Inedible plants. Plants with poisonous and edible berries and fruits

Wekh - perennial family Umbelliferae. Hemlock has a hollow stem, from which come petioles covered with bipinnate leaves. Inflorescences of 5 petals are small, white or yellow flowers. This is one of the most poisonous plants that can be found in the forest. The highest concentration of cicutoxin poison is found in the root of the plant.

Symptoms of poisoning: nausea, colic in the lower abdomen, vomiting, dizziness. Longer poisoning is accompanied by foam flowing from the patient’s mouth, dizziness, convulsions, paralysis of the limbs and death.

Treatment: immediate gastric lavage with boiled water and activated carbon powder.

Hemlock from the umbrella family

Hemlock reaches a height of 2 m. In the upper part the stem is highly branched and covered with a blue coating, in the lower part you can find purple spots. At the base of the umbrellas there are 5 leaflets-wrappers. The inflorescences are small, white, consisting of 5 petals bent back. In the forest, poisonous plants such as hemlock are common, and the danger of being poisoned by them is great. The poison coniine contained in the plant causes paralysis of the respiratory muscle.

Symptoms of poisoning: dizziness, nausea, impaired swallowing function, loss of speech, paralysis of limbs, dilated pupils, suffocation. A rash appears on contact with the skin.

First aid: gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Ingestion of activated carbon powder and milk. If breathing stops - artificial respiration.

Common wolfberry (wolf bast, wolfberry)

Wolf's bast is a shrub with a height of 50 to 150 cm. Dark pink flowers look like lilacs. Narrow, long leaves, bluish below, grow at the ends of the shoots. In the fall, wolfsbane produces bright red and orange berries. This is one of the few poisonous plants in the forest that can cause poisoning upon contact with their fruits, flowers, leaves and even bark.

Symptoms of poisoning: irritation respiratory tract, burning in the mouth, pain in the pit of the stomach, weakness, nausea, vomiting, cramps.

First aid: gastric lavage with salted water. You can have a drink afterwards activated carbon. In case of contact with skin, rinse the affected area.

Nightshade black

Black nightshade is also found among poisonous plants in the forest. It has a branched stem, oval, pointed leaves and small white, bell-like flowers. The fruits are round black berries that ripen towards the end of summer. They can be eaten. But unripe fruits are poisonous.

Signs of poisoning: rapid pulse, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting.

First aid: gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If you are poisoned by poisonous plants in the forest, After providing first aid, be sure to go to the hospital!

It is very important to teach children to identify poisonous plants, otherwise a child may return from a walk with a poisoned bouquet, or even swallowed poisonous berries. The same applies to mushrooms: it is important to distinguish between what is an edible mushroom and what is. Children must remember important rule: If you’re not one hundred percent sure that a berry or mushroom is edible, don’t touch it.

Among the hundreds of thousands of plants known on Earth, about ten thousand species are considered poisonous to humans. Even in the most familiar corner of nature you can find plants that can pose a danger. Of course, you shouldn’t be afraid of them, but you need to know and treat them with respect. Any person should be able to distinguish common poisonous plants from ordinary ones, so that unknown grass or bright fruits do not cause irreparable disaster.

Poisonous plants are plants that contain substances that pose a potential danger to humans and domestic animals.

The study of poisonous plants is important not only from the point of view of preventing and treating poisoning or preventing harm to the human body, but also for understanding the evolution of living nature and determining the possibility medical use biologically active substances contained in such plants.

Hornbeam Arts

Poisonous plants affect people differently. This can be poisoning if ingested or skin burns if it comes into contact with the leaves. Poisoning can cause weakness, dizziness, pain in various parts of the body, visual and hearing impairment, and in especially severe cases, paralysis and even death. The time after which symptoms of poisoning appear also varies - in some cases it is minutes, in others the effect of poisonous plants on the body becomes noticeable only after a few days.

Poisonous plants:

Poisonous plants are not necessarily guests from exotic countries; many of them grow in middle lane Russia, they are inconspicuous and rarely paid attention to. Leaves spotted hemlock (Conium maculatum) are very similar to parsley, it has red spots on the stem, it grows in wastelands and is considered a weed. But cicuta(poisonous milestone) lives in wetlands, along the banks of lakes and rivers, often in water. Hemlock has dissected leaves with narrow lanceolate lobes and umbels of whitish small flowers.

Andrea Moro

Veh poisonous (Cicuta virosa) or hemlock is one of the most dangerous plants, all parts of which, especially the rhizome, contain cicutotoxin and other potent alkaloids. The poisonous alkaloid in hemlock is horsemeat, which produces the same effect as the poison curare. Signs of poisoning by these plants are convulsions, unconsciousness, paralysis, ending in respiratory arrest.

