Lesson topic: “How do plants live?” (1st grade)

Municipal government educational institution

"Average secondary school No. 3" s.p. Sarmakovo

“How do plants live?”

Lesson on the surrounding world in 1st grade

/ Lesson held as part of the festival of open lessons /

Teacher primary classes: Mashukova Alena Borisovna


Open lesson summary

Subject: How do plants live?

Goals: introduce the conditions plant life; expand ideas about the life and growth of plants; show basic techniques for caring for indoor plants; cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

Planned results: Students will learn techniques for caring for indoor plants.

Equipment: multimedia presentation (computer, screen), indoor plants, water for watering plants, items necessary for caring for indoor plants (watering can, diffuser, rags, stick for loosening the soil).

Visual material: “daisy” made of paper with the inscription “Plant is a living being”, pictures of “seeds, sprouts” with inscriptions,among students : circles (red, green, yellow, blue), cards “What do different plants have in common?”

Lesson progress:

I . Organizational moment.

Hello, young nature lovers. I am glad to welcome you to the lesson!

How would you like our lesson to be? (Fun, interesting, educational).
– I wish this lesson to be useful and you learn something new.

What did we cover in the last lesson?

What are snow and ice?

Where do snow and ice form?

What properties of snow and ice do we know?

II. Preparation for work at the main stage.

Guess the riddle and find out what we will talk about today in the lesson about the world around us.

He breathes, grows, but cannot walk. (plant)

What will we study in class?

Lesson topic: “How do plants live?” (slide 1)

Do you think plants are alive?

Do you need to care for your plants?

What educational tasks will we set for ourselves?

Tasks: make sure that the plants are alive. We will learn how to care for indoor plants.

Today in class I invite you to become researchers. This means we need to listen carefully, think, reflect, remember, speak out, and then we will complete all the assigned tasks.

We will plant each question in the lesson in the ground like a seed, water it with our knowledge and skills so that the seed will germinate. If we answer this question, we will get a young sprout, and if we cannot, then the grain will die in the ground.

Let's not let the grains go to waste? Then be attentive and active.

III . Updating knowledge.
-What plants do you know?
-What groups can plants be divided into? slide
-Which group of plants do we include those that grow on the windowsill? (To indoor plants.)
-What do all plants have in common?

What parts of plants do you know? (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit with seeds).

There was a plant on the board, but the wind blew into the classroom and it fell into pieces. Let's collect it, naming what role each part plays in the life of the plant.

For the teacher:

Root – holds the plant in the ground, absorbs water and mineral salts;

The stem is a “transport artery”;

Leaf – “food factory”;

Flower – ensures the emergence of the next generation;

Fruit with seeds

Work in pairs. (Children on their deskscards : illustration of a pea with well-defined parts of the plant and their names)


Connect the parts of the plant with their names using lines. (students work with cards).

Let's read the main words.

Conclusion: What do all plants have in common?

Check if you completed the task correctly? (slide 5)

IV . Assimilation of new knowledge.

Creating a problem situation:

- How can one prove that plants are alive?

- The plant grows, develops, eats, breathes, reproduces, dies. A plant is a living being.

Well done!

2) – We have proven that the plant is a living being. Then the next question arises:What does a plant need to live?

Open all your textbooks to page 71. Look at the pictures and answer my questions. Draw a conclusion about what plants need to live.

    Why do you water indoor plants?

    Why are indoor plants placed close to the window?

    What is the girl doing and why?

    What happened to this plant? Why?

What is necessary for plant life?

The third sprout, with your help, reaches towards the light.

Conclusion: To live, plants need: water, heat, light, air, soil.

Well, one more condition is caring attitude on the part of the person.

V . Facial minute for the eyes (slide)

VI . Consolidation of new knowledge and methods of action.

1. Observation of plant development. (using oak as an example)

Guess the riddle: An oak tree hid in a golden ball. (acorn)

How does a plant develop?

What plant do you see? (slide)

Now you guys and I will watch a video about how the life of an oak tree begins with an acorn.

Now look at the slide.

Oak is a symbol of power and longevity. Oaks are long-lived. The lifespan of an oak is up to 1500 years, the tree reaches a height of 30 and even 40 m, bears a powerful crown, develops a thick trunk, the diameter of which often reaches 1-1.5 m. It is no coincidence that when they talk about something especially durable, strong , powerful, they use the comparison with an oak tree.

Where does the life of an oak begin?

2. Practical work.

1) Conversation.

Every living thing requires care. Plants also love to be looked after.

Who has indoor plants at home?

Who takes care of indoor plants in your home?

Are you helping? What are you doing?

The guys will now show us how to properly care for plants.

2) Work in groups.

