Butakov furnaces: Student, Engineer, Professor. Furnace Professor Butakov - Engineer: design features and recommendations for proper use Butakov stove from a gas cylinder

In Russia, the stoves developed by Professor Butakov are in great demand. Distinctive feature heating apparatus is what it is short term warms up room with a large area, while fuel consumption is minimal. The equipment has good aesthetic characteristics, so it will not spoil the appearance of the room. Such a design you can do it yourself.


The furnace includes convection pipes, which are installed according to the diagram. Unlike its analogues, the Butakov furnace has greater heat output.

The device consists of simple parts:

  • ash pan;
  • fuel compartment;
  • grate;
  • chimney;
  • pipes for air flow circulation.

To make the most of thermal energy, the fuel compartment is made in the shape of a parallelepiped. The pipe for this section should only be fixed vertically. On the pipe for air circulation, at a height of 12 centimeters from the footrests, you need to make horizontal cuts. This is necessary to ensure that air enters the generator.

Also in the oven there must be an ash pit, in which combustion waste is collected. One bookmark is enough for approximately 10 hours of heating the room. Also, the duration of work depends on a certain heating unit models.


Compared to other heating analogues, this type of stove has many advantages. First of all, it should be noted that fuel consumption is almost half as much as compared to a brick structure. And if compared with, consumption is twelve times less. The stove can be heated with anything: cardboard, paper, peat, coal.

Types of stoves

Butakov devices are produced in several models. It is important to note that all furnace options operate on the same principle and also have same design. Models differ in power, dimensions, number of pipes. Therefore, you can easily choose a unit for any room. Existing models:

  • “Gymnasium student.” This design is no longer available in industrial scale, because it is ineffective.
  • "Student". The stove can heat a room with area 150 m3. Is excellent option for residential premises.
  • Model “Engineer”. The design is capable heat 250 m3.
  • “Associate Professor” is designed for a room with area 500 m3.
  • “Professor” will heat 1000 m3.
  • "Academician".

On some designs it is installed hob for cooking.

Read also: Swedish oven: features and manufacture

Oven “Student”

This heating apparatus is the best option for residential premises, as it has small dimensions, attractive appearance, and is capable of heating a large room. The weight of the structure is 70 kilograms, fuel compartment equals 60 liters.

Traditional units have a double combustion door, the outer door acts as protection. The “Student” design is provided with a special door made of cast iron with a viewing window made of fire-resistant glass. It should be noted that over time the window will turn black, so it may not be installed.

The unit can purchase ready-made with the necessary components. Depending on the store, this stove may cost, approximately 20,000 rubles.

Installation of the “Student” stove

The structure can be assembled with your own hands, in several stages:

  • First of all, it is recommended to prepare an assembly drawing or download ready-made option on the Internet. This will make the job easier.
  • Then you should prepare a place for the structure. The surface of the floor and walls must be finished with fire-resistant materials.
  • Decide on pipe outlet section. Then make a hole in the ceiling, which is covered with non-combustible materials.
  • The unit is then installed on prepared stand.
  • Mounted using sealant all pipes in series. It is recommended to purchase sandwich pipes that prevent the formation of condensation and the penetration of smoke into the room.
  • A special “skirt” needs to be made on the outside of the pipe.

If the Student design is installed on a small distance from wooden parts and surfaces, then the walls must be covered with asbestos cardboard. It is recommended to fix galvanized sheets on top.

You need to carefully make a hole for the pipe in the ceiling. It should be a few centimeters larger diameter chimney. The hole made must also be covered with fireproof materials, since this area is dangerous. The “Student” oven does not contain a water tank, but if necessary hot water in the house, you can additionally buy the necessary capacity. To do this, you need to carefully connect the pipes, container and gate. All joints must be carefully sealed.

After all the components of the device “ Student" will be collected, you need to check the stove and light it. It should be noted that the first ignition involves a lot of smoke in the room, as paints and various oils will fade. Therefore, it is recommended to start the heater for the first time spend on outdoors . If no defects are found, then the “Student” structure can be installed in the room.

