Elements of a business plan for a construction company. Business plan for a construction company

The construction business is gaining momentum every year, which is associated with increasing demand for housing and improving economic factors. Therefore, the business idea of ​​​​opening construction company is relevant and can be implemented in a sufficiently favorable conditions. We will talk about where to start and how to correctly draw up a business plan for a construction company in this article.

In order to understand how profitable this direction is, let's analyze the prospects and relevance of this idea. What features does this area of ​​business take into account?

Capital investments, with proper planning, can pay off within a few months. And the development prospects for this industry are truly limitless.

In order to realize the idea of ​​opening a construction company, you can go in two directions:

  1. Purchase a ready-made business.
  2. Create a company yourself.

The first option has its advantages due to the fact that you no longer need to spend time and money on registering a business, obtaining permitting documents. Those who have encountered this bureaucratic red tape know firsthand how much time and effort it takes.

Also important is the company’s already selected personnel and established sales channels.

But there are also a number of disadvantages to this option. If the business was unprofitable and the wrong marketing technologies were implemented, then it will be difficult to bring the enterprise to the proper level of development. In this regard, it is much easier to create a company from the very beginning.

In addition, in the business related to construction and repair services, it is very great value has the company's reputation. When purchasing a ready-made company, you will have to rely on the already created image of your predecessors. If he is not good enough, you will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money on promoting the company, creating a positive reputation, etc.

Pros and cons of a business idea

Despite the prospects for the development of this business, the idea itself has its pros and cons, which are worth knowing before embarking on the stage of implementing entrepreneurial activity.


  • Small investment. In order to register a company, purchasing the necessary equipment does not require large investments. It is possible to develop and increase the company's turnover already in the process of its implementation.
  • Great demand. Today this niche is one of the most in demand. The services of professional builders are needed by individuals and legal entities, small and big business. Therefore, with proper marketing planning and high quality services provided, you can quickly achieve the company's payback and good income.
  • Business development prospects. Your firm may not be limited by the geographic location of a city or region. With proper development, over time you can open branches in other regions, which will allow you to reach a completely different level of business.
  • Opportunity to make a good profit. Standard profitability, in the absence of force majeure situations, ranges from 50 to 70%.


  • High competition. This factor logically follows from high demand. The higher the demand in the market, the greater the supply.
  • Financial risks associated with the unstable economic situation in the country.
  • Difficulty entering the market. Given the high competition, much attention will need to be paid specifically to the stage of promoting services.

Employees play a big role in this business. The profit of the company will largely depend on their qualifications and professionalism. When hiring employees, it is very important to analyze their experience, skill level, potential for development, etc.

With a good team and experienced builders, you will quickly be able to reach a high level of development and earn an excellent reputation in the city. A good option To start such a business, you need experience in other construction companies. This will allow you to see the situation from the inside, analyzing its strengths and weaknesses.

In addition, working as a subcontractor will teach you to understand the qualifications of personnel and the competent distribution of labor and material resources.

In what direction should we develop?

Having decided to enter the market offering construction services, it is important to understand the target audience. This parameter allows you to determine not only competitive advantages, but also to draw up financial plan company development.

Construction business can be implemented in several directions:

  • provision of services in the field of civil engineering, repair;
  • road construction;
  • industrial construction of buildings.

Each of these areas will require a different amount of investment, personnel, constituent documents etc.

To main services construction company include following types works:

  • construction of houses;
  • apartment renovation;
  • dismantling and installation;
  • construction of garages, bathhouses, warehouses, etc.

Additionally, to increase income and expand the range of services, you can rent out construction equipment, sell materials, train staff, etc.

As you can see, development prospects and opportunities for obtaining additional income This type of business has a lot.

In order to implement this type business, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Determine the company format.
  2. Make a business plan.
  3. Preparation of registration documents.
  4. Promoting the company and finding clients.
  5. Project implementation.

The Importance of Writing a Business Plan

The stage of implementing a business idea is always preceded by a planning stage. Without competent market analysis, competitive advantages, study target audience And strategic planning, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

All these aspects are written down in the business plan and help to understand the direction of business development, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the project.

