Coating wood with oil. Impregnation of wood products with linseed oil Impregnation of pine with linseed oil

So as not to lose quality characteristics wood, it is recommended to process it only natural ingredients. Various natural oils have been used for treating wood since the 12th century. In terms of its characteristics, linseed oil takes first place, as it not only protects wood, but also gives it a soft, velvety shade. How to properly use linseed oil for wood processing, the main stages and subtleties of the work in one short article.

When choosing how to treat a wooden floor or staircase, the environmental friendliness and protective properties of the impregnation are first taken into account. Impregnation of wood with natural linseed oil has a number of advantages:

  • An old product becomes aesthetically pleasing appearance, as small cracks, abrasions and unevenness are masked.
  • Absorbing into the porous surface, the composition gives it water-repellent properties.
  • After drying, dust and dirt adhere less to the surface.
  • Emphasizes the natural texture of wood.
  • The oil has antiseptic properties and protects the surface from fungi, mold and blue stains.
  • It is deeply absorbed into the wood and will last at least 50 years.
  • Protects wood from cracking and drying out.
  • Wood never stops “breathing”.
  • Hypoallergenic and suitable as finishing in children's rooms and kitchens.

Linen is used to coat any wood products: in the processing of houses, when finishing furniture and decorative elements made of oak, teak, pine, spruce, fir. Due to its composition, the oil is easily combined with various tinting emulsions. Apply independently as finishing and protection or under further varnish coating.

The only downside is the price, which depends on the manufacturer and the volume of impregnation purchased. The table below presents the most popular manufacturers of linseed oil for finishing work:

Which wood oil to choose depends on your financial capabilities. An unrefined product from any manufacturer is suitable for wood processing. Imported flaxseed formulations are more expensive, but have additives in the form beeswax or artificial polymers. They reduce drying time and simplify work. Each manufacturer has its own consumption and depends on the thickness of the product.

To tint the surface, impregnation with colors is purchased. This can be found in the catalogs of the manufacturer Tikkuril, price from 750 rubles/liter. Translucent tinting with various natural shades. Using colored oil, you can tint inexpensive type wood, such as pine, can be given the appearance of oak or mahogany. After processing, distinguish inexpensive material from a similar premium class at first glance it will be difficult.

Application technology

Each manufacturer's use is indicated on the label. But there are standard methods:

  • Immersion - when wooden element immersed in a hot composition and left to soak for several days. Then it is taken out and dried on a warm surface.
  • Vacuum impregnation - the product is placed in special device, where under the influence of a vacuum the oil penetrates deep into the wood.
  • Two-layer application - performed using a brush or a piece of foam rubber when finishing the premises.

Let's take a closer look at the two-layer application, which is suitable for processing wooden floors, stairs and walls.

Two-layer application

To complete the finishing you will need tools and materials:

  1. Oil.
  2. Wax.
  3. Wide tassel - flute.
  4. Sanding paper of the finest fraction.
  5. Cotton rags.
  6. A piece of clean suede.

The product is first cleaned of the old coating, and the surface is sanded using sandpaper. Use a soft brush to sweep away dust. Prepared wood absorbs oil better, and the protective properties of the coating will be higher.

Before work, the oil is brought to a boil twice. Thermal preparation will reduce the drying time of the impregnation. You need to cook the flaxseed product in a water bath, in small portions. As soon as the oil boils for the first time, remove it from the heat and allow to cool. Then the procedure is repeated. Before application, the hot product is stirred so that the color is more uniform. Modern compositions with wax do not need to be preheated, but they will take longer to dry. Use hot impregnation with caution and wear protective gloves.

  1. A brush or sponge is soaked in linseed oil, which is applied liberally to the wood using a blotting motion. Movements are performed along the fibers.
  2. Within two hours, the surface of the wood is impregnated.
  3. A second layer of hot impregnation is applied. The surfaces are allowed to dry for 2-3 hours.
  4. Take a soft rag and use it to remove excess impregnation from the tree.
  5. The surface is polished with wax or varnished.

Beeswax is heated in a water bath and rubbed hot into the wood until the surface acquires an even shine. But it is not necessary to cover the impregnation with wax, you can apply the old way polishing - using a thick suede cloth. Rub the surface with suede until it shines, using circular movements. But adding shine to wood is a long and painstaking process. It may take several weeks to treat a large area.

