The virtues of the night of baraat. When is the Holy Night of Baraat? What to do on the night of baraat

This is a great night when believers in the One Creator completely devote themselves to worshiping Him. Baraat in Arabic means “non-involvement”, “complete separation”, “purification”. occurs on the night from the 14th to the 15th of the month of Sha'ban (according to another version - from the 15th to the 16th).

The night was called that because it contains two deliverances: the deliverance of the unfortunate (sinners before the Almighty) from mercy and the deliverance of awliya from failure and from being without the help of the Creator.

One alim said: “ Truly, angels have two holidays in heaven, just as Muslims have two holidays on earth: the holiday of angels is night Baraat and the night of Qadr (Lailat ul-Qadr - Night of Predestination), and the Muslim holiday is Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr) and Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha), and the holiday of the angels is at night, because the angels do not sleep, and among Muslims - during the day, because they sleep».

Another alim said: “The wisdom of what the Almighty revealed night Baraat and hid the night of Qadr, because the night of Qadr is the night of mercy, forgiveness and liberation from Hell. And Allah hid it so that they would not rely on it and would not become complacent. The Almighty revealed because this is the night of judgment and predestination, the night of anger and contentment, the night of acceptance and rejection, the night of achieving and retaining good deeds, the night of happiness and misfortune, the night of mercy and goodness. Some this night become happy, while others move away from mercy, one receives reward, and another is humiliated, one is exalted, and another is deprived of greatness, one receives reward, and the other receives nothing... On this holy night of forgiveness, Muslims must turn with all their hearts to To the Almighty, ask Him to accept good deeds and forgive sins.

Imam Subuki writes in his tafsir: “ Truly, this night washes away the sins of the whole year, and Friday night washes away the sins of the week, and the Night of Destiny (Lailat ul-Qadr) washes away the sins of a whole life.", i.e. the revival of these nights is the reason for the washing away of sins, and therefore this night () is called the night of washing away sins.

This night is also called the night of life because of the hadith that Munziriy transmitted from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “ The heart of the one who revives the holiday night and the night of the middle of the month of Shaban will not die on the day of death of hearts ».

This night is also called the night of intercession due to the fact that it was conveyed: “ The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked the Almighty on the 13th night for intercession for his ummah, and Allah gave him intercession for only three. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked for intercession on the 14th night, and the Almighty gave him intercession for 30. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked on the 15th night, and the Almighty gave him intercession for the entire ummah, except those who has run away from Allah, just as a camel runs away (one who has distanced himself from Allah by constantly committing sins)».

It is also called the night of forgiveness because of the hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad in which the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “ Verily, the Almighty turns to His servants on the night of the middle of the month of Shaban and forgives all the inhabitants of the earth, except for the polytheist and the person who quarreled with his brother or holds anger and hatred towards him in his heart ».

This night is also called the night of liberation because of the hadith that was transmitted from Ibn Ishaq and from Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with them both), where Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) conveys the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “ O Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), do you not know that this night is the night of the middle of Shaban? Truly, this night Allah frees His slaves from Hell according to the number of hairs in the wool of the sheep of the Banu Kalb tribe, except for the types of people: those who constantly use intoxicants, those who disobey their parents and cause them harm, those who are constant in the sin of adultery, those who interrupt family and friendly relations, those who sow confusion and slanderers».

This night is also called the night of distribution because of the hadith reported by Ata ibn Yasar: “ When the night of the middle of Shaban comes, everyone who dies from Shaban until the next Shaban is written down for the angel of death. Verily, a servant of Allah plants a tree, marries, builds a house, and his name is recorded among the dead, and the angel of death does not await him, unless he (the angel) is ordered to take his soul ».

On this night, all believers must renounce anger, enmity, pride and disobedience to parents with the intention of never returning to these sins. Otherwise, all this will distance us from barakat (grace) and value Lailat ul-Baraat.

sacred night Baraat one must try to spend time in ibadat, performing prayers, reading the Koran, making dua, visiting elders, especially honoring parents in order to receive blessings from them. Also in Lailat ul-Baraat It is recommended to remember and wish mercy, forgiveness, prosperity to deceased Muslims and tell children about the dignity and value of this night.