Proper planning will help you avoid mistakes, anticipate difficulties and calculate the point of profitability.

Also, having ready plan business development, it will be easier to attract investors and business partners, justifying the feasibility and relevance of the idea.

Organizational plan

Business registration

To open your own construction company, first you will have to obtain permission for the appropriate type of activity and register a private enterprise.

Each construction company must have the following package of documents:

  • Certificate of state registration;
  • A document confirming tax registration;
  • Company Charter;
  • printing and statistical codes.

For companies providing specialized services to the business sector, industrial enterprises, road services, etc., you must additionally obtain the appropriate permission:

  • building permit;
  • license to carry out engineering work;
  • permission to design buildings and structures.

This type of activity requires obtaining several licenses.

One of key documents is an SRO. This is permission to perform services associated with increased risk.

If you do not plan to build buildings over three floors, then obtaining an SRO is not required.

Also, this document does not need to be completed if the activity is related to construction block houses area less than 1.5 thousand square meters. That is, for an ordinary construction company that will be engaged in the construction of private houses and finishing works, you do not need to obtain an SRO.

One of the biggest expenses in this business is the purchase of equipment.

Before making a list necessary equipment and equipment, determine the format of the business, the number of work shifts, etc.

If the initial investment does not allow you to fully purchase a professional set of equipment, tools and equipment, then you can resort to leasing.

Unlike a bank loan, this service allows you to use property on a long-term basis with the right to purchase it. By the way, in the future, when business development is already at a high level, you yourself can provide rental or leasing services to other start-up companies.

There is no need to invest a lot of money in purchasing equipment that you will need occasionally. It is much more profitable to pay daily rent by renting equipment for a specific project.

For a large company that plans to engage in construction and repair work in the private sector, you will need the following list of equipment:

  • tap;
  • concrete mixers;
  • lift or CMU;
  • tools;
  • hammer drills;
  • chainsaws;
  • drills;
  • hammers;
  • special clothing for workers.

Without qualified staff in this business, it is difficult to count on profitability and profitability. Therefore, great attention must be paid to the search and selection of personnel.

According to their own functional responsibilities The composition of the staff may vary significantly. It depends on the format of the activity, its specifics, etc.

Below we present a standard set of employees for a construction company:

  • workers and builders;
  • foreman (foreman);
  • accountant;
  • supply manager;
  • service promotion and customer relations manager;
  • HR inspector;
  • lawyer;
  • architect;
  • director.

The number of personnel determines the scale of business activity.

If you plan to develop a business in the field of providing finishing services, then you will have to increase your staff with more specialists in this field (plasterers, masons, plumbers, electricians, painters, carpenters, etc.).

In order to obtain a license to provide construction work, please note that at least 50% of the total number of builders must have a higher specialized education.

For effective productive work, it is important to provide workers with all the necessary tools and materials.

To provide high-quality services and to avoid production delays, it is important to systematically carry out technical inspection of equipment and inventory, check its serviceability and suitability for work.

Do not purchase cheap equipment - this will reduce not only the productivity and quality of services, but also the profitability of the business, since large resources will have to be spent on repairs and replacement of equipment.

Selecting a room

To work, you need a small office where the administration, accountant, and lawyer will be located. Keep in mind that during the implementation of the project, you will have to negotiate with customers and discuss projects.

Therefore, when choosing a room, consider that it has space for a meeting room.

As for the location of the office, there are no special recommendations. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on renting premises in the city center, but you need to take care of transport accessibility.

Marketing plan

To achieve profitability and good income, it is very important to earn a positive reputation in this area and attract regular customers.

There are several options for attracting clients:

  • the beginning of construction with the subsequent sale of apartments;
  • active advertising in the media, via the Internet;
  • participation in partnership programs with hardware stores;
  • attracting clients after winning a government tender.

Be sure to create your own website, where a full list of services will be presented, a cost calculator for services, contact numbers for the administration, the possibility of consultation, etc.