It could end in tragedy home use yew berry (Taxus baccata) as a medicinal plant. Even animals can be poisoned by young yew needles, which contain the alkaloid taxane. This alkaloid affects the central nervous system.

Since the 1990s, yew tree alkaloids have been used to produce antitumor agents in official medicine.


Kleshchevina (Ricinus) is often grown as an ornamental annual. Its large seeds are shaped like a tick. They are not only a source castor oil, but also contain a poisonous protein enzyme - ricin, which causes paralysis of the nervous system.

F. D. Richards

The smell and appearance of poisonous plants sometimes suggests, and sometimes hides, the danger that threatens us upon contact with them. Pink periwinkle and purple colchicum can kill humans. In bulbs autumn colchicum (Colchicum autumnale) colchicine accumulates, which has the same effect as arsenic. Pink periwinkle, or Catharanthus pink (Catharanthus roseus), or Pink periwinkle is also poisonous, but its potent alkaloids are used in modern medicine as an antitumor agent.

Carl Lewis

IN wolf berries (Daphne mezereum), which temptingly turn red on the trunk of the plant, contains the glycoside daphnin and the poisonous resin meserine, which at the initial stage causes an unbearable burning sensation in the throat, severe bitterness in the mouth, dizziness and swelling of the tongue. When you admire spring lilac flowers wolfberry, do not pick or bite off a twig with your teeth, this is very dangerous.


Bright orange berries lily of the valley (Convallaria) are also dangerous. Glycosides lily of the valley, foxgloves, bought affect the rhythm of the heartbeat, the nervous system and the stomach. Even the water in the vase where these flowers stand is dangerous.

Irina Durnova

At the end of summer in a coniferous forest you can find raven eye (Paris) – black and blue berry between large leaves. Make sure that when walking through the forest, your children do not mistake a raven's eye for a blueberry or blueberry.

Be careful with plants with bright and juicy fruits, if you don’t know exactly what kind of plants they are!

Ruud de Block

Henbane juice contains the alkaloids hyoscyamine, scopolamine and atropine, which causes hallucinations, delirium, rapid heartbeat and confusion. A small amount of these substances was used in ancient times for pain relief during surgical operations.

Henbane black (Hyoscyamus niger), like potatoes, belongs to the nightshade family. It grows on the outskirts of fields and wastelands. The height of this poisonous plant is about 1 meter; burgundy veining appears on the yellowish flowers. After flowering, pitcher-shaped white boxes with round-shaped seeds appear on henbane. People who chew these seeds to soothe toothache experience dry mouth, impaired speech, dilated pupils, and mental agitation can turn into madness. The same symptoms appear from red berries black nightshade And bittersweet nightshade.

Rolf Muller

It grows in landfills and wastelands stinking dope, it is better not to breathe its smell, and touching its flowers is very dangerous. The fruits of the “dope-herbs” contain the alkaloid daturin, which also contains henbane.

Other plants from the nightshade family are also dangerous: belladonna, magic mandrake, tobacco from South America and Peruvian coca.


Dangerous for humans and hogweed, from its poisonous stems you cannot make either pipes or sprinklers. Hogweed leaves burn in the sun essential oils. They also act on human skin and Caucasian ashberry And angustifolia ash.

Many buttercups are also poisonous; they produce dangerous glycosides and essential oils that irritate the nose, larynx and eyes. And buttercup juice leads to sharp pain in the stomach. Among the buttercups there are many poisonous herbs: Adonis, hellebore, catchment area, lumbago, black crow and other plants.

Adam Gor

But poisonous plants can not only cause harm; many of them are useful. IN folk medicine About 160 species of poisonous plants were used in Rus'.

Tanja Niggendijker

It's hard to imagine that a very tasty Indian cashew nut the peel contains poisonous cardol, which can cause abscesses on human skin. In India, this substance is used to protect building materials from ants.

tropical fruit mango It is healthy and pleasant to taste, but the smell of its flowers can cause allergies in a person. The unripe peel, branches and trunk of the mango tree contain a poisonous gum that leaves blisters and swelling on the skin.

You can also get poisoned poppy sleeping pills. Unripe poppy pods and ovaries are poisoned by poisonous milky juice.

Celandine also contains milky juice, which can cause burns on the skin. Celandine juice will cause big trouble if it gets into the stomach. Currently, celandine alkaloids are being studied for medical use as a inhibitor of the growth of malignant tumors.


It should be understood that most poisonous plants do not pose a serious danger if accidentally contacted with them. A lot depends on the dose of their use. As a rule, you can be poisoned by poisonous plants if you use them for self-medication, without consulting a doctor, relying on the advice of “knowledgeable people.”

