The Rossoshanskoye apple tree variety is delicious. Various Rossoshanskoe apple trees

Amazing is a late-winter dessert variety.

IMPORTANT: The second name is “ Rossoshanskoe delicious».

The apple tree is characterized by high resistance to scab and powdery mildew.

Frost resistance is at an average level.

At the right conditions, apples can be stored until 250 days.

Storage conditions for apples for the winter:

  • optimal - zero temperature;
  • storage in wooden containers (racks, containers, boxes);
  • dark room with low humidity;
  • preliminary calibration based on fruit size;
  • each variety is stored in separate containers.

Also among the winter varieties of apple trees it is worth paying attention to:, and.


This self-sterile variety apple trees This means that pollination occurs due to pollen from apple flowers. self-fertile variety. Ideally, plant strips of two varieties at a distance of 5 meters from one another.

Best pollinators: Rossoshanskoye Lezhkoe, .

Description of the variety Amazing

Appearance Apple trees are characterized by medium height, dense bright green crown and bright red fruits.

Medium in height. spherical crown, not dense, leaf cover is loose.

The color of the bark is gray-brown. The skeletal branches are located almost vertically in relation to the trunk.

Fruiting on ringlets. The bark of the shoots is grayish-brown. Their number is not high.

Cone-shaped buds are pressed. The medium-sized leaves are elliptical in shape.

The edges of the leaf are serrated, the base is wide, the color is dark green. Leaf plate slightly curved, elastic consistency. The inflorescence is umbrella-shaped. The number of inflorescences is average. The color of the buds is white.

Externally very attractive, medium to above average size. One tree grows apples of approximately the same size. The shape is leveled, elongated-conical.

Apples are symmetrical. Color – green-yellow. The cover color is most often absent or occupies a small surface different shades red flowers.

A noticeably large number of subcutaneous dots are green-brown in color. The skin is not rusty, not glossy, but smooth.

The apple heart is medium in size. The pulp is white with a yellow tint, sweet and sour in taste with a faint aroma.

Chemical composition Apples Amazing:

The following varieties also have good taste and special benefits:, and.


History of selection

The apple tree variety Amazing from the Rossoshan Experimental Station was born as a result of a combination MM. Ulyanishchev two other varieties - and Mekintosh. Included in the state register of the region North Caucasus in 1974.

Region of growth and distribution

The natural growth zone is Rostov region. To be more precise - southern regions of the Central Black Earth Region.

However, the variety is well adapted to other sunny regions. If climatic conditions not suitable enough, provide proper care, and above all, planting a tree.

The following varieties of apple trees are excellent for planting in these regions:, and.


This is an amazing late-ripening apple tree variety.

Usually passes before maturity about 140 days from the end of flowering.

Before ripening, the apples do not fall off and hold tightly to the tree.

The tree begins to bear fruit six years after planting.

The apple tree produces harvests annually and are quite significant. Already at the first harvest, the tree brings up to 100 kilograms of fruit.

In the natural growth zone Amazing brings 200 centners per hectare.

Such varieties of apple trees as, and can boast of abundant harvests.

Planting and care

When planting a tree, classic fertilizers are used. The apple tree is not fussy to care for.

Amazing – late winter apple variety.

IMPORTANT: When planting, avoid places where groundwater placed close to the surface. Otherwise, the seedling will end up in the water and the tree will rot.

Planting of this variety is desirable in one of two periods: spring(at the end of April) and autumn(end of September - beginning of October).

However, for this variety recommended after all autumn.

It is better to purchase seedlings with a developed root system.

Choose well drained areas for planting this variety.

It's better to plant trees at a distance of 2.5 m. Be sure to water the tree thoroughly immediately after planting.

ADVICE: If it is not possible to obtain such soil, you can dig a hole one meter deep and one meter in diameter and cover it with layers of sand, compost and peat chips. This will create more best conditions for seedling germination.

On next year after planting, in the spring, it is important to carry out formation of deciduous crown apple trees

Need to trim the ends each branch. And for the first four to five years do not allow the apple tree to produce fruit.

If the soil is fertile, then the apple tree of the “Amazing” variety is almost does not require additional fertilizer. Feeding it once a year will be enough.

For this it is better to use:

  • manure humus;
  • mixture of microelements (N,Se,B,P);
  • 0.5% urea;
  • calcium salts.

In April, it is imperative to irrigate trees with mixtures that protect against pests.

This procedure should be carried out twice: when the buds began to swell on the branches and before the buds bloomed.

Diseases and pests

Apple tree variety Izumitelnoe refers to highly resistant to scab. However, it is still susceptible to attack by pests and the onset of various diseases.

It is important that not only the trunk itself is affected, but the entire crop also deteriorates. The fruits may come out with a whole list of flaws.

The peculiarity of scab is that first of all it affects the leaves of the tree, and then moves to the fruits.

The trunk appears to be completely healthy.

The first signs of scab are the appearance of green-brown spots on the leaves, also in large quantities small brown, crusty spots on the fruit.

The cause of this fungus may be air stagnation inside the tree crown or high humidity.

To avoid damage, it is important to isolate the apple tree from other crops in the garden, carefully monitor the plant and Constantly carry out preventive measures:

  • adding ash to the soil;
  • crown formation;
  • replenishment with potash fertilizers;
  • feeding with compost.

Most often, the apple tree of the Amazing variety is affected by tinder fungus. If the disease has attacked the tree, then the first sign will be the appearance of wounds (fungus) on the bark.

It severely affects the trunk of the apple tree, but has virtually no effect on the fruit.

The mushroom is needed immediately liquidate, otherwise the daily presence of the mushroom on the bark takes a lot of strength and nutrients, which are necessary for the apple tree to exist normally.

If the mushroom has not yet become too hard, then you can use the usual garden knife to cut it off. If the mushroom has seriously affected the tree and has become very large and quite hard, then you cannot do without an ax.

Naturally, healthy wood will also suffer.

It is necessary to destroy the fungus at its very roots.

If this is not done, after a while the mushroom will form again in the same place.