A good website is a kind of business card that indicates the high level of the company and its reliability.

Video. How to open a construction company from scratch

Financial plan

Here we present only an approximate cost plan, since each company, depending on the scale and geographical location, will require its own costs.

  • purchase of equipment – ​​1 million rubles;
  • advertising – 100 thousand rubles monthly;
  • unforeseen expenses - 100 thousand rubles
  • salary for staff (15 people) - 500 thousand rubles;
  • office rent – ​​50 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate the payback of this project.

Typically, in this area a good indicator is a profitability of 10-15%. If you reach this target after 5-6 months, this will indicate that all aspects (marketing, organization, planning) are built correctly.

With the worsening economic situation in the country, businessmen note a decrease in profitability in this sector. To date average fluctuates between 7-9%.

Remember that profitability will directly depend on the qualifications of the staff, the number of clients and the amount of costs. If you do not achieve the average planned indicator, then analyze which of the factors does not “work”.

Risks and opportunities

At the planning stage, it is very important to perform a SWOT analysis, which will allow you to see the strengths and weaknesses of the project, threats and development opportunities.

The main risks of the construction business include:

  • high competition;
  • unqualified personnel;
  • lack of orders;
  • rising prices for building materials.

Take a close look at this list. There are points in it that you cannot influence. For example, a high level of competition and high prices for building materials are not within your area of ​​competence. But as for the low level of qualifications of the staff, the lack of orders - these are already factors that you can influence.

That is why it is important to draw up a competent business plan that will become step by step guide and will allow you to clearly see the prospects for development, the size of the expected profit, and the profitability of the business.

Video. How to develop a construction company

MS Word Volume: 38 pages

Business plan

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Who needs an example of a business plan for a construction company? Those active and active people or a group of people who decided to do a good deed - the construction of residential or production facilities. Such an enterprise, operating responsibly and honestly, will bring income to its owners and benefit people. In addition, the demand for such projects today is very high.

On our resource there is an example of a business plan for creating a construction installation organization posted for study, for everyone who wants to start this business. Providing construction services in modern society has long been handed over to non-state structures - “private traders” and companies. This is not bad at all, since it implies competition between builders, which means an increase in the quality of commissioned objects.

When purchasing a business plan for organizing a construction company, immediately keep in mind that this is a project designed for the long term and significant financial investments. If desired, this project can be implemented on the basis of an existing construction and installation organization, supplementing its fleet with modern equipment, and warehouses - necessary materials. This will give you the opportunity to attract larger number customers and make a profit.

Use the example of a business plan for a construction company, which is posted for your reference. How can you apply it? Taking as a basis for your calculations, in order to understand what points need to be taken into account when forming a project for a construction company, what investments will be required. All this is precisely and specifically stated in a document relevant to our time.

If you have the opportunity and desire to organize a repair and construction company, then you are placing your bet on a promising line of work that will always be in demand. By focusing on quality of service rather than getting rich quickly, you can build a reputation and be in demand for a long time. We hope that your construction company will be just like that!

The construction business attracts many entrepreneurs. Population incomes are growing and sooner or later almost every family needs the services of construction teams. The needs of the construction market are great and they concern various industries construction: someone is planning to build a bathhouse in their country house, while others urgently need to build a new country house.

Opening a construction business means a very difficult choice for an entrepreneur - determining a narrow specialization. And in fact, a start-up construction company cannot grab all the orders in a row - there will not be enough specialists, equipment, knowledge and skills. When choosing a clear direction of activity, the owner of the company should focus, first of all, on his financial capabilities, since, for example, a business such as building saunas and baths from scratch requires the same costs, and the construction of residential buildings involves completely different costs.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the professionalism of the workers who make up your team. If they are a jack of all trades, you can try to start with something on a larger scale, otherwise entering the wide construction market may result in failure.

Many owners of modern large construction companies started their business from a small construction crew. At first, taking only small orders for the construction of various facilities, the company gradually increased its capacity, increasing the scale of its activities. Starting with the opening of a small construction company, you can subsequently count on expansion own business, if things continue to steadily improve.

