How to gasify a country house. How to gasify your home or cottage correctly and with minimal losses to your wallet? A few simple tips and tricks Obtaining technical specifications

Gas / Gasification and gas supply

Every consumer knows that living in a house with gas is warm and cozy. This type of fuel is one of the most cost-effective in the world.

So far, gas in Russia is not very expensive, which is why gasification of private houses, dachas, and cottages is so in demand. Heating a house with gas today is much more profitable than installing a boiler that runs on liquid fuel or using electric heating. Although, of course, stove heating It will be even cheaper, but few will argue that living with gas is much more convenient.

Gasification at home: is it possible to save money?

But the price of gasification of private houses, for example, in the Moscow region can even exceed 400,000 rubles. Of course, the consumer wants to find a way to save money. Often, specifications for gasification are ordered from one company, in which such a service is much cheaper than others, and the development of the project is entrusted to another organization, and the execution of the work is entrusted to a third.

As a result, it doesn’t work out cheaper at all, since each organization very rarely reaches mutual understanding with other companies; it does its job in its own way. Naturally, there are exceptions - bona fide organizations. Ideal option— order services in exactly one place, that is, in a company that has a license. According to experts, if you arrange for absolutely all work to be completed by only one contractor, then gasification of a private household will cost a person about 30% less.

In order to ensure gas supply to a private home, the owner needs to spend a considerable amount of cash, but, as experts say, the costs will all pay off within 4 to 8 years.

Main types of gasification of a private house

Let us note that there are 2 types of gas supply to suburban real estate: centralized and autonomous.

Thus, centralized gas supply means supplying fuel to all consumers through one pipeline. Its main advantage is the connection speed. And, autonomous gasification means that gas is consumed from special tanks called gas tanks.

Experts tell us how to save money on gasification at home correctly and without damage

There are such gasification methods: above-ground, underground. Of course, each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. With the underground method, the pipes are reliably protected, but the gas pipeline itself is more difficult to repair, the cost of connection is 30% more expensive, and if it runs directly under the road, permission from the traffic police is required.

Collecting the necessary documents: the main difficulty during gasification

The main problems are related to the collection of documents. In addition to the passport and identification code, you need title documents for the land and the house itself, a BTI technical passport, a special permit for gasification, a topographic survey of the territory indicating all gasified structures on a 1:500 scale.

It is also necessary to provide a cadastral plan, the consent of neighbors in writing, a chimney inspection report, as well as documentation for equipment and the building permit itself. And to receive them you need to visit a lot of government services and institutions.

The price of gasification of private houses in the Moscow region may exceed 400,000 rubles

This article discusses the main issues of gasification of small country house: how to lay a gas pipeline, on what principle to choose gas equipment and who to entrust its installation to, how to comprehensively organize gasification work and what “pitfalls” await the customer along this path.

Currently, the issue of gasification of a country house has become particularly relevant. The main reason for this is both the rapidly developing construction of the private sector in the suburban area and the laying of gas mains to already developed dacha areas and cottage towns. In the first case, the plan for gasification of housing and auxiliary buildings, as a rule, is included in the general construction plan. In the second, it requires the development of a special project taking into account individual landscape and architectural features existing structures. In both the first and second cases, the development of the project, selection of the necessary equipment, its installation and connection are carried out by qualified specialists.

Gas boiler and radiators or convectors

Designing the system gas heating country house, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • total area of ​​heated premises;
  • ceiling height;
  • degree of thermal insulation of walls and roof;
  • interior layout Houses;
  • wall thickness;
  • outdoor and interior decoration, wall and window decor.

General view of the gas pipeline system on the wall of the building when installing gas convectors

You should also consider how often power outages occur, and in the event country house- the need to heat it in winter.

On the question of choosing a gas boiler or convector heating, the opinions of experts boil down to the following: in the case of a sufficiently large area (over 100 sq. m.) of a country house and permanent residence in it, it is necessary to install a gas boiler and radiators. It is economically profitable and efficient to heat relatively oversized two- to three-room country houses with seasonal visits using gas convectors.

Hole for gas pipe when connecting a convector

In the first case, only an experienced specialist can develop a gasification project and select the necessary equipment.

In the second, you can independently decide on the choice of heating elements and their location, in agreement with future performers installation work installation project gas equipment.

This view heating device has received well-deserved recognition for a number of reasons, the most important of which are its energy independence, the absence of a freezing element, the efficiency of heating the room and ease of operation. When choosing gas convector you must be guided by the following parameters:

Type of fuel used

Most convectors offered for sale today are initially configured to operate on either natural gas (methane) or liquefied gas (propane). It is possible to switch the device from consuming main fuel to bottled gas or vice versa, but this will require an additional set of nozzles, which can only be installed with a high degree of reliability by an experienced specialist.

Power, kW

The required power of a gas convector recommended by manufacturers is calculated as follows - 1 kW of power per 10 sq. m. area. Thus, to heat a room of 20 square meters. m. you will need a 2 kW convector. However, such characteristics of the building as the height of the ceilings, the thickness and level of thermal insulation of the walls and roof, and the number of windows should also be taken into account. For room heights above 3 m, large quantities windows or insufficient thermal insulation of walls, an accurate calculation of the required power of a gas convector can only be made by a heating engineer.

Heat exchanger material

Most of those presented on domestic market gas convectors are equipped with steel or cast iron heat exchangers. According to experts, with all other characteristics being equal, preference should be given to cast iron burners. The reason for this is the insignificant thermal expansion and the property of this material to accumulate heat, due to which greater durability and high thermal efficiency are achieved.

Flue pipe length

When purchasing a gas convector, you need to pay special attention to the length of the chimney pipe or, as it is also called, the flue. Some manufacturers produce models with short (35 cm or less) pipes designed for “cardboard” country houses. Of course, there is always the opportunity to “extend” such a pipe in a tin workshop, but it is still better to initially decide on its desired dimensions.

