Rubber products and patient care items. Login forgot password

Rubber- a vulcanization product of a composition containing a binder - natural or synthetic rubber.
Several hundred products made of rubber are used in the design of modern cars. These are tires, tubes, hoses, seals, sealants, parts for electrical and vibration insulation, drive belts, etc. Their weight is up to 10% of the total mass car.
Wide Application rubber products in the automotive industry explains their unique properties:
. elasticity;
. ability to absorb shock loads and vibration;
. low thermal conductivity and sound conductivity;
. high mechanical strength;
. high resistance to abrasion;
. high electrical insulating ability;
. gas and water tightness;
. resistance to aggressive environments;
. low density.
The main property of rubber is reversible elastic deformation - the ability to repeatedly change its shape and size without destruction under the influence of a relatively small external load and return to its original state after removing this load.
Neither metals, nor wood, nor polymers have this property.
In Fig. 1 is given rubber classification.
Rubber is obtained by vulcanization of a rubber mixture, which includes:
. rubber;
. vulcanizing agents;
. vulcanization accelerators;
. activators;
. antioxidants;
. active fillers or enhancers;
. inactive fillers;
. dyes;
. ingredients special purpose.

Rice. 1. .Rubber classification.

Natural rubber is a natural polymer that is unsaturated hydrocarbon— isoprene (C5H8)n.
Natural rubber is extracted mainly from milky juice(latex) of rubber plants, mainly from the Brazilian Hevea, which contains up to 40%.
The latex is processed to release the rubber. acetic acid, under the influence of which it coagulates and the rubber is easily separated. It is then washed with water, rolled into sheets, dried and smoked to resist oxidation and the action of microorganisms.
The production of natural rubber (NR) is expensive and does not meet industrial needs. Therefore, synthetic rubber (SR) is most widely used. The properties of SC depend on its structure and composition.
Isoprene rubber (denoted SKI) in its composition and structure is close to natural rubber, in some respects it is inferior to it, and in some respects it is superior. Rubber based on SKI is gas-tight and sufficiently resistant to the effects of many organic solvents and oils. Its significant disadvantages are low strength at high temperatures and low ozone and weather resistance.
Styrene butadiene (SBS) and methylstyrene butadiene (MSBS) SBS are most widely used in the automotive industry. Rubbers based on these rubbers have good strength properties, high wear resistance, gas impermeability, frost and moisture resistance, but are unstable when exposed to ozone, fuel and oils.
Rubber based on butadiene rubber (SKR) is elastic, wear-resistant, has good physical properties. mechanical properties at low temperatures, however, there are difficulties in processing rubber compounds. It has an insufficiently strong connection with steel cord in the production of reinforced products.
Of the special-purpose SCs, nitrile-butadiene (SKN) rubber is characterized by high gasoline and oil resistance, retains its properties over a wide temperature range, and provides a strong bond with metals, therefore it is used for the manufacture of metal-rubber products operating in contact with petroleum products. Disadvantage: rapid aging.
Rubbers based on fluorine rubber (FKF) and acrylate rubber (AK) have very high strength properties, are resistant to fuels, oils, many other substances, and high temperatures, but low frost resistance limits their use. Silicone rubbers have a complex of positive properties.
SA molecules are polymer chains with a small number of side branches. When heated with some vulcanizing agents, rubber molecules form chemical bonds- “bridges”, which dramatically changes the mechanical properties of the mixture. Sulfur (1-3%) is most often used as a vulcanizing ingredient.
To speed up vulcanization, accelerators and activators are added to the rubber mixture.
An extremely important ingredient in rubber is fillers. Active fillers dramatically enhance the strength properties of rubber. Most often, carbon black (soot) plays the role of an active filler. The introduction of carbon black makes rubber more durable, increases wear resistance, elasticity, and hardness. Inactive fillers (chalk, asbestos flour, etc.) serve to increase the volume of the rubber mixture, which reduces the cost of rubber production, but does not improve its physical and mechanical properties (some fillers even worsen it).
Plasticizers (softeners) facilitate the preparation of rubber mixtures, molding of products, and also improve the elasticity of rubber at low temperatures. High-boiling oil fractions, coal tar, vegetable oils, rosin, synthetic resins. To slow down the aging process of rubber and increase its service life, antioxidants (antioxidants, stabilizers) are added to the rubber mixture.
A special role is given to reinforcing fillers. They are not part of the rubber mixture, but are introduced at the molding stage of the product. Textile or metal reinforcement reduces the load on the rubber product and limits its deformation. They produce reinforced rubber products such as hoses, drive belts, tapes, tires, where textile and metal cords are used to enhance strength.
By selecting appropriate rubbers, rubber mixture formulations, and vulcanization conditions, materials are created that have certain properties, which makes it possible to obtain products with different operational properties, which stably retain their qualities for a long time and provide functional purpose parts and performance of components and assemblies.
Used rubber products are used to produce special technology regenerate, which is added to the rubber mixture as a substitute for part of the rubber. However, rubber, which contains reclaimed rubber, does not have good performance properties, and therefore it is used to make products (mats, rim tapes) that do not have high technical requirements.


