Quick connect connections. Fasteners for quick joining of water hoses Buy quick connectors for water hoses

When laying and using a water supply system, you cannot do without special fastenings. Quick-release connections for hoses and pipes simplify the process of organizing and operating water supply and distribution systems and irrigation. Quick-release products for docking are available in various variations, which differ in size, functionality, and material of manufacture. Let's consider their main features.

Quick-release connections (QRC) are devices used for joining pipes, hoses, sleeves and other various parts in production. This type of connection is used in a variety of fields modern life and is characterized by high levels of tightness and reliability in environments characterized by high pressure. To work with these products does not require any special tools, knowledge and skills.

Nowadays, quick-release couplings are constantly used in many areas of human activity and, thanks to their special characteristics and ease of operation, have firmly established themselves there. Let's list the areas where braces are used:

  • auto industry;
  • aircraft manufacturing;
  • systems for water supply and water treatment;
  • connection of various pneumatic units;
  • defense industry
  • alternative energy;
  • shipbuilding;
  • chemical production;
  • medical equipment;
  • railway transport;
  • construction;
  • polymer production;
  • mining production.

Useful information! I would like to note that in mining activities a special quick-release connection is used, equipped with a hinged clamp. With the help of this device dock steel pipelines with a nominal diameter from 50 to 400 mm, the operating pressure in these lines can reach up to 32 MPa.

Device and principle of connection

The quick release coupling consists of two main parts. These parts have a variety of names. But technically speaking, the correct names would be “coupling” and “nipple”, the popular names for these parts are “mother” and “father”.

The coupling (“mother”) includes the following elements in its design:

  • frame;
  • a fixing clamp consisting of clamping balls and a locking sleeve;
  • check valve;
  • an o-ring required to seal the joint;
  • connecting adapter (built-in or separate).

The design of quick-release couplings may also consist of other elements, but such products can be found much less frequently than standard ones.

The nipple consists of the following parts:

  • frame;
  • check valve;
  • connection adapter (like a coupling, it can be either built-in or separate);
  • sealing element.

The range of quick-release connections is quite wide, in which you can find a connector that is suitable in length, diameter and weight. Particularly popular are products with diameters from 12 to 150 mm. Many manufacturers can make a design with individual parameters; for such products the diameter can reach up to 540 mm.

Anyone can install quick-release connections, even without professional equipment and special skills. The quick release device is connected as follows:

  1. On the coupling, you first need to press out the locking sleeve. The spin is done towards the adapter. The clamping balls move away, which makes it possible to insert the coupling into the nipple without any problems.
  2. After which the pre-prepared coupling is inserted into the nipple.
  3. Afterwards the bushing is released. After which the coupling is firmly fixed in the nipple, and at the same time, during fixation, the check valves open.

We must remember! In order to remove the quick connectors, you must perform all of the above operations in reverse order.

There are designs that do not require a bushing clamp during installation. In these devices, the coupling is inserted into the nipple without squeezing the tube, automatically. You just need to press lightly and the connection is made.

Features and types of quick-release connectors

Most of the quick release or quick release connections are designs made in accordance with ISO standards. Quick release couplings have very useful quality– interchangeability. This suggests that parts of the same design can be manufactured by different manufacturers from different countries around the world.

The materials from which coupling rods are made are very diverse:

  • stainless steel;
  • alloy steel;
  • aluminum;
  • bronze alloy;
  • titanium and its alloys;
  • alloys of other metals;
  • various polymers.

The service life of the coupling system is influenced by a number of factors that must be taken into account when selecting a product:

To improve the quality of the structure, it is usually additionally treated with an anti-corrosion coating. There are the following methods of applying protection to parts:

  • chrome plating;
  • nickel plating;
  • galvanization;
  • a variety of solid applications.

A wide range of identical fittings makes it possible to connect not only identical pipes, but also products made from different materials.

