How long should you dry garlic after digging? Secrets of proper drying and storage of garlic

Growing good garlic is not difficult, but not everyone can keep it juicy and strong until spring.

Winter varieties of garlic, such as, for example, Alkor, Dobrynya, Bashkirsky 85, Dubkovsky, Yubileiny Gribovsky, Otradnensky, Shirokolistny 220, Parus, Danilovsky local, are planted in beds in the fall, . This is done in September-October so that the garlic cloves can take root before winter. Spring varieties of garlic, such as Aleisky, Gafuriysky, Gulliver, Sochinsky 56, etc. are planted in the ground in the spring.

Winter garlic must be stored at high humidity and low temperature (2-4 degrees), and spring garlic, on the contrary, at low humidity and high temperature (16-20 degrees).

Garlic grows well on ridges where cucumbers, zucchini, and pumpkins used to grow, that is, after crops under which a lot of organic fertilizers. You cannot plant garlic after potatoes and onions.

When to remove garlic from the garden

Very often the following questions come up: By what July should garlic be harvested, or When should garlic be harvested? lunar calendar. Of course, the lunar calendar can give a lot useful information, tell me when it’s better to dig garlic, how to prolong winter period storage and obtain from this plant maximum benefit. But exact number No one will tell you, you need to look at the garlic itself and know when it was planted.

Many gardeners claim that you need to dig garlic on St. Peter's Day, this is what grandparents always did, there is such a popular belief.

From my own experience, I will say that you need to dig up garlic when 2/3 of the leaves turn yellow and dry out, but not earlier than 3.5 months after emergence. If you collect garlic earlier, it will be stored much worse, since unripe bulbs are more susceptible to various diseases.

How to determine whether garlic is ready for harvesting

To determine whether the garlic is ready for harvesting, leave 1 control plant with an arrow in the garden bed. When it ripens and bursts, bulbs with scales will be visible in it - then it’s time to dig up the garlic.

Usually, garlic planted before winter is dug up at the end of July, from the 20th to the beginning of August.

How to properly remove garlic from the garden

First, they dig up and pull the plant out of the ground by the stem, then lay it out on beds to dry. If the sun is very strong, then it is better to put the garlic under a canopy so that the bulbs do not get burned.

How to dry garlic after digging

It is necessary to clean the garlic from the soil, preferably carefully with your hands so as not to damage it. You need to dry the garlic for 5-7 days, then cut off the roots and stem with pruning shears, leaving a neck about 1.5 cm long. Then the heads are dried for 2-3 weeks in a dry, ventilated area before laying on permanent place storage

How to dry garlic correctly
  • If the weather is sunny and no rain is expected, then the dug garlic can be left for 2-3 days in the fresh air right on the garden bed, laid out in rows.
  • In case of high humidity (and also after drying on the ground), the garlic is laid out in a dry, ventilated room, or hung under a canopy in small bunches.

After two to three weeks, drying comes to an end. A sign of this is the uniformity of the color of the leaves, while they become brittle.

It's time to proceed to the next stage - clearing the remaining soil and pruning.

  • The first simple rule that will allow you to successfully preserve your harvest: do not cut off the garlic leaves immediately after digging them up. During the drying process, the garlic heads will gain additional weight and nutrients. A vertical arrangement is recommended - with leaves facing up - in a form natural for growth.
  • Second - do not knock heads or bundles against each other, even minor damage will affect the shelf life of garlic.
  • Third rule: you cannot wash garlic even in rainy weather - this can cause the bulbs to rot earlier.

When cleaning from dirt, it is allowed to remove the upper thin part of the husk.

Spring garlic is harvested when the leaves turn completely yellow and lodging, usually in September.

