Flowers for landscaping the balcony. Do-it-yourself landscaping of balconies and loggias from A to Z (plants and care for them on the balcony)

As soon as warm weather sets in, the townspeople begin to equip their yards and loggias. In the spring-summer period, the question is relevant for many - how to decorate the balcony with flowers, given its position relative to the sun. Fragrant flowers on the balcony came into fashion in medieval Venice, they were grown to fill the apartments damp during the winter with aromas. Designers offer different ways organization of external space, taking into account centuries-old traditions and new ideas.

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

Although the balcony limited space with a narrow area, there are still proven ways to fill it with vegetation for the summer almost entirely. Fashion for the design of loggias, apartment greenhouses and winter gardens is quite changeable, but there are many interesting ways that have become classics:

  • external boxes with petunias and night violets, fixed around the perimeter;
  • ampelous varieties of luxuriantly flowering and indoor plants in hanging pots;
  • small tubs for "indoor" palms, citrus and tall flowers, which are brought indoors for the winter;
  • climbing plants And vegetable crops that take root well as an addition to the decoration of the balcony with flowers;
  • decoration of balconies with garden crops of compact sizes - lilies, dahlias, roses, etc.

Balcony design with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

Although there is always little space in city apartments, even on a loggia or balcony with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot more than 2-3 sq.m. there is always a corner for your favorite flowers. To do this, it is enough to create on a free end wall basis for curly forms. It is better to attach hanging flower pots to the ceiling. For the remaining area, add:

  • shelves;
  • jumpers on the frame;
  • light shelves for flowers.

Advice. That was more space for flowers, it is worth removing unnecessary items from the balcony, old furniture and all sorts of little things, stored "just in case." If you are engaged in floral decoration of the balcony, then you need to do this with all seriousness.

Before landscaping the outer space of the apartment, it is important to reasonably evaluate the additional load from large pots filled with earth. If this old house for demolition, and the balcony itself does not inspire confidence, it is better to limit yourself to flowers fixed on the capital or bearing wall as in the photo.

Balcony with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

You should not buy unfamiliar plants if you do not know how to care for them, otherwise they may degrade and die. Decide in advance how to decorate the balcony with flowers in order to get the maximum result when minimal cost. If everything is organized well, then next year just add some new colors.

Attention! When buying rare plants or capricious care, it is important to evaluate whether they will have enough light, heat and watering if they have to go on vacation. Today there are many ways to organize your own hands. automatic watering.

When choosing plants for landscaping a balcony, it is important to consider whether it is glazed. Open space will not be protected from sudden cooling, gusty winds and slanting downpours. For an open terrace, loggia and balcony, undersized plants with a strong stem, dwarf coniferous and ampelous (hanging) forms are used.

Ennobling the balcony with your own hands, it is important to imagine the end result. For example, you can choose vertical gardening for one wall or cascading for the entire balcony. It is useful to make a preliminary plan, markup and sketches of how the balcony will be decorated with flowers (as in the photo).

Balcony with flowers

Balcony design with flowers

What is important to consider when landscaping a balcony

For lovers of flora and fauna, the main thing is that a loggia or balcony all year round decorated with evergreens - dwarf bonsai, undersized thuja and juniper. They are sold in garden and flower shops in pots, do not require transplanting or planting in open ground.

For those who practically do not go out on the balcony in winter, it is better to plant large-flowering annuals every year. Seeds in autumn and winter cost much less, the range is much wider than in high season - use catalogs.

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

Houseplants need good lighting, and to compensate for the deficiency sun rays they are often taken out to the balcony for the summer. Consider a separate place for each pot so that the flowers do not obscure each other.

Advice. An orchid is not suitable for remote gardening with indoor flowers; it does not like rearrangements. Use chlorophytum, tradescantia, pelargonium, zamiokulkas (dollar tree), violets, mother-in-law's tongue, cyclamen, hibiscus, etc.

Plants that require shading should be fenced off from glass with gauze or translucent curtains - consider their design. Perhaps for the balcony for the summer you will need an additional visor or blinds.

Relaxing surrounded by fragrant flowers is a pleasure. Plan what you will sit on. If the balcony is very narrow, use reclining seats, stackable chairs or stools. They will not interfere with the passage during the daily care of flowers.

Balcony design with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

Place tall plants along the wall, small ones along the perimeter along the aisles. On the spacious balcony, surrounded by flowers, you can put a deck chair or fix a hanging swing.