What amazing powers
The earth has invested in stones and flowers!
There is no such fiber in the world,
Which she wouldn't be proud of
How can you not find such a basis,
Where there would be nothing bad.
Everything is useful, by the way, and not on time -
All blessings turn into vice.
For example, the vessels of this flower:
One thing about them is good, the other is bad.
Its flowers have a healing aroma,
And in the leaves and roots there is a strong poison.
So they split our soul in two
The spirit of kindness and evil self-will.
However, in those where evil triumphs,
The black hollow of death gapes

"Romeo and Juliet", William Shakespeare.
Translation by Boris Pasternak.

Russian forest! You will not find other landscapes as rich in colors, tones, shades as the forests of Russia. There are proverbs and riddles about the Russian forest; songs and poems are dedicated to it. How many works are dedicated to him by Russian artists and writers.

Its importance in a person’s life cannot be underestimated. Forests protect reservoirs from shallowing and fields from drying out. The forest is a break from the noise and dust of city streets, coolness in the summer heat.

In addition, our forests are rich medicinal plants, mushrooms, berries. Residents of cities and towns flock to forest clearings and clearings during the wild harvest season.

But in addition to a wonderful pastime, nature constantly tests a person. It is not enough to love her, to admire her. You should know and understand it well. After all, many people know about cases of poisoning due to accidental consumption of poisonous inedible plants.

In order not to ruin your mood or harm your health, let's talk today about forest plants with inedible fruits. Although the picking season for most berries and fruits has already passed, this topic is very important. The winter months will quickly fly by, spring will end, summer will come, and we will go to the forest again to pick berries. But next time we will be more careful, we will learn to distinguish between healthy edible forest fruits and poisonous ones. This is especially important for our children.

So, let’s look at the most common forest plants with non-edible fruits found in our forests:

. The plant is one of the most toxic. Hemlock root is very similar in appearance to horseradish root. The smell is also very similar. The leaves of the plant are similar to those of garden parsley; the seeds are sometimes mistaken for anise fruits.

The plant prefers to settle in wastelands, along roads, in forest ravines, and in clearings. It can often be found in gardens and orchards. Hemlock contains poisonous alkaloids; coniine, which is part of the plant, is especially dangerous.

(cicuta). The plant smells deliciously like carrots, but the taste is the same. Its tubers resemble turnips or rutabaga in appearance. The plant is large, its tubular stems can reach one and a half meters in height. Vekh poisonous grows along the banks of reservoirs, rivers, lakes, and is found in swampy meadows. Moreover, it can grow directly in water.

The plant is poisonous. It contains the strongest nerve poison – cicutotoxin.

(daphne, wolfberry, thistle)- one of the most dangerous plants in the Russian forest. Moreover, the berries of this bush are especially poisonous. But when the low daphne bush blooms in April, you will admire it! You just want to inhale the aroma of fragrant scarlet flowers, the smell of which is reminiscent of lilac.

But the aroma is so intoxicating that you can forget the way home! Thistle grows in a leafless forest, in clearings brightly lit by the sun.

The plant is poisonous without exception. Its bark contains a poisonous yellowish resin called meserein. But the most dangerous are the berries of the wolf's bast.

Ten to fifteen pieces of berries eaten - lethal dose for a person. In addition to meserein, the berries contain coccognin, which can cause very serious poisoning.

If a person is poisoned, has a convulsion, his pupils are dilated, he has lost consciousness, he should immediately cleanse his stomach and give him water with ice to drink. After vomiting, drink jelly and a decoction of flaxseed. After which the patient should be urgently taken to the hospital.

It is children who most often suffer from wolf bast. Due to ignorance, the berries can easily be mistaken for red currants. Therefore, explain to children that the berries are inedible and dangerous, and red currants do not grow in our forests.

. This wonderful, pretty plant is actively used in medicine. Drops prepared from the plant soothe and strengthen the heart. But lily of the valley is also a poisonous plant. Its inedible red fruits, which often catch the eye in the August forest, are especially dangerous.

The plant has an intoxicating smell, as if warning: dangerous, don’t come near.

- a herb closely related to lily of the valley. The plant gets its name from the shiny black berry at the tip of the stem. There is always one fruit per whole low bush, black in color with a bluish sheath.

Of course, the fruit of the plant is inedible. The plant contains the poisonous saponin parastifin. The fruit damages cardiac activity, the leaves have an antispasmodic effect, the root can cause vomiting.

Naturally, contact with the plant is unacceptable! Show it to the children, explain that the plant is very dangerous.

Voronets its appearance resembles an elderberry. The entire plant has toxic properties. The fruits of the crow are black or red, hanging in small clusters. They are inedible and can cause severe poisoning.

When walking through the forest, breathing fresh forest air, do not lose your vigilance. Forest plants with inedible fruits can cause serious harm to health.

