How to stop biting your lips from the inside. What happens if you bite your lips inside


Hello, my dear girls!) In this article I decided to tell you how to get rid of the habit of biting your nails and lips.

We all know that this is a bad, harmful, ugly habit, but sometimes the brain seems to turn off while the teeth are working ... And something needs to be done about it.

Why do we bite our nails and lips?

There is a belief that if a person bites his nails or constantly bites his lips, it means that he is certainly angry with someone. This is far from always the case.

However, the desire to constantly eat oneself really does not arise from scratch. This is our response to some stimulus .

Why do girls bite their nails, where does this habit come from?

Perhaps a strong feeling, anger, fear, ignorance of how to solve a particular problem, what to do in a particular situation, anxiety, a sense of anxiety or self-doubt, dissatisfaction with life, a feeling of tension, irritation, or any excitement for a good or bad reason made you taste your nails or the skin of your lips for the first time.

People with a stable psyche, who do not have any special problems and lingering experiences, do not bite their nails and do not bite their lips.

Being more emotional than men, we girls are more vulnerable to this habit.

Moreover, the reaction to experiences can be different: someone has a nerve twitching (most often it is an eye, a lip, and it also happens that the nerve starts to twitch in a completely unexpected place), someone chews their hair, someone constantly twists it in their hands some objects, ties and unties strings, puts pencils and pens in his mouth, someone constantly touches his nose, someone chews his cheeks inside the mouth or tongue ... The list can be very long.

And biting nails and lips is perhaps one of the most common reactions to some kind of internal stress.

Why can't you bite your fingernails and lips?

By the way, it’s also not worth standing on your feet) For us, as for girls, it is important to get rid of such habits, because. they negatively affect our image of a feminine and self-confident girl () .

It would seem - a trifle: well, she bit her nail while no one sees, so what ... Well, yes, but the nails are terrible from this! And when the lips are bitten - this is also visible, no matter how you try to hide it with glosses and lipsticks.

Worse yet, habits are those dastardly acts that we sometimes do unconsciously.

You sit with a man in a restaurant, read the menu, chew your lip and do not notice it. Or watch a movie together, and you put your finger in your mouth and like a squirrel: “Ts-ts-ts-ts-ts”, and only you know what happens to the pieces of a bitten nail: do you eat them or spit them out somewhere. A man can only guess about it. It doesn't sound good, but it looks even worse.

In total, I counted as many as three minuses of these bad habits:

  1. minus for appearance (ugly manicure, unkempt lips)
  2. the perception of others around you worsens
  3. your self-confidence decreases (I bet when you bite your nails, you start holding your hands? This is at least ...)

Therefore, it is necessary, necessary and once again necessary to get rid of such habits. And in no case should you console yourself with the thought that no one notices this.

But okay, you understand without me. Let me better tell you a piece of my story, smoothly turning into useful recommendations.

My experience of self-gnawing

As always, I know what I'm talking about, and I know how difficult it is, because I myself was engaged in self-blame in the truest sense of the word.

Of course, I have long understood that biting my nails and lips is harmful, and more than once I thought about how to at least stop biting my fingernails (for some reason they bothered me more than ugly lips). But it was difficult, and I returned to this habit again and again until I saw another girl (this was at the end of school) who suffered the same problem.

Well, although how she “suffered” ... Rather, she selflessly enjoyed eating her lip in the middle of the lesson. I directly saw how strips of skin come off from the lips and disappear into the depths of the mouth ... The sight is not pleasant, and I'm sure that at that time she did not understand what was happening.

Then I firmly decided to stop doing the same thing once and for all. Because it's not pretty. Because I wanted to be feminine and well-groomed, and the malicious habit of biting my nails and lips did not contribute to the realization of my desire, but, on the contrary, interfered and nullified all efforts.

A moment of motivation against a bad habit

No matter how great you look, no matter how beautiful you are, no matter how wonderful and super stylish clothes you wear, the condition of your nails and lips will show people: something is wrong with you .

Even if you skillfully hide and bite your nails and lips only in splendid isolation, their appearance will betray you (). The rest is psychology. As I already said: a man may not understand what exactly scared him off, but his subconscious will notice and analyze the condition of your lips and nails, defining them as suspicious and undesirable.