After removing the infection, the place in which it grew should be disinfect.

The main thing is that the cut is even; most often it is possible to make a couple more cuts.

The treatment should be carried out with copper sulfate, after which it is advisable to paint over the treated area with oil paint.

If this is not done, the wound will soon become a nest for various types of pests.

Watch a video about the tinder fungus and the fight against it.

You should not neglect prevention against such common insect pests as, and.

Apple trees of the Izumitelnoe variety are popular among consumers due to their good resistance to scab, high yield and quality of fruits, long shelf life, as well as their chemical nutritional and biological value.

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MEMORY OF ARTEM. The variety was bred by I. I. Sidorenko,
I. P. Chernyaev and P. K. Yakovlev at the Donetsk experimental station of horticulture from seedlings of winter golden Parmen.
Trees of medium vigor with a rounded, slightly thickened crown. In the Donetsk region, they have shown themselves to be drought-resistant, but not always sufficiently winter-hardy. Scab resistance is good. Trees begin to bear fruit in the 5th, and sometimes in the 4th, year after planting. Productivity is good.
The fruits are above average size (120 g), round-conical, sometimes somewhat ribbed, golden yellow, with a bright red striped blush. The pulp is dense, fine-grained, relatively juicy, with a good wine-sweet taste. Fruit ripeness occurs at the end of September. The fruit consumption period is October - March.
The variety is zoned in the Donetsk region.

(V.F. Smirnov “Apple tree varieties cultivated in the USSR,” Science", M, 1982)

In memory of Artem
Developed at the Donetsk Experimental Horticulture Station by I.P. Chernyaev, P.K. Yakovlev, I.I. Sidorenko by sowing seeds of Parmena winter golden free pollination, harvested at the Oslamovo state farm in Vinnitsa region. The tree is fast growing. The main branches are thick, medium length, the lower ones depart from the trunk at angles of 70-80, the upper ones 50-60°.
The crown is broadly rounded. The main branches are overgrown with a large number of branches of subsequent orders, so the crown is thickened and needs thinning when pruning. It is easy to shape and suitable for growing in intensive gardens on dwarf rootstocks. Frost - and winter hardiness of trees is high. Thus, they endured a drop in temperature to -38 C without any damage. In the conditions of the Donetsk region, fruits and leaves are not affected by scab. Compared to other varieties, it is characterized by slightly greater drought resistance. Trees begin to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting in the garden. The type of fruiting is mixed, due to which the fruits are located both inside and on the periphery of the crown. The annual yield is high, 10-year-old trees produce about 200. 15-year-old trees produce 250 kg of fruit. The fruits are of medium size - weighing 130 g, regular truncated or round-conical in shape, sometimes somewhat ribbed towards the calyx. The crater is deep and rusty. The recess at the calyx is of medium size, the calyx is open. The peduncle is long, of medium thickness. The main color is initially green, and when storing the fruit it becomes golden-yellow, the outer color is in the form of a beautiful blurry-striped orange-red blush, which gives the fruit a special elegance. The pulp is creamy or yellowish, dense, fine-grained, moderately juicy, sweet, sour, pleasant taste (3.8 points). The fruits contain; dry soluble substances 15.66-16.12%, sugars 13.20. acids 0.45 °„. Late autumn variety. Removable fruit maturity occurs in late September-early October. They ripen at the same time. In natural cooling storage they retain their taste until January. The marketability of fruits is very high - the yield of 1st grade fruit is 90-93%. Transportability is good. advantages: high winter hardiness, productivity, resistance to fungal diseases, elegant fruits.
Disadvantages: non-simultaneous ripening and pre-harvest shedding of fruits. Widely distributed in the Donetsk region both in industrial plantings and among amateur gardeners. Until 1980, it was one of the zoned autumn varieties.
(Pomology vol. 1, Kyiv, 1991)

Apple tree variety Venyaminovskoe photo reviews description characteristics

Venyaminovskoye is a winter variety of apple tree with immunity to scab, obtained at the All-Russian Research Institute of Breeding fruit crops by free pollination of the elite immune form 814 (Golden Delicious x F2 Malus floribunda). The seeds were selected from the 1981 harvest. Sowing was carried out in 1982. The first fruiting of the seedling was recorded in 1990. Based on the quality of its fruits, the seedling was classified as an elite in 1995. Authorship is assigned to E. N. Sedov, Z. M. Serova, V. V. Zhdanov and E. A. Dolmatov.

In 1998, the variety was accepted for State testing in the Central, Central Black Earth and Lower Volga regions. In 2001, it was zoned in the Central Black Earth region.

The trees grow to large sizes, the crown is round in shape, relatively sparse, and medium dense. The branches are strong, when extending from the trunk they form an angle close to a right angle; the ends of the branches are directed upward. The bark on the trunk and skeletal branches has a smooth surface and is colored gray. The formation of fruit ovaries occurs mainly on simple and complex ringlets.

The shoots are geniculate, fleecy, of medium thickness, arched in shape, faceted in cross-section, brown in color. Lentils are small in size and often found on shoots. The buds are conical, pressed, fleecy. Leaves ovoid, dark green in color, with a helical twisted tip, short-pointed; the edges of the leaves are coarsely wavy, with crenate serrations. The leaf blade is glossy, wrinkled, with rough veining and weak pubescence. Petioles are medium long, fleecy.

The flowers are medium-sized, saucer-shaped; petals are white and pink, slightly closed, round in shape; corymbose inflorescences, each with 4 to 6 flowers; the buds are painted white and pink. The stigmas of the pistils are located at the level of the anthers. Pedicels of medium length; the pistil column is fused, pubescent.