Let's divide into 3 groups. Choose a captain in your group. The captain will assign responsibilities. 1 pair - wipes the leaves, 2 pair - loosens the ground, and the last 3 pair - waters the flower. Follow all rules.

Well done!

3) Memo “Rules for caring for indoor plants.”

    Water the plants with water room temperature. In addition, the water must sit for several hours. In summer, flowers are watered in the evening, in winter - in the morning.

It is better to water flowers from a watering can. You can pour water directly into the pot, or into a tray. Do not raise the watering can high to avoid splashing water.

To ensure that water passes to the roots of the plant and does not stagnate, the flowers should be loosened.

    Use a stick to loosen the surface of the soil in the pot so that air can reach the roots. Be careful not to damage the roots of the plant.

Love flowers water treatments.

    Wipe dust from large, smooth leaves with a damp cloth or sponge.

Hold the sheet from below with one hand and carefully wipe with the other.

Plants with small leaves and pubescent leaves are cleaned of dust with a soft brush.

Many flowers love spraying.

Why do you need to wipe plant leaves? (this is how plants breathe)

    Carefully remove dry leaves and twigs from plants. Keep it clean flower pots and stands.

Plants need sun, air and water to live. Some plants like a lot of light, while others do not. Therefore, they are located differently in the room: some on the windowsill, others away from the window.

(I hand out reminders to the children)

IX . Summing up the lesson.


Now think in a group and tell me what plants need to live? (water, air, light, heat) slide

Read what the Wise Turtle had to say about it (page 71)

How can we help indoor plants live longer? (water, wipe dust from leaves, put in light, make sure the room is warm)

How to help wild plants?

Listen carefully to the poem

I won’t catch a butterfly in a meadow:
Heavenly flower, let him live!
Let the wings flutter over the flowers,
May you and I be happy!

I won’t pick a forest flower either,
I won't take it home with me,
After all, at home he won’t be able to rock a bumblebee
And early in the morning he won’t drink dew!

Not a stalk, not a branch, not a blade of grass
I won't offend you: why are you to blame?
Zhivinka is warm in any of them,
And glows with trust in everyone...

How do children suggest to treat plants? Why?

Remember that plants growing in the forest, in the garden, are alive. They grow, bear offspring, die. And they want to live as long as possible, bringing us the joy of contemplating beauty

X . Reflection.

You have colored circles on your tables, choose the one that reflects your activities in the lesson. (Children choose the corresponding circles and raise them)

Who made the discovery for themselves? (Blue)

Who can say for themselves, I worked actively in class! (Red)

Who was interested in the lesson? (Green)

To whom did I give a lesson? good mood? (Yellow)

1. How does a spikelet emerge from a grain? Cut out the pictures from the Appendix and arrange them in the correct order. Ask your deskmate to check on you. After checking, paste the pictures.

2. Practical work “Learning to care for indoor plants.”

1) Follow the teacher’s instructions.

  • Wipe the leaves of the indoor plant.
  • Loosen the soil in the pot.
  • Water the indoor plant.

2) Draw the items you used to care for your indoor plants.

3) Demonstrate to the class the plant care techniques you have mastered.

I learned how to properly wipe the leaves of indoor plants, how to properly loosen the soil and how to properly water indoor plants (under the root).

3. Color the picture showing the plant being watered correctly. Explain your choice.

It is correct to water indoor plants “under the root”, since many of them have very delicate leaves and drops of water can damage them. For example, dark spots or even burns from water may appear on the leaves from water. sun rays, since a drop of water is able to focus light like glass lenses.

4. It is interesting that some plants live for a very long time, especially trees. In additional literature and on the Internet, find information about the life expectancy of trees. Fill out the table.

Lesson summary on the surrounding world in 1st grade on the topic: `How do plants live?

Program School of Russia textbook for 1st grade A.A. Pleshakova The world around us. Part 1.

Teacher: Presnova G.V.

Lesson type : lesson-research.

Objective of the lesson:

Create conditions for:

Getting to know the characteristics of plants that characterize them as living beings will help students understand what living conditions plants need;


To familiarize students with the living conditions of plants: water, light, heat, air, soil;

Continue to develop general educational skills: work with a textbook, workbook, accurately follow the teacher’s instructions;

To develop in students mental work skills, the ability to analyze, generalize and draw conclusions;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

Methods and methodological techniques:

Research, observation, conversation, use artistic word(poem, riddles), visual material, pictures, cards with key words, story based on observation results, practical work: care of indoor plants, ICT

Planned results:

Children learn:

Identify the properties of plants that allow them to be classified as living beings;

Determine the conditions necessary for plant life

Skills that characterize these achievements:

Describe the properties of plants;

Prove that a plant is a living being;

Make assumptions about the conditions necessary for plant life.


