Plastering drywall. Is it possible and how to plaster drywall

Today, such an industry as construction is developing at a rapid pace. With the development of scientific and technological progress, more and more new building and finishing materials are being developed. When conducting repair work very often the question arises, what finishing materials to choose. A special place in this section is occupied by decorative plaster.

The best option for finishing drywall is plaster on water based, it is odorless, plastic enough and does not emit substances harmful to the human body.

Plaster itself is a pasty mass that is used for finishing. various surfaces: walls and ceilings. Decorative plaster is different in that it contains various particles. They can be in the form of pebbles, wood fiber and so on.

Separately, one can single out the so-called Venetian plaster made from marble flour. This coating will perfectly fit into the interior of any room. Often it is applied to drywall, since the latter is very often used. on this material is not an easy job. However, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result.

In the event that the wall is built of cheap material, then when exposed to moisture, it may lose its external data. Because of this, it is necessary to cover with plaster only drywall High Quality. It should be considered in more detail how decorative plaster is applied to drywall, the main stages of work, the types of this material.

Types of decorative plaster

Tools for working with decorative plaster: scraper, nail brush, comb, roller, roller-shovnik and bush hammer.

Before applying given material on the surface of drywall, you need to make a choice decorative element. So, decorative plaster is different. The first type is structural plaster. It is characterized by the presence of small granules, pebbles, quartz, fiber, and so on. Thus she has mineral base. It is made on aqueous and organic solvents. Water-based plaster is the most best option for finishing internal surfaces. It has a number of advantages: it does not smell, does not emit harmful chemical substances. Such material is very plastic.

Sometimes during the repair of a room whose walls are sheathed with plasterboard sheets, the question arises - how to plaster drywall?

Despite the apparent simplicity, the question is far from being idle, since drywall is often called "dry plaster".

It is in the intricacies of a rather complex and ambiguous relationship between coating and plaster that we will try to understand this material.

So, the first, and main question - is it possible to plaster drywall?

To date, there is no consensus on this issue, alas. Many experts are inclined to believe that plastering such surfaces (and even more so if the wall is made of a fairly cheap, non-moisture resistant sheet) is impossible in any case.

Sooner or later, the base, under the influence of moisture from the composition and its rather large mass, is deformed, which will lead to cracking of the layer.

However, there is an alternative opinion, which says that it is possible to plaster drywall. If you're careful, of course.

In this case, "carefully" means, first of all:

  • exclusively on a moisture resistant sheet.
  • Use of special deep penetration primers.
  • The distribution of the mass in thin layers in several steps.

The only exception, in respect of which experts show unanimous opinion,. It is not only possible, but also necessary, to apply it to the sheet, such a mass is one of the most popular materials for wall decoration.

Determining the need for plaster

As you probably already understood, drywall plastering is a rather difficult task with sometimes unpredictable results. Such are the characteristics of the sheet, it can really deform under a thick layer of finish. Or maybe stay for years.

So, when do you need to plaster?

  • If the wall cladding has significant curvature or displacement, finishing this problem will not solve it, and in the future it can significantly aggravate it. If you have become the “happy” owner of such a wall, it is better not to deal with the consequences, but to eliminate the cause. Serious distortions can only be corrected by remounting, with the replacement of sheets with moisture resistant ones.
  • But minor irregularities in the skin can still be plastered. It also makes sense to apply the mixture over dents and pre-putty seams.
  • Well, the only case (we already mentioned it above) is the use decorative coating. There are practically no restrictions here, since the decorative mass is applied, as a rule, in a fairly thin layer, and its composition ensures rapid polymerization and drying.

And compliance with the technology of application to the base does not lead to negative consequences.

So, suppose you have already decided whether drywall needs to be plastered, whether putty can be dispensed with. It remains to choose the most appropriate technology and composition of the mixture. Let's get started.

Application technology

When applying, the technology of work should be observed, the slightest violations can lead to undesirable consequences.

Preparing walls for finishing

  • We clean the surface of dust, which inevitably forms during its installation. An industrial vacuum cleaner is best suited for this, but if it is not available, you can remove dust with improvised means.
  • The next stage is the putty of seams, joints and irregularities. For putty, both ready-made and dry putty mixtures can be used. If dry mixes are used, prepare them immediately before work.
  • First, we fill the cavities of the seams and large irregularities with putty. After the putty has hardened, apply a leveling layer.

