Ficus in traditional medicine recipes. Is the ficus houseplant poisonous or not? Ficus tincture for toothache

For lovers of home flowers, you need to know whether ficus is poisonous or not, when it can cause harm to humans.

Let's find out whether ficus is harmful to the health of children and pets. To whom does he pose a potential threat? Does it have beneficial properties? What measures will prevent negative reactions?

What kind of plant is ficus

An evergreen tree or shrub of the mulberry family, Ficus, in its homeland in Asia, Australia, and Africa reaches 20 meters. Indoor home species do not exceed a height of 2–3 meters.

There are more than 800 species of this plant, growing in natural conditions or apartments. Ficuses are mostly evergreen, with some being deciduous. There is a creeping species that decorates lawns. Flower growers breed the tree-like rubber genus Elastica. IN room conditions grow small-leaved Ficus benjamins.

Relationship to the plant different nations ambiguous. The Bible considers the plant a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. By popular belief the flower brings a new addition to the family. Muslims and Buddhists consider it a sacred tree. It is not for nothing that the coat of arms of Thailand contains a fragment of a fig leaf.

Vegetation lovers are interested in whether it is possible to keep rubber ficus at home. Experts do not recommend growing ficus at home if family members suffer from skin diseases or pathologies respiratory tract. The toxic properties of the plant affect primarily the skin and bronchi. Contact with the plant worsens eczema, dermatitis, allergic bronchitis, and rhinitis.

Is ficus poisonous or not?

For lovers of ornamental plants, it is important to know how ficus affects humans. Housewives, when caring for them, should not forget that the houseplant ficus is poisonous. All its parts contain milky juice containing 40% rubber. A milky liquid is secreted by the plant during pruning, replanting, during the formation of the crown, as well as during damage and disease.

Remember! When coming into contact with unprotected skin, ficus sap causes an allergic reaction in sensitive people - redness, itching or even blisters. Therefore, when pruning or replanting, you must wear rubber gloves.

When chewing the leaf, signs of poisoning are observed:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • loose stools;
  • dizziness;
  • confusion;
  • a large amount of milky juice causes convulsions up to the development of a coma.

Poisoning through the food tract in adults is very rare. It is unlikely that a person in his right mind would chew the leaves of a houseplant.

Harmful effects of ficus on the respiratory tract

Common allergens in humans are dust mites and pet hair. According to statistics, in third place is an allergy to ficus of any kind, domestic or growing in the tropics.

Is Ficus Benjamin poisonous or not? The point is that homemade ornamental plant has characteristics. Loves its large variegated leaves sunlight. When moved to a shaded place, the flower may become sick and begin to secrete harmful juice. Microparticles evaporating from the leaves fill the air space of the room.

People suffering from allergic diseases - hay fever, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, feel worsening by inhaling aerosols in the air. Moreover, the amount of substance does not matter for the development of the reaction. For allergy sufferers, the answer to the question, ficus poisonous plant or not, is clear. The tree is poisonous to them. This applies to a greater extent to people who are intolerant to latex, an allergen contained in ficus.

Ficus and children

The likelihood of poisoning with ficus milky sap in childhood much higher than in adults. Kids taste all objects. Out of curiosity, little explorers can chew the leaf.

If there are preschoolers in the apartment, it is worth comparing the benefits and harms of ficus. A flower existing in the house can be put in an inaccessible place. But it is better to refuse to maintain a decorative tree until the kids grow up.

Ficus and animals

Pet owners are wondering if ficus is dangerous for cats. It doesn't just happen to people. The milky sap has the same effects on humans, dogs and hamsters.

Most animals have an instinct that protects them from eating dangerous flowers. Adult pets of the owners are not interested in ficus. But young kittens and puppies can taste the leaf and get upset digestive system. If there are curious pets in the house who take the plant into their mouths, it should be put in a place inaccessible to them.

Benefits of the plant

In addition to decorating the apartment, the flower can purify the air.

Ficus is useful in medicine for preparing medicines. Tinctures and milk have expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. The pharmaceutical industry produces glucose, ointments, and fructose from it. Preparations based on Ficus are used for diseases:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • vascular problems;
  • wen;
  • calluses, warts;
  • lipomas;
  • ficus benjamina copes with depression.

The Elastica variety is used industrially for rubber extraction. Other species are used as animal feed. The tree is used in production building material, coarse fabric.


The benefits and harms of ficus for the home lie in its milky juice. To eliminate harmful properties plants, you just need to follow the rules for caring for ficus:

  • Only adults can prune and replant;
  • You need to take care of the flower with rubber gloves;
  • Contraindications for keeping ficus in the house are allergic diseases in the household;
  • it is not recommended to install decorative flower in a children's room or place accessible to animals;
  • After cleaning leaves or loosening the soil, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

If you take care of your home ficus, following the recommendations listed, it will not cause any harm to your household and pets. The plant has positive energy, which it can energize the owners of the house and create a comfortable environment.

