Html commercial proposal example. Commercial proposal template in Word: how to present services correctly

Selling effortlessly is difficult, but it is possible. To do this you need to know your Client / partner and make a profitable for him commercial offer at the right time. You will find examples of such proposals below.

If the company does not have sales virtuosos and masters of manipulation, then a commercial proposal (CP) will help you. This marketing and advertising tool is successfully used even by chimpanzees when there are enough bananas for training and further work.

Even those managers who do not know how to sell make money with a selling CP

The challenge is creating and understanding this essential advertising tool. My practice shows that the main problem is in understanding and a series of questions.

Who should I send the CP to?

Where to collect contact information?

How to write a commercial proposal yourself?

What to write so that the recipient calls immediately?

Below you will find examples of commercial proposals.:

  • for the supply of goods,
  • provision of services,
  • about cooperation.

You will learn what a CP should consist of, how to use thinking from the Client, what information to look for and how to use it.

VZHUH and you are at the most interesting place:

We determine the target audience, collect contacts, use 3 sending tactics

Words don't sell. Sells information. To collect a database and write a selling commercial proposal, you need to know everything about the Client, the product / service and the situation on the market as a whole or the region. I'll show you how this works in one of my examples. For now, theory.

Do not start collecting a database and writing a commercial proposal until you have:

  • a complete understanding of the target audience: what kind of person he is, what his head hurts about. The narrower the segment, the better, for example: “vegetarian restaurant managers”;
  • proposals for the target audience that will increase income, self-esteem, solve a business problem or simplify work - will bring real benefits.

About the client (target audience) and how to collect a database

The target audience is people (NOT companies, but people) who have a similar task, problem, complexity and manage all this: the desire to earn more. The wider your knowledge about specific representatives of the target audience (TA), the greater your understanding of the audience as a whole.

We are interested in a narrow segment of the target audience, to whom we will offer specific benefits, often mutual. Communicate with representatives of the target audience by phone, through social networks, websites, forums - find out their real needs and problems. This will help you find pain points and objections that you can successfully cover in your commercial proposal.

Potential client base

The customer base CANNOT be purchased, collect blind company registrations on websites and directories, especially when it comes to companies. Because you won't get to know your potential customers.

On websites and in catalogs, the general address is indicated, which is viewed by the manager. In most cases, the manager doesn’t care how much the company earns and he has clear instructions regarding commercial offers - add them to SPAM and delete them!

The benefits are of interest to owners, individual entrepreneurs and hired managers. We only need decision makers (DMs).

Work with sites where there are management contacts or an email address “for commercial offers”

Correct options for collecting email database for commercial offer:

  • the person leaves a request himself (subscription page, personal communication);
  • you find the manager’s contact or email for the CP on the website (or in the 2GIS database) - sometimes it happens;
  • taking contacts through the manager: by letter through the feedback form, mail or cold call.

3 tactics for working with the database

It is assumed that you have already communicated with the manager (form on the website/phone) or secretary and obtained the contact information of the manager: head of sales, marketing, manager or owner of the company.

  1. We call the decision maker before sending a cold commercial proposal. The task is not to sell a product or service, but to communicate with a person. Is he interested in this problem and topic? Listen to the answers and write them down. Agree on sending the CP.
  2. We call the decision maker after sending a cold commercial proposal if there is no response within 1 - 2 business days. We say something like: “Sergey, hello! On Monday we sent you a CP, but YOU never responded..." Task: find out whether the person received the CP; if so, then write down what we didn’t like. We are trying to close a person on a deal.
  3. We send the command post using the collected base and play Hachiko.

Use only options 1 and 2 when testing the CP. Because this is the only way you will receive feedback and be able to adjust the proposal. This is extremely important when you have not communicated with potential clients before writing the proposal. Sometimes it turns out that benefits and conditions are not of interest to any decision maker. We’ll have to go back to working with the target audience and the offer.

Writing a proposal takes 10% of the time, editing 20%, and collecting information 70%!

Commercial offer - selling composition

Imagine the Client as a busy person. He doesn't want to read anything. He doesn’t care who you are or what company you’re from. And worse, he DOESN'T like you. Because you want to sell something. Your CP is a personal insult.

