Solenoid valves kpeg. Gas electromagnetic safety valve Gas electromagnetic safety valve

OKP 371230






AVYAP.492175.001-00 PS

AVYAP.492185.001-00 PS


Electromagnetic gas safety valve, modernized KPEG-M.

1.1 Manufacturer:

000 "Saratovskaya gas company";

410004, Saratov, st. 6 – passage of Pervomaisky village, 21/23, room 103

; tel/fax(845-2) 61-63-93, 62-24-13

e-mail: *****@***ru


2.1. Basic technical data are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Name of parameter or characteristic

Values ​​by version

1. Maximum working pressure at the inlet, MPa, no more

2. Nominal diameter (DN), mm

3. Method of connection to the pipeline

Flange according to GOST 12815-80

4. Center-to-center distance of flange mounting holes (D), mm

5. Diameter of valve flange mounting holes (d), mm

6. Tightness class

8. Power consumption, VA, no more

9. Valve response time, s, no more

10. Dimensions valves (LxBxH), mm, no more

11. Weight of valves, kg, no more


3.1. The composition of the product is listed in Table 2.

Table 2

Product designation

Product name

Serial number





Valve KPEG-M-__


Consumer packaging


Transport packaging

By order

Operational documentation

AVYAP.492175.001 RE

AVYAP.492185.001 RE

Instructions for use

For the party



4.1. Resources, service life and storage.

4.1.1. The product lifespan before the first average repair is 15,000 hours over a service life of 10 years, including a shelf life of 12 months in the manufacturer's packaging in warehouses.

The service life between repairs is 5000 cycles with three repairs during a service life of 10 years.

The indicated resources, service and storage periods are valid provided that the consumer complies with the requirements of the current operational documentation.

4.2. Manufacturer (supplier) guarantees.

4.2.1. The manufacturer (supplier) guarantees the compliance of the valve

KPEG-M __________ requirements of TU 3712-002-93019469-06, provided that the consumer complies with the installation, commissioning and operation rules established in the operating manual (OM).

4.2.2. Guaranteed shelf life is 12 months from the date of manufacture.

4.2.3. The warranty period is 12 months from the date of commissioning within the warranty storage period.

4.2.4. If it fails within warranty period due to the fault of the manufacturer, the valve must be repaired or replaced by the manufacturer.


5.1. The KPEG-M safety valve has been preserved at the manufacturer in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the current technical documentation.

Date of preservation _____________ 200__

The preservation period is 1 year.

Preservation was carried out by ______________ ____________________

personal signature signature decryption


Valve KPEG-M __________ serial number ______________

Packaged by the gas company" in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the current technical documentation.

______________ _______________ ____________________ ____________

position personal signature signature transcript date, month, year


The KPEG-M valve _______ serial number ___________ is manufactured and accepted in accordance with the mandatory requirements of state standards, current technical documentation and is recognized as suitable for operation.

Head of Quality Control Department ______________ ______________________ ______________

personal signature decryption of signature day, month, year

Safety shut-off valves KPEG-50(P) are designed for automatic continuous monitoring and shutdown of gas supply in accordance with GOST 5542-87 to the consumer in the event of an emergency increase or decrease in inlet pressure above the permissible specified values.

The valves are installed on low and medium pressure gas pipelines.

The operating conditions of the valves correspond to the UHL climatic version of placement category 2 according to GOST 15150-69 with a temperature environment from minus 30 o C to +60 o C.


