Cinquain on the theme of a military harbor. Librarian: What is “war”? Dear guests, guys, build a syncwine for the word “war”

Development of a history lesson in 11th grade

Marushchenko O.V., history teacher of the highest category, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2, Millerovo, Rostov region

Lesson module on the topic: “Civil War” (2 hours)

Target: form an idea of ​​the civil war as a battle of alternatives for the revival of Russia; understand the causes, stages and features of the civil war; consider the main events of the civil war; formulate the reasons for the defeat of the “whites” and the victory of the “reds”. Develop skills in working with a textbook, tables, reference diagrams; learn a new way of working with concepts. Develop organization and independence when performing work.

Lesson progress

    Organizational part. Message of the topic, purpose of the lesson.

    Introductory conversation with students:

    What is a "civil war"?

    When did this event take place in the modern history of our country?

    What other wars can you call civil?

    What are the dates of these events?

    Which civil war heroes of the early 20th century do you know?

    How would you answer the question “Who won the Civil War?”?

    Studying the topic “Civil War” using modular technology. Instruction on how to do the job. Students' work using technological maps.

Instruction card for the lesson

Work execution plan.

1. The concept of “civil war.” (3 minutes).


Using the “syncwine” technique, try to formulate the definition of “civil war”.

1.Write down the very concept of “civil war”.

2. Write down 2 adjectives, signs of this phenomenon.

3. Write down 3 verbs and actions associated with the concept.

4. Compose a sentence using the words written above that reveals the essence of the concept.

5.Write down a noun that is a synonym for this concept.

Compare your definition with a dictionary. Checking the completed work (1 min.).

2. When did the civil war start? (3 min.)

Information: There is no consensus among historians on the issue of the beginning and end of the civil war. Get acquainted with the views of historians on the problem (textbook by A. Levandovsky, paragraph 36, p. 142) and fill out the diagram:

Beginning of the war End of the war

Checking the work.

3. Features of the civil war (2 min.).


Remember what intervention is. Remember: a feature of the civil war in Russia was its close intertwining with the intervention of the Entente powers.

What goals did the interventionists pursue? Refer to the textbook, page 142.

4. Causes of the civil war. (3 min.).

1) Inconsistency between the goals of transforming society and the methods for achieving them;

2) Confiscation of landowners' lands;

3) Nationalization of industry, liquidation of commodity-money relations;

4) Creation of a one-party political system, establishment of the Bolshevik dictatorship.

Write these reasons down in your notebook.

Physical exercise.

5. Periodization of the civil war. Main events of the civil war. (20 min.).

During the period of front-line civil war and intervention, four stages can be distinguished quite clearly:

1. end of May 1918 – November 1918

4. spring - November 1920

Remember this periodization.

Independent work.

"The main events of the civil war of 1918-1920."


Fill out the table based on the textbook material (paragraph 36) and supporting diagrams (attached).

Checking the work. Summing up (2 min).


Problem-based learning is understood as such an organization of educational activities that involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them. The condition for the success of problem-based learning is: problematization of educational material (children are first surprised, and then, out of their inherent curiosity, try to solve the problem); child’s activity (knowledge must be absorbed with appetite); life parallels; relevance.

Technological diagram of a problem lesson Techniques for creating problem situations: 1. Lead students to a contradiction and invite them to independently find a way to resolve it. 2.Express several points of view on the same issue. 3. Statement of a problem problem with insufficient data, with contradictory data, with limited solution time. teacher student Organizes a search for a solution Directs students to solve it Creates a problem situation Forms their attitude to the problem Acquires new knowledge and ways of working with the material Subject of their learning

Topics of interactive lessons in the course program “Cold War culprits” (discussion). Could the Cold War have been avoided? (dispute). “Social prerequisites for large-scale changes, the search for a new path during the period of “perestroika.” “Why and how did the Soviet Union go from being a superpower, one of the world leaders, to the collapse of the state?”

Problem lesson on the topic: “Who is to blame for the outbreak of the Cold War? Lesson objectives: 1. Determine your position towards those responsible for the outbreak of the Cold War based on the documents presented. 2.Develop students’ skills to work with various sources of information, critically analyze them, and draw reasoned conclusions. 3. To instill in students an awareness of themselves as a part of a single world space, the desire for tolerance, and the ability to compromise when solving problem situations.

