Tree and seedling nursery - like a business. Business plan - growing seedlings


Please indicate the exact name of the variety. Varietal plants sell much better than nameless plants. If you purchased a mother plant from a well-known nursery or directly from a breeder, write about it.

There may be local gardening publications published in your area. You can place a private ad there for a very reasonable fee or for nothing. This publication is an excellent opportunity to sell seedlings to those who are far from the Internet: pensioners and the elderly.

If the plants offered for sale can easily withstand shipping, place your ad in Russian media, both electronic and paper. But it only makes sense to do this if you are selling expensive varietal plants. Otherwise, postage costs may be more expensive than the price of seedlings. Please note that sending plants by mail is only possible within the Russian Federation.

When purchasing fruit tree seedlings, the gardener must be extremely careful, because you can get low-quality planting material, and the plant will almost inevitably die. However, disappointment can be avoided if you follow a few simple rules when choosing plants.

What should you consider when purchasing seedlings?

Every year in spring and autumn, gardeners are faced with the question of purchasing new seedlings of berry bushes, fruit trees and perennial flowers.

First, you need to decide for what purpose you are purchasing a plant - do you need an early, medium or late variety, what characteristics should the fruits have, and the resistance of the variety to pests and diseases. It is best to inquire about this in advance by reading the relevant literature.

You should not try to buy fashionable new fruit trees if they are not zoned for your climate zone - purchase varieties that are more adapted to local conditions.

Estimate the area of ​​your garden plot - you must take into account that a mature plant will provide shade from the crown, so calculate how many seedlings you will need. It is not recommended to compact the plantings too much - in this case, the plants will inhibit each other, they cannot be fully treated against pests, and additional threats may arise in the form of fungal and viral diseases.

You need to purchase varieties zoned for your climate zone. They are more resistant to climatic conditions and are better preserved in harsh winters. You need to purchase seedlings from sellers who have a good reputation; you should not buy plants from random people on the market.

How to choose fruit tree seedlings?

Before purchasing, carefully inspect the seedling and pay attention to its root system. It should be well developed, without signs of freezing, drying, rot, and the color of the root should be white when cut. It is better to purchase rooted seedlings in containers. In this case, you can check the condition of the root system by lightly pulling the trunk - if the plant has not taken root, it can easily be pulled out of the container. This way you can identify unscrupulous sellers who offer newly planted plants at an inflated price.

When purchasing seedlings by mail, inspect the plants in the presence of a postal worker; if you are not satisfied with the quality of the plants, immediately write and send a claim to the seller, and the postal worker will attest to it.

Inspect the grafting site - there should be no foreign growths, hollows, cracking of the bark, or growths below this place.

The next important point when buying a plant in the spring is the condition of the seedling. There should be no blossoming leaves on the plant, only swollen buds. In this case, the seedling acclimatizes faster when planted.

Fruit plants can be bought and planted in spring and autumn, but when planted in autumn, a plant with an open root system takes root better, grows without stress as the weather warms up and quickly outstrips its counterparts planted in the spring.

The best time to purchase and plant seedlings of fruit trees in the ground is the first half of autumn, when the trees have already finished growing and are beginning to fall. During this period, you can successfully plant most seedlings, even those purchased with bare roots, without a lump of soil.

Where to buy fruit tree seedlings

It is advisable to buy seedlings from trusted sellers who are guaranteed not to sell you a wild plant or a cheap common variety instead of a varietal plant. If you have not yet made acquaintances in these circles, then the most reliable way would be to go to the nursery and select seedlings directly there. The greatest chance of buying a “pig in a poke” is on the market, where the seller risks absolutely nothing in case of deception, because you are seeing him for the first and last time.

Which seedlings to choose

Seedlings sold can be with open root system, with a lump of earth or container grown, with which they are sold. The first two varieties are purchased and planted in the ground in autumn or early spring, and seedlings in containers can be replanted throughout the warm season.