The fruits of the Venyaminovskoe apple tree are medium in size, weighing about 130 grams, conical in shape, moderately flattened, with wide ribs, beveled, sometimes asymmetrical. There are cases when in some years (for example, in 2011 in the Ryazan region) the fruits grew to very large sizes, their weight ranged from 180 to 300 g. At the moment of removable ripeness, apples have a greenish color; at the time of consumer ripeness, the main color of the fruit becomes greenish-yellow. The top color is expressed through a beautiful rich red-crimson blush on a significant part of the fruit. Fruits in places with good lighting are distinguished by a more intense integumentary color, which spreads over the entire surface. Numerous subcutaneous dots are clearly visible on the skin of apples. gray. The stalks are short, straight, set at an angle. The subcalyx tube is narrow, sac-shaped, and short in length. The funnel is narrow, relatively deep, pointed in shape, slightly rusty. Cup closed type. The saucer is narrow, medium in depth, grooved. Bulb-shaped heart. Seed chambers are closed. The seeds are narrow, conical in shape, and colored brown.

The pulp is white, with a greenish tint, dense, coarse-grained consistency, juicy, harmonious sweet and sour taste, dessert type. Tasting score for appearance and taste on a 5-point scale - 4.4 points. According to the chemical composition, the fruits contain: total sugars (8.6%), titratable acids (0.71%), ascorbic acid (4.5 mg/100 g), P-active substances (222 mg/100 g).

The period of removable ripeness of the fruits of this apple tree in the conditions of the Ryazan region falls on the first ten days of September, in the conditions of the Oryol region - in mid-September (from the 15th to the 20th). The fruits ripen at the same time, some of the fruits fall off. The consumer period lasts from mid-October to February inclusive. In some years, harvest and consumer ripeness of fruits may coincide. At the end of the storage period, the fruits may wilt in cool conditions.

The Venyaminovskoye variety is early-fruiting and productive. The yield of young, re-grafted trees aged 8 - 11 years during 4 years of testing (1994 - 1997) was 150 c/ha, while for the control variety Antonovka ordinary this figure was only 95 c/ha.

The apple tree is quite winter-hardy. Under conditions of artificial freezing in chambers (S.V. Rezvyakova) in January at a temperature of minus 40 °C, very slight damage to the kidneys was observed (0.6 points), no visible damage was found on the bark and cambium, only freezing of the wood amounted to 0.9 points .

The main advantages of the Venyaminovskoe apple tree include: absolute resistance to scab (the Vf gene is present), high commercial and consumer qualities of the fruit, good yield and winter hardiness.

Among the main disadvantages are: a slightly extended period of fruit ripening, their partial crumbling.

Varieties of apple trees with photos description reviews registry


Star- the apple tree is vigorous, has a wide, spreading, slightly drooping crown. The variety is medium-winter-hardy and resistant to apple scab. At 5-7 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit, after budding. The fruits are stored until February-March. The tree bears fruit annually. The average size of an apple is 100 g; it has a flattened, round shape with slightly visible ribs. The color of the apple is light green with a red blush. And its flesh is green, juicy, fine-grained with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that the fruits become small over time and therefore require regular pruning. And the advantage is the good taste of the fruit and its long shelf life.


Health- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen in early September. Shelf life until mid-February. The tree's yield is 230 c/ha. The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has a flattened, regular shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red speckles and wide blurred stripes. Its pulp is green, juicy, tender, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and good quality of fruits.

Winter striped- an apple tree of medium height, has an elongated rounded crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy; the leaves can be affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years. Apples begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until early April. The tree's yield is 80 kg. The average size of an apple is 140-170 g, it has a flat-round or rounded shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red streaks and stripes. And its flesh is cream-colored, loose, juicy, tender, with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the annual fruiting of the tree, long-term shelf life, beautiful shape and good taste of the fruit.


Amazing- an apple tree of medium height, has a spherical crown. The variety is characterized by average winter hardiness and excellent resistance to powdery mildew and scab. At 6-7 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The tree's yield is 200 c/ha. Maximum shelf life of fruits is 250 days. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has an elongated conical, even shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a red blush. Its pulp is white, juicy, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that it can freeze slightly harsh winter. And the advantage is good quality of fruits, high yield, transportability of fruits and long shelf life.

Imrus- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Storage duration until the end of February. The tree's yield is 90 c/ha. The average weight of an apple is 100 g; it has a flattened, slightly ribbed shape. The color of the apple is green with a red blush. Characteristics of the pulp are its creamy color, juiciness, density and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that the fruits have thin skin. And the advantage is high yield, long-term shelf life, good commercial and consumer quality of the fruit.

Kandil Orlovsky

Kandil Orlovsky- the apple tree is medium-sized, has a rounded crown with drooping branches. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Shelf life until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 120 g; it has a one-dimensional, oblong-conical shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a crimson blush. And its flesh is white, juicy, fine-grained, tender with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial and consumer quality of the fruits

Dwarf- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, dense crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and also moderately resistant to fungal diseases. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-October and are stored until February. The tree's yield is not very abundant and periodic. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has a round, regular shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color. The pulp is light cream in color, semi-oily and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is its high yield and beautiful fruit shape.


Karpovskoe- the apple tree is tall, has at a young age the crown is oval, and in the fruit-bearing crown it is spherical. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and can be affected by scab. At 6-8 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit, after budding. The variety is high-yielding, especially 2-3 years after the start of fruiting, the yield increases very sharply. The fruits are stored in the fruit storage until May. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a flattened round shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with a deep pink blush. The pulp is greenish, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield, long shelf life and good commercial quality of the fruit.


Kuibyshevskoe- The apple tree is vigorous, has a broadly conical crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, but not sufficiently resistant to scab and fruit rot. At 5-6 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The tree's productivity is high. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Shelf life until February and longer. The average size of an apple is 110-130 g, it has a flat-round, regular shape. The color of the apple is yellow with a red blush. And its flesh is cream-colored, tender, juicy, fine-grained with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is annual fruiting, high yield, and good quality of fruit.


Kulikovskoe- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The tree's yield is 272 c/ha. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until the end of March. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a round, regular shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a diffuse purple blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is the smallness of the fruits when the tree is overloaded with harvest and there is no pruning. And the advantage is annual fruiting, high yield, transportability, long-term preservation of fruits.

