How to update Windows OS to the latest version. Features, methods and step-by-step instructions

Most updates software are performed automatically by default. But, nevertheless, you should know how to check for updates and update the program yourself. By keeping your computer software up to date, you increase the stability and security of your computer.

Operating system update

Installing the latest updates operating system is one of the most important processes in protecting your computer from viruses, malware and other Internet security threats.


To update Windows OS, open Control Panel. In the search bar type update and select "Check for updates".

The installation may take significantly longer than searching for updates, so during this time you can break away from your computer and grab a cup of coffee. Once the installation is complete, you must restart your computer for the updates to take effect.

Mac OS x

To update Mac OS X, open the program App Store(app store) and click the "Updates" button in the top bar. OS X updates will be at the top of the list of available updates. On right side The screen contains buttons for updating individual applications and an “Update All” button to apply all available updates.

Software updates

For many programs, regular updates are not that important, since they will only come with some improvements or new features, but not security improvements, so there is no need to update them frequently. However, for more essential software, such as a web browser or antivirus software, updates are just as important as operating system updates.

Most programs automatically check for updates. If there are updates, the program will notify you about it. Well, for other programs, study the program menu yourself and find out how to start the update.

For example, Kaspersky antivirus: you can start the update in the control center.

Any personal computer or laptop includes two main components: software and hardware. One of the most important software systems used in computer technology- this is the operating system, it is in its environment that all other applications are executed. Conventionally, we can consider that it is the soul of the computer, connecting all the components together. To keep up with rapidly changing standards and software requirements, it is imperative to periodically update your operating system.

Surprisingly, the term “operating system” hides more than just one simple program. In fact, it is a collection of diverse applications united by a common interface. For example, if a user wants to view pages on the Internet, the Internet Explorer browser is at his service; you need to quickly assemble a small video clip from several images - Windows Movie Maker is always at hand; Well, Windows Media Player will help you watch your favorite movie and listen to an mp3 song. To be honest, the capabilities of the operating system are not at all limited to the listed examples - they are much more extensive. Here and further we consider known system Windows from Microsoft, which has become more widespread compared to its analogues (Linux).

To update the operating system means to launch a specialized application on the computer, the task of which is to replace any part with a new or improved version. This operation is absolutely “transparent” for the user - it finds and replaces the desired program. It is worth noting that it is not the programs themselves that are often updated, but only their components. For example, if a developer has discovered flaws in the Internet Explorer browser that reduce reliability and stability or allow an attacker-hacker to commit malicious actions, then only those files that are responsible for this vulnerability are updated.

Any user of the Windows operating system has the opportunity to update Windows in a few simple steps. To do this, just select “Control Panel” from the “Start” menu, and launch the “Update Center” icon in the window that opens. To update Windows in this way, you need to make sure you have a working Internet connection. The wizard will connect to distant Microsoft servers and request updates for the device you are using. windows versions. If they are found, the user is prompted to update windows. Sometimes the total update volume exceeds several hundred megabytes, which is quite a lot, especially for slow 3G and GPRS connections, as well as when traffic is charged per megabyte. In this case, the update wizard allows you to very flexibly configure the desired amount of downloaded data: the hint system will prudently indicate priority and minor updates. Those who do not forget can be sure that their computer's operating system contains the latest components and works optimally.

Owners of outdated models of some computer components (printers, scanners, sound cards), using the Center Windows updates, get the opportunity to breathe a “second life” into them by downloading and installing the appropriate drivers. Very often this is the only opportunity to run an outdated device on a new operating system. Also, for new devices, there is no need to search for new drivers on various sites, because many of them are already contained in the proposed set of updates.

The built-in update mechanism for the Windows operating system is Microsoft's next step towards the reliability and ease of use of its software product.

I'll start with conclusions, and then there will be detailed instructions about how I recommend doing the update Windows systems 7, as well as about automatic updates, about checking for updates manually, how to turn off updates and why you shouldn’t turn them off. Let's go!

Updates need to be installed. A good way to do this is " Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is up to me».

And when messages appear from Windows Update that new updates have been found, you need to take the time to download and install Windows updates.

Periodically, you can manually check for Windows updates using the “Search for updates” option (number 1 in Fig. 1), without waiting for these updates to be detected automatically. And, if updates are found manually, also install them on your PC.

With this approach, the Windows 7 operating system is up to date and will be maximally protected from.

Let's now figure out how to set up updates and how to install them so that they remain useful, but do not bother Windows 7 users.

Where is the Windows 7 update program located?