Silhouette of a chamomile made of paper, with the inscription Plant is a living being, on the reverse side on the petals there is an inscription: grows, develops, feeds, breathes, multiplies, moves; cards with the words WATER, HEAT, LIGHT, AIR; SOIL

a jar of sprouted seeds, a houseplant, a cloth, a watering can, a sprayer; disk The world around us. 1st grade.

Literature for teachers:

Textbook for 1st grade A.A. Pleshakova The world around us. Part 1.

Literature for students:

Textbook for 1st grade A.A. Pleshakova The world around us.


1. Organizational moment.

2. Updating knowledge.

3. Statement of the educational task.

4.Motivation. Creating a problematic situation.

5.Small group research.

6. Physical education minute.

7. Exchange of information.

8. Linking information, generalization.


10.Work according to the textbook.

11. Practical work.

12. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Look, my dear friend,

What's around?

The sky is light blue,

The golden sun is shining,

The wind plays with the leaves,

A cloud floats in the sky.

Man and season -

It's all around...nature

What did you do in previous lessons? (We compared fresh and salt water, observed where the rivers flow.)

Do you think the knowledge you have acquired is enough?

Today we will continue to study the world around us. Let's remember how we learn something new? (We must understand for ourselves what we do not know yet, and try to learn this new thing ourselves.)

2. Updating knowledge.

The following pictures are attached to the board:

Hedgehog, bear, blueberry, snake.

Dove, raspberry, sparrow, magpie.

Mosquito, bee, grasshopper, maple.

Look at the pictures. Name the extra one in the first line.

Name the extra one in the second line.

Name the extra one in the third line.

The teacher hangs up the extra pictures separately.

Name the objects depicted in these pictures in one word. (Plants)

What plants do you know?

What groups can plants be divided into?

What do all plants have in common? (All plants have a root, stem, leaves, flower and fruit with seeds.)

Let's go through all the plant parts again.

Work in pairs

(Children have cards on their desks: an illustration of a pea with well-defined parts of the plant and their names)

Connect the parts of the plant with their names using lines. (students work with cards).

Check if you completed the task correctly?

Let's read the main words.

3. Statement of the educational task.

Guess what we will talk about in class today. (About plants.)

Read the topic of the lesson on p. 70 textbook. (How do plants live?)

Read what learning objectives we will set for ourselves.

Today in class I invite you to become researchers. This means we need to listen carefully, think, reflect, remember, speak out, and then we will complete all the assigned tasks.

Do you think plants are alive?

Prove it. (The plant grows, develops, eats, breathes, reproduces, moves, has the ability to recover, dies. The plant is alive.)

There is a picture of a chamomile on the board. In the center is the inscription Plant is a living being. There are question marks on the petals, and signs are written on the back of the petals confirming that the plant is alive.

4. Motivation. Creating a problematic situation.

You speak well, but your evidence is doubtful, it is clearly insufficient. How can one prove that plants are living beings? What do we need to do?

Study the characteristics of plants and identify those properties that allow them to be classified as living beings.

Small group research (based on illustrations).

Exchange of information.

What did you learn from examining the drawings?

The teacher turns over the petals of a chamomile.

Compare the plant properties you highlighted with those written on the petals.

Have you discovered all the facts?

How is a plant similar to a living creature? (Plants grow, bear offspring, and someday die. That means they are alive.)

Physical education minute

Can you now answer the question of whether plants are living or not? (Alive.)

We have proven that the plant is a living being. Then the next question arises, what does he need to live?

Who knows how plant life begins? We sprouted bean seeds in 2 jars. In one jar we had seeds under a wet cloth, and in another jar we had seeds under a dry cloth. Tell us about the results of the experiment (jars on the children’s table.)

What seeds sprouted?

What caused the seeds to germinate?

Students' stories based on observations.

The teacher hangs cards on the board WATER, HEAT.

Where do plants get water and heat from in nature?

If the seeds remain in the jar, will the plant be able to grow?

What should be done with sprouted seeds?

If we plant sprouted seeds in a box, where should we put it?

Why? What else do plants need? (Light, air.)

What is necessary for plant life? (To live, plants need: water, heat, light, air, soil)

Students draw conclusions using support words on the board

Well, one more thing is a caring attitude on the part of a person.

Working with the textbook p. 70-71.

What plant do you see? Guess the riddle: An oak tree hid in a golden ball.

An acorn is the fruit of an oak tree. There is a seed hidden in it.

(The teacher demonstrates acorns and shows a cut acorn.)

Look at the drawing on p. 70 and tell each other how the life of an oak tree begins with an acorn.

(Work in pairs, then group discussion.)

What influenced the oak seeds so that they began to germinate? (Water in the form of rain, warmth of the sun's rays.)

What came out of the sprout? (Root and sprout.)

What gradually happens to the sprout? (He gets taller, bigger.)