Anger will be replaced by mercy if the commercial proposal contains:

  • Subject of the letter, which motivates him to open, but does not resemble spam: “We called you yesterday...”, “Here is what you asked for...”.
  • Offer beneficial for the Client. It may not be beneficial for you. This is normal at the 1st stage of sales.
  • Mini-description of the company – 2, 3 sentences about what you do (can be omitted if the illustration explains it).
  • Accurate answers to questions: “why write (you need a reason)”, “why me”, “what is my benefit and yours”, “what are the conditions”.
  • A few lines about money. When a person receives a CP, he must know exactly how his financial position or the company’s position will change when he orders a service or buys a product.
  • Evidence that it's one hell of a deal.. If you miss this chance now, then you could end up in trouble later. Give convincing examples that this really works.
  • Phone, mail or another method of communication convenient for the Client.

Put all these meanings into a supertitle, title, subtitle, illustration (caption) and an offer, broken down into clear messages. When the recipient sees his benefit, then he begins to read. The trap will slam shut.

Information that the client wants to see - (PM). They close objections, answer the Client’s questions in such a way that they capture the imagination, force them to read and think about the proposal.

Distracting a person from a lot of important things is 1 victory.

An example of the structure of a commercial proposal - the “PI” screen

I use this structure 6 out of 10 times. It’s simple, it works, and the cost of a commercial proposal of 1–2 sheets is comfortable for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Top (1 screen):

  • header + phone + logo;
  • illustration and signature;
  • title;
  • subtitle;
  • offer of 4 – 6 benefits, which are divided into 2 columns;
  • the strongest argument (we highlight it: with a frame, color, or a special icon);

Of course, a lot depends on the service, product, business, conditions, quantity and quality of selling information (PI). But this structure is the most correct. Because it breaks the KP stereotype - a sheet of text where nothing can be understood in 10 - 15 seconds of reading.

First screen of the offer

On 1 screen, show the value of the offer. Give selling information that will interest the recipient for further reading. Make sure he understands:

  • what will we talk about;
  • why did you write to him (clear context);
  • what are its benefits;
  • why the service/product is needed.

Ideal condition if you know the name, position of the recipient, the company to which you are sending the CP. Then, together with the title, we write a personalized message: “Vasily Pavlovich, hello! It’s beneficial for the construction business and it works” or a phrase that motivates a friend to read. You can tell what you do.

Structure is needed, but selling information is more important

If the advertising tool is used in printed form, then we have half an A4 page left before moving on to the next page. You need to have time: to close the main objections, give conditions (price, how to order), communicate added value and make a call to action. There can be 2 calls:

  • “turn the page to...” or “on the next page you will find out...”;
  • call to call, write or follow the link.

Send your commercial offer by EMAIL using HTML format. In this format, you can send landing pages by email that do not have transitions between pages. The conversion is higher, but this format is inconvenient to print out a document to show to colleagues/management.

Structure of the CP (persuasion screen)

The task of the first screen is to provide maximum selling information and bypass the advertising filter. The second is to prove that this is the right choice.

You need to sell with facts and figures, not promises and lyrics. When the facts are not enough, make the benefits stronger. Play NOT with words, but with meanings. Let the commercial proposal be unprofitable for you, but the task of the commercial proposal is to establish contact with the Client. Get a warm response (call, letter), and not sell directly.

Sell ​​NOT with words, but with meaning.

What to use to persuade:

  • structure, where each subheading is something important for the recipient;
  • examples of use and results (links to confirm your words);
  • closing 2 – 3 objections that arise when reading the top part;
  • more selling information about the product/service (characteristics, advantages, description, if it is a complex product);
  • list of clients and partners;
  • added value of the offer;
  • extended guarantees (it is important to convince the person that they are not risking anything);
  • reasonable supply restriction.

Second offer screen

Difference between hot and cold sales pitch in the awareness of the target audience, the presentation of information, its quantity and what to close the client on.

For a “cold” Client– this is 1 or 2 contact. The person doesn’t know anything about you or the offer yet. Close a potential client for a call, consultation, provide a link to a sales page, website or video where there is more information.

A cold commercial offer will interest a person, and he will become a “warm” client

For a “warm” Client– this is selling material that provides answers to questions and motivates purchases. Submit a commercial proposal with a full set of selling points. This will at least make the task of further sales easier, because there will be a reason to call back. And as a maximum, the Client himself will call to buy.