When using linseed oil to protect wood in your home, the application technology is followed. You will have to work with a heated product, so take care to protect your hands and eyes. By impregnating the wood, the oil will protect it from moisture, sun, fungi and mold. Small cracks will disappear on the surface, and the pattern will become clearer. To decorate inexpensive wood like oak or mahogany, impregnations with tinting effects are used, which can be purchased at any specialty store. For simple processing, the most inexpensive unrefined oil is suitable. It is advisable to wipe the top surface with wax or sand it until shiny with a suede cloth.

Wood plays a big role in human life. People are building wooden houses, because they are much stronger, warmer and environmentally friendly than other building materials. Wooden wood is used for cooking cutting boards; door handles, hatches, and windows, many also prefer to make them wooden.

For protection wooden surface from penetration of moisture or drying out, it is treated with oil.

How to protect wooden surfaces?

Why is wood impregnated? Everyone knows very well that wood has a good ability to absorb water and moisture, that is, it is hydrophilic. This is where problems arise: the wood dries out, cracks, and the wooden object simply deteriorates. But if this item is wooden handle from the knife, then the situation can be easily corrected by replacing it, unlike in cases where it cracks and crumbles wooden beam, which is the basis of the house.

In order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to treat the wood with substances that not only prevent moisture from penetrating into the wood, but also completely protect it from the harmful effects of the environment.

Benefits of flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is an environmentally friendly product; it protects wood well and has high moisture-repellent properties.

In building materials stores there is a huge variety of stains, varnishes, chemicals, but they are all toxic and can harm human health. The most the best remedy to preserve wooden surfaces - linseed oil. It is considered the strongest waterproofing substance and does not cause harm. to the human body. Impregnating wood with this product has a number of advantages:

  • environmentally friendly substance;
  • helps close even the smallest pores of wood;
  • is water-repellent;
  • improves the appearance of the wooden surface.

During the impregnation of wood, the substances included in the oil thicken under the influence of external factors (oxygen, light, heat), that is, a polymerization process occurs. As a result of impregnation, linseed oil becomes a semi-solid mass. The more polyunsaturated acid glycerides the oil contains, namely linoleic and linolenic acids, the higher the solidification ability and its protective properties.

After impregnation, the wooden product will need to be allowed to dry so that the wood is protected as much as possible in the future.

Complete drying of the wood surface after treatment with linseed oil will occur in 2-3 weeks.

You can speed up the process using:

The oil thickens as the wood is impregnated and does not get dirty.

  • turpentine;
  • wax;
  • tar.

When using turpentine, you must remember that this substance is toxic and can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, thermal burns may occur due to direct contact with skin. Tar is a product of dry distillation of wood; it is the same as turpentine, but less toxic. Therefore, to be safe, it is better to choose wax. It is not difficult to dissolve the wax: just heat it in a water bath and mix it with oil. This composition has enhanced water-repellent properties.

Impregnation of wood at home

In order to impregnate wooden objects at home, you need to purchase them at any hardware store linseed oil (if desired, wax for faster hardening). If wax is present, you need to warm it up first. Then linseed oil is heated and mixed with wax.

Even plates and children's toys can be impregnated with linseed oil.

There is no need to bring the composition to a boil: this can cause burns and is not at all necessary for a wooden surface. After this, apply oil to the wood with a thin foam sponge or your hands and rub it in, repeat the procedure 5-6 times. Leave to dry for 3-4 days (if wax is present).

Some home craftsmen immerse wooden product into a container with oil and leave it for 2-3 hours. The main indicator that impregnation of a wooden product has already begun are small air bubbles that appear on the wood.

Flaxseed oils, which contain polyurethane components, do not require the addition of wax.

It has the property of being perfectly absorbed into wood and wood surfaces. Therefore, after treatment, virtually no oil remains on the wood, and the wooden surface becomes strong and wear-resistant. In addition, linseed oil is an excellent antiseptic substance for wood, because it protects it from moisture, which is the first cause of fungus and mold, due to which the wood simply begins to rot.

All wooden surfaces can be treated with oil. No harmful components are added to it, so you can safely treat even such surfaces as:

Apply a thin layer of oil to the wooden surface with a brush.

  • wooden spoons, plates;
  • children's toys made of wood;
  • any furniture;
  • ceiling and floor coverings.

