What to do if there is not enough water in the well. What to do if the water level in the well drops? The well silted up, there was not enough water what to do

Own well on the site is always a joy, because it provides us with clean and tasty water, which is free of rust and chlorine. However, it often happens that the well suddenly begins to decline, or even the bottom is completely exposed.

A dry well is no reason to dig a new one, as it can be "brought back to life" in a few simple ways.

Causes of falling water levels

There are several reasons why the water level drops:

1. If a well is built on top water, then the replenishment of moisture reserves in it completely depends on the amount of precipitation. Therefore, in dry weather, there is a problem of water shortage.

2. A well dug in a flood or after it can also sooner or later surprise you with a barely covered bottom. When the soil dries out, the water in the well disappears.

3. The water level in the well may also fall because it is built on a quicksand, and the pumping of water is very active.

4. The last reason for this phenomenon may be the absence of a casing ring in the well, since in this case the water at the upper levels can go into the lower layers of the earth.

What to do if the well is running out of water?

Today there are few methods for restoring the water level in the well, but they give a good result and have been successfully used for more than a decade.

First of all, we are talking about cleaning wells. If this is not done, the water not only deteriorates, but may also decrease.

If the water level has dropped after cleaning, the well should be dug up, which implies its deepening with the help of additional rings. If the rings in the well have a diameter of 1 meter, then they are supplemented with products with a diameter of 0.8 m. In cases where the well is built on sandy soil, it can be deepened using standard KS-10-9 rings.

One of the most ancient structures on the planet is a well, which is used to extract drinking water to the surface. The construction plays a huge role in the life of every person, thanks to which they are being dug to this day. In fact, its design has not changed for many hundreds of years.

Traditionally, stone, wood are used to strengthen the mine, later reinforced concrete was added, and a gate with a handle for lifting a bucket is installed on top. At the same time, manual labor is also used for its construction, as it was many centuries ago.

Over time, wells began to appear, which are now being made independently or with the involvement of drilling equipment. However, even today summer residents do not refuse a simple and reliable structure - a well.

What are the reasons for their popularity?

  • structures have a long service life, which exceeds 30 years;
  • it is easy to monitor the sanitary condition of the source, carrying out its repair and cleaning without difficulty;
  • You can dig a well manually without using a heavy drilling rig.
  • from any such structure it is easier and cheaper to bring water to a water-collecting unit than from a well, since the price of a pump for them is much lower;
  • You can use the well without electricity, scooping up water with a bucket, since there is always a supply of water in it.

Of the negative, it should be noted that the presence of water in the structure depends on many factors. Therefore, its level may suddenly drop or it may disappear altogether due to the change of seasons or land works in the neighboring area.

Therefore, the most important task for owners of suburban areas who want to have a permanent source of clean drinking water in the courtyard, a device of such a design that would be reliable and have a long service life. However, not everything depends in this case on the builders.

It is sometimes difficult to predict what will happen to the geological conditions at the place where the well was dug today. It is possible that after some time the bottom mark will rise and fall, or maybe the water flow will stop completely, which will invariably raise the question - why is there no water in the well?

However, there are other situations that often arise, for example, in summer, groundwater can go to the lowest level of the aquifer, which will significantly reduce the inflow of moisture.

The above reasons can cause great inconvenience for owners of suburban areas. As a result, a force majeure situation will arise when drinking water will not be enough for housekeeping.

Looking at the problem from a different point of view, it should be recognized that if there is no water in the well, methods have long been developed to deal with such misfortunes. One of which is the repair of the well or its reconstruction, which will again provide the necessary supply of water.

Methods and technologies for correcting and improving the structure have been worked out for years, which affected the positive dynamics of their use. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do such work with your own hands, therefore, most often its implementation is entrusted to specialists.

Reasons why the water in the well disappears

From the foregoing, it became clear that just like that, it cannot disappear. However, if this happened, there is no need to rush to deepen the well or dig it out. It is likely that this phenomenon will be temporary.