Installation of the flue pipe - its length must correspond to the thickness of the wall

Availability of a fan

The main function of the fan built into the convector is to quickly pump up heat into the room due to accelerated air circulation. The feasibility of installing a model equipped with a fan is determined in individually and depends, first of all, on the regularity of use of the convector during the heating season. In case dacha option when there is often a need to quickly heat up cold house, the functionality of the fan is obvious. At permanent residence and regular use of the convector, the additional noise effects created by the fan are completely unnecessary.

The question of the method of laying gas pipes is solved comprehensively and depends on the following factors:

  • the distance of the building from the central gas main;
  • landscape features of the adjacent territory - green spaces, ponds, asphalt paths, high-voltage power lines, residential buildings and domestic buildings;
  • corrosive soil characteristics;
  • the geometry of the building itself - the height of the arches, doorways, configuration of angles, symmetry or asymmetry of the entire architectural complex;
  • the owner’s own wishes and financial capabilities.

There are three ways to connect to the central gas main.

Underground gas pipeline

The most expensive, aesthetically attractive and reliable solution. However, when choosing this method, which will cost more than one and a half times more than its above-ground counterpart, one should take into account the labor intensity and significant cost of repairs in the event of an accident. In addition, high levels of soil corrosion can significantly reduce the service life and reliability of an underground gas pipeline.

In this case, the pipes are fixed on separate supports made of non-combustible materials or attached to the walls of buildings with special brackets. In this case, the distance between the supports should not exceed 2 m, the minimum distance to the ground surface should be less than 35 cm and functional purpose buildings and their materials external cladding comply with established standards.

Installation of an overhead gas pipeline - fixing the pipe on special supports

Special fastening ring with rubber gasket

Methods for attaching a pipe to the wall of a building

In the photo, the down tube is not fixed correctly. Metal-to-metal contact is unacceptable. Must be used rubber gaskets and ring holders as in Photo 4.

Often, the optimal gasification solution is a combined pipeline laying. roadway or high voltage lines power transmission lines must be bypassed underground, while it is possible to preserve green spaces and not damage the fertile soil layer by laying pipes in the air.

The final decision in favor of one or another method of laying a gas main must be made only after consultation with a qualified specialist.

How to organize the gasification process

There are two ways to solve this issue - step-by-step and comprehensive.

In the first case, it is necessary to independently study the legal aspects, regulatory requirements and traffic plan for permitting and design organizations, collect all the required documentation, conclude an agreement with the construction and installation team and the service that is involved in inserting into the central gas main, agree on the timing of commissioning work with organization of service. Not everyone is able to find the time and opportunity for this kind of movement, which, moreover, will not at all reduce the overall financial costs.

The issue of gasification can be resolved much faster and more efficiently by entrusting one contractor with the comprehensive implementation of organizational and technical work"turnkey". From an economic point of view, this approach justifies itself both during the implementation of the project and during the subsequent operation of gas equipment. This is due to a number of factors, which are discussed below.

Advantages of complex gasification:

  • the contractor’s interest in carrying out all gasification work as quickly as possible;
  • the contractor’s interest in drawing up an engineering-literate gas project that meets all regulatory requirements, which he himself will implement;
  • established connections between the contractor and trade construction companies, which allows him to purchase gas equipment at lower prices;
  • Long-term cooperation between the contractor and permitting and regulatory structures makes it possible to carry out all gasification work in a timely and coordinated manner.

Pitfalls of turnkey gasification

When entrusting the turnkey gasification of a house to a specific organization, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of documents that should be in the hands of its owner upon completion of all work. There are often cases when the contractor “forgets” to hand over documents to the customer, without which further work is impossible. warranty service gas equipment. In addition, the contractor’s close acquaintance with representatives of Gor Gaza, who are part of the commission for acceptance of installation work, allows the latter to turn a blind eye to some shortcomings and regulatory deviations, which may subsequently result in additional costs for the customer. A common situation is when, taking advantage of the customer’s incompetence, the contractor convinces him of the need to install unnecessary or suboptimal equipment in a particular case, thereby providing a mutually beneficial service to his trading partners. In order to protect yourself from unfair actions on the part of third parties, it is necessary to take special responsibility when choosing a contractor for the entire range of works.

Who to entrust with complex work on gasification of a residential building

Construction and installation organizations that offer complex gasification services must have licenses not only to carry out technical, but also design work.

Before concluding an agreement, it is advisable to look at an object that has already been gasified by this organization and communicate with its owners.

Clearly stipulate the deadlines for completing the work and carefully study the sketch of the project - “expanding” the heating system will cost much more than the planned installation.

Consider the presented estimate of gasification work. At the same time, talk about “unforeseen expenses” often does not indicate in favor of the contractor.

Make sure that the overall plan includes small cosmetic work— painting pipes, sealing holes, removing construction waste.

Having decided on the choice of construction and installation organization, enter into an appropriate agreement providing for penalties in case of violation of the terms of its implementation.

Rational organization of the process of gasification of a country house and a competent approach to the selection of equipment that is optimal in each specific case make it possible to implement a project of any complexity as quickly and economically as possible.

Irina Nechaeva, especially for

Connecting gas to a private home is the key to comfort and coziness. Without quality heating private house heat in winter time quite problematic, and a gas boiler is rightfully considered one of the most reliable and economical solutions. Even if gasification of a house will cost a tidy sum, it is not worth saving on this, since in most cases there is a benefit compared to alternative sources heat is obvious even with superficial calculations. In addition, gas is one of the most convenient energy carriers. On gas stove It is very convenient to cook food, and the boiler will quickly and efficiently warm up the house. When and how to properly install gas into a private home, the price of the work will be disclosed in our article today.

Gas stove and boiler are one of the most effective devices for cooking and heating the home

What can gas supply be like?

It is possible to provide a private home with “blue fuel” according to two schemes.

