroma (50 ml).
  • If you don't have shampoo and oil, you can mix vinegar with water.

Mix all components and spread on exposed skin before going outside. Cons: May stain clothes.

Special scents against mosquitoes

  • Pork lard (if the aroma of bacon doesn’t bother you).
  • Nettle juice (if you are insensitive to nettle burns).
  • The smell of garlic. Not everyone wants to rub themselves and objects in the house with garlic so that the smell will repel pests. Option: eat two cloves every day, and then the smell will be released and repel pests.
  • Bread yeast.
  • Cedar oil.
  • Smoke from burning pine needles.
  • Fish oil.

Spray with essential oils and salt

You can make your own spray for spraying outside on curtains country house and other household items, exposed skin. Take:

  • 40-50 ml of water.
  • Essential oil of your choice.
  • A little table salt.

Homemade repellent with essential oils

You can cook it yourself. Take:

  • Vodka – 2 tablespoons (you can also use medical alcohol).
  • Half a teaspoon of vodka as a preservative.
  • Cosmetic oils - 2 tablespoons (any choice or mixture: almond, jojoba, olive, etc.).
  • Essential oils – 110 drops (lavender, cloves, citronella, rosemary, tea tree and others).

Essential oils They are environmentally friendly, and the resulting product will cost much less than store-bought drugs. Repellents based on essential oils should be used with caution in the presence of children, pregnant women and people prone to allergic reactions.

Homemade herbal repellent


  • Dried thyme.
  • Dried rosemary.
  • Dried sage.
  • Lavender.
  • Mint.
  • Minced garlic (you can skip the garlic if the flavor doesn't suit you).
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1 liter.

Place all the herbs in glass jar and fill in apple cider vinegar. Leave the mixture for 2-3 weeks, shaking daily. Then strain the resulting infusion, pour into glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. Spray the infusion from a spray bottle.

Mosquito repellents safe for children


Chemical industry offers many products that are intended for children - creams, lotions, sprays. There are special anti-mosquito bracelets for children, and repellent devices are used that create an ultrasonic wave.

When using children's insect repellents, keep in mind that most of them should not be applied to damaged skin with wounds and scratches; it is important to avoid exposure to mucous membranes. Chemicals should not be used more often than 2-3 times a day, and their maximum duration is about two hours. When going on a picnic with your child, treat the clothes well, not the skin. Sometimes mosquito repellents are applied to the stroller canopy. After a walk, you need to remove substances from your child's skin.

Folk remedies

Caution in use chemicals, restrictions and precautions encourage parents to look for folk remedies against mosquitoes. Use essential oils in a child's room or while walking with a child with caution. But folk remedies such as:

  • Fresh elderberry branches.
  • Camphor (100 grams evaporate over the burner).
  • Carbolic acid (applied to walls and household items).

Vanillin (do not confuse it with vanilla sugar) is suitable for protecting against mosquitoes at home. Dissolve 2-3 bags of vanillin in a liter of water and pour into a spray bottle. The product does not have a very long-term effect (about an hour), then repeat the spraying.

A teaspoon of vanillin can be mixed with a tablespoon of baby cream, and the resulting composition will protect the baby’s skin during a walk. This cream is also suitable for pregnant women, and vanillin can be added to Vaseline or your usual cream.

If the child does not have allergies, you can mix it in baby cream essential oils of citronella, basil, anise, cedar, eucalyptus. The same applies to pregnant women.

To prevent bites from itching - 9 best remedies

If a mosquito bites you, use by simple means to relieve itching and soothe the skin:

  1. Salt gruel: mix salt and a little water. It will sting a little, then the itching will subside.
  2. Vinegar with soda: apply vinegar to the bite area and rub with a pinch of soda.
  3. Place a basil or rosemary leaf on the bite site.
  4. Rub the bite area with baby soap.
  5. Grind and apply a leaf of plantain or parsley.
  6. Apply a swab of apple cider vinegar.
  7. Soak with milk, kefir or sour cream.
  8. Cut an aloe leaf and wipe the bite area with the pulp.
  9. If you are afraid of infections, lubricate the bite site with a weak solution of iodine or potassium permanganate.

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Purchased drugs and chemicals against mosquitoes

Modern industry offers a lot of mosquito repellents in various forms, packaging and compositions. This:

  • creams;
  • fumigators;
  • traps;
  • keychains;
  • bracelets.

Issued electrical appliances, which repel insects with the help of high vibrations that recreate squeaking, as well as spirals and other benefits of civilization. There are situations when such funds are necessary. When you go to the store to buy mosquito repellents, carefully read the instructions, recommendations for use and composition.

There are products used for spraying in the house, for application to clothing or skin. Some forms have negative aspects: for example, creams can rub off or stain clothes. Material factors also play an important role in times of crisis: funds European production are not cheap.