Take your time to go deeper, as the water will return, most likely due to seasonal fluctuations (there was a severe frost or drought). There is also no need to rush to dig a well with water, otherwise it may disappear altogether.

Quite often, the water level drops due to land works that someone decided to carry out in the immediate vicinity of the source. They may be associated with drilling a well, arranging a pit or another well, but with a larger displacement. In this situation, the instruction is simple - carry out the deepening no earlier than in a month, it is possible that it will return.

You should also pay attention to the sources of neighbors, as they have with the water level, maybe it was affected by frost or drought. In any case, dig it up when it is gone completely and does not return for a long period. Remember that such work requires funds and they are quite laborious.

When it comes to an old well, then it is technically and economically expedient to deepen it in such cases:

  • there is no place for a new well on a suburban area;
  • as before, the condition and quality of water does not cause any complaints;
  • the depth of the structure exceeded 10 rings;
  • per day, water flows in less than one ring in volume or the source is completely dry;
  • there are no severe column distortions or large horizontal displacements between the rings.

Tip: if none of the signs fit, it is better to dig another well.

If you remove the soil excessively, the concrete rings can sink, blocking the aquifer. In this case, you will also have to equip a new source, since the water will stop flowing.

There is also a high probability of getting on a quicksand, which can harm not only the structure, but nearby houses and outbuildings. It happens that after the inspection, experts believe that deepening or digging will be inappropriate, because the procedure will cost several times more than making a new well.

When the source is in good condition, and the well column is not damaged, then it makes sense to increase its depth. You can make a recess using plastic pipes or rings, but with a smaller diameter.

The mine should be dug up as far as the geology of each particular soil allows. Also, the owners of suburban areas and summer residents should take into account the fact that this procedure is irreversible. If after it the water has not returned, there will be only one way out - the device of a new structure.

It should be noted that digging is an expensive and time-consuming "pleasure", it is carried out immediately to the maximum depth, usually at least 3 meters. This is due to the irreversibility of the process mentioned above.

When the soil is dense, it is possible to deepen with an open hole without using a plastic pipe for casing. It is installed upon completion of land work.

Basically, the depth depends on various factors, including:

  • soil density;
  • the ability of the soil to hold the walls without a casing;
  • water inflow into the well;
  • the level of the aquifer.

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How is digging done

Wells with a diameter of 1 m are deepened with rings Ø 800 mm, if the main diameter is 0.8 m, then concrete rings Ø 600 mm are used. You can dig the source to a depth of up to 15 m. For sandy soil, standard reinforced concrete rings KS-10-9 are used.

The deepening of wells is a very responsible matter, therefore it is better to entrust it only to qualified specialists so that damage to the structure does not occur. You also need to remember to follow the safety rules.

When you have to work in a deep mine, you must first make sure that:

  • the rings are fastened with metal staples;
  • there are no traces of shifts and loss of rings from below;
  • There are no major tears in the seams.

In quicksand, wells must be deepened by a specialist who sits or hangs on a hanging swing. It is better when a team of three or more people is engaged in such work, because the soil will have to be delivered up very quickly. Sometimes wells have to be dug up only in winter, because only then the water is kept at a minimum level.

If the water is completely gone

This situation may arise due to the fact that the aquifer supplying your source began to give water to another one, for example, a recently drilled well or another, but deeper well. In this case, you will have to dig it to the next aquifer. It is usually located at a depth of 5 m or more.

If the water level drops

This situation is much better than when there is no water at all. In this case, you should find out the flow rate of the source, then make the necessary calculations in order to dig to the required depth. Such a process does not need high costs and will not give complications and consequences later.

Usually, the water horizon decreases during the dry summer season or during the winter months. The lowest water level occurs in winter.

If the water is of poor quality

You should not think that if you deepen the well, the quality of the water in it will change dramatically. This is an erroneous reasoning, and therefore it is necessary to make a decision to increase the depth of the source only based on the hydrological conditions of the area.