Bulbs to be planted in the spring next year, should be stored at a temperature of +3+5°C and air humidity of about 70%.

garlic can be dried and stored like this

Storing garlic at home

  • There are different ways storage of garlic. Most gardeners advocate a method of storing garlic in salt. Table salt is placed in the jars, then a layer of garlic heads, then salt again and so on. This layer cake is completed with a layer of salt about 2 cm thick.
  • You can also store garlic in glass jars in your apartment. To do this, place well-dried, unpeeled garlic heads in sterilized jars. and close them with nylon lids. For better storage, you can sprinkle the garlic with wheat flour.
  • Some garlic lovers use flour instead of salt and, in their opinion, garlic is stored better this way. Very few people use garden vermiculite instead of salt and flour, but it must be taken into account that its small particles make breathing difficult.
  • It is labor-intensive, but this may make the method of storing garlic in paraffin even more effective. In this case, each head of garlic is dipped in liquid paraffin and then stored. The paraffin shell prevents moisture evaporation, which means the garlic will remain strong and juicy for a long time.
  • You can store garlic by pre-processing it. oil composition. To do this, you need to dissolve 20 drops of iodine in 1 liter of vegetable oil. Next, thoroughly treat the garlic heads with this solution. After this, dry them and place them in plywood boxes. Then place these boxes in a cool, dark place.
  • If you have space in the refrigerator, this method is good: peeled garlic cloves are placed in a glass jar and filled to the top vegetable oil. In this case, the oil, absorbing the aromas of garlic, becomes especially tasty and is good to use for salads. And the garlic does not spoil, although the taste, of course, changes a little.
  • Garlic is perfectly stored indoors, in linen bags. At low humidity, garlic is additionally mixed with onion skins. At high humidity Garlic bags are pre-treated with a concentrated salt solution. Salt absorbs excess moisture and also protects garlic from diseases and pests.

In villages, they often store garlic by weaving it into braids and hanging them. To make the braid strong, twine is woven into it, and a loop is made at the end, from which it is hung.

Garlic harvesting and storage, video

How to keep garlic strong in your apartment until spring

I tried different ways to store garlic, but in the end I stuck with one - it’s simpler and the garlic remains strong and fragrant until spring. No waste.
This method is suitable for storing your own varietal garlic, freshly dug and dried. This method may not be suitable for storing store-bought Chinese garlic - no one knows which one. pre-sale preparation is done with it.
Do not store garlic in the refrigerator under any circumstances, do not even try it - you will only waste a good product.

Most best way storing garlic in jars. You've most likely already heard about this option, but to ensure good head preservation, be sure to follow these tips:

  • 1. garlic must be well and properly dried after digging;
  • 2. storage jars must be sterilized and dried;
  • 3. do not cover the jars with any lids, just place a piece of gauze on the garlic;
  • 4. Add garlic to the top of the jar.
  • 5. When using garlic, do not take out several pieces from each jar, but first use all of one, then from the other. The more the jar is filled, the safer the garlic will be;
  • 6. best place for jars of garlic - on the floor, near the radiator. Don't worry, the garlic won't dry out.

Look - the garlic in April is the same type as it was stored. No traces of rot, mold or any other “infection”. Dense, strong, aromatic and white inside.

I recently read on the forum how to store garlic so that it remains strong until spring. So, you need 3 buckets: in the first we soak the garlic for 15 minutes, in the second we wash it, then we cut it (leaving a tail of about 15 cm), in the third we salt it for 15 minutes (200 g of salt per bucket of water), then dry it in the shade in one layer. After this treatment, garlic is stored perfectly!

Growing garlic- it’s not a difficult task, even a novice gardener can easily cope with it. The greatest difficulty is in harvesting and proper storage. You need to know some nuances that will allow you to keep the garlic heads safe and sound throughout the winter.

Harvest time

Harvest time is a very important factor in the preservation of garlic heads. The heads must be ripe, but not overripe.

Two types are planted: spring and. The maturation times for these two species are different.

The ripening of spring garlic is determined by the condition of its foliage. Yellowing leaves will be a signal that the crop is ready for harvest.

