How much do journalists earn? Income in various fields of journalism. "Free journalism" - what is it

Correspondents collect and disseminate information. By the nature of their activity, they should always be in the thick of things. The job is both interesting and dangerous. Not everyone loves the ubiquitous paparazzi. Television journalists are in the best position.

Income of Russian professionals

A beginner journalist for one little, on 2 - 3 minutes, plot, earns from $ 50 to $ 100... Staff member receives a salary from $ 700 to $ 1000 per month... The income of the correspondents is unstable, depending on the situation and the place of work of the specialist.

Profits in large cities of Russia (in rubles):

  • Vladivostok - 43,000 ($ 687);
  • Khabarovsk -42,000 ($ 671);
  • Kazan - 40,000 ($ 639);
  • Moscow - 37,500 ($ 599);
  • Yaroslavl - 37,000 ($ 591);
  • Voronezh - 33,000 ($ 527).

Comparative table of correspondent income (in rubles):

Minimum Maximum Average salary
Russia 30000 ($479) 80000 ($1278) 45000 ($719)
Moscow 40000($639) 220000 ($3515) 130000 ($2077)
St. Petersburg 30000 200000 ($3195) 65000 ($1038)

A journalist in the capital has the highest profits. He does not receive a fixed salary, so he has to always be aware of what is happening and be the first to appear on the scene. TV journalist who became star screen, earns monthly up to 1 million rubles... ($ 15,976) per month.

Correspondents' revenue depends on the events covered and the place of work:

  • on a local TV channel - 15 - 20 thousand ($ 240 - 320);
  • participation in live broadcasts from the scene of important events - 70,000 ($ 1118);
  • international journalist - 60,000 ($ 959);
  • work on creating content in Internet projects - 600 - 900 rubles. ($ 9.6 - 14.3) / 1000 characters, the fee for 1 article can reach 6000 ($ 96), up to 90,000 ($ 1438) per month;
  • in a private TV company - 30-50 thousand rubles. ($ 479 - 799).

Aspiring war correspondent, earning income from $ 1 to 3 thousand... Experienced earns from $ 4 thousand... per month, and known - up to $30000 ... A military correspondent in a hot spot earns on average 50,000 rbl... ($ 799). Reporting from the scene on the front line is paid for by separate fees.

For the entire time away from home, journalists receive generous travel allowances. For permanent work in conflict zones, on average they pay 80,000 rbl. ($1278).

Arrived Ukrainian colleagues

As in Russia, the wealth of journalists depends on their determination and assertiveness.

Specialists working in regional and district media earn (in UAH):

  • Vinnytsia region - 15,000 ($ 574);
  • Kievskaya - 10,000 ($ 383):
  • Odessa - 9000 ($ 344);
  • Kharkovskaya - 6500 ($ 249);
  • Kherson - 5000 ($ 191);
  • Zhytomyr - 4000 ($ 153);
  • Dnipropetrovsk - 3500 ($ 96).

A TV correspondent in the Kiev region receives approximately 7250 UAH. ($277).

The economic policy of the channel where the specialist works is of great importance:

  • New channel” — $700;
  • STB - $ 1600;
  • Inter” — $600 — 700;
  • “1 + 1” - from $ 1500 to $ 3000;
  • TRK "Ukraine" - up to $ 1200.

Profits of professionals in related specialties (in UAH):

  • journalist analyst - 30,000 ($ 1148);
  • managing editor - 10,500 ($ 402);
  • literary editor - 8,750 ($ 335);
  • news correspondent - 3180 ($ 122);
  • writer journalist - 5000 ($ 191);
  • Sports Writer - 7,000 ($ 268)

Revenue of colleagues in other countries

Journalist of the Belarusian newspapers or a site with a strong grip and a sharp eye earns $ 1,100 per month. Kazakh representatives of this profession are content with income at the level $76 .


The salary of an American journalist depends on the level of his qualifications:

  1. 1st class correspondent with less than a year work experience, earns $ 2500 / month;
  2. Grade II is received in a few years, the salary rises to $2800 ;
  3. III class involves an improvement in the financial situation, with a monthly income of $3700 .

Average annual salary does not exceed $40000 .


The monthly profit of a correspondent in France is about 3500 euros, most of them are spent on taxes.

