Such types of physical activity as. General characteristics of physical activity

– this is a person’s motor activity, which is accompanied by an increased, relative to the resting state, level of functioning of the body.

There are external and internal sides of the load.

The external side of the load includes the intensity with which the physical exercise is performed and its volume.

The intensity of physical activity characterizes the strength of the impact of a particular exercise on the human body. One of the indicators of load intensity is the density of the impact of a series of exercises. The impact density characterizes the relationship between the execution time of certain physical exercise and the total time of the whole lesson or its corresponding part. So, when performing the same exercises in different classes for different times the total density load will be different. The less time a certain series of exercises is completed, the higher the density of influence the load will be. A general indicator of the intensity of physical activity will be the energy costs of its implementation per unit of time.

The intensity of the load can be adjusted by the following factors: speed of movement m/sec.; coordination complexity; pace of exercises; the relative amount of stress as a percentage of the personal best in a specific exercise; range of motion - the larger it is, the greater the intensity of the load; resistance environment(terrain, wind, water flow, etc.); the amount of additional weight (for example, running at the same speed, but with additional weight in the form of a special belt of a certain weight).

The volume of load is determined by the duration of an individual physical exercise, a series of exercises, as well as the total number of exercises in a certain part of the session, in the whole session or in a series of sessions. The volume of load in cyclic exercises is determined in units of length or time. For example, a cross-country race over a distance of 10 km. In strength training, the volume of the load is determined by the number of repetitions and the total weight of the weights lifted. In jumping, throwing - the number of repetitions. IN sports games ah, martial arts - the total time of physical activity.

There is an inversely proportional relationship between the intensity and volume of the load; the higher the force on the body as a result of the high intensity of the exercise, the sooner the person will get tired and be forced to stop doing it. It is never possible to combine maximum or near-intensity efforts with high volume.

However, physical activity with appropriate intensity only becomes effective if it reaches the required volume. Thus, when repeatedly running short segments (20–30 m) with high intensity and an optimal rest interval between them, in the first three to four attempts, predominantly speed qualities will develop. In subsequent repetitions, due to the depletion of the alactic energy source, continuation of the same work will contribute to the mobilization of the glycolytic mechanism of energy supply. The training effect will already be aimed at the predominant development of speed endurance. After some time, the glycolytic source of energy will be exhausted and further work in the same mode will be performed mainly due to the aerobic source of energy, which in turn will contribute to the development of general endurance. To establish the optimal ratio of intensity and volume of the training load, it is necessary to clearly define the purpose for which the exercise is performed, take into account the level of physical fitness, age and gender characteristics of those to whom it is offered.

Inner side physical activity is determined by those functional changes that occur in the body due to the influence of certain external quantities (intensity and volume).

Functional changes in different people for the same physical activity are almost always different. Moreover, even the same person, depending on the level of training, emotional state, environmental conditions (temperature, humidity and air pressure, wind, altitude, etc.), will react differently to the same the same external load parameters.

Table 1.

Symptoms of fatigue after exercise different sizes

(generalized data)

Symptom Mild fatigue (moderate exercise) Very severe fatigue (ultimate load)
Skin coloring. Sweating. Coordination of movements. Concentration. General health. Ready for training. Mood. Light redness. Moderate to medium (depending on temperature and humidity). Confident execution that corresponds to the level achieved. Normal, corrective instructions are followed, there are no manifestations of nervousness, steady attention during the demonstration of exercises. There are no complaints, all training tasks are completed. A strong desire to continue training. Upbeat, cheerful, joyful, lively. Severe redness. Great sweating above the waist. An increase in the number of errors, a decrease in accuracy, and the emergence of uncertainty. Deterioration of attention, decreased perception of information, reduced ability to differentiate. Muscle weakness, significantly difficulty breathing, increasing impotence, a pronounced decrease in performance. Reduced activity, desire to increase rest intervals between exercises, but there is a willingness to continue training. Somewhat depressed, but happy if the results of the training correspond to the expected; joy about the next workout. Extreme redness or unusual paleness. A lot of sweating, including below the waist. Severe lack of coordination, sluggish execution of movements, a sharp increase in errors. Significantly reduced attention, great nervousness, very slow reactions. Lead heaviness in muscles and joints, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, depression. Desire for complete rest and cessation of training. Depression, obsessive doubts about the value of classes, searching for reasons for missing classes.