If the balcony is glazed, make sure that the plants will not interfere with closing the transoms, and the pots will not break from a suddenly opened door or window in a draft.

When deciding how to do landscaping on the balcony with your own hands, try to minimize the load on the supports. Do not use forged flower stands, banquettes and heavy furniture. For sleeping on outdoors better use inflatable mattress or a light folding bed, so as not to burden the balcony with bulky old furniture.

Attention! total weight pots with moist soil, coasters and decor, plants and furniture - this is an additional 200-500 kg. The lighter and more elegant the design of the balcony, the better you feel there and the more pleasant you spend your time of rest.

Balcony with flowers

Balcony design with flowers

Functional landscaping of the balcony

Climbing plants - good way hide the defects of the walls of the balcony or loggia. Behind the mini-garden, it's easy to hide toolboxes and other rarely used items. Bubbling indoor fountain promotes relaxation and distracts attention from unaesthetic areas of the living space.

Today it has become fashionable to cultivate not only decorative flowers on sunny side balcony for the sake of design, but also to shade it with useful and edible plants.

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

Ennobling the open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment for the summer, you can get the most out of this:

  • use as a greenhouse for growing vegetables (you need special varieties of cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers);
  • sow spicy herbs in boxes (dill, anise, parsley, shallots);
  • grow indoor plants for sale with maximum natural light;
  • get special varieties of strawberries ( garden strawberries) ampelous, curly and remontant forms;
  • collect potted lilies, roses, orchids, violets;
  • organize a greenhouse for growing dwarf lemons and tangerines.

In the storerooms of the loggia, you can breed edible mushrooms on a mixture of wood dust and seed husks. Mushroom culture is ordered from the catalog. The main condition is to maintain a certain temperature regime and high humidity. Light-loving plants do not take root in the northern part of the house, but shade-tolerant exotics can be used if the balcony is insulated.

Balcony interior with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

The simplest methods of "green" balcony design

To equip a balcony, it is undesirable to buy everything in a row, it is better to use one interesting idea or general concept. Varieties of plants are selected according to the principle of compliance with the design concept.

If you organize a gym or a mini-room on an insulated loggia, then there is no place for large plants. They will interfere with training. It is better to arrange a collection of succulents in free corners. These are compact plants with fleshy leaves that retain moisture, like cacti. It is cacti and others thorny plants here they will be out of place - an awkward movement, and a lot of needles in the body. Nothing will happen to lithops and succulents, even if you hit them with a weight, they easily reproduce vegetatively. Plants are undemanding in care, they are rarely watered, which is convenient for those people who forget about them.

Balcony with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony plants will help emphasize the Japanese style in interior design. This is a collection of bonsai, a compact sakura tree in a tub and 2-3 junipers for the "rock garden", skillfully laid by craftsmen around a small makeshift pond, as in the photo. Curtain in Japanese style with hieroglyphs will complement the overall picture.

There are many other ways to decorate a balcony with flowers. For example, imitate a corner of a certain climate zone or a recognizable corner of the planet. And you can make several square meters like a terrace of a Parisian courtyard, using adhesive film for glasses with views of Paris. Inside, the balcony is designed as a place for romantic dates with indoor roses. Another option is the same collectible cacti for Mexican-style apartment design.

Balcony design with flowers

Flowers in the interior of the balcony

An unexpected play of color is a good design technique. Dark purple, black and green colors are in fashion today ( different types) against the background of lush greenery and white plastic containers. Extravagant decoration of the balcony with flowers is appropriate in an apartment with elegant white decor in any modern style.

Ivy and wild grapes are ideal plants for landscaping and shading the apartment on the 1st floor on the south side of the house. Only they will have to be planted under the balcony in the yard. There are very beautiful varieties that will be quite appropriate for decorating a corner of the house in English style. It will turn out in the apartment an aristocratic interior and a courtyard entwined with ivy, as in literary works. Just do not forget to cut a few layers of ivy for the winter and put them in a vase to get cuttings. Ivy dies during severe frosts, although it is a persistent perennial.

Balcony landscaping often suffers because of pets who like to dig in the ground with plants and nibble on fresh greenery (due to a lack of vitamins). Do not punish them for this - organize a green "lawn" in a small box. The corner where they can misbehave with impunity should be at the bottom. And it is better to plant flowers in hanging planters, forming a kind of arch on the front side of the balcony. Plants can be hung in any order, the main thing is that they are inaccessible to the cat.