CP volume. The number of sheets does not matter! What is more important is the quantity and quality of information that a potential Client needs to receive in order to make a decision on cooperation or action. More information is good, but only when it helps make decisions, answers questions, and does NOT create new ones.

You or you? If you know the name of the recipient and are addressing him, then you should write it correctly. However, no one forbids you to always write “You” (the illusion of personal appeal), except for the rules of the Russian language, but they have a mediocre relation to the work of a copywriter. If only they bought it, we’ll at least write swear words. There have been no studies on the effectiveness of You, You.

We got to the examples!

Examples of a commercial proposal for the supply of goods + 4 ideas for commercial proposals

Selling goods is more difficult than selling services. There is always a competitor company that sells the same thing. Work and logistics have already been established with it. There is no point in changing the supplier when everything is satisfactory. The problem is solved by the specifics of business in Russian, the market situation, a cool bonus and innovation.

  1. Business in Russian, this is when there is a supplier, but he makes the entire management nervous. Because he behaves like a monopolist: he misses deadlines, raw materials or goods are poor quality, and when it comes to resolving issues, negotiations drag on for months. A commercial offer with the best conditions is the most common way to add salt to the wound and sell painkillers.
  2. Market situation. When a Turkish missile shot down a Russian plane, many goods came under sanctions. Russian companies have a chance to get rich. It was a golden time for the sale of strawberries, cucumbers, cabbage, apples, grapes and 10 other prohibited products for import. Such moments need to be caught and the command post prepared for them.
  3. Cool bonus. Copywriter Claude Hopkins was not selling a product, but a bonus. He sold advertising for the Client's pies, and only then the mixtures for the production of Cotosuet pies (raw materials). And it all worked in tandem. When you tell a manufacturer in Russia to help your partners sell goods by providing them with advertising information, people don’t really understand WHY. They say: “we are manufacturers...”. Curtain.
  4. Innovation. Even when a product has a slight advantage or an interesting manufacturing feature, this should be talked about in all advertising materials and, of course, in the commercial package. Have you seen the new Skoda Octavia 2017? They slightly changed the headlights and radiator grille and sell the car as a unique product. Take the example of automakers - focus on innovation.

I will not post a couple of examples of commercial proposals in the form of screenshots. Instead, I will post 10, but with links. All commercial offers below were written by Mikhail Pozdnyakov, i.e. author of this blog.

Examples will open in a new tab(click, read):

Example 1."Market situation"
Example 2."Business in Russian"
Example 3."Innovation + gift"
Example 4.“After the exhibition + bonus”
Example 5.“Business in Russian + benefits”
Example 6.“Market situation + benefits”
Example 7."Innovation + good timing"
Example 8."Innovation"
Example 9.“Supply of toys, example of a complex offer”

This is a really big article, the most complete on commercial offers. I will add examples of successful commercial proposals from my practice.

Look at a few examples of business proposals from your niche to see how direct and indirect competitors sell. This way you will receive selling information and find out. Make the best offer!

Do CPs work? They are working. Here are examples of commercial proposals with confirmed payback:

Sample commercial proposal for the provision of services

Services are easier to sell. Because information is easier to find on the Internet. When you know exactly what the service is needed for and who the target audience is. The difficulty is in the advertising offer. After all, the service sector is developing rapidly and there are a lot of competitors.

The product can be tested by purchasing a small batch or seeing test results if it is equipment. The value of a service is determined by its effectiveness. For example, let’s take the creation of a commercial proposal.

The effectiveness of the commercial offer difficult to measure. It depends on the amount of information collected, the copywriter’s ability to present it, the skills of the designer, and the managers who send out the proposal and process applications. A good email database will bring more clients than a bad one.

How to sell a service:

  • Show what will change after the service is provided. When you buy a commercial offer: it will become easier for managers to sell thanks to strong advertising material, you will have the results of a marketing audit (portrait of the target audience, objections, problems, what people pay attention to when making a decision), which will make all your advertising more effective and selling;
  • Give extended guarantees. If KP does not bring clients after testing, which we will conduct together, then I will work until the start of sales and profits that will cover the cost of my services (extended warranties work worse with goods);
  • Mini-cases that you can check. When creating commercial offers, I take into account not only the product/service, advertising offer, target audience, but also the market situation. In 2014, I sold 300 tons of strawberries with one A4 sheet (without graphics). Here is a link to my case;
  • Bold advertising proposal. Let's do this, if my code does not seem to work, which turns out to be during testing, then I will return the money not only for the text and graphic design, but I will also make version 2 of the software for free. Hands down?