For example, water in a swampy area will not become potable, or in some areas in the Northwest of the country, the second aquifer has poor quality water, which contains a large number of elements and substances that are harmful to health.

Why you can not deepen the source yourself

  1. Digging is considered one of the most labor-intensive processes, while it is carried out only once and to the highest maximum allowable level.
  2. Although the well is familiar and seems to be a completely ordinary device, this hydraulic structure is complex in design. There are a number of operations that can prevent its destruction, for example, due to ground movement. They include, among other things, the dismantling of water-lifting equipment, the reinforcement of the well column.
  3. Specialists have the knowledge that makes it possible to assess the potential of each soil level, since each soil layer needs its own approach. For example, for denser ones, it is possible to carry out a deepening in an open way, where casing with well concrete rings is not required. When it comes to quicksand, a special technology is needed to work on them.

Tip: let a qualified specialist carry out detailed calculations on the soil, the depth of the aquifer level, as well as the daily inflow of water into the source.

If you carry out the work on deepening the well correctly, this will allow you to obtain the optimal water flow for half a century or more. In this case, trusting the process to a professional team will be considered a manifestation of foresight.


It is impossible to live without water in a suburban area, since it is involved in all areas of economic activity. From the article, we learned that even when the source is dry, this is not a reason to panic, there are many ways to return water to it. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

The owners of summer cottages, where the main source of water is a classic well, often face an unpleasant situation when there is little water in the well - what should be done to reanimate such water intake? Depending on the reason for the fall in volume and the technical condition of the mine, experts advise to carry out repairs, clean the bottom or deepen the shaft. You can't do without professional help: there are cases when it is not possible to restore the flow rate, and the only way out is to equip a well or dig a new well.

It is wells that are most susceptible to changes in the amount of liquid inside the mine due to structural features, a small depth of water intake, where aquifers are unstable.

What determines the amount of water and level stability

The search for defects, the exact determination of the reason why there is little water in the well, allows you to plan further restoration work, predict their result. Analyze the technical features and composition of the soil.

Surface water intake is the main cause of flow instability

According to the source of filling with water, tubular and shaft wells are conditionally classified:

  1. Cumulative. They are distinguished by slow filling - after complete drying, the restoration of the level is observed for 10 days. The standard thickness of the water column varies from 3 to 8 rings (with a ring height of 90 - 100 cm). The influx of liquid occurs through the walls of the mine and seepage from the bottom. The low inflow rate is due to the absence of a strong fluid pressure inside the aquifer.
  2. Key. The water intake, located directly above the springs flowing through the sandy layer, is distinguished by a higher rate of water inflow under favorable conditions and the absence of pollution, but a weak debit. After complete evacuation, recovery of the level is observed after several hours, maximum - 2-3 days. If there is little water in such a well, it is possible that there are dirt or foreign objects at the bottom that block the access of liquid to the inside of the trunk.
  3. River. Wells with water intake from underground rivers are characterized by a large depth of arrangement and stability of the debit. The height of the water column usually does not exceed 150 cm, but the restoration of the level after pumping occurs almost instantly. The reason that there is little water in the river well is a change in the course of the underground stream. The situation can be corrected only by digging a new trunk.

Scheme: how and where the liquid enters the mine

Why is there not enough water in the well?

The reasons why there is a drop in the level in the old source, or little water in a new, just dug well, are varied. Conventionally, all the negative factors that affect the volume of liquid, filling speed, share:

  • natural seasonal factors.

A natural decrease in volume occurs during the dry season

  • Natural composition, saturation of the soil with moisture.
  • The occurrence of technical defects in the structure shaft.
  • Errors at different stages of arrangement.