  • Connection to the gas main. If there is a gas pipeline along the street on which the house is located, then you can contact the appropriate service and they will draw up a project for you and carry out the connection. The easiest way to find out where to go is to ask your neighbors who have already been supplied with gas. You can also walk along the pipe and find the distribution station - usually the phone numbers of the service company are written on it. As a last resort, you can call 104, but it’s better to ask first desired number from neighbors;
  • But there are places where connecting to the gas main is impossible. These are mainly remote villages and dachas located away from the central villages (for example, on the shore of a reservoir). But even in this case, there is a way out - these are gas tanks. Systems designed to store relatively small gas reserves (from 2,500 m3 to 20,000 m3). These systems provide a residential building with gas year-round; you only need to replenish the reserves of “blue fuel” 1-2 times a year. Many specialized companies have already opened that will help you correctly calculate the volume of a gas tank, prepare permits, and install it in the right place.

Scheme of gasification of a private house using a gas holder

Gasification of a private or country house - where to start

The first thing you need to start with gas supply to a private home is technical documentation. You need to contact the appropriate authority that deals with such issues in the area. A special commission will determine the condition of the tenant and the possibility of carrying out installation work. After this, specialists will develop a project, it will be approved by the permitting authority, and workers of the gas industry or a company that has permission for such work will begin the connection process. Before the project is developed, they will only be able to tell you approximately the cost of connecting gas to a private home, since the final price of materials and services consists of many components.

If there is already a gas main near the house, then you will only have to pay for the connection to the pipe - otherwise, the cost of the project most often includes work on running the line along the street

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, . You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

What documents will be required

It must be remembered that some documents must be ready before installation work begins, and some can be completed during the process, therefore, if it is not possible to complete all the documentation at once, then you need to determine priorities in advance.

Here list of documents, which must be submitted to the relevant authority in order to be allowed to supply gas to a private house:

  1. Application in writing. This will begin the preparatory work (analysis of the area, building, etc.);
  2. Provide copies of documents that identify the customer (the originals must be presented with copies);
  3. Provide copies of documents that confirm the right to own the house (also present the originals for comparison with copies);
  4. If the gas pipeline runs through the neighbors' property, their consent will be required;

Subsequently, you will need documents for the equipment that will be connected to the gas, and the results of the chimney inspection.

All necessary documents You can collect and provide it yourself, or entrust it to other persons by issuing an appropriate power of attorney for them.

Connection diagram is one of the required documents

How to make a home gas supply plan (gasification project)

A gas supply project for a private home is a necessary component for starting all work. Gas-consuming installations are potential sources of danger and compliance with safety regulations is required.

To draw up the correct gas supply plan for your home, specialists need to thoroughly know all the points regulatory documents and strictly implement them. The technical department of the gas industry always checks the compliance of the plan with the requirements of regulatory documents and, if necessary, returns them for revision.

The requirements that gas utilities place on projects may vary depending on the terrain, installation method, and installation conditions. It may take several weeks, or even months, to thoroughly test the plan.

Projects must be strictly individual; plans that were developed for other houses are prohibited from being used by law, and criminal liability is provided for this.

The project must indicate the layout of the house and the location of gas equipment

The stages of connecting gas to a private house will vary in each specific case, as they depend on the topography of the site and individual features of the gasification plan.

How a gas pipeline is built (connecting a gas line to a house)

With an approved project, you must contact a company that deals with similar work (necessarily with a state license). If the estimate drawn up by the company suits both parties, then an agreement is concluded to carry out the relevant work.

The contract must indicate that the final payment will be made only after all work has been completed and accepted by the official commission.

Upon completion of installation work, as-built production and technical documentation is drawn up, which must be approved by the commission. After successfully connecting the gas line to the house, you can immediately conclude an agreement for the installation of equipment that will be connected (boiler, stove, etc.).

Commissioning work must be carried out exclusively by gas specialists

Completion of gasification (gas connection to the house) is also an important stage

At the final stage of gasification of the house, all that remains is to undergo training on safe use gas equipment, carry out trial run, and conclude an agreement for seasonal maintenance of the system. If a gas tank is installed, then it is necessary to conclude an agreement for systematic gas supplies.

The final “touch” is to give the design documentation (or an approved copy) for safekeeping in the archive, in case redevelopment is later required or any clarifications are required.

Video description

For a clear overview of the progress of work and the cost of gasifying a house, watch the following video:

What has changed in the rules for gasification of a private home?

Until 2016, it was quite difficult to even roughly predict how much it would cost to connect gas to a private home, since there was no legislative regulation and control. This led to the fact that monopolists could independently set the timing of gasification and its cost. But, with the adoption of new laws, the maximum period for gasification was limited to one and a half years.

It is difficult to name the specific amount that all the work will cost without a ready-made project, but at least the price bracket has been fixed at 20-50 thousand rubles for bringing the gas pipeline to the site, plus installation work inside it.

The cost and timing of approval and implementation of a private home gasification project are now regulated by law. This means that the party ordering the services can now take a more active role in monitoring the work and demand that it be completed on time.

Video description

What other questions arise about the cost of connection are described in the video:


Although gasification of a private home is a long, tedious, and expensive process, its importance cannot be overestimated. Everyone who has the opportunity to gasify their home does so first, especially since with the adoption of new laws the population has the opportunity to predict the timing of the work.

Why did I even decide to write this article? Just faced with gasification own home, I never thought that this process would be so long (artificially long!). Due to ignorance of many of the points that are described in this article by ordinary citizens, many officials take advantage of this provision (though I’ll make a reservation - not all). And the “running” through the authorities begins... Now that I have personally gone through this path from start to finish, I realized that this process is lengthy not because there is a lot of paperwork, or because of the installation work itself There is no gas pipeline to the house. It’s just that when you clearly know what documents are needed, in what order they need to be prepared and where to go with them, then, in principle, “the devil is not so terrible as he is painted.”

The whole process took me more than five months. Although if I had known like this, as is now written in the article, then I think I would have completed it in two months (if the queue for gasification was not long in Gorgaz) and most importantly, there would have been no unnecessary trips to offices.

Gasification of a private home is a rather expensive and labor-intensive process. However, if you have decided to supply gas to your home, then you need to know what is required for this - what permits are needed to gasify the house, what work will need to be done, and how much it will cost.