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Each culture has different traditions, teachings, and even holidays. So, for example, Islam has its own Muslim calendar, which designates special days, for example, the Muslim New Year or other significant days that are considered holidays in Christianity, but in Islam, these are rather memorable days when you should pray even harder and not go out for walks on a grand scale.

The fact is that during the formation of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad prohibited those who profess Islam from celebrating any other holidays, such as Christian ones. At the same time, if we single out a Muslim holiday, the prophet established a day called Ramadan Bayram (the holiday of breaking the fast), as well as the day of Kurban Bayram (the holiday of sacrifice). These dates are the main holidays in the Muslim world. But, on these dates, Muslim holidays are not limited. There are other so-called holidays, but they are less significant and are not celebrated as widely by Muslims; rather, these are dates when Muslims pray and worship Allah with great zeal.

Muslim holidays in 2017: calendar

The calendar of Muslim holidays will help you figure out when a particular holiday begins and ends.


Nowruz is a Muslim holiday, but it is more folk than religious. Every year the date when Navruz should begin does not change, it is March 21, and in 2017 too. This day was included in the Muslim calendar as a veneration of the equinox. On this day, those who profess Islam remember the dead and worship the forces of fire, an element that is considered life energy.

Interesting! Narvuz also has the Tatar New Year. Despite the fact that Tatars living in Russia celebrate the New Year, like most Russians, on the night of December 31 to January 1, the traditional date of this holiday among the Tatars is the day of the vernal equinox.

Night Baraat

The 2017 calendar also includes a date such as Baraat night, which will take place on May 11 in 2017. This holiday is a day of goodness and philanthropy, forgiveness of sins, correction and purification. One of the important traditions of this holiday is the morning ritual of ablution. At the same time, they prepare for ablution in advance, wash white clothes, or buy new ones, clean the house, and after the ceremony they put on clean clothes and sit down for breakfast, and, before starting the meal, they read a prayer.

The year according to the Muslim calendar also includes the period when Muslims fast. This period is called Ramadan, which lasts a month. In 2017, Ramadan will begin on May 27 and end on June 25. Therefore, Muslims spend the summer, namely its beginning, in strict fasting. Ramadan is the most important period for Muslims; it is believed that this period belongs to one of the five pillars on which all faith rests. Ramadan Bayram, as established by the Prophet Muhammad, is one of the most important dates in the life of Muslims, and given that during this period all supporters of the faith observe strict fasting, such a serious period cannot be called a holiday.

Throughout Ramadan Bayram, Muslims pray a lot, give up many foods, abstain from intimacy with their wives, and try to do more righteous deeds.

Before the second most important holiday among Muslims, which was established by the prophet, comes, namely, Kurban Bayram, adherents of Islam celebrate the following days:

Uraza Bayram - June 26, 2017 (the day when Muslims sum up Ramadan);
Night of Predestination - June 21, 2017 (one of the most powerful nights for Muslims, when they can ask their God for everything, and this desire will certainly be fulfilled, since it was on this powerful night that the Koran was sent to earth).

Kurban Bayram

As already noted, it was the Prophet Muhammad who commanded to celebrate this day as especially important. This holiday is the sincere faith of Muslims in Allah, the day of unity with him and approaching him.
Due to the fact that Muslims follow the lunar calendar, the dates of the holiday are shifted. The main Muslim holiday in 2017 will take place on September 1. On Kurban Bayram, Muslims also fast, but it lasts 10 days, when the fast ends, everyone performs ablution, puts on white clothes, and the men go to the mosque.

Since the holiday is a day of sacrifice, an integral part of it is in the evening, after the sermon, to slaughter an animal and prepare it for the holiday meal. In addition, part of the animal must be shared with those who need help.

Hijri New Year

The Muslim New Year 2017 marks the beginning of the lunar calendar. The Hijri New Year, despite the difference in traditions compared to the usual New Year, has similar features. So, for example, Muslims believe that as they spend the holy month of Muharram, the year will pass according to the Islamic calendar. So what year is it now, based on the Muslim calendar? The Hijri New Year will not begin until September 22, and therefore, given that it is February, it has not yet arrived.
The Hijri New Year is not widely celebrated by Muslims today, since this holiday does not have any special traditions. If we operate with the canons of Muslim culture, then they are not allowed to eat, drink or have fun during the day, but at night all these prohibitions are lifted, but Muslims still do not allow themselves too much.