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Despite the fact that ficus is a subtropical plant, it does not require special care. Today it can be found in almost every apartment. This useful plant has not only magical healing properties, but also has a positive effect on the energy of the room.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that residents of those houses in which there is a ficus tree very rarely get sick, and the diseases go away in them in a simplified form. This plant promotes a wonderful mood and clears the environment of anger, worry and anxiety.

Ficus at home has a calming effect

Ficus is simply necessary for those couples who have not been able to have a child for a long time. If this plant appears in the house of a childless woman, then in the near future she will definitely become pregnant.

If you put it in the kitchen at home, its owners will never be short of food. The taller the plant, the more prosperity it will bring.

Benjamin brings great benefits to the microclimate of the room. He purifies the air from harmful compounds such as phenol, benzene and trichlorethylene, and then converts them into amino acids and sugars. However, the rubber-bearing species releases rubber into the atmosphere, which may harm people suffering from bronchial asthma.

Inside the ficus contains milky juice, which is considered harmful to people and pets. If he gets on skin, this may cause irritation. And pets that chew the leaves of this plant can become poisoned.

No matter what, the benefit outweighs the harm. However, this plant can only be purchased if the owners can provide it with proper care. Otherwise, the flower may shed its leaves or stop growing.

Only with proper care will ficus help you

How to take homemade ficus benjamina

Plant recommended buy during the waxing moon, and you should pay for it with an odd amount of money. If a plant is accepted as a gift, several small coins in an odd number should be given for it.

Its juice is excellent remedy for tumors. To obtain it, several leaves of the plant are minced in a meat grinder. You need to put honey in the juice and drink one teaspoon of it every day within one week, and then take a break for fourteen days. After this, the treatment can be repeated.

Not only classical remedies can help with bruises

What does the medicinal juice of the plant help with?

Ficus juice is also widely used for the treatment of the following diseases:

Dysentery and intestinal disorders. During the initial three days of illness, juice is recommended take two tablespoons every two hours, and then you should drink it in the same volume before meals three times a day

Haemorrhoids. To get rid of this disease, a cotton swab is soaked in the juice and placed in the anus overnight.

Mastopathy. For such an ailment, juice is needed drink for seven days one teaspoon before eating once a day. After a two-week break, the course of treatment can be repeated

Fibroids– the juice should be consumed according to the method described above

Neurasthenia and depression. In these cases, three drops of fresh ficus juice dripping onto a piece of refined sugar and slowly dissolve it

Penetrating through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, this juice has invigorating effect on the body. After the procedure described, you should refrain from taking any liquid for fifteen minutes.

Toothache. The juice is diluted in fifty milliliters of 70% alcohol and infused for 24 hours. A couple of drops of the resulting liquid are placed in the open cavity of the tooth.

Hematoma. The juice is mixed with rye flour and prepare flat cakes, which are placed overnight in the form of a compress on required area

Tincture with ficus juice works magic!

You can cook from ficus healing tincture. To do this:

It is used for rubbing and lotions for radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, boils, wen and warts. For bronchitis and tracheitis, a honey compress made from ficus leaves is excellent.

Only a properly prepared tincture will help in treatment

Benefits and harms for humans

  • For children
  • Pregnant women
  • To people with diseases of the digestive system

The flower has a huge amount magical and healing properties. However, you can keep this plant in the house only if there are no asthmatics in the family.

Ficus must be placed out of reach of pets.

Flower growers who grow this plant at home know how beneficial it is to the atmosphere of a home, purifying the air in the room.

But the ability to treat common diseases with ficus at home is a surprise for many that requires study.
Therefore, the knowledge gained in this vital important issue, will always help you get out of unfavorable circumstances and get rid of ailments.

The world of ficuses is very diverse and, probably, it would not be a mistake to say that many types of ficuses, if not all, have certain abilities to cure various diseases.

First of all, this is explained by the presence of ficus large quantity biologically active substances. If you don’t go into the jungle of scary terms and make a clear generalization, then these substances have anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties and are even used in folk medicine as an antitumor agent.

And in almost every house where flowers live, you can find at least one of the ficus representatives. But many are not even aware of the healing properties of this common plant, and the palm belongs to the rubber ficus, which has chic, juicy, fleshy leaves that are successfully used in the home medicine cabinet.

The range of diseases that can be treated with ficus at home is quite wide.

  • Decoctions of the leaves are used to reduce pain and reduce hemorrhoids, as well as warts.

If you have skin diseases, back pain, digestive disorders, inflammation of the bladder, joint problems, mastopathy - this is just a small list of diseases that ficus successfully copes with.