Briefly about the main thing

First of all, you need to find out who is the owner of the gas pipeline (usually GorGaz), a meeting with whom will determine the possibility of tapping into its gas pipeline. If you receive a positive response from him, then the next authority will be a design organization that will develop and produce a project for connecting your home to this particular gas pipeline.

Already from finished project you're heading to installation organization, which will take upon itself the solution of all problems related to the installation of the gas pipeline. She is also responsible for commissioning this section of the gas pipeline, so she must have the appropriate license to carry out this type of work. It is advisable to carry out all settlement transactions with the installation organization only after the site has been handed over to the State Control authorities.

When all of the above steps have been completed, and all stages of work have been completed, you can use gas for your own purposes and at your own discretion.

But let's look in order at where to start gasifying your home and what you will need for this.

Gasification - step by step


Documentation includes all kinds of acts and documents that confirm your right to ownership of a residential building and land, permission to gasify the house, etc. The paperwork can be divided into two stages - the first stage is the preparation of documents that must be completed before the start of work on laying a gas pipeline to your home and the second stage is the documents that are drawn up during the work process, namely:

Documents that are required to be completed at the beginning of gasification work at home:

  • permission from the heads of the architectural and planning department (APU) for gasification of a private house
  • a copy of the technical passport of the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI) for a private house
  • topographic survey of the site with the planting of the private house and gasified structures on the site on a scale of 1:500 with marked communications and gas pipeline, certified by the local gas service

Documents that are processed during the gasification process:

  • certificate of inspection of chimneys by the service (in Ukraine - Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire inspector)

Obtaining technical specifications

To receive technical specifications For gasification you are heading to GorGaz.

At GorGaz, you will need to provide a BTI technical passport for house construction, your passport data and identification code number, and also write a corresponding application to receive technical conditions for gasification of your home.

Note:This service is paid, and you can wait for a decision from 14 to 30 calendar days.


Having resolved all the issues in GorGaz, your path lies in the design organization, of which there are today huge amount.Attention! When contacting a particular design organization or design institute, be sure to check whether there is a license to perform this type of work.

The difference in the cost of services sometimes reaches from 10 to 50 thousand rubles (i.e., approximately from $280 to $1,400). But it will be better if you immediately ask GorGaz which design company they recommend, there will be fewer problems later.

If you require a design engineer to visit your home to carry out all the necessary measurements, then please note that this point is stipulated in the contract.

It is with the designer that you agree on the placement of gas appliances in the house and the brand of the desired heating equipment. When the project is ready, the responsible person (designer) will have to approve it with the technical department of GorGaz. This procedure may take from 10 to 14 calendar days.

Having completed all the necessary steps described above, you will be able to make calculations and draw up an approximate estimate of all work according to project documentation. Next, you draw up a contract for maintaining technical supervision and provide a certificate of inspection of chimneys by the VDPO service (in Ukraine - Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire inspector).

Agreement with construction and installation organization

When all the necessary documents have been signed and all matters with GorGaz and the design organization have been settled, you are sent to the installation organization, which will subsequently carry out all the necessary construction and installation work. Don’t be embarrassed to also check her license, since it is the installation organization that must hand over the work to GorGaz, so its existence should be evidenced by an entry in the GorGaz register.

Note:in most cases, installation organizations have a license to perform not only installation, but also design work, in this case, if you order the project directly from the installation organization, the cost of gasifying a house is reduced by 25-30% of the total amount.

When you have agreed on the terms and cost of the work with the installers, be sure to sign an agreement with them so that if something happens, you have at least some guarantees from the contractor.

The contract will stipulate the following guarantees and obligations on the part of the installation organization:

During the installation of external and internal gas pipelines:

  • When carrying out construction and installation work, the contractor must have everything available necessary funds fire extinguishing, as well as protective screen necessary to protect the wall surface from heating
  • The construction and installation organization undertakes to complete all work under this contract in a timely and high-quality manner

During the commissioning process:

  • establish optimal modes of gas equipment to ensure rational use of gas
  • if it is impossible to debug the operation of gas equipment or individual components, establish the reason for this impossibility, record it in the act and suspend work until the identified deficiencies are eliminated
  • hand over the result of the work with the execution of a bilateral certificate for the work performed.

Drawing up executive and technical documentation

The installation of the gas pipeline has been completed, as well as all the necessary equipment, then as-built technical documentation is drawn up, and the installed gas pipeline is accepted by a special commission consisting of the customer, the contractor and a representative of GorGaz.

The period for acceptance by the commission can range from 14 to 30 working days. If no comments were made, the GorGaz representative will issue you a technical supervision receipt, which you will have to pay for and then give a copy to the installation organization. The average payment is about 1,500 rubles ($43).

Please note that at the time of acceptance, all equipment listed in the project documentation must be not only installed, but also connected. After the commission, the installation organization will prepare and transfer to GorGaz all the necessary technical documentation, where it will be stored.

Based on the decision of the commission and upon provision of all documents to GorGaz, within 21 working days the meter will be sealed and an agreement will be concluded with you for the supply of gas, as well as for further maintenance of both the gas pipeline itself and the gas equipment located inside the house.

Safety briefing

When the entire list of actions listed above is left behind, you will be required to undergo safety training when using gas.

You can undergo the briefing directly at GorGaz, where you will be instructed by a safety (safety) engineer. After the briefing, you sign in the logbook, which remains at GorGaz.

You can also be instructed at home by a certified specialist to conduct safety training during commissioning of gas equipment. You, just like after the briefing in Gorgaz, sign in the safety register; subsequently, this journal will be transferred to GorGaz.

Connection to the main gas pipeline

In order to tie your gas pipeline into the main gas pipeline, you must first pay for the work that will be performed by a special tie-in service, with which you will also have to first agree on the terms.

After the gas connection, representatives of the regional gas service open gas tap and carry out a test run of gas on the devices, thus checking for the presence of leaks (this service is paid - on average the cost of such a service can be 3,000 rubles ($84)).