Information about the load can be obtained by monitoring various activity indicators functional systems, determined by instrumental methods.

In everyday practice, the magnitude of the internal load can be assessed by fatigue indicators, as well as by the nature and duration of recovery in the rest intervals between exercises. For this purpose, indicators such as the intensity of sweating, skin color, quality of movement, ability to concentrate, general well-being of a person, his willingness to continue exercising, mood during exercise and during rest intervals (Table 1), as well as heart rate indicators are used. during exercise and during rest intervals. Depending on the degree of manifestation of these indicators, moderate, heavy and maximum loads are distinguished.

Properly dosed physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body. They allow you to achieve perfect figure, increase muscle tone and even strengthen the human immune system. However, to get the desired result, you need to correctly compose a set of exercises and choose their optimal intensity. We will tell you in our article what types of physical activity exist and for what purposes they are most suitable.

Load classification

Sports are performed for a specific purpose. This could be maintaining muscle tone, losing weight, recovering from an injury, or preparing for sports. In each case, the types of physical activity and their intensity will differ, so they are usually divided according to the following classification:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic;
  • interval;
  • hypoxic.

Our body is exposed to some of these loads every day, while others may be completely beyond the capabilities of a novice athlete. Let's look at what the differences are between each type and for what tasks you should choose one or another option.

Aerobic exercise group

Aerobic exercise (or cardio exercise) is a set of simple exercises that are aimed at enriching cells required quantity oxygen, increasing the body's defenses and training its resistance.

Our body is exposed to these loads every day: while going to the store, while cleaning the apartment, on the way to work and while walking. This also includes:

  • cycling;
  • water sports;
  • skiing, skating, roller skating;
  • daily gymnastics;
  • walking up the stairs;
  • dance classes, etc.

This group includes almost all options for active pastime. This is an ideal form of physical activity to keep your body in good shape.

Aerobic exercise is considered the safest. People can do them of different ages regardless of the level of training. For patients who have suffered severe injuries and have chronic diseases, such loads are recommended. However, in in this case the intensity of exercise and the body's reaction should be strictly controlled by the attending physician.

Anaerobic exercises and how to do them

The anaerobic group of exercises includes types of physical activity characterized by increased severity and intensity. This includes those performed by athletes to increase muscle mass and train the body's endurance.

Exercises are performed using heavy dumbbells, barbells and various exercise machines. Their main essence is a short-term movement of gravity without body movement. The final result is a significant increase in muscle tissue volume and high strength indicators. However, you should know that in the process of rapidly increasing muscle volume, their elasticity decreases significantly.

Anaerobic exercise has contraindications and is not recommended for people over 40 years of age. However, you can perform exercises with moderate weights to keep your body in good physical shape: lift dumbbells up to 5 kg, use rubber or spring expanders.

Group of interval exercises: what are their features?

During training, athletes can alternate and combine various types physical activity (and its intensity). In this case, they talk about interval load, when classes include elements of the first and second types.

For example, young and healthy men Those involved in strenuous sports are required to perform aerobic exercises. That is, during their training, heavy exercises and light running alternate. At the same time, track and field athletes can additionally use large loads affecting a specific muscle group. In sports, types of physical activity alternate constantly, especially if we're talking about about professional training.

Hypoxic loads

They are used to train endurance of professional athletes. Hypoxic loads are considered heavy exercises, as they are performed in conditions of lack of oxygen, when a person is at the limit of his capabilities.

The main goal of this type of training is to minimize the process of acclimatization of the body in an unfamiliar environment. used for training respiratory system climbers who often stay in high altitude conditions, where

The principle of choosing types of physical activity (according to the nature of the impact)

The correct choice of optimal exercises is the key to obtaining the desired result. That is why before starting training you need to clearly define the final goal. It could be:

  • rehabilitation after injuries, operations and chronic diseases;
  • healing and recuperation, relieving stress after a hard day’s work;
  • maintaining the body in its current physical shape;
  • increasing endurance and increasing body strength.

Selecting the load in the second and third options usually does not cause difficulties. Here are the exercises with therapeutic purpose It’s much more difficult to choose on your own. When thinking about what types of physical activity are most effective for recovery, one should take into account the person’s current condition and capabilities.