Read also: Metal furnaces for a wood-burning house

Furnace “Engineer”

At the beginning of the century, Professor Butakov developed new model heating device. This unit is in demand among the population. The stove is capable of heating a room with an area of ​​up to 2500 m3. Can be used as fuel use firewood, cardboard, peat and coal. The oven operates at a temperature range -55 – +40 degrees. Small dimensions allow you to install the structure in any convenient place.

“Engineer” is used for heating of residential premises, garages, greenhouses, industrial warehouses, small stations. It should be noted that this stove model has a high price - more 30,000 rubles. You can make such a stove with your own hands.

Furnace design:

  • body with two cameras;
  • required number of built-in pipes;
  • grate;
  • firebox;
  • ash pan;
  • eyeliner

It is important to note that the fuel in the device does not burn, but smolders slowly, which allows you to save fuel consumption and increase the degree of heat transfer. The internal temperature should not exceed 350 degrees. The first start should take about two hours in combustion mode.

Advantages of the “Engineer” device:

  • heats a large room;
  • one fill of fuel is enough for 10 hours;
  • convection pipes increase the coefficient useful action;
  • heats up evenly;
  • Thanks to the ash pan, the box can be cleaned at any time.

Disadvantages of the unit:

  • excess air enters the oven through the ash pan;
  • to clean DIY pipe, it is necessary to disassemble it into sections;
  • front panel over time undergoes deformation.

Oven installation process:

  1. Pick up suitable place for installation, cover the floor with asbestos and a 10-mm metal sheet.
  2. If there are walls nearby, then they also need to be insulated using.
  3. Place a sheet in front of the unit made of metal.
  4. Insulate the hole in the ceiling.
  5. It is recommended to install the stove on a brick stand.
  6. Connect all sections of pipes and lead them outside.
  7. The chimney must be on the roof at a height of at least 50 centimeters.

Oven with water circuit

It is not necessary to assemble the oven yourself; you can purchase a ready-made one option from the developer Butakov.


  • Despite the fact that you have to tinker with the water circuit, such a stove is much cheaper than autonomous heating.
  • The device can be connected to another heating system.
  • Usage various types solid fuel.
  • Excellent aesthetic qualities.

Oddly enough, some are still heated with wood and coal. And this is not exotic, not the desire to see a real “live” fire, but the most banal necessity. Not carried out in all regions of Russia natural gas, and for most summer residents this is a completely unrealistic dream. This is precisely why the question of finding solid fuel equipment that produces maximum efficiency with a minimum of funds is urgent.

One such example is Professor Butakov’s furnace, based on the principle of gas generation (pyrolysis), which makes it possible to significantly reduce fuel consumption. So, for example, a house of 100 sq.m. you can warm up for a day with just three stacks of firewood. In this article we will tell you how to make a Butakov stove with your own hands and what you will need for this, because compared to the same Buleryan, this stove looks much more presentable. And the glass door with dancing flames adds a special charm.

High heat transfer, economical fuel consumption and exterior design- these three comparisons, which show how Butakov’s oven is more effective and in demand among consumers.


What causes fuel savings under the condition of similar heat transfer and why is such a stove more efficient? There are 4 main reasons for this:

  • The principle of pyrolysis is the process of slow combustion, even smoldering, of fuel with minimal access to oxygen. At the same time it stands out large number flue gas, which, when mixed with air, burns, releasing an additional amount of thermal energy;
  • 3-5 convective tubes, thereby increasing the heat transfer coefficient from each connected point;
  • the outlet of the pipe for connecting the pipe that removes combustion products - when the resin is heated, tar and other condensate collect in the firebox, where they burn;
  • replaceable grate.

The use of an additional outlet pipe allows you to solve the main problem of pyrolysis furnaces - condensate leakage.

