How to stick the wallpaper in the kitchen of two colors. Wallpaper for kitchen (real photo examples)

The kitchen is a multifunctional room, where food is preparing, going to the tea party households, close friends and guests. The kitchen combines various functions, usually serves as a dining room and a living room. The zoning of the useful space allows the decorative wall decoration, which is often carried out by wallpaper

In the article, we will tell about how to combine wallpaper in the kitchen, which advantages and disadvantages have such a classic finish option, we will demonstrate in the photo modern design ideas and help them implement them with their own, with the lowest time of time and money.

What does the union of various types of wallpapers in the kitchen?

It allows you to solve many interior problems, namely:

  1. Fail as an unsuccessful geometry, "Raise" a low ceiling, "expand" walls, add the kitchen of space, light. This uses horizontal or vertical combinations of wallpaper of different colors and textures.
  2. Emphasize the advantages of the room, disguise rough places, such as ventilation box, which often spoils a general view. Using the combination, it is possible to beautifully beat it, turn the problem to the basis of the design concept.
  3. Divide useful space on working areasUsing for this partitioning of drywall, sliding designs, arches, bar racks that make the kitchen less.
  4. Emphasize attention On the surface of opposite or adjacent walls, and thus visually hide, for example, not very new furniture set. This way it is possible to simply change the layout, allocate the working, dining area.
  5. Use the wall surface as a decorative interior object. To do this, a small area is highlighted by flap of color wallpaper with a pattern, photo printing or other decoration. When he is large, it can be decorated with a baguette from the picture. On the outside it looks unusual, fashionable, stylish.
  6. Set the kitchen the desired mood. So the interior made in warm, calm shades in combination with bright wallpaper make a gloomy room more dynamic, fills it with a playful mood.
  7. Separate or, on the contrary, combine rooms in the studio apartment.This is a wonderful solution when the kitchen is combined with a hallway or living room - it allows you to get a separate functional zone.

We select tint

Shades are cold and warm, they are easily combined and shadow each other. To figure out how they can be combined, you should familiarize yourself with important rules:

  • cold Tones: Gray, Blue, Dark Blue, Green allow speak expanding space, give him restraint. They calm the human psyche after a difficult day and have an invigorating effect in the morning hours. Such shades are also suitable for people who follow weight, because they lower appetite;

  • small kitchens should be covered with lights of light or pastel colors. But such a color scheme is able to inspire boredom - to revive it, it is enough to diversify the interior with several bright accents;

  • when there is a high ceiling in the kitchen, the room is spacious and light, diversify the subnamed style solution can be wallpaper of cold tones - for example, yellow or blue. White color is able to bring in the residential premises notes of calm nobility, luxury and chic. Silver, gold tones always look modern and very respectable.

Interiors of modern kitchens are:

  1. Achromatic - combine black, gray, white shades, which are usually diluted with bright accent stains or diametrically opposite in color patterns on the walls and the ceiling.
  2. Chromatic - include four or more tonal, contrasting colors that complement or shade each other.

Important! Saturated tones are capable of making the kitchen gloomy - visually correct the situation and unload space allow single accents of bright color.

To delimit useful space, one part of it should be decorated with fun, bright wallpaper, the other - moderate, calm.

You can also combine contrasting shades of the same color, from the side they look very interesting and unusual - for example: brown and beige, blue and light blue, burgundy and gentle pink. It is appropriate to connect the wallpaper with a textural, smooth surface - looks from the side it is incredibly creative and luxurious.

Important! It is not necessary to combine wallpaper with large elements and motley patterns, as it will irritate and interfere with the reception.

Select the decorative coating should be carefully, it should:

  1. Become a background that makes the furniture headset from the general interior decoration.
  2. Felt a pleasant meal, improving appetite.
  3. Raise the mood of the owners, cheer in the morning, relax in the evening.

All this can be easily implemented using in the kitchen combining wallpaper of various ornaments, shades. It is better not to connect a variety of styles, because from the side such a scenery looks ugly.

For classic styles It is better to select the same type of cloth of various colors, shades.

For young households, contrasting, bright colors, elderly people will come to the soul of restrained, calm tones. When representatives of several age groups live in one house or apartment, then calm tones can be diversified with saturated, bright elements or accents.

In the spacious room, the wallpaper can be glued both on the walls and the ceiling - decorative coatings look modern, stylish, original. Using the color combination, it is possible to raise or lower the arch, expand the room, allocate the location of the furniture items relative to the walls.

Choose the right picture

In creating a coherent, colorful interior, a pattern or a decorative ornament applied to wallpaper plays an important role:

  • it is appropriate to combine the strips of the same color;
  • you can connect the wallpaper of different tones with floral prints - today it is the most popular design option;
  • some different tones are well combined, when a bright accent is inserted between them;
  • abstraction and geometric patterns are perfectly combined, but such a solution is more suitable for kitchen interiors performed in the Loft style;
  • different tones of photo printing wallpapers are connected, but it requires special attention to not get oversaturation.

Criterias of choice

To properly choose wallpaper on the kitchen, you should initially decide:

  • with their view, quality;
  • colors, decoration, ornament;
  • combination with furniture;
  • area of \u200b\u200bthe placed room;
  • the number of rolls, the amount of money for the purchase.