Various flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

Beautiful flowers on the balcony

Specialists have developed an all-season way to decorate the balcony with flowers. It is when different flowers delight with their fragrance all year round. For example, crocuses and primroses are replaced by balcony forms of tulips and daffodils, and after that “flower bed” annuals bloom wildly. In autumn they are replaced by asters, dahlias and chrysanthemums, and in winter dwarf needles with small cones turn green.

Do not forget about full lighting, watering and feeding plants. Then, with any balcony design, they will delight the eye with their healthy look, lush greenery and charming flowers.

In the absence of a private house with blooming garden and fragrant flower beds, you can equip a small floristic kingdom in your compact apartment, and the ideal place for this is a balcony or loggia. Such a territory of the dwelling will become a real source of energy and tranquility, which are so often lacking in the gray and gassed urban space. In addition, landscaping a balcony is a great opportunity to realize a designer, florist and just a person with a creative approach to the process of arranging your home.

What plants to choose for landscaping a balcony?

So, if you have been dreaming for a long time and finally decided to get a flower garden on your balcony or loggia, it is important to take into account all the details so that it is comfortable not only for you, but also for the plants that will fulfill their aesthetic purpose.

The optimal amount of sunlight is one of the main factors, so future "pets" should be chosen in accordance with the illumination of the room. If the loggia faces the sunny side, the best option light-loving plants will become. Medium-flowered and small-flowered petunias are loyal to the heat, and will please the eye for a long time with their bright colors provided regular watering is provided. Bush petunias can be planted in boxes and planters at a distance of 15-20 cm, as well as correctly calculating the amount of land per plant, which, depending on the variety, can be from 3 to 10 liters. For seedlings of petunias, soil based on peat and various baking powder is used, since it has sufficient friability and moisture permeability.

Landscaping of loggias exposed to intense sunlight can be done with the help of drought-resistant nasturtium, it blooms from the end of May until the first frosty days. Purslane rejoices in the sun to such an extent that only with the appearance of its rays opens its buds, this happens from mid-July until the end of September. In addition to the listed options, there are a great many plants that are ready to endure the exhausting summer heat, as well as rain and wind, just so that you can enjoy the splendor of their flowering, geraniums belong to such unpretentious species, Snapdragon, begonia, gaillardia and others.

If the loggia is shaded, and the sun appears very rarely, you should think about artificial lighting, or opt for shade-tolerant greenery. For a shady balcony, ornamental perennials with a shallow root system, such as spirea, hydrangea, coleus, cinquefoil, hosta, are most often chosen. As a rule, such plants prefer moist and drained soil. In a loggia devoid of sunlight, it is quite possible to organize a real mini-jungle of vines, or the so-called green walls of honeysuckle, lemongrass, girlish grapes and actinidia, all these climbing plants take root perfectly in shady rooms. Despite the unpretentiousness of the listed species and their ability to live in the sun or in the shade, it is worth remembering that your pets need constant care and care, only then will they be able to delight you with lush long flowering.

A glazed balcony, unlike an open one, allows year-round landscaping, while it is necessary to carefully seal the room, equip it with good ventilation and artificial lighting, subject to all these rules on the balcony, you can even organize a small winter garden.

For open balcony bright colors are best ampelous plants, which will cover the outer side of the balcony with their curly stems, this is especially true for fences with a curly lattice. For open terraces various annual flowers are popular, as well as tuberous and bulbous flowers, which in winter period can be moved, for example, to the pantry.

We choose the design of landscaping the loggia

You have decided which representatives of the flora will live on your loggia, it remains to choose the form in which the residents of the flower garden will exist, namely, in what design the balcony greenhouse will be embodied and what creative solutions can be applied for this.

There are two fundamental principles of plant placement in landscape gardening - horizontal and vertical, the combination of which, when combined correctly, will also give an effective result. Horizontal landscaping is used in those design techniques when to decorate horizontal surfaces such as railings and floors. This solution creates a feeling of comfort, coziness and rational order, adding accuracy and style, it is suitable for medium-sized rooms. Horizontal placement is done with a long container fixed to the balcony railing, or several boxes placed close to each other, thereby fringing the balcony. Also, a spectacular option for the arrangement of flower arrangements will be a shelf or rack on which plants are displayed in lines.