The same exercise can be very effective for an athlete in moderate physical shape and absolutely useless for a beginning athlete. Therefore, the choice of training program should be carried out according to the principle of threshold loads, and it is better if the coach is well aware of the athlete’s condition and capabilities.

Types of loads

In addition to the main classification of training, there is a division of exercises into several types. Each of them is aimed at developing a specific quality.

Based on the nature of the impact on the body, there are several main types of physical activity:

To get maximum benefit from your workouts, they should be performed in accordance with certain rules, which we will talk about below.

Strength exercises

Strength exercises help keep the body in good shape, slow down the aging process of tissues, and prevent the development of various cardiovascular diseases. It is important that everyone receives the load because inactive tissues are deprived necessary substances, which leads to their aging.

The positive effects of strength exercises are achieved if the load is gradually increased, but at the same time it corresponds to the person’s health status. The burden of loads and their repetition should also increase gradually. Exercises with an uncontrolled number of repetitions are absolutely ineffective for training endurance and strength.

In health-improving exercises, physical activity (the classification and types of which are prescribed by the doctor) is based on unlimited weights and a clearly established number of repetitions. This method of choosing loads allows you to achieve results and avoid injuries.

At the initial stages of training, you should use weights no more than 40% of the maximum possible according to the state of the body. Next, the load can be selected so that the maximum number of repetitions of the exercise is about 8-12 times. And for the muscles of the forearm, neck, lower leg and abdomen it would reach 15-20 times (with pauses between sets of 1-3 minutes).

High-speed loads

Such training does not require a person to have great endurance and great tension. They provide positive influence for both young and aging organisms. In the latter case, speed exercises are considered especially relevant. After all, the main sign of withering of the body is not only its fading motor functions, but also slower movements.

Speed ​​loads should not be carried out for longer than 10-15 seconds. Long exercises (30 to 90 seconds) should be performed with reduced power. It is precisely such exercises, alternating with short time intervals for rest, that contribute to the maximum extent to slow down the aging process of cells. In order to keep the body in optimal shape, speed exercises are recommended to be performed during every sport activity.

The benefits of elasticity of muscles, ligaments, joints

Flexibility exercises are the most popular types of loads in the world. They are included in the school classes of children of the most junior classes. Such loads help maintain flexibility and mobility of the joints and spine. In addition, the positive effects of such loads include:

  • prevention of excessive wear of joints;
  • preventing the development of arthritis;
  • improvement of the condition of the joint capsule;
  • prevention of osteochondrosis.

The elasticity of muscles, joints and ligaments significantly reduces the likelihood of injury and promotes rapid recovery of muscle tissue after physical activity. Flexibility exercises perfectly relax muscles and improve their tone.

The absence of such loads leads to tissue stiffening. Energy that could be used for recovery is wasted, and the muscle itself suffers from a lack of oxygen.

What other training is needed?

Dexterity and coordination abilities are no less important qualities required by a person throughout his life. In the absence of systematic training, these skills gradually decrease. What types of physical activity should be included in training to develop these abilities? Everything is as simple as shelling pears here. The most the best option There will be various sports games: tennis, table tennis, badminton, etc.

Light sports are great for training agility and are good prevention of cardiovascular diseases. There are no age restrictions for such loads, but they are very difficult to dose. For this reason, during training you need to control your own breathing and monitor your heart rate.

Agility training with the help of sports games significantly increases the body's adaptive abilities, and exercises that require constant attention train the mental reaction well. A person begins to make complex decisions faster and acts more quickly in unforeseen situations.

As we have seen, any type of physical activity can have a positive effect on a person. However, to achieve maximum results, training must be systematic and include several types of exercises simultaneously. In this way, you can ensure a high degree of resistance of the body to adverse factors, as well as constantly develop and improve new skills. The main thing is to remember, no matter what type of load you choose, it is important to always know when to stop!


IN recent years More and more often, the question of finding modern ways and methods of strengthening physical and emotional well-being is being raised. This is due, first of all, to the fact that today, in the age of technological progress, when the decline in the level of health of the population is becoming more and more noticeable, there is an increase in mental load and, as a consequence, a decrease in physical activity. Role physical culture and sports is growing even more. There is no doubt that an oversaturated emotional background sufficiently reduces the level of health and well-being of students and traumatizes their psyche. In this regard, the introduction into educational process health-forming technologies, development of special health programs that can reduce the physiological and psychological cost of adaptation, and ensure the formation of sustainable attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.