Combination rules

  1. It is better not to connect new wallpapers with old, because the difference in color will be very noticeable.
  2. It is necessary to choose the cloth of the same thickness so that the joint is not visible. When their thickness is different, you should take care of a neat disguise in irregularities. It will come to the rescue decorative edging.
  3. To obtain a harmonious kitchen interior, it is better to pick up the canvas with similar in the form and coloring elements. The ideal solution - when similar patterns will be present on products from textiles or furniture headset.
  4. When a bright panel is planned to be performed in the room, it should be made by one-color wallpaper with non-timers or small elements.
  5. The patterned sheets under natural wood with floral patterns are perfectly combined. And other imitation, for example, under the brick, are canceled with one-color strips or ornaments.

Possible combinations

The wallpaper combination is several types. We will describe in detail about each of them, we will demonstrate in the photo, what appearance have. So:

Vertical combination Allows you to visually lift the low arch, expand the inner space of the room. For this method fit narrow, wide strips, which can be placed relative to each other vertically:

  • asymmetric - Various strip widths are found in different corners of the room, give the interior of the dynamicity, the space is visually expanding. This method of decorating is recognized quite difficult in the implementation, because the tones used should naturally be connected to each other. A classic combination is white with black, green, blue, yellow, etc. It is important that the tone transition was smooth and soft;
  • symmetric - The surfaces of the walls are covered by strips from the center in both directions. This decoration method is a wonderful solution for narrow, long kitchens. It is better to use polar shades for this.

When you want to create an illusion game of light, you need to alternate strips of the same color with various shades through one or two, which gives the room even greater originality and mysteriousness.

Horizontal combination Great for high and spacious kitchens, it is capable of transforming any interior, has many version options:

  • the top surface of the wall is covered with oven with a large pattern, the lower - is made monochrome or covered with a small pattern;
  • the top is performed by a monochrome, small pattern, bottom - by a massive pattern;
  • monochrome top, bottom - striped;
  • striped top, down - monochrome wallpaper either with a small pattern;
  • single-type color combination on top and bottom;
  • opposite in brightness of color from above and below;
  • various texture from above and below.

Important! Horizontal combination requires the use of additional materials: planks, convex molding, border. They are selected, taking into account the color colors, the choler.

Making one of the walls in the kitchen's accent, we pay all the attention to it. You can select and niche near the table, and furniture headsets. The surface of such a wall is covered by colorful, bright wallpaper, and the surface of calm, gentle tones adjacent to it.

However, it is possible to place the necessary accents in another way - bright, saturated tones to dilute with a large ornament of the same color or a wide white strip. Calm interior solutions can be decorated with photo wallpapers that can create contrast or be bright and soft tones.

The accent wall allows you to:

  • delimit the kitchen, dividing the working and dining area with a bright accent;
  • concentrate on something specific, for example, on the subject of furniture, decor element.

As an accent, small inserts from wallpapers can also be used, which are glued to the wall at the final stage of repair, are framed by the frame from the picture. Very popular today is the patchwork technique - "Patchwork", which implies the union into a single composition of small sheets of different shapes, colors, ornaments, shades. This method of combining wallpaper is quite complicated, but as a result, it is possible to get a fairly interesting picture.

The main thing that:

  • separate pieces of wallpaper were harmonized in color;
  • the texture, the texture of them was different;
  • thickness - the same;
  • the quality of the design of the pattern was the best.

As you can see, combine wallpaper on the walls and the ceiling - not just original, stylish, beautiful, also practical and very convenient.

Combination in a small kitchen

Below, we will tell you how to combine wallpaper in Khrushchev, to create a cozy, comfortable atmosphere and original design, introduce you to the advice of professionals.

The main advantages of the combination of several types of wallpaper in small-sized kitchens are as follows:

  • proper combination allows you to gently hide any irregularities and defects on wall surfaces;
  • visually expanding or narrowing the useful space (spread the walls, raise the arch) and thereby eliminate the problem of disproportionateness of the dimensions;
  • separate the kitchen on the zones - for cooking and receiving food;
  • receive an accent wall that allows to demonstrate the design features of the room;
  • create a stylish and dynamic interior.

Competent combination in a small room in a room will be able to beat the space and correctly resolve the issue of the effective organization of functional zones.

Before saving the kitchen in Khrushchev combined wallpaper, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the recommendations that will save you from common mistakes:

  1. In order for the various canvas to be successfully combined with each other, it is better to select them of the same quality, price segment. They may differ in color, tone, texture, but all decorative drawings and patterns are required to harmonize with each other.
  2. In order not to get inaccurate seams when docking, the material must be the same thickness.
  3. Selecting the wallpaper, it is important to take into account the common style, then it is possible to get a holistic, coordinated interior.
  4. Wallpaper with floral patterns is remarkably combined with wood textures, the abstraction is complemented by geometric shapes.
  5. Saturated tones are well connected with warm, calm, without pattern or with a small ornament.

Having decided to crack the walls or the ceiling of small-sized kitchen with monochrome, decorative wallpaper, we recommend not to save on quality, reliability and practicality. Prefer the blades on vinyl, fliesline or fiberglass based. An important value needs to be collapsing, because incorrectly selected gamma is able to bring an imbalance into the interior solution.

Horizontal and vertical combination

When the kitchen is small, and the ceilings are too low, then the optimal solution is a vertical combination of several types of wallpaper.

It looks great from the side of monochrome canvas, decorated with a small pattern. To adjust the width and length of the room, we advise to stick to the opposite surfaces of the walls from the center of symmetrical, colorful stripes.

