Gas analyzers - what they are and why they are needed. Gas analyzers, what are they and why are they needed? All gas analysis devices can also be classified

What is a gas analyzer? How to use a gas analyzer? How to choose a gas analyzer? Gas analyzer review. Which gas analyzer is better?

Gas analyzer - meter to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of gas mixtures. There are manual and automatic gas analyzers. Among the former, the most common are absorption gas analyzers, in which the components of a gas mixture are sequentially absorbed by various reagents. Automatic gas analyzers continuously measure any physical or physico-chemical characteristic of a gas mixture or its individual components. Based on their operating principle, automatic gas analyzers can be divided into 3 groups:

Devices based on physical methods analysis, including auxiliary chemical reactions. With the help of such gas analyzers, called volumetric manometric or chemical, they determine the change in the volume or pressure of the gas mixture as a result of chemical reactions its individual components.
Instruments based on physical methods of analysis, including auxiliary physical and chemical processes (thermochemical, electrochemical, photocolorimetric, chromatographic, etc.). Thermochemical, measurement-based thermal effect reactions of catalytic oxidation (combustion) of gas are used mainly to determine the concentrations of flammable gases (for example, dangerous concentrations of carbon monoxide in the air). Electrochemical ones make it possible to determine the concentration of gas in a mixture by the value of the electrical conductivity of the solution that has absorbed this gas. Photocolorimetric methods, based on the change in color of certain substances during their reaction with the analyzed component of the gas mixture, are used mainly for measuring microconcentrations of toxic impurities in gas mixtures - hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxides, etc. Chromatographic methods are most widely used for the analysis of mixtures of gaseous hydrocarbons.
Instruments based on purely physical methods of analysis (thermoconductometric, densimetric, magnetic, optical, etc.). Thermoconductometry, based on measuring the thermal conductivity of gases, allows you to analyze two-component mixtures (or multicomponent mixtures, provided that the concentration of only one component changes). Using densimetric gas analyzers based on measuring the density of the gas mixture, they mainly determine the content of carbon dioxide, the density of which is 1.5 times higher than the density clean air. Magnetic gas analyzers are used mainly to determine the concentration of oxygen, which has high magnetic susceptibility. Optical gas analyzers are based on measuring the optical density, absorption spectra or emission spectra of a gas mixture. Using ultraviolet gas analyzers, the content of halogens, mercury vapor, and some organic compounds in gas mixtures is determined.

At the moment, the most common devices are from the last two groups, namely electrochemical and optical gas analyzers. Such devices are capable of monitoring gas concentrations in real time. All gas analysis instruments can also be classified:

    By functionality(indicators, leak detectors, alarms, gas analyzers);

    By design (stationary, portable, portable);

    By the number of measured components (single-component and multi-component);

    By the number of measurement channels (single-channel and multi-channel);

    As intended (to ensure work safety, to control technological processes, to control industrial emissions, to control vehicle exhaust gases, for environmental control).

However, there are devices that, due to their unique design and software, are capable of analyzing several components of a gas mixture simultaneously in real time (multicomponent gas analyzers), while recording the received information into memory. Such gas analyzers are indispensable in industries where it is necessary to continuously obtain information about emissions or monitor a technological process in real time. The analysis is also carried out for components that previously could only be determined by other methods (for example, the total concentration of hydrocarbons (in the Journal of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society), etc.) in corrosive gases and other aggressive environments. Such devices, depending on the design, are used both as continuous gas monitoring systems in industry and as portable devices for research or environmental monitoring. Modern high-class gas analyzers, in addition to reliability and ease of use, have many additional functions, For example:

    Gas differential pressure measurement

    Determination of speed and volumetric flow of gas flow

    Determination of gas/gasoline consumption

    Built-in memory

    Wireless interface for data transfer to PC

    Statistical processing of results

    Calculation of mass release of pollutants

Application of gas analyzers

    Ecology and conservation environment: determination of concentration harmful substances in the air;

    In motor control systems internal combustion lambda probe) and regulation of combustion of boilers of thermal power plants;

    In chemically hazardous industries;

    When determining leaks in refrigeration equipment(so-called freon leak detectors);

    When determining leaks in gas and vacuum equipment (helium leak detectors are usually used);

    In explosive and fire hazardous industries to determine the content of flammable gases as a percentage of LEL;

    In diving to determine the composition of the gas mixture in diving cylinders;

    In basements, wells, pits before hot work.