Commissioning works

After starting the gas, you will need to contact the organization with which you signed a service agreement for all provided gas equipment so that it can put this equipment into operation. This will be one of the most important conditions for warranty service of your equipment during the periods specified in the warranty service agreement (what warranty period will be established depends on your place of residence, on average the warranty period for service of gas equipment ranges from 1 year to 3 years)

You will also need documents to complete thermotechnical calculation, which will help determine required power boiler to provide heating and hot water supply to a private home (for this you can contact specialists from housing and communal services):

  • floor plans of all heated rooms of the house with explication, as well as indicating heights and areas
  • types and numbers of collection points hot water(such as washbasins, bathtubs, showers, etc.)
  • description of the possible use of a gas boiler for technological needs

The owner of a private house has the right to make all approvals either independently or contact an organization that deals with issues of gasification of the house and installation of a gas pipeline.

Types of gas pipelines

Now that you have become familiar with the conditions for gasifying your home, let’s consider what types of gas pipelines exist and which one to choose for gasifying your home.

Based on their location relative to the surface of the earth, gas pipelines are divided into underground and above-ground, which are distinguished by the method of introducing into the building both the internal gas supply networks and risers that serve to distribute gas across the floors of the house, as well as all gas-consuming appliances.

It is known that construction underground gas pipeline costs much more (about 60%) than aboveground. But, nevertheless, such a high cost (1 linear meter of laying an underground gas pipeline costs approximately 1,300 rubles ($36.6)) does not make the underground gas pipeline less popular. This is because a pipe running in the ground is much more protected than a pipe running through the air, which means it will last much longer. Moreover, it is less hazardous to the environment.

When laying an underground gas pipeline, it is necessary to either completely block traffic or limit travel on certain sections of the road. To do this, the organization performing the installation work, based on the design documentation available to it, draws up traffic management schemes tied to the area, such as vehicles, and pedestrians, as well as the placement of equipment indicating geometric parameters the desired area and entrances to houses, detours and places for placing road signs.

Schemes for organizing traffic and fencing work sites for laying an underground gas pipeline are coordinated with the department of the state safety inspection traffic(State Traffic Safety Inspectorate), which issues a warrant to perform this type of work.

Regarding overhead gas pipeline, then it has both its advantages and disadvantages. For example, open sections of a gas pipeline are more susceptible to corrosion, and it is easier to connect to such systems without permission. Underground gas pipelines are considered more reliable, but their repair is accompanied by additional costs.

Let's compare two types of gas pipelines to make it easier for you to make your choice - which of these types is most suitable for you:

  • if in the area where you live the soil has high levels of corrosion, then in this case it is appropriate to lay an overhead gas pipeline
  • if there is a high-voltage power line near the place where the gas pipeline is laid, then in this case the best option an underground gas pipeline will be laid
  • if the gas pipeline runs along a neighboring plot of land, then in order to avoid damage to the fertile layer of soil along the entire gas pipeline line going to your house, it is best to choose the laying of an above-ground type of gas pipeline, in this case it will be easier to obtain permission from neighbors to lay the gas pipeline along their land plot
  • if you have to lay a gas pipeline across the road, then in this case you can choose combined option: an underground gas pipeline is being laid across the road, and an overhead gas pipeline is being laid along the land plot

Gas pipeline pipes - steel or polyethylene?

Now knowing what types of gas pipelines there are, in this part we will consider the question of what types of pipes are used when laying a gas pipeline.

Just 10-15 years ago, gas pipeline pipes were made only of steel. Today, polyethylene pipes are in great demand, which not only are not inferior in their properties to steel pipes, but also have a number of advantages:

  • Such pipes have increased resistance to negative impact various chemical compounds and environmental factors
  • they are durable and at the same time quite flexible, which makes it possible to lay a gas pipeline in areas with particularly harsh climatic conditions

Note:at low temperatures up to -45 degrees, polyethylene does not lose impact strength.

  • Since plastic is not a conductor of electric current, such pipes are absolutely insensitive to the effects of stray currents and, therefore, have reliable protection from electrochemical destruction. Therefore, plastic pipes do not need additional protection before laying them in the ground
  • The weight of plastic pipes is 7 times less than steel. Moreover, they are supplied in special compact bays, which greatly simplifies their transportation.
  • installation of such pipes is simple and convenient
  • The warranty period for plastic pipes is 2 or even 3 times longer than steel pipes, and is more than 50 years


Gas pipeline pipes are introduced into the house only with steel pipes, as is the gas pipeline installation inside the house.

But gas pipelines from polyethylene pipes there are not only advantages, but also restrictions on their use for the installation of gas pipelines, which are stipulated by SNiP 2.04.08-87. Below are some of the restrictions on constructing a gas pipeline using polyethylene pipes:

  • the installation of a gas pipeline from polyethylene pipes is prohibited in areas where temperature regime outside air reaches below minus 45 degrees
  • It is also prohibited to install gas pipelines using polyethylene pipes in areas where seismicity exceeds 6 points
  • the installation of gas pipelines using polyethylene pipes is prohibited both above and above ground, as well as inside buildings, in tunnels, collectors and channels
  • on land plots where it is planned to construct crossings through artificial and natural barriers, laying a gas pipeline from polyethylene pipes is also prohibited.

Selecting a heating boiler

Having considered issues related to the conditions of gasification at home, types of gas pipelines, it is necessary to consider one more of no less important issues gasification is the choice of heating boiler.

As for the choice of boiler, today modern market offers a wide variety of gas heating boilers. They are divided into floor and wall.

Floor standing gas boilers. Distinctive feature floor-standing gas boilers, there is a huge opportunity to choose the power of equipment that is able to heat more than 150 square meters. m of premises. At additional installation boiler gas boiler will provide maximum feed hot water.

Wall-mounted gas boilers They are distinguished, first of all, by compactness, a built-in automatic security system, the presence of an expansion tank and circulation pumps, as well as a relatively low cost. They are usually designed to heat a room total area up to 150 sq. m and providing up to 2 taps with hot water.

Heat exchanger - cast iron or steel?

As for the material from which heat exchangers in boilers are made, it can be cast iron or steel.