Types of couplings by pressure:

  1. ISO-A quick release hose connections. Fits perfectly into hose systems with low operating pressure. At the same time, it does not create obstacles to circulation within the system. The valves in it are made in the shape of a cone.
  2. FIRG. These valves will fit perfectly into a wide range of systems. When closed, this structure has no protruding parts. Valves in a disc-shaped design. Thanks to them, no unnecessary resistance is created in the system, and they also eliminate the possibility of air entering the system and leakage of working fluid.
  3. T.G.W. Such connections are ideal for systems whose operating pressure ranges from 300 to 1100 Bar. Like other quick-release couplings, they help prevent air from entering the system and fluid from leaking. They can be supplied with protection plugs made of metal and plastic as components. Such connections can withstand water hammer and impulse loads.
  4. NRA. These connections are used for domestic mobile hydraulic tools. They can withstand pressures up to 700 bar. Just like EPU type couplings, they are resistant to water hammer and impulse loads.

Based on the number and location of valves, couplings are divided into three main groups:

  • with free passage (not equipped with valves);
  • with valve on one side;
  • with valve on both sides.

Products with quick-release sleeves have a convenient snap mechanism. Installation of such couplings is simple, and this connection perfectly secures the tubes.

Nowadays, these products are distinguished by a fairly wide range of assortments, which makes it possible to choose quick couplings for specific situation. Now you can purchase several types of quick-release couplings:

  • Quick couplings equipped with a locking wedge;
  • cam devices (Camlock);
  • designs made in Europe (BAUER and Perrot);
  • ISO connections that have a conical valve in their design.

BRS can dock flexible hoses or plastic and metal pipelines. Quick-release fittings for a variety of pipelines are made in various designs: couplings, tees, crosses, etc. Such a connection is made using a special clamping device - a collet.

Quick release collet connections help to produce quick installation and dismantling of the pipeline. One of the main features of this connection is that thanks to it it is possible to make the transition to threading.

Advantages and disadvantages of BRS

Like all products, quick connect water connections have their pros and cons. First, let's look at the advantages of these designs:

  • breadth of distribution and selection (quick-release couplings can be easily purchased in almost any specialized store);
  • the relatively low price allows you to buy them for household use;
  • allow us to provide high performance joint tightness;
  • BRS thanks to its design features easy to install and dismantle;
  • BRS reusable products;
  • Retain their properties over long periods of use.

The disadvantages include:

  • when using a combination of coupling parts from different manufacturers, the warranty is removed from the structure;
  • 20% of such designs are made without the possibility of interchange.

Therefore, remember that quick-release couplings also require careful testing and selection.

Hose Quick Release Fitting for Water

Hoses are widely used both in various enterprises and in everyday life. They are made from a variety of materials: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), rubber, silicone and others. Pneumatic tools are connected using hoses, and they are also used for hydraulic structures. In the domestic sphere, they are used for watering.

Worth remembering! Quick-release connections for a variety of hoses allow you to speed up and simplify their assembly; sometimes the connection is made on the go (with the water on). It's quite convenient and saves money huge amount time and effort, and will also provide the opportunity to assemble an irrigation system during operation, so that its configuration can be adjusted if necessary.

The quick-release hose fitting makes it possible to install a hose, extend it, or connect it to the pump. The diameters of such connecting products vary from 12 to 150 mm.

It must be remembered that the reliability of a product does not depend on its price. Of course, when purchasing, it is better to focus on famous manufacturers. But this does not give a 100% guarantee that this design is not a fake or does not contain defective parts. Therefore, when purchasing a quick-release coupling, you need to carefully examine it visually, and also carefully re-read the certificates offered for it.

The hose connector is a quick-release connection necessary for easy operation of watering equipment when irrigating a site or when using it in portable car washes. A feature of modern connectors is that they can withstand high pressure in the pipe without additional waterproofing. Such elements are easy to install and easy to use.

Types of hose connectors

All quick-release connections have a common feature - the presence of an outlet for the nipple, connecting it to an adapter for a faucet, sprinkler or watering gun.