Vertical landscaping of a balcony is the decoration of vertical surfaces such as doors, windows, exterior and internal walls, in this case, climbing plants that will cover the surface and create the so-called living screens are perfect. There are a lot of options for vertical placement: installing shelves and racks with pots along the wall, hanging pots on windows or walls, attaching baskets and pots to the ceiling. You will get a very original result if you install flowerpots or narrow pots with planted vines along the wall on the floor, directing the shoots up the wall with the help of supports or twine. For vertical decoration of the balcony, the winding tricolor morning glory is ideal, for growing which you need only a small area and strong support, this plant blooms all summer, starting in May.

Do-it-yourself balcony gardening requires a competent approach to compiling flower arrangement, which it is desirable to even sketch in the form of a sketch for a more detailed understanding of the ultimate goal. It's very important point is the compatibility of plants, not only in terms of aesthetic indicators, but also in terms of care. Perhaps the flowers planted in a joint pot require different mode watering, and they will receive it at the same time, so geranium and cactus cannot exist together, one of them will rot and the other will dry out.

Summing up, it is worth noting that there are a whole lot of options for landscaping a balcony area, it all depends on fantasy, imagination and, of course, on minimal knowledge in the field of floriculture. After planting flower plantations, it is important to take care of the plants, regularly monitor watering, atmospheric temperature and the presence of light. A landscaped loggia, balcony or terrace will help organize your little picturesque piece of nature right in the apartment, giving the home individuality and creating a great mood not only for the owners, but also for people passing by.

The balcony in the life of our inhabitant is a place for cans, racks, an old bicycle and tires. This place seems to be designed to store various trash and seasonal items.

But in stuffy apartments - this is the only place that communicates with the external environment. Here you can hear the rustling green of the trees and bathe in the sun. And what will happen if you do not go the standard way, but make the gardening of the balcony?

After all balcony plants will bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also allow you to enjoy your fragrance at any time of the day. Everyone can create a garden on the balcony - this will bring a lot of joyful minutes and bring comfort and warmth to your home.

Plant arrangement

Every flower grower who has conceived landscaping a balcony wonders how to arrange pots with plants so that they do not interfere, it is convenient to water them, and it was convenient to take care of the plants, and there was enough sun for every leaf.

  • The first way is a vertical arrangement.

This is a great way out for a tiny balcony, the width of which allows you to move along it only sideways. It is problematic to put even things on such a balcony, so landscaping should go up.

For this, climbing plants are used for the balcony, the roots of which will sit in small pots, and the stems will braid the walls of the balcony, as if hedge. Plants do not take up much space, and such a balcony ennobled with flowers looks just fine.

  • Another way to arrange flowers is horizontal.

If the dimensions of the balcony or loggia allow you to put a lot of things on it, then, undoubtedly, there will be a place for shelves for flower pots. Large tubs are placed on the floor for tall flowers, the window sill itself is expanded with a box in which medium-sized flowering plants will be planted.

  • The next technique for arranging colors is a combination of the first two methods.

With them, climbing or ampel plants in pots are placed on the walls, and on the free space of the floor and in wall shelving containers with plants are installed.

  • Landscaping of our balconies and loggias can be done with the help of phytowalls.

What is a phytowall? This is a wall with wooden pockets into which soil or peat is poured. Plants are planted in pockets, and the design itself involves automatic watering, additional lighting by the hour. This design itself requires financial investments, but this real savings time to care for the plants, so the result is worth it.

Open and closed balcony: ideas on a note

Before choosing plants for the garden, you should understand what the design of the garden will be for an open unheated space or, conversely, a winter garden.

Open plantation: act wisely

What is suitable for open space? As a rule, such balconies have standard or figured lattices. Climbing, ampelous or other entwining plants (for example, petunia, climbing rose etc.).

Optimal and interesting option there will be an abundance of flowering annuals on the balcony. For a sunny location, it is recommended to grow flowers that are drought tolerant, such as vervain, marigolds, pansies, geranium, etc. If the garden is planned on the north side, then viola, fuchsia, ivy are suitable here.

But with the onset of winter, the housewives begin to panic, where to put all the plants that made the summer so pleasing? That is why the most rational decision will be the planting of tuberous plants or flowers growing from the bulb. them in winter time easy to put away in the pantry before the onset of spring.