If you use asymmetry (sack only one wall), it is possible to visually expand the room and fill the interior with dynamism.

The combination of horizontal type is appropriate at high kitchens. The classic way to delimit the space, to ask him the desired mood - the use of wallpaper of different colors, texture, ornament, but in the mandatory case of combined with decorative elements.

Division is most often done in a 2: 1 ratioThe upper strip makes more lower, however there are other ways to decorate walls:

  • upstairs are attached wallpaper with a large pattern, bottom - strips with a small pattern;
  • bottom with stripes or top is made of the color;
  • the monochrome canvases are glued on top, the bottom is a large drawing.

An extraordinary designer solution is an application in small kitchens "Horizon", which divides two different types of canvas.

Standard solution - to arrange a line with a window sill.

When the ceilings are high, then the wall can be accommodated with two types of the chopper in terms of 1: 3. The dividing line in this case becomes a plank, a decorative curb, molding.

Game on contrasts

Generally accepted rules:

  1. The main thing in this business is to choose the right shades. Classic solution - Application for decorative design of walls of white, black, light gray, golden, beige and silver tones. They harmoniously look with standard colors - saturated pastel, bright, excessively dull colors, soften dark, saturated, bright. It is important not to fall in extremes.
  2. Universal option - connection of black and white wallpaperWhat allows you to visually expand the useful space, but you need to ensure that the light shade dominates the dark, in the opposite case, it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect.
  3. Combine various tones appropriate when separating the room on the area of \u200b\u200bwork and meals.

Game with color

Do not miss in choosing the tones, find the best option that can look original in the style of solving the kitchen, beautifully, fashionably help the study of classical connection methods described below.

One color - Different texture

The optimal and unobtrusive option is to stick onto the walls with different textures, but similar color.

For example, one wall can be covered with trellis with drawings, and the rest is one-color.

An important attention must be paid to the selection of a suitable pattern and colors - they define the final result. A win-win solution will be pasting walls with single-color web with horizontal or vertical wide stripes.

So as not to overload the interior, you should give preference to trellis with the same small pattern.

We make focus on the zone

In a small kitchen, you can also create an accent zone that will hide the design defects of the room, discovering the ventilation box.

If the low walls are blocked by different wallpaper, then the disadvantages of interior solutions turn into dignity. An interesting solution is to highlight one wall, saving it with the trellis of different colors with an intricate pattern. For a better effect, you can pick up the curtains in a similar color.

For the main design it is worth choosing a beige, white, light color, an accent wall with bright, saturated tones - light blue, lilac, red-orange, lemon.

Note that in small kitchens to use dark colors inexpediently, because they narrow the space even more. The original solution is to use photo walls with drawings of falling water or green forest with high trees.

Decorative inserts

Application in modern kitchens as a patchwork inserts of several types of multi-colored cloths is an incredibly interesting solution. It looks wonderfully decorated elements in the art, combined in color, texture from the main color of the walls.

Using this reception, it is possible to create unique art objects, while successfully hiding different seizures of the room - recesses, discovering angles, etc.

As inserts, you can use multi-colored wallpapers with abstractions, floral patterns, a geometric pattern placed on a one-color background.

It should be borne in mind that such a combination looks beautiful only when the style of style is presented. Patchwork technique It is quite complicated, it requires significant time spending, experience with a large number of different materials in the process of performing a single composition.

In order not to disfigure the existing design, the wallpaper should be used correctly and seriously.
Golden Rule: So that the decor is harmonious, at least one tone of the pattern or pattern should be present at accessories or facade of the furniture headset.

This also applies to the form of some decorative elements, such as ornaments, geometric patterns, etc. Only in this case the inner decoration acquires a balance, coherence.

The combination of cloths in drawing, the color is used for the separation of space on the working and dining area. In one corner, the speaker is emphasized, in the other - the atmosphere of home comfort is created, tranquility.

A variety of colors and textures on the walls can set the desired mood, to organize several functional zones at once.

Scene wallpapers are combined with one-color; The textured will become an excellent addition to smooth surfaces when the general style and palette of colors is observed.

It is advisable to purchase everything in one store, and even better - one manufacturer and one party. If the materials need to additionally buy in another place, do not be upset - it is enough to take copies of borrowed rolls. They can be applied to the surface of new wallpapers to determine the combination of colors.

Professional masters claim: to glue the sleepers of one width and texture is much easier. Ideal when they are one brand. Note that some modern companies make "wallpaper-companions". Their price is more expensive than one-photon trellis, but they significantly facilitate the process of pasting and get rid of the puzzle "fit or not" to one or another interior solution.

Designers do not advise combining the cloth of various execution style. They will definitely not be harmoniously looked in a single space style technique and classic, abstraction and baroque, high-tech and Provence. Incorrect combination, visual dispensing of drawings immediately will rush into the eyes. What you can not say about the combination of decorative inserts framed in the picture frames, and the panel, which will decorate any modern kitchen.

No less interesting version of the style framing - emphasizing one of the walls of the room. In this case, it should not be hidden behind the furniture head, the table can be located near it. The remaining walls are covered by one-color wallpaper of neutral tones, which benefit from the "main element".

A bright stain can be:

  • color photo in the interior;
  • poster;
  • painting painting and others written by oil.

Association of cheap and expensive canvases in one room Many modern designers are not welcomed, because such a mixing demonstrates, to a greater, poor taste of the owner.