Unlike the Gregorian calendar, the Islamic year does not begin on January 1, but on the day of the Hijra, when the Prophet Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD. Each of the 12 months of the Muslim calendar has an average of 29 days. However, there is no fixed start and end date for each month as they float according to the phase of the moon (from new moon to new moon). In total, the lunar year has 354 days, so it is 11 days shorter than the solar year. That is why every year the calendar shifts by 11 days, and, consequently, the dates of some holidays change.

There are a total of 36 holidays in the Muslim calendar. Each of them has sacred significance for representatives of the Islamic world.

The main distinguishing feature of the Islamic calendar is that it does not have holidays borrowed from other religions. Because Muhammad forbade his followers to celebrate events of other faiths.

In February

  • February 19 – The suffering of Fatima.

Fatima is the youngest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. For Muslims, she is an example of piety and patience, as well as the best moral qualities. She died a few months after the death of her father. Believers view Fatima's death as an act of martyrdom and, in honor of this, annually honor her memory with 20 days of mourning.

In March

Several events are celebrated in the first month of spring.

  • March 21 – .

In some countries they call it Nooruz, Navryz. It marks the renewal of life and is also considered a day of purification. It is customary to prepare for it in advance, 2 weeks in advance. Believers sprout wheat and lentils, which are then used to decorate the festive table. Be sure to clean up the house. There is a belief that on Nowruz Allah forgives sins and debts.

  • March 22 – Night of Ragaib.
  • March 25 – Hijri to Ethiopia.
  • March 31 is the birthday of Imam Ali.

In April

  • April 14 – Isra and Miraj.

Isra is the transfer of the Prophet Muhammad from a mosque located in Mecca to a mosque in Jerusalem, and his subsequent ascension to Heaven (Mi'raj).

In May

  • May 1 – Night of Baraat.

Believers are confident that on this night Allah is able not only to forgive sins and debts, but also to punish and repay for sins. That is why Muslims pray with special reverence on this day and promise not to do anything bad.

  • May 2 is the birthday of Imam Mahdi.
  • May 17 is the beginning of the Holy month.

Ramadan (in some countries called Orozo, Ramadan) is the most respected fast in Islamic culture. Duration – month. During this time, believers are prohibited from consuming food and water during daylight hours, swearing, smoking, or having sexual intercourse. The main goal is to cleanse yourself spiritually and physically, realize your mistakes and prevent them from happening in the future.

On the same date, a small pilgrimage, Umrah, is also performed.

In June

  • June 2 – Battle of Badr.
  • June 5 – Fatah Day Mecca.
  • June 6 – The suffering of Imam Ali.
  • June 9 – Night of Power and Predestination.

Another big religious holiday. It is believed that it was on this day that the first suras of the Holy Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

  • June 15 is the end of the Holy month of Ramadan.

In different Muslim countries the event is called differently - Uraza Bayram, Ramadan Bayram or Orozo Ait. It is customary to visit the mosque, give alms, invite relatives and set a rich table.

  • June 15 – Battle of the Ditch.
  • June 17 – Battle of Uhud.
  • June 24 – Battle of Hunain.

In July

  • July 9 – The suffering of Imam Jafar.
  • July 15 – Treaty of Hudaibiya.

In August

  • August 13 – the beginning of the month of Dhul-Hijjah.
  • August 21 – Arafat Day.

Marks the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise. Believers are convinced that if one sins on this day, the sin will be increased 100 times and will definitely return on earth or in existence after death.

  • August 22 is the Feast of Sacrifice.

Marks the end of the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). In some countries they call it, in others (for example, in Kyrgyzstan) - Kurman ait. It is customary to set a rich table and bring a lamb as a sacrifice. In this case, the meat of the animal is divided into 3 parts, one of which is given to the poor, the second is eaten with family, friends and relatives, and the third is not forbidden to keep for yourself.

  • August 23 – At-Tashriq.
  • August 30 – Ghadir-Khum.

In September

  • September 5 – Eid al-Mubahila.
  • September 11 – Hijri New Year.