For storage, it is better to plant winter garlic. Its ripening is determined by yellowed lower foliage and cracking inflorescences. Typically, full ripening of such garlic occurs in the second half of July.

Don't hesitate to harvest garlic. If the head easily falls apart into individual cloves, it means that the garlic is already overripe. Such fruits will not be stored well, so they better first put it into food. At the same time, you need to know that unripe garlic is also poorly suited for storage; it will become loose and soft.

Preparation before harvest

You need to start preparing for drying from the moment you collect the garlic. The soil from which the garlic will be extracted must dry out well, so a couple of days before this point you should stop watering the plants. Once the heads are dug up, they can be cleaned of dirt and the top layer of husk.

(reklama) You cannot wash it, otherwise it may soon begin to rot. Do not cut off either the foliage or the stem with roots from dug up garlic. A cool, dry place is best for drying garlic.

How to dry garlic whole heads?

After full ripening, the garlic heads should be stored in a well-ventilated area and with temperature conditions, not exceeding 10°C heat. Dry garlic as follows:

  1. Remove the top layer of husk from the heads, place the heads in one layer so that there are gaps between them and there is no contact.
  2. After a couple of months, the garlic will dry out. The end of drying will be signaled by wrinkled roots and brown foliage.
  3. After this, the roots are trimmed, leaving no more than 6 mm. The foliage must be removed so that the teeth are not exposed. The stem is cut to a distance of 2.5 cm from the head.

Drying peeled garlic

After the garlic has ripened and been removed from the ground, it is cleaned of the dirty outer husk. Next, the garlic is completely cleared of hard husks, and the heads are divided into pieces, the thickness of which is about 5-6 mm. After this, the garlic slices should be distributed over a sieve and dried in the oven.

To dry the garlic, heat the oven to 50°C. After this, give the garlic time to cool until room temperature, after which it can be transferred to containers and closed well with a lid. If you wish, you can store garlic in powder form. To do this, put the dried garlic in a coffee grinder and grind it. Such a spice will be stored for one year while retaining its smell and taste.

If you know the secrets of how to properly trim garlic for storage, its juiciness and aroma will be preserved for a long time. After digging, the garlic is dried well along with the tops, and only then they begin to remove it.

Experienced gardeners give many positive arguments in favor of storing vegetables in trimmed form. Be sure to select suitable container and premises.

When to remove garlic from the garden

There are two main subspecies of the spicy vegetable.

  1. Winter varieties are planted in October. All varieties are prone to arrow formation. The head is formed with large teeth that are placed around the central shaft. Digging of winter garlic begins approximately 85-98 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The time coincides with the last days of July, the beginning of August.
  2. Spring varieties begin to be planted at the end of March or early April; they do not bolt. Up to 10-12 small lobules are formed in the head, arranged in several rows. The central rod is missing. Harvesting from the garden begins in late August or early September.

Harvest dates are determined mainly by weather conditions. Ripening can be calculated mathematically, calculated according to the lunar calendar. You can tell when garlic is ripe by external signs. In most cases, no matter what the weather is like in spring and summer, harvesting begins after three months.

How to determine whether garlic is ready for harvesting

To correctly determine the readiness of garlic for harvesting during its cultivation and formation, control specimens are planted in the garden bed. They leave arrows on them, and when the time comes, they gradually dig up and check the heads for ripeness.

Signs of ripening of a vegetable crop are:

  • yellowing and drying of the lower feathers, upper leaves may remain green;
  • cracking of the seed box on the arrows;
  • the neck of the bulb becomes thinner and dries out;
  • the underground head is hard and covered with dry scales that rustle and come off easily;
  • The cloves are of the correct shape and are well separated from each other.

Yellowing of the leaves does not always indicate the maturation of the head. Reason for change appearance the above-ground part of the plant may become damaged by unfavorable weather conditions, infection or improper care.