Heat exchanger made of cast iron characterized by a long service life (service life of a gas boiler with cast iron heat exchanger 20-25 years, and a boiler with a steel heat exchanger - 10-15 years) thanks to high rates corrosion resistance.

As a rule, the heat exchanger is made of cast iron in sections, which allows, in the event of an accident, not to dismantle the entire boiler, but to isolate only those areas that were damaged. Keep in mind that a boiler with a cast iron heat exchanger is highly sensitive to both mechanical and thermal shocks, so make up cold water It must be carried out only after the heat exchanger has completely cooled down.

Gas boiler with steel heat exchanger compared to a boiler with cast iron heat exchanger has much less weight and a lower price. A boiler with such a heat exchanger is not afraid of mechanical stress, but is susceptible to corrosion.

Note:a boiler with a cast iron heat exchanger weighs from 114 kg and costs from 30,000 rubles ($845), and a floor-standing boiler with a steel heat exchanger weighs from 60 kg and costs from 12,000 rubles ($340)

Modern gas boilers are either energy-independent or energy-dependent

Non-volatile boilers, characterized by natural circulation, have a number of disadvantages: this and large diameter the pipeline itself, and the presence of an open expansion tank, and the features of installing the system to ensure its slope, but the most important thing is the inability to regulate the air temperature in the room. In this case, the room in which the boiler is supposed to be installed open camera combustion, must have both tidal and exhaust ventilation, and the chimney.

Regarding volatile boilers, then they have a closed expansion tank, circulation pumps and full electronic boiler control automation. Thus, they can rightfully be considered a mini-boiler room. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the uninterrupted operation of the entire heating system must be ensured by a stable network voltage of 230±10% in the presence of a voltage stabilizer.

Only a specialist can decide on the choice of a gas boiler, its power, as well as designate the piping diagram and determine the need for additional automation. To calculate the approximate power of a gas boiler, you can make calculations based on the fact that per 10 sq. m of room requires 1 kW of boiler power + from 15% to 20% of the reserve, designed to extinguish unforeseen heat losses.

Note: to calculate heat loss, you can ask a question in the section.

As for the removal of combustion products in gas boilers, this process can occur either naturally or forcedly (turbo). In boilers with natural cravings, gas is removed due to draft in the chimney; in boilers with forced draft - using a fan built into the boiler.

Gas boilers with a “turbo” system are in most cases installed in facilities that do not have a traditional chimney. Then specialists install coaxial chimney, which is a kind of “pipe within a pipe” leading out into the street through the wall.

The outer pipe is designed to supply air, and the inner pipe is to remove combustion products. A gas boiler with forced draft is also installed in a house where it is undesirable to once again take air from the room.

What you should pay attention to when installing a coaxial chimney outside:

  • the chimney pipe must be at least 2 m from the ground surface
  • even during the design of the gas pipeline, if you have a boiler with a coaxial chimney installed in your house, you should pay attention to ensure that the combustion products from the boiler do not flow back into open windows back to the house
  • It should also be taken into account that condensation can form in a coaxial chimney; to remove condensate, it is necessary to install the coaxial chimney at an angle of approximately 2 degrees with a slope to the ground surface
  • the coaxial chimney must have unhindered discharge of combustion products to the street; for this it is necessary that the distance from the end of the outer part of the chimney to the buildings located near the house be at least 1.2 - 1.5 m

Boiler room at home

As you know, the main condition for the combustion of natural gas is its complete combustion, which occurs only with a sufficient amount of oxygen. Therefore, the room parameters must be sufficient for installing a gas boiler.

Most suitable place To install a boiler in a private house, perhaps only a special separate room with a window with a window or transom, a chimney, as well as tidal and exhaust ventilation can serve. For air flow, a grille or a special gap with a cross-section of at least 0.025 m2 should be provided at the bottom of the door. For boilers whose power reaches 30 kW, an ordinary kitchen can serve as such a room.

In the room provided for a gas boiler, there must be a water supply system, a drainage ladder and a gas alarm. The latter will help control microconcentration carbon monoxide and send a signal to an individual warning system, which, if the required level is exceeded, will shut off the gas supply. The room must also have an exhaust hood.

Hood power calculation

Formula: M = (SxHx12) + 30%, where:

  • M - exhaust power
  • S - kitchen area
  • H - ceiling height in the kitchen
  • 12 - every hour (according to SES standards) the air in the room where the gas boiler is located must be renewed up to 12 times
  • 30% is the minimum power reserve required for effective air purification

Example of hood power calculation:

In the room where the gas boiler is installed, the area is 7 sq.m., the ceiling height is 2.5 m. The exhaust power required for such a room is:

M = (7x2.5x12) + 30% = 273 cubic meters/hour

Note: it is necessary to take into account the fact that 30% of the power reserve is only sufficient if the hood is located directly above the boiler. In other cases, when calculating the exhaust power, you should add another 15% for each turn of the air duct pipe and another 10% for each meter of the air duct.

It is not allowed to install more than two small-sized boilers in one room of a private residential building. The volume of the room intended for heating equipment with a total thermal power of up to 30 kW must be at least 7 cubic meters, while the duration of people’s stay in the territory of this room during the day should not exceed 4 hours.

As for heating gas equipment with a power from 30 to 60 kW, it is necessary to provide a separate non-residential premises, built-in or attached to the house, the total volume of which should not be less than 7 cu. m., for boilers with a power from 60 to 200 kW, the volume of such a room should be not less than 11.5 cubic meters m.

The place provided for installing the boiler is specially separated from adjacent rooms by enclosing partitions with a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours, while the fire spread limit over the entire area of ​​the structure must be zero. Such partitions are made to cover the entire height of the boiler, and the height of the room must be at least 2.5 m.

The walls and floor of a separate boiler room must be fire-resistant and not a source of dust. One of the most optimal solutions To create and maintain cleanliness in the boiler room, wall and floor cladding will be used ceramic tiles, as well as coverage oil paint. Since it is dust that leads to the deposition of contaminants on the burners and in the heat exchanger channels, which largely reduces the performance of this heating equipment.