It is from this day that the Lunar calendar begins its countdown. At the same time, the onset of the New Year is celebrated differently in Muslim countries than in European and Western countries. There is no Christmas tree, no fireworks, no champagne at midnight, believers do not even set a sumptuous table, instead they go to the mosque and read a sermon about the Prophet Muhammad.

  • September 17 – march to Khaybar.
  • September 19 – Tashua of Imam Hussein.
  • September 20 is the Day of Ashura or the remembrance of the prophets of the messengers of Allah.

The date of the creation of heaven, angels and the first man on Earth. But for believers this is not a festive event at all, but a mourning one, so many Muslims publicly torture themselves, and corresponding music and lamentations are heard from everywhere.

In October

  • October 11 is the beginning of the month of Safar.
  • October 30 – Arbain.

In November

  • November 5 – Hijri Night.
  • November 7 is the Day of the Death of the Prophet Muhammad - one of the saddest events of the Islamic religion.
  • November 20 is the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.

In most Muslim countries, this date is an official holiday. The event is celebrated on a wide scale; in some states and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, three-day holidays are organized.

Nowruz cannot be called a religious holiday - it is rather a folk holiday and is dedicated to the spring equinox. Usually people on this day remembered the deceased, in addition, on Navruz Zoroastrians worshiped the forces of fire, which in turn was considered life energy, thus sent to us by the sky.

Date of Navruz holiday in 2017

Every year it is the same and does not differ from previous ones, and therefore Navruz in 2017 is celebrated on March 21. Over the many years of existence of this celebration, it was either canceled or reintroduced, and even today it is celebrated only in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Albania, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Turkey, and Kazakhstan. But the Arabs do not celebrate Nowruz at all. But the duration of the holiday is different in each country. In some states it is celebrated from March 21 to 23, and in others even for 6 days, that is, from the 21st to the 27th. In these countries, Nowruz is one of the most popular holidays and is revered not only as a day of spring, but also as the New Year.

Traditions of Nowruz

According to legends, Nowruz must be spent having fun and, as is the case in many countries, it is believed that work is not allowed. On the night of the 20th to the 21st, Muslims gather with their whole family and begin their celebration. Moreover, according to popular belief, if you spend this day outside the house, you will not see it at all for the whole year, and therefore they used to try not to leave their home and have fun with their relatives. In addition to traditional sweets (shekerbura, baklava, badamburoy, gogal) and pilaf, there are seven dishes that begin with the letter “s” (sabzi, semenya, sked, sumac, sirke, etc.)

Baraat Night in 2017 - May 11

It is a holy night in Muslim culture and is celebrated in the Hijri month of Sha'ban. According to the sages, the month of Ramadan is the time to collect fruits for one’s good deeds, but Sha’ban, on the contrary, is the period when it is necessary to sow them. Days 14 and 15 are considered turning points when it is necessary to pray and fast.

Date of the holiday: Holy Night of Baraat

Every year it is different and is determined quite simply - for Muslims it is always the night from the 14th to the 15th of the month of Sha'ban. In 2017, Baraat Night is celebrated on May 11th. This day is not only a symbol of goodness and philanthropy, but also a holiday of forgiveness of sins, correction and purification.

Traditions on Baraat Night

Muslims pray all night for the forgiveness of sins, and in the morning they perform the ritual of ablution. They prepare for this day carefully - they wash their clothes white, or simply buy new white ones, clean the house, wash everything and get rid of trash. And after the ritual of ablution, they put on clean clothes and go to breakfast, where the head of the family says a prayer. In this case, the table must be low and it is called dastarkhan. Festive dishes are usually light; they try to serve more vegetables, since intensive preparation for the month of Ramadan begins on this day.

Ramadan in 2017 - from May 27 to June 25

Ramadan is not one day, but a whole month, which Muslims sacredly honor and observe strict fasting all this time. According to all adherents of Islam, the month of Ramadan is considered one of the five pillars on which, in principle, their faith rests.

When does Ramadan start in 2017? Ramadan Bayram in 2017

As we have already said, Ramadan is the month that immediately follows the month of Shaabat. It is determined according to the phases of the moon and is the ninth month of the year. In 2017, Ramadan Bayram begins on May 27 and ends on June 25, respectively.