    In medicine, “multigas” provides control over gas concentrations in the breathing circuit during anesthesia.

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Measuring instruments used in various industries industry, scientific research for gas composition analysis, are called gas analyzers . Based on continuous automatic monitoring of gas composition, chemical control is carried out. technological processes related to the production and use of gases in metallurgy, coke production, oil refining, and the gas industry. When burning organic fuels at thermal power plants, automatic gas analyzers are used to monitor the combustion process and determine the required excess air. No less important functions are assigned to gas analysis instruments operating in systems that ensure the safe operation of technological facilities. Such devices include gas analyzers that measure the concentration of hydrogen in the cooling system of turbogenerators, in the exhaust gases of devices with radioactive coolant at nuclear power plants, etc.

IN recent years Due to increased attention to environmental protection, the production and use of gas analyzers designed to monitor the content of harmful impurities in gas emissions industrial enterprises and power stations, in the air production premises and atmosphere. So, in accordance with GOST for air quality control settlements The concentration of such main pollutants as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, and dust is periodically measured.

To measure the concentration of one of the components of a gas mixture, one or another physical and chemical property of this gas is used, which differs from the properties of other gases. The sharper this difference and the more specific it is, the higher the sensitivity of the method and the easier it is to prepare a gas sample. The variety of measurement methods used in gas analyzers is due to the vastness of the analyzed components of gas mixtures and the wide range of changes in their concentrations.

The vast majority of industrial automatic gas analyzers are designed to measure the concentration of one component in a mixture of gases. In this case, the mixture of gases is considered as binary, in which the component being determined affects the measured physicochemical property of the mixture, and the remaining components, regardless of their composition and concentration, do not affect and are considered the second component of the mixture.

There are gas analyzers, intended for the analysis of various components of multicomponent gas mixtures, in most cases these devices are used in laboratory practice. Gas analyzers are calibrated in % by volume, g/m3, mg/l. The first unit of measurement is more convenient because percentage components of the gas mixture is maintained with changes in temperature and pressure. When measuring small concentrations, the unit million -1 (ppm) is used, which is one part per million parts of the gas being analyzed, or 0.0001%, and billion -1 (ppb), which is one part per billion. Reproduction of units of measurement of the concentration of components of gas mixtures is carried out using certified reference gas mixtures.

Existing classification of gas analyzers is based on the physicochemical properties that form the basis for measuring the concentration of the determined components of a mixture, and includes the following main groups of instruments: mechanical, thermal, magnetic, optical, electrical, chromatographic and mass spectrometric.

Gas analyzers, unlike means for measuring temperature and pressure, are installations that contain, in addition to a measuring transducer (receiver), a number of devices that ensure the selection, preparation and transportation of a gas sample through the device. The most common types of these devices are discussed at the end of the chapter. Gas analyzers are typically divided into two groups of devices. The first group includes measuring instruments, the second - indicators, alarms, and gas leak detectors. Devices of the second group are often portable, simpler in design and have fewer auxiliary devices.

The main manufacturers of gas analyzers in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries are PA "Analitpribor" (Smolensk), JSC "Khimlaborpribor" (Klin, Moscow region), the company "Zircon" (Moscow), CJSC "Econom" (Smolensk). Moscow), JSC "Tsvet" (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region), "Bioanalytical systems and sensors"

The instruments used to perform gas analysis are called gas analyzers. They are manual and automatic. Among the former, the most common are chemical absorption ones, in which the components of a gas mixture are sequentially absorbed by various reagents.

Automatic gas analyzers measure any physical or physicochemical characteristic of a gas mixture or its individual components.