Today there are several options for starting a construction business. This may be a small team that will only deal with finishing premises in new buildings, a company that builds a business in the construction of children's playgrounds or a company that offers its services for the construction of fireplaces. You can start from what specialists work in your company or, on the contrary, first choose a certain specialization and, based on this, recruit a staff of workers.

It makes no difference what legal form your construction company will have. Regardless of whether the specialization of your business is the construction of cafes or the construction of verandas, balconies and loggias, the company must adhere to general rules that exist in this market segment. For example, the order fulfillment algorithm for a construction company undergoes only minor changes depending on specialization. One thing needs to be understood: organizing a construction business always begins with studying a professional example of a business plan for opening a construction company with ready-made calculations. Only in this case can you count on stability and confidence in tomorrow.

Having decided to open their own construction company, not all entrepreneurs are able to realistically assess their financial capabilities. Considering that many of them have very modest amounts of initial capital investment, it becomes clear how high the risk of remaining on the sidelines, unable to withstand the harsh realities of this business, is.

What is needed for organizing a construction company or firm to become the first step on the path to success? Entering new business, a construction company rarely starts with a large-scale operation. As a rule, such a company consists of only a few employees who specialize in carrying out small construction and repair orders. It cannot be otherwise if the owner of the company is not able to immediately invest significant sums in business development.

In order to open his own business - a construction company, an entrepreneur, first of all, needs to put together a small but reliable team, which will include experienced craftsmen of your business. Subsequently, the staff can be expanded, but the core will always play a decisive role.

When opening a construction company, a businessman needs to carefully consider a plan of action. First of all, it is necessary to decide on the composition of the team, taking into account that each employee will have to pay a monthly salary. By the way, you also need to think carefully about this issue: will the earnings of team members be fixed or would you prefer to pay them a percentage of the cost of orders. As a rule, most owners prefer the second option.

Even if you are starting a business, planning to organize a very small construction team, the company will need to hire at least four specialists of different profiles. This will be a kind of “backbone” of your company. At first, the functions of a foreman and an estimator can be performed by the owner of the company, but later, when the business begins to expand, it is better to hire experienced people for these positions. In addition, it would be useful to create a database with contacts of specialists who can, if necessary, replace regular team members.

As for the paperwork required to open a construction company or firm, compulsory licensing for this activity was abolished back in 2010. You can now obtain permission to carry out construction work only by joining a self-regulatory organization (SRO). There you will also be able to consult on control issues, for example, get acquainted with samples of the production control program for compliance sanitary rules in construction.

A competent example of a business plan for a construction and repair company with ready-made calculations will help you solve other complex problems. Having studied it, you will easily be able to draw up an attractive sample of the construction team’s offer of professional and high-quality services, and develop a clear operational schedule for construction work. Based on this document, you will quickly outgrow the established framework and reach a completely different level of business.

If you have knowledge in construction industry, then you can successfully apply them and create your own construction company. To have an idea of ​​your future business, its development and direction, you need a competent business plan.

But where to stop, how to choose a business idea so that it meets both your interests and wallet? If you are going to engage in such activities, then our recommendations are for you.

How to choose your niche?

As an analysis of the construction market has shown, the most popular services are:

  • Tiling work;
  • Assembly suspended ceilings;
  • Construction of small country houses and economy class cottages;
  • Work on the construction of terraces, verandas in country house construction and other buildings.

This is a small list of quickly paying off business ideas in this area. All this is achieved thanks to modern construction technologies and inexpensive equipment for work.

Where can I start?