What does the sprout need now? (In the sunlight. He reaches out to the sun.)

Why did one of the trees dry up? ? (The tree trunk is damaged.)

Where does the life of an oak begin? Using a computer, put the pictures in the correct order? The rest are checked using the textbook.

2. Completing the task Vworkbook


With. 71 in the textbook. Work from drawings.

Teacher. Read the message of the Wise Turtle in the textbook and compare it with our conclusion.

Students reading from a textbook.

What can you say? (Our conclusion coincides with the words of the Wise Turtle.)

Practical work.

Who has indoor plants at home?

Who takes care of indoor plants in your home?

Are you helping? What are you doing?

How to properly care for plants?

2) Familiarization with the memo “Rules for caring for indoor plants.”

Water the plants with water at room temperature. In addition, the water must sit for several hours. In summer, flowers are watered in the evening, in winter - in the morning.

It is better to water flowers from a watering can. You can pour water directly into the pot, or into a tray. Do not raise the watering can high to avoid splashing water.

To ensure that water passes to the roots of the plant and does not stagnate, the flowers should be loosened.

Use a stick to loosen the surface of the soil in the pot so that air can reach the roots. Be careful not to damage the roots of the plant.

Flowers love water treatments.

Wipe dust from large, smooth leaves with a damp cloth or sponge.

Hold the sheet from below with one hand and carefully wipe with the other.

Plants with small leaves and pubescent leaves are cleaned of dust with a soft brush.

Many flowers love spraying.

Why do you need to wipe plant leaves? (this is how plants breathe)

Carefully remove dry leaves and twigs from plants. Keep flower pots and stands clean.

Plants need sun, air and water to live. Some plants like a lot of light, while others do not. Therefore, they are located differently in the room: some on the windowsill, others away from the window.

Work in groups.

We will divide into 4 groups of 6 people. Choose a captain in your group. The captain will assign responsibilities. 1 pair - wipes the leaves, 2 pair - loosens the ground, and the last 3 pair - waters the flower. Follow all rules.

Lesson summary. Reflection.

In today's lesson, children, you were researchers and were looking for answers to the question: How do plants live? Do you think we were able to find answers to this question?

What is necessary for plant life?

Class: 1

Objective of the lesson:

  • give students an idea of ​​the development of a plant from a seed, trace the life cycle of plants, introduce the living conditions of plants, with pollinating insects, show the connection between plants and animals in seed distribution,
  • learn how to properly care for indoor plants,
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: textbooks by A.A. Pleshakov “The World Around Us”, workbooks for the 1st grade textbook “The World Around Us”, an image of the sun on the board, circles cut out of colored paper, a multimedia projector, a computer, a screen.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational beginning of the lesson.

Today in class we will need your attention, help and support. Close your eyes, lower your heads and listen to the words: “If we close our eyes, we will see nothing. There was nothing before but darkness. And it was so until a big sparkling blue ball appeared. This is the Earth. Life begins : The world is dazzlingly shimmering. And it is so important that this continues forever." <Приложение 1>

So, life goes on, the lesson begins.

II. Lesson topic message.

Plants are an important part of nature. They turn sunlight for food. Without plants there would be no animals. They provide food and shelter to many animals. But today we will learn “How do plants live?” <Приложение2>

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Observing plant life in spring.

We will now take a journey through the seasons and observe plants at different periods of their life. But at what time we will begin the journey, you can now guess for yourself.

She comes with affection
And with my fairy tale.
With a magic wand will wave,
The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.

What time of year is this riddle talking about? (About spring)

Spring is an amazing time of year. <Приложение 3>

(Student reads a poem)

The snow is melting, the stream is babbling,
The sun is warming up.
And already among the birches
The snowdrop is blooming.

Guess the riddle of the Wise Turtle.

The distance of the fields is green,
The nightingale sings,
IN white the garden is dressed,
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles. Guess,

What month is this? : (May)

In spring, all plants wake up from a long winter sleep. <Приложение 4> Nature awakens and comes to life. In spring, white-pink clouds seem to descend on the gardens - there are so many flowers on the apple and cherry trees. Each tree hums quietly with a multitude of insects. But time passes, and where there were flowers, ruddy apples and juicy fruits appear.

Why is this happening?

Of course, bees, bumblebees and other insects participated in the creation of this abundance.

A flower sits on a flower
Drinks sweet flower juice.
- This flower sweet juice is nectar.
He dressed himself in smart fur,
I didn't forget the mittens.
Since the day was cool,
And the flight was long.

Insects are great workers. To collect 1 kg of honey, a bee needs to fly 300,000 km and visit 19,000,000 flowers.

We admire flowers and rejoice in them. All this is true.