It is important for a novice grower to pick up plants in an open garden so that they delight with flowering from early spring to late autumn. For example, the first to bloom spring tulips, pansies and delicate lilies bloomed in the heat, and bright asters and fluffy chrysanthemums pleased the eyes just before the frost.

In order for plants to get more sun they are often raised on supports made of iron or wood, placed in hanging planters or special baskets. Do not take huge boxes of heavy weight for outdoor garden. Decorate garden containers bright colors or using decoupage.

Winter Garden

Naturally, the conditions for the existence of plants in a closed glazed space are much more suitable for year-round growing flowers. After all, it is precisely such greenhouses that are rightfully called a means of landscape therapy.

They relieve stress from their owners, help a person to remove accumulated fatigue, raise vitality. An important condition for equipping such a greenhouse is ventilation, tightness and double-glazed windows. Finishing is important natural materials, for example, a tree.

Flowers in open space and building exterior

But with all this, it is important not only the location of containers with plants and their color, but also the combination of shades of pots, walls, balcony lattice and flowers among themselves.

  • When choosing plants, you should try to create a harmonious combination. external design building and the resulting open greenhouse. For example, it looks great if the walls of the house are red, and the plants in the garden are yellow, white color, blue and orange shades or their combinations.
  • If the wall of the building has a yellow tint or brown shades, then their plantings of purple flowers or plants of blue tones will perfectly set off.
  • If the walls of the house are white, then choose any color you like, because such an exterior is combined with almost any palette. The main thing is that the plants do not conflict in shades with each other.
  • If there is a lot of free space, then optimal solution there will be plantings of nasturtium, marigolds, salvia. And for a garden with a disadvantage free space suitable plants such as daisies, verbena or mignonette, which have a pleasant smell and exquisite appearance.
  • If the owner wants to hide the lattice or balcony railing from passers-by, then he is recommended to make a vertical landing from ivy, due to the abundance of his green mass, he will hide everything unnecessary from the eyes of the townsfolk.

Conditions for the winter garden

Landscaping your loggia is a great idea, because planted and grown plants will delight their owners for more than one year, giving pleasure and wonderful floral fragrances transporting them to eternal spring.

It's so nice to go into the greenhouse when blizzards are raging outside the window and frost is cracking. But for such a greenhouse, it is important to comply with a number of conditions for a comfortable existence.


In order for the flowers in such a garden not to freeze, they need a temperature of at least 20 degrees. For these purposes, it would be useful for a grower to buy a heater for a balcony.

There should be no wind in the room, the floor should not be cold, and cold air should not blow from the cracks.

except comfortable temperature, here it is necessary to maintain the humidity of the air. This is done with the help of special humidifiers.


It is important that the garden receives the necessary amount of light, especially if the plants love an abundance of light and heat. Additional lighting in winter is almost always installed. This is additional lighting, and heating of the greenhouse.

Type of winter garden and selection of plants

The winter garden is divided into several categories based on the plants growing in it:

  • tropical garden
  • Greenhouse with Mexican desert plants
  • Garden with rocky landscape
  • fruit plot

It is important to decide which plants will appear in the garden, because citrus trees require a large number of space and grow quite tall.

But what if the design seems to be closed type and not heated? Frost-resistant varieties of plants are planted in such a space, for example, yucca, dwarf conifers, thuja, chlorophytum, etc. Evergreen shrubs with bright fruits or cones look great.

It is important not only to place the plants in the greenhouse, but also to combine them into a complex composition so that none of the plants stand out from the general ensemble.

In order for the garden to look stylish and with a twist, you can pick up original candles or figurines for it. And the flower containers themselves are decorated with beads of different sizes, shells, stones or painted with acrylic paint.

It has been proven by practice that, without landscaping the balcony, instead of a flower garden, it will definitely turn into a repository of unnecessary things left in case “what if they come in handy”. Naturally, they are forgotten over time, and the balcony, like the loggia, becomes practically unnecessary. additional area in the apartment.

For landscaping, it is worth choosing flowers and plants that would bloom alternately, and then your balcony will always be bright and fragrant.

There are three options for placing flower beds in such a limited area as a balcony, and even inside it:

  • horizontal, in which plants are placed in horizontal rows;
  • vertical, in which plants are placed from bottom to top on ledges (cascade placement);
  • ceiling, in which the flowers are fixed at a certain height.

Naturally, a combination of these accommodation options is also possible.