  • Now you can proceed to the key stage of preparation - the primer.


For substrates, special primer mixes are used (such as Tiefgrund LF or similar). Such primers penetrate deep into the thickness of the base and strengthen it, providing adhesion to the mixtures.

For the best effect at this stage, it is better to use acrylate primers, which have vapor-permeable properties (do not isolate water vapor).

We apply the primer in one layer with a roller or brush (for walls with a small area).

Note! Work on drywall is carried out only after the primer is completely dry! For acrylate primers, the drying time is 1-2 hours.

After the seams are puttied and the primer is applied, you can proceed to leveling the walls.

Applying plaster

Do-it-yourself plaster distribution instructions:

The mass is applied in a thin layer (not thicker than 2-3 mm) using a wide spatula or metal trowel. If the plaster is used to level deep irregularities, the distribution is carried out in several stages. Remember that in this case it is better to apply 3-4 layers of a few millimeters than 1 thick layer at once.

Not any plaster is suitable for finishing plasterboard surfaces. It is best to use mixtures based on a gypsum binder (for example, Knauf Rotband). In order for the finish to “keep” better, you can use a fiberglass mesh with a 5 mm cell.

After plaster layer completely dry, you can start finishing the plasterboard walls. In this case, it is better to use vapor-permeable materials for finishing, which do not prevent water vapor from escaping from under the finish.

Decorative plaster plasterboard

For finishing plasterboard surfaces, it is better to use fine-grained decorative plaster. This is due to the fact that the laying of coarse-grained fractions requires the application of a sufficiently thick layer, and in the case of plasterboard walls this is undesirable.

The process takes place as follows:

The drywall base must be dry and clean. Before starting work, the surface should be completely dust-free.

After the surface is dust-free, we proceed to puttying the seams. We fill the seams with putty in several stages, providing sufficient time for the coating to dry and polymerize. As a result, the seams and irregularities must be puttied in the same plane as the drywall.

Note! When leveling the surface of drywall for decorative plastering, you can not achieve such a smooth surface as when leveling for painting. The texture of the plaster hides all the irregularities well.

We apply an acrylate primer to the puttied base. For decorative plastering, the same primers are used as for finishing ordinary drywall lime plaster. The primer is applied in one step, in one layer.

We apply plaster on the primed drywall. Application is carried out with a spatula or trowel, with a layer of 2-3 mm.

Immediately after the plaster is applied, we proceed to the formation of the relief. We form the relief using a sponge, a hard brush with a sparse pile, trowels, curly spatulas.

Note! When applying decorative plaster on a gypsum board base, do not apply excessive force during the formation of the relief. This can lead to deformation of the drywall.

Further processing (painting, coating protective composition) can be carried out only after the final drying of the surface.

Summing up

Now you know how to properly plaster drywall. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical matter, presented on our website detailed photo instruction where you will find the information you need on this subject. Good luck!

During repairs, many often ask the question: is it worth plastering drywall, which is sheathed with walls or ceilings, before, for example, gluing wallpaper? Moreover, this material is already called “dry plaster”. Opinions of experts differ: there are options both for and against. Some believe that if drywall sheets are of poor quality and not moisture resistant, then this is undesirable. Over time, the material is deformed under the influence of moisture, which is released from the plaster mass. Others do not see anything criminal in puttying the sheets.

It is better to plaster drywall in cases where it is necessary. Since drywall is deformed under plaster.

An exception to these disagreements is one thought: decorative plaster can and should be applied independently only on moisture-resistant drywall using special primers.

For those who have not yet understood, plastering drywall sheets, oddly enough, is a delicate matter. What to do, such characteristics of this material. If you apply a sufficiently thick layer of plaster on drywall, then guarantee good result almost impossible.

So, you can plaster drywall sheets in the following cases:

  1. If there are significant defects on the sheathed walls, then plastering will definitely not solve this problem, but most likely will only aggravate it. It will be easier for you to eliminate the cause of distortions or displacements, and not to spend energy on dealing with the consequences. It's best to replace drywall sheets for moisture resistant.
  2. If you notice slight irregularities on the sheets, then in this case the plaster will do its job. It is also suitable in cases where the drywall has minor dents, and the seams are pre-filled.
  3. If you have to apply decorative plaster. It contains a sufficient amount of substances that provide quick drying and polymerization. Decorative plaster comes in different textures.

