Balm with cobra venom Vietnam. Cobratoxan ointment for joints from Vietnam

In fact, I have long been planning to write about this miracle ointment, brought back in the winter of 2013 from, but somehow it never happened. Although after the first use I realized that the Vietnamese Cobratoxan ointment really helps. But now the reason that prompted me to write about it was an incident that happened to me this summer in .

So, the background. While in a town in Cappadocia, which is famous for its incredible rocks and caves, one morning we went to explore the local surroundings. While we were walking like this, in one place, while running down a low hill, I stumbled and twisted my ankle. It hurt terribly. By the time we got back to the hotel and had breakfast, my leg calmed down and I forgot about it. And in vain. After breakfast, when we set off on foot to , my leg began to slowly hurt. When we got to the museum, I could no longer step on my heel, I could only rest on my toes. While we walked around the museum, I saved myself with compresses from cold water and wet wipes. And towards the end, I could no longer step on my foot at all; it was swollen in the arch of my foot and hurt. In the end, we took a taxi and went to the hotel.

At the hotel, the first thing I did was apply Cobratoxan ointment, take a horizontal position, and keep my leg elevated. I spent almost a day in this position, periodically reapplying the ointment, plus tying it up again. elastic bandage. I would like to note that I applied the ointment at lunchtime, and by evening the swelling had almost subsided, but it was still a bit painful to step on my foot. By lunchtime the next day I could walk normally. But in the evenings, just in case, I also lubricated my leg.

General characteristics. The weight of a tube of ointment is 20 grams. I won’t tell you the exact composition because the insert was lost, but it definitely contains cobra venom. Indicated for bruises, sprains, and joint pain. It has a peculiar smell; when applied, you feel a slight burning sensation, and then a pleasant warmth. The color of the ointment is white, it does not stain things, no greasy stains doesn't leave. According to my observations, this ointment not only relieves pain, but also heals. My lower back hurt from time to time, so it’s enough just to clean the house and by the evening I can’t fully straighten my lower back. I didn’t use the ointment regularly and not as a course, but when it hurt, I applied it, the pain went away and I stopped there. But even with this use, at the moment, my lower back no longer hurts after cleaning, I can stand in one position for a long time, although earlier this also caused my lower back to hurt. I take this ointment into my travel first aid kit solely because I am worried about my back: a heavy backpack, long walks... I didn’t think it would be useful for a sprain.

Cobratoxan ointment is used very sparingly; one single tube, which we bought in January 2013 in Vietnam, has not yet been completely used up. It is enough to squeeze out a pea-sized amount of ointment and rub it into the sore spot for 2-3 minutes, and then keep it warm, it is best to do this at night.

Where to buy. I won’t say the exact place, but it was not a pharmacy, but an ordinary souvenir shop in. I haven’t seen any booklets, reviews or advice to buy this ointment anywhere. My memory worked, I remember from childhood that my mother had an ointment with someone’s venom, either a snake or a bee. And I instinctively bought it, although in principle I had no intention and was not looking for anything like that. Although now I am very happy with this purchase. Unfortunately I don’t remember the price, but it’s definitely not expensive.

Our opinion. Now I call this ointment a miracle ointment, because I did not expect such a quick result. I officially declare: the Vietnamese miracle ointment Cobratoxan was tested under extreme conditions and succeeded. I highly recommend purchasing it, if you are in Vietnam and see this ointment, buy it without hesitation. And be healthy! 🙂

Latest information

It’s already 2016 and just the other day they brought me the Vietnamese ointment Cobratoxan. I ordered 3 tubes at once in reserve 🙂 So, fresh information, instructions are only in Vietnamese and English, so the translation will be a little clumsy.

Price: As of February 2016, the ointment costs 32,000 dong, with our money +- 100 rubles per tube.

Compound: cobra venom, methyl salicylate, menthol oil, emulsion fillers.

Shown: As an analgesic for rheumatism, inflammation and neuralgia.