Materials for finishing should be selected by one value, otherwise the effect of elite trellis will be completely lost due to the patchwork inserts of ordinary monochrome wallpaper. Similar "masterpieces" have to completely redo.

Selecting the decorative coating for the walls and the kitchen ceiling, it is important to remember - they must withstand sharp temperatures, increased humidity and aggressive impact of detergents. Ideally, when the pattern on the canvas is not very motley, contains no more than three shades.

Light, soft tones expand the space, dark - narrow it. Black, brown, dark blue ceiling color will be "crushing", and white, light blue - to do the arch even higher. Do not combine cold, warm colors. The first is often chosen for premises looking at the south, the second - north.

Popular receptions

Professional designers when finishing kitchen walls use some secrets:

  • "Polka Dot", "Strip" connect with retrostyle;
  • geometrical drawings will become an excellent addition to the abstraction;
  • large drawing, a decorative pattern should cover a large area of \u200b\u200bthe wall;
  • ornament with elements of vegetation is perfectly combined with "stone", "natural structure of the tree", horizontal and vertical stripes;
  • bright, saturated colors should be equalized with warm, bed tones;
  • the connection in one wallpaper composition with a different background, but the same print and the connection is welcome.

There are a lot of nuances and raisins in combining different types of cloths. In each case, the choice is made individually, typical schemes do not exist.

In the article, we described in detail how to combine the wallpaper properly in the kitchen to organize a harmonious, interesting interior, fully corresponding to tastes and aesthetic preferences of households. Do not be afraid to experiment, completely satisfy the extremely fascinating creative process, and the success is guaranteed.

Emboss the interior of the kitchen so that she looks beautiful, stylish and modern - the natural desire of everyone who starts to repair the apartment. As a rule, wallpaper is chosen for the design of walls in the kitchen. How to combine wallpaper in the kitchen correctly and what textures are best to choose - several practical recommendations.

There are many types of wallpaper, differing from each other in appearance, material and quality characteristics. These include:

  • paper;
  • fliseline;
  • vinyl;
  • washable vinyl;
  • glassworks;
  • fabric.

Each type of wallpaper has its pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses. Before starting repairs in the kitchen and decide on the combination of wallpaper, you need to properly choose wallpaper for the kitchen.

Wallpapers (video)

What wallpapers fit


Paper wallpaper is good because they are absolutely safe for health and are not separated into the air of harmful substances. However, they can not be washed and if contamination is contaminated, the wallpaper can be considered hopelessly spoiled. Wallpaper in the kitchen, where there are constant risk of drops of water drops or products and where the drops of humidity and temperature are frequent, it is not possible. Approximately the same can be said about fabric wallpaper.


Vinyl wallpaper is beautiful and practical. They can be safely wiped with a damp cloth, and washable - even washing. The cons of vinyl wallpaper belongs that they are "not breathing" and can distinguish polyvinyl chloride into the air, which is considered potentially harmful. It is better to avoid such a wallpaper in the bedroom and in the nursery, but in the kitchen they are more than appropriate. It is easy to remove pollution from them.


Wallpaper on a fliesline basis breathe, resistant to high temperatures and fire, easily tolerate wet cleaning, do not fade into the sun, are hygienic and dust absorbed. In addition, they are convenient because they can be repainted in another color, changing the interior as soon as he is getting tired. They can also be successfully used in the kitchen.

Glass equipment

Gymelomes are resistant to any pollution, water, temperature. They can be boldly washing with washing means. They are racks for damage, breathe and do not attract dust. Their most important plus for the kitchen is fireproof. They are also quite appropriate here, especially with properly chosen combinations of materials.

All about glass windows (video)

What to combine wallpaper

Wallpapers choose different textures, drawings and species in order to solve practical and aesthetic tasks.

With the help of a combination of materials, you can:

  • make a functional zoning of the room, highlighting a visual recreation area, a dining area, a working area;
  • visually combine or, on the contrary, divide the premises of the kitchen and living room when they are united into the studio;
  • hide wall defects;
  • beat the layout and disguise its disadvantages - for example, make a kitchen in the form of a foam not so narrow and dark;
  • visually make the ceilings above or lower;
  • give the interior to the dynamics;
  • place accents and attract attention to certain walls, niches.

Important: To ensure that the room does not look "wilderness", do not apply expensive and cheap wallpaper species in the same room.

How to combine wallpaper

The combination of wallpaper in the kitchen must obey the general rules that apply in design.

The most organically looks the interior when it is based on the use of materials of the same quality and approximately the same thickness. If the selected wallpapers will be significantly different from each other in thickness, then a ugly scar will arise between them. We will have to use additional devices and materials in order to hide it from the eye.

It is important to determine the color correctly. Wallpapers can complement each other in color, being in one color scheme or contrasted with each other. It looks very interesting to the combination of monophonic and color wallpaper, while the color of monotonous wallpaper can be repeated in the motifs of the drawings on the wallpaper.

Important: The combination of wallpaper with different patterns can be used if there is a good taste. This is a very complex combination and here it is easy to ride to Kitch. The kitchen will look screaming and tasteless. Single drawings that are easy to combine with each other with other pictures - strip, cell. Also well combined geometric and abstract drawings.

Motives on the wallpaper and their color solution to combine well with the motifs and color of furniture, interior items, textiles.

Bright colors are best combined with muted.

Vertical combination

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen in the form of vertical strips of different textures and color allows you to solve the problem of low ceiling. Also, this combination is ideal in order to visually expand the space - such a solution to apply well in narrow kitchens of Penals, in small kitchens.