  • If you don’t have extra money to pay for a construction team, and you are going to start working alone, then you can provide services for gluing wallpaper, decorating walls or laying ceramic tiles. For other work, for example, assembling suspended ceilings, one cannot cope alone.
  • As is our custom, all construction work is postponed until the warm season. And if you prefer construction country houses, terraces, verandas, then in winter you will have to be left without work. But you can plaster, equip or repair office buildings all year round.
  • For those who have a creative streak and who like to use their imagination, this is best suited country house construction. To set up such a business, you will need to buy a lot of tools, but it will pay off pretty quickly.
  • If you give preference to the assembly of suspended ceilings, you will have to hire auxiliary workers. You will need to purchase heat guns and tensioning material, you will need to rent a place to receive applications and store equipment. Advice: for things to go well, conclude individual contract with the manufacturer tension materials and fastening systems.
  • You can take a closer look at another idea: drilling wells in the private sector. Any owner land plot sooner or later he thinks about an autonomous water supply and hires a drilling company to carry out the work. If you are going to drill wells, then you will need a drilling derrick, rings and workers. The work does not stop; it is in demand at any time of the year. If you do not have the funds to buy or rent equipment, then you can start such a business with manual drilling. True, this process is long and labor-intensive, but you will earn the necessary starting capital.

About all the nuances of this area in the 21st century - in the following video:

Basics of a business plan using the example of a repair company

In order for a business to develop purposefully, you need to create a business plan for the development of the enterprise. This document is necessary for both the owner and potential investors; its preparation must be approached with the utmost seriousness. If you want to set priorities for yourself, then it should reflect all future income and expenses, indicate ways to achieve the greatest profit for the company, describe all process. And if you are going to use credit funds, then it must contain profit indicators and carry out the necessary calculations.

Document structure

  • Front page. Here they write the name of the company and all contacts. If there is, provide a list of founders.
  • Then comes introductory text. Here the idea of ​​the business is indicated, the area of ​​​​activity where the business is supposed to be conducted. You also need to indicate how your organization will differ from other similar companies, its most advantageous aspects, and make small economic calculations. You can also describe the most typical work that you will do, and give examples of the success of other companies operating in the same field.
  • Main part. It is necessary to make an analytical review of the services provided in this area, it is advisable to provide figures that will indicate the lack of enterprises in this area of ​​public service. You should also tell what means you will use to achieve your goal: advertising or other marketing methods. If you have already found a company that is ready to provide you with work, then you need to write about this with all the details: numbers of contracts for the provision of services, names and contact details of customers.
  • Now let's move on to description of personnel your organization. Start with the management team: what kind of education does the manager have, how much work experience does he have in this field? We also indicate what kind of staff you need for the work, and whether you will need to attract third-party workers if the volume of work increases. You need to write a resume for the entire staff of future personnel: how you see them, what abilities and skills they should have.
  • Economic calculation: choose your method of organizing financial activities. We must describe the amount of starting capital, possible investments, and fund wages. We also consider the expected income and expenses, calculate the period during which the company can pay for itself in full and continue to generate only profit. Variables need to be predicted and fixed costs: constants include employee wages, rent, social and insurance payments, taxation. Variable costs include the cost of building materials, wages for temporary workers, expenses for advertising company. Based on the calculated data, it is necessary to predict activities for at least 3 years of operation.
  • After making the forecast, you need evaluate possible risks : whether the organization will be in demand in the future and whether there will be profit from its activities.
  • Complete the business plan conclusions: You can write extended introductory material and include various additional materials: copies of contractual obligations, tables with calculations, copies of statutory documents.

What to pay attention to when drawing up a document

Many beginning businessmen do not write their own business plan, but simply download it from the Internet and do not even edit it to suit their operating conditions. Even if the downloaded plan is fully suitable for your field, you risk losing your original ideas.

There is no need to place special emphasis on the demand for your business, saying that there will always be work for a professional employee, and people will still renovate their apartments. This is what most newly minted entrepreneurs write, but you need to indicate specific data in your plan: the number of completed residential properties, the number of customers for cosmetic or designer renovation of apartments. Write about whether there is a queue for repair work, describe how much work can be completed in a certain period of time, and payment rates.

The main part of the plan consists of economic calculations, where you need to provide a detailed description of the company's expected income and expenses.