Natural factors of production decline: temporary difficulties

If there is little water in a constantly used well, perhaps the reason is a seasonal drop in flow. Since all shallow sources, broken only up to the first sandy horizon, are considered groundwater, the amount of water in the mine directly depends on the amount of water in the aquifer. A natural decrease in fluid volume is observed several times throughout the year:

  • End of summer (August, beginning of September). During the period when the amount of precipitation is minimal, there is a sharp drop in the volume of water in the wells.
  • End of winter. In the process of freezing and the absence of liquid from the perched water entering the soil, similarly to the summer period, the flow rate decreases.

If a well in which there is little water was dug during a drought, then there is no need to correct the situation and deepen the mine. The flow rate will recover on its own after the soil is saturated with liquid. In new sources, a gradual increase in inflow is observed: the stabilization process takes about 30-45 days.

A decrease in the volume of water can also occur regardless of the season, if the amount of average annual precipitation over the past 12 months is less than 65 - 60% of the norm for a particular area.

Specialists always dig wells during the minimum groundwater level

To minimize seasonal fluctuations in the water level, the masters recommend digging wells during the driest period: if there is water at a certain depth in August-September, then its amount will only increase throughout the year.

But what if the digging of wells was not carried out in a drought, but there is still little water? If, after a stabilization period and buildup, the level has not increased, you will have to contact the masters who performed the slaughter: such a source will have to be deepened.

Technical reasons: design defects and improper operation

A sharp drop in the liquid level in a previously serviceable well makes one suspect serious design defects. To establish why the well became low in water in the middle of the season, when the decrease in inflow cannot be associated with rainfall, it is necessary to carefully examine the condition of the mine and the bottom.

Structural defects:

  • Loss of tightness of joints between reinforced concrete rings in the mine. Clay and sand are washed through the cracks, which settle on the bottom and block the inflow of water from low-pressure rocks. Often, when quicksand penetrates, it becomes impossible to clean the shaft completely and repair the well.

  • Separation of the lower ring with a shift to the side. In this case, the situation is aggravated not only by horizontal, but also by vertical displacement. Violation of integrity leads to complete drying of the well.

Breakage of the lower ring with a slight offset

  • Silting due to the use of a vibration pump. The constant vibration lifts the clay from the bottom and contributes to the formation of a mud plug at the bottom.

If water enters the well not from the bottom, but through the walls, then the reason for the drop in volume may be clogging of the inflow slots with deposits and clay. In this case, cleaning gives good results.

If, on the contrary, after cleaning there is little water in the well, the composition of the bottom filter should be analyzed: incorrect selection of minerals, too thick layers can block the penetration of liquid.

Arrangement errors: why there is no water in the new well

The most affordable and easiest well to build requires careful professional analysis at the planning stage and site selection. An incorrectly calculated depth is the main mistake that leads to a situation where there is little water in a new well. The decision on the depth of the pit should not be made based only on the economic component and the depth of neighboring sources. In two adjacent areas, the depth of one water carrier may differ by 5–10 m.

So that in the future it is not necessary to increase the amount of water in the well by deepening, it is necessary to take into account both the composition and the saturation of the soil with water on the vertical where digging is planned. Perform a point puncture with the extraction of clay. An analysis of the rocks will help you avoid getting into an unfavorable dense layer through which water cannot flow freely, or a quicksand that will ruin any well.

Another possible reason that there is suddenly very little water in the well is the construction or arrangement of a source in a neighboring area. What to do? If there has not been a strong violation of the water carrier, then the flow rate can independently recover in 1 - 2 months. If the cause of drying is a neighboring well, then you will have to dig a new well, which does not guarantee that there will be enough water in it.

Methods for increasing water in a well shaft

How to increase the flow of water in a home well? The specific method is chosen after determining the cause of the dehumidification. It is necessary to calculate how much repair and deepening will cost and what is the probability of restoration of inflow. If specialists cannot guarantee the complete success of the repair work, it is worth thinking about arranging a well: deep sources are more stable and durable, and water quality practically does not suffer from groundwater penetration.