1. Hollow products obtained by molding

2. Tubular elastic products produced by extrusion

3. Products obtained by dipping method

1. Molded hollow products

1) rubber heating pads intended for local warming or for local warming, rinsing and douching.


a) type A – for local body warming (has only a screw cap),

b) type B – for washing, douching and local warming of the body (equipped with a rubber hose, tap and tips (for children, adults and uterine))

According to the shape of the hanging loop:

a) with a protruding loop

b) with a hidden loop

Quality check:

2) for tightness: the heating pad is filled air , close it with a stopper, immerse it in water and squeeze it with your hand =>

3) for strength and tightness: the heating pad is filled with tinted water , close with a stopper, and then place a load weighing 25 kg on the heating pad for 3 hours => there should be no leakage of water and no residual deformation of the product.

2) ice bubbles used for local cold treatment.

a) general purpose

b) for special purposes (for the heart area in men; for the heart area in women; for the ear; for the eye; for the throat). They are equipped with rubber loops for attaching to the body.

Quality check:

1) for the absence of external defects

2) for tightness (I method): the bubble is filled air , close with a stopper, immerse in water and squeeze => there should be no air bubbles

3) for tightness (II method): the bubble is filled with tinted water , close with a stopper, wipe and place it for 2 hours with the stopper downwards on a dry sheet of clean filter paper => there should be no leakage of water

3) backing circles serve for protection against the formation of bedsores, as well as for their treatment in long-term patients.

Quality check:

1) for the absence of external defects

2) for tightness: the backing circle is filled air , close the valve, immerse in water and squeeze => there should be no air bubbles

3) for strength and tightness: the backing circle is filled air , close the valve, and then place a mass of 90 kg on the circle for 1 hour => there should be no leakage air (reducing the height of the inflated circle) and residual deformation of the product.

4) rubber bedpans used to serve seriously ill patients at home and in hospital. Vessels differ from rubber circles in the presence of a bottom and have an oblong shape.

Quality check:

2) for tightness: the rubber bedpan is filled air , close the valve, immerse in water and squeeze => there should be no air bubbles.

5) syringes They are used for washing various canals and cavities (including wounds) in pediatric practice - for cleansing and other enemas, and they are also used in laboratory work. Large syringes are often used for enemas, medium syringes are used for washing ears, and small syringes are used in laboratory work.

a) with a soft tip (type A)

b) with a hard tip (type B)

Each syringe number corresponds to 30 ml capacity (No. 1 = 30 ml).

Rubber cylinders of syringes must have sufficient elasticity, which is commonly called syringe activity. It is expressed in the number of seconds required to fill the syringes with water.

Quality check:

1) for the absence of external defects.

2) activity check: the syringe is treated with disinfectants, and then the number of seconds required to fill the syringes with water is determined =>

3) checking capacity: the syringe is filled with water, and then water from the filled syringe is poured into a measuring cylinder => the resulting value must correspond to the value specified in GOST or TU.

4) for tightness: fill the syringe air , close with a stopper, immerse in water and squeeze => there should be no air bubbles.

5) resistance to sterilization.

6) rubber irrigation mug Serves in home and hospital settings for douching. It is a flat, wide-mountain reservoir connected to a rubber tube with a tap and tip.

Quality check:

1) for the absence of external defects

2) for tightness: the mug is filled colored water , turn off the tap and hang it for 8 hours => there should be no water leakage

7) uterine rings designed to prevent uterine prolapse. They are molded hollow products, similar in shape to miniature car cameras.