The most reliable way to determine ripeness is by the condition of the arrows. Therefore, gardeners do not cut off all the arrows at once, but leave a few. By the time the growing of seedlings stops and the vegetable ripens, the arrow straightens, the boll cracks, and the seeds can be observed.

Do not keep a mature bulb in the ground. The scales begin to crack, exposing the teeth. Such a crop is poorly stored and quickly deteriorates.

How to properly remove from the garden

Preparations for harvesting begin in advance, creating favorable conditions for full ripening.

  1. A month before the expected harvest, watering and fertilizing are stopped.
  2. It is recommended to remove the soil from the bulbs within 10-14 days. This will allow light and air to penetrate underground without obstruction and promote rapid ripening.
  3. To harvest a vegetable that is supposed to be stored for a long time, choose a dry, windy day. Gently shake the soil from each dug head.

Freshly dug crops are left to dry directly on the beds. The sun's rays will dry and disinfect the heads. At night, it is better to put the spicy vegetable indoors or cover it with film. You can tie the tops of several bulbs together and hang them in a well-ventilated area or lay them out in one layer on a flat surface.

Many gardeners wonder whether it is necessary and whether it is possible to wash garlic immediately after harvesting from the beds. Excessive moisture of the harvested crop, especially in rainy weather, increases the risk of rotting and the spread of various infections. Such a crop does not last long and loses its taste.

How to dry garlic after digging

Proper drying of the vegetable after digging becomes a guarantee that the crop will be stored for a long time without losing its beneficial properties.

  1. In sunny, dry weather, the crop is left for 2-3 days directly on the beds, laid in one row.
  2. If the air humidity is high, then the garlic is removed indoors. Lay out on the surface in one row or hang by tying together the tops of several heads.

After two weeks, the crop should be completely dry. The tops acquire a uniform shade, finally dry out and become brittle. Top layer The scales on the heads rustle and are easily separated.

  1. You should not trim garlic immediately after harvesting. It is better to dry together with the tops, as they saturate the cloves with nutritional components.
  2. For drying choose vertical method, when the tops are located up.
  3. Shake the soil from each bulb gently. You should not hit the heads against each other. Even minor damage can affect the shelf life of the crop.

When peeling garlic heads, it is allowed to remove the top, driest part of the husk.

Storage at home

For drying, it is best to hang the crop together with the tops with their heads down. Nutrients from the leaves and tops will flow to the cloves, improving the taste. Drying time is at least 5 days.

Is it necessary to cut off the roots and tops of a vegetable, and how should the procedure proceed? It is better to trim the roots before drying, leaving 5 millimeters. After drying, the remaining roots are set on fire with a candle.

  1. If you intend to store vegetable crop in braids, then the tops are cut off, leaving a length of 30 centimeters.
  2. To store vegetables in bunches, leave tops no longer than 20 centimeters long.
  3. If the harvest is supposed to be stored in bags, boxes, nets, boxes, then after pruning a stump of no more than 3 centimeters is left.

There are many ways to store vegetables in an apartment. At the same time, the cloves do not lose their density and juiciness.

  1. Long-term storage is possible in a glass jar, which is pre-sterilized. The vegetable is laid in layers, and each layer is sprinkled with salt or wheat flour.
  2. A complex but effective way to store spicy vegetables is the method of storing them in a paraffin shell. It does not allow moisture to evaporate, so the cloves remain dense for a long time. Each head should be dipped in liquid paraffin.
  3. Treating garlic with vegetable oil with the addition of a few drops of iodine helps. After treatment with an oil solution, the vegetable is dried and placed in boxes.
  4. The harvest is also stored well in fabric bags. When humidity is high, the bag is filled with salt, and when humidity is low, onion peels are added.

A common method is to store crops in braids. The tops are intertwined and hung. In an apartment this is inconvenient, since you need a lot of space.

Keep harvested It is best in a cool, dark room where the humidity level is approximately 80%. For winter garlic optimal temperature air is considered + 2 degrees. Spring varieties can be stored at higher elevations, but not more than + 20 degrees.