Here you can combine wallpaper with patterns with monophonic, contrasting color wallpaper. The combination of contrasting colors helps to balance the lengths of the sides of the room.

You can apply the principle of asymmetry and alternate the strips of different colors and different widths. This technique helps to shorten visually one of the parties and bring the room to square.

With the help of a vertical solution, you can get rid of the monochromicity of the interior.

IMPORTANT: Wireless options for combinations of contrasting colors are considered black and white, blue and yellow, white in combination with any other color and pattern, yellow and blue, green and yellow. More dramatic and binding looks in black and red, gold and red, black and purple.

Horizontal combination

Wallpapers can be saved the kitchen in a different way, having done the top of the room of one color, and the bottom of the other. Very often, the division of the horizontal room is used when it is decided to combine wallpaper with a different material - tiles, cork, wooden and bamboo panels, decorative plaster.

As a rule, the lower part of the room takes 1 part, and on the top there are 2 parts of the wall height. This is considered the most optimal proportion, pleasant eye. It looks quite harmonious when the border between the wallpaper passes through the side of the window sill. If the ceilings in the apartment are high, then the lower part can be made in two thirds of the wall height.

From above, it is better to place one-standard wallpaper, and below the wallpaper with a pattern. If one-photon wallpaper contrasting color is combined, then more appropriately brighter tone. If the wallpaper is combined with a pattern, then a fine drawing looks at the top, and the bottom is large. In principle, if there is a different design, you can come up to the opposite, but it will require greater taste and accurate adherence to all proportions.

Only with horizontal division can safely use materials of different thickness and textures. For example, wallpaper and cork or wallpaper of different textures. The joint place in this case can be masked with molding, border, wooden plank, which will play the role of a separate decorative element.

Vertical division with the use of detergents or decorative plaster is logical when you want to protect the lower part of the walls, most often suffering from scratches, dirt and splashes.

Focus on the wall

In the kitchens, Penalykh looks very interesting to the color focus on one wall, which is covered with wallpaper of contrasting or with a pattern. In general, the separation of one of the walls immediately makes the interior of bold and memorable. But this step and obliges a lot. Selecting one wall without color support in another part of the room will make the interior in a non-harmonic. Therefore, choosing the color of the wallpaper, you need to support it in furniture or textiles.

With the help of an accent on the wall, various parts of the kitchen can also be distinguished - niches, columns. It will be particularly interesting to look like coloring columns, ventilation boxes and other structural protrusions. They are often trying to hide. Meanwhile, when it is impossible to get rid of them, it is better to emphasize attention on them and turn into a decorative element of the room, in its highlight, and not an annoying defects planning.

Art in the masses

Wallpaper with a pattern and photo wallpaper can be used to make the kitchen interior with original and piece. With the help of such wallpapers, the kitchen turns into an art object.

In this case, you can make peculiar posters on the wall on the wall, by placing them in the framework.

The combination on the selected wall of several types of wallpapers, folded into a peculiar patchwork, a patchwork ornament looks completely unusually. However, such work is quite laborious and requires great accuracy. In such style you can make a kitchen in ethno style.

Wallpaper combination options in the kitchen (video)


Combine wallpaper in the kitchen is an exciting and grateful occupation. As a result, you can get the interior, which exactly no one else will meet.

Examples of the combination of wallpaper in the kitchen (photo)

She is designed to attract views, that is, it is better to make it bright and unusual. These can be coatings with large colors, photo wallpaper, geometric patterns, etc. It is important not to overdo it with paints, otherwise the interior will be suspension and will lose its uniqueness.

For her, bright wallpaper or wallpapers are selected. The rest of the walls serve as a background, so it is better to choose one-photon wallpaper for them.

Vertical combination

It is optimal for narrow and long rooms. Also allows you to make the ceilings visually higher.

Inventing the design of combined wallpapers for the kitchen, pay attention to the photos. You will see one of the most common trimming methods - a vertical combination.

Vertical strips. You can create a unique game of light and colors, salabing the walls alternately with strips of different wallpaper. You can combine both contrasting colors and shades of one color, creating gradation.

You can choose the wallpaper of one shade, but with different textures - for example, alternate matte and glossy.

Interesting option: Alternation of wallpaper with pattern and monophonic. The strips imitating real pictures are obtained. This technique is appropriate on a spacious kitchen.

In the photo, a harmonious combination in English style - downstairs vertical strips create imitation of wall panels, on top of a classic floral pattern. The junction between the two types of wallpapers is decorated with a decorative border.

The most commonly used striped wallpaper. They can be located:

  • Symmetrically. In this case, the walls are covered with wide stripes mirror from the center. Contrast colors attract views, so few people pay attention to the disproportion of the room configuration.
  • Asymmetric. Only one wall is covered with wide stripes, while it is applied to other surfaces with a similar pattern, but different widths. Thanks to this room looks wider.

Properly selected colors will also help indoor accents. Too bright shades should be alternating with pastel 1-1 or 1-2. It all depends on the size of the room and the desired effect

Horizontal wallpaper-companions

Used in rooms with high ceilings, Ideally fits into any interior directions. Designers use such a move in order to transform an overly high room.

In the photo combined wallpaper with a horizontal strip and floral pattern.

Horizontally, you can combine the wallpaper of different textures and shades. Pick up the options that are harmony and among themselves, and with the common design of the kitchen.