Quality check:

1) for the absence of external defects

8) cylinders and bellowsʹ . The cylinders must be elastic, that is, after squeezing them by hand until the walls touch each other and then deflating, they must return to their original shape.

1) for medical equipment (thick-walled)

2) for blowing ears and for droplets (thin-walled)

Rubber bellows are designed for pumping air, including for spraying liquids using a spray gun. They differ from cylinders in that they are equipped with two valves - suction and discharge.

1) type A 1 – has 2 cylinders (thin-walled and thick-walled)

2) type A 2 – has 2 cylinders (thick-walled)

3) type B – has 1 cylinder (thick-walled)

9) oral-nasal anesthesia masks– serve for a hermetically sealed connection of the patient’s lungs with the system of an inhalation anesthesia device or artificial respiration apparatus. Modern masks have a hard rubber frame and a removable inflatable obturator, the presence of which allows the mask to fit tightly to the face. Inflating the obturator is carried out similarly to the procedure for inflating the cuff of the endotracheal tube. To attach the straps that attach the mask tightly to the patient's face, the mask has two protrusions - buttons. Using a cylindrical extension, the mask is placed on the metal tip of the apparatus hose.

Quality check:

1) for the absence of external defects

10) shaped baby nipples (i.e. obtained by molding)- have a complex shape. The simpler shaped nipples (most nipples) are prepared using the dipping method.

Quality check:

1) for the absence of external defects

Products of the asbestos-rubber industry include asbestos technical products (ATI), paronite, insulating tape, polymers (textolite and plexiglass) and various types of rubber products (drive belts, V-belts, flat belts, pressure hoses, high-pressure hoses, drilling hoses, conveyor tapes and others). Among rubber products, in addition to belts, hoses and conveyor belts, there are two more large classes: molded and non-molded rubber.

Molded rubber products are produced by hot molding, for which special hydraulic molds are used. Molded mouths are manufactured as standard sizes and forms, and for individual orders, based on drawings, descriptions or technical specifications provided by the customer. Average time to work on individual order, depending on the size of the batch and the complexity of the products, ranges from one to three weeks.

Standard molded seals are available in the form of cords, tubes, seals, rings, protective parts, reinforced and non-reinforced cuffs, technical plates and many other products. The total range of molded rubber products includes more than 30 thousand items. Let's tell you more about some of them.

Thus, reinforced cuffs (or oil seals) are used as seals for shafts operating in water, diesel fuel or mineral oils. high blood pressure. The operating temperature range of the seals is from -60ºС to +170ºС. The material for the production of oil seals is oil and petrol resistant rubber.

Non-reinforced ones are intended for hydraulic devices, where they are used to seal the gap between the piston and the cylinder. Such cuffs can be used in the environment of emulsions, fuels and oils, and their operating temperature range is -60ºС to +200ºС. Another type of non-reinforced cuff is intended for pneumatic devices. In pneumatic systems, such cuffs are used as seals for cylinders and rods; their working environment is air with fuel or oil vapors, and the range of possible temperatures ranges from -30ºС to 100ºС.

Technical plates are another type of molded plates. They are a porous or spongy material made from latexes or hard rubbers. Technical plates are distinguished by high heat and sound insulation qualities; They are also successfully used as sealants. Various types of plates are used to seal fixed joints and reduce friction between surfaces metal parts and elements, they are also used as gaskets and flooring. The operating temperature range of technical plates is from -30°C to +80°C.

The next type of molded rubber goods is round section. They are used as sealants in pneumatic, hydraulic, fuel and lubrication systems and devices and thus find application in the automotive, mechanical and aircraft industries, as well as in the production of pumps, compressors and metalworking machines.

The material for making rings are various types of artificial rubbers: silicone, nitrile butadiene or fluorine rubber. Range of working environments various types The rings are very extensive - this includes water (fresh or sea), and mineral oils, lubricants, emulsions, liquid fuels, and compressed air. The rings retain all their performance qualities at temperatures ranging from -60ºС to +200ºС.