In addition to those listed, there are also the fruits of the swamp whitewing (they are red, similar to the cob), kupena officinalis with dark blue fruits, and bittersweet nightshade growing between the bushes.

Be careful and keep children away from contact with unfamiliar plants. Teach them to identify plants with inedible fruits. Remember, whoever can distinguish them is out of danger in the forest.

When in extreme situations, to maintain strength it is necessary to use all possible sources of food, including plants. Plants are an excellent source of nutrients that will help you survive.

There are about 300,000 plant species on the planet. About 120,000 of them are edible. About 2,000 edible plants grow in Russia.

In ancient times, people knew very well which plants were edible and which were poisonous. This skill is very important in extreme situations. Plants and fruits contain a lot of nutrients that can help in extreme situations. Some fruits can act as an energy drink, and some can stimulate the body. You can use roots, bulbs, shoots, stems, and fruits for food.

Edible plants

Many parts of plants can be eaten.
Rhizomes and tubers. Tubers and roots of plants such as cattail, almond, plantain, forest fern, chicory, sorrel, white and water lily are excellent for consumption as food.
You can eat plant shoots: rhubarb, white line, sugar cane, fan palm, bracken.

The leaves of plants such as dandelion, sorrel, nettle, fireweed, and burdock are considered edible.
In addition, you can eat the flowers of plants: rose hips, horse sorrel, chamomile, clover, dandelion, acacia, birch, and willow.

Some types of plants can be used as a medicine against scurvy, which is very important for survival. To do this, you need to use plants containing vitamin C. Spruce needles are ideal for this.

Many plants can easily replace leafy vegetables from our regular diet:
— Dandelion is a plant that is completely edible. The leaves and roots can be consumed raw. If you grind and roast the root, it can be used as coffee.
- Coltsfoot. Leaves and shoots are used for food.
- Clover. The stems and leaves can be used in salads.
- Nettle. After soaking the leaves in boiling water for 5 minutes, they can be used in salads. They are also used in soups.

Edible fruits

On the territory of Russia you can find large number shrubs and trees with edible fruits.
Blueberry. Grows in most of Russia. Can be found in pine forests, broad-leaved and spruce forests, and swampy places. Blueberry height is 10-50 cm.
Cowberry. Shrub 15-20 cm high. Grows throughout Russia. Prefers spruce and pine forests. The berries ripen in August - September.
Blackberry. It is found in almost the entire part of Russia. Grows along river banks and in flood meadows. The bush is covered with thorns.
Blueberry. The shrub can reach 1 m. appearance Blueberries are similar to blueberries. Has a large habitat. Can be found in wetlands, dry areas and mountains. Grows in the European part of Russia, Far East, Urals, Caucasus.
Juniper. A small tree-like shrub. Grows in the forest zone of Russia.
Cranberry. Distributed in the forest zone of Russia. Grows in swamps and wetlands.
Rowan. Widely distributed throughout Europe. The fruits are rich in vitamins.
In addition to the above, sea buckthorn, bird cherry, stone fruit, wild currants, strawberries, and raspberries will help replenish your strength.

Poisonous plants and herbs

There are a considerable number of plants that are considered poisonous and can harm your health and sometimes lead to death. Umbrella plants should be avoided: ash, foxglove, vekh. Blooming umbrellas are especially poisonous and should not be handled with bare hands.
Also considered poisonous are:
- Datura
- henbane
- buttercups
- spurge
- bindweed
- foxglove
- hydrangea
- castor bean

Poisonous fruits

Some types of berries should also be avoided:
- raven eye
- wolf's bast
- red nightshade
- lily of the valley
- belladonna
- swamp whitewing
- euonymus
- spiky raven

How to determine which berries are edible

Never eat unfamiliar plants and their fruits. If you find yourself in a hopeless situation, then there are signs that will most likely help you distinguish edible plants from inedible ones:
- edible plants usually grow in large clusters;
- in most cases, edible berries have one fruit on the stem of the berry branch;
— if plants secrete milky sap, then you should not eat it;
— most aquatic vegetation is edible;
— most fruits of shrubs growing on peat bogs can be eaten;
- whether a fruit is edible or not can be recognized by bird droppings; if it contains seeds or peels, then such fruits can be used for food.

Edible plants can be determined experimentally. Rub a small amount of an unknown plant between your fingers. If there is no reaction after 15 minutes, place it on the crook of your elbow. If there is no reaction after 15-20 minutes, place the plant between your lips. If there is no irritation or burning within 15-20 minutes, then take a small part of the plant into your mouth and chew without swallowing. If after 15-20 minutes there is no burning sensation or bitter taste, then swallow it. If after 15-20 minutes there is no nausea, dizziness or other signs of poisoning, then you can use a small amount of the plant for food. If there is no deterioration in health the next day, then such a plant can be used for food.