Why do you think they form on plants? beautiful flowers? (children's answers)

However, they do not bloom for people. Flowers need bright colors and aroma to attract insects.

Only we humans can admire the beauty of flowers. But for insects, only the color, shape of the flower and smell are important.

After all, flowers not only attract, they also feed some insects with juice and nectar, others with pollen, and others with both. Pollen and nectar are the favorite food of insects.

Insects will never confuse flowers. They fly only to those where the food is suitable for them and where it can be obtained.

2. Physical education minute.

We follow each other
Forest and green meadow.
Motley wings flicker,
Butterflies fly in the field.
One, two, three, four -
They flew and circled.

3. Observing plant life in summer. <Приложение 5>

Red summer has come (Slide 1)
Flowers grow in the fields,
Berries and mushrooms guys
They carry me home from the forest.
They swim in the river all day,
Even the shadow can't save you.

What happens to plants in the summer? (children's answers)

In summer the plants continue to grow and bloom. For example, linden blooms in July. In Ukraine, July is called Lipen. These beautiful, fragrant trees have been growing on the streets, alleys, parks and gardens for a long time. Linden is the most urban tree. (Slide 2)

The linden tree blooms for only 10-12 days. The bees are in such a hurry to stock up on the tree's sweet tribute that they sometimes even collect it at night!

But the flowering time for every plant ends someday. What happens to the plant after this? (children's answers)

By the end of summer, plants produce fruits with seeds in place of flowers.

The Question Ant cannot guess who we are talking about here:

He produces sheets
Wide latitude.
Kept on strong stems
One hundred rough, tenacious fruits:
If you don't get around them -
You will find them all on yourself.
(burdock) (Slide 3)

4. Plant propagation.

Each plant reproduces in its own way.

Name the methods of dispersing plant seeds that you know.

But the burdock fruits with hooks cling to the fur of animals, to human clothing and ride on them until they fall. Humans and animals are the transport of burdock.

Recitation by students in chorus:

Under the fence at the edge of the steppes
The lonely burdock slept sweetly.
I slept and had wonderful dreams.
How he grabs someone's pants,
In the wolf's tail or in the hare's chest
And the journey will go far.

Why does thistle like to travel so much? To prevent the baby burdocks from dying, the seeds set off on their journey. Both goats and horses are ridden by burrs. That's why burdocks have thorns - chains.

Borrowing from nature.

Plants help people invent new things. Many useful devices in construction, transport and other areas of our lives, man has taken a peek at nature. Burdock became the prototype of Velcro fastener. (Show).

Folk sign.

The burdock cones straighten their thorns before the rain.

Burdock, thistle and some other plants that travel as free passengers are popularly called burdock.

When do they say about a person “he stuck like a burr”? (Annoying)

Is this good or bad?

What plant are we talking about?

When you walk along the path.
Everywhere you look, in the fields
Miracle balls turn white
On slender petals.
Clean fluffs are flying
For the meadow, for the garden, for the forest,
And to us as paratroopers
Descending from heaven.
(Dandelion). (Slide 4)

Why does a dandelion need to be large, noticeable, bright, and now, when ripe, light, almost transparent? (So ​​that the wind will carry away his children and scatter them on the ground).

5. "Research laboratory". Work in groups. <Приложение 6>

Now let's see how the seeds of other plants have adapted to life. To do this, we need to work in a research laboratory.

(Each group of children is given various plant seeds - sunflower, peas, beans, maple)

So, we examine the seed according to plan:

What branch is this baby from?

Appearance, what does it look like?

What shape?

(After some time, each group is given the floor. Students talk about seeds according to plan. While students are talking about maple reproduction, I give additional tasks)

Vocabulary - lionfish.

Choose related words for the word lionfish.

Why do you think they called it that?

Borrowing from nature.

A helicopter flies when its wings rotate. This is similar to how a maple lionfish moves in the wind.

Message from the leading laboratory assistant.

Maple is one of the most common trees in our broad-leaved forests. The cheerful maple loves sunlight. Maple is planted to decorate a city park. Maple seeds fly far. A seed will fall into convenient place, then next year a thin maple will grow.

But we learn about how oak develops from the textbook on page 50.

6. Work according to the textbook.

With a cap on his head.
As if ready to go,
He's hiding in the leaves
Golden oak.

The oak blossoms when it still has very small leaves, and the trees seem to be dressed in thin green lace.

After flowering, the small cup-shaped wrapper grows first, and then the acorn itself. Each acorn contains one large seed. Acorns are very nutritious. Perhaps acorns were the “first bread” of the European population.

Let's examine this seed:

Appearance, color, shape.


Let's help Question Ant. He is completely confused and wants to understand how the oak tree develops. <Приложение 7>

(Students talk about the stages of plant development using the example of oak)

What conclusion can we draw about plant life? (The plant is alive. It grows, bears offspring. Every plant dies someday.)