Name of parameter or characteristicKPEG-50KPEG-50PKPEG-100KPEG-100P
Regulated environment Natural gas GOST 5542-87
Working pressure at the inlet, MPa, no more 1,2
Nominal diameter DN, mm 50 100
Drive type electromagnetic
Type of current constant variable constant variable
Frequency, Hz - 50 - 50
Response time, s, no more 1
Power consumption, W, no more 18,5 40 18,5 40
Supply voltage, V 24±1.2 3.6 220±22 24±1.2 3.6 220±22
Connection type Flange according to GOST 12815-80
Construction length, mm 230±1.5 350±1.5
Overall dimensions, mm, no more than length width height 232 200 333 232 200 373 350 246 395 350 246 435
Weight, kg 16 32

The KPEG valve has a body 1 with a seat (Fig. 1), which is closed by valve 2 with rubber seal 20. Valve 2 is fixed on axis 3, which is located in housing 1. Springs 4, 5 are installed on axis 3. At the end of axis 3, extending outward, a lever 6 is rigidly fixed, which interacts with lever 7. An electromagnetic drive consisting of from an electromagnet 8 with a housing 9, in which a rod 10 with a sleeve 11 is located (Fig. 2, Fig. 3).

The body of the electromagnet 9 is equipped with a latch 16 located on the axis 17. The latch serves to hold the valve open during technological preparation of the equipment. The latch 16 should rotate freely on the axis 17 without jerking or jamming under the influence of gravity.

The gas supplied to the valve passes through the inlet pipe to the outlet pipe if the voltage corresponding to this design is supplied to the electromagnet 8. Clamp 16 in accordance with Fig. 3 should be turned off (i.e. the latch should take a horizontal position).

When the supply of voltage to the electromagnet is stopped, the sleeve 11 moves under the action of the spring 13. The stop 12, installed on the lever 7, disengages from the sleeve 11, releasing the interconnected levers 6 and 7, allowing the axis 3 to rotate. The force from springs 4 and 5 is transmitted to valve 2, and valve 2 closes the gas passage.

Bringing the valve into operating condition after actuation is done manually by turning lever 6, while the bypass valve built into valve 2 opens first. After equalizing the pressure before and after valve 2, lever 6 is further raised until it engages with lever 7 and fixes them with sleeve 11 (Fig. 2)

Valve 2 is held open. The electromagnet is connected to the network. The latch is turned off in accordance with Fig. 3. The valve is ready for operation.

Electromagnetic valve CPEG installed on the hydraulic fracturing and main distribution points of low and medium pressure gas pipelines, cuts off the gas supply to the consumer when the gas pressure in the system leaves the specified limits. The command mechanism in in this case is an electromagnet that controls the springs of the sleeve, which, when the pressure changes, blocks the flow of gas. Valve CPEG after activation, it is brought to its original position manually, and there is no need to dismantle it from the gas pipeline system.

Safety solenoid valves KPEG are among the most requested shut-off valves. Their high popularity is explained by the design simplicity of the valves, high quality sealing of the gas distribution system when triggered, as well as high reliability and trouble-free operation. The last of the listed advantages of the KPEG valve are largely provided by the properties of the material from which it is made. Typically this is 20 steel - a stainless and heat-resistant alloy that allows the KPEG valve to operate in the temperature range from -60°C to +100°C.

KPEG solenoid valves have virtually no alternative solutions security issues gas pipelines in the case where the gasification facility is significantly removed from the gas control point or when the reduction point is equipped with a telemetry system. In this case, the use of solenoid valves greatly facilitates control over the operation of the installation. Closing the CPEG valve can be done remotely for various purposes - it can be an exit controlled parameters operation of the system from a given range, as well as the need to perform preventive inspection or repair by specialists servicing the gas supply system.

Another specific feature of the use of KPEG shut-off valves is that they are mounted on pipelines small diameter(50-100 mm). This is explained by the factors that large diameters pipelines, the force required to close the valve is very high, which requires slightly more complex design fittings for complete tightness of closing the valve plug when it is lowered onto the seat steel body CPEG.

Marking of electromagnetic valves KPEG

The number in the marking indicates the diameter of the pipe at the entrance to the flange connection of the KPEG valve - KPEG 50, KPEG 100, KPEG 100p, KPEG 50p. The index “p” after the diameter means that when the electromagnet of this valve operates, the current is alternating.