Currently, automatic gas analyzers are the most common. Based on their operating principle, they can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Devices whose operation is based on physical methods of analysis, including auxiliary chemical reactions. With the help of such gas analyzers, changes in the volume or pressure of a gas mixture are determined as a result of chemical reactions of its individual components.
  2. Devices whose operation is based on physical methods of analysis, including auxiliary physical and chemical processes (thermochemical, electrochemical, photocolorimetric, etc.). Thermochemical ones are based on measuring the thermal effect of the reaction of catalytic oxidation (combustion) of gas. Electrochemical ones make it possible to determine the gas concentration in a mixture based on the electrical conductivity of the electrolyte that has absorbed this gas. Photocolorimetric methods are based on the change in color of certain substances when they react with the analyzed component of the gas mixture.
  3. Devices whose operation is based on purely physical methods of analysis (thermoconductometric, thermomagnetic, optical, etc.). Thermoconductometry is based on measuring the thermal conductivity of gases. Thermomagnetic gas analyzers are used mainly to determine the concentration of oxygen, which has high magnetic susceptibility. Optical gas analyzers are based on measuring the optical density, absorption spectra or emission spectra of a gas mixture.

Each of the mentioned methods has its pros and cons, the description of which will take a lot of time and space, and is beyond the scope of this article. Manufacturers of gas analyzers currently use almost all of the listed methods of gas analysis, but electrochemical gas analyzers are most widespread, as they are the cheapest, most versatile and simplest. Cons this method: low selectivity and measurement accuracy; short service life of sensitive elements exposed to aggressive impurities.

All gas analysis instruments can also be classified:

  • by functionality (indicators, leak detectors, alarms, gas analyzers);
  • by design (stationary, portable, portable);
  • by the number of measured components (single-component and multi-component);
  • by the number of measurement channels (single-channel and multi-channel);
  • for its intended purpose (to ensure work safety, to control technological processes, to control industrial emissions, to control vehicle exhaust gases, for environmental control).

Classification by functionality.

  1. Indicators are devices that provide a qualitative assessment of a gas mixture based on the presence of a controlled component (according to the “many - little” principle). As a rule, information is displayed using a line of several dot indicators. All indicators are on - there is a lot of component, one is on - there is not enough. This also includes leak detectors. Using leak detectors equipped with a probe or sampler, it is possible to localize the location of a leak from a pipeline, for example, refrigerant gas.
  2. Alarms also provide a very rough estimate of the concentration of the controlled component, but at the same time they have one or more alarm thresholds. When the concentration reaches threshold value, alarm elements are triggered (optical indicators, sound devices, relay contacts are switched).
  3. The pinnacle of the evolution of gas analysis devices (not counting the chromatographs that we are considering) is the gas analyzers themselves. These devices not only provide a quantitative assessment of the concentration of the measured component with indication of readings (by volume or mass), but can also be equipped with any auxiliary functions: threshold devices, output analog or digital signals, printers, and so on.

Classification by design.

Like most control and measuring instruments, gas analysis devices can have different weight and size indicators and operating modes. These properties determine the division of devices by design. Heavy and bulky gas analyzers, usually designed for long-term continuous operation, are stationary. Smaller products that can be without special labor moved from one object to another and quite simply put into operation - portable. Very small and light - portable.

Classification according to the number of measured components.

Gas analyzers can be designed to analyze multiple components at once. Moreover, the analysis can be carried out both simultaneously for all components, and one by one, depending on design features device.

Classification by the number of measurement channels.

Gas analysis devices can be either single-channel (one sensor or one sampling point) or multi-channel. As a rule, the number of measurement channels per device ranges from 1 to 16. It should be noted that modern modular gas analytical systems allow you to increase the number of measurement channels almost to infinity. The measured components for different channels can be either the same or different, in an arbitrary set. For gas analyzers with a flow-type sensor (thermoconductometric, thermomagnetic, optical absorption), the problem of multipoint monitoring is solved using special auxiliary devices - gas distributors, which ensure alternate supply of a sample to the sensor from several sampling points.

Classification by purpose.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to create one universal gas analyzer that could be used to solve all gas analysis problems. Just as it is impossible, for example, to make one ruler to measure both fractions of a millimeter and tens of kilometers. But a gas analyzer is a much more complex measuring device than a ruler. Different gases, in different concentration ranges, are controlled in different ways, by various methods and measurement methods. Therefore, manufacturers design and produce devices to solve specific tasks measurements. The main tasks are: control of the working area atmosphere (safety), control of industrial emissions (ecology), control of technological processes (technology), control of gases in water and other liquids, control of the mine atmosphere, control of vehicle exhaust gases (ecology and technology). In each of these areas, even more highly specialized groups of devices can be distinguished. Or you can enlarge it, which is what we did - in our catalog you will find 5 main groups of gas analysis instruments:

  • gas analyzers, gas detectors and safety systems and labor protection,
  • gas analyzers and systems for monitoring technological processes and emissions of industrial enterprises,
  • gas analyzers for analysis water purification,
  • mine gas analyzers and mine atmosphere control systems,
  • gas analyzers for engine emission control.