If these requirements are not met, the bulbs can quickly become soft and spoil.

There are many ways to store vegetables. In an apartment, the storage space should be located away from heating devices, for example, in a closet. Suitable place It could also be a shoe rack in the hallway.

Garlic is easy to grow even for beginners in gardening, but choose the right harvesting day, preparatory work storage is already more difficult. In addition, you need to know how to properly dry garlic after digging it in rainy weather.

Growing garlic is a simple and straightforward job, even for beginner gardeners. However, not everyone knows how to store it in such a way as to keep it fresh and juicy. Firstly, you need to dig it up correctly, and secondly, dry it.

Its preservation depends on harvesting garlic.

The safety of garlic depends on when and under what conditions it was dug up. It is important to choose a time when it is already ripe, but not overripe. This can be recognized by certain signs:

  1. if the garlic is spring or spring, you need to pay attention to the foliage. If it begins to turn yellow, then it is time to harvest. Usually the most good time for this - the beginning of August. It is worth noting that these varieties do not have arrows;
  2. if the garlic is winter or winter, then the time to collect it is when the inflorescences crack and turn yellow lower leaves. The protective scales become thinner, but at the same time durable. Before drying such garlic, after digging it up, you need to let it fully ripen. It ripens at the end of July.

Garlic should not be allowed to overripe when the scales are already cracking or the bulb is falling apart into cloves. In this case, it will be difficult to preserve it, just like an unripe one.

Rules for digging up garlic

When planning to dig up garlic, you need to pay attention to the weather. It is advisable that the day be dry, but not sunny.

  1. Garlic can be dug up with a shovel, but it is better to replace it with a pitchfork. In this case, there is a greater chance of not damaging the bulbs. The bush is dug up and then pulled out.
  2. Remove the soil with your hands to keep the roots and bulbs intact. You can’t beat it, injuring the garlic.
  3. In favorable weather without precipitation, garlic can be dried in the beds for 3-5 days; in rainy weather, under cover or in a well-ventilated area. The main thing is that sun rays Do not burn the bulbs - they need to be shaded.
  4. garlic is usually dried in the form in which it was dug, that is, with leaves and roots. Afterwards it is transferred to a warm place for a couple of weeks, but after cutting off the roots (leave 2-3 mm) and stems (leave 10 cm).
  5. Garlic is sorted by size and damaged ones are set aside separately.

By following these rules, you can preserve garlic as much as possible.

How to dig up garlic in rainy weather

How to properly dry garlic after digging it up in rainy weather is described above in the article, but it is equally important to dig it up correctly in unfavorable weather conditions. weather conditions. Usually, on rainy days, garlic is not touched, as fungus can quickly develop or the bulb can rot. Yes, and wet soil is quite difficult to separate from the bulb. But it happens that the garlic is already ripe, it’s time to dig it up, and the weather is rainy. In this case, you have to dry it after digging it under unfavorable conditions.

After digging up garlic on rainy days, you need to carefully clean the bulb of dirt as much as possible. You need to dry it in a dryer where you can regulate the temperature. Initially, it should be set to 25 degrees, then gradually increase to 40.

Well-dried garlic is prepared for storage:

  1. spring varieties are stored in a warm place at a temperature of approximately 18 degrees;
  2. The winter variety is stored at 3 degrees.

Humidity during storage should be 50-80%.

Garlic is stored in different ways:

  1. in a bundle, tying the stems;
  2. in nylon stockings, but in a place that is well ventilated;
  3. in containers with air exchange, for example, in wicker baskets;
  4. in a sterile jar, but the heads need to be sprinkled with salt;
  5. in salt in a wooden container: the heads are placed on the bottom, covered with salt, then there is a second layer of garlic, it is again covered with salt, etc.

If stored improperly, mold may appear on the garlic and it may become very dry. There are times when roots sprout. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the rules for proper digging, drying and storage.