Why did the granddaughter of coach Pokrovskaya die? Pokrovskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna

Tatyana Nikolaevna Pokrovskaya (synchronized swimming), whose biography can serve as an incentive for people who dream of getting into the sport, is the key coach of both the Soviet and modern Russian synchronized swimming teams.

General information about Pokrovskaya Tatyana

This man devoted his whole life to ensuring that her students were the best in the whole world. Currently, Tatyana Pokrovskaya is the vice-president of synchronized swimming in the Russian Federation, as well as an honored coach of the RSFSR. During her work in the field of sports, the Russian team took home many medals for first places in various competitions around the world.

Pokrovskaya’s main credo for training her athletes is to create motivation, which is caused by hatred of the coach. A strong influx of emotions, according to Tatyana, creates the necessary motivation and forces a person to give his best!

Childhood and adolescence

Tatyana Pokrovskaya was born on June 5, 1950 in the city of Arkhangelsk. Since childhood, I began to be interested in sports, namely rhythmic gymnastics. As a teenager, she graduated from the University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of Russia, formerly called GCOLIFK. Since childhood, this man was accustomed to working hard tirelessly and was always ready to go to the end.

Professional career

We continue to talk about who Tatyana Nikolaevna Pokrovskaya is. Synchronized swimming became her greatest achievement in sports on the world stage. But before that, Tatyana Nikolaevna made her living as a coach, teaching people rhythmic gymnastics for 10 years (1971-1981). However, after those 10 years, already in 1981, she stopped coaching in the field of athletics and began coaching the Russian and USSR national synchronized swimming teams.

In 1992, she was the state coach of the national team of her homeland in the only sport where men do not participate - synchronized swimming. Under the firm coaching hand of Tatyana Nikolaevna, in 1992, the Russian team of female swimmers participated in the Olympic Games, which were held in the summer in Barcelona. In the period from 1992 to 1996, she trained swimmers in Brazil and Spain as a coach.

Tatyana Pokrovskaya returned to her homeland again in 1996, she did this as a coach, and two years later, in 1998, she became the head coach of Russia in the field of synchronized swimming. It was under her strict leadership that the synchronized swimmers of the Russian Federation achieved the highest results, winning all sorts of the highest titles and awards.

By Decree No. 257 in 2014, on April 20, she was awarded the title of Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation. In addition to this achievement, there are other awards: the Order of Friendship, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of Honor and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree. There is also a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation.

Achievements in the world of sports

Tatyana Pokrovskaya coached the Russian national team, making it the best of the best, and the list of achievements won during her leadership is quite long: all first places in both singles and duets. In addition, all kinds of gold medals in the world championships: 1998 and 2007 in Australia, 2001 in the city of Fukuoka, in southwestern Japan, in Brazil, in the capital of Catalonia - Barcelona in 2003 and 2013, Montreal, which was previously called Ville Marie, Canada became another place of conquest for Russian swimmers in 2005, in 2009 another first place was taken in the city of Rome, the capital of Italy, and 2 years later another gold was taken in 2011 in the PRC.

First places were also taken in world cups: in 1999 in Korea (pairs, group and solo), in Switzerland, in the city of Zurich, 1st place was won in pairs and group performances, as well as 2nd place in singles category in 2002, the southwest of Japan - Fukuoka - gave all the first places in all categories in 2006.

Five times the Russian team took first place at the Olympic Games in the year 2000 in Sydney (Australia). 2004 was also marked by a victory in Athens, Greece (duet and group performance). China, Beijing, 2008 - again first places in group and pair performances. London, in the kingdom of England, gave first places to group and doubles in 2012. 2016, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro - first places for the categories of group and duet.

The Russian synchronized swimming team took three first places in group and duet competitions, taking place in Italy in 2007, in Andora in 2009, and in Sheffield (England) in 2011.

There are many first and second places in FINA Trophy competitions and Universiades (student international competitions) around the world.

Personal life of Tatyana Pokrovskaya

Pokrovskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna, whose family has always supported her, is currently a widow. 2015 was the date of death of Tatyana’s husband. Her daughter's name is Ekaterina, she moved to Brazil after she got married. There was a granddaughter, but she died at the age of fifteen. My favorite pet is the Yorkshire terrier dog Daniil. This same dog is the most important symbol of the Russian synchronized swimming team; the pet has not missed a single training session, since its presence is an important spiritual and motivational factor for the team.

They tell us what this “gold” is actually worth. head coach Tatyana Pokrovskaya:

— Success comes only if people really work hard. It is clear that any medal won is a combination of factors, but the fundamental one is your work. And it must be said that all of us - athletes, coaches on the national team and locally, doctors, etc. - are dedicated hard workers who are capable of not only completing the assigned task, but also approaching it creatively.