Treatment with ficus leaves

Let's get acquainted with some types of diseases and recipes for treating them using the healing properties of ficus leaves.

Common osteochondrosis

Spinal diseases bother many people, limiting movement and creating inconvenience. If you experience neck pain or suddenly have an attack of radiculitis, as a rule, it is advised to consult a specialist. Of course, this is necessary. But you can relieve discomfort and pain by using a decoction of ficus leaves.

Recipe No. 1

  • Choose a ficus leaf and grind it to a pulpy state.
  • Add a tablespoon of honey and salt to the mixture.
  • Stir and let sit for about 30 minutes.
  • Then mix this mixture until smooth and you can use it for treatment by wrapping the mixture in several layers of gauze and applying it to the sore spot.

You can use a patch by attaching this bandage to your body. It is enough to carry out 2-4 procedures within an hour to reduce pain.

Recipe No. 2

  • You can also take three ficus leaves, chopping them into small pieces.
  • Next, add 300 grams of alcohol and 10 ml of iodine and camphor oil.
  • Shake the container with the contents thoroughly and leave for three weeks in a cool place.

After this time, use the rubbing liquid.


An illness that, as a rule, can occur suddenly and causes a lot of suffering. Therefore, the presence of a ficus at home can help without waiting for medicinal reinforcement.

Recipe No. 1

  • You need to take 4-5 ficus leaves, scroll through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  • Next, squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass.
  • Add one teaspoon of honey.

During the first three days, take the resulting mixture, two tablespoons every two hours before meals. Then you can reduce the intake to 3 times a day.

The disadvantage of this tincture is the short period of possible storage. Therefore, many people prefer to make an alcohol tincture based on ficus leaves.

Recipe No. 2

  • Take 1-2 large leaves ficus, obtain juice using the above method.
  • You will get approximately 50-60 g of juice, add half a glass of 70% alcohol and let it brew in the refrigerator for 2 days.


This is a fairly common problem, especially in a family where there are restless children who manage to hit something at the most unexpected moment, after which a “bruise” appears. And here the home ficus can also come to the rescue.

  • In a well-known way, you need to get one tablespoon of ficus juice, add three tablespoons of flour and honey and knead the dough.
  • Form a cake out of it and apply it to the sore spot, fixing it with a band-aid overnight.

Do this procedure until recovery.

Treatment of joints

The fact that ficus is used to treat joints will for many be a way out of the state of constantly accompanying pain, which greatly complicates daily life. For such suffering people, it is best to store pre-prepared tinctures in the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 1

  • Take a half-liter jar and fill it to the top with chopped ficus leaves.
  • Pour vodka, close the jar and place in a warm place for three weeks.
  • Then strain the tincture and store it in the refrigerator.

Before using the tincture, it is advisable to take hot bath with the addition of rock salt. And after the bath, apply a cloth soaked in the tincture to the sore spot, wrapping the joint in a woolen bandage.

Recipe No. 2

Everyone knows the “cabbage leaf” method, used to relieve arthrosis pain. The ficus leaf can perform exactly the same function. You can apply it to the sore joint, secure it with a bandage and leave it on for as long as you can without leaving the house, even without taking it off at night.

Recipe No. 3

  • For this tincture you need to take a bottle of 9% vinegar, chopped ficus leaf and 5 pods of hot pepper.
  • This mixture is placed in a dark place for a week.

After the straining procedure, you can use the tincture as a compress or as a rub.


If you have a cold and a cough, recipes traditional medicine The following remedies for the disease are recommended.

Recipe No. 1

  • Take 2 ficus leaves and boil them for three minutes.
  • Next, spread the leaves with honey and place them on the chest, wrapping the body with a woolen scarf or scarf to secure the leaves.

Leave the compress until the morning.

Recipe No. 2

  • Boil 2 ficus leaves for about three minutes.
  • Dry the leaves and wrap them in gauze soaked in hot vodka.
  • Place the leaves on your back and chest. Wrap the scarf around the body and leave until the morning. You can use this procedure until your condition improves.

The presence of such in your home interesting plant like ficus, it will not only refresh the air in your home, but also help in difficult times to cope with various ailments, making your life more comfortable and calm.

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How is ficus useful? Healing properties ficus. Treatment of mastopathy, treatment of radiculitis, treatment of nagging pain, treatment of bruises, treatment of calluses.

Ficus grows in Africa, Southeast Asia. Today there are about 800 species of this plant; 20 species are considered cultivated, among them the most common indoor plant is the ampelous ficus. Of greatest interest to us is indoor ficus karika (fig). Its fruits are widely used and known to everyone; these are the so-called wine berries, figs, figs, and figs.

Ficus attracts with its bright greenery and is a wonderful decoration in the apartment, office space, winter garden.

