Open the intercom without a key or codes. How to open an intercom without a key without damaging the device! Opening Raikmann: the easy way

One of the most familiar to the average resident apartment buildings devices is Metacom.

These identification locking devices offer a high degree of prevention of unauthorized access, are durable, and offer multi-level access (both with a key and using a personalized Metacom intercom opening code linked to the apartment).

Like other devices, there is a so-called factory, universal code for a particular Metacom intercom.

It depends on the model and firmware of the device and in some cases it can help you get into the entrance if the key is lost, and the personalized combination is completely forgotten.

Features of Metakom intercoms

The Metacom company produces two main classes of devices, if you don’t go into details.

One of them is equipped with a display; its hacking is multivariate and highly dependent on the firmware.

The second class is displayless. A Metacom intercom model of this class will require you to enter data blindly, focusing only on sound signals.

Without exception, all Metakom products are designed for harsh operating conditions.

They operate at temperatures from -40 to +75, remain operational during icing, and provide for the installation of any magnetic lock, providing only effective control.

The number of available addressing (number of subscribers) can vary from 1 to 999, while everyone can receive personalized codes from the Metacom entrance.

Installation companies are required to indicate it in the service contract. Another feature of the devices of this company: the apartment code for the Metacom keyless intercom can be changed through the personal service menu.

Methods for opening a Metacom intercom without keys

The method provided by the manufacturer to unlock the door is to use the metacom access code specified for a specific subscriber.

This is a normal normal operation. If you can’t do it, you can try one of the combinations based on using the factory settings.

Pressing the “B” button to begin operations to open the Metacom intercom without a key

However, it is always worth remembering: all of the listed methods will not work if the engineer installing the device on the door has programmed and changed the universal standard metacom code.

All sets of numbers are entered using the call button - then simply B.

Codes on display

Methodology for opening a Metakom intercom - has greatest number options and sets of numbers, if we're talking about about the model equipped with a display. These locking devices belong to the most modern class and are available in many modifications and firmware.

To hack a Metacom intercom, you should:

  1. press B and the subscriber number from which addressing begins at the entrance;
  2. After pressing B again, the display will show Cod after a short pause.

For other firmware the following combinations of actions are available:

  • dial 65535-В-1234-В-8;
  • use 1234-B-6-B-4568.

Here 1234 is standard password Firmware from Metacom intercom, used in a huge number of models. If programming of a specific intercom by Metacom was carried out by an installing engineer, the combinations will not work.

For MK-20 M/T models there are additional, proprietary unlocking combinations. To open such a unique Metacom intercom without a key, you can try the following button combinations:

  1. press B-27-B-5702;
  2. use B-1-B-4526.

The last combination is intended not only to unlock the magnetic lock, but also to enter a new contact key into the registration database. If it is available (a universal standardized key for the Metakom intercom is also suitable) - after entering, the tablet must be leaned against the corresponding pad on the device. Both of these sets of actions work not only on MK-20 M/T models, but also on large number versions of intercoms without display.

Changing program settings

All types of access to regulatory functions are performed using a single password, also called a master code.

This is the already familiar factory combination 1234. You can try it, but if the installation was carried out by a responsible technician, this password will be changed.

To know new master The code can be obtained from the company that equipped the door with a locking device and issued apartment keys for the installed Metacom intercom.

However, it often happens that the encoding simply has not changed.

The intercom has three types of regulation services:

  • official;
  • systemic;
  • custom.

In the first and second, changes are made to the single universal Metacom code, apartment bindings and other specific operations. The most interesting is the last of the listed services.

With its help, you can change almost everything that relates to a specific subscriber.

  1. To change the registration of electronic keys, enter the combination 65535-В-1234-В-В-apartment number. After this, a new tablet is applied to the contact pad and B-7 is pressed. This allows you to register a new tablet in the device’s memory, for example, to use one key for several entrances.
  2. Erasing data about all electronic keys associated with the subscriber - you need to press 655-В-1234-В-В-apartment number-В-7-0-111. This may be necessary since a limited amount of memory is allocated for each subscriber and sometimes it is necessary to clear it of old accounts.
  3. Installing a new individual unlock code requires that the homeowner agrees with this operation. To set the combination, press 65535-В-1234-В-В-apartment number-В-0-password-В.