You want to ask me: what, they don’t do enough work in other countries? Of course they do. That's why you can't relax even for a minute. For now we are the strongest. God willing, it will continue to be like this. Tatiana Pokrovskaya. Born in Arkhangelsk in 1950. Head coach of the Russian synchronized swimming team since 1998. Under the leadership of Pokrovskaya, the team has won all the gold medals at the Olympic Games since 2000.

Dmitry Grantsev, AiF: It is known that the Chinese and Japanese, who are now breathing down our team’s necks, once filmed your training sessions.

Tatiana Pokrovskaya: This is ordinary sports espionage - a technology that has always been and will be. We are not very interested in who borrowed what from us. As practice shows, no copy can compare with the original.

— Do you think the World Anti-Doping Agency’s attack on Russian sports is gradually fading away? After all, news about tests and disqualifications is almost unheard of this summer.

“I don’t think they left Russia alone.” The pressure on our sport will continue until the international political situation changes. Although, of course, I want it all to end. So that clean athletes - the same “guilt-free” Paralympic athletes - can return to their life’s work.

Athletes of the Russian synchronized swimming team at the XVII World Aquatics Championships in Budapest. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Vilf

“Who did you come to?”

— Tatyana Nikolaevna, only you and Irina Viner have the “Hero of Labor of Russia” award. What about our male coaches? Are there any among them worthy of this title?

- So, men haven’t earned it yet. This means they need to work a little more. And in general, it seems to me that women will be more responsible than men in many matters. (Laughs.) But seriously, this question is not for me, I don’t give out medals. My opinion: we have male coaches worthy of the highest awards.

— Irina Viner likes to tell her gymnasts: “When you come down from the golden pedestal, you’re nobody to call.” Do you agree with her?

- Stop! Who did you come to? To Viner-Usmanova or to Pokrovskaya? I will never say this to athletes.

— At the same time, I remember how you once scolded one of the girls: “I wouldn’t trust you to wash the floors in my kitchen.” Isn't it a bit harsh?

- Yes, I’m a tough coach. Do you think great Anatoly Tarasov Did you pat your boys on the head? When it comes to serious work, it is not always possible to choose expressions. But in our family, we don’t pay attention to such little things. All the girls on the team are smart and understand perfectly well that everything is done for the sake of common success.

— I watched one of the training sessions before this championship. You said “terrible” seven times and “wonderful” three times. Is it really possible to satisfy Pokrovskaya?

— I shake out of the athletes everything that is possible and that is not possible, because it always seems to me: everything worked out before, but now it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out. (Laughs.)

“Work saved me”

— They wrote that several years ago you wanted to resign as head coach.

- Where did you read that? It wasn't even close in my thoughts. If you have the strength, why not work? Moreover, synchronized swimming is my life. And work saved me. Only she can truly heal.

— We are probably talking about the “Prayer” program, with which the team performed at the last Olympics and which is connected with the tragedy of your family...

- It’s hard for me to talk about this. (Tatyana Nikolaevna’s husband and 15-year-old granddaughter died in the same year. “When this happened, I thought that was the end of it all. I thought that I would never create anything again. But then this prayer came to my mind, this “ Prayer,” she said in Rio - Ed.) This is an incredibly difficult program, technically, but, most importantly, emotionally. To perform it, it must be felt.

— Do you think that if your athlete is in love, is this beneficial or detrimental to the results?

- You know, I’m too busy to be interested in the personal lives of athletes, to find out who is having what kind of romance. And then I am by nature incurious. Of course, when girls invite me to their weddings, I am glad that everything worked out for them. But still, the main thing for me is that they and their families are healthy. When one of my athletes’ mother became seriously ill, it was terrible. How we all worried about her!

— Your girls throw you into the water when they celebrate victories. At the same time, you yourself admitted that you feel uncomfortable in the pool. So, maybe you should stop them from doing this to you?

- Of course, I don’t really like it. You then get out of the pool and walk around like a wet chicken. But since there is such a tradition, then we have to observe it.

Coaches of the Russian synchronized swimming team Tatyana Pokrovskaya (left) and Tatyana Danchenko in the pool after the Russian women's victory in the free program of the group synchronized swimming competition at the XXXI Summer Olympic Games. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexey Kudenko

It is unlikely that you will find a trainer like this in the world Tatiana Pokrovskaya. She's already 16 years old leads our synchronized swimming team, and for such a long time the team has never fallen below second place in any competition!

The first Russian coach to receive the title of "Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation"

A tyrant coach, in my understanding, is someone who does not shy away from assault and allows himself to rudely insult athletes. I'm not one of those. I am a maximalist coach, yes. I like to achieve the highest results. Look: all other countries where synchronized swimming is developing are adopting our training experience.