The crown is pruned in the spring, giving it required type, a few weeks before the transplant.

❧ The first rubber was extracted from the juice of Hevea brasiliensis, many people know about this. Among the ficus trees there are also rubber-bearing species. They are specially grown on plantations in Southeast Asia to produce rubber.

IN chemical composition ficus carica are included biologically active substances, namely: flavonoids (rutin), furocoumarins (lupeol, mannoheptulose and sedoheptulose); psoralen and bergapten, palmitic acid, trioxysteroid saponin (ficusogenin), essential oil. In folk medicine, ficus is used as an anticancer agent. A decoction of the leaves is used as a painkiller; it helps reduce hemorrhoids and warts. Infertility is practiced to improve digestion and mildly stimulate lactation in women. Infusions are used for rinsing the mouth, poultices for colds, softening abscesses and tumors.

The leaves of ficus ampelous are used to treat carbuncles and dysentery. Dried leaves are used for hemorrhoids; stems - for furunculosis, rheumatism, ulcers of the larynx. Ficus stem juice is used for dysentery, skin diseases, back pain, hemorrhoids, indigestion and tuberculosis. A decoction of the roots helps with inflammation of the bladder and urinary disorders.

In the medicine of eastern countries, preparations from ficus increase the sexual performance of men. It is also believed that taking this plant internally relieves heart pain and prevents the risk of cancer.

Among other things, ficus is very beautiful and purifies the air in the room. It absorbs trichlorethylene, phenol, benzene. There is also a belief that if there are no children in the family, and the spouses really want them, you need to plant and grow a ficus, and after a while a child will appear in the family.

Ficus juice for mastopathy

Ingredients: 2 ficus leaves, honey.

Method of preparation: wash the leaves, grind through a meat grinder, add honey.

Directions for use: take 1 tsp. 1 time a day at the same time in the morning or evening for 1 week, then interrupt the course for 14 days and repeat again.

Note: Store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Ficus tincture for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis

Ingredients: 1 ficus leaf, 120 ml vodka, 250 g table salt.

Method of preparation: wash the leaf, pass through a meat grinder, add vodka. Leave for 14 days in a cool, dark place. Then filter with gauze, pour into a dark glass bottle, and put in the refrigerator.

Directions for use: take warm bath With table salt, then rub the sore spots with the infusion, tie them with a warm woolen scarf. The course of treatment can be up to 10 days.

Ficus cakes for mastopathy

Method of preparation: wash the leaf, pass through a meat grinder, add honey, flour, knead into a flat cake.

Directions for use: Apply the cake to problem areas overnight and secure with a bandage. Do this for 1 week, then interrupt treatment for 14 days and repeat again.

Ficus with boils

Composition: 2 ficus leaves.

Method of preparation: Grind the leaves into a paste.

Directions for use: put the paste of the leaves on the inflamed area and tie it with a bandage overnight. The next day, repeat everything. After the 2nd use of the ficus, the pus will come out.

Ficus tincture for toothache

Ingredients: 20 g of fresh juice from ficus leaves, 100 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol.

Method of preparation: mix juice and alcohol, refrigerate for 2 days.

Method of use: take the infusion into a pipette, carefully drop it into the hollow of the diseased tooth, without getting it on the gum.

Ficus cakes against bruises

Ingredients: 1 ficus leaf, 1 tsp. honey, flour.

Method of preparation: wash the leaf, pass through a meat grinder, mix with honey and flour, make a flat cake.

Directions for use: Apply the lozenge to the bruise at night and tie it with a warm cloth.

Ficus ice for bruises

Ingredients: 3 ficus leaves, water.

Method of preparation: chop the leaves, add a small amount of water, boil for 5 minutes. Cool the broth, strain, pour into freezing molds, and place in the refrigerator.

Directions for use: Apply a piece of the resulting ice to the bruise and hold for 10 minutes.

Ficus pulp for calluses

Ingredients: 1 ficus leaf, 50 ml of 70% acetic acid solution.

Method of preparation: wash the leaf, pass through a meat grinder, mix with vinegar.

Directions for use: put the mixture on gauze, carefully apply to the callus, secure the gauze with a band-aid. After 24 hours, remove the patch and carefully remove the callus. If the callus is not removed, repeat the procedure again.

Calluses on feet. Means for the treatment of calluses

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Ficus care

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Ficus is a genus of evergreen or deciduous plants of the mulberry family, common in countries with a subtropical climate. Grows in Crimea, Transcaucasia, Krasnodar Territory, Mediterranean, America, Africa, etc. It is considered valuable fruit plants and grown in open ground. In hot countries, ficus leaves are used to cover roofs. In industry, rubber is extracted from several types of ficus. Ficus is also popular in home floriculture as an ornamental plant that purifies the air in the house.