One of the most popular solutions - Use at the bottom of wooden or cork panels. The top can be caught with coatings with a geometric pattern, large colors or simply bright monophonic canvases.

If the lower part is highlighted by a bright and large ornament, then the top is better to choose one-window.

The wallpaper can also be used as panels separated from the top with a curb or molding. At the top it is better to use the canvas with a small pattern or monochrome.

You can vary either by paints or texture. It is worth choosing an option that will complement the overall design of your room, presenting it in the most advantageous light.

Today there are quite a lot of wallpaper varieties, but not all of them are suitable for the design of such a specific room.

Judge for yourself:

Paper. They are inexpensive, environmentally friendly, passed air, but along with this differ in shortness. If you decide to use them in the interior, then only far from the working area.

Fabric. They are made on the basis of silk, flax, cotton. You can only accumulate the perfectly smooth and smooth surface, otherwise all defects will have any defects. Increased humidity they will not stand, and pollution from them is removed with great difficulty. Not the best option for the kitchen.

Natural. Move from dried grass, bamboo, wood chips. All this is fixed on a special tissue basis with the help of glue or thin durable threads. They are endowed with environmental friendliness, but they extremely strongly absorb any odors.

Fliseline. Produced from viscose, cellulose, polyester and acrylic. Different with elasticity, resistance to moisture and fire, hide irregularities. There are special modifications to paint, allowing to change color up to 7 times.

Vinyl. A polymeric covering is applied to the phliselin base or technical paper, resistant to moisture and shrinkage, easy to leaving (washing), elastic. Modern canvases have micropores through which air passes. Thanks to this, neither a fungus nor mold appears on them.

Gymelomes. These are coatings for painting, creating original embossed texture on the surface. Water resistance, refractory, vapor permeability, wear resistance, and stylish appearance is the most significant advantages of this option. The only minus is dismantled with great difficulty.

Liquid. They include fibers and threads of acetate silk, cotton, viscose, cellulose connected by means of adhesive mixture. Applied as the usual putty, without leaving the seams, leveling defects. Endowed low heat and sound conductivity, easily clean, differ in a wide range of tones.

All these types of wallpapers have their pros and cons. Getting started to choose to pay attention to operational performance, aesthetics and cost.

The combination of wallpaper is a whole science. We hope that our advice will help you decide on the design of the walls, choose the appropriate wallpapers for your kitchen and successfully combine them. Share your considerations, thoughts and ideas in the comments!

Choose the same wallpaper with a suitable shade that harmoniously fit into, it will be much more difficult, especially if you decide to pick up a wallpaper for two colors.

The complexity of this process is due to the fact that the color reproduction and perception of shades affects many factors: the size of the interior, the nature of lighting, the features of the planning, style and shape of the furniture. In addition, not all shades are combined with each other, and this fact directly affects the creation of a comfortable setting in your kitchen.

Features of choosing shades

Initial the choice of color scheme depends on the size of the kitchen room. Spacious interiors can be accommodated in, and in gloomy colors, wallpaper with large and even photographs with a large number of small parts: No matter how the pattern or drawing, it will not emphasize the setting.

The high level of ceilings in spacious rooms can be omitted: enough to stick with vertical lines or along the entire room or on one of the walls.

Tip: Spacious kitchen is a great opportunity for. One of the most convenient ways to divide the interior into several parts is to use the walls of different shades.

If the size of the kitchen does not allow the use of wallpaper of any color and themes because of their limitations, choose as options as possible. Dark or rich shades can only be used in the case of their harmonious combination with bright tones.

Note: When combined, it is necessary to comply with the correct proportionality: do not overdo it with gloomy colors, otherwise the interior will look in no harmonious.

Small kitchens with high ceilings can be expanded using wallpaper sticking on each surface: the ceiling and the upper part of the walls are made in bright colors, and the bottom side of the walls is colder colors.

Correctly picking up the color of the wallpaper, you can fix the disproportionate shape of the kitchen space. On the long wall, the wallpaper of soft and light tones () is glued, and short surfaces are drawn up with a more rich palette (, and others). This design will allow to align too elongated kitchen.

Another key point affecting the features of the perception of the color gamut in the kitchen interior is character of lighting. The room located on the north side should issue with a warm palette. By itself, a combination with contrasting shades is allowed, but do not forget about unwanted color overloadOtherwise, the effect of will be lost.

The kitchen with sufficient lighting will look comfortably, regardless of the color scheme.. In addition, the south side rooms can be decorated, swinging the wallpaper on the ceiling (combining them with the color of the interior).

In search of a response to the question of how to stick the wallpaper in the kitchen of two colors, important rules are often overlooked, the implementation of which can affect the success of the design work and the correctness of the walls of the walls:

  • plan the color gamut of the room is necessary in view of the features of the room and the interior style. Wallpaper color is chosen after shopping headset andbecause suitable wall materials you will find much faster and easier;
  • think in advance about the need zoning space. Wallpaper shades are selected depending on the purpose of one or another zone in the kitchen: for example, in the cooking zone, light wallpaper will quickly lose their appearance, and in the area with a dining table, some shades can adversely affect the appetite;
  • using the wallpaper of two shades that are not harmoniously combined, think over how to dilute the situation: use suitable color accessories or Textile Materials;
  • for creating an accent on one of the wallsTry to observe not only the color range, but also the theme of interior design: for example, panoramic plots and perfectly combined with wallpaper of plant motives.