The analysis of mixtures of gases in order to establish their qualitative and quantitative composition is called gas analysis.

The devices used to perform gas analysis are called gas analyzers. They are manual and automatic. Among the former, the most common are chemical absorption ones, in which the components of a gas mixture are sequentially absorbed by various reagents.

Automatic gas analyzers measure any physical or physico-chemical characteristic of a gas mixture or its individual components.

Currently, automatic gas analyzers are the most common.

Based on their operating principle, they can be divided into three main groups:

1. Devices whose operation is based on physical methods of analysis, including auxiliary chemical reactions. With the help of such gas analyzers, changes in the volume or pressure of a gas mixture are determined as a result of chemical reactions of its individual components.

2. Devices whose operation is based on physical methods of analysis, including auxiliary physical and chemical processes (thermochemical, electrochemical, photocolorimetric, etc.). Thermochemical ones are based on measuring the thermal effect of the reaction of catalytic oxidation (combustion) of gas. Electrochemical ones make it possible to determine the gas concentration in a mixture based on the electrical conductivity of the electrolyte that has absorbed this gas. Photocolorimetric methods are based on the change in color of certain substances when they react with the analyzed component of the gas mixture.

3. Devices whose operation is based on purely physical methods of analysis (thermoconductometric, thermomagnetic, optical, etc.). The operating principle of thermal conductometric gas analyzers is based on measuring the thermal conductivity of gases. Thermomagnetic gas analyzers are used mainly to determine the concentration of oxygen, which has high magnetic susceptibility. The operation of optical gas analyzers is based on measuring the optical density, absorption spectra or emission spectra of a gas mixture.

Each of the mentioned methods has its pros and cons, the description of which will take a lot of time and space, and is beyond the scope of this article. Manufacturers of gas analyzers currently use almost all of the listed methods of gas analysis, but electrochemical gas analyzers are most widespread, as they are the cheapest, most versatile and simplest. Disadvantages of this method: low selectivity and measurement accuracy; short service life of sensitive elements exposed to aggressive impurities.

All gas analysis instruments can also be classified:

  • by functionality (indicators, leak detectors, alarms, gas analyzers);
  • by design (stationary, portable, portable);
  • by the number of measured components (single-component and multi-component);
  • by the number of measurement channels (single-channel and multi-channel);
  • for its intended purpose (to ensure work safety, to control technological processes, to control industrial emissions, to control vehicle exhaust gases, for environmental control).

Classification by functionality

1. Indicators are devices that provide a qualitative assessment of the gas mixture based on the presence of a controlled component (according to the “a lot - a little” principle). As a rule, information is displayed using a line of several dot indicators. All indicators are on - there is a lot of component, one is on - there is not enough. This also includes leak detectors. Using leak detectors equipped with a probe or sampler, it is possible to localize the location of a leak from a pipeline, for example, refrigerant gas.

2. Alarms also provide a very rough estimate of the concentration of the controlled component, but at the same time they have one or more alarm thresholds. When the concentration reaches a threshold value, alarm elements are triggered (optical indicators, sound devices, relay contacts are switched).

3. The pinnacle of evolution of gas analysis devices is the gas analyzers themselves. These devices not only provide a quantitative assessment of the concentration of the measured component with indication of readings (by volume or mass), but can also be equipped with any auxiliary functions: threshold devices, output analog or digital signals, printers, and so on.

Classification by design

Like most control and measuring instruments, gas analysis instruments can have different weight and size indicators and operating modes. These properties determine the division of devices by design. Heavy and bulky gas analyzers, designed for long-term continuous operation, are stationary. Smaller products that can be moved from one object to another without much difficulty and can be put into operation quite simply are portable. Very small and lightweight, designed to ensure the individual safety of the user - portable.