The main factor in a healthy lifestyle is health-improving physical culture. Its main goal is the comprehensive development of the body, its recovery after fatigue from various physical and mental stress, maintaining health and a positive emotional state.

The principle of health-improving orientation is one of the fundamental ones in physical education; its main meaning is to achieve the greatest possible health-improving effect from physical education. Despite the apparent simplicity of the principle, certain difficulties are encountered in its practical implementation. This is due to the fact that planning physical education programs includes material that reveals only educational objectives, according to which motor actions should be taught and physical qualities developed. Therefore, the content of training and methodological approaches weakly reflect the principle of a health-improving orientation and thereby limit the possibilities of using the means of health-improving physical culture in the process of physical education and independent studies.

The purpose of the study is to study the load and rest during physical exercise.

Object of study - physical education in load and rest when performing physical exercises.

The subject of the study is how load and rest affect the process during physical exercise.

Research objectives:

Study the load phases.

Study the rest phases.

To study the influence of the load-rest ratio in the training process.

Research methods: Analysis of literary sources.


Physical activity. Species

Physical activity is the magnitude of the impact of physical exercise on a person, which is accompanied by an increased, relative to rest, level of functioning of the body.

There are internal and external sides of the load. Internal load is characterized by morpho-functional changes in the body under the influence of load. External - determined by the quantitative characteristics of the work performed (intensity and volume). The load can be standard or variable. The first one is the same in its external parameters at each moment of time, and the second one changes as the exercise progresses. The total load of several physical exercises (or activities as a whole) can be determined, respectively, by integral characteristics its volume and intensity in individual exercises (or classes). There is an inversely proportional relationship between the volume and load intensity indicators.

The load can be continuous or interval (intermittent) in nature. In the first case, there are no rest intervals when performing the exercise; in the second, between repetitions of the exercise there are rest intervals that ensure restoration of the person’s level of performance. Depending on the phase of recovery, the next exercise is performed.

All types of physical activity are divided into

According to the magnitude of the load - large (maximum), significant (near-limit), medium, small;

By nature - training and competitive, specific and non-specific;

By focus - on promoting the development of individual motor abilities (speed, strength, coordination, endurance, flexibility) or their components, improving the coordination structure of movements, components of mental preparedness or tactical skill, etc.;

According to coordination complexity - those performed under stereotypical conditions that do not require significant mobilization of coordination abilities, and associated with the performance of movements of high coordination complexity;

According to mental tension - more intense and less intense, depending on the requirements for the mental capabilities of athletes.

One of the main issues when engaging in physical training is the choice of appropriate optimal loads. They can be determined by the following factors:

Rehabilitation after various diseases, including chronic ones;

Rehabilitation and health activities to relieve psychological and physical stress after work;

Maintaining existing fitness at the existing level;

Promotion physical training. Development of the body's functional capabilities.

The effectiveness of physical activity. Selection of optimal loads, their types. Load intensity. Methods for determining load intensity. Criteria for pulse control of the body's response to physical activity

Systematic physical education leads to adaptation human body to the performed physical work. Adaptation is based on changes in muscle tissue and various organs as a result of training. All these changes determine the training effects. They manifest themselves in improving various body functions and increasing physical fitness.

When analyzing the factors that determine the physical training effects of exercises, the following aspects can be distinguished:

functional effects of training

threshold, “critical” loads for the occurrence of training effects.

reversibility of training effects

specificity of training effects

trainability, which determines the magnitude of the training effect

The last two aspects are the most important in sports training.

Systematic performance of a certain type of physical exercise causes the following main positive functional effects:

Strengthening the maximum functionality of the entire body, its leading systems

Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire organism and its leading systems

The first effect is determined by the increase in maximum indicators when performing limit tests. They reflect the current maximum capabilities of the body, essential for this type of exercise. For example, the effect of endurance training is indicated by an increase in the maximum capacity for oxygen uptake, maximum oxygen consumption and the duration of muscular endurance work.

The second effect is manifested in a decrease in functional shifts in the activity of other organs and systems of the body when performing certain work. Thus, when performing the same load, a trained person and an untrained person have lower indicators for the latter. A trained individual will experience lower functional changes in heart rate, respiration, or energy consumption.

These positive effects are based on:

Structural and functional changes in the leading organs of vital activity when performing certain work.