The hose connector can be made of plastic or metal alloy. The composition of the material depends on the operating pressure in the pipe. Plastic connections average price segment withstand about 10-15 bar. Metal and brass products are designed to work under pressure conditions in the pipe above 15-20 bar.

Often the word “connector” means a coupling that connects two watering hoses of equal or various diameters. IN in this case It should be borne in mind that the coupling is actually designed to connect two hoses, but in order to then separate them, you will need to unscrew the cap and pull out the pipe.

The connecting nozzle with thread is designed for use with other elements of similar design. Depending on the parts of the bundle, external or internal threads of a certain diameter may be required. Such connections are also connected to the nipple and can be quickly pulled out.

What does it consist of?

A classic hose connector consists of the following elements:

  • Tube holder with housing. A watering hose is inserted directly into it. After tightening the cap, it is tightly and airtightly attached inside the connector.
  • Release mechanism. It is this that makes it possible to remove the device in one motion.
  • Screw cap. Using it, the hose is secured to the connector. Has internal thread, which screws onto the tube holder. As a result, the structure is fixed and compression is ensured.
  • Stop valve. Installed in connectors with automatic closing. It is a plastic or metal piston with rubber bands that provide a tight seal. The essence of its work is that when the connector is connected to the nipple, the latter presses on the piston. When connected, the valve is always open, and after disconnection, the pressure in the pipe closes it. This allows you to stop the flow of water without turning off the tap.
  • Rubber bands for sealing. They are located inside the quick connect and prevent water from escaping through the threads.

Standard sizes

All connectors are designed for hoses standard diameter and are produced according to certain parameters. Universal adapters can connect tubes different diameters, but on domestic market These compounds are extremely rare.

  • Connector for 3/4" hose. Use it to quickly connect with a diameter of 3/4" or 19 mm.
  • The device with a diameter of 1 inch is designed for a hose with a cross-section of 25-26 mm.
  • 1/2" hose connector. It is used for pipes with a diameter of 12-13 mm.
  • Rarer 1/4, 3/8 and 5/8 inch models are designed to connect the corresponding hose sizes.

Scope of application

The hose connector is used wherever there is a need to use water supplied from a hose.

The most widespread use of quick connections is when watering garden plots, lawns and flower beds, and connecting to car wash equipment.

When selecting adapter material and size, consider the following factors:

  1. Working pressure in the pipe.
  2. Flexible tube diameter and nipple size.
  3. Weather conditions at the time of use.
  4. Opportunity mechanical damage fittings for irrigation.

Other watering fixtures

The connector for the irrigation hose is only one of the elements of the connecting fittings for irrigation. Other parts are required to make it work successfully.

  • Nipple. It is a cone connecting two connectors. At its ends there are rubber bands that ensure the tightness of the connection. This element can be of two types: STANDARD and POWER JET. Depending on this, it is selected fast connection. Two elements of such reinforcement cannot be fastened using parts of different sizes.
  • Tee. It is analogous to a nipple. The difference is that it has three connections to the connector.
  • Clutch. Connects two flexible tubes. If the element is reducing, then it can be used to connect hoses of different diameters.
  • Faucet adapter. This device designed to connect the hose to the water supply. Depending on the thread of the faucet, it may have an external or internal thread. At the other end there is a nipple connector.
  • Guns and sprinklers. There are a huge number of sprinklers of various modifications. At the end they have a nipple connector that fits into the connector.

All elements of watering connection fittings are necessary to ensure ease of operation. A variety of sizes and shapes allows you to select elements that provide high-quality watering in each specific situation.

Explanation: BRS are “quick-release couplings” or, as they are sometimes called, hydraulic breakaway couplings, designed for quick switching of suspended equipment on special-purpose equipment. Couplers are used on hydraulic hammers and road construction, agricultural, forestry equipment, shipbuilding, food industry, in oil and gas production, as well as in any other hydraulic systems where prompt replacement of suspended equipment is required. You may find quick connect hose couplings on a farm harvester, compressor or snow blower, Bobcat excavator or tractor.