This program is called Windows Update. She can be found

  • through the Search line (the “Start” button – enter the text without quotes in the “Search programs and files” line: “Windows Update”),
  • or through the “Control Panel” (the “Start” button – “Control Panel” – “System and Security” – “Windows Update”).

After this, the Windows Update window will open on the screen, as shown in Fig. 1:

Rice. 1. Windows Update window

In this window we will be interested in two options: “Search for updates” (number 1 in Fig. 1) and “Setting parameters” (number 2 in Fig. 1).

Setting up Windows 7 updates

To configure updates, click on the inscription “Setting parameters” (number 2 in Fig. 1). A window will appear to select how to install Windows updates (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Window for setting up Windows 7 updates

Screenshot in fig. 2 was made in the Windows 7 Professional operating system. For others, the update window may look different.

The developers of Windows 7 offer users of this operating system 4 ways to install updates (numbers 1 – 4 in Fig. 2).

If you are interested in the question “How to enable Windows 7 update?”, You need to choose one of three methods:

  1. “Install updates automatically (recommended)” (number 1 in Fig. 2).
  2. “Download updates, but decisions about installation are made by me” (solid twos, because in Fig. 2 there is a number 2).
  3. “Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me” (number 3 in Fig. 2).

The question of how to “turn off Windows 7 update” is solved using the fourth method:

Let's look at all four methods in more detail.

I would also recommend this method, if not for one thing. It consists in the fact that searching, downloading and installing Windows updates is a rather complex and time-consuming task for a computer. This process does not go unnoticed by the user. While searching, downloading and installing updates, the computer loads heavily and slows down the execution of other tasks and programs. And at the end of installing the updates, it generally begins to require a system reboot.

And all this happens, as a rule, at the most inopportune moment. When there is no time to stop (pause) work and restart the PC.

For some reason, here I would like to recall Murphy’s law: “Left to themselves, events tend to develop from bad to worse.” That’s why I don’t want to give the operating system the ability to search for, download and install updates on its own.

Let's look at the second method of installing Windows 7 updates.

Method 2 “Download updates, but installation decisions are made by me”

Understanding that installing updates requires additional loading of the PC and requires a reboot to finally install new programs, Windows developers offer us this, more simplified option than the previous one (“Install updates automatically”).

Since automatically searching for updates and downloading them also requires PC resources, it also diverts computer power to these processes.

And this makes it difficult for users, again at the most inopportune moment, as luck would have it. And here I would like to remember Murphy’s Laws: “When things are going well, something is bound to happen in the very near future” and “When things are going badly, in the very near future they will go even worse.”

Therefore, let's leave this method Windows updates alone, and let's move on to the third method.

Method 3 “Search for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me” or How to disable automatic updates in Windows 7?

Here we see minimal distraction of computer resources. Namely, resources are diverted only to find updates for the Windows 7 operating system via the Internet.

Found updates will not be downloaded to the user's computer until the user decides to do so. This method is especially convenient for those who have Internet access limited traffic. Because downloading updates is extra megabytes downloaded from the Internet

Therefore, despite the fact that this is only the third method on the list for installing Windows updates, this is the one I recommend for PC users.

We'll look at how to download and install updates later, but for now let's move on to the fourth and final method of installing Windows updates.

This is the last, 4th method to update the Windows 7 system.

And here I agree with the Windows developers that this method cannot be recommended for computer users.

Because by using this fourth method, the PC user thus refuses to receive and install any updates. And this can lead to an increase in security threats to the operating system and an increase in its vulnerability.

In addition to selecting the method for downloading and installing Windows updates, in the window for selecting a method for installing Windows updates, check the following boxes (see Fig. 2):

  • "Receive recommended updates the same way you receive important updates"(number 5 in Fig. 2). Windows developers, in order to completely confuse PC users, came up with not only important (or in other words, mandatory) Windows updates, but also so-called recommended updates. It is not possible to distinguish one from the other. Therefore, in order not to get confused, you need to check the box next to this inscription.
  • "Allow all users to install updates on this computer"(number 6 in Fig. 2). Why is this? If there are several accounts on the computer under which different users can work, or even one user under different accounts, then this checkbox gives all of them the right to download and install updates. The checkbox is useful, because otherwise you can forget about updates for a long time if you work under account, where updates will not be allowed. And this can lead to an increased threat of computer vulnerability.
  • "When updating Windows, provide updates for Microsoft products..."(number 7 in Fig. 2). This is also a useful checkbox, since it allows you to receive not only updates for Windows operating system files, but also receive updates for application programs, such as Microsoft Office Word, etc. These applications also improve over time, and receiving updates for them allows you to have the latest versions.
  • "Show detailed notifications when new Microsoft software is available"(number 8 in Fig. 2). You don’t have to check this box, since this is a kind of consent to receive advertising information. You can do it, it won't be any worse.