Read the output in the textbook on page 50.

Message from the leading laboratory assistant.

Acorns are very capricious. They cannot stand drying out at all. As soon as they lose even a small part of the water, they dry out.

Acorns fall to the ground in early autumn. After this, the oak sheds its leaves, and they cover the acorns with a protective layer.

Why do you think?

(Protected from drying out; so that animals do not eat. After all, out of 1 million acorns only 1 tree will grow).

Additional material.

And also large and heavy oak fruits - acorns and hazel nuts - fall next to the tree and wait for the “porters” to carry them to other places. Squirrels and mice don’t have to wait long. They will run up, pick up acorns and nuts and carry them to their holes and hollows. It’s worth the effort: after all, acorns and nuts pay for the journey with delicious food and good supplies for the winter. Some of the forgotten and lost supplies will sprout new trees and shrubs in the spring.

Underground he will sleep
In bad weather and cold.
And someday again
It will break out.

Let it grow to the skies
Every year it gets higher.
Let him spread his canopy
Multi-pitched roof.

The wind also helps the birch, linden, and fir trees - their flying seeds spin like helicopters and fly far, far away.

Caught by the wind, like gliders, the seeds fly, rising high into the sky. They fly over trees, houses, rivers. Sometimes they cover paths, streets, benches, water in a continuous layer: Wherever they take them! But then the seeds flew off, calmed down and went to sleep for the winter. In the spring they again have a lot of work to do - grow a new tree.

7. Observing plant life in autumn.<Приложение 8>

The leaves are painted in autumn attire.
Like gold, they burn brightly in the sun.
Rowan is burning, blazing with fire
And he gives us the ripe berries.

Yellow color is a symbol of autumn. Her time begins with the yellow leaves of the trees. The sunny outfit of gardens, parks and forests gave it its name.

What do you think this name is? (gold).

Why should trees shed such a magnificent outfit? They would stand and stand until spring with leaves. (Children's guesses)

Plants should not be left with leaves over the winter. If it falls and snow sticks to the foliage, the branches of the trees will not withstand its weight and will break off. Sometimes this happens if snow falls much ahead of time. The trees are shedding their leaves.

In addition, the tree prudently removes all unnecessary substances into the foliage. Then, like a cork, the leaf petiole is plugged with dead cells. And with the first gust of wind, the leaves break off and fall.

Laboratory assistant's message.

The earliest trees to lose their leaves are linden, birch and elm. Already at the end of early autumn, leaf fall begins. With the first frosts, aspen leaves fall off, then maple leaves. Only spruce and pine are green. Their leaves - needles - are not afraid of frost. Each needle, like a fur coat, was covered with a waxy coating.

Solving a crossword puzzle.

Now let's see how smart you are. Let's all solve the crossword puzzle together.

Lying in the light
Thrown into the darkness
And there is no peace there either:
How to get out into the light. (se m I)

I am rosy Matryoshka
I won’t tear you away from my friends,
I'll wait until Matryoshka
It will fall into the grass on its own. (apple O co)

Red Egorka fell into the lake,
I didn't drown myself
And he didn’t stir up the water. ( l ist)

All covered in dust
At least a little strength,
He sticks out by the road.
His legs are bent
He is inconspicuous in appearance. (podor O zhnik)

For us in the rain and in the heat
A friend will help
Green and good -
Will stretch out dozens of hands to us
And thousands of palms. ( d tree)

Golden sun from the sky
Golden rays are pouring.
In the field as a friendly wall
Golden barbels. (wheat ts A)

In the summer - in the garden,
Fresh, green,
And in winter - in a barrel,
Strong, salty. (cucumber s )

Well done!

8. Observing plant life in winter. <Приложение 10>

What time of year have we not visited yet?

That's right, we haven't yet remembered how plants live in winter time year.

What happens to plants when winter comes? (Children's answers from their own observations)

Like a layer of snow covering the ground like a fur coat. The ability of snow to block heat from the ground and thereby create a kind of natural greenhouse is very important for plants. Grass and crops do not freeze under the snow. It’s bad for them when there is no snow cover for a long time.

The trees also prepared fur coats for themselves. All summer every year, trees lay porous cork tissue under the skin of the trunk and branches - a dead layer. This cork is remarkable in that it does not allow either water or air to pass through. The air stagnates in its pores and does not release heat from the living body of the tree. How older tree, the thicker the cork layer. Therefore, old trees tolerate cold more easily than young and thin ones.

But indoor plants do well at any time of the year!

Why do you water indoor plants?

Why are indoor plants close to the window?

Why does the girl wipe the leaves of plants?

Why did the plant die in the following picture?