How to buy CPEG valves

Various modifications of KPEG valves are widely presented in the catalog of the PKF SpetsKomplektPribor company. You can buy KPEG safety valves in the required quantity at favorable prices, having made an appropriate request for their supply from our managers.

This application can be made in several ways, from which you just have to choose the most suitable one. The first is to select on the product page required quantity and click the Add to cart button, where you will then need to fill in the required minimum contact information. You can also buy KPEG solenoid valves simply by placing an order for their supply by calling or emailing our company listed on the website.

Safety electromagnetic CPEG valves designed for hermetically shutting off the supply of non-aggressive hydrocarbon gases in systems automatic control gas-using devices.

Safety electromagnetic CPEGs automatically close when disconnected electrical energy. Opening is done manually when power is supplied. Arbitrary opening of the solenoid valves is excluded.

CPEGs are manufactured in climatic modifications according to UZ GOST 15150 (from -40C to +45C), and in standard sizes with nominal diameter DN 50, DN 100, DN 200:

KPEG-50, KPEG-100, KPEG-200

Mains powered DC with lever arrangement right side along the gas path;
KPEG-50L, KPEG-100L, KPEG-200L
- powered from a DC network with levers located on the left side along the gas flow;
KPEG-50P, KPEG-100P, KPEG-200P
- mains powered AC with levers located on the right side along the gas flow;
- powered by AC mains with levers located on the left side along the gas flow.

Safety solenoid valves KPEG
basic technical specifications

Parameter name KPEG 50,
KPEG 100,
KPEG 100P,
KPEG 200,
KPEG 200P,
Nominal diameter, DN 50 50 100 100 200 200
inlet pressure, MPa
1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
Drive type el/magn el/magn el/magn el/magn el/magn el/magn
Response time, no more 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s
Type of current constant variable constant variable constant variable
Frequency, Hz - 50 - 50 - 50
Power consumption
no more
18.5 W 40 W 18.5 W 40 W 18.5 W 40 W
Supply voltage, V 24 +1,2 -3,6 220±22 24 +1,2 -3,6 220±22 24 +1,2 -3,6 220±22
Connection to gas pipeline flanged
GOST 12817
GOST 12817
GOST 12817
GOST 12817
GOST 12817
GOST 12817
Leakage class "A" by
GOST 9544
"A" by
GOST 9544
"A" by
GOST 9544
"A" by
GOST 9544
"A" by
GOST 9544
"A" by
GOST 9544
Construction length, mm 230±1.5 230±1.5 350±2.0 350±2.0 600±3.0 600±3.0
Overall dimensions, no more:
- length A, mm
- width B, mm
- height B, mm






Weight, kg 25 25 52 52 141 141

Solenoid valve safety CPEG (drawing)

Maintenance of KPEG valves

When operating the valve, operating organizations must do the following:

Inspection technical condition within the time limits established by the instructions and ensuring safety and reliability in operation.
Maintenance at least once every 6 months.
Current repairs at least once every 5 years.
Inspection of the technical condition (walk-through) must be carried out by two workers.

When inspecting the technical condition of the valve, the following must be monitored:
no gas leaks using soap emulsion; presence of minor damage.

At maintenance valves must be fulfilled:
Checking the tightness of the valve closure;

With annual current repairs produce:
- disassembling the valve and cleaning it from corrosion and contamination;
- repair and replacement worn parts;
- checking the reliability of fastening of components that cannot be disassembled;
- work provided for during maintenance.

Preparation of CPEG for use

1. Unpack the valve, remove the transport plugs.
2. Remove grease from the surfaces of the valve parts.
3. Check visually appearance valve for mechanical damage.
4. The gap between the tip pos. 23 and the lock screw pos. 21 in accordance with Figure 2 is ensured by rotation of the screw when the electromagnet is turned on.

To check the gap (0.5...1) mm. use a set of probes No. 4, accuracy class 2 TU 2-034-225-87.