Cleaning and deepening

The main measures that allow both increasing the flow rate and improving the quality of water in the well are professional cleaning and deepening. Work is always carried out in a comprehensive manner: cleaning is needed in order to assess the real state of the bottom and walls, to predict the expediency, the result of deepening.

Deepening with the formation of walls with a plastic pipe

The deepening of the source is carried out directly in the mine: manually or using drilling equipment. The method is effective if an error was found in the initial determination of the depth - when digging the well, work was stopped when it reached the groundwater carrier, or the well was deepened to too hard ground.

The composition of the reservoir in the lower part also affects the expediency of the work: if you have to crush boulders and stones, raise them to the surface, it is better to dig a new well.

When it makes no sense to reanimate the well

It is better to order the slaughter of a full-fledged well or the digging of a new source, instead of looking for a method to increase the volume of water in an old well, if:

  • There is a destruction of the trunk: the walls lined with metal sheets are rusted, the lower rings are torn off and strongly displaced.
  • The quality of water does not meet the standards, and foreign impurities are constantly present in the liquid, changing color and transparency.

Dirty Water and Displaced Rings: Major Repairs Needed

  • The well is old and after cleaning the situation worsened.
  • There are violations of the verticality of the trunk.

Tilt of the barrel and depressurization of the walls

  • Deepening has already been carried out once - the procedure is carried out only once and to the maximum possible depth.

Deepening technique: solving the issue with the amount of water

Before choosing the best way to increase the volume of water in the well, it is necessary to carry out a complete cleaning and routine inspection.

Inspection and repair: strengthening and sealing

Before starting work, it is necessary to completely drain the well. To do this, pump out water with a pump, preferably a drainage one, which copes with dirty water. After draining the mine, the master descends into the well.

The pump lowered into the shaft speeds up the process

A superficial inspection is carried out and the water level is noted by traces on the walls before and after the drop in production. A simple manipulation will tell you the exact amount of inflow reduction.

If there is no drainage pump, then the silt solution is raised in buckets

Wall cleaning starts from the top. Scrapers clean the surface of deposits along the entire depth of the trunk. Assess the condition of the seams. If the source is from reinforced concrete rings, it is mandatory to strengthen the fasteners between the rings.

Installing brackets is a mandatory step

Even if the rings are equipped with factory locks, the seams are additionally fixed with vertical reinforcement brackets: after deepening, the rings may lose their grip and move. The seams equipped with staples are sealed with special waterproof compounds.

After cleaning and sealing the mines, they begin to extract bottom sediments. One master works at the bottom, the other raises the silt containers to the surface. To increase the water level in the well, sometimes it is enough to remove debris from the bottom.

Manual Depth Method

To increase the flow, deepen the bottom in the well. A one-time deepening is performed at 2.7 - 3 m. In fact, it will be necessary to install 2 - 3 new reinforced concrete rings. But the walls of the recess should be inside the existing trunk: rings of smaller diameter are selected. If the shaft is equipped with rings with a diameter of 1 m, then rings with a diameter of 90 cm are placed inside the dug shaft.

Use rings of smaller diameter

The digging process is laborious and lengthy. It may be necessary to repeatedly pump out the incoming fluid. The excavated soil is lifted with a container fixed on a cable, or with a winch. Work does not stop until the planned depth is reached.

Deepening by hand: you have to work in the mud

The rings are installed as they pass to a sufficient depth and the elements are fixed with brackets, the joints are sealed.

A bottom filter is formed at the bottom, selecting minerals and the thickness of the embankment, guided by the composition of the aquifer. A special block with a shield and a metal mesh is installed on quicksand, which will protect the bottom from clogging.

The use of drilling equipment: how to deepen the trunk

To increase the amount of water in the well, at the bottom of which there is a difficult to pass soil, a rocky layer, the deep drilling technique is used. In this case, instead of forming a full-fledged wellbore, drilling is performed with the installation of a casing pipe with a filter.