Apple tree Veteran Apple tree varieties Varieties of fruit and berry crops Website about gardening

Winter variety of the All-Russian Research Institute for Breeding Fruit Crops. Sowing of seeds of the King variety from open pollination was carried out in 1961. The first fruiting occurred in the seedling in 1969, in 1972 the seedling was classified as an elite. Authors of the variety: E. N. Sedov, N. G. Krasova, M. V. Mikheeva.
In 1980, it was accepted for State testing, and since 1989 it has been approved for use in production (zoned) in the regions of the Central Black Earth region of Russia, as well as in six regions of Belarus.

Trees medium vigor, with a spherical compact crown of medium density. The bark on the trunk and main branches is brown. Mixed fruiting type.

Escapes rather thin, dark brown, slightly pubescent. Lentils are small and sparse. The buds are pressed to the shoot, medium in size. The leaves are elongated-ovate, short-pointed, wrinkled, grayish, dull. The edges of the leaf are strongly curled upward and finely crenate. Stipules are not developed or very short, subulate. Petiole is medium size, pigmented.
Flowers (Fig.) are medium in size, pink in buds, petals are light pink, oblong, open, with raised (boat) edges. The stigmas are slightly lower than the anthers.

Fruit medium size, slightly flattened, slightly conical in the upper part. The skin of the fruit is strong, smooth, shiny, with a whitish waxy coating. The main color at the time of picking is yellowish-green, and during consumption it is golden-yellow or golden-orange. The outer color on most of the fruit is in the form of orange-pink stripes and specks. Subcutaneous dots are rare, gray, clearly visible. The peduncle is of medium length, sometimes oblique and curved, with a thickening at the end. The funnel is quite deep, pointed, with very slight rusting or without it. The saucer is shallow. The calyx is closed. The seed nest is close to the calyx. The seeds are large, ovoid, light brown. Heart shaped like an onion. The subcup tube is funnel-shaped.

Apple tree Red early description photo reviews

A variety is a specific group of plants, which was bred by breeders, Having distinctive characteristics.

The characteristics of a variety are based not only on its usefulness for any purpose, but also on its decorative qualities, which is also very important aspect especially for its use in ornamental gardening.

Also, the main indicator of an apple tree is the origin of one group of cultivated or ornamental plants from another group within the same species.

  • 1 Description, photo
    • 1.1 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 2 Additional characteristics
    • 2.1 Tree height
    • 2.2 Crown width
    • 2.3 Productivity
    • 2.4 Tasting assessment
    • 2.5 Winter hardiness
    • 2.6 Resistance to diseases and pests
  • 3 Reviews
  • 4 Features of planting and care
    • 4.1 Landing
    • 4.2 Cultivation
    • 4.3 Trimming
    • 4.4 Crown formation
    • 4.5 Pollinator varieties
  • 5 Features of ripening and fruiting
  • 6 Apple tree Red early
    • 6.1 On a dwarf rootstock
    • 6.2 Columnar
  • 7 Features of growing in different regions countries
  • 8 Conclusion

Currently The choice of apple tree variety is one of the main features that modern gardeners pursue. Each of them has its own set of different characteristics.

This is winter hardiness, the ability to resist emerging diseases and pests in different regions countries, fruit size, taste and much more.

That's why Choosing an apple tree variety is a crucial moment, to which you need to acquire certain knowledge. To do this you need to study:

  • Qualitative indicators;
  • Tree height and crown;
  • Endurance when low temperatures occur;
  • Resistance to pests and diseases, etc.

If you make a mistake in this matter, then the seedling may simply not take root in the conditions of the region for which it was not created. Even if the tree takes root, it may often get sick and not produce enough and appropriate quality fruit. That's why It is important to look at the photo and description of the variety and know its distinctive characteristics.

Description, photo

REFERENCE! The origin of the variety dates back to 1965. During this period, breeders crossed such varieties as Vesna and Melba. The result was the Red Early variety. But in the initial period it turned out to be not entirely worthy, since it did not have sufficient frost resistance. Although it was in demand in the southern regions, since the drought resistance of this variety was excellent.

Apple tree Red Early It has a relatively small fruit size. The tree has a small trunk and crown. Despite the fact that the fruits are small in shape, this variety is purchased by almost every person who has tried an apple from this tree. Exactly Due to the taste of the fruit, it is widely distributed in most regions of the country.

Apple tree Red Early is one of Summer varieties. The harvest begins From the end of July until August.

Red early apple tree branch with fruits.

This early-ripening variety was bred at the All-Russian Research Institute named after I.V. Michurin. The variety was created by G.A. Lobanov, Z. Ivanov and V.K. Zaets. It is zoned for the Central Black Earth region.

The main distinguishing feature is self-pollination. The tree begins to bear fruit at 4-5 years of age. At the same time, the harvest grows every year, with the exception of especially difficult situations, for example, a severe drought that lasted several years, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the advantages is Attractive appearance of apples. They are often used in decorative compositions. With an attractive appearance, The fruits are very tasty. In this case, ripening occurs at the end of July and beginning of August.

Drought-resistant variety and therefore is an alternative for those places where a hot climate prevails.

Fruit of the Red early apple tree.

The disadvantage is that Decrease in fruit size over time. The fruits ripen and begin to fall off Therefore, it is necessary to have time to collect the ripe harvest. The best option The fruit will be collected in several stages.

Also a disadvantage is Poor keeping quality of fruits. They can be stored for one month in a cool and dark place. In addition, the variety exhibits Poor transportation.

Additional Features

Tree height

The tree is medium-sized and its height can Reach 5 meters. This is a pretty good indicator. Since such a height of the tree will allow for better care and harvesting.

Apple tree Red early.

Crown width

At a young age, the crown of the tree is round in shape, and when it reaches approximately five years of age, the crown takes the form of a slightly spreading tree. The width of the crown depends on how you shape it.

Attention! If we neglect shaping, the width of the crown can reach three meters.


When the tree reaches four to five years of age, then you can get the first harvest. In this case, the fruits can be collected annually. This is another advantage of the variety. The tree's yield is 27 kilograms. This is a big load on the tree. Such a harvest can be obtained when the tree is 7 or more years old.