Under what conditions do you think indoor plants will grow well? (children's answers)

Of course, every plant needs sunlight, warmth and nutrition, i.e. water.

10. Work in notebooks. (p. 21)

Let's complete task No. 2 in the notebook.

Which design option did you choose? Why? (In the second picture, watering is correct, because the watering can is located close to the pot, the water does not splash, and the soil is not washed away by the stream of water.)

So our journey ends. We're back to class. Look how happy we are with our indoor plants that you care for. And in return they give us their beauty and fresh air. And if we look at their green foliage for a few minutes, then our eyes can rest, because the green color is soothing.

Let's try to do this. (Children look at the green foliage for several minutes while listening to calm music.)

IV. Reflection.

There are circles on your desks. Depict your mood on them. Now let’s attach each circle to our sun, which hangs on the board. This is the mood with which we end our lesson. I think that joy, kindness and a smile will always help a person.

V. Summing up.

What new things have you learned from our journey today?

What can you tell your parents about at home?

Prove that the plants are alive. (They grow, multiply, die.)

What do plants need to live?

VI. Creative task.

In the notebooks on p. At home 21 you can complete an interesting task. At home, each of you can again be a researcher and answer the question: How does a spikelet emerge from a grain?

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Cadet secondary school No. 2"

Subject: How do plants live?

Lesson summary of the world around us

1st class

according to the textbook by A.A. Pleshakov "The world around us"

teacher: FILIPPOVA




primary classes


Altai region


Subject: How do plants live?

Target: Creating conditions for the formation of a schoolchild as a subject of educational activity.

Tasks: 1. To form ideas among schoolchildren about the connection between living and inanimate nature;

teach to master the ability to independently analyze, compare, make

conclusions on the topic being studied; teach the application of acquired knowledge;

2. Develop visual memory, logical thinking, oral speech,

communication skills; ability to navigate in space;

3. Cultivate children’s friendly attitude towards each other and caring

attitude towards nature.

Equipment: set of geometric shapes with words printed on the back "Life of plants", microscopes and leaves, watering cans, indoor plants

with wide leaves, napkins, aloe leaf; table "Plant leaf"

under a microscope”, diagrams: “Window”, “Stove”, “Water can”, “Sun”; “Stoma” card, photograph of a bird (the beak should be clearly visible); each student in the group has their own emblem attached to their chest: “Leaf”, “Water can”, “Napkin”, “Sun”, “Stove”; there are 5 people in the group.

Lesson progress:

I . Class organization.

Hello! Repeat after me!

We came here to study

Don't be lazy, but work.

We listen carefully,

We work diligently.

We will work in groups. State the rules of operation.

(choose a speaker, everyone expresses their opinion, there is no wrong opinion, answer in turn, the speaker monitors this, if the group’s opinion coincides with the opinion of another, do not repeat it, if you are ready to answer, then join hands)

II . Lesson topic message.

Look at the desks. What do you think we will study today? (Flowers)

To find out more precisely the topic of the lesson, complete the assignment in a group. Arrange the geometric shapes in the same order as on the board.

(the teacher shows the sample for 2-3 seconds and removes it, children perform in groups)

Turn the pieces over. Read what is written on the back. If the meaning is clear, then the geometric shapes were laid out correctly.

What's written on the back? (Life of races)

So, guys, today in the lesson you will learn how plants live, what conditions they need to live.

III . Repetition of learned material.

What parts of plants do you know? (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit with seeds).

I had a plant on the board, but the wind blew into the classroom and it fell into pieces. Let's put it together, naming what role each part plays in the life of the plant.

(The student goes to the board, attaches any part and names its function).

For the teacher:

Root – holds the plant in the ground, absorbs water and mineral salts;

The stem is a “transport artery”;

Leaf – “food factory”;

Flower – ensures the emergence of the next generation;

Fruit with seeds

What is the name of the plant that was collected? (poppy)

Imagine that the seed pod bursts. What happens next?

(a new plant will grow)

IV . New material

1. Independent work students in the group.

Each group has three pictures on its desk. Place them in the correct position


Explain how you did it and why? (grows, gives birth and dies)

Do you think trees are like that too? life path pass? Discuss as a group.

Have your say.

2. Work from the textbook (p. 50)

What kind of tree is shown? (oak)

What is the name of the oak fruit? (acorn)

Tell me what happened after the acorn fell to the ground?

Name the stages of a tree's life. (grows, gives birth and dies)

In your group, compare the life paths of a flower and a tree.

(The life path is similar, only for a flower it takes one year, and for a tree several years. The tree produces seeds every year).

Tell me, what life path do all plants go through?

Compare your thoughts with the saying of the Wise Turtle? (page 51)

(The plant is alive. It grows, bears offspring. It dies.)

Did your opinion coincide with the opinion of the Turtle?