Using the system maintenance menu, you can feel like an engineer programming the device and change the master password of the intercom.

To do this you will need to know its old value. To install a new one, dial 65535-В-1234-В-9-3 on the panel. After this, you need to dial a new set of numbers and press the enter key to confirm.

There are methods for resetting, erasing a specific key from memory, changing addressing, and other rarely used operations.

Once again it is worth noting: in the given character-alphabetic sets, 1234 is the factory master password, which the installing engineer is recommended to change without fail.


In order not to be nervous and not to search for information on how to open a Metacom intercom at your own entrance, you just need to have some accuracy.

It is good form, if your contact key is lost, to order. It can later be linked to a specific apartment by changing the settings of the locking device.

The company that installed the intercom knows how to open a specific Metacom entrance. Therefore, in a critical situation, you can try to find out the master passwords and get specific hacking data simply by calling.

However, the best tactic is to be careful about your own keys, do not lose them and know the individual emergency unlock code for the apartment.

Video: How to open Metacom. Metakom intercom. Metacom code

Currently, more than 95 percent of entrances are equipped with a security system such as an intercom. This device exists in various variations, but all of them can be “hacked” culturally. So how can you open an intercom without a key?

It turns out that the intercom systems installed in our cities are as simple as the multiplication table. To be more precise, they are absolutely logical from a technical point of view. This can be judged by simply typing the treasured phrase in any Internet search engine: “How to open an intercom without a key.” We see that we are kindly offered almost a million answers to this question, due to which we get the feeling that at least half of the population of our country are either burglars or a little “engineers” at heart.

As you know, in order to set up an intercom, you need access to its programming mode. This is usually accomplished by typing a specific password into the device's keyboard. After the installer has entered the mode, he gets the opportunity not only to open the entrance door with an intercom, but also to change all the system settings to his taste without opening the door. It is this part of the intercom system that manufacturers once devoted special attention, limps, as they say, on both legs. The reason for this is either a manufacturer’s mistake, or laziness and inattention of the installer. But the fact remains that the secret codes that allow you to enter the entrance without an intercom key have long ceased to be secret.

Below we will look at how you can open the most known species keyless intercom systems. So after practical application method of trial and error, you can safely say: “Open sesame!”

VIZIT: how to open an intercom without a key

These intercoms are considered the most difficult to open without a key, since the codes on them are incredibly diverse. If the installer has not changed the standard settings of the device, then the door should open after entering “12#345” or “*#4230”. Newly installed VIZIT can be opened with the code “67#890” or “*#423”. By the way, many models of such intercoms often lack the “asterisk” and “hash” symbols - their functions are replaced, respectively, by the “K” and “C” keys.

If the installer, when installing the intercom, changed its standard settings, then you will first have to go to the service menu (“#999”), wait until two short beeps sound, and then enter the default code (“1234”). You should now hear a short, single squeak. Now let's do the next few more complex operations. Let's dial “2”, pause, “hash”, pause, “3535” (the last code is a command to open the intercom without using a key).

Cyfral: how to open an intercom without a key

If in the desired entrance there are apartments with numbering that is a multiple of 100 (that is, 100, 200, etc.), then enter the combination: “call, code 1, call, code 2.” Code 1 is the apartment number, which is a multiple of 100, and code 2 is “7272”, “2323” or “7273”.

For Cyfral models with the letter “M”, try the combination: “call, 41” or “call, 1410”. Another door can be opened by simply entering “07054”.

How to open without a key

Eltis is much easier to open. For a “neat” hack, dial the combination: “call, 100, call, 7273” or “call, 100, call, 2323”. Everything should work out.

Opening the METAKOM intercom

We dial the combination: “call, number of the first apartment in this entrance, call.” When you see “COD” on the display, enter “5702.” If all else fails, you can take a different path by dialing the combination: “65535, call, 1234, call, 8, call, 6, call, 4568.”