Contraindications: Do not apply to ulcers, scratches, or open wounds. Avoid contact with lips, nose, eyes and during breastfeeding. Do not use in children under 5 years of age.

Side effects: Not identified. If unwanted effects occur, stop use and consult a doctor.

Application: Apply to painful areas until completely absorbed, 2-3 times a day.

Storage conditions: Store in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.

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Effective ointment Cobratoxan is used for the manifestation of traumatic and inflammatory processes in the joints, to reduce pain syndromes that occur with radiculitis. The drug is actively used in cases of injuries (dislocations, sprains) in athletes and dancers. The main active ingredients of the ointment are salicylic acid ester and menthol. The drug also has a therapeutic effect due to the presence of cobra venom in the composition.

Application of ointment

  • treatment of radiculitis,
  • joint damage (inflammatory or traumatic).
  • Cobratoxan ointment is used to treat bruises,
  • joint injuries,
  • sprains.
  • The reason for using the ointment is arthritis,
  • back pain,
  • meniscal damage.
  • You can use it for pain due to bursitis,
  • periarthritis,
  • arthrosynovitis.

A large list of indications confirms the effectiveness of Cobratoxan. The drug can be used without prior consultation with a doctor, the main thing is to follow the instructions and avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes. In order to purchase Cobratoxan in Moscow or St. Petersburg, a prescription is not required.

About the name cobratoxan

* In fact, the correct name for an ointment based on snake venom is Cobratoxan (cobratoxan), but in Russia it is customary to call it Cobratox (cobratox).

List of contraindications for use:

- skin diseases,
mechanical damage skin in those places where you need to apply ointment,
- hypersensitivity to some components of the drug,
- general exhaustion of the body,
- insufficient cerebral circulation,
breast-feeding or pregnancy,
- impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver,
- tuberculosis.

Treatment regimen (instructions for use)

In case of severe pain, the drug should be applied twice a day until the pain disappears. But the treatment course should be no more than 10 days. For moderate pain, it is enough to lubricate the skin area with ointment once a day. The volume of ointment for one application to the skin is 2-3 g. If after 10 days the pain in the muscles, at the site of a sprain or bruise does not go away, you should definitely consult a doctor for a more serious examination and prescribe a course of treatment. The instructions compiled for Cobratoxan ointment require strict adherence.

Storage instructions and reviews

The ointment should be stored in a dry and dark place; the name of the drug should be clearly visible on the packaging. The storage location should not be accessible to children. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the name; any discrepancy with COBRATOXAN will indicate a fake. The very low price for cobratoxane is also suspicious.

4 g., eucalyptus oil 2 g. Vaseline and beeswax as auxiliary components.

Release form

Ointment in tubes of 20 g.

Pharmacological action

Local irritant and analgesic.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


A complex drug that has a local irritant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Used for distraction therapy. By irritating the nerve endings, it reflexively promotes the dilation of blood vessels, improving tissue nutrition, which determines the analgesic effect. Camphor and eucalyptus oil have a warming, analgesic effect. Methyl salicylate additionally has an anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting cyclooxygenase and reducing the production of.


No data provided.

Indications for use

  • of various etiologies;
  • myalgia ;
  • sciatica ;
  • sprains and bruises;


  • skin diseases;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • skin damage;
  • feverish conditions;
  • , breastfeeding;
  • liver/kidney dysfunction;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • cerebrovascular accident.

Use with caution when taking aspirin bronchial asthma .

Side effects

Allergic reactions in the form of redness, rashes, itching, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Nayatox, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The ointment is applied externally. Apply to the painful area once a day. Ointment in an amount of 5 g to 10 g is gradually rubbed into the skin until absorbed. For severe pain, it can be used 2 times a day. Treatment is usually carried out for up to 10 days; on the recommendation of a doctor it can be extended. After use, wash your hands thoroughly. Do not allow the drug to come into contact with mucous membranes; in case of accidental contact, rinse with water. Not recommended for use in children.


No cases have been reported.