A few years ago, Spanish synchronized swimmers and coaches loved to whine - they say, we work for the viewer, we are all so artistic and airy. I calmly answered them: and we are focused on the result. In sports, they are the ones who measure who is stronger.

I don’t want to prove anything to anyone, I’m just used to working honestly. Either complete your work or do something else.

Those who feel sorry for themselves have long been left out of the Russian team. Our team contains only proven fighters, girls who are perfectly motivated for success. Moreover, everyone is amazed at how difficult and long our training is. And look - many athletes end their careers after the Olympics, and return to the team closer to the new Games. This means the strength remains. This means they want to return to Tatyana Nikolaevna.

The morning lesson starts at 11 o'clock. We practice exercises in the water until 14.30, then lunch, and from 18.00 to 22.00 another training session.
And before her, the girls go to the gym and spend one and a half, or even two hours doing choreography and acrobatics. There is no way without “dry” training.

We work hard, before the Olympics we don’t get out of the pool at all. Even the soldiers march endlessly on the parade ground, although they practice two movements. And we have a whole range of exercises and supports here. We have been holding the palm in world synchronized swimming for a long time.

They must feel that Pokrovskaya will teach an elephant to dance. I need them to believe in me as a specialist. I'm not waiting for love. Why should they love me? This is completely optional

We do not allow ourselves to intimidate our opponents, we do not walk around the stands and do not stir up gossip. We come to all competitions, show everything we are capable of, and do not close ourselves off from prying eyes for a year. Let our opponents watch, see our program, study it. We don't feel sorry.

If you work, you have to live by this work. Because both people in art and in sports are abnormal, crazy people. We are all a little shifted.

Recently, my husband and 15-year-old beautiful granddaughter died in one year. I sought solace in work. When this happened, I thought that was the end of it. I thought that I would never create anything again.

Vice-President of the Russian Synchronized Swimming Federation.
Master of Sports of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in rhythmic gymnastics.

Tatyana Pokrovskaya was born on June 5, 1950 in the city of Arkhangelsk. Since childhood, the girl has been involved in rhythmic gymnastics and even became a master of sports. At the age of twenty-one, the girl graduated from the Central Institute of Physical Culture in Moscow. Then, from 1971, she worked as a gymnastics coach for ten years.

In 1981, Pokrovskaya began coaching the USSR national synchronized swimming team. In 1991, she took the position of state coach of the USSR national synchronized swimming team. In 1992, the synchronized swimming team under her leadership took part in the XXV Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Then, until 1996, she acted as a synchronized swimming coach in Spain and Brazil. In 1996 she returned to coaching in Russia.

Since 1998, Tatyana Nikolaevna has been the head coach of the Russian synchronized swimming team. Under her leadership, the team achieved outstanding sporting results and won all the highest titles in this sport. Over these years, the team won all the gold medals at four Olympic Games: in Sydney, Athens, Beijing and London; gold and silver medals at eight world championships; gold and silver medals: solo, duet, group, combined at four European championships.

Her students are distinguished not only by their brilliant technique, but also, which is very important, by their will to win. Among her students: five-time Olympic champion Anastasia Davydova, four-time Olympic champion Anastasia Ermakova, three-time Olympic champions Olga Brusnikina, Maria Gromova, Natalya Ishchenko, Maria Kiseleva, Svetlana Romashina, Elvira Khasyanova.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation on April 20, 2014, for special merits, Tatyana Nikolaevna Pokrovskaya was awarded the title of Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation with a special distinction - the gold medal “Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation”.

As of June 2019, Pokrovskaya is the Vice-President of the Russian Synchronized Swimming Federation and the Head Coach of the national team. He has the title of Honored Trainer of Russia. She was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, Alexander Nevsky, Honor, Friendship, medals, and a Certificate of Honor from the President of Russia. Winner of the National Sports Award "Glory" in the category "Best Coach".