Red early is a high-yielding variety.

Tasting assessment

The tasting score is from 4.44 to 4.47 on a five-point scale. In appearance 4.5 points. From the data obtained it is clear that the variety is very tasty and beautiful for most people.

Winter hardiness

The variety has Average winter hardiness. Freezing of one to one and a half points was observed in the period from 1967 to 1969.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Tree average resistance to diseases and pests. Therefore, it is affected by diseases such as:

  • Powdery mildew;
  • Scab;
  • Cytosporosis;
  • Fruit rot;
  • Apple cancer.

Watch the video on how to recognize apple tree diseases and cure them:

Pests that harm trees include:

  • Apple moth;
  • Leaf roller;
  • Codling moth.

From existing varieties apple tree variety Izulitelnoe (Rossoshanskoe) stands out for its consumer qualities. The fruits of the plant have a long shelf life. The Rossoshanskaya apple tree has another delicious characteristic feature: high resistance to pests and environment. In this regard, the plant is planted even in regions with harsh climates.

The Amazing variety is a hybrid obtained through selection of Renet Simirenko and Mekintosh. M. M. Ulyanishchev was responsible for the breeding of Rossoshanskoe tasty. The plant was officially included in the register of fruit-bearing crops in 1974.

Description of the variety Amazing

The Rossoshanskoye variety has the following characteristics:

  • increased resistance to scab and powdery mildew;
  • ability to withstand low temperatures;
  • long shelf life (up to 250 days) of apples.

The Amazing apple tree is a mid-winter variety. The fruits of this plant are characterized by pleasant taste. The apples are medium-sized, leveled, elongated-conical in shape. Mostly identical fruits grow on one tree.

The Rossoshanskoe apple tree is a self-fertile tree. This means that for flowers to be pollinated, it is necessary that a similar variety grow nearby, at a distance of 5 meters.

Amazing trees reach medium size. The crown is distinguished by a spherical and dense green “cap” with a loose foliage cover of a dark green hue. The branches grow almost vertically in relation to the trunk. Ellipse-shaped leaves with serrated edges have an elastic consistency.

Rossoshanskoye apples include:

  • sugar;
  • dry matter;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • titratable acid.

The green-brown fruits have a sweet and sour taste and white flesh.

It is recommended to plant the Rossoshanskoe apple tree at the end of April or October. Moreover, the first option is the most preferable. In order for the tree to germinate quickly and produce maximum yield, the plant must be planted in loam with good drainage.

This variety does not require constant fertilization. The tree is fed once a year with manure humus with calcium salts and a 0.5 percent urea solution.

What are the varieties?

Despite the relatively young age, there are several types of Rossoshanskoye apple trees, differing in their flowering period, type of fruit and other characteristics.


Rossoshanskoye spring bears fruit in early autumn. Apples weigh on average 150 grams and are stored until the end of May.


Unlike other types of apple trees, the Vkusnoe variety produces elongated fruits without a glossy tint, the weight of which varies between 90-130 grams. The tree produces a harvest in late September or early October. The fruits last until March.


Ranet produces bright red fruits. The tree is capable of growing in the area Middle Strip Russia. In Siberia, Ranet takes root less well.


Rossoshanskoe winter is the first variety of apple tree of this variety. The tree withstands low temperatures well and bears fruit in mid-autumn.


Lezhkoe is rarely found in Russia. The fruits of this variety are different increased durability, due to which they remain suitable for consumption for two years (subject to storage rules).


Bagryanoye is an early winter variety that grows mainly in the Voronezh region. The plant produces apples weighing up to 250 grams (average 150-160 grams). The peculiarity of the tree is that the first fruits appear 6-7 years after planting.


When breeding the Avgustovsky (early autumn) variety, the Bellefleur-Chinese variety was used. The tree is also found mainly in the Voronezh region.

Augustovskoe apples should be harvested in late summer. The bright red fruits remain fresh for two months. The yield of one adult plant is 80 kilograms. The weight of an apple varies between 90-150 grams.


Despite the name, Aprelskoe bears fruit in early September, producing apples weighing 150 grams. The fruits are predominantly green in color and can be stored for six months.


The Zolotoe variety is given here to avoid confusion. Trees with this name exist. However, in reality, Rossoshanskoe gold is not an apple tree, but a cherry tree.

Apple tree productivity Rossoshanskoe delicious

Amazing produces fruit 140 days after flowering. The apples stick tightly to the branches and do not fall off. The yield after the first fruiting reaches 100 kilograms. From one hectare you can collect about 200 centners.

Winter hardiness and disease resistance

The Amazing apple tree tolerates low temperatures well, provided that the rules for preparing the plant for winter are followed. At the same time, frosts down to -6 degrees during the flowering period destroy all future fruits.

Despite its high resistance to scab, the latter can infect the plant. Moreover, in this case, not only the trunk suffers, but also the entire crop, which is covered with many flaws. Scab develops when there is favorable conditions: stagnation of air inside the bark and increased environmental humidity.

Regions of distribution

The Rossoshanskoye apple tree grows in the Central Black Earth regions. The birthplace of the variety is the Rostov region.

However, apple trees can be planted in other regions with sufficient sunlight. With sufficient care and regular feeding, the tree can grow in more severe climatic conditions.

Late winter variety bred by the Rossoshansky Zonal Experimental Horticulture Station. Obtained by M. M. Ulyanishchev from crossing Renet Simirenko with Mekintosh. Distributed in southern regions Central Black Earth Region, Rostov region. It has been in the State Register of the North Caucasus region since 1974.

The tree is medium-sized with a spherical crown of medium density and foliage. The bark of the trunk is gray, the skeletal branches are grayish-brown. The arrangement of skeletal branches is oblique-vertical. Fruits on ringlets of two to three year old wood. The fruit bags are ring-shaped, less often spear-shaped, of medium thickness.