Ramadan traditions

Throughout the month, faithful Muslims pray and strictly fast. They try more than usual to do good deeds and cleanse themselves of filth. Moreover, in addition to abstaining from food, Muslims also refuse intimacy with their wives.

Eid al-Fitr in 2017

This is the second most important holiday for adherents of Islam. On this day, Muslims rejoice that Allah has given them the opportunity for spiritual growth - the whole month of Ramadan - and analyze the results of the past fast.

Date of Eid al-Fitr holiday

At the end of the month of Ramadan, namely on June 26, the Muslim people celebrate the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, or as it is also called Eid ul-Fitr.

Traditions of the holiday Eid al-Fitr

At the end of the fast, they throw a loud, rich and joyful holiday with no less generous treats. The holiday must be celebrated strictly in the family circle, and a restaurant or cafe is not welcome. The first thing they do on this day is to put on festive clothes and go to the mosque, but only men do this, and women at this time prepare treats and the house for the celebration. After a family meal and prayer, many go to visit their family and friends, while others, accordingly, invite everyone to visit them. They also continue to give alms, sometimes this is a treat from the table, but most often it is a monetary alms. Don’t forget to visit the cemetery where relatives are buried.

Night of power and predestination (Laylatul-qadr) in 2017 - June 21

In Islam, this is the main and most powerful night, when you can ask for anything and the Almighty will fulfill it. And all because, according to legend, it was on this night that the Koran was sent down to earth, therefore, every year, according to the teachings of Muslims, Allah shows special mercy and blessing.

Date of Laylatul Qadr holiday

The date of the holiday usually varies, as it occurs ten days before the end of the month of Ramadan, and, accordingly, depends on the phase of the moon. In 2017, Laylatul Qadr is celebrated on June 21. It is worth noting that they have one peculiarity, because during this period the weather is usually good, everything is calm and not even a single star falls from the sky.

Traditions of Laylatul-qadr

It is advisable not to sleep at all or very little that night, which is what Muslims do. It is better to devote your free time to prayer either for forgiveness or for blessing, each has its own needs. Also, if on some day a Muslim missed any prayer or prayer, he can perform it that night. It is imperative to spend time analyzing the whole year, drawing conclusions from your actions and the actions of other people. The menu on this day and the previous one should also be lighter and less greasy, since, according to them, heavy food does not draw you to the prayer mat, but makes you sleepy.

Eid al-Adha in 2017 - September 1

This is the second holiday that Muhammad commanded to celebrate and is the second largest holiday after Ramadan Bayram. It is also called the Feast of Sacrifice, Kurban Bayram, and Eid al-Adha. The holiday symbolizes absolute, pure and sincere faith in the Almighty, unity with him and approach.

Date of Eid al-Adha 2017

They remember the holiday in the month of Dhul-Hijjah on the 10th, that is, in 2017, Kurban Bayram is celebrated on September 1. All Muslims adhere to the lunar calendar, as a result of which all holidays are slightly shifted.

Traditions on Kurban Bayram

Just like on Ramadan Bayram, fasting is observed before the holiday itself, but its difference is that it lasts not 30 days, but 10. Then, at the end of it, Muslims also perform the ritual of ablution in the morning, put on clean clothes and the men go to the mosque. Moreover, no one eats anything in the morning. Also, during the day everyone goes to preach, but in the evening they slaughter the sacrificial animal and prepare the festive table. Killed livestock is usually eaten within the family circle and some is always left for the poor; food or money is also collected for them. In general, the holiday should take place in an atmosphere of kindness and sacrifice, and therefore whoever asks for help on this day cannot be refused.

Arafat Day in 2017 - August 31

According to legend, it was at the foot of Mount Arafat that Adam and Eve met after they were expelled from paradise. It is believed that on this day the significance and weight of actions doubles, that is, if you have done a good deed, the reward will be equivalent to the fact that you helped two people, not just one. The same applies to the bad ones, the punishment for them will be doubly stronger.

Date of Arafat Day 2017

Arafat Day is celebrated on the 9th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, in the lunar calendar used by Muslims it is the twelfth. Therefore, in 2017, Arafat Day is celebrated on August 31st.