A. The distance from the top of the boiler to the unprotected ceiling must be at least 120 cm. The distance from the outer surface of the boiler or pipe to the wall or partition is at least 32 cm (if the building structure is protected metal sheet for asbestos, then the distance can be from 26 cm)

B. Distance from inner surface pipes to the combustible structure should be less than 50 cm (if it is protected by a metal sheet over asbestos cardboard with a minimum thickness of 8 mm or plaster with a thickness of 25 mm over a metal mesh, then this distance should be from 25 cm)

It is also necessary to take into account the parameters of the location of the gas pipeline relative to the house electrical network. So, for example:

  • the distance of the gas pipeline from the electrical panel must be at least 30 cm

All safety parameters indicating the location of gas heating equipment in centimeters are clearly stated in the installation instructions for each individual boiler model.

An important condition for the uninterrupted operation of gas heating equipment are chimneys for boilers with natural ventilation. They can be internal, i.e. pass through the ceiling and roof of the house itself, and externally - mounted along the outer surface of the wall.

The choice of the most optimal chimney should be carried out by a specialist. You just need to know that the internal diameter of the chimney must be no less than the diameter of the boiler neck; on the way flue gases there should be a minimum number of different bends and elbows; When installing a chimney, it is imperative to take measures to prevent the formation of condensation.

The chimney should be raised 50 cm above the top of the building. If the roof of the house is made of flammable materials, then the chimney should be installed above the ridge of the roof by 1, or even 1.5 m. The elevation of the chimney is also affected by the presence of taller buildings located nearby.

In order to avoid smoke leakage into the heated room, all junctions of the chimney modules with each other and with the boiler itself are specially sealed with heat-resistant sealant.

To ensure the smooth operation of modern heating boilers, high-quality chimneys are required that can prevent problems such as destruction brickwork, appearance greasy stains on the walls and ceiling of the boiler room, penetration of carbon monoxide into the heated room, etc.

Most the best option at a price/quality ratio are chimneys made of stainless steel. They come in single and double layers. The first ones, as a rule, are used for laying a chimney indoors. However they have significant drawback- abundant condensate, which appears when flue gases are removed from modern gas heating structures with high power.

Double-layer insulated stainless steel chimneys, as you understand, consist of two layers of steel, between which insulation is placed, which can significantly reduce the amount of condensate formed.

Please note that when choosing a chimney, it is necessary to take into account the power of the boiler, the temperature of the combustion products, the material of the shaft and its insulation, as well as many other points that affect the draft, durability, reliability and safety of the chimney.

Note:if the boiler has a power of up to 60 kW, then it is enough to chimney from fireproof materials, for example from roofing steel, but if the boiler power is 60 kW or more, then it is best to make the chimney riser from brick.

As for the cost, then design work gasification of a house, which is carried out by special design institutes, will cost you somewhere around 5 thousand rubles (about $140). Today, 1 meter of pipeline costs between 800 and 1,300 rubles (i.e., approximately $22.55 and $36.6 for above-ground and underground gas pipelines, respectively).

It is difficult to name the exact cost of installation work, since it depends on many indicators: the number of holes in the walls of a private house, the diameter of the gas pipeline itself, the number of bends, etc.

Thus, to carry out gasification of a private house, it is necessary to count on an amount from 110 to 145 thousand rubles, i.e. approximately $3000-4000 (the indicated amount includes the cost of the boiler itself, as well as all construction and installation work, wiring around the house and installation individual system gas control).

And so, now we know what the process of gasification of a private house includes:

  • development of project documentation
  • entering the gas supply system to the house from the street gas pipeline
  • installation of gas networks inside the house itself
  • cost and installation of gas equipment

Heating using a gas boiler implies the ability to independently set and regulate the temperature in the room, which means it allows you to feel comfortable and cozy in it.


After studying the article about gasification of a private home, it will be easier for you to supply gas to your home, since you have the necessary information and know in advance what you need to do.

But let's go back to the section “Gasification - step by step” (Documentation) and look at some documents with tips that will help you complete these documents as quickly as possible:

  • certificate of inspection of chimneys by the service (in Ukraine - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire inspector) of the All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society (VDPO)

before inviting a VDPO or Ministry of Emergency Situations specialist to your place, you should prepare the room - equip it with an exhaust hood (if it does not already exist), the room should be isolated from other rooms in the house - pay attention to the fact that the entrance to the room must be closed, and the door was without glass.

Also, if your chimney is made of brick (riser), then it is necessary that its internal cross-section is no less than the diameter of the chimney outlet of the gas boiler. The riser must have a vent with a tightly closing door (through the vent, the inspector will use a mirror to check the internal condition of the chimney and its size)

  • written permission from neighbors to connect to the gas pipeline if it is laid through their areas (however, as a rule, such permission must be obtained from GorGaz, since in most cases it is the owner of the gas pipeline)

if the gas pipeline to your house from the main gas pipeline will have to be laid through a neighboring plot, then you need to discuss this with its owner, even before submitting an application for gasification of your house, since in some cases the solution to this issue may not be obtained so quickly. And without the permission of the owner of the site through which the gas pipeline will go to your house, the GorGaz service cannot begin work on its installation. If the issue is settled and the neighbor has given consent, then be sure to confirm it in in writing(arbitrary) addressed to the manager of GorGaz and attach a copy of it to the application.

Basically, the issue of running a gas pipeline through a neighboring plot is resolved privately by agreement of the parties (for example: a one-time cash payment to the owner of the plot for running a gas pipeline through his territory)

  • documents for gas equipment that will be installed in the house (certificate of conformity, permission to use this equipment on the territory of your place of residence, agreement for further maintenance of this equipment)

upon purchase gas meter It is worth paying attention to the following points - if you buy a meter yourself, then its brand must strictly correspond to the one that will be indicated in the project documentation. The meter comes with a technical data sheet - you should check that serial number, indicated in the passport coincided with the number on the meter. Since if the numbers do not match (this happens), you will have difficulties registering it with GorGaz and commissioning work will be postponed until you eliminate the inaccuracy in the documentation for the meter.