Combine multicolored canvas

Due to the simplicity of execution and originality, the method of combining wallpaper of different colors in kitchen interiors is still used more and fits both for vintage styles, and for modern directions in design.

It is possible to implement the intended design of combined wallpapers for the kitchen in several ways. The most popular - creating a gradual transition between different shades on one wall or adjacent surfaces.

If you do not want to use one-photon wallpapers or materials with a non-less interesting way of using two colors in the kitchen interior: in one of the zones, the wallpaper is glued with a bright or warm background color, and the remaining zones are drawn up with coatings with splashes or patterns. The same color on a light or dark background.

The combination of such wallpapers will be provided, and the unusual implementation of the idea will allow to emphasize the stylish effect.

It is extremely important to achieve a harmonious combination of wallpaper of different colors. Among the most successful ways of color combination are distinguished:

  • combining shades from one palette (for example, different wallpaper of blue or brown can be pasted on one wall or on adjacent surfaces);
  • combination of contrasting flowers (soft and light colors are combined with brighter or gloomy shades in compliance with the features of lighting, layout and general interior style);
  • combining incompatible shades (As a rule, it is used to create decorative paintings or panels, and wallpapers themselves are separated using a frame or special moldings).

Many photos of pasting the wallpaper of two kinds in the kitchen demonstrate successful combination of coatings with opposite shades (for example, yellow-blue, red-black and other kitchens).

Choosing this interior design option, observe attentiveness and accuracy, because the mood will depend on the correct location of different wallpaper wallpapers on the walls, and appetite. For example, it is inappropriate to use such colors to create popular patchwork compositions throughout the perimeter of the room.

Options for wall design

The selection of wallpaper for the kitchen of two colors should depend on what form you plan to be placed in space. Vertical combination is considered the most commonbecause it allows you to get the maximum number of benefits not only aesthetic, but also practical. For example, sticking multicolored canvas in the form of wide bands on one wall, you visually raise the ceilings and give the interior dynamics.

In addition to this method, vertical combination perhaps when sticking adjacent surfaces: The transition between colors is carried out in the angular zones of the room.

For those who do not plan to lengthen the room in height, the horizontal method of sticking is suitable. Implementing the horizontal combination of coating of two colors, you can highlight ancient or modern style, create additional protection against contamination (for example, in the dining table zone) and ensure a harmonious combination of wall design with kitchen head.

As a rule, the wallpaper of a darker shade is glued at the bottom of the walls.

Tip: To ensure the holistic perception of the kitchen interior, let down the lower part of the wall in the height corresponding to the size of furniture or the height of the windowsill.

In order to zonate the space or create an emphasis on one of the kitchen walls, used accent method of combining multi-colored wallpapers. To do this, one of the surfaces is drawn up with wallpaper of a bright or saturated shade, and the rest are decorated in more relaxed and light colors.

Note that combining wallpapers on adjacent surfaces is possible with the participation of the ceiling. For example, extinguishing the design of one of the walls on the ceiling, you can highlight the modern stylistics of the interior and visually lower its level to the desired degree.

Quite common recently became technique "Patchwork", implemented using wallpaper fragments of different color. Patchwork combination involves the use of harmonious, but enough bright shades.

Glue such wallpaper can not only in the form of squares, but also diagonally and in other ways, creating the effect of the blanket on the wall surface. This option is suitable for creative personalities, as well as for those who cannot make a choice of several wallpaper likes.

And patchwork, and accent combination can be realized not on the whole wall, but only on its separate part. In this case, the wallpaper will create an effect of a decorative pattern, and with the additional use of the auxiliary elements (frames, moldings, borders or tapes), the stylistics of the room will emphasize.

You can use to design protrusions, niches, columns, arches and partitions in the kitchen interior. In this case, such materials will perform the role of separators, and you do not have to implement additional ideas for zoning space.

In addition, the design of niches, protrusions and other features of the room with the help of other wallpaper will allow you emphasize attention on these parts of the room and demonstrate the unusual kitchen planning.

For those who do not seek easy ways, suitable machinery complex combination. She presupposes independent giving multicolored wallpaper forms and sizes. For example, using this technique you can divide the wall diagonally or create stylish waves over the entire surface. As a rule, for these purposes, wallpaper is used from one palette with different degrees of saturation.

By implementing the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining the wallpaper of different shades in the kitchen space, you can emphasize the main features of your room, as well as provide additional functionality without excess costs.

Harmonious combination of shades, as well as the correct selection of patterns and will make it possible to fill the interior with new colors and provide comfort and comfort at any time.

Comfortable kitchen design is not only comfortable furniture, attractive shades, functional accessories. The favorable atmosphere also creates a harmonious finish, which causes pleasant emotions and the desire to be in this room. One of the options for interesting and harmonious design of the kitchen space is a combination of different wallpaper.

As can be seen in the photo, the combination of wall decoration allows you to change the nature of the interior.

The use of different wallpapers in the design of the kitchen allows you to solve different tasks:

  • visually expand the room;
  • fix the shortcomings of the room - both small size and not very convenient shape;
  • zonate functional zones, which is especially convenient when;
  • expand the emphasis, drawing attention to certain architectural solutions;
  • implement the selected style even in a small-sized apartment by minimal decoration and use the most organic wallpaper options.