The more strong selling points, the better. Find them, try different options, play with meanings, fortunately the services allow this.

Examples of commercial proposals for the provision of services

Selling services is easier, but you need to give as much selling information as possible.

  1. Ask questions about a ready-made commercial proposal. We wrote a CP and are pleased with ourselves. Don't rush. Let the material sit for 1–2 days, and then look at it with fresh eyes, putting yourself in the shoes of a potential client. Remember that you hate the person who sent the CP.
  2. Test and then send out mass mailings. Even if 100,500 selling points have been collected, and the target audience has been worked out for a long time, do not send CP throughout the entire database. Never! Take a sample and submit 1/5. This way you will predict the result.
  3. Play NOT with words, but with benefits. This hurts the copyAuthors. Fascinating words, bright expressions and juicy statements are bullshit. Where, where, but in the CP you need specifics, facts, selling points and subtle persuasion, and not a demonstration of the rainbow and the singing of a nightingale.
  4. Master the delivery algorithm. An advertising tool is just a tool. They need to be able to use it. If the commercial proposal does not go to the decision maker, but to the manager who liked the cats while working, then he will continue to like the cats and delete your proposal. There are exceptions, but Russian office reality is harsh.
  5. Present your commercial proposal graphically. Firstly, it will attract the recipient's attention. Secondly, a smart designer will correctly break up the text, so if there is a problem with the structure, then this problem will be corrected. Thirdly, graphic illustrations can be used to set accents.

There is no secret secret. To create a commercial proposal, you need to understand what the target audience needs, make an offer that is beneficial for it and do not forget that the potential Client hates you. Because even directors like cats.

With me you can differentiate yourself from competitors, fresh ideas and support through sales. I will develop the text of a commercial proposal for you and design it graphically. In just 5 days you will have a powerful advertising tool,

In order to more successfully promote their offers on the market of goods or services, it is recommended for an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, the form and sample of which can be downloaded in Word format from the links below. The more competent (both linguistically and commercially) the document is drawn up, the more reason the company has to hope for further successful development of cooperation: potential counterparties are more likely to be attracted not by dry numbers, but by skillful presentation of the material.

Commercial offers can be divided into two categories: “cold”, sent to potential clients who have not previously expressed a desire to cooperate with the sender, and “hot” - their addressees are companies or individual entrepreneurs who already have an idea about the organization offering services or goods. In the first case, it is more logical to use mass mailings (probably one of the recipients of the letter will respond to the offer); in the second - address ones.

Like, a commercial proposal does not have a single form established by the legislator; Each company can create its own template - or use the one below, suitable for editing in Word.

Commercial Proposal - Word Template

You can download the commercial proposal form, which can be filled out in any text editor, including MS Word, from the link above. Unlike, this document does not necessarily (although it is highly desirable) must be certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization. It makes even more sense to abandon this step if you plan to send electronic documents rather than paper ones (to a real postal address).

Commercial proposal - sample

You can download a simple sample commercial proposal in Word format from the link above. After familiarizing yourself with it, the compiler will be able to independently, using his input data, create a unique document that will definitely attract the attention of the recipient.

The commercial offer plays an important role in the promotion and development of the company.

With a correctly drawn up commercial offer, the volume of orders and sales increases, which, accordingly, increases profits.

Types of commercial offers

There are two types of them: “cold” and “hot” commercial offers.

  • With a “cold” commercial offer, the shipment is made to an unprepared client. In other words, it's spam. People most often are not particularly enthusiastic about such mailings, but the main task of a commercial proposal is to interest a potential client and get the letter to be read to the end. The most important advantage of a “cold” commercial offer is its mass appeal and large audience reach. However, in practice, responses are more responsive from commercial offers coming to a specific, specific person.
  • The second type of commercial offer is a “hot” offer, which is sent at the request of the client himself or with whom negotiations have already been conducted. Recently, a commercial offer in the form of a presentation has become increasingly popular.