Holiday traditions

Mostly on this day, Muslims strive to get to Mount Arafat to make a pilgrimage to holy places and, of course, to pray. Mostly believers turn to Allah for forgiveness of sins. However, we all understand that not everyone manages to get to the mountain, so those who did not succeed try to do as many good deeds as possible and pray at home.

Day of Ashura in 2017 - October 1

Ashura Day can be called a unique holiday, since at this time the Earth, the first man, heaven and angels were created. In addition, it was on this night that the Prophet Muhammad received most of his revelations.

Day of Ashura - date for 2017

According to the Muslim calendar, this is always the 10th day of the month of Muharram. At the same time, just before the holiday, fasting is observed, which lasts 2-3 days. So, in 2017, Ashura Day is celebrated on October 1st.

Holiday traditions

Since one of the prophets of Islam, Hussein, died on this day, the Day of Ashura can rather be called mourning. According to tradition, every time Muslims carry out a procession dedicated to him. Many cultural institutions try to tell visitors about the life of the prophet - these are theatrical performances, stories, songs, concerts, and so on.

Arbaeen in 2017 - November 9

This day is also dedicated to the Prophet Hussein - this is a wake that is held for 40 days of mourning after his death. This day recalls the heroism and courage of Hussein, who was able to resist the usurpers Umayds and Abbasids.

Arbaeen holiday date

From the description and meaning of the holiday, you can guess that it is celebrated on the fortieth day after the Day of Ashura. This event usually falls on the 20th day of the month of Safar, that is, in 2017 we will celebrate Arbain on November 9th.

Holiday traditions

This day is called by many one of the largest gatherings of people. Muslims in Arbain organize pilgrimages to holy places, and the most important part of the program is the reading of surahs at the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina. This tradition got its name - Ziyarat; this part of the ritual also includes the obligatory decoration of the tomb and sacrifice. In addition, every self-respecting Muslim tries on this day to show his kindness and help those in need: give alms, food, money, and so on.

Miraj in 2017 - April 25

The festival of Miraj is dedicated to the dream of Muhammad when the Archangel Gabriel ascended him to heaven. According to legend, Allah then showed him both hell and heaven, and then allowed him to appear before his throne. Also in this dream, Muhammad had the opportunity to communicate with other prophets.

Miraj holiday date

On April 25, 2017, all Muslims will celebrate Miraj. If we talk about the lunar calendar and Islamic traditions, they celebrate it on the 27th of the month of Rajab.

Holiday traditions

It is noteworthy that in different cities traditions and rituals may differ slightly. For example, in some it is customary to eat food as always, but in others, on the contrary, to abstain completely, and still others, perhaps, just try to eat vegetable diet dishes. However, they are united by one tradition that is observed everywhere. After sunset, every Muslim family sets a rich table with an abundance of meat and fish dishes, and be sure to invite relatives and close friends. Hands are washed before and after the meal, and guests are given a special bowl of water to perform this ritual. Before starting dinner, Muslims say: “O Allah, bless this food and save us from hell.” But at the end: “Thanks be to Allah, who sent us food and drink and made us Muslims.” Only the head of the family and the owner of the house should start the meal, and then everyone else.

Juma holiday

Juma is a day specially designated by Allah and dedicated to the Muslim community. It is believed that on this day Adam was created, introduced into paradise, and in the future, according to Muslim prophecies, the Last Judgment will occur on Juma.

Juma holiday date

Juma does not have a clear set date, since it is the same as Sunday in our understanding. This holiday occurs on every Friday of every week.

Holiday traditions

As we have already mentioned that Juma was established in honor of the Muslim community. That is, so that all believers on this day always gather and perform Friday Juma prayer, which, in fact, is what Muslims do to this day. Also, many believe that all good deeds done on this day will be more highly valued, which means the reward will double.

Muslim New Year 2017 (Hijri New Year)

It is from this day that the Muslim lunar calendar begins. Despite many differences in terms of traditions on this holiday, they still have something in common with us. According to popular belief, as you spend the month of Muharram, the whole year will pass.

Holiday date: Muslim New Year

The Muslim New Year is celebrated on the 1st of the Muslim month of Muharram. In 2017 it is September 22. Although this holiday is considered the New Year in Islam, it is not included in the number of official holidays and is not celebrated as it is in our country.