The wooden surface should not be wet or damp - this is the main condition for processing. The permissible moisture content in wood should not exceed 14%. If the surface is not new and needs impregnation, first you need to clean it of any remaining varnish or paint. After this, the surface must be cleaned of dust and remaining debris. Under no circumstances should you wipe the wood surface with a wet rag. The wood will immediately absorb moisture. Then clean with sandpaper and remove wood dust. In the room where impregnation will be carried out, the air humidity should not be lower than 70%. If impregnation is carried out outdoors, then not in rainy or foggy weather, but in sunny weather.

You need to apply linseed oil to the wood surface not in a thick, but in a thin layer, and several times. Wooden items that can be used constantly (for example, a floor) need to be treated 3-4 times a year, only in this case it will last a long time. And those household items that are not subject to regular mechanical stress, for example bookshelves or cabinets, it is enough to treat once every 2-3 years.

Small parts and objects can be immersed in oil for impregnation.

Depending on how curly or smooth the surface is, and also taking into account the thickness of the wood, you need to rely on the amount of oil applied. It is worth noting that a thin layer will harden within a day. If necessary, step-by-step impregnation can be carried out. Treatment can be done 6-8 times.

You can apply linseed oil with foam sponges or a brush. After processing wood, it is better to keep brushes in cold water. The remaining linseed oil must be stored in a cool place, at a temperature not exceeding 0 °.

It is an undeniable fact that the wooden coating will be more protected by oil wax. It is made on the basis of linseed oils. In addition, after impregnation of the wood, the color of the surface is preserved and does not change, and due to the fact that the oil wax contains bean wax, the wooden surface becomes shiny. Wax based on linseed oil can be used to impregnate light wood surfaces, including valuable wood species. The following surfaces can be treated with oil wax:

  • stairs;
  • furniture;
  • the inside of the windows;
  • interior doors;
  • interior wood floors.

To treat external wooden surfaces, it is better to use pure linseed oil, because only natural and concentrated oil has dirt-repellent properties. That's why external walls It is better to treat timber houses or bathhouse walls with pure linseed oil.

Flaxseed oil is considered a universal and most inexpensive means of preserving wooden coverings. There is no need to look for expensive water-repellent products for wood. It is enough to treat the surface and verify the effectiveness. Impregnating wood is a process that takes quite a long time, but the end result will satisfy even the most capricious people.

Impregnation with linseed oil is carried out in two ways:

  • rubbing;
  • by soaking.

Rub oil into wood only along the grain. For small wood items, soaking is recommended. The item should be completely immersed in linseed oil for several hours or 1-2 days. Required condition- the wood must dry after impregnation.

It is better to coat wooden surfaces with linseed oil rather than varnish. The fact is that the varnish cracks over time, and moisture can get into small cracks, which will lead to swelling of the wood. The wood will begin to deteriorate and swell within a few months. Linseed oil penetrates deep into the wood and does not become glassy after drying. Accordingly, cracks will not occur, and the access of moisture to the wood will be limited. Due to the fact that cracks do not appear, the linen coating retains its shine much longer.

IN modern houses a lot of wood. Of course, there used to be more of it. But even now wooden parts there are quite a few in the house (knife handles, window sills, cutting boards, door handles, door jambs, handicrafts, and so on). Like any other element, wood can age and deteriorate. Therefore the question " How to treat wood with oil so that it lasts longer? - This current question not only in ancient times (when wood was the main building material), but also now.

How to treat wood with oil? Well, you probably know that there are construction supermarkets. And in construction supermarkets there are entire departments with varnishes, stains and other wood impregnations. But on our site we prefer methods, so this article is mainly devoted to what you can do to process wood yourself.

So let's get started. And let's start from the very beginning simple way wood processing - impregnation with simple vegetable oil.

Impregnating wood with vegetable oil is one of the oldest methods of processing it. The main purpose of wood oil impregnation is to increase the moisture resistance of wooden products. So, wood itself is hydrophilic (loves water) and swells when exposed to water. Then it dries. Then it swells. And after several cycles (depending on the amount of water, air humidity, etc.) the wood cracks. Which does not improve either its mechanical or aesthetic properties.

Whereas impregnation of wood with oil

  • a) closes the smallest pores of wood, polymerizing on the surface;
  • b) makes large pores and the entire surface as a whole hydrophobic (water-repellent).

Well, besides this, impregnation of wood with oil increases its aesthetics, revealing the structure of the wood. What looks more beautiful than when the wood structure is not visible.

How oil works: vegetable oils, remaining in the air, under the influence of oxygen, light and heat, thicken, and in a thin layer they “dry out” (polymerize), turning into a semi-solid mass. This characteristic property is inherent in those vegetable oils that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular linoleic and linolenic. The more there are, the greater the drying ability of the oil. The following oils have the highest content of glycerides of linolenic and linoleic acids:

  • linen
  • hemp.