In order to clearly depict the main advantage of the stove - fuel economy, we will give an example. With an equal volume of fuel, a potbelly stove burns for 1 hour, a standard solid fuel boiler - 3-4 hours, a Butakov stove - 10-12 hours.

It is noteworthy that the stove is based on an improved design of a potbelly stove, the most common among owners of dachas and.


Among the main disadvantages of this type of unit is the inconvenient mechanical cleaning pipeline. In order to get into the pipe, you have to clean it from the roof using special cables. In some designs, to save heat, the chimney is made with turns, which makes cleaning much more difficult. The way out of this situation is to install a finished or hand-made Butakov furnace on a high foundation so that it can be removed and the pipeline can be opened.

The second, no less problematic drawback is that the metal walls of the furnace during operation become heated, if not red-hot, but to a dangerous state. Health and fire safety precautions must be observed during operation.

Design Features

The oven consists of the following elements:

  • 2 combustion chambers - for solid fuel and pyrolysis gases;
  • grate separating the chambers and promoting air convection;
  • ash pan;
  • convection pipes;
  • chimney pipe;
  • hob- as a type of oven.

A retractable ash pan allows you to get rid of combustion products without even stopping the operation of the stove.

Convective pipes provide additional outlet of warm air into the room, which increases the heat transfer coefficient.

The chimney pipe is installed strictly vertically so that all combustion products flow back into the firebox and burn out to the end.

The firebox door is equipped with a convector and also generates heat.

Replaceable grate - if you need to quickly warm up the room or increase the heating temperature, you should install an enlarged grate. The standard one is used in the normal stable mode of uniform heating of the house.

The appearance of excess water condensate is a problem with all pyrolysis furnaces. To reduce its amount, use only completely dry firewood.

Operating principle of the furnace

This parameter largely coincides with other pyrolysis boilers. Cold air is sucked through holes in the housing into the space between the housing and the combustion chamber. Passing through the entire structure, it heats up and goes outside into the room through the pipes. Then the air cools, falls down and is drawn back into the boiler.

Photo 4 Operating principle

At this time, solid fuel burns in the firebox. It can be firewood, eurowood, pellets, braces, coal, etc. With limited air access, the fuel does not burn, but smolders. Next, it decomposes into solid sediment and flue gas, while the sediment burns out, the gas passes into another chamber (above the firebox) and, mixed with air, burns to the end, releasing additional thermal energy.

In other words, heat in the Butakov furnace comes from three sources at once - fuel, gas and convection.

Despite the fact that this principle duplicates the basis of operation of most pyrolysis units, Professor Butakov eliminated the main disadvantages, thanks to which the calorific value reached a high 90% return.


In total, there are 4 main types of units, each of which operates on an identical basis and produces the same 90% of thermal energy. The difference lies in the size and, accordingly, the ability to heat the corresponding area of ​​​​the room.

Photo 5 Types of ovens "Professor Butakov"

  • Gymnasium student - power 6 kW, heating area 100 sq.m;
  • Student - 9 kW; 150 sq.m.;
  • Engineer 15 kW; 250 sq.m;
  • Associate Professor 25 kW; 500 sq.m;
  • Professor 40 kW; 1000 sq.m;
  • Academician 55 kW, from 1200 sq.m.

Photo 6 Technical indicators of different models

Since Butakov was a teacher (subject - heating engineering), he divided all his stoves into student categories.

At the same time, some models, in particular, Engineer and Student, are produced simultaneously in three modifications:

  • air-heating wood-burning;
  • water heating wood;
  • carbonic.

In order to make a convection oven yourself, you will need a regular iron barrel. It is, of course, better to use a metal sheet with a diameter of 10 mm, which is welded into a cylinder.

Photo 7 Drawing of the Butakov furnace (enlarges by clicking on the picture)

Required tools and materials:

  • electric arc welding and electrodes;
  • grinder and 1 metal circle;
  • chisel;
  • metal sheet 4 and 10 mm;
  • threaded stud;
  • pipe with a diameter of 100 mm;

So, cut a rectangle from a 10 mm sheet and weld it into a cylinder. Next, all elements will be built on this pipe.