Rainmann: how to open an intercom without a key

On the numeric keypad, press the "key" and enter "987654". If the reaction to your action was a double squeak, then enter “123456”. The letter “P” should appear on the display, which means that you are in the service menu. To open the door, simply press "8".

When opening doors with an intercom without a key, you should distinguish between an urgent need and a banal and criminal burglary for selfish purposes. Therefore, be prudent and use the acquired knowledge wisely.

Today, calling panels can be seen on private houses, entrance groups office buildings, apartment buildings.

Subscribers of the system are given a contactless radio key fob.

But if they are lost, the user inevitably has the question of how to open the intercom without a key if it is night outside or the option of waiting for another visitor and entering with him will have to wait a very long time.

Opening the intercom without a key

To be guaranteed to get into the entrance, you don’t need to know how to hack the intercom.

It is enough to have a so-called universal key. Many workshops offer to make such an access device.

Some people find this kind of universal master key most convenient, especially in cases where they need to open an intercom of the same brand at home, at work, or in their parents’ entrance.

It is worth remembering that a universal key designed for devices of a certain brand will not work on other access control systems.

Any intercom system one way or another provides that as a result of malfunctions or loss of all access authorization elements, there must be an emergency or sufficient standard diagram actions of a service engineer or subscriber.

It could be:

  1. unlocking the lock in case of malfunctions;
  2. access to engineering menu programming and maintenance, which allows you to activate basic functionality, for example, in the form of unlocking a lock;
  3. a certain order of reaction to power failures and much more.

Despite the fact that manufacturers do not tolerate open access information on how to open an intercom without a key - based on an analysis of the documentation, many users have determined the recommended procedure.

Some mechanics are almost guaranteed to allow you to get into the entrance. Others will help you open the intercom only if several factors coincide.


This brand of access control systems does not provide mechanics for how to open an intercom without a key without a code.

To get into the entrance, you will have to use the calling keypad and one of the digital combinations, which is prescribed in the electronic system of the device by the manufacturer.

Opening the “Visit” intercom without a key

It is worth especially noting: the instructions instruct service engineers to change the main code words. Therefore, the chance that you won’t be able to get into the entrance is not zero.

  • press the key-zero combination four times in a row, without pauses;
  • enter the service menu by pressing 6666 (standard factory dial), after CCSS appears on the display, and then P - enter 8 to unlock the lock once.

If these steps do not help, it means that the standard settings of the device have been changed service engineers during installation and you can find out new code combinations only from the service company.


U - enough large number standard code words for different firmware, recorded in the electronics memory by the manufacturer.

Opening the “Impulse” intercom by programming it

Therefore, the following combination may work to open the door:

  1. 123400-call;
  2. call-1234-C;
  3. call-99911-call;
  4. 123456-call;
  5. call-8080.

If the above combinations did not lead to the desired result, alas, the installers did the programming and changed the standard codes.


Most the right way do not get into unpleasant situations - act preventively.

It is worth asking the intercom service company if they can provide access to the apartment using a personal code, in addition to using a key.

It is wise to make one of the copies and leave it at work or in another place that can be accessed around the clock.

And also check whether the entrance door opens with one of the standard combinations, try to find out the current code from the service company.

But even if none of this is done, under a certain set of circumstances you can get home without unnecessary effort using the factory intercom codes.

Video: How to open an intercom without a key? Hacking an intercom

1 8 585 0

Everyone knows that for a certain setting of the installed intercom, you must have access to software subject. It is obtained by a set of operations using the intercom keyboard. After entering the control mode, the intercom installer receives extensive control options. Now he can easily create an entry code or, at the client’s request, change it without opening the doors.

Manufacturers of intercoms have paid great attention to managing the functions of the equipment. True, if creators exist, then intercom burglars must also exist. And they are. There is nothing in the world that is beyond human effort. That's how it is with the intercom. There is no perfect system. That's why burglars, after a lot of hard work, find codes for everything.

But in our article we do not call for hacking intercoms. Quite the opposite. We condemn this.

Every person should know that hacking with mercenary intent is punishable in accordance with the Law.