Sunflower oil works worse because it contains less polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Let's look at how this is used in practice.

How can you use linseed oil when processing wood?

For example, you have wooden handle knife you want to process. The easiest way is to take the oil in your hands and rub the handle thoroughly. Wait for absorption. Rub again. And so on until you get tired of it. In principle, this is enough for the household level. But if you want more (for example, increased durability to water), then you can do the following.

The knife handle (or other product) should be placed in linseed oil for several days. To do this, the knife can be placed in a jar with a screw-on lid with a thin slot for the blade, which, after placing the knife in it, must be hermetically sealed.

When the wood is soaked through, it must be wiped with a smooth, dry rag. After this, let it dry completely for several weeks. When the oil evaporates, oxidation and polymerization of the surface occurs, which after some time becomes strong and elastic.

As you noticed, it takes several weeks for the oil to dry when processing wood.

Why? It's very simple.

Vegetable oil in its natural form, even with great content linolenic acid oxidizes extremely slowly. To reduce drying time, the oil is subjected to heat treatment with the addition of metal compounds (driers). When heated, substances that slow down hardening decompose in the oil, and metal salts provide faster oxidation.

This way we get drying oils- compositions that turn into a hard, elastic film within 6-36 hours (depending on the composition, preparation technology and additives used) after application to the surface. As you understand, using drying oil significantly speeds things up. Drying oil can be bought at any store.

But as we said at the beginning, we are trying to find ways to process wood ourselves. So let's move on.

The first way to accelerate oil polymerization. You can buy both linseed oil and drier at an art store. Well, ensure heat treatment using friction - thoroughly rub the oil into the wooden product for, say, half an hour.

Easy and simple 🙂 Although it’s cheaper, that has to be taken into account...

Second way To speed up the drying and polymerization of the oil is to dilute the oil by half with turpentine. Turpentine is a mixture essential oils, which are obtained by extraction from resins coniferous trees(i.e. from resin).

If diluted with turpentine, the drying time is reduced to 1-2 weeks. Also keep in mind that turpentine is toxic substance(See Wikipedia on this matter), and you should not allow it to come into contact with your skin, much less breathe it in or drink it.

If you want to not only speed up the drying of the treated product, but also change its color, then you can dilute the oil by half with tar. Tar is a product of dry distillation of wood (wood is burned without access to air). That is, it is the same turpentine, only in a rougher and much less toxic form.

Flaxseed oil can also be mixed with wax. The wax dissolves in linseed oil (if you do this using heat, use a water bath and keep a fire extinguisher handy), and when treating wood with this composition, you not only oil, but also wax the surface. This enhances the water-repellent properties of wood many times over.

Naturally, the methods of wood processing do not end there. But we'll leave it at that for now, leaving other methods for next time.

Happy oiling your wood!

Oil-based formulations are universal solution, suitable for decorative finishing any wood. They do not create a durable and wear-resistant coating, but have a wide range of other advantages: excellent adhesion, ease of application, antiseptic protection, and environmental friendliness. Treating wood with oil does not create a film on the surface of the product; it allows you to emphasize the natural beauty of the texture of the material and tactilely feel its texture.

Simple application technology allows you to avoid streaks, smudges, brush marks and other defects. If necessary, the finish can be easily removed and updated. As a rule, oil is used for wooden objects that are not subject to intense abrasion and moisture.

What oils are most in demand?

Linseed oil – characterized by ease of application, deep penetration into the wood structure, and high resistance to environmental influences. The main disadvantage is the long drying process (up to 3 days). Large-pore wood is treated with linseed oil in several layers.

Drying oil - This is boiled linseed oil. Due to the presence of driers in its composition - catalysts that accelerate drying, the polymerization process takes no more than a day, which makes this type finishing is much more practical.

Tung oil , obtained from the seeds of the Chinese tung tree, effectively emphasizes the texture of the wood and forms a wear-resistant matte finish. The drying process takes about 24 hours. If linseed oil is more suitable for restoring old surfaces, then the use of tung oil is more appropriate when finishing new products.

Danish oil – finishing composition based on natural vegetable oils with the addition of resins and absorbent substances. Treating wood with Danish oil allows you to highlight its natural texture and create a durable matte finish. Drying time: 4-12 hours depending on the composition.

teak oil – mixture natural oils, resins and absorbent components. Finishing wood with teak oil allows you to get a durable decorative coating with a glossy effect. The drying process takes 4-6 hours depending on the specific composition.