When purchasing, you need to carefully examine the entire seedling, find the grafting site (if there is none, then this is obviously a wild one), make sure that the bark has not been nibbled by mice and does not have spots indicating fungal infection. When choosing a seedling, give preference to a plant with a formed crown and several multidirectional side branches. Do not choose a plant that is too elongated, give preference to a more squat one, with a powerful butt part and a developed root system with many small roots.

If the plant is offered with a lump of soil, try tugging it lightly and making sure that it is firmly attached to the roots. Some unscrupulous sellers sprinkle unsold bare-rooted seedlings with soil, moisten it and form a lump, but in this case the soil easily falls off the roots. A similar deception can occur when buying a seedling in a container.

Transportation and planting of fruit tree seedlings

If you can’t immediately plant the seedling in the ground, wrap its roots in a damp cloth, and on top - plastic film, which will save them from drying out. You can store it this way for one or two days, but first you should tear off all the remaining leaves from it to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.

When transporting seedlings, you should never place them on top of the trunk of a car, since the oncoming wind can damage their branches, and the root system will certainly be overdried.

When planting a plant in the ground, do not forget to first moisten the roots by dipping them in a bucket with soil diluted to a semi-liquid state. The planting hole should be slightly deeper than the length of the root. It is more convenient for two people to cover it with soil: one person holds the seedling by the trunk so that the roots are in a straightened state, and the other carefully sprinkles them with soil up to the root collar. It is advisable to water the hole and mulch it with compost, chopped bark or straw.

In every locality there is always at least one area where country houses are located, which are becoming increasingly in demand. At the same time, their owners are actively looking for various decorations for their garden plots, and the best among them, undoubtedly, are decorative flowers and shrubs. That is why a business in plants for the garden and local area will be very profitable, especially considering that this area is still poorly covered.

How to sell plants?

The first step is to clearly define the range of “green” products that the enterprise will specialize in. These could be:

  • plants for winter gardens - they are very easy to work with, especially for a beginner, since they are very hardy
  • exotic flowers (they require a very careful approach, so it is better to choose them only for specialists who have been doing business with plants for several years)
  • any flowers that decorate flower beds (asters, violets, azaleas, daffodils, tulips, etc.)
  • plants that can bloom from spring to late autumn
  • green shrubs and bushes of flowering plants
  • plants for alpine slides
  • seedlings of annuals and perennials

As a rule, the entrepreneur grows seeds for seedlings, sprouts and seedlings himself. At the same time, a plant growing business can be organized right on your own balcony - there you can place small “beds”, from which you can get an excellent “batch” of flowers and bushes for sale. Those who have their own land can develop a business on it. In addition, you can periodically purchase interesting new items from other sellers, and some plants can be obtained independently in forests and plantings, even without having a place to grow them (however, in this case you need to clearly know how the “production” will grow, and what from it will work out later).

To start growing plants for sale, you only need one thing - to organize an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax office. A simplified taxation system is suitable for such work.

Business on plants: how to make good money?

When selling seedlings and seeds, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just this! You can offer clients a number of additional services that will allow you to earn more. It could be:

  • design of flower beds and alpine slides
  • landscape design
  • rental of gardening tools
  • caring for already purchased plants

An entrepreneur can offer his services either in his own office (you can rent a small room in a place convenient for clients) or simply in the market. Moreover, the sale of garden plants can also be carried out via the Internet - all you need to do is create a website with offers. In such a situation, you can work from home.

If you want to constantly be in contact with potential clients in specialized markets, you will need to rent a sales space. Also, if an entrepreneur has enough funds, he can create his own store. And, of course, in any case, we must not forget about visiting specialized fairs and exhibitions, which will provide more for business development than just standing at the counter.

Investments and profits: what will a plant growing business give?