A journalism graduate in the UK earns from £ 25,000... The earnings of an experienced word master are within from 55 to 68 thousand pounds.

Training and career growth

Employers prefer to work with journalists who have graduated from specialized educational institutions. Welcomed experience work in the media for at least 1 year.

Real journalists consider their profession to be interesting and exciting, although there are also dangerous working moments. But not everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, on television. What to do in this case? There is a way out and it is quite simple - look for a job on the Internet and start earning!

All that is required of a journalist to make money on the Internet is not to leave his favorite pastime, while the financial side of the issue will be resolved automatically. Your work in the form of articles with news, etc. a journalist can easily sell on freelance or copywriting exchanges, of which there are a lot on the Internet.

How to make money for a journalist on the Internet

One of the article exchanges has a section dedicated specifically to selling relevant news. Everyone can try to make money using this service. In addition, this exchange has a tool for high-quality online text verification for uniqueness. Here is the link . I recommend it to you.
Today, one of the good options for making a profit from rewriting is the sale of content on exchanges. Finding such exchanges will not be difficult for you. There are a lot of them on the Internet, and in each of them you will find your own plus. One of the most popular and demanded exchanges is, both for customers and for rewriters and copywriters. You can judge the popularity by looking at its main indicators of quantity:

1) articles for sale (there are more than 48,000);
2) users (more than 37,500);
3) orders completed in TOP30 copywriters.
You can make money on this exchange in several ways. You can post both rewrites of articles and your own articles. It is also possible to place orders with a specific task. For their implementation, you will immediately receive payment.

If you earn by copywriting, you can appreciate the positive side of this exchange. It consists in the fact that it is possible to make a unique article from the available material from the Internet through high-quality and deep rewriting. Thus, this new article can be sold as copywriting. With quality work, no one will suspect you of such "resourcefulness". Moreover, no one forbids using the available material.

Another plus is that you yourself allocate both the amount of your time spent on rewriting and when you will do this work. And it is not at all necessary to wait for the order to arrive. All you need is to determine for yourself how much time and effort you are willing to spend to make it difficult for you. For example, 10 thousand characters a day is your daily norm, which will be completed in 2-3 hours. Then on follow the link “TOP 20 categories for the month.” Here you can find volumes and categories of texts that are most in demand among customers. After that, you will need to find the articles you need on the Internet, rewrite and sell.

There are two other good exchanges Advego and. From the exchanges mentioned in the article, you can choose the one that suits you. All exchanges with a good reputation and time-tested, but there is no consensus among copywriters which exchange is the best.

Starting to work, you should tune in to the fact that not necessarily all your articles will be bought at once. And do not get upset, and even more so, do not quit your job if the articles are not for sale. You need to realize that, in its own way, an article exchange is a market driven by demand. And if today there is no demand for your article, this does not mean that there will be no demand tomorrow either. It may happen that today not a single article is sold, but next week they will buy everything at once. And remember that on this service you can not only post your written texts, but also take an order for writing an article.

A journalist can also make money on the ContentMonster exchange. The requirements for authors are serious, you need to pass 2 tests to be able to work. But then you can earn tens of dollars every day by writing custom texts.

As a child, many dreamed of becoming a journalist, because this is one of the most interesting professions, which involves constant being in the thick of things.

The activity is good, but finding real vacancies and getting a well-paid job is not easy. Better to use the internet and build a career on your own.

Working as a journalist on the Internet does not have to be news-related. Remember the helpful footnotes and articles in the newspapers? They were also made up of journalists, and now this whole niche has migrated to the Internet.

How do journalists make money on the Internet?

The best option for an online journalist is. For many years, article exchanges have been operating, where everyone can put up any material for sale. It is news information or just cognitive data, it does not matter.

Site owners need to constantly host something, so they go to exchanges and make purchases:

The main copywriting exchanges where you need to register to become an online journalist. Until you unwind, prove your professionalism and collect positive reviews, do not overstate the prices too much.

It is not so easy to bypass competitors, thousands of new articles are added to the exchanges every day:

The main advantage of working with text exchanges is complete freedom of action. You don't depend on anyone, you decide for yourself what to write and for how much to sell. The schedule is free, the volumes are not fixed.