Holiday traditions

As you already understand, there are no special traditions on this day. Usually a special fast is observed throughout the month - As-saum. According to the canons of Islam, eating and drinking water, various entertainments, incense, bathing, smoking and sexual intercourse are prohibited during daylight hours. At night, all prohibitions are lifted, however, many clergy do not advise allowing yourself too much.

Exactly in the middle of the month of Sha'ban according to the Hijri, Muslims all over the world await the holy Laylat of Al Baraat. In 2020, it will occur from April 7 to 8. This is a special date, because it is on the night of Baraat that the Almighty is favorable to the prayers of believers. He accepts repentance and decides the destinies of people, not sparing his mercy, forgiving and rewarding those who sincerely believe and worship him.

History of the holiday

One night in the middle of the month of Sha'ban, the Prophet Muhammad prayed for a very long time. His wife Aisha saw that he was in the position of sajdah for too long and was afraid that the Prophet ﷺ had died. She walked over and touched the fingers on his hand. Prophet Muhammad moved his fingers and she realized that he was praying. When he finished and returned, Aisha said: “I have never seen you stay in sajda for so long before. To which the answer was: “Do you know what night it is?” She replied: “Allah and His Messenger know.” He continued: “This is laylat nusef min al shaaban (half of shaaban). On this night, Allahﷻ Almighty addresses his slaves. He forgives those who repent and is merciful to those who pray, but He will not forgive those who hate” (Reliable hadith Shuab Al Iman about Aisha 5/140/3 Albaigaki).

The meaning of Baraat night for Muslims

Translated from Arabic, the meaning of the word baraat is “non-involvement” or “purification”; it is also called the night of prayer, answer, endowment (Allah ﷻ gives everyone his share), blessing and grace. Laylat al Baraat is a night of great mercy of the Lord and cleansing from sins. One reliable hadith says: “On this night, Allah looks at the condition of his slaves and forgives all those who repent, except those who worship idols and those who hate.” Another hadith says: “In the middle of the month of Sha’ban, Allah descended His grace over the earth and forgave the sins of people, the number of which is greater than the hairs on the skins of rams of the Kalb family.” But he will not forgive everyone, according to what is told in the hadiths, the following people will not receive forgiveness:

  • polytheists,
  • those who hate Muslims,
  • showing arrogance (wearing clothes below the ankles),
  • contradicting parents
  • breaking off relations with relatives,
  • committing adultery
  • drinking alcohol,
  • spreading slander.

Laylat al-Baraa. Video

How to spend Baraat night, what should you do?

Our Prophet ﷺ informed the Companions: “As soon as night falls in the middle of Shaabaan, spend it in prayer and fast during the day.” Because the Almighty sends His mercy to the earth and asks: “Are there any who repent before Me? Are there anyone asking for My mercy? Are there anyone suffering? and until dawn he listens to the pleas of people. On this blessed night, Muslims turn to Allah ﷻ, thank him, ask him to accept good deeds and forgive all sins.

A Muslim needs to think about his life and all the actions he has committed during the year. If not all his deeds were good, he needs to repent, ask for forgiveness and not make any more mistakes. If you have offended someone during the year, or are in a quarrel, you need to ask for forgiveness and make peace, as brothers should, because we are all brothers.

It is important to renounce any enmity, anger, pride, disobedience to parents with the intention of not committing such sins again. Otherwise, they will keep us away from purification on the night of Baraat. The best way to spend it is by performing namaz and reading the Holy Quran, making dua. Remember the dead and wish for them the mercy of the Almighty, forgiveness of sins. Honor parents, elders, explain to children the importance of the holy night Al Baraat.

Do you need congratulations on this day?

This day is not a Muslim holiday; in honor of this date, the streets are not decorated with lanterns and special dishes are not prepared. Meetings and joint prayers are not held. This night is for reflection, rethinking of actions, repentance, purification. Is the commemoration an innovation? No, Laylat al-Baraat is not an innovation: spending it in prayer and fasting in the morning is sunnah. After Sha'ban comes Ramadan, during which Allah sent down the Holy Quran to people.

How do you spend your time on Baraat night? Let's share in the comments.