3. Independent work of students in a group.

What is necessary for plants to live longer? (water)

Let's make sure of this. Children who have the “Leaf” emblem attached to their chest, take a cut aloe leaf and press near the cut. Consider and discuss in the group what happened.

What did you see? (juice, liquid)

What does this mean? (the plant is made of water)

What will happen to this leaf if it lies on a plate for several days? (it will dry out).

Why? (water evaporates)

What needs to be done to prevent plants from drying out? (water)

The teacher posts the diagram.

Water the flower for those who have the Lake logo on their chest.

Let's check the quality of watering. Do you think there are rules for watering?

Suggest a rule from the group.

When watering, children usually make the same mistakes: overwatering or vice versa, pouring too little water, pouring it under the roots, on the leaves. Formulate rules based on these errors.

V . Physical exercise.(slow music plays)

A) - Imagine that you are a flower. It began to rain. The roots began to drink water. She ran along the stem to the leaves, to the flowers.

Our scarlet flowers

The petals are blooming.

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers

The petals close.

Quietly falling asleep

They shake their heads.

The teacher makes a tulip shape with his hands above his head. The tulip slowly opens and closes to the music. Children repeat.

B) - Raise right hand, touch your nose with it. Lift up left hand, grab it by the ear. Clap your hands and switch hands.

4. Problem situation.

Why does a person need a nose? (breathe)

All living things breathe. Animals have a nose, birds have special holes on their beaks (show).

Do plants have noses? (No)

Discuss in the group how they breathe?

Children's guesses from each group.

To answer this question correctly, you need to look through a microscope. This is a strong magnifying device (show). The sheet is placed on the stage and viewed from above through the lenses. Examine the leaf under the microscope as a group, taking turns. What did you see?

Listen to the story. (student)

Message from a pre-prepared student.

To see the noses of plants, you need to look through a microscope. The sheet looks like a sieve with small holes. These are the spouts of plants -stoma . The spouts are like windows, they open and close. It's hot outside - the windows are closed, cool - they're wide open. External air passes through the stomata into the leaf (table “Leaf under a microscope” on the board).

What are the “spouts” on plants called? What are they for? (for breathing)

The teacher hangs up the “Window” diagram.

5. Independent work of students in a group.

What can a person do to make it easier for a plant to breathe? (if children find it difficult, you can invite them to look at the lower left picture on p. 51)

What is the girl doing?

For what? How? Do this one at a time. The student who has the “Napkin” emblem starts and passes the rag to the other.

Everyone in the group wipes one sheet.

6. Work according to the textbook.

Look at the top right picture.

What can you say about plants? (one bright, the other pale)

Discuss as a group why? (one is on the window, the other is in the shade)

What else does a plant need to live? (light)

The teacher posts the diagram.

7. Independent work of students in a group.

Where can we place flowers in the classroom so that they have light? (on the windowsill)

Children who have this emblem, place the flower on the windowsill.

Why did they do this?

8. Work according to the textbook.

Look at the bottom right picture.

Discuss as a group why this happened? (the flower is frozen, it’s winter outside, the window is open)

What else do plants need? (warm)

The teacher posts the diagram.

9. Independent work of students in a group.

What time of year is it now? (winter)

What can happen to plants that stand on the windowsill in severe frost? (freeze)

How can I help them? (put in a warm place)

Children who have this emblem, remove the flower from the windowsill.

10. Generalization.

Now think in a group and tell me what plants need to live? (water, air, light, heat)

Read what the Wise Turtle had to say about it (page 51)

What will you do to make plants live longer? (water, wipe dust from leaves, put in light, make sure the room is warm)

How to help wild plants?

Listen carefully to the poem (children read)

I won’t catch a butterfly in a meadow:
Heavenly flower, let him live!
Let the wings flutter over the flowers,
May you and I be happy!

I won’t pick a forest flower either,
I won't take it home with me,
After all, at home he won’t be able to rock a bumblebee
And early in the morning he won’t drink dew!

Not a stalk, not a branch, not a blade of grass
I won't offend you: why are you to blame?
Zhivinka is warm in any of them,
And glows with trust in everyone...

- How do children suggest to treat plants? Why?

Remember that plants growing in the forest, in the garden, are alive. They grow, bear offspring, die. And they want to live as long as possible, bringing us the joy of contemplating beauty.

11. Reflection.

Did you like the lesson? What new and useful did you learn?

Try to use the rule when you are in nature: before you do something, think about whether you will harm nature by doing so.

Sources of information

1. http://bioword.narod.ru/U/U061.htm leaf stomata

2. http://bau-bai.livejournal.com/56445.html poem

3. The world around us. Methodical manual. 1st class

A.A. Pleshakov, V.P. Alexandrova, S.A. Borisova. M., Education, 2006.