Our advice should be used only in extreme cases, when the intercom applies to your apartment or house. Or you simply don’t have the key at hand to get into your home (forgotten, lost, or someone stole it).

Let's start learning tips for opening intercoms different types and designs.

Basic opening methods

Let's consider the existing methods for opening intercoms:

  1. Power opening of the intercom. We place our foot at the bottom of the door (under the handle) and firmly rest ourselves, then sharply pull the door by the handle. The main thing is to have a good emphasis, but force is not needed. You can’t open the door without a stop; if you pull without your foot, nothing will come of it (magnetic strength is about 400 kg).
  2. Special key. This kind of “key to all doors” can easily open almost every intercom. Such keys have various modifications. Keys suitable for many models do not open all of them, and narrow-profile analogues can only cope with intercoms from the Tsifral company or only with Metakom equipment, etc.
  3. Apply codes. A more civilized method of opening intercoms. You just need to know certain combinations of numbers to hack the program.
  4. Wait. You can wait for your neighbors in the apartment or entrance, who will come in from the street or, conversely, leave the house. There is a minus here. Sometimes you have to wait a very long time.
  5. Pretend to be an expert. Call any apartment and introduce yourself as a doctor, elevator operator, postman, etc. Then they can open it. But people are cautious now, and it is not a fact that such a method will work immediately. It is better to call those who know you and explain the situation.

Using improvised means

Let's give a few more effective ways opening of such equipment:

  1. Piezo element. Such a mechanism can be found if you have the appropriate lighter. Then you need to remove it and shock it at the place where the key is applied. Sometimes it works.
  2. Short-circuit the light bulb. If there is a light bulb near the entrance, then you can make a short circuit and, due to the disappearance of the current, the door will open. It is fraught with an unpleasant conversation with the residents of the house.
  3. Use the features of the equipment. There is a speaker and microphone. Needs to be made, something like feedback. To do this, you need to tightly close the sound part of the intercom with your hand (no noise should get into it). A squeak will begin and at its peak, forcefully pull the handle towards you.
  4. Go to the menu. To access the menu you need to know certain codes, and not everyone knows them.
  5. Reset memory. You need to be a specialist or call him by phone (usually the service numbers are written near the intercom or on it).
  6. Refrigerate the intercom. Valid only in winter and only on some models of intercoms with touch buttons (such as Rainmann). We apply the snowball to the keyboard and after the “Err” message appears (after 15 minutes), the lock will open on its own.
  7. Scotch. If you constantly go without a key, then simply stick adhesive tape on the magnet (a couple of layers), leaving a little space for contact. The door will close normally, but if the handle is pulled strongly towards you, it will open.

Opening of Vizit brand intercoms

Nowadays, many homeowners use Vizit intercoms.

To open Vizit intercoms old model, you can perform the following actions: dial 12, hash and 345, also try pressing the asterisk, hash and 4230 keys.

If your home has a Vizit intercom of a newer model, then perform the following manipulations:

  • We dial 67, hash, 890.
  • Star, hash and numbers 4230.
  • Also, try clicking on the star, hash and 3423. Or, 12, hash, 345.

The above codes are standard and if the master has not changed them, they will work. There is also a code - hash and 196.

In particularly difficult cases, we move on to a complex hacking procedure. Let's try to go to the services menu using a combination of pressing the hash mark and three nines.

After such an input, 2 short signals should follow. This means it’s time to enter the master code (set by default) from the first four digits in order. One signal will indicate the correctness of the code; if there are two signals, then everything is not so simple. Then we try other combinations one by one: 0000, 11639, 3535 or come up with your own.

When you enter the menu, you need to press 2 and after a pause, pound, then pause again and dial 3535. If instead of button 2, we press 3, then we can program a new key. Button 4 will delete all keys in memory. An asterisk means exit, and a hash sign means consent.

Let's try to open Cyfral (without a key). You need to press the call key and enter numbers from 100 to 900, ending each with the call key and entering the numbers 7272, or 7273.

If your model is marked with the letter M, then press call and 41. You can also try 1410 after the call key. Even simply entering the numbers 07054 can cause the lock to open.