This type of activity is unique in that the entrepreneur himself chooses how much money to invest in future work. He can, for example, spend:

  • 5-7 thousand rubles - to create “beds” on your balcony or garden plot
  • 7-9 thousand – for renting a place in the market or in a specialized store
  • 15-20 thousand - to create a website for sale on the Internet
  • 50-100 thousand (minimum) - to open your own store (you can rent a retail outlet and make minimal repairs to it)

In fact, only a few expenses remain constant, and the main one among them is the cost of purchasing the seedlings or seeds themselves. Typically, 1 unit of seedlings costs 100-200 rubles, a bush seedling costs 200-300 rubles, and a set of seeds costs up to 100 rubles. In order for the sale of garden plants to be successful, you first need to purchase at least 10 varieties of each product - that is, at least 10 varieties of flowers, 10 types of plants and 10 different bushes. This will cost 10-15 thousand rubles (if you wish, you can spend more).

You will also need to purchase gardening tools, and their total cost will depend on what is included in the kit - you can spend 20 thousand rubles, or you can end up spending 50-70 thousand.

After this, all types of plants need to be planted at home to see what will grow from them. Then the seeds from the resulting plants and flowers, seedlings and shoots can be sold, increasing the price by 30-50%. This can give a profit of up to 20 thousand rubles per month, and when the plant business develops a little - up to 50 thousand. Then the income will increase due to additional services, individual orders, work on client sites... And if the entrepreneur is truly dedicated to his business and will sell plants with pleasure, the circle of his customers will begin to increase from .

Now you can plant trees using the Leto Bank website and ATMs

December 4, 2014, Moscow - Leto Bank, a bank of the VTB Group, and initiated the world's first project with which it is possible to remotely plant trees in Russian national parks. The companies announced plans to set a joint record of planting 1 million trees.

Leto Bank announces the launch of a full-scale annual tree planting campaign. Based on the IT platform, the ability to plant forests was integrated into the website and all Leto Bank ATMs. Thus, a map of Russia is available via the link, on which you can select any site you like and the number of trees that is a multiple of ten, name the forest after your name and pay for the purchase by non-cash method. At ATMs, you can pay for your purchase using your account balance or by depositing cash into the device. The cost of planting ten trees on the website and at ATMs is on average 300 rubles.

We have created the world’s first service that allows ordinary people to plant real forests in a few clicks via the Internet, and foresters to restore areas where the forest has died,” comments Alexander Platonov, founder and CEO of - Over nine months of operation, the service helped restore territories in ten national parks in Russia, which amounts to over 100 thousand trees. This summer, Russian President Vladimir Putin used our service and planted more than 6 thousand trees in the Meshchera National Park.

“Leto Bank is the first company in the world to large-scale support the initiative of a Russian start-up for remote tree planting,” comments Ekaterina Livenskaya, director of public relations at Leto Bank. - In the shortest possible time, we managed to develop a unique technological solution that will allow us to restore 1 million trees in the country next year, which, according to our calculations, is the length of the equator and will provide oxygen to a city the size of St. Petersburg for 1 year.

Russia, being the world leader in forest area, at the same time is ahead of other countries in the rate of forest loss, comments Vladimir Semyonov, executive director of the Russian Environmental Chamber. - The reduction of forests is due to intensive - including illegal - logging, as well as numerous forest fires. According to Greenpeace, in the summer of 2010, according to preliminary estimates, more than 8 million hectares of forest burned in Russia. The unique project of Leto Bank and is a promising initiative that allows us to systematically solve the environmental problem.

Since today you cannot rely on the support of the state, you have to first of all rely on yourself, your family or like-minded people. The time has come when you need to think about heating the premises, and I remembered an idea that, in my opinion, is easily feasible. My idea is to purchase a plot of land and plant it with trees of different species, which are used in construction, furniture making and other wood production. Planting can be done with seeds, which can be collected in any forest area.

Costs for this:

1) purchase of a plot of land. In Moldova, a hectare of land can be purchased for about $300. Well, plus about $20 in land use tax. (In Ukraine, I heard that you can get 2 hectares of land for free).