Of course, bitten lips or nails are not the reason for your loved one to leave you (), and not even the reason that the guy does not offer you to start a romantic relationship. However, there is nothing wrong with the fact that a person wants his partner to at least behave decently in public.

Surely you would not like it if your boyfriend publicly scratched his ass or picked his teeth? Or in the nose? No need to think that chewing nails and lips is less bad than the above, and looks less ugly or less repulsive.

But if scratching your buttocks alone doesn't betray itself, then the sight of bitten nails and lips will let everyone know what you're doing. And you will no longer be able to claim to be called a "well-groomed" girl - if you look in terms of beauty .

Look: the habit of gnawing something flourishes during some kind of internal tension.

But even if you have already dealt with the problem that was the source of anxiety, which, in turn, made you start biting your nails or lips, a bad habit will not go away forever by itself.

Most likely, now with any experiences (without which not a single life of an adult can do), you will return to this habit.

Because the truth is that a habit is a habit, and you can’t just get rid of it. And to unlearn nail biting, you need some tools, psychological, and sometimes material.

Below I give tips on how to get rid of the habit of biting your nails on your hands or biting your lips. All this can be easily done at home.

How to stop biting your nails or biting your lips:

  1. The first step is to understand this thing: through chewing lips or nails, your body gives you a signal: sort it out, please, deal with the problem, otherwise I'm nervous!
  2. The second step, which is logical, is to sit down and analyze what oppresses you, irritates, unnerves, worries. As a rule, every girl, even without psychologists, is able to admit to herself what problems she has. These are the problems that need to be addressed. Of course, it's easy to say, but hard to do. However, we need to go towards this, and in any case we will consider solutions to some problems.
  3. Until the problem is solved, learn to switch attention. Every time you start to get nervous (or if you just notice that your teeth are itching to bite something) - try to change the activity to one that will distract you. It is desirable that this activity involves your hands. And if this is not possible, just remember something very pleasant.
  4. Practice self-control. Every time your teeth itch to chew on something, remember just two things: it's ugly, it's bad. And we want to be beautiful and healthy. A visual example also helps a lot: look at scary pictures on the Internet, how it looks and what happens from it.
  5. The old grandfather's way is to smear your nails with something bitter. Now they make special varnishes against nail biting: once you taste it, you won’t want it again. Buy this polish.
  6. Call on your own greed to help you. Smear your lips with expensive Vichy lip balm, get nail extensions - you don't want to eat your own money, do you?
  7. And one more important tip. If you come across something that at least temporarily increased your motivation to fight a bad habit, save it for yourself in quick access. Are you motivated by scary pictures of consequences? Save them to your phone and review every day. Are you motivated by your friend's cool nails? Look at them more. Did an article or video motivate you? Reread, review.

And watch this video for some more great tips to help you stop biting your nails quickly.

Many people have a bad habit of biting their lips. One such action helps to calm down, while others remove rough skin on the lips.

Causes of a habit

The bad habit of biting your lips does not appear just like that. It can form at any age, but is usually during childhood and adolescence. In most cases, the habit speaks of psychological problems.

The main causes of the habit:

  1. Lack of parental attention. The child receives little love from the parents. He needs his mother's hugs, kisses, praise. He has a bad relationship with his family. Instead of love and affection, he usually gets punished for bad behavior and bickering. In such cases, the child involuntarily begins to lightly bite his lips, and may also gnaw his cheeks from the inside. After some time, this unconscious movement turns into a habit.
  2. Negative emotions. Adults bite their lips or cheeks when they cannot control their emotions. Some are hysterical, and there are those who just silently bite their cheeks in the hope of getting rid of emotional discomfort. The habit can manifest itself when stressed at work. The person reacts too emotionally to this situation. He is overwhelmed by frequent anxiety and, in order to calm down, he bites his lips and cheeks. In this way, he hurts, wanting to quickly bring himself to his senses. Sometimes a person bites his cheeks even while laughing.
  3. Desire to get rid of rough skin. In the cold or strong wind, the lips become weathered. Their surface becomes rough, the skin cracks. This creates some discomfort. As a result, some people gnaw on the flaky crust.