Commercial offer structure

It is advisable for each company to have its own commercial proposal template.

  1. Title. It plays a huge role, especially with a “cold” commercial offer. The title should be catchy, intriguing, attract maximum attention and make you want to read the entire letter.
  2. Offer. At this stage, it is necessary to arouse the interest of the recipient of the letter with the potential benefit for him, so that he continues to read the offer letter.
  3. Belief. Here you need to convince the client that he needs this particular product (service), and he must place the order through the company that sent the letter.
  4. Limitation. Many people forget about this point, but it is necessary. On a subconscious level, it forces a person to study the product more carefully (if the quantity of goods in the commercial offer is limited) or to immediately focus on the timing (if the commercial offer is valid only for a certain period).
  5. Next comes the call. It should be short but strong, calling for a specific action.
  6. Don’t forget about your contacts and provide as complete information as possible.

In your commercial proposal, try to include reviews of the company’s work, visual images, and photographs.

And remember that a correctly drawn up commercial proposal is already half the success!

Below is a standard form and a sample commercial proposal template, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

A commercial proposal for advertising is a selling text, the task of which is to convince the advertiser that your advertising medium and its execution will bring the company new potential customers. “Advertising advertising” is a delicate matter. A poorly written commercial proposal will immediately characterize the entire agency in an unflattering manner.

Therefore, when writing a commercial proposal for advertising, you need to adhere to several rules:

  1. Do not write about yourself in general laudatory terms. It is important to provide specific information right in the lead of the document: who you worked with, how effective (give performance indicators), how long you have been on the market. If the agency is young or the advertising medium is not very popular, briefly indicate what are the advantages of working with you or with this platform.
  2. In a commercial proposal for advertising, it is important not only to indicate, but also to prove the benefits of placement on the proposed site. This could be circulation of print media or catalogs, traffic to online sites, location of stands (at points where there is an audience needed by the advertiser).
  3. Take into account the busyness of all managers and do not write very long commercial proposals.

What should a commercial proposal for advertising include?

Any commercial offer consists of a letter with an attractive title, a pdf file with the offer itself, and often some additional information is sent in the form of an attachment (in our case, a price list). The letter, just like the file with the proposal, should contain not general, but specific information - necessarily about the benefits of the proposal, the specialization and experience of the agency. If discounts are offered, this should also be stated in the letter. The volume of text should not exceed three paragraphs. It is more advisable to send the letter not in a cold way, but after calling the company.

Let's consider the main structural elements of the commercial proposal for advertising placement itself.


Offer is the basis of a commercial offer. It should interest the reader so much that he wants to continue reading the document. Therefore, the offer does not need to offer advertising space, places on billboards, airtime, Internet banners and other media. The company is only interested in sales growth. It is necessary to provide information that is closely related to this indicator.

The offer may be preceded by a lead - one or two sentences about who you are and why you are attractive for the advertiser’s purposes.

At the end of the offer, you can add a small graphic anchor to add a little “air”.

Benefits for the advertiser

That is, it is important to convey information not about the “advantages of outdoor advertising”, not about how it “operates around the clock”, but about how “there is an advertising billboard on this stream, that this is a ready stream of your potential customers, and that’s why We called you."

It is important to characterize the target audience as accurately as possible: not only by gender, age and purchasing power, but also by thinking stereotypes.

Unfortunately, an advertiser can rarely promise a company a certain number of sales. It is generally difficult to calculate the effect of advertising. But among other benefits, you can remind the company (especially if it is a large advertiser) that with you it can count on both quick and long-distance sales (large companies take this fact into account).

Information for raising objections

When drawing up a commercial proposal for advertising, it is worth considering what is most likely to raise objections from the company. Objections may be unexpected, so not all of them can be taken into account.

The main objections concern the company's benefits. The agency’s reputation, numbers, information about experience, reviews should work here. It’s good if the latter contain at least general information about the growth of customer loyalty or sales.

You can list companies that practice advertising on the media you offer.

Many objections may arise regarding advertising placement (especially if it is outdoor advertising) and audience segmentation.

You need to prepare for objections.

Another way to remove them is through guarantees. In our case, the question is also complex.