Methods of critical thinking Stage 1 Challenge stage Stage 2 Comprehension a) leitmotif of the lesson - an excerpt from W. Churchill’s speech in Fulton on March 5, 1946. (push to the Cold War); b) three points of view of historians on this problem; c) students’ conclusion of the lesson problem from the leitmotif; d) compiling an individual and collective “basket of ideas” in which student associations on this issue are collected. a) a brief overview by the teacher of the historical situation after World War II; b) the work of the design bureau to model the material into a reference outline; c) individual work of gifted students: modeling their own version of OK, compiling a terminological dictionary based on the compiled “baskets of ideas”; d) interactive game “Analysts”; e) mini-debate on the problem?

The “Cold War” is a state of economic, ideological and “paramilitary” confrontation between two systems (socialism and capitalism) Reasons 1. After the Victory, the USSR sought to surround itself with a belt of friendly states. 2. The United States sought to draw countries into its sphere of economic influence. 3. Anxiety of the USA and England about the further expansion of the spheres of influence of the USSR. Creation of the Department of Internal Affairs 1955 The split of Germany into two states of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic (1949) Creation of the Soviet atomic bomb 1949 Plan for the atomic bombing of the USSR Creation of NATO 1949 The image of the enemy March 5, 1946 - Churchill's speech in Fulton - a call to fight the expansion of communism March 1947 - “Truman Doctrine” A) Doctrine of containment B) Doctrine of discarding the USA and the countries of the West USSR and social. camp

Group 1 - facts of US guilt: April 1945 - Truman changes course towards the USSR to a tougher one. 2. Demand for the return of pre-war rulers to Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. 3. Plan “Unthinkable”. 4. Churchill's speech in Fulton. 5. "Truman Doctrine". 6. Creation of NATO. 7. Marshall Plan. Group 2 – facts of the guilt of the USSR: 1. Zhdanov’s thesis about the existence of 2 irreconcilable camps in the world. 2. Establishment of regimes of “people's democracy” - “Plan for the active defense of the territory of the Soviet Union” 4. CMEA - Cominform Bureau. 6.Creation of the atomic bomb. Interactive game "Analysts"

Problematic questions 1) What are the causes of the socio-economic and political crisis of the USSR? 2) What were the motives of political leaders in choosing this path? 3) Why was the leadership of the USSR unable to find an effective response to the challenges of the time? 4) What explained and how did the weakness of the Soviet state manifest itself?

Cross-web on the topic “Perestroika” Planned results Reforms of perestroika Real results 1. Production of industrial robots and production complexes. 2. State acceptance. 3. Company to combat drunkenness and alcoholism. 4. Comprehensive improvement of socialism. Acceleration of socio-economic development - April 1985. 1. The budget has been undermined. 2. Unplanned expenses for emergency response. 3. Reducing foreign exchange expenses. 4.Financial and economic crisis. The beginning of the development of the sphere of private initiative. Perestroika: Law on Individual Labor Activity - autumn 1986. Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of May 15, 1986 “On measures to strengthen the fight against unearned income.” 1. Economic independence of enterprises and cost accounting. 2. Law of foreign economic relations. 3.The right to choose a leader. Law on State Enterprise (Association) – 1987 1.Prices are not free. 2. Withdrawal from free sale of the majority of manufactured products. Creation of cooperativesLaw on cooperation - May 1988 1. Split of labor collectives. 2. Money emission 3. Transfer of goods and money abroad. 1.5 forms of management on land: state farms, collective farms, agricultural complexes, cooperatives, farms. 2. Dissolution of Gosagroprom. 3. Curtailment of the fight against private farming. Restructuring of the agricultural sector -1989 1 Crisis in agriculture.

1.Democratization of the party, management systems, openness. 2. Alternative elections. 3. The sovereignty of the Soviets. 4.Combining the positions of chairmen of the Councils and first secretaries. 5.The Congress of People's Deputies is the highest body of state power. Supreme Council 6. Cancellation of Article 6 of the Constitution - the right of the CPSU to a leading role in society. 7. Establishment of the post of President of the USSR. 8.Creation of a cabinet of ministers. Political reform - January 1987 Resolution “On democratization”. Law “On Amendments and Additions to the Constitution of the USSR.” Law “On elections of people's deputies of the USSR”. Criticism of the Soviet system, the policies of the Communist Party, and the country's leadership. The fight for the abolition of Article 6 of the Constitution. Council of the Union Council of Nationalities

Methodological development of the lesson

by discipline"Story"

for students in specialties

secondary vocational education

(in accordance with the sample program and curriculum of the institution)

Lesson topic

teacher Zakharova Tamara Vyacheslavovna

Moscow 2015

Explanatory note

This methodological development of an educational lesson on the topic “The first conflicts and crises of the Cold War” was prepared within the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard on the basis of an approximate program recommended by the Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education “Federal Institute under the Government of the Russian Federation” for the specialties: 080110 “Banking”, 080114 “Economics and accounting (by industry)”, 080109 “Finance”, 080118 “Insurance”.