What is dry oil residue?

Percentage of dry oil residue – important characteristic, which determines the features of the finishing composition. The dry residue refers to the percentage of non-volatile substances in the oil - these are various strengthening additives, waxes, inclusions that improve absorption, etc. The higher the percentage of dry residue of the product, the better covering ability it has. Accordingly, oil with a high solids content requires fewer layers of application. At the same time, the drying (polymerization) process of such compositions takes longer.

How to properly prepare the surface?

Before applying the finishing composition, the surface of the wood is sanded using abrasives of various grain sizes:

  • wood with an open structure (oak, etc.) - coarse abrasives P150-P180;
  • wood with a closed structure (maple, beech, etc.) - fine-grained abrasives P180-P240.

The sanded surface is removed from dust with a damp, lint-free cloth. When applying finishing to oily wood species (iroko, teak, etc.), it is recommended to additionally wipe the surface with white spirit.

How to treat wood with oil: general principles

The oil is applied to the prepared and dried surface using a swab or brush, followed by rubbing. Having evenly distributed a generous amount of oil on a wooden surface, let it soak in (about 15 minutes), then wipe off the excess composition along the fibers using a swab. Otherwise, the surface will be shiny, sticky, with possible staining.

Distribute the oil evenly to avoid spotting. Process the edges and ends first, because... due to the capillary effect, they absorb the finishing composition more intensively. In multi-layer processing, each new layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried, with preliminary grinding with a fine-grained abrasive.

The optimal temperature for treating wood with oil is 15-25°C. At temperatures below 10°C and high humidity, it is better to temporarily abandon work.

Professional subtleties of oil application

If stains form on the surface, increase the amount of oil applied.

To give the composition a more liquid consistency, necessary for uniform distribution over the surface, place the container with oil in hot water. Avoid contact with open flames.

The oil should not be applied under direct exposure to the sun, as... it will be absorbed too quickly, which in turn will complicate reprocessing.

Use a special dispenser to impregnate the surface - a simple and ergonomic device that promotes uniform application and economical consumption of the composition.

How does oil adhere to stain?

Oil and stain are not the best, but an acceptable combination. Any stain impairs the absorption of subsequent compositions, because partially fills the pores. In combination with oils, it is allowed to use only stains on water based. At the same time, practice shows that a more effective alternative to stain in this case is tinting pastes for tinting oils.

How long does it take for oil to dry?

  • flaxseed oil – 2-3 days;
  • linseed oil – 24 hours;
  • tung oil –24 hours;
  • polyurethane oil varnish – 12 hours;
  • Danish oil –4-12 hours;
  • teak oil – 4-6 tsp.

Since oils harden (polymerize) during the oxidation process, reacting with oxygen, drying products should be done in a room with constant air circulation.

What you need to know about the risks of spontaneous combustion?

When they react with oxygen, oils oxidize. This process is accompanied by heating, which can cause spontaneous combustion of the cleaning cloth and other items used during the work. Therefore, never leave oil-soaked rags rolled up: dry them unfolded outside and only then dispose of them. All items and materials (sanding felt, dispenser, sponges, etc.) that have come into contact with the oil should be stored in a sealed metal container.

After impregnation with linseed oil, the wood darkens

[ Click on photo
to enlarge ]

Linseed oil for wood impregnation can be used as an independent decorative coating for houses and log houses, furniture, doors, wooden flooring from pine, teak, oak and other types of wood for interior and exterior use.

Properties of linseed oil

Impregnating wood with linseed oil restores the appearance of wood products, increases the durability of treated structures, and gives it dirt-repellent and water-repellent properties. The oil can be tinted perfectly to suit any shade.


Protection of wood from biological influences
The most serious enemy wooden buildings are biological compounds. Among them, for example, mold, bacteria, fungi, algae, lichens, etc. can be noted.

Wood preservatives
Wood is a strong and reliable building material, but it is susceptible to fire and destruction when exposed to moisture, fungus, mold and insects

How to remove fungus from wood
In old houses on wooden walls, floors, furniture and other surfaces often appear various types mold, which is often also called fungus

Protection of wooden structures from rotting
Wood is susceptible to rotting due to factors such as changes in temperature, humidity conditions, etc. There are so-called house fungi that appear in unventilated and damp areas.