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How to apply plaster on drywall sheets

It is necessary to follow the technology and the sequence of work so that the slightest inaccuracies do not spoil the final result. To do this, we highlight several key stages of finishing work:

Before starting, you need to clean the drywall from the dust that formed during installation work. To do this, you can use an industrial vacuum cleaner or improvised means.

After that, you need to putty all the seams, joints and bumps. To do this, you can use both ready-made putty mixtures and dry ones, which are prepared immediately before application. Questions also arise at this stage of the work. Do you need to putty the entire surface or just the bumps? How to putty if there is wallpaper on the wall? Take note of when you need to putty a whole drywall:

  1. Before painting. If you putty the entire sheet, then first of all save money on paint, because gray drywall is much more difficult to paint over. To do this, you will need to apply at least three layers. Sometimes there is a noticeably light texture on the material, so when you process only the seams, after painting it will be noticeable where there are seams and where they are not.
  2. Finishing - light wallpaper. If you stick such wallpaper on sheets of drywall, in which only the seams are puttyed, then gray spots will show through them. They will not go anywhere, so the wallpaper will look ugly. When you use rough wallpaper, this may not happen, but why tempt fate?
  3. Before thin-layer decorative plaster. When buying such decorative plaster, be sure to consult with the master what type it belongs to.

The key step in preparing drywall for applying plaster is the primer. Acrylate primers should be used for a good effect, because they do not isolate water vapor.

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Plaster can be used both for continuous application and for individual decorative elements. Designers often use combined option- wallpapers and plaster finish. If in your plans plaster is the decoration of sheathed walls, then the following tips are for you:

  1. Pay attention to the materials for plastering walls. Among them are calcareous and cement-sand mortars, as well as gypsum mixes. Consult with the masters which of these types is best suited for your walls.
  2. When you purchase materials that are needed for repairs, pay attention to their characteristics. There are a lot of drywall sheets, so choose only moisture resistant ones, they have special markings. Be sure to consult with experts and craftsmen.
  3. Be sure to use special wall primers that allow deep penetration into the material (even when wallpapering).
  4. On the problem areas(e.g. dents) plaster will hold better if applied in multiple layers. To do this, you need to give time to the previous layer, so that it is completely dry. Keep in mind that plaster can easily smooth out uneven walls up to 30 mm.
  5. Use decorative plasters for fine finish walls. Application must be carried out strictly according to the recommendations that are in the instructions from the manufacturer.

Often questions appear on construction forums, how and how to plaster drywall? Let's start with what GKL is called "dry plaster". Why? Firstly, with its help, leveling processes are carried out, and all defects of the repaired plane are also repaired. Secondly, the installation of a drywall sheet is unrelated to wet work. Thirdly, after installing the sheet, the wall becomes smooth and even, after which you can almost immediately move on to finishing work.

That is, it turns out that there is no point in bringing the ideal surface to an incomprehensible indicator of evenness, especially with plaster. Although the masters in this regard were divided in opinion.

Does it need to be plastered?

Some stand on the position that drywall plastering is a vain and wrong thing. The latter claim that this process is sometimes necessary, for example, when drywall wall was subjected to some kind of load, as a result of which it lost its original appearance both in terms of aesthetics and in technical terms.

The only thing that the proponents of plastering drywall walls say is that three important conditions must be met.

We will not go deep into the dispute of professionals. This is an ungrateful thing. The only thing to note is that if a plasterboard wall has received significant flaws during operation, then it is best to dismantle such a wall and raise a new one in its place. And this will solve the problem.

Separate important issue is it worth it, is it necessary to plaster drywall under the wallpaper? There is no need for this. If the material does not have large defects, then a not very thick layer of putty mortar will be enough. Therefore, this topic can be closed immediately.

Finishing with decorative plaster

This is probably the only case when you can talk about GKL plaster in the truest sense of the word. This finishing material as wallpaper or ceramic tile. Now we will look at how to properly plaster drywall and learn how to apply decorative plaster.