Placement and installation of CPEG

1. Install the valve in working position on a horizontal section of the pipeline with an electromagnetic drive upward. The direction of gas flow must match the direction of the arrow on the valve body.
2. Ground the valve.
3. Installation and connection of the valve must be carried out by specialized construction, installation and operational organizations in accordance with the approved project, technical specifications for construction and installation works, “Rules technical operation and safety precautions in the gas industry in the RSFSR", "Safety Rules in the Gas Industry", "Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations" (PUE), as well as this passport.
4. Pressure testing of the pipeline is carried out in accordance with current rules, in this case the valve must be completely shut off by installing blind gaskets between the flanges. Pressure testing with water is prohibited.

Use of CPEG in work:

1. Engage levers 8 and 10 in accordance with Figure 1.
2. Set lock 21 to the position shown in Figure 2.
3. Engage stop 11 with tip 23
4. Connect the electromagnet to the power supply.
5. Set lock 21 to the “off” position.

1-body; 2 - main valve with secondary bypass valve; 3 - axis; 4 - valve lever; 5 - valve stem; 6 - valve spring; 7 - washer; 8 - valve lever; 9 - adjusting screw; 10 - lever; 11 - stop; 12 - stand; 13 - cover; 14 - bracket; 15 - electromagnet; 16 - body; 17 rod; 18.19 - spring; 20 - pin; 21 - clamp; 22 - axis; 23 - tip.

Design and principle of operation of CPEG

Valve device:

The safety shut-off valve with an electromagnetic drive consists of a flanged housing of 1 valve type.
Inside the body there is a seat, which is closed by the main valve 2 with a rubber seal and a built-in bypass valve.
The valve hangs on a rod 5, the upper end of which moves in the hole of the cover 13, and the lower end along the guide post of the body.
The valve stem by means of a pin engages with a lever 4 mounted on axis 3. A washer 7 is installed on the upper end of the stem with a valve drive spring 6 clamped between the washer and the cover. The axle coming out of the housing is sealed using rubber rings.

At the end of the axis 3, which extends outwards, a lever 8 is rigidly fixed, which, through an adjusting screw 9, is engaged with a lever 10 installed in a rack 12 fixed to the cover 13.

A bracket 14 with an electromagnet 15 and a housing 16 is attached to the cover 13. The housing contains a rod 17 with a tip 23 (see Figures 2 and 3).
The position of the tip 23 is determined by the difference in the forces of the springs 18, 19 and the force of the electromagnet 15, transmitted to the rod 17 by a pin 20 made of a non-magnetic material. The body of the electromagnet 16 is equipped with a latch 21 located on the axis 22. The latch serves to hold the valve open during technological preparation. The latch should rotate freely on the axis without jerking or jamming under the influence of gravity.

Valve operating principle:

The valve operates as follows: the gas supplied to the valve passes through the inlet pipe to the outlet pipe if the voltage corresponding to this design is supplied to the electromagnet 15. The latch 21 in accordance with Figure 3 must be turned off, the latch must be disengaged from the tip 23 and take a horizontal position).

When the voltage supply to the electromagnet is stopped, the tip 23 moves along the axis. The stop 11, mounted on the lever 10, disengages from the tip 23, releasing the interconnected levers 8 and 10, allowing the axis 3 to rotate and the valve 2 to close under the action of the spring 6.

Bringing the main valve 2 into working condition after actuation is done manually by turning the lever 8, while the rod will first move, as a result the bypass valve built into the main one will open. After equalizing the pressures before and after the main valve 2, the lever 8 is further raised until it engages with the lever 10 and fixes them with the tip 23 (see Figure 2).

Valve 2 is held open. The electromagnet is connected to the network. The latch is turned off in accordance with Figure 3. The valve is ready for operation.

The use of solenoid valves is justified if the gas control point is located at a great distance from the gasification facility, and also if the reduction point is equipped with a telemetry complex - in this case, monitoring the operation of the installation is greatly simplified. A valve with an electromagnetic drive can be closed forcibly, at a distance, both in the event of controllable parameters leaving the specified limits, and during normal operation, for carrying out preventive inspections or other actions of maintenance personnel.