Private houses that are not connected to a common centralized heating system must be heated using one of the alternative types of heat supply. One of them is heating gas boilers. However, in order for the home owner to be able to use this service, work must be done to connect the property to the general network of users natural gas. But, at the same time, you need to know that gasification of private houses is carried out in compliance with special rules and procedures.

Gasification of a residential building: rules for connecting to the main line

The main advantage of supplying heat to the house using a gas boiler is its ease of use and the low cost of the natural resource. Even if the gas boiler itself will cost more than an electric one or another alternative, since the price of gas is not particularly high, home owners will be able to significantly save money on heating in the future.

However, it must be taken into account that gasification of private houses is a responsible and serious process. It is produced in accordance with the standards established by law. In order for the gas industry to give the go-ahead for connecting your heating unit to the public mains, you must install it in accordance with the requirements and ensure its safe use.

No gas appliance can be connected independently. It is mandatory to obtain a gas industry permit. In addition, there are installation rules for each gas appliance that must be strictly followed.

Here are some of them:

  • Permission to connect to the central highway or install a gas tank can be issued only if the site is in the personal property of the owner of the house;
  • In the house itself there is a room in which, according to regulations, a boiler can be installed;
  • The gas boiler, by regulation, is installed only in non-residential rooms;
  • Practice shows that boilers are usually located in the kitchen, or in a room specially equipped for this;
  • The boiler room can be located on any floor, including the basement;
  • The volume of the boiler room must be at least 15 and the ceiling height must be at least 2.5 m.
  • There must be an opening window or other ventilation inside the room.

These standards are approved for boilers with a power of up to 60 kW. Usually this power is enough to heat a private house. More powerful boilers require different installation standards. An estimate is usually developed for them.

Documents for gasification of a private house

Providing gas to a private home is a painstaking and responsible process. In addition to the fact that it is necessary to install the devices correctly, you also need to draw up the necessary documents in accordance with the standards.

In order to carry out gasification private home, you need to provide:

  • A copy of the technical passport for the building;
  • Provo ownership of the premises;
  • Supporting documents for purchased gas equipment;
  • Gas supply project;
  • Copies of the house owner's passport.

First of all, you will need to visit the local architectural and planning office, where they issue permission to equip the facility in writing. After this, you will be sent to the fire department, which will instruct you and inspect the chimney. The gas service will ask you to indicate the approximate volume of blue fuel that you plan to use and write an application for connection. After reviewing your application, you will be given the appropriate documents and connected to the main line. To settle the relationship between the gas supply organization and you, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement according to which you are obliged to promptly pay for services for the use of gas.

Home gasification project

The cost of gas heating differs significantly from electric heating, and, naturally, such “heat” is not as difficult and dirty as wood heating. However, in order to connect this comfortable heating, you will have to work hard, shell out financially and stand in more than one line at various institutions.

If you are only at the stage of selecting a site for building a house in which to equip gas appliances, then it is advisable to give preference to areas where communications have already been carried out. If the main pipe is nearby, this will greatly facilitate the situation.

Gasification designconnected housing construction is done in several stages:

  • To measure the parameters, a designer will come to the site to draw up a gasification project for a private house;
  • On initial stage the placement of gas equipment in the room is agreed upon with him, and the types and types of appliances that you will purchase are determined;
  • Data about devices is entered into the project.

In premises with an area of ​​200 m2 or more, a separate room called a boiler room is allocated on the ground or first floor. You need to make two doors in it, one from the house and one from the street. This will make it easier to maintain the premises. If the room you plan to heat is small, then a gas boiler with a capacity of up to 30 kW will be enough for you. It can be installed in the kitchen.

Starting gas: which boiler to choose

In order to choose the right boiler that will subsequently heat your room, you need to correctly calculate the power gas apparatus. This is done according to the following formula: the heated area of ​​the room must be divided by 10. Then, to the result obtained, add 20%, which is necessary to replenish heat loss. The resulting figure will indicate what power boiler you need to choose.

When initially placing gas appliances in the house, do it competently and responsibly. Keep in mind that without permission from the gas service and making changes to the gasification project, you will not be able to move anything to another location.

Underwater gas pipe to the house should go into the wall of the boiler room or kitchen, where the gas metering device will be located. Its diameter is determined by Gorgaz.

What boiler models are there:

  • Floor-standing;
  • Wall-mounted;
  • Wall-mounted.

In addition, devices can be with or without pumps. Keep in mind that those units that require an electrical connection will not work during periods when there are power outages in your area. Another condition for installing gas equipment is the presence of a chimney. Combustion products must exit through it.

The procedure for starting gas into a residential building

Gas supply to a private home is a long and painstaking procedure. In order for you to be able to install a gas line to your house, you need a lot of money and preparatory work. A client who is not registered with Mosoblgaz needs to start all over from the very beginning. This and getting permitting documents, and pipe laying, and a technical passport for a garden or personal plot. In addition, you need to fill out a sample application for connection.

The city gas service will give you a primary list for documentation, regulatory conditions, and a list of materials needed to connect to the gas pipeline.

When all the equipment is installed, all you have to do is go through the final approvals and register your personal account. When everything is ready to put the facility into operation, it is time for a test run, during which the reliability of installation and the absence of gas leaks are checked. Difficulty in supplying gas to own home For many people, it is a big financial expense to connect gas to their home. However, at present the state is trying in every possible way to help people.

To ease the financial burden of gas supply in the country, the following regulations apply:

  • Presidential program for gasification of settlements and individual areas;
  • Internal procedure for payment for services consumed by the population;
  • Subsidies for the population to compensate for part of the payment for gas use;
  • Benefits for certain categories of citizens;

If a person, for health reasons or for other reasons, cannot independently prepare documents, then a power of attorney can be issued to any other capable person who will do everything for him.

How to gasify a private house (video)

The idea of ​​the government of our country is to gasify all residential buildings and supply blue fuel to every home. No village should be left forgotten, let alone apartment building or a plot in the city. Apply gas to everything settlements They are also trying in Belarus.