Separately, the option of placing a flower garden with an external or with inside fences.

Since there is no limit to fantasy, amateurs can offer their own options. For example, it's easy to imagine a herringbone pattern if you place ledges in a spiral around the virtual surface of a truncated cone.

Having decided to green a balcony, keep in mind that the load on the console on which it is fixed has a certain, maximum allowable tensile strength.

Under no circumstances should this parameter be exceeded. If you use the proposed options for placing flower beds, you will not be able to exceed the allowable load.

If large pots and boxes filled with earth are randomly placed on the balcony, then there is a chance of waiting for trouble. Moreover, such placement is not justified, because even if you completely fill the balcony with tubs and pots of flowers, you may not get a beautiful composition.

Before deciding on the placement of flower beds, you need to pay attention to the improvement. It is advisable to paint the balcony in neutral color, for example, in white or ivory. The color scheme of plants can be supplemented by choosing the appropriate colors and painting pots and planters with them. It is necessary to decide where to place the directional lamp, as it will sometimes be pleasant to spend time reading next to the flowers. Therefore, designate where a small chair will stand, and possibly a miniature table.

Accommodation options

Today, there are several options for placing flower beds, recognized as optimal for balconies and loggias.


Landscaping of loggias in this embodiment is carried out using elongated wooden boxes that are tightly adjacent to each other. Inside the drawers can be placed in two or three horizontal rows, placing them one above the other (multi-tiered composition). In the case of placing flower beds around the fence, boxes are usually installed on three sides of the balcony. They, unlike the boxes placed inside the balcony, have a size corresponding to the length of the fence. Similar boxes can be fixed under the window located between the room and the balcony.


Place boxes and flower pots on special shelves or by attaching them to the end walls. Balconies, as you know, do not have such walls. Therefore, in order to apply this option, it will be necessary to install structures from the ends, for example, from aluminum corners, to which pots or planters can be attached. If it is decided to glaze the balcony, then you need to decide in advance what you will have on its ends, flowers or windows.

The third

A load-bearing structure is fixed between the end walls (possibly, reinforcing it with stops from the floor). For not glazed balcony this option is probably not suitable. For a glazed balcony, this option is possible, since the rigidity of the end structures may be sufficient so that a load-bearing suspension structure for flowers can be fixed between them.

Making boxes

Boxes should not be very heavy, then it will be convenient to work with them. We pay attention to the manufacture and fastening of boxes placed on the fences. Them maximum height and width should not exceed 200-220 mm. Both pine and Oak planks, not less than 20 mm thick.

To ensure the strength of the connection, the ends of the boxes are not flush. Longitudinal boards are nailed to the ends and additionally fastened with metal corners. From below, the bottom is nailed to the box, and inside, along the width of the walls and the bottom, a roofing pad is fixed. For fastening the boxes, steel strips with a cross section of 30 × 5 mm or metal rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm are used (the minimum dimensions of the parts are indicated).

They are placed along the length of the box at a distance of 600-800 mm. The bends of the fastening structures around the boxes and in the places of fastening on the fences must ensure their reliable fastening. The metal should be bent while hot. Fasteners can be purchased in a store or on the market and, taking into account their size, make boxes. Fastener metal must be painted to protect against rust. Sometimes it is more convenient to use a metal cable to fasten the boxes to the railing from the inside or to the window frame.

The diameter of the cable must be at least 6-7 mm. For fastening boxes on the outside of the balcony, this method of fastening is not safe and should not be used.

To fasten the brackets to the wall, it is necessary to gouge a hole with a depth of at least 150 mm, a diameter of at least 30 mm and firmly drive a wooden cork into the hole. The bracket is nailed to the wall with nails or crutches. Do not use plastic plugs to mount the brackets to the wall.

For landscaping the loggia, you should come up with a plan so that the flowers delight the eye from early spring to late autumn. It is very important to take into account what temperature differences a particular species tolerates, because day and night temperatures can differ significantly on the balcony, and if you take into account the flowering time of various plants, this will create a continuous flowering process from spring warming to autumn frosts.

Flowers and plants should be selected taking into account their characteristics. For example, small flowers on the balcony they create more comfort and are better combined with the small size of the room. Yes, and you can place them in a much larger number. It makes no sense to convince someone which balcony plant is the most beautiful. You should pay attention only to the points that must be taken into account when breeding flowers and caring for them.