In addition, this plant is widely used in folk medicine and is part of some official medicine preparations. Especially appreciated medicinal properties Ficus rubber, Ficus benjamina and Ficus carica (fig).

Description and preparation

Ficus rubber has a woody trunk and large glossy oval leaves on thick cuttings. The fruits are small, yellow-green, oval shape.
Ficus benjamina has a wide crown with branches on which thin-skinned leaves 6-13 cm long are arranged in a regular order. The fruits of this ficus are inedible.
Ficus carica has beautiful lobed leaves that fall off in the winter. It bears fruit even at home.
In folk medicine, the following are used: stems, leaves, juice, roots and fruits of ficus.
The leaves of the plant are used both fresh and dried. Fig fruits are consumed fresh when ripe, and also dried for future use - for 3-4 days in the sun.

Composition and properties

The leaves and stems of ficus contain: flavonoids, trioxysteroid saponin, coumarins, palmintic acid, essential oil and other valuable substances. Fig fruits are rich in: tannins, organic acids, proteins, fats, glucose, fructose, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins B1, B3, C, PP.

The plant has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, diaphoretic, antipyretic, analgesic, antitumor and tonic effects. Dried figs have a laxative effect.
In folk medicine, ficus is used for:

  • throat disease;
  • tracheitis, bronchitis;
  • mastopathy;
  • neurasthenia, depression;
  • radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • indigestion, dysentery;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • mastopathy, uterine fibroids;
  • toothache;
  • oncological diseases, tumors;
  • calluses, boils, wen, warts.

Fig fruits are useful for iron deficiency anemia, chest pain, rapid heartbeat.
Ficus is also used to improve lactation in women and sexual strength in men.


We bring to your attention recipes medicines, prepared on the basis of rubber ficus.

Tincture for dysentery and intestinal disorders:

  • 50 g juice from fresh ficus leaves;
  • 100 g vodka.

Mix the juice with vodka and let it brew for two days in the refrigerator. Treatment: on the first day, take 1 tablespoon of tincture every two hours, on the second or third day, take 1 tablespoon of tincture 5 times a day, and on the 4th day, 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals.
Another cure for dysentery:

  • juice from 5-6 ficus leaves;
  • 1 tsp alcohol;
  • 1 tsp honey

Mix the juice with alcohol and honey. During the first 3 days, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture every 2 hours. In the following days, take the mixture 3 times a day after meals.
For tracheitis or bronchitis, soak a ficus leaf in boiling water for 3 minutes, then lubricate it with honey and apply it to your chest overnight. Tie a warm scarf on top. This compress helps remove mucus.
To improve lactation, place 5 drops of ficus juice on a piece of sugar, slowly suck it, and then eat a banana. You can do this twice a day.
For neurasthenia or depression, 3 drops of fresh ficus leaf juice are dripped onto a piece of sugar or bread and eaten without drinking water.

Tincture for radiculitis:

  • 1 ficus leaf;
  • 120 ml vodka.

Wash the leaf, grind it in a blender or grind it through a meat grinder and fill it with vodka. Place the mixture in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Strain the resulting infusion. Store the finished product in the refrigerator in a dark glass container. Take a bath with 250 g of salt added, and then rub the sore areas with ficus tincture. After rubbing, tie a woolen scarf around these areas. The recommended course of treatment is 7-10 days. Use for radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis.
Tincture for toothache:

  • 20 g juice from fresh ficus leaves;
  • 100 ml 70% alcohol.

Mix the juice with alcohol and refrigerate for 2 days. For toothache, drip the resulting tincture into the hollow of a damaged tooth, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane.
Flatbreads for mastopathy:

  • 1 ficus leaf;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 tsp flour.

Wash the ficus leaf, chop it, add honey and flour and mix well to form a flat cake. Apply to the sore area overnight and secure with a bandage. Recommended course of treatment: 7 days. Then you should take a break for two weeks and repeat the course of treatment. Such lozenges can also be used to treat bruises (in this case, the lozenge is fixed with a warm cloth overnight). Instead of a cake for mastopathy, you can make lotions from mashed leaves.

Also, for mastopathy, you can take orally a mixture of crushed ficus leaves with honey in a 1:1 ratio, 1 teaspoon per day, either in the morning or in the evening (at the same time). Course of treatment: 7 days, then a break for 14 days and repeat the course of treatment.

For uterine fibroids:

  • 2-3 ficus leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. vodka;
  • 1 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 raw chicken egg yolk.

Pour crushed ficus leaves with vodka into dark glass bottles and place in the refrigerator to infuse for two weeks. Strain the finished tincture, add honey and yolk to it and mix well. Rub the resulting mixture into the lower abdomen at night for two weeks every night. Be sure to wrap your hips with a woolen scarf or scarf on top.
Ficus for hemorrhoids:

  • 1 part ficus juice;
  • 2 parts filtered water.