For example, you will need to purchase special equipment, the cost of which can be about 10 million rubles, you will also need construction tools, you need to give a complete list of them with a description of the price. Provide justification for marketing support: promotion of the company in the means mass media, creation of billboards and simple advertising on radio and television. You will also need office space; calculate the rental costs in detail and indicate them in your plan. To open a business you may need about 10-11 million rubles.

If this is an unaffordable figure for you, then you can reduce it if you do not purchase new equipment, but, for example, buy used equipment: it costs less, and you can work on it for some time until you have your own funds for a new one.

Provide a complete calculation of the company's payback: how much you are going to earn monthly, what services you will provide, their estimated cost. From these data, derive a formula for full payback and indicate its expected period.

How is personnel information provided?

The well-known expression “personnel decides everything” has not lost its relevance in the construction industry. You must give a complete description of your future employees: the number of workers of one or another qualification according to your activity, how many certified employees you want to hire, and how many will work as unqualified laborers.

It is advisable that some have a construction education in a specialty that is involved in your field; indicate their number in the document. If you are engaged in the construction of country houses, then your staff should include builders of various specialties who are familiar with the process of constructing buildings.

What documents are needed?

In order for your company’s activities to be legal, it must be registered with the tax office and registered:

  • You must decide on the financial and legal form of your company: it can be. To do this, you need a decision of the general meeting of members of the company if the form is chosen as LLC, or a simple decision on organizing the enterprise if you will work as individual entrepreneur. All documents must be submitted to tax office and submit an application for registration.
  • To conduct any financial activity, you need a bank account; it is better if it is a state financial institution. Write an application to open an account and receive details.
  • Order seals and stamps for your company; they will be needed to prepare financial documents.

Many works must be certified, that is, you need to contact a self-regulatory organization to obtain permission to carry out a certain type of construction work. To do this, mandatory membership in the organization is required; all construction companies providing services to the public must join it.

What do you need to receive orders?

To be recognized in the construction services market, you need to carry out comprehensive marketing of the company:

  • Organize advertising in any available places, put up billboards with a list of your services and prices, then it will be much easier to receive an order.
  • You can conduct construction work, so you can make yourself known, and many customers will know about your existence.
  • But tenders are usually aimed at finding a large construction organization, but competitions are for finding small companies to provide repair work, for example, in preschool or school educational institution. And in this case, the choice falls on those companies that offer low prices.

Sometimes it can happen that a large enterprise wins a competition for the production of a large volume of work, but it transfers small works to small company, and this is a chance to get work for a long time, that is, to take part in a subcontract.

For a beginning construction organization, it is important not to spoil its business reputation: to carry out the work conscientiously, without defects. And then rumors about you will spread throughout the city, and there will be more customers.

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Business plan for an installation organization

Construction is one of the most promising sectors of the economy, so the growth rate in this industry is truly impressive. Direct construction of residential buildings, industrial buildings etc. Nowadays, many companies are engaged, but there is a sector of the market that is still far from saturation, and it is occupied by construction and installation organizations. Those who want to take the first step in serious business, often begin their path to the heights of success with the creation of such a company.

Distinctive features of installation organizations

Of course, in order for the business plan of an installation organization to be as complete and comprehensive as possible, it is necessary to have a holistic understanding of what such a company does. The scope of activity of construction and installation organizations covers the following areas:

  • Construction of various new facilities;
  • Reconstruction of old and their major renovation;
  • Laying utilities;
  • Installation of specialized equipment.

Thus, we see that, unlike construction trusts, whose role is limited to high-quality construction and finishing of structures, employees of installation organizations specialize in performing a much larger number of works. Therefore, the head of the future company is obliged, not yet at the initial stage of its creation, to take care of developing a high-quality business plan for the installation organization, otherwise its activities will become somewhat chaotic, and this will inevitably entail serious losses. In addition, an installation organization can be multidisciplinary or specialize in a certain type of work (for example, installation of drilling rigs in the oil industry, etc.).