Now let's move on to the draft regulator.

We assemble both afterburning injectors.

Brew the front side with a similar lid and check the pressure. The drum must be completely sealed.

Weld the sidewalls under the side convection tubes + rear pipe deflectors.

Weld the sheet of the rear convection pipe.

Weld the front supporting frame For a door made of pipe, use a grinder to cut out windows.

You make a seal on the doors from asbestos and weld on a reflective plate. If this is not done, over time the door will move and will not close tightly.

You should press the handle in the center, and not along the edges, as some masters suggest

Ash drawer with airflow regulation.

The Butakov convection oven is ready with your own hands.

If everything is done as indicated, then the walls of the oven will not heat up - they will become very warm, but not hot. Pay attention to the photo - how close the butakovka is to the wall without the risk of scorching switches or trim

  1. A 10 mm sheet should be used for the oven body, and for the front and rear walls- 4 mm
  2. It is not recommended to use fire-resistant adhesives and other compounds to fasten asbestos cords. It is enough to insert it into the prepared connector with the edges bent inward. And it will hold up great.
  3. The finished stove should be placed on a high pedestal to make it convenient to clean the chimney - when removed, the pipe opens.

As you can see, making a Butakov stove with your own hands is not difficult. In general, you can spend 2-3 days on this and you can save 200-300 dollars.

Autumn winter period For residents of the private sector and summer residents, it is traditionally considered a difficult time of year. And the main problem, in the absence central heating, invariably is preparation for the heating season.

Comfort and warmth on frosty and long winter evenings will be provided by economical and efficient heating devices - Professor Butakov’s stoves.

General information

The range of heaters is presented in five types:

  1. Associate Professor
  2. High school student.
  3. Professor.

According to numerous reviews from ordinary people, the Professor heating boiler is the most profitable in its category.

The “Professor” stove has an unsurpassed design and is designed for heating air in large rooms: for summer cottages, production facilities, and warehouses.

Design features

This model refers to and consists of the following elements:

  1. Combustion compartment. It is designed from two chambers – afterburning and gasification.
  2. Ash part. This is where fuel residues accumulate.
  3. Grate – supplies air to the gas combustion zone.
  4. Convection pipes. They also heat the air. They give a start to the free circulation of air masses.

Important to know: The Professor stove is adapted only for operation in a state of smoldering fuel. It is strictly forbidden to heat the heat supply surfaces of the device above 350°C.

Using a heat remover, you can direct heated heat from the convection tubes of the furnace air flow to the adjacent rooms. Warm air is distributed using aluminum corrugation. The heat extractor is mounted on the side of the heater.

Installation rules

The installation of the heating device should be entrusted to specialists, but if you follow certain instructions, you can install the stove yourself.

The sequence of actions for installing the heating device is as follows:

  • the place where the stove will be installed is covered metal sheets on 10 mm asbestos cardboard;
  • wall areas located next to the boiler are fenced off with asbestos cardboard or plastered to a height of 25 cm above the level of the unit;
  • a metal plate (70.0 x 50.0 cm) is placed in front of the stove;
  • cut and insulate the opening for the chimney;
  • the chimney must exceed the roof level by 50.0 cm;
  • the part of the chimney that goes outside and will interact with cold air in winter must be wrapped in thermal insulation material.


Of the entire range of Butakov heaters, the Professor stove is the most powerful.

The engineering parameters speak for themselves:

  • the volume of the heated room is about 1000 m³;
  • maximum power – 40 kW;
  • efficiency – 85%;
  • dimensions (L x W x H) – 1110x670x1250 mm;
  • unit weight – 57 kilograms;
  • firebox range – 400 liters;
  • chimney diameter – 20 cm;
  • The minimum height of the chimney pipe is 8.0 m.