The drug reflexively causes increased blood circulation, so use with other topical drugs leads to increased absorption. Use in large quantities increases toxicity and reduces the effect of hypoglycemic agents. It is not recommended to use simultaneously with anticoagulants taken orally.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Temperature up to 25°C.

Best before date

Analogue of Nayatox

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Alvipsal , Vipralgon , Dr. Theiss Revmacrem , Nizhvisal .

Reviews of Nayatoks

Many people, especially as they age, face problems musculoskeletal system. This causes discomfort and interferes with active life. The use of ointment compositions containing methyl salicylate And snake venom , significantly alleviates the suffering of patients. This is also the case with Nayatox ointment, which additionally contains camphor and eucalyptus, which enhances the effect.

The use of Nayatox as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for joint and muscle pain, radiculitis gives good effects. This is reflected in the reviews of patients; many of the disadvantages of the drug include an unpleasant, pungent odor and a greasy ointment base, so a trace may remain on the skin and clothes.

  • « ... I like this Vietnamese ointment. At night I rub the sore joints - it warms up well and the pain immediately decreases».
  • « ... I’m very pleased with the effect, I often use it for back and neck pain. It may not help with serious illnesses, but it doesn’t help me well.».
  • « ... When I get injured, I use it. It relieves pain very well, plus it reduces inflammation. The smell is just harsh».
  • « ...Better pain reliever than Apizartron. Warms well, relaxes, relieves pain. I don’t really like the smell, but you can use it at night and the smell disappears by the morning».

Do you often have back pain, aching knee or twisted forearm? Don't delay treatment! Most likely, your joints have started to bother you. Insidious joint diseases begin with minor pain, which gradually turns into debilitating pain.

Today the pharmaceutical market offers a lot of drugs for the treatment of such phenomena, especially positive assessment sick people deserved the new “Cobratoxan”. Its properties and nuances of application will be discussed below.

What is Cobratoxan?

The medicine "Cobratoxan" is an ointment; the instructions for use describe it as a balm that is applied externally. Its use is very wide. The ointment has found its place in folk medicine, and in the traditional treatment of sick people. You can buy Cobratoxan ointment from official distributor in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries Beware of fakes!

Its main purpose is to relieve a person from inflammation of all kinds, to accelerate the healing of injuries of varying complexity associated with sprained tendons and muscles, and dislocations.

Composition of anti-inflammatory ointment

The fact that the drug “Cobratoxan” is an ointment (the instructions for use emphasizes this special attention) is a unique drug, many doctors note. It contains cobra venom, in particular, for the production of a healing balm. It should not be surprising that this substance can be useful to humans. It is used in traditional medicine since ancient times.

External use of this medicine has a special effect in relieving pain, serious inflammation, and influencing nerve endings and processors located in the subcutaneous layer.

Cobratoxan ointment can be used in primary therapy or as an auxiliary drug in the treatment of complex ailments.

Of course, the balm contains not only beneficial snake venom, it reveals its positive properties in combination with essential oil menthol, which is also widely used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, as well as methyl salicylate.

The creamy preparation is easily applied to the skin, is instantly absorbed and provides a quick effect on the areas of pain.

Pharmacokinetic properties of the drug

Cobratoxan ointment is a pharmacological preparation that has no equal in its properties. You should know that the composition does not contain pure cobra venom, but only a toxin extracted from it that is specific and useful for the human body in a certain dose - cobrotaxin. It is this that helps improve metabolism, causing cessation of vascular spasms, pain relief, and calming nervous overexcitation. The use of Cobratoxan ointment is especially useful for malignant tumors and chronic complex diseases of the respiratory system, for example, in the treatment of asthma.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

The instructions for use of the drug "Cobratoxan" (ointment) recommend using it to relieve pain during exacerbation of radiculitis, in case of injury and damage to joints, in case of sprained muscles or ligaments, during the treatment of back pain, dislocations and bruises of varying complexity, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, arthrosynovitis, torticollis, problems with menisci.