Mix the juice with water and freeze in foil molds. Insert the resulting suppositories into the anus for 10 seconds for 3-4 days in a row. In subsequent days, you can increase the time you hold the candle. Recommended course of treatment: 7-10 days.
To treat boils, ficus leaves are crushed into a paste, applied to the site of inflammation and secured with a bandage. Do it at night. Usually two procedures are enough to open the abscess.

To treat bruises, prepare ficus ice: cut three ficus leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water over them and boil for 5 minutes. Cool the broth, strain and freeze in molds. To treat a bruise, apply this ice to 10 ice.

Ficus for hard calluses:

  • 1 ficus leaf;
  • 50 ml 70% acetic acid.

Grind a clean leaf into a paste and mix with vinegar. Place the resulting mixture on a small piece of gauze, apply it to the callus and secure with a band-aid. Leave the lotion on for a day. After the specified time, the callus should be easily removed. If the callus is not removed, repeat the procedure.
Tincture for getting rid of wen and warts:

  • 1 ficus leaf (medium size);
  • 50 g apple or table cider vinegar.

Twist the leaf through a meat grinder, add vinegar and let it brew for 10 days. Strain the finished tincture. For treatment, moisten a small piece of cotton wool with the tincture, apply it to the wart or wen and secure with an adhesive plaster. Hold for no longer than 5 minutes.
Another recipe for warts: mix 2 parts ficus juice with 1 part vinegar essence. Apply a drop onto the wart. After 5 minutes, rinse off. If the burning sensation is severe, rinse off the product with water after 5-10 seconds. This medicine should be stored in a dark place.


  • children under 5 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • for allergies and individual intolerances.

I'm really sorry that this beautiful plant practically stopped breeding in modern apartments. My entire childhood passed under the shadow of such a cozy ficus tree. My little brother and I did everything we could to mock the meek tree - we cut off the leaves with scissors, made rafts and boats from them, and even built huts. But it only turned lushly green and threw out even more new shoots.

Somehow fate threw me into one of the towns of Costa Rica. In some public garden I saw a ficus and was happy about it as if it were an old friend. Local

told me about the wonderful healing properties of the plant. Later I studied them thoroughly myself.

Ficus has a wide range of pharmacological effects on the body. Many diseases are treated with ficus juice and tincture of its leaves.

Many people know that an ordinary cabbage leaf helps with bronchitis. It is dipped in boiling water for a few minutes, then smeared with linden honey and applied to the area chest, covering with a warm scarf on top. The ficus leaf has the same properties as the cabbage leaf and is used in the same way. For example, I believe that it works even more effectively than cabbage.

Ficus has pronounced antitumor properties. In Costa Rica, ficus is used to treat mastopathy - hardening in the mammary glands. To do this, apply a lotion from a paste of leaves and drink its juice.

To prepare the juice, 2-3 leaves are passed through a meat grinder and squeezed. You can add honey to the resulting juice to taste. This medicine should be stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon once a day in the morning or evening before meals for 7 days, then take a break for two weeks and repeat the course.

For benign


In addition, ficus tincture can be used externally. To prepare it, pour 200 ml of vodka into 2-3 finely chopped leaves and leave for two weeks in a cold place. Then strain, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and egg yolk. Mix the mixture thoroughly (preferably using a mixer) and store in the refrigerator, but no more than two weeks. (The resulting volume is calculated for the entire course of treatment.)

You need to take a little tincture in your palm and rub it with gentle movements into the skin above the place where hardening is felt. After the procedure, place a warm cloth on the sore spot and secure it with a bandage or wear warm underwear. But before you self-medicate, you must be examined to rule out a malignant process, when urgent surgery is required, and consult about “ficus treatment” with your doctor.

For lumps in the breast area and at the injection site, an application of ficus pulp with honey helps. You need to pass a ficus leaf through a meat grinder, add 1 teaspoon of honey, a little flour and knead the cakes. Apply them overnight to problem areas and secure with a bandage. The course of treatment is 7 days, after a two-week break it can be repeated if necessary.

Ficus also has an antiviral effect, so it is successfully used in the fight against


In order to remove these formations, ficus leaves need to be infused with apple or regular table vinegar. A medium-sized leaf passed through a meat grinder, pour 50 ml of vinegar and leave in a dark glass container in a cool place for 10 days. Filter the resulting infusion through a double layer of gauze. Apply a cotton swab soaked in it to


and secure with adhesive tape. Keep for no longer than 5-10 minutes so as not to burn the skin.


Ficus candles give a good effect. Squeeze the juice out of several ficus leaves passed through a meat grinder and add clean boiled water to it (for 1 tablespoon of juice, 2 tablespoons of water). Mix thoroughly and pour into small homemade foil molds. Place the molds in a cup and place in the freezer.