Shoots with grayish-brown bark, straight, of medium length and thickness, rounded in cross-section, with medium-long internodes, slightly pubescent. The number of shoots on two-year-old wood is small. The lentils are small, convex, and sparsely located. The buds are appressed, cone-shaped, with brown outer scales.
The leaves are medium-sized, elliptical, with a rounded base and short apex, dark green, the serrated edges are blunt-serrate. The leaf blade is slightly curved, its edges are sometimes wavy, the consistency is elastic, the surface is smooth and shiny. There is no pubescence on the upper surface, but weak on the lower surface. The petiole is short, of medium thickness, its base has a reddish tint. Stipules are small, lanceolate.
The inflorescence is an umbrella-shaped raceme, the number of flowers is average. The buds and flowers are white. The shape of the corolla is saucer-shaped, there is no terry. The stigma of the pistil is at the level of the anthers.

The fruits are of medium to above-average size, one-dimensional, elongated-conical, isosceles, leveled, with a smooth surface. The skin is medium thick. The main color is greenish-yellow, the integumentary color is absent or in the form of a blurred dull red blush of varying intensity on the illuminated fruits. Subcutaneous points are clearly visible. The skin is matte, there is no rustiness. The peduncle is short, of medium thickness. Funnel and saucer of medium parameters, closed cup. The subcup tube is small, usually funnel-shaped, and there is no axial cavity. The heart is medium. Seeds are in medium quantity, oblong, light brown.
The pulp is yellowish-white, sweet and sour with a medium strong aroma, fine-grained, juicy, excellent taste. The appearance is very attractive - 4.7 and the taste - 4.8 points. Chemical composition of fruits: dry matter – 14.7%, total sugars – 11.6%, titratable acid – 0.81%, ascorbic acid– 16.2 mg/100g.
The variety belongs to the group of late-ripening varieties, the number of days from the end of flowering to ripening is usually 135-140. According to this indicator, the variety is classified as winter or late winter.
The fruits are firmly attached to the tree. The maximum shelf life is 250 days. The transportability of fresh fruits and their marketability are high. In terms of quality, it belongs to dessert varieties.
The variety is self-sterile; the best pollinators are Rossoshanskoe Lezhkoe, Northern Sinap, and Aprelskoe.
The age of entry into fruiting is early - 6-7 years from budding in the nursery. Productivity is high and regular. During the first period of fruiting, 50-110 kg per tree is observed. On average, over the years, in the conditions of the south of the Central Chernobyl Zone, the yield was about 200 c/ha, at the level of the control varieties Rossoshanskoye Polosatoe and Severny Sinap.
The winter hardiness of the tree is average. In the conditions of the south of the Voronezh region during the critical winter of 1978-1979, the degree of freezing was 1.0-2.0 points, at the level of the Northern Synapse. During all the years of study, no freezing of the tree or its individual parts was observed in this zone. Highly resistant to scab and powdery mildew.

Advantages of the variety: high yield and quality of fruits, long shelf life, good resistance to scab and powdery mildew.
Disadvantage of the variety: freezing in particularly harsh winters.

The daily bustle of life does not give us time to think about basic and simple things.

Take apple trees. They seem to have been around for centuries. That's how it is:

  • Philosophers Ancient Egypt admired it cultivated plant . The stories about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon still amaze you. In Babylon. They are considered miracles. This is nowadays;
  • The apple did not leave the Greek philosopher Theophrastus indifferent. Neither the agronomist and writer from Rome Cato. You will find this in their writings;
  • After all and its fruits deserved attention and legends:
    • Remember it as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil;
    • Silt as the source of life and temptation (Adam and Eve);
    • Wars also began with an apple. After the Trojan War, the demand for them most likely fell. Or even more interested. Those who want to untie them.

  • A in Rus' they ate it even before 1051. I say this because there are already traces of him in the chronicles that year. How about a cultivated variety? Just numbers and facts:
    • Apple orchards with bulk apples surprised foreigners. They saw them as they approached Novgorod, Pskov and Moscow;
    • The names alone speak for themselves. , . Cultivated for decades and centuries;
    • And this is for crossword puzzle lovers. More than eighty varieties were grown on four hundred apple trees on the island of Valaam. Are you surprised that this is Lake Ladoga? Its northwestern part;
    • The decorative apple trees of the Summer Garden from the era of Peter the Great still delight us.

And now I can’t go a step without an apple:

  • A real storehouse of vitamins;
  • And an obligatory participant in various delicacies;
  • Baking with apples is worth a separate discussion.

Photo and description of the Rossoshanskoye variety

  • Winter variety of apples;
  • Kronselskoye is transparent in the parents of this variety. Also, as they say, Apport is red;
  • Bred by Ulyanishchev M.M. At the Rossoshanskaya fruit and berry station. She gave it a name.

Apple tree Rossoshanskoe.

Briefly about Ulyanishchev Mikhail Mikhailovich:

  • All work began on the school site. And the now famous nursery was founded on personal plot. Scientific center based on a personal plot!!!
  • And the results of the work speak for themselves:
    • Apple tree - 19 varieties(3 of them are zoned);
    • Apricot - 10 varieties;
    • And also cherries, plums, grapes, roses;
    • Scientific activity;
    • And state awards.

Apple tree variety Rossoshansky striped - description and photo:

  • Ball-shaped crown. Some people see it as oval at a young age;
  • The branches are drooping at a mature age. Note, from the heaviness of the fruit;
  • The greenish-brown bark of the main branches will catch your attention;
  • Fruits on the ringlets, spears and twigs of 2-4 year old branches. And even at the tips of last year's growths;
  • Round large wrinkled dark green leaves;
  • Medium-sized white flowers;
  • Greenish-yellow round-conical fruits. But with red stripes and minor spots. And from the side of the sun there is almost a complete blush;

Fruits of the Rossoshanskoye apple tree.

  • Large apples. Even very large ones. And 340 grams were on the scales when weighed. One apple. The biggest one. Average weight 160-180 grams;
  • Sweet, juicy, fine-grained light green pulp. There is a slight wine taste. The skin is smooth. Slightly matte.