  • The bottom is completely cleared of silt.

Cleaning the bottom of silt

  • A drill (manual) or a drilling rig performs the passage to the planned depth. If the composition of the soil is homogeneous, a spiral drill is used; on hard rocks or when it hits a stone, a chisel is used.
  • After reaching the water carrier, pipes are installed: plastic or PVC pipes of large diameter are used. At the lower end of the column there should be vertical slots for the unobstructed rise of water.

Plastic pipe is much easier to install

Video: deepening the mine with rings

The video shows the process of resuscitation of a well located on a quicksand.

It will be possible to estimate how much the inflow of water has increased only after a few weeks. After completion of work, the standard procedure for swinging and flushing is performed. The walls are disinfected with bleach, the water is completely pumped out several times. Wait for the level to rise and repeat the operation 2-3 times. After the end of the stabilization period, it is checked whether it was possible to restore the flow rate.

It is unacceptable to deepen the well shaft on your own. In addition to the fact that it is difficult even for specialists to predict the effectiveness of the procedure, working at depth is dangerous. The well shaft is a technically complex object, the probability of errors is high. The slightest miscalculations can lead to the fact that it will no longer be possible to restore the water level, because the deepening of the trunk cannot be repeated.

Everyone who lives in private sectors and has his own well in his backyard often encounters his problems. Cases have become more frequent when water has left the well, and if this is the only source of water supply, therefore, the elimination of dysfunction must be done immediately. You can’t immediately notice how the water level in the source disappears, so most often there is no way to save the situation.

Drying of the well occurs mainly in winter or summer periods. Basically, not one well loses moisture, but all autonomous water supply sources in the district, so it happens that there are no recovery options. To understand the nature of such a phenomenon, it is necessary to find out the reasons.

As already mentioned, the well becomes shallow at the right time if the peak use of the liquid comes. Consider several factors why moisture disappears from wells:

  • ameliorative work in the fields and household plots is being intensified;
  • there is a change of landscape areas by human hands;
  • there is a change in the course of the aquifer;
  • the flow of water is disturbed due to excessive drought;
  • is disturbed, characterized by silting.

Attention! In some cases, if water has left the source, this happens for a certain period, and often the source loses its moisture forever. Such a problem requires the arrangement of a new well.

Regardless of what factor influenced the disappearance of moisture, it is necessary to fix the problem, especially if there is an urgent need for water.

Eliminate the causes in effective ways

When there is little moisture in the source, measures are used that have already been used a lot in practice. In the event that moisture has left the structure due to the departure of groundwater, it can be returned if the source of water supply is somewhat deepened. Here, the source is analyzed, the function, its internals and the integrity of the structure are checked directly. If the destruction of the well rings is noticed, they immediately resort to the renewal procedure, often because of this, water disappears in the structure.

They resort to the procedure for updating the walls of the shaft with special brackets, dismantling the destruction, pumping out old dirt and moisture, if the submersible pump is out of order, they replace it. In the future, if the work on repairing the structure is completed, it is necessary to deepen the shaft by several meters (upon reaching the moisture level).

You can try to return water to the well by deepening, using several options.

Important! If there is not enough water in your building again, you need to make a new one in a place where groundwater will have an optimal level, while it needs to be equipped where there are no outbuildings.

Prevention of a decrease in the level of moisture in wells

It happens that the maximum and minimum levels of moisture in autonomous sources of water supply. That's why they affect fluid levels: during early winter and dry summers. In summer, the decrease in humidity in the wells occurs due to the lack of precipitation, and in winter - in the case of the formation of an impervious horizon due to constant frosts. During such a period, it is required to deepen or replace the well.

In some cases, there is an inflow of water. Such a period, if there is a lot of liquid at the beginning of spring (when the snow melts) and mid-autumn or winter (if the rainy season begins).