For Cyfral CCD2094.1M models, dial the combination: call, four zeros (the lock will open or a menu will appear), then press 2 in the menu (the word OFF means blocking the entry mode).

The Cyfral CCD2094 model opens by pressing four zeros (the message “cod” should appear). Then we press: 123456 or 456999, sometimes pressing 123400 helps, and at the end of each number we press call. After the correct code (there will be a message “F0”), dial 601 and that’s it.

We open Metacom intercoms

To open Metakom brand intercoms, you can use the following combinations.

Increasingly, city high-rise buildings have begun to be protected from unwanted visitors by intercom systems. Although it is difficult to get through such a barrier, it is quite possible. You just need to know a few tricks, which will be discussed further. We will also consider how unlocking methods work on most models of intercom systems.

You may need to force the intercom to open at any moment: for example, you returned without the keys and no one is home, or you have information that a child is in danger in the apartment. There are many such situations. But if you decide to find out how to open an intercom system without a key for selfish reasons, we remind you that Criminal Code has a clear identification of such actions.

Why was this possible?

The whole secret is that the devices on the front door of a high-rise building are often equipped with standard codes. When installing a device, specialists use the service menu. Once in this cell, you can not only unlock the lock, but also completely change the intercom settings. To do this, simply know what “default” settings the manufacturer uses and dial the desired key combination on the panel.

Manufacturers of intercom systems pay special attention to menu settings: brand reputation and sales volumes depend on it. But during installation, company employees rarely perform the work in good faith: a professional who values ​​the work and does it efficiently is always obliged to change the default code. This will protect residents from getting inside the premises those people who are considered undesirable guests.

After repair, the intercom is not so easy to open, since the factory menu there has been precisely changed, and choosing a combination will be very difficult, almost impossible. To open a reprogrammed lock, you need to enter the settings menu, and since the code is individual, it cannot be selected.

Who owns the universal key for the intercom?

A set of numbers that can open all brands of electronic locks without exception does not exist in nature. But manufacturers of most models write a certain combination into the device’s memory, which helps, if necessary, to open access to the service menu. This “golden key” belongs to:

  • police officers;
  • emergency doctors;
  • postal workers;
  • employees of a company that provides home maintenance.

Without special knowledge, you can also open the front door. To do this, use one or more of the options below:

  1. A discharge of electric shock from a stun gun directed at the chip built into the panel will open the lock.
  2. Piezocrystals from a regular lighter can work as a master key. You just need to click the lighter near the chip. The method does not give a 100% guarantee, but sometimes it works.
  3. Hit the door at the level of the magnet, which is located with inside doors, approximately 10-15 cm below the panel. This will work by weakening the magnetic attraction.
  4. Strong pressure on the door followed by a pull towards yourself (this method requires significant physical preparation).

These methods will definitely help you deal with electronic lock Kron model. But the easiest way is to wait for one of the residents to enter (exit) the house and calmly go inside, or call your neighbors and ask them to open the front door.

Sequence of actions

In 95% of systems there is a mode, by changing which you can completely rewrite the device’s operating program, right down to the master code. To do this you need:

  1. Remove the intercom panel (without this further actions impossible because the programming cable is not routed out).
  2. Turn off power.
  3. Disconnect the programming wires.
  4. Turn on the device's power.

If there is a need to change the access code to a specific apartment, this can be done without going to the device service. Two people need to carry out such manipulations: the first person enters the apartment password on the device panel when entering the house, and the second person picks up the phone in the apartment and presses and releases the permission button 6 times. In this case, each press should be accompanied by the green “Enter” lighting up. After the sixth press, we again advise you to dial No. sq. A signal will sound indicating that the system is ready to remember the new password, then enter the new password. In order for the device to remember the code, you must press the door open button from the apartment. A sound signal will indicate that the recording has been made, and you can immediately lower the intercom handset onto the holder.

Digital electronic home security systems are becoming popular. They have the apartment number programmed into the handset. To change the access code, you need to open the base of the tube. Study carefully inner panel speaking tube: there must be pins with jumpers, under which there must be numbers. The sum of these numbers will be the apartment code. For example, 5+42=47 or 1+9+25+37=72. Using this knowledge, you can hack any device by simply recoding the handsets.