Improving the central - nervous, endocrine and autonomic cellular regulation of functions in the process of performing physical exercises.

One of the main issues when engaging in physical training is the choice of appropriate, optimal loads. They can be determined by the following factors:

Rehabilitation after various diseases, including chronic ones.

Restorative and health activities to relieve psychological and physical stress after work.

maintaining existing fitness at the existing level.

Increased physical fitness. Development of the functional capabilities of the body.

As a rule, there are no serious problems with the choice of loads in the second and third cases. The situation is more complicated with the choice of loads in the first case, which constitutes the main content of therapeutic physical education.

In the latter case, an increase in the functional capabilities of individual organs and the whole organism, i.e. Achieving a training effect is achieved if the systematic training loads are significant enough and reach or exceed a certain threshold load during the training process. This threshold training load should exceed the daily load.

The principle of threshold loads is called the principle of progressive overload.

The basic rule in choosing threshold loads is that they must correspond to the current functionality this person. Thus, the same load can be effective for a poorly trained person and completely ineffective for an untrained person.

Consequently, the principle of individualization is largely based on the principle of threshold loads. It follows from it that when determining training loads, both the trainer and the trainee must have a sufficient understanding of the functional capabilities of their body.

The principle of gradual increase in loads is also a consequence of the physiological principle of threshold loads, which should gradually increase with increasing training. Depending on the training goals and personal abilities of a person, physical activity should have varying degrees. Different threshold loads are applied to increase or maintain the level of existing functionality.

The main parameters of physical activity are its intensity, duration and frequency, which together determine the volume of the training load. Each of these parameters plays an independent role in determining training effectiveness, but their relationship and mutual influence are no less important.

The most important factor influencing training effectiveness is load intensity. When taking into account this parameter and the initial level of functional readiness, the influence of the duration and frequency of training, within certain limits, may not play a significant role. In addition, the value of each of the load parameters significantly depends on the choice of indicators by which training effectiveness is judged.

For example, if the increase in maximum oxygen consumption largely depends on the intensity of training loads, then the decrease in heart rate during test submaximal loads is more dependent on the frequency and total duration of training sessions.

Optimal threshold loads also depend on the type of training (strength, speed-strength, endurance, game, technical, etc.) and on its nature (continuous, cyclic or repeated interval). For example, an increase in muscle strength is achieved through training with large loads (weight, resistance) with relatively small repetitions in each workout. An example of a progressively increasing load is the repeated maximum method, which is the maximum load that a person can repeat a certain number of times. With an optimal number of repetitions from 3 to 9, as training increases, the weight increases so that this number is maintained at near-maximum tension. In this case, the threshold load can be considered the amount of weight (resistance) exceeding 70% of the arbitrary maximum strength of the trained muscle groups. In contrast, endurance increases as a result of training with a high number of repetitions at relatively low loads. When training endurance, to determine the threshold load, it is necessary to take into account the intensity, frequency and duration of the load, and its total volume.

There are several physiological methods for determining the intensity of the load. The direct method is to measure the rate of oxygen consumption (l/min) - absolute or relative (% of maximum oxygen consumption). All other methods are indirect, based on the existence of a connection between the intensity of the load and some physiological indicators. One of the most convenient indicators is heart rate. The basis for determining the intensity of the training load by heart rate is the relationship between them; the greater the load, the greater the heart rate. To determine the intensity of the load in different people, not absolute, but relative indicators of heart rate are used (relative percentage heart rate or relative percentage working gain).

Relative operating heart rate

(% HR max) is the percentage ratio of the heart rate during exercise and the maximum heart rate for a given person. Approximately HRmax can be calculated using the formula:

HRmax=220 - person’s age (years) beats/min.

It should be borne in mind that there are quite significant differences in HRmax for different people of the same age. In some cases, beginners with low physical levels. preparation

HRmax=180 - person’s age (years) beats/min.

When determining the intensity of training loads based on heart rate, two indicators are used: threshold and peak heart rate. Threshold heart rate is the lowest intensity below which no training effect occurs. Peak heart rate is the highest intensity that should not be exceeded as a result of training. Approximate heart rate indicators for healthy people involved in sports can be:

Threshold - 75%

Peak - 95%

from maximum heart rate. The lower the level of physical fitness of a person, the lower the intensity of the training load should be. As training increases, it should gradually increase, up to 80-85% of maximum oxygen consumption (up to 95% of heart rate).