Another reason when cheeks are bitten from the inside is that a person is in thought. Such a simple action helps to keep him focused on the problem and not lose focus. After he has considered all the important questions, the action stops.

If a child had a good, carefree childhood, then he will not have a bad habit of biting his cheeks. Otherwise, you should first find out the cause due to which this disorder was formed, and later try to eliminate it.


Lip biting indicates that a person is very worried, worried, stressed, or experiencing other unpleasant sensations. He has small wounds. The lips begin to become inflamed, and this is fraught with the fact that they begin to react to spicy and salty foods, cold and hot water. This creates an unpleasant sensation of very chapped lips.

Another negative consequence is the possibility of contracting an infection. Micro wounds are an excellent environment for the development of bacteria that lead to skin inflammation. As a result, various diseases can form and actively develop, one of them is cheilitis: an ugly herpes appears, which also worsens the appearance of the lips and face.

For girls, bitten lips are the inability to apply lipstick due to the excessively red border of the lips. Cosmetics will lay down in an uneven layer and further emphasize ugly cracks. This is especially important for women whose professional activities involve communicating with people.


Getting rid of the habit of biting lips is difficult, but real. This will take 10-40 days.

The first thing to do is to find the cause of such a habit. You need to listen to yourself, focus on your behavior. You will notice under what circumstances you start biting your lips. You need to try to control yourself and not make such manipulations.

It is important to learn to control your actions and emotions as well. In moments of strong emotional outbursts and when thoughtful, try to restrain yourself from biting your lips. Remember what are the consequences of this addiction: inflammation, cracks, burning sensation on the lips.

Method name Description
1 Calm lifestyle. Try to protect yourself from stressful situations as much as possible. It is important that positive emotions prevail. If this cannot be avoided, then learn to pleasantly relieve stress. You can go for a relaxing massage, go for spa treatments. At home, it is convenient to carry out aromatherapy, color therapy. Sometimes a regular bath with warm water will help.
2 Reward for successfully overcoming a problem. For any success, you need to reward yourself, especially when fighting a bad habit. Set yourself specific deadlines for which you need to take a certain step towards overcoming the problem. If you managed to hold out, reward yourself with something nice - going to the movies, cafes, etc.
3 Proper care. If the cause of bitten skin is excessively dry lips, then it would be advisable to purchase a moisturizing or nourishing lip balm. It is applied at night, before going out (especially in winter or when the weather is windy) or at any other convenient time, and the balm is also used before painting lips with lipstick so that cracks are less noticeable.
4 Taking vitamins. If the habit of biting lips occurs due to beriberi, then you need to drink a course of vitamins. It is especially important to increase the amount of vitamins A, E and group B. If beriberi happened in winter, you need to introduce more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Vitamin A is found in pumpkin, carrots, sea buckthorn, bell peppers. Vitamin E is present in spinach, eggs, almonds, soy, peas. B vitamins are found in pork and beans.
5 Sedative drugs. Such drugs will help if psychological stress has become the cause of lip biting. Among the most popular remedies are Calm", "Valerian", "Fitosed", "Persen-forte", "Novo-passit", "Corvalol", etc. But buying any of the drugs without consulting a doctor is undesirable. Remember, self-medication can be dangerous!
6 Keep a success diary. This method will help not only get rid of a bad habit, but also raise self-esteem, improve mood and teach you how to achieve goals. Every day you need to set a certain task for yourself and at the end of the day write down the results in a diary. In addition to notes, you can take and attach photos of lips.
7 Dream visualization. Be sure to imagine how beautiful, well-groomed lips should be. To do this, it is better to find a photo of the lips and hang them near the workplace. This will be some motivation.
8 Saying affirmations. These are positive statements that are aimed at getting motivated. They must be compiled independently or found ready-made, printed and hung in a conspicuous place. Another option is to learn by heart. They should inspire, energize and help train willpower.

Folk recipes

Even if a person takes a vitamin course, lips need to be looked after externally. This will help special masks and balms that can be made at home.

The first recipe is an oil-based balm. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • Shea Butter;
  • wax;
  • cacao butter;
  • almond or coconut milk;
  • cocoa powder.