Advantages of this type of business

Recently, installation organizations have arisen quite often, which is fully explained by the following factors:

  • The cost of their services is very high, therefore, subject to the availability of quite large quantity orders, all initial investments, although they are needed in significant volumes, will pay off in just a year or two;
  • If the company is classified as multi-industry, in order to provide employees with work for a long period of time, it is often enough to receive one large order (for example, a major reconstruction of the plant is required, the addition of new workshops, the installation of new conveyor lines etc.), and this means a certain stability and confidence in the future;
  • The characteristics of installation organizations make it easy to reorient them to another type of activity in the event of a crisis in the industry, for example, from conventional construction to the installation of new equipment in industry, etc.;
  • There is a great demand for the services offered, since new enterprises are being intensively built and old ones are being modernized.

Nuances of a business plan

Typically, the business plan of an installation organization is described in as much detail as possible, which is due to the versatility of the company’s activities. Its main features are:

  • It is necessary to carefully study the market for construction services and try to predict which of them may be in greatest demand, and competition in this area is quite small. Thus, many enterprises purchase very complex equipment, the installation of which can only be entrusted to professionals in their field. If the installation company’s specialists can do this efficiently, this will significantly strengthen the company’s reputation. Therefore, the cost of training and retraining of employees must be included in the estimate;
  • The next step is the construction or rental of real estate, which will be occupied by the installation organization. It is unlikely that it will be possible to get by with one room here: in addition to the office, where communication with clients will take place, special workshops and warehouses are also needed where equipment will be stored and produced. necessary work to order.
  • In the case of an installation organization, the largest amount of money must be invested in equipment. It should be very diverse, especially if the company is expected to take orders from a wide variety of industries and agriculture. Purchase necessary tools, machines, units, etc. should only be obtained from trusted manufacturers, and all of them must be equipped with appropriate quality certificates.
  • It is difficult to imagine that a novice entrepreneur may have on hand the funds necessary to create such an organization: their amount can be thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. Therefore, attracting investors interested in promoting the business becomes especially relevant in this situation. In this case, a well-written business plan can make a good impression on them.
  • There is no point in saving on staff recruitment, because... Almost all work performed by the installation organization has increased level complexity. Therefore, at first it is better to hire specialists with experience, whose quality of work will not have any complaints.
  • Certain funds should be allocated for the registration of the enterprise itself (the procedure may vary slightly depending on the form of ownership), as well as the maintenance of various documentation and the costs necessary to comply with the safety regulations currently in force.

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The experience we have accumulated is, without exaggeration, enormous.
You can view all the financial models of projects we have completed in the areas of interest to you, among which it is advisable to note the following:

We are ready to show examples of calculations and our financial products during a consultation with our specialist, which can take place in any format convenient for you:
by telephone, via Skype video conferencing technology or by our specialist visiting your office.

You can get to know us and learn about the B2Y philosophy.

It is convenient and comfortable to work with us.

We are ready to offer an individual approach, which consists of direct interaction with our specialist
with you or representatives of your work group.

Starts, ends and
protects the work
over the business plan
the same
full-time specialist
our company,
performing calculations exactly in the area that corresponds to the profile of your activity.

This allows us to solve assigned tasks in strict accordance with your technical specifications and designated deadlines.

You can find out about cooperation opportunities.

Once upon a time a super professional in his field Stephen Paul Jobs entrepreneur, innovator, said: “Your work should be a significant part of your life, and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you consider to be great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

We fully support this philosophy of life and share a similar attitude to business.

B2Y company is a mature, established team of competent professionals who are sincerely passionate about their work and in love with the area in which we work.

We see the benefits we bring to our clients, how their attitude towards their business changes with the help of our tables and software products.

This gives us a charge of positive energy, which we are ready to pass on further: for the benefit of development and progress. We spend as much time on our clients as they need, so that with our help, each of our clients can understand their project.

We are always ready to take on complex and non-standard problems.
We always take a responsible and balanced approach to calculations, scrupulously and carefully delving into the smallest details.

Let's share another quote from Steve Jobs: “You need to be a standard of quality. Some people are not used to conditions where perfection is taken for granted.".

In our work we strive for maximum results. See for yourself.