As with any type of finish, the drywall surface is prepared. For this you need:

  • Prime the joints (seams) between the sheets.
  • Fill them with putty.
  • Apply adhesive tape.
  • Apply another layer of putty.
  • Coat with putty mortar the place of installation of self-tapping screws.
  • After drying, walk a little with sandpaper over the puttied areas.
  • Apply primer to the entire surface of the wall. The main purpose of this layer in this case is to protect drywall from moisture, which is present in decorative plaster.

Main process

First of all, it is necessary to answer the question, at what temperature can walls be plastered? Of course, this refers to a decorative solution. Let's just say - the temperature should be positive, not lower than + 5C. The upper limit is determined by the manufacturer. Basically, for almost everyone, it is + 35C.

Now for the material itself. Manufacturers according to the state of the material offer two types:

  1. Dry mixture to be diluted with water. The proportions are indicated on the packaging.
  2. Ready product. Immediately make a reservation that this material is almost twice as expensive as dry.

As for drawing. There are two options here. The first is by hand, that is, do-it-yourself plasterboard plastering. The second is with a spray gun.

Option number 1: manual application

You can use different tools for this. Most often use a grater or spatula. In fact, the whole process resembles the application of putty or plaster on the wall. That is, with a narrow spatula, the mixture is pulled out of the container, applied to a wide spatula or grater and distributed along the width of the working edge.

After that, with chaotic hand movements, decorative plaster is applied to the surface of the wall. Here it is important to observe the thickness of the applied layer. Each species has its own. For example, there are decorative plasters, which include mineral blotches. These are stones different breeds. So the layer thickness should exceed 1.5 times the size of the grains.

If used gypsum plaster, then its layer can vary within 1-3 mm. By the way, many experts recommend using gypsum mortars for plastering plasterboard walls.

Further, until the solution on the wall has dried up, you can do whatever you want with it. Turn on your imagination or use the experience of the masters. For example, use a special roller on which patterns are applied or a regular roller with a high pile. From this, smudges of material form on the wall. They can be left as is or smoothed out with a spatula.

If pure white decorative plaster is used, then it can be painted.

Option number 2: using a spray gun

This is a more complex process. To do this, first the plasterboard surface is treated with adhesive mastic. Until it dries, a plaster solution is applied from the spray gun. In this case, a dry mixture is used, not mixed with water.

To carry out this option, you need a lot of experience. Therefore, we do not recommend it for beginners. Yes and experienced craftsmen this way is ignored. It will be easier to open the finished jar of the mixture and immediately apply it.

And another very important advice. All decorative mixtures have a certain drying time. For many of them, it is half an hour. Therefore, it is necessary to work with this material quickly, but carefully.

Probably, this is how you can answer the question of whether it is possible, and if possible, how to plaster drywall. Most likely, some of our readers will have doubts or questions. Someone will react negatively to this process, someone will raise two farts "for", based on their experience. Therefore, we propose to discuss the topic raised.

GKL sheets at correct installation form a flat, smooth surface. However, it is not monolithic. Joints between separate elements, self-tapping screw heads, small pits and bulges need to be processed. Therefore, before finishing do-it-yourself plasterboard plastering is necessary.

Material selection

At the moment, manufacturers produce many varieties of ready-made dry mixes suitable for plastering GKL. Some of them are intended for the main processing of walls and ceilings, others - only defects (for example, cracks). There are also plaster compositions, the main task of which is the creation of a decorative coating.

Based on the type of binder, ready-made plaster and putty compositions are:

  • plaster;
  • cement;
  • polymeric.

All three types of finishing materials are suitable for processing drywall sheets.

However, their choice depends on the type of room.

  1. If it is necessary to finish wet rooms - bathroom, kitchen, toilet, you should choose a cement-based material. Gypsum does not have sufficient moisture resistance.
  2. Therefore, plaster compositions based on it are more suitable for dry rooms - bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms, offices, etc.
  3. Materials based on polymers are universal. They can be used in any room. Mixtures are plastic, elastic, moisture resistant, their consumption is low. And although the price of such compositions is slightly higher than that of cement and gypsum counterparts, they are optimal for processing GKL.

Surface preparation

Before plastering, the drywall surface must be prepared.


First of all, the walls or ceiling must be primed.

  1. The instruction warns that water-soluble formulations must be used to work with GKL. They impregnate upper layer sheets without penetrating deep into the material. Thus, a coating in the form of a film will be created, which does not allow moisture to be absorbed from the plaster into the gypsum sheets and destroy it.