A lot of repellents, from which it is difficult to choose the right one, and caution when using “chemicals” encourages people to choose folk remedies that are safe and environmentally friendly. After all, during outdoor recreation, it is necessary to protect not only adults, but also children.

Mosquito repellents for workers in the forest and taiga

When working in the taiga, you should wear clothes made of thick fabric that are not too tight to the body. An effective mosquito repellent is birch tar, which must be diluted with alcohol and applied with a spray not to the skin (the smell is difficult to wash off!), but to the edges of clothing - sleeve cuffs, hood, bottom of trousers. During physical work the person sweats, so all known chemical repellents will be washed off.

To protect against mosquitoes in a forest house, tar should be applied to a dry pine cone and set on fire.

If strawberries are already ripe in the forest, then the exposed areas of the skin can be smeared with the crumb of crushed wild berries. Another effective folk remedy is to set fire to dry pine needles; the smell will make mosquitoes fly away (remember, the flame must be controlled).

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When choosing a mosquito repellent, consider susceptibility to the drugs. The walk should be enjoyable. When deciding what to protect yourself with - fish oil or your favorite essential oil, garlic or “fragrant” shampoo - do not miss the aesthetic moment.

Summer and sunshine are wonderful, if only we could put mosquitoes somewhere... Or at least find a way to protect ourselves from them. Smear and splash all the time by special means I don’t feel like it – it’s all chemicals, and besides, they are especially harmful for children. But are there any folk remedies that are harmless? It turns out that cunning and wise people really know how to get rid of mosquitoes and midges using the simplest methods.

Seven ways to get rid of mosquitoes

Clove decoction

No, no, we don’t have to cook the “symbol of the revolution” - red cloves - in a saucepan. It's about about spices. You need to buy dried clove buds at the market or in the spice department. Take 5 g of cloves, add a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. Then you need to pour out a little broth and mix it with any cologne. Now smear yourself on your health, smell the whole forest. Mosquitoes will not disturb you for 2 hours.

There is an even simpler way - buy the cheapest fragrant cologne in the store. But this remedy is not for the faint of heart. This is unlikely to suit sophisticated ladies accustomed to French perfume.

Oil flavors

Of course not vegetable oil, but ethereal. Need to create mosquitoes unbearable conditions - for example, frightening them with a smell that they really don’t like. A mosquitoes can't stand smells anise, cloves, eucalyptus and basil. A few drops of any of these essential oils should be mixed with cream or milk, after which you can smear without restrictions. Only the skin will become softer, because essential oils are very useful! At home, you can drip the oil onto an aroma lamp, or on the street - onto some kind of firebrand in the fire.

And, by the way, if the bloodsucker has already bitten you, you can lubricate the site of the attack essential oil, it quickly relieves itching and irritation. I think this aromatic product is perfect, first of all, for children.

Antique tar

This is an original Siberian, taiga folk remedy. You can’t smear your body with it, it can burn you, first you need to mix a little tar with the cream. Better yet, smear a fine mesh with tar and throw it on a Panama hat or cap. Mosquitoes, as well as midges, as well as horseflies, hornets and other riffraff will immediately fly away.

Moreover, tar also repels ticks. But this year ticks in Tomsk just went wild! This is such a universal, wonderful folk remedy.

About the benefits of fish oil

It turns out that they are not only fed to babies. Not only children, but also mosquitoes do not like fish oil. Lubricate exposed areas of the body with fish oil, and nasty insects They will leave you alone.

Bonfire of pine cones

As we have already said, mosquitoes do not like many smells (how picky they are!), and among them are pine scents. Throw spruce and pine cones and pine branches into the fire, and this smoke will instantly drive away mosquitoes. And also those who sit by the fire...

Elderberry in the garden

If in your garden, according to popular saying, a large elderberry has grown, pick branches from it and place this armful in the room. The mosquitoes will be removed from there immediately.

Like in a candy store

You can still get rid of mosquitoes, but from midges... Small, annoying, indestructible, they penetrate everywhere. However, midges really don’t like such a festive, such a wonderful smell of vanilla. Buy regular vanillin at the store and lubricate exposed areas of your body with it. I think children will be absolutely delighted with this method of protection!

Mosquitoes and midges They also do not like the smells of camphor, valerian, lemon, lavender, incense, they are afraid of tomato leaves, flowers and leaves of bird cherry, the smell of “Caucasian chamomile” - pyrethrum, decoctions from the roots of wormwood or wheatgrass.

Folk remedies that help after a mosquito bite

As well as other blood-sucking creatures. The delicate skin of children is especially hard to bear bites. Be sure to treat the bite sites so that the child’s arms and legs do not become covered with red blisters. Basic things will help us with this - we will use what is at hand:

Cut onion and apply briefly to the bite site until the swelling subsides. Can also be used garlic.

Pick fresh leaves parsley or mint, lightly chop them and apply to the wound.

Find a leaf plantain, rinse, make several cuts and apply to the bite site for 15-20 minutes.