2) a trip to the forest for seeds and subsequent planting of seeds or nuts in the ground. (Of course, for faster returns, you can purchase ready-made seedlings from forestry enterprises, but this requires additional costs. And since the majority of the population does not have that kind of money, planting seeds is a less expensive and more preferable action).

Since the purpose of such planting is to obtain wood, seeds or nuts are sown in a pattern of one tree per square meter. This is how trees grow tall and straight. Take oak for example. In good conditions, this tree reaches a height of 30-40 meters, and sometimes 55 meters and a diameter of 1-1.5 meters.

In 10 years, in good conditions, oak trees can grow 4 meters high. I took the minimum, taking the width of the oak tree to be even 30 cm, and got at least 1 cubic meter of firewood from one tree.

If we consider that 1000 oak trees grow per hectare, then this is 1000 cubic meters of firewood in 10 years. Now a cubic meter of firewood costs approximately $57. And a thousand cubic meters is $57,000.

And if the tree produces more wood, then that means more profit. My calculation was that the trees would be used for firewood, but if these trees were made into a board, the board would cost much more. I believe that income will far exceed expenses.

How to get a forest plot for rent?

In principle, any Russian citizen can do this, because the right to rest, according to current legislation, is the same for everyone. In accordance with Art. 34 of the RF LC, forest areas are provided for lease on the basis of decisions of state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, adopted on the proposal of territorial bodies, or based on the results of forestry competitions.

According to Semyon Levin, lawyer for the suburban real estate management company MIEL-Real Estate, “it is much better to rent forest areas for a long period - up to 49 years. This right is also spelled out in the LC RF. According to Art. 31 of the LC RF, under a lease agreement for a forest plot, the forestry enterprise of the federal forestry management body (lessor) undertakes to provide the forest user (tenant) with a forest plot for a fee for a period of one year to 49 years. After signing the lease agreement, the plot becomes your property for the period specified in the agreement.”

Please note that in accordance with the amendments made to Art. 35 of the RF LC, forest areas can now be leased both based on the results of forestry competitions and without holding special competitions.

In the first case, a commission is created, which includes a chairman - a representative of the government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, his deputy - a representative of the territorial body of the federal forestry management, as well as representatives of other interested organizations. Based on the results of the competition, the winner and the organizer sign a protocol, on the basis of which a lease agreement for a forest area is concluded.

The provision of forest plots without holding a special competition is possible in exceptional cases specified in Art. 34 (3) LC RF. To do this, a private individual sends a written application to the territorial forestry enterprise indicating his passport data. Organizations must provide details, including address and current account number. The application must indicate the location of the forest fund site, as well as the types and purposes of its use.

The following is the chain. The landlord considers your application within a month and then, with his conclusion, transfers it to the territorial body of the federal forestry management in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. There, within a month, the application is reviewed and the submission prepared on it is submitted to the government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which makes a positive or negative decision on the submission of the forest plot for lease. Upon expiration of the lease period, the plots do not become the property of the tenant, since the ban on their acquisition remains in force.

Renting timber can be a profitable business

Speaking about how legal it is to build a house on a forested plot, Semyon Levin, a lawyer for the suburban real estate department of the MIEL-Real Estate company, explained that in matters of development of leased forest plots, the administration of the Moscow region is guided by the still valid resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated December 12, 1984 No. 505 “On the procedure for issuing permits for the placement in forests and on lands of the state forest fund not covered by forests, tourist camps, recreation centers and other similar objects with the construction of non-permanent buildings and on the procedure for using forests for cultural and recreational purposes.” According to this document, forests in green zones around cities and towns and all other forests can actually be used only for cultural and recreational purposes. However, theoretically, it does not prohibit the construction of a residential building on rented territory that can be used for personal purposes. But what happens to it after the 49-year lease expires? If the authorities are satisfied with how you handled the forest lands entrusted to you, the lease will be extended. In this case, the tenant will have a preferential right to conclude a lease agreement for a new term. Lawyers note that in recent years, federal and regional legislation has expanded the rights of owners and the authorities are meeting them halfway when resolving controversial issues.