Note! When processing GKL, alkyd primer should not be used. It can damage the top layer of cardboard. When peeled, it will bubble and tear.

  1. Dilute the primer in a bucket.
  2. Then, with a large brush or roller, apply it to drywall coating. When processing walls, work should be done from top to bottom.
  3. The thickness of the primer layer must be at least 3 mm.

Reinforcement and processing of joints

  1. In order for the plastering of plasterboard walls with your own hands to be of high quality, it is necessary to paste over all the seams, joints and corners of the coating with a serpentine tape (reinforcing mesh) made of fiberglass. Otherwise, putty or plaster will crack in these places.
  2. It is better to use a self-adhesive type sickle. That way you make your job easier.
  3. The tape must be glued in such a way that the seam, joint or corner runs exactly in its center.
  4. The joints of the GKL plates, without the factory edge, cut at an angle of 45 degrees. So the reinforcement of these sections will be more reliable.

  1. To work, you will need a wide (30 centimeters) and medium (15 centimeters) spatula.
  2. Prepare the solution in such an amount that it is enough for a maximum of 30 minutes of work.

Note! That's how long plaster mix retains its viability. Then she starts to grapple. At the same time, it is highly undesirable to add water to the drying solution, because. such a "reanimated" plaster will lose many of its qualities.

  1. A layer of plaster should be applied to the joints and seams evenly along their entire length.
  2. If you are new to plastering, take a small amount of the mixture with a medium spatula and apply it to the joint. Next, with a wide tool, tighten the putty to the possible length. With a sufficient level of experience, the solution can be immediately taken and distributed throughout the joint.

  1. The surface of the plastered seams and joints should not have strong bulges, irregularities and roughness. It is quite difficult to level such defects with fine-grained emery cloth. Using a larger abrasive or any tool, you can ruin the drywall.

Strengthening the corners

Everything outside corners, including doors and window slopes, before plastering, it is necessary to strengthen with metal corners.

They will give these areas increased rigidity, which will increase their resistance to mechanical stress.

  1. The planks are fixed with putty or brackets (using a stapler).
  2. First, the corners are cut into pieces the right sizes. Then they can be installed in place.

  1. After that, it is necessary to dilute a little plaster and, using a small spatula, fill all the holes in the planks with it.
  2. Next, with a wide spatula, the solution must be leveled.
  3. If you will be plastering the plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, and its tiers often have a curvilinear shape, you can use bending plastic corners. They are also suitable for wall arches. Such profiles are fastened with a stapler.

Main works

After the main area of ​​coverage from GKL.

Processing difficult areas

It is necessary to putty the screw heads crosswise. The solution is applied at the same time across and along. Thus, the pits from the screws are completely filled.

Much harder to plaster internal corners, since it is not monolithic and Smooth surface, and individual drywall boards connected at right angles.

  1. You will not be able to evenly plaster both corner sides at once. Based on this, they must be processed sequentially.
  2. First, one junction of the wall to the corner is plastered.
  3. When the joint dries, in the same way the solution is applied to the second half of the corner.
  4. After the mixture dries there too, you will get a neat and even joint.

Surface putty

  1. When we plaster drywall with our own hands, we should not immediately apply a thick layer of mortar. This will make the surface uneven.
  2. It is advisable to first apply the first thin layer of the solution, filling all small irregularities with it.
  3. After waiting for the mixture to dry, you can apply the solution again. This will give you a more even coverage.

At the final stage of the work, the walls are finally leveled and smoothed for painting or wallpaper.

  1. At this stage, all uneven areas and traces of the solution are leveled with a fine emery cloth. When doing this, wear a respirator.
  2. After that, the walls or ceiling are re-treated with “zero” abrasive paper.
  3. Further to the surface.
  4. In this case, you must use a wide spatula.
  5. The putty mixture should be stirred until a creamy consistency. This will make it possible to distribute the solution on the walls or ceiling more evenly.
  6. The final layer of plaster should be as even and thin as possible.


Despite the fact that a properly installed drywall sheeting is even and smooth, it still needs to be plastered in many cases. This should be done using ready-made mixtures. By watching the video in this article, you can get additional knowledge on this topic.