Before use, to allow the foil to come off, lower the candle into warm water. For the first 3-4 days, insert the suppository carefully, for no longer than 10 seconds. Then gradually increase the time. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

You can also moisten a piece of bandage in freshly squeezed ficus juice, roll it into a tampon, carefully insert it into the anus and leave it overnight. The course of treatment is 10 days.


For arthritis, rubbing ficus leaves with vodka is used.

To prepare the tincture, pass one medium-sized ficus leaf through a meat grinder, pour in 100 ml of vodka, and leave in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Then filter through cheesecloth and store in a dark glass container in the refrigerator.

Before going to bed, take a moderately hot (39°C) bath with table salt (200 g per full bath), then rub the sore spots with warmed water (under running water) hot water) ficus tincture and tie with a warm woolen scarf. The course of treatment is 10 days.

In Russia they have long been treating


baked onions, which literally overnight relieves inflammation and draws out pus. Likewise Ficus also works.

The ficus leaf is boiled in boiling water until softened. A paste of one fresh leaf minced through a meat grinder is spread onto a hot sheet. When the gruel warms up a little and the leaf cools down, it is applied with the gruel on


and secure with a bandage. By morning, the redness and pain disappear, and the next night the ficus leaf will draw out the pus.

Ficus can soothe severe toothache and relieve

Rinsing ficus with alcohol tincture resolves purulent cysts that form on the roots of patients

Dilute 10 g of freshly squeezed ficus juice with 50 ml of 70% alcohol and leave in the refrigerator for two days. In case of severe pain, drop the tincture with a pipette into an open hollow.

Trying not to burn your gums.

To resolve purulent cysts, dilute the tincture with water (for one part of the tincture 3 parts of water), heat to a temperature of 38-39 degrees. Rinse your mouth for 3 minutes several times a day.

boiled (no more than three minutes) in boiling water, and then apply the cooled leaves to the tumor and secure with a bandage. Keep the compress for several hours.

Ficus leaves and the juice from them perfectly resolve hematomas that form after

I suggest two ways.

"Ficus ice" Pour a glass of boiling water into a minced or finely chopped medium leaf and cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Cool the resulting broth, pour into molds for edible ice and put it in the freezer. Apply frozen cubes to the hematoma.

"Ficus cakes." Squeeze the juice from a medium-sized leaf passed through a meat grinder. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and a little flour. Knead the cakes and apply them to the sore spot overnight, securing with a bandage.

For the treatment of painful

and to remove them, ficus pulp diluted with 70% vinegar is used. Pass the leaf through a meat grinder and dilute with vinegar until sour cream thickens. Apply the composition to a piece of gauze folded in four, apply to

and secure with adhesive tape. After a day, the patch must be removed and the softened callus carefully removed. If the callus is not completely removed, the procedure should be repeated.

This is the wide range of this healer - a ficus growing on the windowsill. -

Tips for caring for ficus- From spring to autumn, water the ficus abundantly; in winter, watering should be moderate, and with warm water.

For species with large, glossy foliage, wipe the leaves with a sponge from time to time.

It is advisable to feed ficus in spring and summer.

Ficus loves in winter low temperatures. The minimum temperature for it is 13°C.

During the hottest part of the day, make sure that straight sun rays did not fall on the leaves.

Replant young plants every second spring.

Irina Filippova,

Ficus is considered one of the first plants that began to be grown in houses and apartments. It is widely used in folk medicine, and due to its enormous popularity, there are many rumors and myths about it. But not everyone knows what properties the common ficus has and how it can be used. Is it beneficial or harmful to health?

The homeland of the culture is South and East Asia, where it grows in natural conditions. This unpretentious tropical plant has several varieties, most of which are successfully used in indoor floriculture.

Types of home ficus:

  • Benjamin;
  • Lyre-shaped;
  • Rubber-bearing;
  • Bengal;
  • Benedict;
  • Dwarf.

All of them grow well in apartments and offices and do not require special care and attention.

Important! Despite the ease of care, ficus is demanding of lighting, does not tolerate drafts, and does not like rearrangements.

Expert opinion on harmful and useful properties the plants separated. Some believe that ficus in an apartment does not pose a danger, and its benefits are beyond doubt. Others are sure that not everything is so simple.

What are the benefits of Benjamin and other varieties?

Ficus Benjamin has long been endowed with magical properties. It should be grown in your home by people who are insecure, suspicious, prone to depression and overwork. The beautiful glossy leaves of the tree absorb negativity and fill the home with positive energy.

Application of some varieties:

  • in rubber production;
  • in the food industry;
  • in the manufacture of medicines;
  • for the production of drugs against pests.