So, let’s set the third method for installing Windows updates: “Search for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me.” And check all the above boxes (numbers 5-8 in Fig. 2).

Then click the “OK” button (Fig. 2). The window for choosing how to install Windows updates will close.

Let's move on to installing Windows 7 updates

Windows Update is now set to constantly search for new updates. While there are no updates, the Windows Update window will display the message “Windows does not require an update” on a green background, as shown by number 3 in Fig. 1.

But as soon as new updates appear and they are found, you will see the inscription “Download and install updates” with a yellow stripe (Fig. 6) indicating the volume that is to be downloaded from the Internet. The information is useful because for owners limited internet traffic, it allows you to decide whether updates can be downloaded.

For example, if traffic is limited to 50 Megabytes (for example, when using mobile Internet), and you will have to download 100 Megabytes of updates, then such information will be a warning that this is not necessary.

Checking Windows 7 updates manually

Updates can be checked manually, without waiting for an automatic program to do it for us. To do this, in the “Windows Update” window, click on the inscription “Search for updates” (number 1 in Fig. 1). A running green line “Search for updates” will appear (number 1 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Manually check for updates using Windows Update

After some time, the search will end. The search result may be

  • lack of updates,
  • found optional (recommended) updates or
  • Mandatory (important) updates found.

Both required (important) and optional (but recommended) updates can also be searched simultaneously.

Installing Windows 7 updates

In Fig. 4 below shows the Windows Update window after searching for updates, when one optional (recommended) update is found.

Rice. 4. Windows Update window after completing the search for updates, when one optional (recommended) update was found

In the window that opens, check the box (number 1 in Fig. 5) opposite the name of the update (in in this case– this is an update for the program), and then click on the “OK” button (number 2 in Fig. 5):

Rice. 5. Preparing to install the optional update

After this, we will return to the Windows Update window (Fig. 6), where the message “Download and install selected updates” will appear indicating the download size (in this case, it is a small volume, only 417 KB). Here you should click on the “Install updates” button (number 1 in Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Completing preparations for installing the optional update

Immediately after this, the installation of Windows updates will begin. In the window (Fig. 7) the message “Updates are being installed...” will appear (number 1 in Fig. 7). And below it the installation progress will be shown. The installation of updates can be interrupted at any time by clicking on the “Stop installation” button (number 2 in Fig. 7).

But in general, it is not recommended to interrupt the installation of updates. It's best to wait until the installation is complete, although in some cases it may take quite a while long time.

Rice. 7. Performing the Windows update installation procedure

Once the installation is complete, the message “Updates installed successfully” may appear, as shown in Fig. 8. But if there are many updates and they are complex, then you may need to restart the operating system. In this case, a Windows Update window will prompt you to reboot. It is advisable to agree to this and reboot the operating system to finally complete the installation of updates.

Rice. 8. Windows update installation completion window

When restarting the Windows 7 operating system after installing Windows updates, you must not turn off the computer until the installation is complete. full cycle unloading (stopping) the system and then loading the system. This can also take a decent amount of time, but you need to be patient and complete this process in a normal manner without interrupting it halfway.

Also, during a reboot, blue screen messages may appear indicating the progress of installing Windows updates. It will show what percentage of the installation is complete.

As a rule, when you unload the system, updates are installed at 30%, after which the computer turns off for a moment and begins to boot again. During download, updates are already installed 100%, which may also result in messages being displayed on a blue screen.

And yet, why do we need updates?

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Experienced users know that not all operating systems are thoroughly debugged by the time they are released and do not have so-called “holes”. That is why, over time, developers release add-ons and service packs for their products, which should correct all the errors found over time and make life easier for users. This article will tell you how to update Windows - one of the most popular operating systems in the world - to the latest, and therefore the most advanced version.

Depending on the version of the operating system, it is installed on it a certain amount updates released by developers. For example, the still widely used Windows XP received three official service packs, and its predecessor, Windows 2000, received four. Typically after graduation new version operating system, developers from Microsoft offer users to update Windows automatically or manually. For novice users and those who are not very computer savvy, experts recommend carrying out this procedure automatically. But you should remember that this is only available if the PC is connected to the Internet.