Watch the video of what the Rossoshan striped apple tree looks like:

Additional Features

Advantages and disadvantages

Why it attracts gardeners and farmers:

  • Great presentation large and tasty apples;
  • Fairly good yield;
  • Can be grown in many areas. His fitness allows this;
  • Experts say that the variety would be even better. If not.

Interesting fact! Not all apple trees are planted in the Queen of England's garden. And the Rossoshanskoye striped one grows and bears fruit. And the reviews about the Rossoshan striped apple tree are only excellent.

Dimensions of an adult tree, annual growth

  • Medium-sized trees;
  • Light brown shoots. Long, slightly curved;
  • Clonal dwarf rootstock reduces the height of the tree to 3 meters. Reduces the period of fruiting to 2-3 years.

Rossoshanskoe on a dwarf rootstock.

Frequency of fruiting

  • No there is no periodicity in fruiting;
  • Prepare to harvest these apple trees every year;
  • But with age, periodicity may appear. If agricultural technology is rather weak, especially problems with watering.


  • One tree can give you yield under 150 kg. This is in the first years of fruiting;
  • Farmers collect 210-250 quintals from mature trees. But per hectare.

Tasting assessment

  • Sugar can gain from 9.8 to 11.9%. There is both ascorbic acid and pectin;
  • You know it yourself. Even on the same tree you will find apples that taste different;
  • Some in the sun;
  • And somehow it’s missing.

Winter hardiness

  • The winter hardiness of this variety may be the envy of others;
  • With proper agricultural technology, including measures to prepare for winter, doesn't freeze. And he shows amazing qualities.


  • Frosts down to minus 6 degrees during the flowering period damaged all the flowers. May 7, 1999;
  • 7 temperature drops to minus 2 degrees from May 2 to May 20, 2000 only slightly damaged the flowers. The harvest was good.

Disease resistance

  • Successfully resists many. Apple;
  • But it’s not always successful. Especially if the season is rainy;
  • Or you yourself didn’t pay enough attention.

Watch a detailed video review of the characteristics of the Rossoshanskoye apple tree:


From personal experience.“I’ve never heard of Voronezh apples before. Or rather, about the varieties of the Rossoshan Experimental Station. But I was advised to plant Rososhanskoe striped. There was a temptation to plant an apple tree like the Queen of England. And I am very grateful to my friends. Now I pleasantly surprise others with these apples.

The taste is wonderful. And the apples are impressive. No care for her special labor. Like all apple trees. But they advised to use copper-containing fungicides during rainy seasons. From scab. Treatments work well in early spring.”

Allah.“Good and tasty apples. They are very popular here. After all, the native place for the variety. I like that they last quite a long time. And the taste only gets better. Like all winter apples. I have an ordinary cellar, the temperature fluctuates. But apples keep well. For drying I use fluffed lime. It removes excess moisture well.

But I heard about a variety of Rossoshan apples that can be preserved for more than a year. It’s not entirely clear why for us. But it’s interesting!”

Semyon.“Many gardeners have Rossoshan striped in our region (Belgorod). This is already an old and proven variety for our area. You just need to remember to carry out treatments for diseases on time. Especially against scab. But there are others with scab. So this is no exception.

And they tolerate winters well. If you prepare them for wintering. I have never heard of industrial gardens. And you rarely see them on the market. They are worth being there though. Large, tasty."

Igor.“My family really loves Rossoshanskoye striped apples. Juicy, large. On New Year's table we always have them. And they attract the attention of guests. It is very suitable for growing in our area. A little care in the fight against disease. This is how I always do treatments both in spring and autumn. Especially against scab. Including on other apple trees. Copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture help.

But I want to buy a Rossoshan crimson apple tree for myself. I've heard a lot of good things about her. But I don’t always see them in the price lists of nurseries. They advise you to order at the station itself.”

Features of planting and care

Let's consider what features the Rossoshansky striped apple tree has: planting and caring for it take place as part of normal activities.



  • A reputable Saratov company offers 2-year-old seedlings for 249 rubles. And offers any time from April to September;
  • Find your own way. Decide for yourself;
  • But please note:
    • the soil should already be warmed up. In Voronezh - the second half of April;
    • Give the seedling the opportunity to adapt. And have 20-25 days to do this before frost. After the leaves fall in October.

Scheme, technology

  • Pre-prepared;
  • Size of at least 60-80 cm in depth and 100-120 cm in diameter;
  • The soil and the size of the root system will adjust its size;
  • With the addition of mineral and organic fertilizers;
  • Sand and peat may also be required. Or maybe clay on sandy soils.

Planting pit diagram.

Take the purchase of a seedling seriously:

  • Two-year-olds take root better and bear fruit earlier;
  • Pay attention to the roots. Branched and without damage.

Important! Moisten them and add drops. If you can’t plant it right away. Or there is a long transportation ahead.

The landing procedure itself is not a problem for you. And yet remember the nuances:

  • Install a peg and tie a seedling to it;
  • Place the root collar 4-6 cm above ground level.

Monitor the position of the root collar when planting.

Agricultural technology and cultivation

The correct one ensures the survival of the seedling and the formation of a healthy, well-fruiting tree. The final size and taste of apples is:

  • Loosen and mulch the soil;
  • Conduct timely;
  • Provide the apple tree essential microelements when carrying out ;
  • Plan and carry out disease prevention and counteraction measures against numerous diseases.


  • Do not purchase insecticides and fungicides in the markets;
  • Use the services of reliable specialized stores;
  • More expensive. But more reliable;
  • And...cheaper. In the end.

Pruning and crown formation

No way:

  • Do it in . Before the buds open;
  • Be sure to remove dry and damaged branches;
  • And also duplicating and inwardly directed crowns.

She will help you create the one you like and that is suitable for this variety. And realize your potential.

From many note the sparse tiered shape:

  • But it can also be spindle-shaped;
  • And even artificial, but original:
    • Palmettes;
    • Cordons;
    • And others.