Structurally, the coupling consists of a coupling and a nipple, which are inserted into each other, ensuring a reliable and tight connection of the hydraulic system.

Types of Hose Quick Connects

Generally, quick release hose couplings can be divided into three groups. Couplers for ISO A and ISO B hoses, Flat Face and threaded couplings. The division of products into groups is done on purpose - this allows the buyer to better navigate the range of connections and choose for themselves a coupling system that most accurately meets its requirements.

You can choose couplings for low or ultra-high pressure applications, made from carbon steel, stainless steel or brass.

Couplers for ISO A, ISO B hoses are the simplest type of quick-release couplings, most often found on agricultural machinery and in public utilities, are designed for light operating conditions, as well as where there are no high pressures. Has a ball bearing seal and valve system.

    ISO A – hydraulic application
  • PUSH-PULL (for agricultural machinery)
    ISO B – industrial applications
  • IRB (carbon steel)
  • IRBO (brass couplings)
  • IRBX (stainless steel)

FLAT FACE couplings – connections with a flat connecting part. This design does not allow oil to leak out during disconnection, also in the event of the FF coupling falling to the ground, during inner part no dirt will get in.

FIRG – quick release coupling with locking pad (ISO 16028), used in hydraulic systems where it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of external oil leaks and there is a risk of fluid contamination. FIRG couplers provide a dry connector when disconnected.

  • FIRG AX/FL (stainless steel) for aggressive environments
  • FIRG Q (heat-treated carbon steel) for moderately aggressive media (e.g. distilled water, water-glycol mixtures)
  • FIRG A (external connecting part - thread)
  • APM - drain nipple, has a triple valve system (double internal relief valve and valve with locking platform), designed for residual pressure in hydraulic system
  • AHD – socket for APM nipple
  • A-HP – special design of couplers for high pressure hoses that can withstand a pressure of 700 bar

Threaded couplings – this type quick release connections are used at very high and pulse pressures. Most often used on equipment working in quarries.

  • IV-HP – threaded ball couplings, designed for high pressure systems up to 700 bar, used for cylinders, hydraulic hammers and hydraulic jacks
  • VEP-P – used at high operating pressure and the need for connection with residual operating pressure in the system
  • VP-P - this type is designed for residual pressure in the hydraulic system, has a safety ring that protects against arbitrary opening during strong vibrations
  • VEP-HD - these quick-release couplings are designed for residual pressure in the hydraulic system, have a full connection indicator and a flanged connection part
  • VLS – The VLS coupling has been specially designed for earthmoving equipment. Widely used when operating equipment with frequent pulse pressure, water hammer, in systems with increased operating conditions
  • VD – threaded and seat type couplings with seal, made of high temperature treated carbon steel, designed for pulse pressure systems
  • VR – BRS with special valve which allows to reduce oil losses during disconnection (thread is metric only)

The product range of Stucchi S.p.A also includes SATURN blocks, multi-connectors (battery connection), valves for 5 and 65 bar, plugs, special couplings.

Advantages of BRS

Our company supplies couplings for hoses high pressure from Italy. We chose the Italian manufacturer - Stucchi S.p.A., whose products are not inferior to the famous Parker brand and significantly outperform the Faster brand in terms of product quality. The main advantages of Stucchi brand quick release couplings are:

  • High quality materials and workmanship
  • Durability of use
  • Wide product range
  • Compatible with couplings from other manufacturers (ISO A, ISO B, Flat Face standard)

How to place an order

In our company you can buy both Italian quick-release couplings and those made in China. We guarantee delivery of goods within three days from the receipt of funds in our bank account. If you want to buy quick-release couplings wholesale or retail, click on the “Check price” button on the page of the product you are interested in and send us a request, or call the regional manager by phone.