On the official website, the latest service packs remain available for download by users even after the release of new operating systems. For example, download and install latest updates for Windows XP on the Microsoft website, despite the fact that after this operating system the company has already presented operating systems called Windows Vista and Windows 7, and very soon they are preparing to launch the very latest Windows 8. Methods for installing the latest update package for up to The still popular Windows XP is described in detail not only on the official website, but also on many other resources on the network. That is why updating Windows is quite simple. You can do this in one of the following ways:

· Update Windows using automatic download from the official website. Having turned it on (you can do this from the control panel), o future fate You don’t have to worry about the installed operating system - the OS itself will contact the official website via an Internet connection and check for new versions of the software. All that is required in this case from the user is to ensure that the computer is connected to the network.

· Manual installation. If your computer is not connected to the Internet, you can install the latest update for Windows XP yourself. To do this, the user needs to download software package called Service Pack 3 from the official website (this can be done from a number of other sources, but there is no guarantee that such an update will be licensed), copy all its files to hard drive your PC and run the installation file (it is called Setup.exe). Before installation, you should make sure that the version of the operating system includes the two previous service packs, so Windows up to latest version only available for previous updates. It should also be taken into account that this update package is not available for the 64-bit version of the “piggy” beloved by many users (this is the nickname that Windows XP received among the people). “Sixty-four-bit devices” will work only with the second update package at least until April 2014, the developers assure.

If your computer was purchased relatively recently, you should think about updating Windows to version seven, since many software developers currently no longer release versions of their products for Windows XP and are completely focused on releasing software for Windows 7.

To check whether your operating system is updated to the latest version, you need to go to the “Properties” of your computer and pay attention to the “System” section. If it already contains the annotation “Service Pack 3,” it means that the OS has already been updated, and you no longer have anything to worry about.

Hello admin! I want to update on my laptop Windows 7 Home Basic to Windows 7 Maximum (Ultimate). How can this be done without completely reinstalling the operating system?Home Basic Seven was installed on my laptop from the store and it is quite flawed in terms of what it doesn’t haveAero Peek, BitLocker, and much more, I can’t even change the wallpaper on it. I tried to update myself, but I got an error"To upgrade from an edition of Windows 7 to another edition of Windows 7, use the Windows Anytime Upgrade program." What is “Windows Anytime Upgrade” and where can I get it?

Hello friends! Our reader is right and Windows 7 Home Basic does not contain quite a lot of functions (network, mobile, enterprise, etc.), which may well be needed by experienced users or professional system administrators, but whether they are useful to the average user, let everyone decide for themselves. In today's article I will show you how to update your operating system without completely reinstalling the operating system. Windows computer 7 Home Basic up to Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate , this is very easy to do, but you must have license keys for Win 7 PRO and Ultimate , if you don’t have them, then I’ll give you mine, I once bought the professional and maximum versions of the seven, these keys are only suitable for updating and will allow you to work in the system without activation for 30 days. I think in 30 days you will activate the OS. After the update, all your installed programs will work, and your personal files will remain in place.Before starting work, I advise you to make a backup copy of the OS.

So, we have a laptop with installed Windows 7 Home Basic.

Download the “Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor” (Windows7UpgradeAdvisorSetup) from the official Microsoft website

if the site is unavailable, then download “Windows Anytime Upgrade” on my cloud storage.

Let's launch the Advisor.

After installation, open the “Start” menu and select “Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor,” which will diagnose our OS to see if we can upgrade to the next version.

"Start checking"

The result of the check says that an upgrade is available to us from Windows 7 Home Basic installed on our PC to Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate.

Now we launch “Windows Anytime Upgrade”.

Click “Enter update key”

Here you must enter your Windows 7 Professional license key. If you don’t have it, then take mine (VTDC3-WM7HP-XMPMX-K4YQ2-WYGJ8), it will be suitable for updating.

The license key is being checked.

We accept the license terms.


The process of updating the system to the PRO version begins.

The update has been successfully completed!

Upgrading Windows 7 Professional to Windows 7 Ultimate

And now our OS can be updated to the Maximum version.

Launch Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor again

"Start checking"

The advisor is not against us updating to the Maximum version of the OS.

Launch “Windows Anytime Upgrade”.

Click “Enter update key”.

You must enter your Windows 7 Ultimate license key. If you don't have it, then use the key (FJGCP-4DFJD-GJY49-VJBQ7-HYRR2).

The license key is being checked.

We accept the license terms.


The process of updating the system to the Ultimate version begins.

As a result, we have Windows 7 Ultimate on our PC.