Choice of colors

It is not possible to tell about everything that can be grown on a balcony. However, for a novice lover, we will give minimal information about some fairly common types of flowers grown on balconies and loggias.


Growing on balconies undersized varieties, minimum height which is 20 cm. Maximum these plants can reach 1 m. Flowers in diameter reach 12 cm. Even in open ground marigolds stop blooming only with the onset of frost. These flowers thrive especially in full sun and light shade. These flowers do not require much moisture.

Chinese carnation

Of all the varieties of carnations, only this variety feels good on the balcony. The height of this type of carnation does not exceed 30 cm, and the plant blooms continuously throughout the summer. Does not tolerate stagnant water in boxes and requires moderate watering. You don't need to feed often. So that there is no break in flowering in August, pruning is done at the end of July.


An upright plant, 10 to 60 cm high, loves sunlight and does not require heavy watering. The flowers are small, do not exceed 1-1.5 cm in diameter. On the balcony planted in vases and small containers. Can be planted as a low-growing component of the general flower garden. It blooms until September, after which seeds appear.


The plant can be erect, creeping or climbing. The stem can reach a length of 2 m. The size of the flowers is medium, they reach 5-6 cm in diameter. In open ground they bloom from spring to frost. On a balcony, it should be placed hanging in a sunny position, but it also feels good in a slightly shaded area. It tolerates drought well, but does not tolerate even light frosts at all.

plant care

Of course, each plant requires a certain composition of the soil and a certain care. Specific features of plant care should be clarified with the seller when buying seedlings. But there is also General requirements. Yes, for annual plants soil must be changed annually.

For perennials the soil should be replaced after 3-4 years, and some of them do not require a change of soil, but require only periodic top dressing. To create a moisture-permeable environment, it is necessary to add to the soil river sand, and in order to contain the required amount of moisture, peat chips are added to the soil.

Naturally, pathogens must be destroyed in the soil. Unlike indoor plants, balcony plants require significantly more nutrients.

Top dressing should be carried out with a weak solution of fertilizer (1-2 g / l) once a week, replacing watering with it.

With the onset of spring, many seek to touch nature. And that's what everyone uses. possible ways, someone goes to the country, someone plants flowers near their balcony, and someone grows flowers on their own balcony and creates an incredibly beautiful flower garden with the help of vertical gardening.

Vertical gardening is the best way to grow flowers and other small plants because it saves a lot of space.

There are many ways to grow plants vertically. I will talk about some of them. At the same time, I will not dwell on the choice of plants, because everyone can choose those plants that are suitable for your climate and for your balcony. And besides, I already wrote about creating a garden for flowers or herbs on the balcony.

The most affordable ways of vertical gardening of a balcony

In bags with pockets

Plants can be placed on the balcony wall in special bags with pockets. Of course, it is problematic to get such bags in our country, but if you know how to sew a little. Then you can make such a bag with pockets yourself. For him, you need to choose a dense material that can withstand a lot of weight and let air through, for example, from a tarpaulin or canvas. You also need strong threads.

Pockets are sewn onto one sheet of fabric so that small pots for plants or special plastic bags can be placed in them. Small strong loops are made on top for mounting on the wall.

This is the so-called "Carpet" method of planting, which involves the use of synthetic felt, in which the pockets are made. They are inhabited by plants. But they do this only after the flower has taken root in an ordinary pot. It is better to use young flowers - they are flexible root system less breaks, easier to adapt to new conditions and easier to grow into the felt. This method is called hydroponics - an artificial environment without soil.

Of course, you can immediately pour the soil into the pockets, but I think that this will be inconvenient if you want to add something or change the plants.

Hill of pots

If you have enough space on your balcony, then you can create a slide from different pots. I have already described several ideas, here I will show a few more photos.

At the heart of another technology - modular - is a design similar to a cabinet with a large number of open drawers. The earth is poured into them, the plants first take root in it, then the module is lifted, attached to the wall, the flowers themselves take the desired position over time. Or holes are cut out in the shelves into which pots of flowers are inserted. The disadvantage of such a system is a lot of weight.

And in addition, some useful ideas for creating flower boxes with your own hands.

Here is such a two-tiered flower box can be made. On the top tier there will be pots with plants, and below all the necessary materials.

There are also plant stands.

Just an amazing idea with wheels for easy movement.

The beauty of vertical gardening is that small space can accommodate a lot different plants.

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