The average cost of this model, depending on the variety, is approximately 32.5 thousand rubles.

Please note: Butakov's wood-burning convection ovens easily cope with the condensate that forms - it flows down the pipe into the firebox and burns out there.

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

Like everyone else technical devices, the Professor oven has its own specific advantages and disadvantages.

TO undeniable advantages of this heating device include:

  1. Absence negative impact on environment and man. Design feature The fuel chamber creates conditions for complete burnout of the fuel used. That's why harmful substances and no combustion waste is observed.
  2. Any detail of the design of such a furnace is endowed with high functionality and helps to increase efficiency.
  3. High fire safety is based on two circumstances - the absence of flame in open form and fuel smoldering (incomplete combustion).
  4. High-quality materials used to make the body of the heating device and the hermetic design of the firebox ensure excellent reliability.
  5. One portion of fuel provides a long operating cycle - from 8 to 12 hours.
  6. These heaters occupy small space indoors thanks to optimal dimensions.
  7. The extended service life, combined with an affordable price, is a good recommendation for purchasing and using the stove.

Butakov’s brainchild, the “Professor” stove, has certain disadvantages that do not have a significant effect on the process of heating the room:

  1. There is a risk of burns from the extremely hot housing.
  2. Increased dehumidification of the air space during the heating process requires artificial, forced humidification of the air in the room.
  3. Short-term cooling of the combustion chamber leads to a rapid decrease in the temperature in the room.

The decision was made to heat own house or industrial premises with the heating device “Professor” will not allow you to experience disappointment when choosing this model. And the stove’s undemanding nature when it comes to types of fuel will allow you not to bother with just one type of fuel.

Watch the video in which the user shares his impressions of the operation of the furnace Professor Butakov Associate Professor:

Today there is a wide range of modern heating equipment, running on gas and earth energy ( heat pumps) - these are perhaps the most economical ways to heat a house. However, the good old wood and coal stoves still occupy their rightful place among heating devices. One of the most economical devices in its class is the heating stove of Professor Butakov.

Air heating boiler "Professor Butakov" model Student.

This uniquely designed oven is designed to efficiently air heating various rooms: private houses and cottages, garages, greenhouses, industrial, warehouse and basement premises.

History of the Butakov furnace

The first sample of this design was manufactured in the second half of 2002 in the Novosibirsk region. A few months later, the sample received all the necessary certificates, and at the end of 2004 a patent for the invention was received (patent number 2242679). The author of the design is heating engineer E.Yu. Zubkevich, who named his design in honor of his grandfather’s brother, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S.E. Butakova.

A year later, in October 2003, Zubkevich entered into an agreement with the Termofor company, which took over the production and sale of products. However, cooperation was suspended in 2008.

Design and principle of operation

The operating principle of Professor Butakov’s heating stoves is based on the convection process ( warm air always goes up). The principle is the same as that of the stove, the only difference (besides appearance), lies in the presence of “Butakovo” stoves with a grate (grid). It was the Buleryan stove that was taken as the basis when creating a new design.

The heat-resistant cast-iron grate protects the bottom of the firebox from premature burnout; it is the grate that is most susceptible to fire. If the grate burns out, it can be easily replaced with a new one.

Note! For Bureryan, the role of the grate is played by ash, which must be at the bottom of the firebox. The firewood burns directly on the ash.

The grate ensures uniform combustion over the entire area of ​​the firebox and also controls the air supply. Thanks to this, you can increase the air supply to the firebox, thereby accelerating the heating of the room.

Through the grate, combustion residual products enter the ash compartment, from where they are subsequently cleaned out. Cleaning can be carried out directly while the furnace is operating, which allows the use of fuel with highly educated soot Intense combustion is used to burn off accumulated soot.

The ash compartment is equipped with a valve, thanks to which you can regulate the volume of air entering the firebox.

Important! The oven is designed to operate in smoldering mode. Prolonged operation of the unit at temperatures above +350°C is not allowed.