All components are taken in the amount of 1 tsp. First, wax is heated in a water bath, after which it is mixed with all other components. The product is placed in a tube of lipstick or in a small container with which it will be convenient to smear lips, placed in the refrigerator for a day. After that, the product should be applied as needed or when the lips begin to dry out. Shelf life - up to 6 months.

Another recipe is honey balm. Take 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. butter. A prerequisite is liquid honey. The components are not heated, but simply mixed. The product is applied to the lips before going out or before going to bed. It will help to quickly get rid of dry lips, it can be stored for up to 2 months.

Both remedies are harmless and can be used even during pregnancy. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

Help from a specialist

Sometimes you need to see a psychologist. It will help to put in order the nervous system and thoughts in order to find harmony with oneself.

In the treatment of persistent biting of the cheeks or lips, several therapies are used:

  • cognitive behavioral;
  • group;
  • individual;
  • psychoanalysis;

All of them have one goal - to eliminate the cause, due to which the habit of biting lips and cheeks has formed from the inside. The difference is only in the approach to treatment.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis are very similar: the patient is initially asked to think about and answer the following:

  • why I like peeling my lips;
  • how do I feel after this process;
  • Is it getting easier for me?
  • who said it would last forever;
  • what happens if I change this habit to another;
  • do I understand the consequences of my actions, etc.

After that, the doctor asks the patient to imagine a situation that causes him stress. He carefully observes the patient's reaction and the nature of his actions. This will allow you to understand how strongly developed the habit is. After that, the psychologist asks to switch to something more pleasant.

The peculiarity of cognitive-behavioral therapy is that its main part is homework. The doctor may ask the patient to find a hobby in order to learn to distract from problems and psychological stress. It could be:

  • reading an interesting book;
  • playing sports;
  • meditation and yoga;
  • visiting cultural events;
  • travels;
  • communication with other patients, etc.

The purpose of homework is to find yourself and enjoy life. This will have a positive effect on getting rid of the habit, lifestyle and personal growth of the client.

In group classes, in addition to the general pastime, patients are taught breathing techniques. The basic rule is a deep breath through the nose (3–4 s), a slow exhalation through the mouth (2–3 s). Usually 5 breaths are enough to come to your senses.

In addition to a psychologist, a visit to a dermatologist and cosmetologist is mandatory. Specialists will prescribe a certain course of vitamin preparations, give useful advice on how lip care should be.

The beautician will help change the appearance of the lips, and the psychologist will help to put things in order in the head, thoughts and soul.


The habit of biting lips and cheeks is the result of psychological stress, a long stay in stress. This can be formed both in childhood and at a conscious age. A vitamin course, affirmations, keeping a diary of success, etc. will help get rid of this habit. The main thing is to visit a beautician, dermatologist and psychologist.

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Do you have a bad habit of biting your lips? You are probably doing this because they are dry and cracked. Good lip care will keep them smooth and supple so you don't have to bite them again. With lip exfoliation, lip hydration, and some lifestyle changes that promote healthy skin, you'll make your lips beautiful and kick lip biting forever.


Part 1

Moisturize lips

    Work on moisturizing your lips instead of biting them. Are you unknowingly biting into the dead skin that has gathered on your lips? When you feel a small piece of skin peel off, it's impossible to resist taking a bite. However, biting your lips doesn't actually make them less dry or healthier. Instead of biting off bits of skin, put that energy into better lip health. The result is soft, dead skin-free lips that look great, not rough-looking lips with blood at the bites.

    Massage your lips with a toothbrush. Wet your lips with warm water, and then use a clean toothbrush to massage them in circular motions. This will remove the accumulated dry, dead skin that is causing the lips to flake and become chapped. While lip biting often removes too much skin, resulting in bleeding, toothbrushing only removes the top layer of dead skin and does not touch the protective layer of the lips.

    • A clean washcloth is another good option for lip massage. But be sure to use a new washcloth, as bacteria can live in the old one.
    • Don't brush your lips too hard. If after such a massage your lips are still a little rough, it's okay, this is normal. You may need more than one session to completely get rid of dead skin.
  1. Try a sugar scrub. This is a great option if your lips are very chapped and sore as it is slightly gentler than brushing. Make a simple mixture of one teaspoon of sugar and one teaspoon of honey. Apply a small amount to lips and massage gently with fingers. This will remove the top layer of dead skin without damaging the bottom layer. When finished, rinse off the scrub with warm water.