Several rules of harmonious combinations

Starting to realize an interesting idea, it is important to understand that any composition and harmony has its own rules:

  • Wallpapers must be made of similar material.Otherwise, the difference will be apparent between the coatings. That is, it is impossible to combine cheap paper cloth with exclusive options.
  • Despite the fact that the wallpaper is chosen different, optimally when they intersect with several shades or attribute to one palette at all. Whatever the design or original idea, contrasts and opposites are allowed when using a similar gamma in the interior - if the heads, apron, accessories, etc. are painted in such tones.

In the photo - a variant of the harmonious palette of the finish.
  • must be designed in one styleTherefore, wallpapers should be chosen in harmony with features of furniture, its shape, decor and palette.

In the photo - kitchen with combined wall coverings.

The combination can be based on different parameters:

  • on the shades used in the interior;
  • invoice;
  • ornament;
  • direction of drawing.

In the first case, it is important as the basis to choose neutral tones. The textures may differ in the same color scheme, and the ornament and direction of the pattern are combined so that the wallpaper patterns "shifted" each other.

Versions of vertical combinations

The vertical direction of the ornament on the walls, as well as the combination, located in the same way, make the room visually above. The most common solution in this case is the use of striped wallpapers. This is a harmonious design for narrow and long rooms. The variants of combinations in the vertical direction can be chosen a lot.

You can combine wallpaper with different stripes - wide and narrow. They are alternate, the adjacent walls are seeded with different coating options, combined with the materials of the same shades, but with another pattern:

  • Harmonious design will succeed with the use of a wide strip of monochrome or with a large pattern - vegetable, abstract or openwork. On the sides of it symmetrically plastered wallpapers. The floral ornament is chosen for, abstract - for modern directions, and openwork coatings are applicable in the classic interior. It is interesting to combine vertical stripes with transverse on the accent wall.

In the photo - organic combination of wallpaper in.
  • Related walls can be saved with different direction strips: on one they are located vertically, and on the other - horizontally. But such a design is admissible only in spacious premises. The same option can be used with different shades: for example, if in your kitchen, there is a wall with a similar background, and for another surface, choose a brown strip on a different background.
  • If there are two free walls in the kitchen, then for them you can choose wallpaper in one palette, but with different bandwidth. This technique will allow visually to change the form of the room, to correct the possible shortcomings of space. Such a design will be interesting if there will be a headset in which there are asymmetric designs of different widths.

In the photo - a combination of wallpaper with strips of different widths.
  • Wallpapers in a striped will help beautifully issue a photo wallpaper on an emphasis wall. The latter can be pasted in frames like pictures or a window.

Vertical solutions are harmonious in symmetric combinations. This is necessary in the classic - solemn interior and in the premises of the wrong form. But the vertical stripes will make the kitchen design dynamic when using different ornament directions on different walls.

Horizontal combinations

Before choosing a similar solution, it is important to understand that the horizontal direction of the figure leads to a visual decrease in the ceiling, that is, it is possible to apply such a combination in a high kitchen. The combination of horizontal wallpaper is needed in small areas, but stretched at the height of the rooms. But only wallpapers are rarely used here, most often they are complemented by wooden, cork, MDF. In this case, the finish will look more cumbersome and heavy, so if you need to expand the space, it is better to choose the options for combinations of wallpaper:

  • For the bottom of the wall choose striped coatingsAnd on top there are placed one-photon coating or with another pattern: in polka dot, with flowers, openwork elements, abstraction.

In the photo - a combination of wallpapers in the modern interior.
  • You can make a kitchen and differently: From above to place a wallpaper with any ornament, then the upper part of the wall is separated by a border, and the bottom is made up with coatings in the same range, but with another pattern. It will be interesting to look literally any combination, it is important only to keep the palette.

In the photo - brown headsets in harmonious design of the kitchen.
  • The massive coating of the bottom of the wall is permissible in the classic interior. There will also be no less monumental and solemn headset. But if there are few spaces, you can select the corresponding pattern for the wallpaper of the bottom and the light neutral shade for the upper wall.
  • For top, the larger pattern is chosen, and for the bottom - smaller. It is important to choose the optimal separator in style: in this case it is impossible to simply combine the coating bands.

In the photo - design with a combination of wallpapers with different pattern.

Design of this type It is important to consider in advance: the height of the placement of the curb, the color of the finishes, etc. The palette of coatings can perform the background for furniture, and it can become an accent: the headset then choose with the most simple. You can combine a working kit with wallpaper background or with a pattern of pattern. Then dining furniture must emphasize the other used in the design, color.

Wall mural in a kitchen finish with wallpaper combinations

Such a coating for walls today is of particular popularity, since the design options in this case can be chosen a lot. This is not only landscapes and imitation of the view from the window or from the terrace. Today, the photo wallpaper contains and macro imagery of flowers, flocks of birds flying seeds of dandelions, and snapshots of fruits, smoking coffee. This is a harmonious solution for premises in a variety of styles.

In the classic interior, you can use the imitation of art gallery using photo shutters. Modern design often uses fruits, colors, birds. Dynamicity will give an image of a flying flock, landscapes with gusts of wind, waves, etc. Then the headset can be used simple, but with an addition to the similar image.

In the photo - a dynamic design with photo wallpapers in the finish.

Choosing coatings for walls of the kitchen, remember the rules of the composite combination. Do not mix wallpaper with equally large or small, motley patterns. The lack of contrast will not make the interior harmonious. But do not be afraid to experiment, because comfortable and pleasant design can be found in unexpected combinations.