The design of Butakov heating stoves consists of a welded steel body with built-in pipes, which play a key role in the entire structure, it is through them that the convection process is carried out. Cold air is drawn in through the lower part of the pipes, then passing along the body it is heated, and the already hot air exits through top part pipes The heated air quickly spreads throughout the heated room, which allows you to bring the temperature to a comfortable level in a short time. For greater efficiency, convection pipes are also located at the front and rear of the oven body.

Firewood, as well as various briquettes and pellets are used as fuel.

The upper part of the body can be used for cooking and heating water. On average, 1 liter of water heats up in 10-15 minutes.

Advice! The furnace body is coated with silicone paint and industrial oils, which emit when heated bad smell. Therefore, it is recommended to do the first heating of all rooms (1-2 hours in combustion mode). During subsequent kindlings, an unpleasant odor will not appear.

All model range Butakova has ovens beautiful design, which will suit almost any interior.

High school student

Model "Gymnasium student"

A distinctive feature of this model is that it is a heating and cooking unit. A special cooking stove is installed in the upper part of the body (modifications “Gimnasist-2” (with a cooking plate and a total weight of 49 kg and a power of 8 kW) and “Gimnasist-3” (with a cooking circle and a total weight of 34 kg)), which is absent in other models. However, the lack hobs does not mean that other models cannot be used for cooking and boiling water.

The chimney outlet is located in the upper part of the body, which saves space in the room. However, this design has significant shortcomings: condensate and soot fall directly into the furnace;

It is inconvenient to clean the chimney, because... Each time you have to take it out of the oven, which is quite problematic.

The Gymnasist-1 modification features a design without a hob.


  • Power - 5 kW
  • Efficiency - 85%
  • The size of the heated room is 50-100 m³
  • Weight - 34 kg
  • Dimensions - 400x500x500 mm
  • Wall thickness - 2.5 mm
  • Firebox volume - 60 l
  • Chimney pipe diameter - 115 mm
  • The cost, depending on the modification, is from 4800 to 6800 rubles.

Model "Student".


One of the most common models, ideal for summer cottages and small private houses, as well as for well-insulated larger private houses. The heating stove of Professor Butakov Student has an increased diameter of pipes, as well as a smaller thickness of their walls, which allows for increased heat transfer, because The “live” cross section for air movement through the pipes increases in this case from 35% to 70%.

The chimney outlet is located at the rear of the housing and is attached through a tee. This constructive solution allows without disconnecting it from the oven. To begin cleaning, you only need to disconnect the removable bottom of the tee. In addition, condensation and soot fall into the tee, and not into the oven itself, like in the Gimnasist. The tee is equipped with a valve, thanks to which you can adjust the draft. The bottom of the tee is equipped with a special fitting for removing condensate.


  • Power - 9 kW
  • Efficiency - 85%
  • The size of the heated room is 150 m³
  • Weight - 57 kg
  • Dimensions - 370x545x650 mm
  • Firebox volume - 74 l

There are 3 modifications of this model:

  • wood-burning with a metal door, price - 11,900 rubles;
  • coal with a metal door, price - 12,800 rubles;
  • with a cast iron door with built-in glass, price - 13,900 rubles.


Model "Engineer"

It is the most popular model from the entire model range, because... ideal for private houses and cottages, as well as for small industrial premises. Just like the “Student”, the “Engineer” design consists of convective pipes of increased diameter with thinner walls, which also significantly increases the heat transfer of the furnace.


  • Power - 15 kW
  • Efficiency - 85%
  • The size of the heated room is 250 m³
  • Weight - 75 kg
  • Dimensions - 440x645x800 mm
  • Firebox volume - 120 l
  • Chimney pipe diameter - 120 mm
  • Cost - wood: 16,000 rubles; coal: 16,700 rubles; with glass door: 17,700 rub.