    Apply an emollient lip balm. An emollient balm is a substance that retains moisture in the skin and protects it from drying out. When your lips are extremely dry and chapped, a regular lip balm may not be enough to heal them. Look for a product that contains one of the following emollients as its main ingredient:

    • Shea Butter
    • Coconut oil
    • Jojoba oil
    • avocado oil
    • Rosehip oil
  2. Repeat the above steps until your lips are free of dry skin. It may take more than one session of moisturizing to restore lips to their previous shape. Repeat the lip exfoliation process every few days. Between sessions, apply emollient to lips throughout the day and at night. Do not repeat the process more than once a day as this may cause skin irritation.

    Protect your lips throughout the night. Do you often wake up with dry lips? The reason for this may be an open mouth during sleep. If you breathe through your mouth all night, your lips can dry out quickly. While changing your breathing habits can be difficult, you can still fix the problem by protecting your lips overnight. Remember to apply lip balm every night before bed to wake up with hydrated, not chapped lips.

    Drink plenty of water. Dry, chapped lips are often a side effect of dehydration. You may not be drinking enough water throughout the day. Drink whenever you feel thirsty, and try to replace coffee and soda with plain water whenever possible. After a few days, your lips will become softer and more hydrated.

    • Alcohol is a notorious dehydrator. If you frequently wake up with chapped lips, try cutting out alcohol a few hours before bed and drinking plenty of water before you go to bed.
    • Carry a bottle of water with you throughout the day so you can always drink when you feel thirsty.
  3. Try using a humidifier. If you have naturally dry skin, a humidifier can be a lifesaver, especially during winter. It moisturizes dry air so that the latter does less damage to your skin. Install a humidifier in your bedroom and see if you can feel a difference in a few days.

Part 3

Making lifestyle changes

    Eat less salt. Salt builds up on the lips and can cause them to dry out quickly. Changing your diet, reducing the amount of salt in it, can greatly affect the texture of your lips. If you do consume salty foods, rinse your lips with lukewarm water afterwards to remove the salt from them.

    Do not smoke. Smoking is very harmful to the lips, causing dryness and irritation. If you're a smoker, there are many good reasons to kick the habit, and healthy lips are one of them. Try to keep smoking as low as possible to protect your lips from damage.

    Protect your lips from sun exposure. Just like all other skin, lips are susceptible to sun damage. Wear a lip balm with an SPF of 15 or higher to protect your lips from sunburn.

    Cover your face in cold or dry weather. Nothing can make your lips look as dry and chapped as cold, dry winter air. If you are more prone to biting your lips in winter than in summer, then he will be the reason. Try pulling up a scarf and covering your mouth with it when you go outside in winter to protect your lips from the cold.

Every third person knows the eternal problem - biting your lips. There are many ways to overcome the bad habit of biting your lips, and in this matter you need to take a serious approach. Psychologists assess this situation as an internal disorder, which means that even more attention should be paid to this.

Consider Your Actions

To unlearn biting lips and cheeks, you need to catch yourself in the “crime” and understand in what cases the action takes place, whether it is reading an exciting book, or hard work while sitting at the computer. It is necessary to believe in yourself, in your willpower, because the ultimate goal deserves effort. Try some methods of struggle, and the result will not be long in coming.

Calm, only calm

Learn to calm yourself. Most people, it is in stressful situations, break down and begin to greedily absorb their lips. You don't need to do this. Relax, lean back in a chair, or even better on a sofa, take a deep breath in with a full chest of air, and exhale. Repeat this procedure several times, while remembering the pleasant moments of life, because positive thoughts treat absolutely everything.

Lips should not be dry

Avoid dry lips. Use hygienic lipstick, which is suitable for absolutely everyone, but if this does not help, grandmother's recipes will be just right. Mustard - spread on the lips and after it the desire to feast on the lips will certainly disappear.