The training session presented in the methodological development is included in section I “Post-war peace settlement. The beginning of the Cold War" according to the CTP. This topic of the lesson is included in the corresponding section and topic of the work program and CTP and is aimed at studying the main processes of political and economic development of the leading countries of the world and Russia in the second half of the 20th century.

Within the framework of this lesson, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the formation of ideas about the features of the development of modern history are implemented on the basis of understanding the most important events and problems of the second half of the 20th century.

Purpose of the lesson- formation of an idea of ​​the specifics of international relations after the Second World War;

Lesson objectives:

  1. Systematize and summarize the historical facts of the Cold War period
  2. Develop skills for independent work with primary sources
  3. Develop teamwork skills to achieve results
  4. Cultivate aversion to resolving controversial issues by military means.

Interdisciplinary connections within the framework of the lesson, they are implemented in integrated tasks focused on politics, economics, and law.

The teaching methods used in the training session make it possible to organize the independent activities of students as efficiently as possible.

Self-control and mutual control became forms of monitoring the results of educational activities (testing, compiling syncwine).

This methodological development of a lesson is an option for implementing the teacher’s pedagogical plan within the framework of organizing and conducting a training session in OOD disciplines.


State budgetary professional

educational institution in Moscow



Lesson topic

"The First Conflicts and Crises of the Cold War"

teacher Zakharova T.V.

  1. Lesson Passport


Zakharova T.V.




080110 "Banking"

Lesson number on QTP

Lesson topic

"The First Conflicts and Crises of the Cold War"

Type of activity

Formation of new knowledge, skills and abilities.

Type of activity

Combined lesson

Information support (didactic material)


Handouts: excerpts from primary sources, test tasks, algorithm for compiling a syncwine.

Educational technology(s)

Technology of critical thinking: writing syncwine.

Group work

Purpose of the lesson

formation of an idea of ​​the specifics of international relations after the Second World War;

Lesson objectives

Systematize and summarize the historical facts of the Cold War period; Develop skills of independent work with primary sources; Develop teamwork skills to achieve results; Cultivate aversion to resolving controversial issues by military means.

Form of organization of training sessions

Individual work of students; work in small groups.

Expected results:

  1. Active participation of students in the process of learning new material;
  2. Effective work of students in small groups;
  3. Understanding the patterns of development of the historical process
  4. Presentation of syncwines;
  5. Forming a conviction in the need to resolve controversial issues peacefully.

Formed competencies:

1. Communicative competence - obtaining information when working in a group, the ability to present and defend one’s point of view in public speaking;

2. Readiness for self-education - the ability to assess the need for this or that information for one’s activities;

3. Technological competence - understanding of instructions, algorithm of activities;

Educational product:

Chronological series of events, syncwines.


Structure of a training session on the topic “Main types of professional activities”

(process algorithm)

Lesson structure



stage name)

Purpose of educational activity


(step-by-step goal setting determined by the overall goal of the lesson)

Student activities

(practical actions according to the algorithm specified by the teacher in accordance with the stages of the lesson)

Teaching methods

(verbal, visual, problem-search, practical, etc.)

Control methods

Oral survey(frontal, individual), conversation

Written survey(testing, questioning, independent, practical, laboratory, tests)



competence formation

Elementary(proficiency in working with basic scientific categories)

Average(knowledge of technology use Advanced (promoted)

(knowledge of technology use, acquisitions and upgrades acquired skills, practical experience)

Updating knowledge

Organizational moment (3 min)

Knowledge Test on topics: “First World War”, “Second World War” (10 min)

Know dates on the history of World War II

Umet l systematize

factual material on the stages of the war

Testing by topic (Appendix No. 1)

Practical method


Preparation for the main stage of the lesson (5 min)

Communicating the topic, lesson plan, and involving students in goal setting.

Understanding topics of the training session;

Participation in formulating goals;

Readiness to the perception of new material;

Answers students for questions;

Proposing a hypothesis.

Elements of discussion

Oral survey in the form of a conversation


Learning new material(65 minutes)

1 . Problem task

“What contradictions arose between the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition?” (10 min.)