Watch the video on how to form an apple tree in the form of a palmette:

Pollinator varieties

  • Select a planting site close to apple tree varieties of the same ripening period;
  • Or plant the same varieties.

Features of ripening and fruiting



  • For the 4th year the apple tree will delight you with its first fruits;
  • Or maybe in the third year. If you plant a two-year-old seedling;
  • And even after 2 years. On a dwarf rootstock.

The Rossoshanskoe apple tree begins to bear fruit in the fourth year.


  • Already after five years of cultivation, you will harvest from the apple tree. More than from Antonovka of this age;
  • Even for sale on the market. What is it also called cash crop. If you do not forget about the prevention of scab diseases.

Look at the video to see what kind of harvest the three-year-old Rossoshanskoye apple tree brings:



Blooms in the early-mid period. In the Voronezh region.


The harvest begins in mid-September. But they don’t use it right away. Winter variety. It tastes better after it has been in storage.

  • Late in maturity. More often. Sometimes medium-late;
  • According to consumer maturity - early winter.

Fruit storage and shelf life

The keeping quality of these apples is quite decent. From the end of September to February. And who is counting by days - about 150. When creating good conditions for storage.

Apple tree Rossoshanskoe

Augustovskoe (early autumn)

Apple tree Rossoshanskoye Augustovskoe:

  • used in its removal. The Rossoshanskoe early apple tree is grown mainly in the local region. Not far from Voronezh;

The Bellefleur Chinese apple tree is the “parent” of the early Rossoshansky.

  • And the winter stability here is good;
  • In the State Register since 1986. This is the Central Black Earth region. And also the North Caucasus;
  • Average tree height. For apple trees;
  • Pick the fruits after the Apple Savior. At the end of August. Here it is for you late summer;
  • You can store only 2 months. You will have time to eat fresh. There is time to process it into juices, jams, and compotes. If the sun allows it, dry it;
  • The fruits will attract your attention with their rounded-conical shape and red blush over almost the entire surface. Greenish-yellow. The weight will not surprise you - from 90 to 150 grams;
  • You can collect up to 80 kg of apples from one tree. If you convert it into centners and hectares – almost 250 centners. From a hectare.

Rossoshanskoe August.


  • Awarded a gold medal at an exhibition in German city Erfurt;
  • But from spring only the name of the month;
  • In the spring, apples from winter storage are eaten;
  • Winter variety;
  • Bred from varieties and;
  • Apples weigh up to 150 grams.

Rossoshanskoe April.


Apple tree variety Rossoshanskoe spring:

  • Winter variety;
  • Bred from the Mekintosh and Renet Simirenko varieties;
  • Ripens in September and lasts even until May;
  • Apples weigh up to 150 grams.

Rossoshanskoe spring.


Grow winter varieties- this was precisely one of the main directions of Ulyanishchev’s developments, his colleagues and followers. And just for the areas around the station. And these are several areas. With good traditions. This is how the Rossoshanskaya winter apple tree turned out.


Apple tree Rossoshanskoe recumbent little known among us.

But they could hear.

After all, even in the basement without special conditions they keep theirs best qualities almost two years!


Apple tree Rossoshanskoye crimson:

  • Author: Ulyanishchev M.M. He also used Renet Simirenko;
  • Early winter variety;
  • Somehow he is little known outside the Voronezh region;
  • Fruits can weigh up to 250 grams. Individual copies. Bulk weight: 150-160 grams;
  • There is enough sugar - 11.7%. Great view. Tasters rate it decently - 4.5-4.7 points;
  • Productivity is good. As well as winter hardiness.

After such characteristics, a question arises. Why only in the Voronezh region? Is it really due to insufficient keeping quality? Most likely, not such a rapid entry into fruiting is among such reasons. After all you will wait 6-7 years for the first apples.

Rossoshanskoe crimson.


  • There is a golden one. And Rossoshanskaya;
  • With a pinkish blush in the sun. On a basic light yellow background. Quite large;
  • But it's cherry!
  • She was bred by Voronchikhina A.Ya.

Rossoshanskaya golden cherry.


Also get to know the Amazing variety. It’s also the delicious Rossoshanskoe apple tree:

  • Included in the State Register since 1974;
  • As you can see, elongated fruits. Small;
  • There is no gloss. Weighing from 90 to 130 grams;

Important! Doesn't always have time to mature. Even in the Oryol region. So it is recommended to grow it in places further south.

  • You need to harvest at the end of September. Maybe in early October. How's the weather?
  • You can save until March. But it's better to eat in February. They will be tastier and juicier;
  • The scab doesn't particularly bother him.

Rossoshanskoye is delicious.


It may be in the plans and ideas of the breeders.

Growing in regions

This variety zoned in Central Black Earth region of Russia. And also in the Lower Volga region. These are the areas:

  • Astrakhan;
  • Belgorodskaya;
  • Volgogradskaya;
  • Voronezh;
  • Saratovskaya.

Rossoshanskoe grows well in the Central Black Earth region.

And amateur gardeners grow their gardens with pleasure even in places where the climate is harsher and more severe.

The Urals are great. And varied. In the south of the Urals you will still find these apples. But not so often. Like locals.

Even Siberia is no exception.

Remember! Everything that is so well written about it, its characteristics are manifested by the apple tree in the areas where it was bred. The concept of “zoned” is a little outdated. But true. There is more sun in the south. That's why the apple is sweeter.

Conclusion and useful tips

The Rossoshanskaya zonal fruit and berry experimental station has been operating since the late thirties of the last century. This is its name now. Not only for Voronezh.

Apple trees are far from the only activity of its employees. The achievements of the breeders of this institution have received significant success and recognition. Now the areas are larger. Almost 30 hectares. This is not a personal plot:

  • Marble was acquired by pragmatic overseas representatives;
  • You already know about Rossoshan apples in England. Queen's Garden;
  • Chinese specialists are studying the station’s operating experience very closely. They are very interested in cherries, cherries and plums;
  • Experts from many regions are well aware of quality seedlings. Russia. Belarus;
  • Including dwarf and columnar varieties.