Classification according to the number of measured components

Gas analyzers can be designed to analyze multiple components at once. Moreover, the analysis can be carried out both simultaneously for all components, and one by one, depending on the design features of the device.

Classification by the number of measurement channels

Gas analysis devices can be either single-channel (one sensor or one sampling point) or multi-channel. As a rule, the number of measurement channels per device ranges from 1 to 16. It should be noted that modern modular gas analytical systems allow you to increase the number of measurement channels almost to infinity. The measured components for different channels can be either the same or different, in an arbitrary set. For gas analyzers with a flow-type sensor (thermoconductometric, thermomagnetic, optical absorption), the problem of multipoint monitoring is solved using special auxiliary devices - gas distributors, which ensure alternate supply of a sample to the sensor from several sampling points.

Classification by purpose

Unfortunately, it is impossible to create one universal gas analyzer that could be used to solve all problems of gas analysis, for the reason that none of the known methods allows measurements with the same accuracy in the widest possible range of concentrations. Monitoring of different gases, in different concentration ranges, is carried out different methods and ways. Therefore, manufacturers design and produce instruments to solve specific measurement problems. The main tasks are: control of the atmosphere of the work area (safety), control of industrial emissions (ecology), control of technological processes (technology), control of air pollution in the residential area (ecology), control of vehicle exhaust gases (ecology and technology), control of human exhaled air ( healthcare)... Separately, we can highlight the control of gases dissolved in water and other liquids. In each of these areas, even more highly specialized groups of devices can be distinguished.

As you have probably noticed, the material in this article cannot claim to be 100% scientifically accurate, but merely expresses the author’s point of view on the issues under consideration, and the author may be mistaken or sincerely mistaken. However, we hope that the material we propose may turn out to be useful topics for those interested in gas analysis...

Instruments that are used to analyze mixtures of gases in order to establish their qualitative and quantitative composition are called gas analyzers.

Based on their operating principle, they can be divided into three main groups.

1. Devices whose operation is based on physical methods of analysis, including auxiliary chemical reactions. With the help of such gas analyzers, changes in the volume or pressure of a gas mixture are determined as a result of chemical reactions of its individual components.

2. Devices whose operation is based on physical methods of analysis, including auxiliary physical and chemical processes (thermochemical, electrochemical, photocolorimetric, etc.). Thermochemical ones are based on measuring the thermal effect of the reaction of catalytic oxidation (combustion) of gas. Electrochemical ones make it possible to determine the gas concentration in a mixture based on the electrical conductivity of the electrolyte that has absorbed this gas. Photocolorimetric methods are based on the change in color of certain substances when they react with the analyzed component of the gas mixture.

3. Devices whose operation is based on purely physical methods of analysis (thermoconductometric, thermomagnetic, optical, etc.). Thermoconductometry is based on measuring the thermal conductivity of gases. Thermomagnetic gas analyzers are used mainly to determine the concentration of oxygen, which has high magnetic susceptibility. Optical gas analyzers are based on measuring the optical density, absorption spectra or emission spectra of a gas mixture.

Gas analyzers can be divided into several types depending on the tasks performed - these are combustion gas analyzers, gas analyzers for determining the parameters of the working area, gas analyzers for monitoring technological processes and emissions, gas analyzers for water purification and analysis, etc., they are also divided by design into portable, portable and stationary, by the number of measured components (can be a measurement of one substance or several), by the number of measurement channels (single-channel and multi-channel), by functionality (indicators, alarms, gas analyzers).

Gas combustion analyzers are designed for setting up and monitoring boilers, furnaces, gas turbines, burners and other fuel-burning installations. They also allow monitoring of emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon oxides, nitrogen, and sulfur.

Gas analyzers(gas alarms, gas detectors) to monitor air parameters in the working area. Monitors the presence of hazardous gases and vapors in work area, indoors, mines, wells, collectors.

Stationary gas analyzers- are intended for monitoring gas composition during technological measurements and monitoring emissions in metallurgy, energy, petrochemistry, and the cement industry. Gas analyzers measure oxygen content, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, freon, hydrogen, methane and other substances.

Companies offering gas analyzers on the Russian market: KaneInternational (UK), Testo GmbH (Germany), FSUE Analitpribor (Russia), Eurotron (Italy), Ditangas LLC (Russia).