2. Working with the primary source (20 min)

3. Drawing up a chronological series

Cold War events (25 min.)

4. Compiling a syncwine on the topic: “Cold War”

Be able to formulate a hypothesis and justify it through the presented arguments

Be able to formulate conclusions and find answers to questions based on the text of the original source.

Be able to select the main thing from the text, generalize, draw conclusions and present

the result of its activities

Develop l teamwork skills;

Apply new knowledge when performing group tasks

Understand task execution algorithm .

Participation in discussion problematic situation.


answer plan, work in small groups

Individual work with a document

(Appendix No. 2) and maps.

Work in small groups with educational literature

Compiling syncwine in small groups (Appendix No. 3)

Verbal method

Practical method












Consolidating new material (4 min)

Be able to apply new knowledge when performing group tasks.


syncwine with explanations




Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it (2 min)

Understand specifics of international relations after the Second World War

Prepare a mini-presentation on one of the events of the Cold War period (optional)


Written independent work


Appendix 1

Testing and modification materials make it possible to diagnose students’ knowledge when checking homework and consolidating the knowledge acquired during the training session. Assignments help test analytical and information and communication skills, universal educational activities to systematize information, establish cause-and-effect and structural relationships. Each correct answer is worth one point.

Option 1

1. The definition most fully corresponds to the concept of “fascism”

  1. Open state terrorist dictatorship
  2. One-party political system
  3. Establishment of press censorship
  4. The power of one man

2. Establish a correspondence between the text of the agreement and the name of the agreement.

A) Creditor states... cannot assume any obligations regarding claims made by the Soviet government. In view of, however, the difficult economic situation of Russia, creditor states are inclined to reduce Russia's military debt to them in percentage terms, the size of which should subsequently be

1. Resolution of the Allied delegations at the Genoa Conference

B) The German state and the RSFSR mutually refuse compensation for their military expenses, as well as compensation for military losses... Diplomatic and consular relations between Germany and the RSFSR are immediately resumed

2. Pact of the Rhine

B) The High Contracting Parties, Considering that in order to promote cooperation among peoples and to guarantee their peace and security, it is important to accept certain obligations not to resort to war... accept this Statute, which establishes the League of Nations

3. Treaty of Rappal

4. Kellogg-Briand Pact

5. Treaty of Versailles

3. Joint actions of states with the aim of maintaining international peace and security, preventing or suppressing acts of aggression is called.

  1. Isolationism
  2. The policy of "appeasement"
  3. Big stick"
  4. The policy of "collective security"

4. The result of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the secret protocols to it.

  1. Creation of a collective security system
  2. Resolving the issue of reparations and debts
  3. Division of Eastern Europe into spheres of influence
  4. Hitler postpones the start of World War II by two years

5. Requirement I.V. Stalin. “We ask that the distance from Leningrad to the border line be seventy kilometers. These are our minimum requirements and you should not think that we will reduce them. We cannot move Leningrad, so the border line must be moved,” was addressed to the government:

  1. Poland
  2. Sweden
  3. Germany
  4. Finland

6. The decision to demilitarize and demonopolize Germany after the end of World War II was made on.

  1. Paris Conference
  2. Tehran Conference
  3. Potsdam Conference
  4. Yalta (Crimean) conference

7. The concept of “denazification” means.

  1. Disarmament
  2. Punishment of war criminals
  3. Restoration of the activities of various parties
  4. Transfer of state property to private property

Key to the test:

2- A-1, B-3, B-5.

Appendix 2

“From Stettin on the Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic, an iron curtain descended on the continent. Behind this line are stored all the treasures of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia - all these famous cities and the populations in their areas are in the Soviet sphere and are all subject in one form or another not only to Soviet influence, but also to a large extent to the increasing control of Moscow .

The Communist parties, which were very insignificant in all these eastern states of Europe, have achieved exceptional power, far superior to their numbers, and are seeking to establish totalitarian control everywhere. Police governments prevail in almost all these countries and to this day, with the exception of Czechoslovakia, no real democracy exists in them...

I don't believe that Soviet Russia wants war. She wants the fruits of war and the unlimited spread of her power and her doctrines. But what we must consider here today is a system for preventing the threat of war, providing conditions for the development of freedom and democracy as quickly as possible in all countries... ...Russians...respect nothing so much , as strength, and have no less respect for anything than military weakness. For this reason our old doctrine of the balance of power is untenable. We cannot allow ourselves, as far as it is in our power, to act from a position of small advantage, which leads to the temptation to try our strength. Our old doctrine of balance is untenable. We cannot afford to rely on a slight superiority in strength, thereby creating a temptation to test our strength. If Western democracies stuck together, strictly following the principles of the UN Charter, their influence on the implementation of these principles would be enormous and no one could stand in their way. But if something separates them or they hesitate in fulfilling their duty, then a catastrophe could really threaten us all...”