Associate Professor

Model "Associate Professor"

This model is mainly used for heating warehouses and industrial premises, as well as large private houses.


  • Power - 25 kW
  • Efficiency - 85%
  • The size of the heated room is 500 m³
  • Weight - 143 kg
  • Dimensions - 570x800x1000 mm
  • Firebox volume - 250 l
  • Chimney pipe diameter - 150 mm
  • Cost - from 28,000 rubles


Model "Professor"

The most powerful oven in the entire range.


  • Power - 40 kW
  • Efficiency - 85%
  • The size of the heated room is 1000 m³
  • Weight - 57 kg
  • Dimensions - 670x1110x1250 mm
  • Chimney pipe diameter - 200 mm
  • Cost depending on modification - from 32,500 rubles.

How to choose?

When selecting a model heating stove Butakov should pay attention to the following points:

  • The area of ​​the heated room. If you have a small country house or a small greenhouse, it is accordingly better to take the “Gymnasium student” or “Student” models. There is no point in overpaying for the stove itself and for the fuel when using it.
  • Equipment. Each model has modifications that differ slightly from each other: type of fuel; the presence of a thermomanometer or heat-resistant glass on the door.
  • Chimney diameter.


There are no particular difficulties in installing Professor Butakov’s furnace, but it is necessary to observe certain rules primarily related to fire safety. The main attention should be paid to the chimney, which must be sealed, level and thermally insulated, as well as the location of the boiler and its isolation from combustible materials. In many ways, the installation is similar to Buleryan’s installation.

So, installation is carried out in the following sequence:

Important! All chimney pipe joints must be sealed with heat-resistant sealant.

  • Determine the location of the passage in the roof.
  • Make a hole in the roof and install the remaining parts of the chimney. The chimney pipe should rise 500 mm above the ridge. Moreover, the part of the chimney located outside the heated room (located in conditions subzero temperatures) must be thermally insulated with a material capable of withstanding temperatures of +400°C. Ideal option is the installation of the so-called .
  • Insulate the hole in the roof with basalt wool.
  • The space around the stove can be lined with bricks or other non-combustible material.


Winter has always been a very difficult time of year for summer residents or people who live in private houses. First of all, you need to take care of preparing for heating season, if there is no central heating. A good stove for a summer house will not let you freeze on cold winter evenings. But the old ordinary stoves for heating the house have long served their purpose. It's time to replace them with new ones and effective means heating, and Professor Butakov’s stoves will help with this.

Who is Professor Butakov?

Professor Butakov previously successfully taught at the Ural Polytechnic Institute. His works were mainly aimed at the field of heat supply and ventilation. He published several works and monographs on these topics. He is famous for the fact that thanks to his knowledge, the professor was able to create an almost ideal stove for a summer house or country house, which could heat the room for a long time and efficiently.

What is a Butakov oven?

What is the Butakov oven and why was it called that? All Professor Butakov's furnaces operate on the same principle. Because of this, they were all included in one class of gas generator furnaces.

Butakov is not the creator of the very principle by which his invention works. This law was known even earlier. So why then was the stove named after him? The professor worked hard and studied the processes occurring during combustion. He examined many other examples of the same stoves and put all the advantages together. Professor Butakov's stoves were adopted from others only positive aspects, which make them so effective and popular among the common population.

Why are Butakovites so good?

The most important advantage is, of course, the economy of this class. The fuel consumption of gas generator furnaces is much less than that of conventional ones. In some models, the efficiency factor reaches eighty-five percent. For all its efficiency and economy, this furnace also has modest parameters. All these qualities make her very popular.

Where can a Butakov stove be installed?

The possibilities of Professor Butakov's furnace are almost limitless. The only thing is that it cannot be installed in an apartment, because it requires a good ventilation pipe. Full-fledged, like at the dacha, ventilation pipe you won't install it.

Dachas, country houses, production premises, warehouses - all this can be heated with butakov. You can also use small models to heat the greenhouse (so that the plants bear fruit all year round), barn or chicken coop. It can be installed anywhere, it is important that there is a good hood.