Some device manufacturers write the model and brand on the panel. In this case, purchased in service center a tube with pins soldered to it can open any lock on the front door. You just need to find the wire going to the intercom and connect the pins.

Universal master key

There is no need to think long about how to get through the seemingly reliable protection Houses. There is a universal chip that can open most locks from well-known manufacturers. Postmen and housing office workers who service a particular area have such keys. Thus, these services have access to the territory entrusted to them without the need to carry a huge bunch of keys to each entrance.

Important! With the help of such a chip you can deceive an electronic security guard. The key can be made in the form of a keychain, tablet or key.

The chip program contains data, after reading and verifying which, the device will release the door. The procedure may take a little longer than when opening with a “native” key, but the difference will not be more than 5-6 seconds.

How to open without a chip?

In case the installers were not lazy and rewrote service code, then it will be impossible to open the door. But non-reprogrammed intercom installations will easily succumb to magical combinations of numbers. Since installation passwords differ somewhat depending on the device model, we consider it advisable to consider options with the most famous brands.


There are 3 ways to unlock this protection.

  1. Press: call, then No. of the apartment from which the numbering in the entrance begins, then call again. You will see "COD" symbols on the display. Dial 5-7-0-2.
  2. Press 6-5-5-3-5 call, 1-2-3-4 call and 8.
  3. Dial 1-2-3-4, call, then 6, call and 4-5-6-8.

MK-20 M/T

There are 2 known options for opening the lock:

  1. Call, 2-7, call, 5-7-0-2.
  2. Call, 1, call, 4-5-2-6.

If you need to enter programming mode, you need to touch the reader with a chip without firmware.


Since the Visit model has many brands and varieties, the panel can differ significantly from each other. Sometimes on the intercom, instead of “*” there is a “C” button, and instead of “#” there is a “K” button. This must be taken into account when typing the required character sets.

There are 2 ways to open, the first of which is through the service menu.

  1. Dial # and 999.
  2. Then 1234.
  3. After a short high-pitched beep, enter one of the combinations (or all in turn until the lock works):
  • from 2 to 5;
  • 35 - twice;
  • 67 - twice;
  • 9 - 4 times;
  • 1-1-6-3-9.

To complete the operation, dial the code: “2, pause, #, pause, 3-5-3-5.”

There is a simplified method - a set of short commands for:

  • early types of Visit - “*#4-2-3-0” or “1-2#3-4-5”;
  • new types of Visit - “*#432” or “67#890”.


To open an entrance with a Barrier lock, you just need to dial 1013. This password cannot be changed by anyone, not even the service department. It is worth noting that this is one of the few electric locks that can be easily opened using two magnets. To do this, you just need to move the magnets along the chip pad.

Interesting fact: the only brand of this model that cannot be opened so easily is “Barrier-4”: the service password is not stitched here, and there are not 2, but 3 magnets inside.


To open this security, find out whether there are apartments in the entrance No. with a number divisible by 100 without a remainder. Is the answer yes? Press call, No multiple of one hundred, call and one of the combinations 23-23, 7-2-7-3 or 7-2-7-2.


For this brand, try a slightly different method. Press the call key and press 4-1 or 14-10. It is extremely rare, but sometimes it happens that front door submitted by dialing 07054.


To force security system To be obedient to this modification, you need to dial 0-0-0-0 and call. After “COD” is displayed, enter one of the passwords: from 1 to 6, 4-5-6-9-9-9 or 123-400 and the apartment call key. If there is no error when entering the password, after 5-10 seconds “F0” will appear on the monitor. Afterwards you need to enter 601.


To hack this electronic system entrance, press the bell button and four zeros. After entering, there are two scenarios for the development of events: either the door will open, or you will enter the service menu. If you are faced with the second outcome, then the inscription “ON” should appear on the screen, and the only thing you need to do is enter a deuce. If it lights up instead of "ON" - "OFF" - the access code was changed by the installer during installation of the device.