Any type and variety of flower can destroy harmful bacteria and microbes, purify the air, saturate it with oxygen and necessary for a person amino acids. There is a belief that in a house where ficus grows there will never be a need for food.

Peculiarity! Ficus benjamina protects its owners from severe injuries, fractures, and prevents viral diseases. For childless couples magical plant helps to find long-awaited offspring.

If you properly care for a miniature tree, it will grow quickly and protect its owners and their home. It is recommended to buy it only on the waxing moon, and when accepting it as a gift, thank the giver with an odd number of small coins.

Medicinal properties for humans

The most useful are considered to be rubber and benjamina ficuses, which are widely used in folk medicine. Alcohol tinctures, decoctions for compresses and lotions are prepared from their leaves.

Diseases that can be treated by the leaves of the plant:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • joint diseases;
  • furunculosis;
  • severe bruises, hematomas;
  • fibroids;
  • toothache;
  • dysentery;
  • inflammation of the appendages and ovaries in women.

In some cases, decoctions are taken orally on an empty stomach, and alcohol tinctures are used as lotions and compresses.

Attention! Before using ficus in medicinal purposes, you should consult your doctor. Often such drugs cause allergic reactions and complications.

The milky juice of the leaves can relieve depression, relieve nervous tension. To do this, just drop 2-3 drops of juice onto a piece of sugar and keep it in your mouth until completely dissolved. The same juice can be used to lubricate warts, which will disappear after a month of regular use.

Harmful properties and contraindications

The main harm to the plant is that it contains poisonous juice. It causes irritation upon contact with skin. On open wounds and cuts, milky sap can cause burns, severe itching and pain. Special attention Families with small children and pets should consider placing a flower at home. After all, getting pure juice into the stomach is dangerous due to intestinal disorders and severe poisoning.

Contraindications to taking ficus decoctions and tinctures:

  • asthma;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • a history of gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, the tree is considered a powerful allergen, so it should not be placed in a room where children and people suffering from asthma and allergies live. You can protect your pets by placing the plant out of their reach.

Superstitions and signs

Ficus has long been considered an unlucky flower that should not be kept at home. Over time, this opinion changed, and the plant was recognized as useful and necessary. In addition to helping a woman become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child, it is credited with many other unique properties.

Folk signs:

Proper care of the plant will help you not to scare away your happiness. It loves sunny, warm places, humidity and fresh air when ventilating. It is advisable to place it in a visible place, but not next to the battery.

Interesting! In Thailand, Ficus Benjamina is considered a sacred plant, which is depicted on the country's flag and coat of arms.

According to signs, if married woman gives a flower to a young girl, she will soon get married. The appearance of shoots in a plant is a signal of the imminent birth of a child. A tree can cleanse the energy of a house, bring happiness to its inhabitants, good luck in business, and material wealth.

Poisonous or not for children?

For a healthy child who does not suffer from pulmonary diseases or allergies, ficus is safe. Provided that children cannot reach it with their hands and taste it. If a baby accidentally chews a leaf of a plant, he faces serious poisoning that requires medical attention.

Is it possible to keep a plant in an apartment or house?

It is not only possible, but also necessary, because it brings more benefit than harm. It can be used not only as interior decoration, but also as a unique medicine.

Medicinal uses of indoor flowers

IN folk recipes the juice of the plant is used as the best remedy from tumors. Grind a few leaves, squeeze out the juice, add a little honey and take 1 tsp. (daily). After 6-7 days, take a two-week break and repeat the course.

Uses of leaf juice:

  1. For mastopathy, it is recommended to dilute the juice with water and drink 1 tsp for a week.
  2. Cotton swabs soaked in milky juice and inserted into the anus overnight will help cure hemorrhoids.
  3. Bruises and hematomas will go away faster if you apply cakes made from juice and rye flour to the sore spot.

An alcohol tincture of healing liquid will help relieve toothache. To do this, you need to moisten a piece of gauze and apply it to the sore tooth. Ficus juice is included in some pharmaceutical drugs, ointments for osteochondrosis and arthritis.

Homemade recipes for treating joints

The plant is indispensable in the treatment of joint pain, deforming arthrosis and arthritis.

Recipe 1. Chop a couple of leaves, add 1 tbsp to the resulting pulp. l. salt and liquid honey. Stir, leave for half an hour, apply to a gauze bandage and apply to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes.

Recipe 2. For 300 ml of medical alcohol, take 3 leaves, 10 ml of camphor and iodine, mix and leave in a dark, cool room for 3-4 weeks. The resulting infusion is used for rubbing.

Recipe 3. Pour three large leaves with a glass of vodka and leave for 14 days in the cold, tightly closing the lid. After this, you need to add chicken yolk and 1 tbsp to the tincture. l. honey, mix and use for rubbing and compresses. It is necessary to store the product in the refrigerator, but no longer than 2 weeks.