Find out the price, buy valves KPEG-50, KPEG-100, KPEG-200

Prices for CPEG valves are available upon request. To buy valves, you must leave a request in any way convenient for you - by phone, through email or by filling out the online form at the bottom of the site.

Gas electromagnetic safety valve
KPEG-50, KPEG-100 .

Gas safety shut-off valve with electromagnet of the KPEG series with tightness class “B” and KPEG-G burner with tightness class “A”.
The gas electromagnetic safety valve KPEG is intended for use as a shut-off device in automatic control systems of gas pipelines with working environment in the form of hydrocarbon gasesGOST 5542-87 and conditional pressure up to 1.2 MPa (up to 12 kgf/m2).
The valve contains a status sensor (open/closed), which significantly expands it functionality and allows you to include the valve in automatic gas control systems using CO alarms ( carbon monoxide) CH4 (natural gas).
Operating principle: The valve closes when the power supply is interrupted. The valves can only be opened manually when the power supply is restored, thereby eliminating the possibility arbitrary opening valves
View climatic version UHL4 GOST15150-69.
Two types of electromagnets with different supply voltages 24V DC and 220V AC can be installed on the CPEG valve.
At the customer's request, the valves are equipped with gas sensors.
Safety shut-off valve for gas control:

Note - During installation, it is allowed to install KPEG-50, KPEG-100 vertically. In this case, the valve of the shut-off element should be located at the top, and the magnet mechanism should be rotated 90 degrees relative to its axis. The latch must be located in a vertical plane.

Design and principle of operation of the electromagnetic gas valve CPEG.
1 . The KPEG valve has a body 1 with a seat in accordance with Figure 1. The body seat is covered by a valve 2 with a rubber seal 20. Valve 2 is mounted on an axis 3, which is located in the body 1. Springs 4.5 are installed on the axis 3. At the end of the axis 3, extending outwards, a lever 6 is rigidly fixed, which interacts with the lever 7.

2. An electromagnetic drive is fixed to the housing 1, consisting of an electromagnet 8 with a housing 9, in which a rod 10 with a sleeve 11 is located (see Figures 2 and 3). The position of the sleeve 11 is determined by the force of the springs 13, 14 and the force of the electromagnet 8, transmitted to the rod 10 by a pin 15, made of non-magnetic material. The body of the electromagnet 9 is equipped with a latch 16 located on the axis 17. The latch serves to hold the valve open during technological preparation. The latch 16 should rotate freely on the axis 17 without jerking or jamming under the influence of gravity.

3. The gas supplied to the valve passes through the inlet pipe to the outlet pipe if the voltage corresponding to this design is supplied to the electromagnet 8. The latch 16 in accordance with Figure 3 must be turned off (i.e., the latch must take a horizontal position). When the supply of voltage to the electromagnet is stopped, the sleeve 11 moves. The stop 12, mounted on the lever 7, disengages from the sleeve 11, releasing the interconnected levers 6 and 7, allowing the axis 3 to rotate. The force from springs 4 and 5 is transmitted to valve 2, and valve 2 closes the gas passage.

4. Bringing valve 2 into operating condition after actuation is done manually by turning lever 6, while the bypass valve built into valve 2 opens first. After equalizing the pressure before and after valve 2, the lever 6 is further raised until it engages with the lever 7 and fixes them with the sleeve 11 (see Figure 2). Valve 2 is held open. The electromagnet is connected to the network. The latch is turned off in accordance with Figure 3. The valve is ready for operation.

Figure 2 - Latch on Figure 3 - Latch off
The dotted line shows the position of the sleeve 11 after applying voltage to the electromagnet. Spring 13 is not shown.

Schematic diagram
safety shut-off valve with electromagnet, KPEG series

Main parameters and dimensions of KPEG valves.