To avoid regular moisture leaving the well, it is necessary, as the source becomes contaminated and silted, to clean it using the following technology:

  • the head structure is being dismantled;
  • before doing an analysis of the liquid in the source and its condition, you need to pump out the water with a pump;
  • if necessary, the joints between the well rings are restored and updated, all holes are neatly and hermetically hidden, if they are not there, it is better to check everything for strength;
  • silt and soil blockages are removed by manual work (the use of equipment is inconvenient and inappropriate);
  • disinfection, cleaning and washing of the structure is carried out, plaque is removed from the walls;
  • the next step is the laying of a natural filter using pebbles of various fractions. Sometimes, if it is not there, the problem comes back again;
  • in the future, a protective structure is installed and the source is brought into working condition, that is

A well is often the only source of drinking water in gardening associations or small communities. And often their inhabitants are faced with the fact that water has left the well.
Sometimes for a while, sometimes forever. Why is this happening and what to do in such a situation?

Causes of dry wells

A dry source is not just a nuisance. If there is no other nearby, this is a real disaster. Because, as a rule, not one, but all or most of the wells in the district dry up. With what it can be connected?

Most often - with a decrease in the level of groundwater, the cause of which can be:

  • Carrying out land reclamation works;
  • Artificial alteration of the landscape;
  • Changing the course of an underground stream;
  • Depletion of an aquifer due to dry weather.

The latter circumstance is the most common reason why the water left the well. Moreover, drying out or a significant decrease can be temporary, seasonal.

During the year, periods of maximum and minimum water levels can be distinguished:

  • The maxima correspond to seasonal floods and are observed twice - in mid-spring and mid-autumn, when there is active snowmelt or frequent and heavy rains. As a result, the groundwater level rises, and the wells are well filled and quickly restored after pumping.
  • The minima occur in the absence of recharge of aquifers from outside and correspond to the end of summer and the end of winter. In the first case, this is due to hot weather and lack of rain, in the second - due to freezing of the soil and the formation of a water-resistant layer on the surface of the earth that does not allow surface water to pass through.

Seasonal drying up or a decrease in the level are temporary phenomena. With the advent of the rainy season, the filling of the well (see) is restored, but this is not a consolation for those who need water here and now, so you have to think about how to fix the situation.

For reference. After a long summer drought in 2010, the groundwater level dropped sharply over vast areas. The result was widespread drying up, the water returned only after a year, and some remained dry.

Other reasons include siltation of the bottom of the well or improper placement of water-lifting equipment (exhaust pump). In the first case, cleaning and flushing can help, in the second, reinstalling the pump. The instruction recommends placing it or the check valve of the lifting station at a distance of 30-50 cm from the bottom.

Where do water problems occur?

The video in this article shows that, as a rule, water is usually scarce in certain places:

  • In hilly and mountainous areas.
  • Side of steeper bank near rivers.
  • A well next to springs, ponds, artesian springs.
  • Areas of quarries and large water intakes.
  • Places of accumulations of acacias and beeches.
  • Poor quality water is found in drained swamps and wetlands.
  • The side of the lower bank of the river where there is a high concentration of manganese and iron in the water, even at a remote location that is even a few hundred meters from the shore.

What to do

Even during construction, it must be taken into account that its filling depends on the rate of water inflow and the volume of the well itself. In turn, the filling rate is directly related to the thickness of the aquifer.

Not without reason, in the old days, before digging wells, reconnaissance of the most favorable places was carried out.
It is produced in our time, but with more modern methods and with more accurate results.

There are several options for solving the problem, but first you need to make sure that it makes sense to use them, since in most cases it is much easier to dig a new well than to try to revive the old one.


The first step is to determine why it leaves or why you no longer have enough of its volume. If the cause is contamination, incorrect operation or incorrect position of the pump, it will be easy to eliminate it.

If the neighbors have a similar situation, it means that as a result of drought or other circumstances described above, the aquifer has gone deep, and the well will have to be deepened.