ELTIS is much easier to manipulate for emergency opening than other brands and models. You can use several combinations to choose from or all together in turn until you get a positive result:

  1. Press call, 1-0-0, call, 7-2-7-3 (or 2-3-2-3).
  2. If the first method does not help you cope with the task, be sure to try your luck using the same sequence of actions as when opening CYFRAL and CCD.
  3. The most in a simple way Entering the numbers 0-7-0-5-4 is considered.


This system will work if you press the button with the image of a key and enter the numbers from 9 to 4 (in reverse order). When you hear a double beep, press numbers 1 to 6. The display will show the letters P, press 8.


This is one of the most reliable intercom systems. Opening is possible if the factory settings are not changed during installation. The hacking options are as follows:

  • 6 zeros;
  • numbers from 1 to 6.

If the magnet does not work, try pressing and holding the button with the number 5 for 3-5 seconds. The display should light up with the word on. After this, you need to enter “180-180”, “B” and 5. But this algorithm of actions will not provide you with a 100% result.


To deal with a door on which an intercom of this model is installed, you need to act quickly: “C” + 669900 + call + add 1 to the No of the last one in the apartment entrance (for example, the last one is 62, which means dialing 63). The English letter F with three dashes indicates that the system is ready to accept code 080 for processing.


There is a small hole near the button with the chip. If it is not closed, try opening the lock by inserting a thin metal object (a paperclip, a pin, a needle) into it, or by typing on the dial:

  • "K557798K"
  • "2427101"
  • "123*2427101"
  • "K1234".

In order to supplement the intercom program with your key data, it is not necessary to go to the menu. You can simply type the command: “77395201 or 5755660” - “*” - “0” - “*”, bring the key to the magnet and press the # button twice.


The electronic security guard is very easy to open: it works almost the first time. To do this, press call, the button with the number 0 (5 times), call again (2 times). Be sure to press all buttons very quickly so as not to give the program time to analyze.

MARSHAL (Marshal)

Information about the last apartment number in the entrance will help you open this door. Add one to the number (No. 55 + 1 - enter 56) and one of the codes: K5555 or K1958.


The following character sets will help you force the lock to demagnetize and open:

  • 1-2-3-4;
  • 6-7-6-7;
  • 3-5-3-5;
  • 9-9-9-9;
  • from 1 to 5;
  • 0-0-0-0;
  • 1-1-6-3-9.

After each unsuccessful attempt, press two buttons at the same time - call and cancel.


Standard codes (6 zeros and from 1 to 6) do not work? Then try holding down five for a while. When the display is activated, dial 180-180 + call + 4 + call.


Installation of this model is most often accompanied by the assignment of a four-digit access code to each of the apartments of the house. Residents must remember their individual password - it will help them get into their home without a key. Or press the combination "key-0" 4 times, then 6-6-6-6. The appearance of the letter P on the monitor indicates the completion of the hack: press eight and wait 30-60 seconds.


In this case, password selection will not be required. The BLINK audio intercom can be easily opened using a Euro-standard battery (6F22) from the Krona brand. It should be attached to the false bolts under the panel.


The principle of operation of the intercom is the same as all previous ones: enter a general password and dial an individual password for a specific apartment. But what should you do if the specialist did not provide a unique code for each residential premises during installation? Of course, do it yourself.

  1. Enter the panel: 2-5-8-1-2-3-4 + call + 3. “F3” will appear on the mini display.
  2. To add a shared key: press the bell button 2 times + 4-character password + hold the “X” button for 3 seconds to exit control mode.
  3. To add an apartment key: Apartment No + “B” + attach the key to the chip on the intercom. Also hold the “X” button for 3 seconds.

Is there an intercom of this model installed on the door, but of an earlier release? Then follow the algorithm:

  • press 1-6-0 in turn without releasing the keys;
  • release the buttons in reverse order (0-6-1);
  • dashes will appear on the display, press 4-3-2-1;
  • complete with buttons B-3-B.

Use the advice contained in the article for your benefit and do not try to violate the boundaries of what is permitted: after all, it is one thing to use information in an emergency situation, and another to break the Law.