You should also remember to follow the instructions on contraindications for the drug. She warns that cobra venom ointment is not suitable for treating people with diagnoses such as open tuberculosis, kidney failure, cardiovascular diseases, fever, poor blood circulation in the brain.

Possible negative consequences of using the ointment

Of course, in this article it is impossible to fully describe all the advantages that the instructions for the drug “Cobratoxan” talk about. Despite all its advantages, Cobratoxan (ointment) should be used with extreme caution and under the supervision of a physician.

If the drug is used for other purposes, the health of the sick person can worsen. It is necessary to use medicinal ointment based on snake venom, strictly adhering to the recommended dose.

Creamy balm "Cobratoxan" ointment (instructions for use indicate this point) can cause allergic reactions.

Dosage when using

Cobratoxan ointment is applied externally to painful areas. The total number of applications per day should not exceed two times. For tolerable pain or unpleasant aching and twisting sensations, it is recommended to rub two to three grams of medicinal balm into the area of ​​pain once a day.

If the pain is strong and sharp, then rubbing the ointment up to two times a day is allowed, no more. The general therapeutic course of treatment using this remedy lasts ten days.

However, not all diagnoses are typical, so the doctor can prescribe a larger dose of the drug, but he does this with careful progressive increases that do not harm the patient’s health and lead to his recovery.

Self-prescribing a creamy remedy based on snake venom is inappropriate, as it can harm your well-being. Application can be started after the recommendations of the treating doctor.

The ointment is used externally; under no circumstances should it be used internally, because this medicine is poisonous, even though it contains a tiny proportion of snake venom!

Having immersed myself in the world of authentic medicines in Vietnam, I came to the conclusion that one of the most popular local tricks is the famous pain-relieving ointment Cobratoxan. On the occasion of our long trip around the Socialist Republic, I also bought several tubes at once. They were purchased for my mother, who suffers greatly from osteochondrosis and joint pain. Based on her positive feedback, I decided to write this review.

Cobratoxan, made in Vietnam

Living in Southeast Asia This is not the first or second year, I have no doubts about the universal love of the aborigines for snakes and everything connected with them. In Indochina, it seems, they enthusiastically use all the spare parts of these toxic animals: here you have python fat, and cobra venom, and leather, and gallbladder and God knows what else I don't know about the snake industry.

Vietnam is no exception. In every Vietnamese pharmacy you can find Cobratoxan medicinal ointment, the active ingredient of which is already evident from the name itself.

Let us briefly analyze the composition of the cream.

  1. Cobra venom - 0.0005 g.
  2. Menthol - 0.588 g.
  3. Methyl salicylate - 2.8 g.
  4. Auxiliary components - 20 g.

Just a walking illustration of the saying that everything in this world is supposedly both poison and medicine at the same time. And the whole problem is only in the dosage. One ten thousandth of a gram of snake toxin per total weight 23 g is exactly the dose that, according to the pragmatic Vietnamese, heals and does not cripple. They are well aware of its analgesic properties, which are skillfully packaged in the form of a fairly safe external remedy.

However, it is not poison alone that makes Cobratoxan strong. Its analgesic effect is significantly enhanced by the presence of methyl salicylate. If anything, I’ll report: this thing is a mandatory ingredient in absolutely any “herbal” Thai balm. However, I don’t want to completely tarnish the reputation of the latter now, because I myself actively use them in everyday life to relax muscles tired by yoga and relieve pain.

However, you should know that methyl salicylate is the main active ingredient not only in the treasured ointments from Thailand. It is also present in the more prosaic drugs Mialgin or Ben-Gay and provides their remarkable analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Menthol is a kind of cosmetic member of this trio, as it provides a slight cooling of the skin and slightly softens the harsh smell of Cobratoxan.

The product is available in miniature tubes of 25 g. Instructions for use are included in English. I personally have not come across packages with manuals in Russian.

The essence of the annotation should be given in detail. So that after reading positive feedback Below, my reader took into account all the important information before deciding to urgently order an exotic ointment.