It is impossible to guarantee that sales will skyrocket as a result of advertising in a commercial offer, but it can be guaranteed that “information about the company will be placed where there is a flow of potential clients of the company.”

If you have questions when calculating financial indicators and the effectiveness of a particular proposal, it is better to contact a specialized outsourcing company, whose specialists will help you resolve all the necessary issues, for example, service.

Call to action

So, let's say that the marketing director has read a very clear, specific, evidence-based, original and perhaps time-limited commercial proposal from an advertising agency that promises close familiarity with the desired audience with the company's product or service. The next point is contact with you. Which action is more suitable as a call-to-action?

In most cases, this is a call, an offer to call “right now.” Experts believe that this is quite enough. Some advertisers immediately send a contract along with a commercial offer for advertising. This does not have to be done in the first letter. Sometimes such a proposal can cause mistrust. It is better when the potential client is expected to take simple initial actions in response.

Also, remembering that the party receiving the letter will still read it absentmindedly, do not forget about the postscript.

Postscript (P.S.) is the part of the letter that is often paid attention to. Therefore, some important information when drawing up a commercial proposal for advertising can be placed at the end.

What other elements should be included in the commercial proposal?

In your commercial proposal for advertising, you can add bright images of advertising space, photos of billboards or scans of banners - anything that will indicate the great attractiveness or unforgettableness of your agency’s advertising. The importance of visuals is great, especially if an unpopular advertising medium is being described, which may be located in places with low or untargeted traffic. Such an advertising medium can be presented as “bright and very noticeable” and a photo of it can be placed.

It makes sense to highlight your analytical work, the way you understand the characteristics of the audience, by providing some information about customer flows in the form of charts and tables. You can give a list of the locations of the shields with clarification of what kind of objects are nearby.

In some cases (for example, if the commercial offer is already full of interesting factual information with numbers, discount options, time restrictions), the price list can be sent in a second letter, after contact with the company.

Typical mistakes in commercial advertising proposals

Error What will it lead to? How to avoid
1 Send emails without calling first Email from CP will be considered spam Send “warmly”: call in advance, briefly describe the essence of the proposal to the marketing department or director and send immediately
2 Use common phrases in the description (both in the letter and in the CP file) The recipient will not waste time speculating about his benefits from the CP Specify benefits immediately in a letter and in the CP file with details
3 Offer to immediately sign an agreement in a call-to-action CP may raise suspicions Offer to call
4 Talk at the beginning of the CP about your tasks, and not about the possibilities of solving the advertiser’s problems CP will not “grab” the reader’s attention immediately Write with an understanding of the company's objectives and needs
5 Poor audience segmentation The company will not see its consumer in it Concretize the flow of potential clients (with indicators of why they get into it)

Advertising is the engine of progress. It can be produced in the form of videos, colorful posters, inscriptions on T-shirts, and can be sent in the form of information letters. One of the forms of such an appeal to a potential buyer is a commercial offer.

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This document serves as the main element in establishing the sales sphere of the enterprise. Let's tell you in more detail about how to compile it and what you should take into account.

What kind of document is this

A commercial proposal for the supply of goods (CP) is one of the main documents that presents the product. This is an additional advertising tool in the hands of a competent marketer. The effectiveness of the implementation process depends on how well it is drawn up.

In fact, the document refers to business documentation.

It contains information:

  • about the benefits;
  • about the terms of cooperation;
  • about the subject of implementation.

A commercial proposal is drawn up in the form of a letter on company letterhead and has several functions:

  • maintains contact with existing clients;
  • advertises a product;
  • presents the product to potential buyers (formation and expansion of the sales market).

This tool is ideal for those who are not involved in sales and do not know how to work in this area. Despite the fact that sales seems simple to many, it requires experience and qualifications. For those who do not have them, you can take advantage of the commercial offer.

Working with a business tool such as a letter is not difficult, but the main questions will concern not only the rules of drafting, but also creating an attractive basis for the client and finding contact information.

Offers are divided into two main types:

It is much easier to create a non-personalized CP. It will give characteristics of the product, but will not work 100%.

They are used to provide information to existing customers, when the cost of goods and services changes, or when announcing promotions and special offers. That is why only targeted letters of the second type should be considered truly working.

When is it compiled?