Unfortunately, this work requires huge labor and expenses. The cost of a new well is often much lower than restoring a dry one, so it makes more economic sense to dig a new source of water.

But this is not always possible or may not be desirable for the following reasons:

  • Great depth of the aquifer;
  • There is no space on the site for new construction;
  • The well is in excellent condition and the water is of good quality (there is no guarantee that it will be the same elsewhere).

Then the structure should be reviewed. If the well log house (its underground part) has rotted or squinted, or if the rings have shifted relative to each other by more than 4-5 cm, there is no other way out - you need to look for a place for another source or drill a well.

Note! When deepening, there is a risk of subsidence of the underground part of the structure with overlapping of the aquifer and the risk of hitting the quicksand, which can damage nearby buildings.

Preparatory work

Before starting the main work, it is necessary to prepare:

  • Dismantle the above-ground part of the well;
  • Pump out water, if any;
  • Carefully disconnect and lift the water-lifting equipment;
  • Strengthen the walls of the well by installing staples at all seams to prevent deformation and rupture of the column.

After that, it will be time to decide on the method of deepening and whether you will do this difficult work with your own hands or use the services of specialists. The second option is more expensive, but preferable, since experience in this matter is very important, and the presence of special equipment gives more guarantees for success.

Filter cavity

This is the least time-consuming method, which, in principle, consists in drilling a well at the bottom of the well. You will need a pipe with a diameter of 500 mm with a filter at the end. It can be made independently by drilling holes at one end of the pipe and tightening it with a fine-mesh stainless steel mesh.

The finished pipe is installed on the bottom of the well and with the help of a bailer they begin to select soil from it, gradually lowering the filter deeper and deeper until it reaches the aquifer. After that, the bottom is poured with concrete mortar, and pumping equipment is installed on the resulting site.

As a result, you will achieve two goals at once:

  • Restore drinking source;
  • Get a caisson- an underground chamber in which the air temperature will not fall below zero degrees, even in winter. Of course, subject to the construction of the cover.
    The pump in the caisson will not get wet from precipitation and freeze in winter, providing you with water all year round.

Advice. The caisson can be used as a cellar or storage space for gardening tools, equipment, gas cylinders, etc.

Deepening by digging

The shaft is deepened in various ways and techniques, with the help of plastic pipes, smaller rings, by digging. Deepening takes into account many factors - these are the properties of the soil, the depth of groundwater, and the ability to hold the walls of the mine without the risk of subsidence.


  • The digging deepening technique includes a set of measures similar to the process of digging a well.
  • This case involves the complete pumping of water, the descent of a specialist to the bottom of the well, who takes out the soil so that the own weight of the column sets the concrete rings down.
  • New rings are installed on top.
  • It should be noted the laboriousness of the method, the high risk of work, because the rings could lose their strength, and the shrinkage process can completely destroy them.
  • In addition, the work will have to be done at a very high pace so that the settling rings do not warp or pinch.
  • Otherwise, the column will not be able to lower and a significant additional amount of work will have to be spent on leveling the verticality of the structure.
  • An unpleasant thing happened, and the barrel leaned to the side or went with a screw, the recess is made by smaller rings.
  • Another outcome of the case, when sandy soil or quicksand lies at the base of the well, but the trunk has retained its verticality, then a plastic pipe is used again, again with a smaller diameter of 0.9 m.
  • When the shaft is bent, the bottom is lowered with a plastic pipe with a diameter of 0.7 m.
  • As you can see, various well restoration techniques are not only used individually, but also in combination.

To make sure that the thickness of the reached reservoir is sufficient, the water from the well is pumped out completely or to a certain level and the time it takes for it to reach the norm is noted.


It is best to deepen the well in winter or late autumn, when the groundwater is at its lowest level and in a calm state. This will allow you not to return to such expensive and time-consuming work to restore it. You can get more detailed information by studying the video in this article on this topic.