Questions and tasks for the document:

1. Find on the historical map “Europe after World War II” the states that, according to Churchill, were behind the “Iron Curtain”. How do you understand this term?

3. What threat to the West did the former British Prime Minister consider to be the main one? Formulate it.

4. W. Churchill’s speech does not directly talk about the need for confrontation between the superpowers. However, historians consider Churchill's speech to be the beginning of the Cold War. Find provisions in the document that confirm this conclusion of historians.

From J.V. Stalin’s answer to a Pravda correspondent

“In essence, Mr. Churchill and his friends in England and the United States are presenting to the nations that do not speak English a kind of ultimatum: accept our dominance voluntarily, and then everything will be in order, otherwise war is inevitable. ...The Soviet Union lost several times more people than England and the United States of America combined. It is possible that in some places these colossal sacrifices of the Soviet people, who ensured the liberation of Europe from the Hitlerite yoke, are inclined to be forgotten. But the Soviet Union cannot forget about them. The question arises, what could be surprising in the fact that the Soviet Union, wanting to protect itself for the future, is trying to ensure that in these countries there are governments loyal to the Soviet Union? How can one, without going crazy, qualify these peaceful aspirations of the Soviet Union as the expansionist tendencies of our state? ...The growth of communist influence cannot be considered an accident. It represents a completely natural phenomenon. The influence of communists grew because during the difficult years of fascist rule in Europe, communists turned out to be reliable, brave, selfless fighters against the fascist regime and for the freedom of peoples.

I don’t know whether Mr. Churchill and his friends will be able to organize a new campaign against “Eastern Europe” after the Second World War. But if they succeed - which is unlikely, for millions of ordinary people are guarding the cause of peace - then we can say with confidence that they will be beaten in the same way as they were beaten in the past, 26 years ago.”

Questions for the document:

1. What arguments does Stalin give to justify the foreign policy interests of the Soviet Union? Based on the document, formulate the foreign policy interests of the USSR after the war.

2. What events that happened “26 years ago* did Stalin have in mind?

3. Compare the positions of Churchill and Stalin. Whose position do you find more convincing? Why?

Appendix 3

Technique “writing syncwine”

Translated from French, the word “cinquain” means a poem consisting of five lines, which is written according to certain rules. Compiling a syncwine requires the student to summarize the educational material and information in brief terms. This is a form of free creativity, but according to certain rules.

The rules for writing syncwine are as follows:

On first line one word is written - a noun. This is the theme of syncwine.

On second line you need to write two adjectives that reveal the theme of the syncwine.

On third line Three verbs are written down that describe actions related to the topic of syncwine.

On fourth line a whole phrase, sentence, consisting of several words, with the help of which the student expresses your attitude to the topic, This could be a catchphrase, a quote, or a phrase composed by the student in the context of the topic.

Fifth line- This summary word, which gives newinterpretation of the topic, allows you to express to her personal attitude.


Big, small.
Forgives, tolerates, observes,
He doesn’t spoil his children, but educates them.

Holy, bright.
You give birth, you baptize, you reward.
It is impossible to imagine the world without you.

Powerful, popular,
Meets, pacifies, forgives.
A mother who is expecting her son to leave the army deserves respect.

Merciless, insatiable,
He will lie in wait, strike, and return.
You treat your enemy better than he treats you.

Reliable, faithful.
He will help, he will give, he will remain silent.
Only a friend can be trusted with something that you cannot trust with yourself.
The only one.

Limitless, generous.
Attracts, dissolves, heals.
Many know how to do good, but not many know how to receive it.

Friendly, unique.
He will care, he will believe, he will understand.
Family is something you created yourself.

Warm, dear.
Waits, meets, holds.
When you lose your home, you lose your soul.

New, modern.
It opens, lets in, lets out.
Do you know what it's like to be a door?

First, second.
They creak, groan, and bend.
You don't always notice that you're walking up steps.

Proud, playful.
He leaves, returns, and is surprised.
She may be grateful, but not obligated.

Funny, fluffy.
Runs, smiles, rejoices.
Her heart is always open to people.