Work zones by heart rate beats/min.

up to 120 - preparatory, warm-up, main exchange.

up to 120-140 - Restorative - supporting.

up to 140-160 - developing endurance, aerobic.

up to 160-180 - developing speed endurance

more than 180 - speed development.


1. Apanasenko G.L. The health we choose. Kyiv: knowledge, 1989

2. Milner E.G. Formula of life. - M.: FiS, 1991.

3. Markov K.K. Vadutov R.G. Course of lectures for students. Irkutsk 1996.

To prepare this work, materials from the site were used

Reacts with a complex of reactions from the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems, etc.

  • If the load is weak, then the body’s response will be unnoticeable and will not cause any changes.
  • If the load is within the optimal range, it will lead to positive changes. The optimal load value is not constant. For the same person, it changes with an increase in his physical fitness.
  • If the load turns out to be excessive, then changes will follow that will entail unfavorable changes in the body.

Physical activity parameters

Physical activity consists of two parameters: volume and intensity. The volume and intensity of loads are inseparable and at the same time opposite in their effects on the body. At the same time, volume and intensity can be increased to a certain limit.

More appropriate on initial stage training should be considered an increase in load due to its volume, and in the future, as the body’s capabilities gradually increase, mainly due to intensity.

Load volume

Load volume can be expressed by the number of exercises or activities, the length of distances run, the total mass of weights lifted, etc.

Load intensity

Load intensity means the intensity of the training work and the degree of its concentration over time.

Factors on which physical activity depends

There are many factors that allow you to change physical activity during training:

  • Number of repetitions of the exercise. The more repetitions, the greater the load.
  • The size and number of muscle groups participating in the exercise. The more muscles involved in the exercise and the larger they are, the greater the physical activity.
  • The pace of the exercises. There is no clear answer to the question of which pace is the most tiring - slow, medium or fast. Although in general, without taking into account the specifics of the exercise, the most stressful is a fast pace. At the same time, a fast pace sometimes makes it difficult to perform exercises for small and medium muscle groups. Large muscle groups are easier to train at a fast pace. Slow walking tires you out faster than walking at an average pace. Strength exercises performed at a slow pace have a greater impact on the body compared to exercises performed at a fast or medium pace. It is easier to sit up quickly from a lying position with your legs fixed than slowly.
  • Range of motion. As the amplitude of movements increases, the overall load on the body increases, although exceptions are possible. For example, lifting and lowering the legs from the starting position lying on your back is easier at an angle of 90° than at an angle of 45-30°.
  • Difficulty of the exercise. The more complex the exercise is in its construction, the more larger number muscles are involved in its implementation, the more concentrated the attention and, therefore, the greater the load, the faster fatigue sets in.
  • Starting position. The amount of load on the body largely depends on the starting position from which the exercise is performed. For example, it is easier to perform an exercise with the same weight from a standing position than from a sitting position. Bends forward and backwards are easier to perform from the starting position of the “legs apart” than from the main stance.
  • Duration, time and nature of rest between exercises. When establishing the frequency and duration of breaks (rest intervals) for the same total duration, it is necessary to take into account that the body’s performance is higher with short, but frequent rest intervals than with long, but rare ones. Active rest is preferable. Exercises with heavy weights are more effective if pauses are filled with slow walking or relaxation of previously worked muscles. Active rest stimulates the flow of recovery processes in the central nervous system, neuromuscular system, and autonomic systems of the body.
  • Power of muscle work(amount of work performed per unit of time). The greater the power, the greater the load. As the power of the work increases, the time it takes to complete it decreases.
  • The degree and nature of muscle tension. The more intense the work, the more tiring it is. It is more difficult to perform work involving rapid and maximum muscle tension. Material from the site

Various forms of increasing the load are used taking into account individual psychophysiological characteristics, physical fitness, and the nature of movements. This is due to the fact that the duration of a person’s adaptation to stress varies.

Straight-upward load increase

Straight-upward load increase used to gradually involve the body in work at a relatively low level of physical fitness. Relatively small rates of load increase should be used, as well as fairly long rest intervals, so that the next load falls on the phase of increased performance.

Stepwise increase in load

Stepwise increase in load used to sharply stimulate the body based on previously created functional capabilities. It provides for an abrupt increase in the load and its subsequent maintenance over several sessions.