  • It is used topically for injuries to ligaments, joints, muscle sprains, dislocations, bruises, radiculitis, arthritis, bursitis, arthrosynovitis, torticollis, meniscal injuries and back pain of various origins.
  • The Vietnamese manufacturer believes that its brainchild is also relevant for asthma and other diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, as well as for cancerous formations on the skin. In the first case, it should be applied to the chest area, in the second - to tumors. I would first consult with your doctor.
  • There are contraindications. These include diseases of the cardiovascular system, open tuberculosis, age under 3 years, open wounds and ulcers at the site of application, kidney failure, fever or general exhaustion of the body, impaired cerebral circulation, pregnancy and, as usual, allergies, intolerance components.
  • Application is allowed up to three times a day.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.
  • Shelf life is two years from the date of manufacture.

I was more meticulous than usual in describing the ointment from sunny Vietnam because it is not cosmetics, but medicine. And the active ingredient is quite serious. But then you can exhale and move on to a more casual story about how it works, and whether it’s even worth our attention.

Review of Cobratoxan from my mother

For me, up to the sixth chakra, tiger balm and similar Thai analogues are enough to work with my slightly yogic body.

She managed to successfully escape from her mother’s osteochondrosis, which she so generously wanted to pass on as an inheritance to her daughter. For which we thank the same Hatha Yoga. My body problems boil down to periodic muscle strain and aching joints after particularly developing yoga sessions. Therefore, the subject of today’s conversation is not particularly relevant in my case.

But my mother, at 66, has a full range of different problems with the spine and joints, the main one of which is the aforementioned osteochondrosis. She has been living with him for 40 years, if not more.

It would seem that it could be simpler - we send the sufferer a package with Thai scorpion or pepper balm, and it’s done. We, the connoisseurs of Asian medicines, are well aware of how good they are in such cases! However, not everything is so simple.

Mom is a known hypertensive patient. Strong heating of the muscles above the waist provokes an increase in pressure, and therefore the vast majority of lubricants from smiling Siam are not suitable for her. But ointments with snake venom are ideal. True, in Russian pharmacies, according to her, they now cost like a downed Boeing. That’s why several packages of Cobratoxan were purchased in Vietnam especially for her.

The parent's feedback is the most encouraging. She liked four things.

  1. Very quickly relieves neck pain, which, with osteochondrosis, mercilessly radiates to the head.
  2. Does not warm up the skin and muscles of the neck as intensely. According to her, it even cools pleasantly.
  3. As a result, blood pressure does not rise.
  4. Absorbs quickly and does not remain greasy.

Of the minuses, only one can be noted, which is observed by many. This is a characteristic smell. In my opinion, the minimum fee for quick withdrawal pain. Hand on heart, the same Tiger Balm smells more exciting.

On review sites like Otzovik or Irecommend you can see a huge number of reviews about Cobratox, as it is sometimes called. The vast majority of them are also very hopeful.

By the way, the list of “What to bring from Vietnam” can be significantly expanded by reading. I tested everything for you. 🙂

Where to buy ointment, price in Vietnam and Moscow

Since the blog site is read by both expats from Indochina and residents of the CIS, I will try to give different tips.

  1. IN the price is about 4 dollars. You can also ask in pharmacies throughout the country. The ointment is not available everywhere, but it is not difficult to find.
  2. In Thailand - only in pharmacies aimed at tourists. I have never seen it anywhere in beauty stores or pharmaceuticals. In Pattaya, I know what you can find in the Dr.Holland pharmacy chain.
  3. In Cambodia - rather, nowhere.
  4. Order from Moscow and any other city in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc. possible via the Internet.
    Not long ago Doctor Holland appeared on the same site:

    Cobratoxan, 20 g - 280 rub.

    The cost, by the way, is very, very humane.

Finally, I will add that this is not the only Vietnamese medicine that is worth taking a closer look at. Next up is a full-fledged, informative review of medicinal products from this country.

With wishes of good health and the most smiling Indochina, sincerely yours, inquisitive Asian Marta.
Body in Cambodia, and mentally in my beloved. February 2018