Many-armed, many-eyed.
Blooms, bears fruit, divides.
It is better not to cut down one tree than to plant two.

White-faced, long-haired.
Soars, worries, breathes.
Ask the birch tree for forgiveness.

Young, loud,
Gives birth, builds, searches.
Doesn't always live up to expectations.

Honey, multi-colored.
Bites, burns, caresses.
There are no limits to your generosity.

Redhead, changeable.
Hurries, gives, sad.
The smell of mushroom rain cannot be compared with anything.

Majestic, cold.
She came, subdued, changed.
Everyone has their own attitude towards winter.

Bright, cold.
They blink, delight, open.
Stars never fall, but go away.

High, unattainable.
Silent, watching, beckoning.
When praying, people turn to heaven.

Light, whimsical.
They strive, they swim, they melt.
Who hasn't dreamed of touching them with their hands?

Such as...
They amaze, fill, remind.
The only things better than mountains are mountains.

Boundless, indomitable.
It delights, fascinates, and takes away.
Let's argue about the intelligence of the sea.

Current, leisurely.
Leads, hides, exposes.
Knows what the meaning of life is.

Unmown, wild.
Blooms, sings, seethes.
No one can stop the wind in an open field.

Inevitable, long,
Calls, holds, teaches.
Everyone must complete it to the end.

Wet, clumsy.
It gets lost, breaks, bends.
An umbrella gives the illusion of protection.

Strict, kind.
He speaks, listens, understands.
His heart is limitless.

Noisy, troublesome.
Opens, lifts, believes.
This is a world where good triumphs over evil.

Sinkwine "War"

Terrible and cruel

Shoot kill suffer

On the brink of death

Librarian: Yes, guys, war is grief, it’s pain. What is the impact of war on the fate of children? What character traits do they acquire? Many books have been written about children of war. You read these works and understand: this should not happen! Not in the past, not in the present, not in the future! We do not live for war. Literature may not have the power to change the world. But still, books about children in war can touch someone’s heart and add at least a drop of kindness and attention to our lives. (Slide with books about the war) And, most importantly, to convey not only the memory of the Great Patriotic War, but also an awareness of the value of peaceful life. Many of you enjoy reading books about military events and not only read, but also make drawings about the heroes of these works.

(Exhibition of drawings, exhibition of books, talking about books, children take them from the exhibition.)

Librarian: The glorious military deeds of the young heroes will forever remain in the grateful memory of the people. Those who bravely fought the fierce enemy on the front-line battlefields, in partisan detachments and in underground conditions. Those who contributed to the coming victory and to whom today’s peers owe a happy, peaceful life. We know! We remember! We are proud! They have earned the right to everything. Except oblivion.

I would like to present them all posthumously to the order,
those who said firmly as one:
We can give our lives for our Motherland,
- but we won’t give up our homeland for our lives!

Librarian: Our country has always strived and strives for peace with all states. The children of Russia want to be friends with all the children of the earth. What is peace? Let's build a syncwine for the word "world".

Sinkwine "Peace"

Rainbow Fragile

Smile love protect

May there always be sunshine

Librarian: War is a common grief, but everyone has their own peace. Today the world is turbulent, armed conflicts, hot spots, local wars - they are called differently, but they bring terrible grief to people, destroy families, make children orphans, disabled people, cripple souls, make them unhappy. Therefore, the world must be protected.


1. Children have different names -

There are a lot of us on the planet!

There are Nastya, Vova and Alena,

There are millions of children everywhere!

2. Children have different names,

For us - everything is the best in the world.

We need bright toys:

And Pinocchio and Parsley!

3. We need books, songs, dances

And fascinating tales!

Cartoons, games and candy

And free tickets to the circus!

4. We want to grow up to be doctors,

Artists and violinists.

Teachers and artists

Both pilots and tank crews!

5. We want to live under a peaceful sky,

And rejoice and be friends!

We want it to be everywhere on the planet

Children did not know war at all!

6. The sunny bunny frolics

On the grass and on the sand.

Drank some water in the stream

And sat on my hand!

The bunny jumps around the planet,

And it becomes light.

White, black, yellow children

Gives affection and warmth.

Leisya, song! Leisure together!

Help make friends!

All the boys really need it

Live in peace!

There's a song playing “Children and war are incompatible”

Librarian: Victory Day- this is a wonderful, bright holiday of peace. Let's try to save our amazing planet from new disaster. May the black clouds of war never again obscure the sun over our Motherland. May the words never be spoken again "children of war".