Let's say a few words about non-molded mouths, which are available in the form different lengths profiled bundles or cords with different diameters sections. The range of non-shaped rubber goods is much smaller than that of molded rubber goods - it includes only about 12 thousand items. Products of this group are manufactured by extrusion of a rubber mixture at the first stage of production and vulcanization of the semi-finished product in thermal or microwave vulcanizers at the second stage.

The scope of application of non-molded rubber is various industries automobile, carriage and aircraft construction, where they are used for sealing and sealing joints and joints (for example, for sealing windows and doors of railway cars).

Number of impressions: 6779

Introduction 1. What is rubber 2. Types of rubber products 2.1 Rubber products 2.2 Rubber toys 2.3 Consumer products 2.3.1 Rubber shoes 2.3.2 Sports, tourism and sporting goods for children 2.3.3 Rubber educational products Conclusion References


In factories rubber industry a large number of different materials are processed, which include various rubber products, various textile materials, etc. All these materials are delivered to factory warehouses and, as needed, are transferred to production. The goal of our work is to study all types of rubber products. The subject of research, in turn, is the types of these products, and the object is rubber and rubber products. Based on our research goal, it is necessary to solve the following problems: - we have to study what rubber is - we need to study what kind of rubber products there are - describe these rubber products and what they consist of - identify in which industries rubber products are used.


Rubber products are very important for all humanity; nowadays it is difficult to imagine a world without them, and practically impossible. Having written this work, we can draw the following conclusions: 1. Rubber products have special properties characteristic only of them 2. Various rubber products are developed under the influence of fashion, achievements of science and technology 3. There are products for education: swimming rings, etc. 4. Sports and tourism products made from rubber have a good effect on the human body and develop all muscles. Based on our findings, we will put forward the following proposals: 1. Create materials for new products 2. Improve their product quality 3. Invent new rubber products 4. Improvement traditional methods creating rubber


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Rubber products are one of the most popular materials in production, but the most of great importance they received in mechanical engineering, chemical, food industries and medicine. Due to the use of this material, all kinds of bushings, seals, gaskets, hoses, gloves, belts, etc. are manufactured.

Main types

The main types of this material can be divided into two categories: shaped and non-shaped.

Shaped - as you can understand from the name, this category products are exclusively molded materials that are made by pressing. They are used in production at all levels and without them the production of the same mentioned car would be impossible. Also, this category is much more common than the second. For example, there are more than 40,000 products on the market belonging specifically to the molded category different types.

Non-shaped - unlike the first category, these are non-shaped products. Most often these are cords and pipes that are not made with a given shape and therefore were included in the second category. As was said, non-shaped products occupy the second place in terms of relevance on the market (about 15,000 varieties of products, which is much less).

Market State

In order to keep abreast of market conditions, large companies They regularly conduct detailed research that allows them to determine which region has the best sales, where it is needed most and which company will be interested in it. One example is the company "TEBIZ GROUP", which conducted a complete study of the markets for rubber products and a report on the results obtained.

Other industries

Rubber products have the widest list of industries in which they are used, one way or another. In the already mentioned food industry they are used to create special units for supplying liquids, used as protective equipment(the same gloves, etc.), and also as a reliable sealant, connecting the necessary parts of the same conveyor. In addition, rubber products also include V-belts, which are simply an irreplaceable part of any mechanism with moving parts.

IN agriculture Such products are no less in demand and, in addition, they are used even in everyday life. For example, to produce an ordinary modern dump truck, more than 1000 rubber products of various types and sizes are needed, so today many foreign and Russian enterprises are engaged in the production of this material.


The main advantage they have rubber products, is its ease of use, elasticity. This allows you to simplify the installation of any mechanism and securely install it in the right place.

In addition, its hardness is also valued, providing good quality manufactured part and that it will last long enough. This advantage also includes strength.

Another significant advantage is abrasion resistance, which allows the use of such materials even in mechanisms with constant movement, for example, as the already mentioned V-belts.

Rubber products are also resistant to swelling, and this, in turn, protects them from the influence of water or other liquid substances. Due to the absence of swelling effect, rubber products are an indispensable component in production at any level, both as parts and for creating the production itself.

Effect of temperatures

This aspect can also be attributed to the main advantages, since rubber products produced at modern production resistant to both high temperatures, and vice versa low. As a result, this material is suitable for use in any conditions, which makes it one of the most relevant.