A commercial proposal can be drawn up in several cases:

  • upon request from the purchasing company regarding the supply of certain products;
  • in case of an offer of cooperation;
  • when distributing information letters to recipients of a certain focus.

If the company is a provider of services rather than goods, the functionality of the letter does not change.

Important! You should not send cold sales pitches to new potential buyers. You risk being blacklisted once and for all.

KP is not only a simple, but also an affordable tool for additional advertising. To compose a letter correctly, you do not need to attract additional resources. Every sales manager should master writing a selling business text.

The seller's main task is to ensure that the information is carefully reviewed and not marked as spam and sent straight to the cart. That is why it is important to learn how to correctly draw up a commercial proposal.

How to write

So, a commercial proposal necessarily consists of several points:

  • offer - the purpose of the offer;
  • descriptions of services or goods;
  • a brief description of the benefit to the client;
  • terms of cooperation;
  • additional bonuses in the form of offers, discounts, and other buyer benefits.

The letter should also contain a concise title. Information is presented briefly, without unnecessary words. The ideal CP is drawn up based on knowledge of the client’s needs. Remember that it is information that sells, not beautiful words.

Before writing, be sure to familiarize yourself with the details of the potential buyer’s business:

  • needs;
  • temporary or permanent problems that he wants to solve;
  • need for expansion and so on.

A consumer is always a person, not a company as a whole, and sometimes it is very important to understand the tasks of a manager. A very specific person will read the CP and decide whether to formalize the transaction or not.

In your proposal, focus on solving the potential buyer's problem. It should not look like a dry description of the products you have.

It is best to include the following details:

  • the price of goods and services and the principle of its formation;
  • the exact sequence of actions of the buyer if he is interested in completing a transaction (call, go to the website, write a letter, and so on);
  • research results that will enhance the marketing effect;
  • diagrams, graphs, tables that present information concisely;
  • an indication of regular customers (especially if they include well-known companies);
  • surname and name of the artist with a contact phone number (it is always convenient to contact the author who is familiar with the topic, and not a third-party manager).

If the text of the CP talks about benefits, this should be supported by numbers and calculations. Today it is difficult to attract businesses to work together with words.

The structure of the letter is as follows:

  1. A hat in which it is better to contact the head of the organization or procurement department directly.
  2. Title.
  3. Body of the letter (all information is contained here).
  4. Contacts and signature of the artist.

Be sure to fill out the CP on official form. The main task of the performer is to correctly formulate the benefits for the target audience.

A good example of the text of a cold selling commercial proposal:

The document clearly shows how advertising works. If the buyer responds quickly, he receives a discount on the product. It's a small bonus, but it works great without adding extra costs to the seller.

How to make a deal

Product sales deals are the most popular deals in the market today. In order for the principle of coherence to work, each contractor should supervise his clients. This will allow you to establish close connections.

If the buyer has responded to the commercial offer, he calls the contractor and discusses all the small details of the future transaction: delivery time, amount of advance payment, total amount, and so on.

Depending on how the purchase is made, further actions occur:

  • In case of non-cash payments, an invoice is issued for payment;
  • When paying in cash, a company representative comes to the office and completes the purchase.

Transactions with non-cash payments are most likely.

After payment, the delivery method is specified:

  • pickup;
  • delivery to the border;
  • to the buyer's warehouse.

Upon shipment, the following documents are issued:

  • invoice;
  • invoice;
  • cash documents (for cash payments).

The buyer provides a power of attorney for shipment, drawn up in a special form.

Sample power of attorney:

Basic mistakes when writing a letter:
  • difficult to understand illogical text;
  • a story about a product without specifics;
  • large volume of document;
  • the letter is addressed to a person who does not make a purchasing decision (defects in working with the database).

What taxes are paid?

A transaction for the sale of goods requires payment of the following taxes to the treasury:

  • value added tax (VAT), its amount depends on the type of product and type of transaction;
  • excise tax (applies only to some categories of products);
  • profit tax.

VAT on export transactions is set at 0%, 10% is paid by those who sell book products, medical and other goods.

In order to learn how to draw up a commercial proposal, you need to take a competent approach to collecting information about the buyer. You should not limit yourself to searching for contacts on the Internet; you need to call and clarify information. It is in this case that success awaits you.