What can I load the oven with?

Very important indicator- what fuel does the stove use? If it is adapted for heating with gas, but, say, there is no gas in the village, what then should be done? Here we need solid fuel stoves. Butakov’s idea to make an economical solid fuel stove extended to the entire model range. All stoves in this model range operate exclusively on solid fuel. If you plan to heat with coal, then you need to check with the seller, because there are some models that are not suitable for working on coal or peat. For heating, you can use firewood or residues from woodworking production. Cardboard and other paper products work well.

Fuel consumption and saving

Fuel consumption is an important indicator that influences the choice of stove for a country house. Nowadays, fuel for refueling a stove is not that cheap. And it still needs to be delivered. Gas fired furnaces are very economical in nature, so they are very economical. An average stove can last about eight hours on one load of fuel. This is the main indicator of the efficiency of Butakov furnaces. In this case, no less heat is generated than on a conventional stove or other firebox.

Positive aspects of the Butakov furnace

The main advantage is efficiency and good heating capacity. The small dimensions of this stove are also important, because a place for it also needs to be found.

As mentioned above, the average oven can operate on one load for about eight hours, which is a significant plus. The maximum number of burning hours depends on the stove model. The larger the firebox itself, the more the oven supports the process within itself.

Butakov stoves have one useful thing: system for collecting pyrolysis products. Pyrolysis is the process of combustion of organic or inorganic substances with minimal participation of oxygen. After pyrolysis, an unpleasant odor remains, and a lot of soot and soot remains on the pipe and walls of the furnace. A unique system for collecting these very products allows you to avoid the accumulation of these substances. They collect in a tube and pass through it into the oven, where they are then burned.

Also, something always remains from solid fuel: ash or very small coals. Previously, especially old bulky stoves, it was very difficult to clean out this debris. Professor Butakov's stoves have a special drawer into which ash, dust or fine coal is poured as it burns. You can now remove ash with just one movement, which makes cleaning the stove much easier.

As for the stove itself, there are many tubes inside it through which air circulates: cold air comes in at one end and warm air comes out of the other. This is how the convection process occurs. According to the professor, the surface of the furnace also participates in this process, heating up to a sufficiently high temperatures. This is both good and bad. Of course, you can cook with it, but this is ineffective, since it is not designed for cooking, and this process will take a long time. But you are always welcome to warm up some borscht or porridge. Another way to save money is that you don’t need to waste gas from a cylinder (if you have one); it’s easier to put a frying pan on the Butakov stove and heat it on it. But you need to remember about safety precautions. You should be careful near the stove so as not to get burned.

Operating principle of the Butakov furnace

The principle by which Professor Butakov’s furnaces operate was discovered a long time ago. The fuel, being inside the combustion chamber, does not burn, it smolders. Due to the low oxygen content inside the firebox, wood or coal begins to smolder rather than burn. This is why you can get by for so long on just one bookmark. By the way, during smoldering, almost as much heat is released as during simple combustion, so the effectiveness of this system is evident.

Model range of Butakov stoves

There is a whole model range of Butakov stoves: “Gymnasium Student”, “Student”, “Engineer” stove (one of the most famous), “Assistant Professor”, “Professor”, “Academician”. They all differ in size and heating capabilities. The smallest and least powerful is the “Gymnasist”, but the largest and most powerful is the “Akademik” oven. Everyone will be able to choose the appropriate option.

Professor Butakov's stoves: prices for different models

Models differ in power. For example, the “Gymnasist” emits six kilowatts of heat, but the “Student” stove produces nine. That's the difference between them. The “Student” stove costs about four hundred dollars (if you buy the “Engineer”, it costs a hundred more).

The Docent stove will cost the owner six hundred and fifty dollars. Such a firebox can already well heat a large two-story country house. This powerful stove can heat about five hundred cubic meters living space.