Apply a sheet to the wound aloe, which you should always have for similar purposes in the country.

Relieves irritation well... aftershave cream. And also toothpaste.

A simple and effective remedy - soda solution(1 tsp per half glass of water)

Keep the “good old” in your medicine cabinet balm "Star" It not only helps after bites, but also repels mosquitoes.

What do mosquitoes like?

Well, finally, information for the curious:

  • Mosquitoes love warmth and humidity
  • Mosquitoes bite more women than men
  • Mosquitoes love pregnant women
  • They prefer to bite obese people (probably because they sweat more)
  • Mosquitoes bite more temperamental, energetic people than slow melancholic people
  • Mosquitoes like dark clothes, so wear light ones in the summer.

Alla Ivonina

It’s good to spend a summer evening outdoors by the fire or river, or at the dacha, sitting on a cozy veranda with a cup of coffee. And in the apartment in the evening, when the long-awaited coolness sets in, you also want to open the window. But then mosquitoes appear and ruin everything if you are not prepared to meet them. Undoubtedly, so many have been created against effective means that the confrontation with bloodsuckers definitely ends in human victory. But there are also recipes that were invented by people a long time ago, and are still successfully used to combat mosquitoes in the house and outside it.

A little about insects

In nature, there are more than two thousand five hundred species of blood-sucking mosquitoes, among them there are malarial and non-malarial insects. The individuals we usually encounter are not malarial. These are found in natural conditions, specimens from the genus Aedes and urban dwellers from the genus Culex.

If in nature mosquitoes live in the warm season, when there is a comfortable environment for life temperature regime and the required humidity, then in populated areas they can be annoying all year round. For example, urban basement insects. In the process of evolution, they have adapted to the proposed conditions and feel great in the basements of houses, penetrating into our apartments by ventilation shafts.

Males don't bite. They spend their lives mating and absorbing nectar and plant sap, unlike females, who produce offspring and constantly need protein to build eggs. To receive necessary substances the female bites a person and sucks his blood.

Mosquito bite

This is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. Mosquitoes can be carriers of various serious diseases. An insect bite can cause malaria, Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever and other diseases. The female bites through the human skin and injects salivary fluid, which is poisonous enough to cause a number of symptoms that bother the bitten person.

At the site of the bite, a burning sensation, blister and itching occurs, which causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. Scratching the affected area skin, you can get an infection. In addition, some people tend to be allergic to insect bites. As an additional symptom, swelling may occur. Therefore, protection against mosquitoes is necessary for adults and especially children.

Methods suggested by the people

Folk remedies for mosquitoes usually consist of herbal ingredients. Observing the behavior of insects, people noticed what mosquitoes are afraid of. It turns out that they cannot tolerate the smell of certain plants, which have come to be used to repel bloodsuckers. Let's list the most effective ones:

  1. Catnip. You can use the plant itself or preparations made from it. This aroma repels not only mosquitoes. He is also disliked by other biters.
  2. Wheatgrass is a common weed. Its decoction can be used to lubricate not only the body, but also to disperse all insects during the preparation of the drug.
  3. A mixture of cloves and cologne. Take 5 grams of cloves per glass of water. Boil for up to fifteen minutes. For a tablespoon of cologne, add 10 drops of decoction. We apply it to the body.
  4. In a private house, plant it under the window, and the mosquitoes will leave you.
  5. A bed of tomatoes under the windows will give a similar effect.
  6. Basil and bird cherry are a guarantee of relaxing walks and evenings at home.

Please note that all methods are harmless to human health, as they are based on natural ingredients.

Essential oils are another method to repel mosquitoes.

  1. Citronella essential oil. A couple of drops of the substance, left indoors or applied to the body, will get rid of insects. The main thing is the naturalness of the oil. The perfume option will not bring results.
  2. Mosquitoes are afraid of the smell of eucalyptus and anise. Essential oils applied to the skin will not only scare away bloodsuckers, but will also have a beneficial effect on your immunity and condition nervous system.
  3. Tea tree oil doesn't just repel insects. It will help relieve itching and swelling if you have already been bitten. You just need to lubricate the skin.

There are even less popular, but no less successful options for mosquito control. For example:

  1. The smell of camphor will repel insects. Evaporate one hundred grams of the substance over the burner.
  2. Fumigate the room with tobacco smoke.
  3. Fish oil is hated by bloodsuckers both in smell and taste.
  4. Eat garlic and forget about mosquitoes.
  5. You can sprinkle carbolic acid at the head of the bed for a restful sleep.
  6. If you place a container with a drop of soybean oil (sauce) next to your bed, you can sleep soundly all night.

This is only a small part of the people's advice on solving the problem of mosquito dominance. If necessary, it is better to turn to them as the safest and most natural.

Usage protective equipment against mosquitoes based on chemicals, of course, will bring a faster and more lasting result, but which may affect your well-being in the future. Do we need it, obtained at such a price?