Awards and Recognition of Tatyana Pokrovskaya

Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation (April 20, 2014) - for special labor services to the state and people

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (November 4, 2005) - for great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, high sporting achievements at the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad 2004 in Athens

Order of Alexander Nevsky (April 12, 2013) - for the successful preparation of athletes who achieved high sporting achievements at the Games of the XXX Olympiad 2012 in London (Great Britain)

Order of Honor (April 19, 2001) - for his great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, high sporting achievements at the Games of the XXVII Olympiad 2000 in Sydney

Order of Friendship (January 15, 2010) - for the successful preparation of athletes who achieved high sporting achievements at the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing

Honorary title “Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation” (May 18, 2017) - for the successful training of athletes who achieved high sporting achievements at the Games of the XXXI Olympiad 2016 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (January 23, 2014) - for services to the development of physical culture and sports, high sporting achievements at the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan

Excellence in Physical Culture and Sports (Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, July 27, 2017) - for many years of fruitful work and success in the development of physical culture and sports

Results of the Russian team led by Tatyana Pokrovskaya

1998 - Australia - World Championship - 1st place (solo, duet, group);
1999 - Korea - World Cup - 1st place (solo, duet, group);
2000 - Australia-Sydney - Olympic Games - 1st place (duet, group);
2001 - Japan-Fukuoka - World Championship - 1st place (solo, group), - 2nd place (duet);
2002 - Switzerland-Zurich - World Cup - 1st place (duet, group), 2nd place (solo);
2003 - Spain-Barcelona - World Championship - 1st place (duet, group), 2nd place (solo);
2004 - Greece-Athens - Olympic Games - 1st place (duet, group);
2005 - Canada-Montreal - World Championship - 1st place (solo, duet, group, combined program);
2006 - Hungary-Budapest - European Championship - 1st place (solo, duet, group, combined program).
2006 - Fukuoka-Japan - World Cup - 1st place (solo, duet, group, combined program)
2006 - Moscow-Russia - FINA Trophy - 1st place (duet, group), 2nd place (combi).
2007 - Melbourne-Australia - World Aquatics Championships - 1st place (duet, group, combi), 2nd place (solo).
2007 - Rome-Italy - European Cup - 1st place (group, duet)
2007 - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil - FINA TROPHY - 1st place (duet, combi)
2008 - European Championship - 1st place (solo)
2008 - Beijing - China - Olympic Games - 1st place (duet, group)
2009 - Andorra - European Cup - 1st place
2009 - Rome-Italy - World Championship - 1st place
2009 - Montreal-Canada - FINA Trophy - 2nd place
2010 - Budapest, Hungary - European Championship - 1st place
2010 - Moscow, Russia - FINA Trophy - 2nd place (junior team)
2011 - Sheffield, UK - European Cup - 1st place (duet, group)
2011 - Shanghai, China - World Championship - (7 gold medals out of 7 possible)
2012 - London, UK - Olympic Games - 1st place (duet, group)
2013 - Kazan, Russia - Universiade - 1st place (solo, duet, group, combination)
2013 - Barcelona, ​​Spain - World Championships - (7 gold medals out of 7 possible)
2016 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Olympic Games - 1st place (duet, group)

“In general, it’s good there, in the pool, I would always watch programs from there,” she jokes. After the word “program”, I thought that Tatyana Nikolaevna began to think about the 2020 Games.

Tatiana Pokrovskaya: No! Thank God, now you can rest. But it won't last long. Then I will definitely start seeing a swimming pool in my dreams, which means it’s time to get to work again. I don't just dream about combinations, I participate in them! This is the worst thing (laughs), because I’m not a swimmer at all. I think in horror: just don’t forget how it’s done! And the second thought: “I can’t do anything, I’ll let everyone down...” This really motivates me as a coach: you can’t let me down.

“AiF”: How do you motivate girls?

Secret! Part of our method that we don't share with anyone. I just want to say again that we have a wonderful coaching school, creative mentors who gather promising athletes around them. We - Russian synchronized swimming - are like a small state with its own laws. For example, I never meddle in my personal life. Athletes must go their own way. Although, of course, I want them to settle well in life. We deserve it, we gave too much to the sport.

“The girls really value each other in the water and in life, otherwise the synchronization would not have happened,” the coach is sure. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Vilf

- How would you attract new “citizens” to your “state”?

Holding your breath increases life expectancy. So, in synchronized swimming the delay sometimes reaches 4 minutes. And look how beautiful our girls are, their posture is magnificent! This is because they engage in dancing, acrobatics, and general physical training. So draw your conclusions.

- Is there any struggle within the team?

No and it cannot be. If the girls go in different directions, then synchronization will not work. So they really appreciate each other in the water and in life. It is clear that there are leaders. On Natalia Ishchenko and Svetlana Romashina(five-time Olympic champions in synchronized swimming in duets and groups. - Ed.) they look up to and imitate them. But also Alla Shishkina and Alexandra Patskevich, now two-time Olympic champions, are those you can rely on...

-Who came especially close to us today?

As it turned out, China. Their girls took second place. The boundaries between different schools began to blur due to the migration of specialists. For example, the Spanish coach was now helping the Ukrainians. Chinese women, who previously had their own style, have become similar to Japanese women. But we manage to remain unique in this world thanks to the fact that we keep our coaches in Russia. The unsurpassed technique and images of the compositions are ours.