However, regular work is better. For the position of Internet journalist, there is a vacancy in all freelance exchanges (it can only be called "Copywriter"). Visit Weblancer, the largest remote work portal, with many interesting suggestions:

As you can see, the owner of a movie site needs descriptions. He paid $ 138 to freelancers and is willing to collaborate with other authors. Perhaps, through the exchange, you will find vacancies specifically for online journalists who will be required to write news.

There is development in any work, here it needs to be organized independently. Learn to compose quality materials, promote your name, increase prices gradually. Popular journalists are paid several times higher than newcomers.

Mobile journalist - working on the Internet

You can also work as a journalist on the Internet from a mobile device. If you are ready to get to the scene or unusual shots often fall into the lens of your camera, install the Life News app.

It is one of the most popular news portals, willing to pay for interesting content:

After the usual registration in the application, you will be able to upload and submit your news. Moderators check each post and, if it gets into the main feed, you will receive a monetary reward. It is not fixed, it depends on how interesting and high-quality content is provided.

In addition, offers sometimes appear in the application to go to the scene. The location is determined automatically, most often they ask to get to a place in Moscow. Occasionally, applications appear for residents of the regions. But in this case, payment for the news is guaranteed.

If you are interested in the latter method, use additionally.

Everyone can work as a journalist on the Internet, the main thing is to find their own niche. It is not necessary to dive into the news sphere; you can write articles for websites on any topic. Do it efficiently, develop and you will definitely achieve success.

Journalism is one of the most demanded specialties in the labor market not only in Russia, but also in most of the developed countries of the world. And in favor of choosing the above profession is the fact that the applicant does not need to have the appropriate education. It is enough to have critical thinking and the ability to highlight this or that information.

But, unfortunately, pen shark salaries sometimes leave much to be desired. Therefore, today we will try to sort out the question that is urgent for many, how much do professional journalists earn in our country?

What determines a journalist's salary?

The salary of a journalist depends on many factors, the key ones being the place of work and the field of activity.

Place of work:

  • federal mass media;
  • regional media;
  • printed editions;
  • online news services.

There is an opinion that working in a large information company can provide quite high and stable earnings. In fact, this is not always the case. Recently, in Russia, the practice of using the labor of provincial correspondents has been widely used, who systematize and then send local news to an editorial office located in some major city or capital.

The fees of such journalists are significantly inferior to the income of newsmakers, who imposingly typing texts in cozy offices based on sent sources.

Field of activity:

  • creation and broadcasting of television programs;
  • organization of video reports;
  • writing text news, etc.

Naturally, the design of text materials will bring the least profit in comparison with other options. The only exceptions are publications of voluminous analytical articles prepared by a highly qualified expert.

But in this case, the author will definitely need specialized education and the ability to interpret highly specialized inferences with a view to a mass audience in order to attract the attention of both a trained and an ordinary reader.

Salary of a journalist in Moscow

In the capital, the work of a journalist is paid an order of magnitude higher than in other cities of Russia. And it is not surprising, because the current situation is relevant for most of the humanitarian professions.

The monthly salary of an average reporter in Moscow ranges from 45,000 to 46,000 rubles. At the same time, special correspondents participating in live broadcasts receive from 70 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. depending on the information provided and taking into account all the risks associated with the safety of the film crew. Meanwhile, the least fortunate editors of news feeds on the Internet, their income is 25-30 thousand rubles.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the salaries of TV presenters on central channels. Here, royalties are very often in six figures. But as a rule, they are not disclosed in order to exclude any prerequisites that could negatively affect the reputation of a particular program or TV channel as a whole.

Average salaries of journalists in the regions of Russia

So, how much does a journalist earn on average in Russia? For an illustrative example, we will give a rating of the most favorable cities from a financial point of view based on the offers of employers published in the Yandex. Work ", excluding Moscow (rubles):

  1. Vladivostok - 43,000;
  2. Khabarovsk - 42,200;
  3. Kazan - 39,900;
  4. Sochi - 36,000;
  5. St. Petersburg - 35 300;
  6. Orenburg - 35,200;
  7. Yaroslavl - 31,900;
  8. Vladimir - 31,000;
  9. Naberezhnye Chelny - 31,000;
  10. Krasnoyarsk - 30,500.

Meanwhile, the average salary of a reporter in Russia is 23,950 rubles. This is exactly what the employees of the majority of regional media receive. For this reason, journalism seems to be quite a lucrative occupation and quite a good start in a career for young and promising people.