Eloquent speech

If the urge to bite your lips has not disappeared, a great method is to talk. Let it be a dialogue with colleagues, relatives, acquaintances, and if you are alone with yourself - stand in front of a mirror, remember verses, and even better a tongue twister.

Replace with candy

Look for an alternative, like candy, peanuts are a great substitute. Most importantly, do not get carried away too much, if the result turned out to be positive, you need to gradually limit yourself in these products.

The problem is stronger than the desire

If none of the methods helped, then the bad habit is deeper than we would like. There is no need to be afraid of specialists, it is necessary to make an appointment with a qualified doctor, whether it be a psychologist or a neurologist, and by joint efforts this bad habit of biting the lips inside will remain in the past.

The path to success is your path

Each person is individual in his own way, and these are far from all ways. The main desire to fight, find your recipe for treatment, win, set a goal in front of you and follow it with your head held high, most importantly, believe in yourself, and in no case go astray.


Almost everyone has at least one bad habit. It can be anything: nighttime overeating, the habit of fiddling with something in your hands (compulsive movement syndrome), sitting cross-legged. Some habits are acquired from childhood, and some we acquire in the course of life. Today we will talk about the habit of biting lips. People are prone to this bad habit at any age. Why does it occur, what is the reason for its appearance? Does it harm our body? So, is it worth getting rid of? Trying to understand with website

What does lip biting mean

Bad habits do not appear out of nowhere, they all have a basis. Most often, their roots go deep into childhood and are psychological in nature. So psychological habits (nail biting, lip biting, asking questions, etc.) become part of our nature and everyday behavior. Most often, we do not notice them until they begin to interfere with our image, health, work, communication with others.

What does the habit of biting lips mean? It manifests itself in people who lack love, attention and tenderness, especially in childhood. She also betrays self-doubt, the desire to be like her ideal. This is a subconscious desire to find what a person lacks in everyday life.

In adulthood, it can occur if we constantly experience stress at work, overreact to situations emotionally, we are "jammed" by a constant feeling of anxiety and a very deep thought process.

What are the consequences if you bite your lips?

In addition to the fact that you constantly make the same obsessive movement, purely aesthetically, the habit of biting your lips looks extremely unsympathetic.

Outwardly bitten lips do not look very attractive. The upper part of the skin is flaky, the lips often crack and cause discomfort to their owner. They become inflamed, quickly react to temperature changes, sour, salty and spicy foods. It gives the impression of severely inflamed and chapped lips.

Since the skin on the lips is very delicate, the appearance of small mimic wrinkles around is not excluded. And this is a very unpleasant story, especially for women.

Even in building a career, a neat appearance and a well-groomed face are already part of success. If you were not motivated to break this habit by taking care of your own health, then surely the inability to achieve your goal because of such a nuisance will make you think and take the necessary steps.

Do I need to get rid of bad habits?

Is it possible to get rid of this negative addiction? Of course, it is possible, in addition, it is necessary and even necessary to do this.

How to get rid of this problem? First of all, you need to find the cause of this action. Listen to yourself, observe yourself carefully, it is possible that you yourself will be able to catch those moments when you start biting your lips and focus your attention on this situation.

If it worked out, try to control your behavior at these moments, and forcibly stop the process. If it didn’t work out, you can contact a specialist (psychologist or psychotherapist), he will help you determine where the legs of this habit “grow from”.

Try to motivate yourself in the fight against compulsive actions, try these methods:

  • Treat yourself to something nice if you managed to get some scheduled time without biting your lips. Do not scold yourself and do not get angry, the emotional background should only be friendly for you. Treat yourself to a home spa, relaxation massage, and other relaxing treatments.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals also affects the skin of the lips. Specially selected complexes will help to tidy up the skin and they will stop peeling and flaking.
  • You may need sedatives if your behavior is related specifically to a psychological factor. To calm the nervous system, put thoughts in order, find harmony with oneself is a necessary condition for a healthy life. Contact a specialist, a neurologist, for an appointment.
  • Take care of the health of the skin of the lips directly - use creams, hygienic lipsticks, balms. It is necessary that the lips are always well-groomed and soft.

In any case, it all depends on our desire. Set a goal - strive for it, and the result will not keep you waiting. Smile with healthy lips website.