The pitch angle of a metal tile roof. Minimum slope of metal tiles in degrees

Metal roofs are a practical and popular solution for the construction of private low-rise buildings. This roofing material is characterized by high load-bearing capacity, resistance to mechanical damage external environmental factors and intense loads. Durability and reliability finishing coating depend not only on quality, these characteristics are influenced by the roof design, including the correctly selected minimum slope. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right slope angle and check it for compliance with SNiP.

The roof slope is an important design parameter, which indicates the angle formed by the floor plane and the roof slope. This indicator is expressed as a percentage or degrees. It is calculated as the result of dividing the height of the ridge by half the width of the building. The angle of inclination of the slope depends on the technical and operational properties material and is regulated by SNiP and manufacturer’s instructions. It depends on:

  1. Possibility of using one type or another roofing.
  2. Design, composition and cross-section of rafter frame elements.
  3. The ability of a roof to effectively drain precipitation.
  4. Cost of roofing work.
  5. Weight roofing pie.

Pay attention! If the slope of a metal tile roof is increased from 22 degrees to 45 degrees, the area of ​​the slope will increase by 20%, which will affect the cost of materials (finish coating, waterproofing, insulation, wood), as well as the weight of the structure. It is necessary to decide on the optimal angle of inclination during the preparation of the project in order to correctly determine the load on the foundation.

Optimal values

Metal tile roofs are a relatively new design solution, so the technology of its installation and operation is not clearly regulated by SNiP. Information about what the minimum roof slope should be is provided by the manufacturer, since this indicator directly depends on technical characteristics the material itself. This indicator is calculated in accordance with the thickness, load-bearing capacity and method of laying the roofing.

  • According to SNiP minimum angle The slope of a metal tile roof, if the length of the slope is 6 meters, must be at least 14 degrees.
  • The permissible slope for a metal roof is in the range of 14-45 degrees.
  • The optimal angle of inclination, which ensures effective removal of precipitation with less impact on the slopes, should be 22 degrees.

Important! Minimum slope for metal roofs, which is allowed by manufacturers, is 11 degrees. Some brands of material can be laid even if the slope is 10 degrees steep. A reduction in this indicator was achieved by the use of new, smoother polymers and more durable steel for the production of roofing.

Slope selection

It can be difficult for a non-professional builder to correctly select the minimum angle of inclination of a metal tile roof. In addition to SNiP requirements and manufacturer’s recommendations, this indicator is influenced by other factors that also need to be taken into account. When choosing the steepness of the slope, the following are taken into account:

Please note that the choice of slope slope depends on the roof structure. The optimal angle of inclination of the slopes of a pitched roof made of metal tiles is 20-30 degrees, and that of a gable roof is 20-45 degrees.

Features of roofs with a small slope

The minimum recommended pitch for a metal roof is 14 degrees, however experienced craftsmen can install this look efficiently roofing material, even if the slope of the slopes is within 10-14 degrees. To increase the reliability of such a design and reduce the risk of leaks, the following measures must be taken:

  1. Increase the frequency of the sheathing slats and reduce the pitch between the rafters. To minimize the risk of roof collapse due to intense snow load, it is necessary to strengthen the rafter frame of the structure and install frequent or continuous sheathing.
  2. Increase overlaps. Manufacturers recommend when installing metal tiles to make a horizontal overlap of 8 cm, and a vertical overlap of 10-15. To eliminate the possibility of leakage in structures with gentle slopes, you can increase the overlap at the joints of the sheets.
  3. Insulate joints. To prevent the penetration of melt and rain water between the joints of the sheets, you can treat the seams with silicone sealant, although this measure has a limited duration.

Experienced craftsmen claim that the easiest way to make a roof made of metal profiles reliable is to follow the manufacturers’ recommendations and strictly adhere to the recommended angle of inclination.

Video instructions

The minimum angle of inclination of metal tile roofs is one of the most important parameters, which should be taken into account when developing a project for the rafter system of a house. A reliable and durable roof will only be achieved if the standards recommended by the manufacturer are followed.

Why the roof should not be too flat

There is a direct relationship between the final cost of the roof and the angle of its inclination. The flatter the slopes, the less material is spent on constructing the rafter system and assembling the roofing pie. However, the angle of inclination of the rafters cannot be made very small. Otherwise, too much snow will accumulate on the roof in winter. If the load exceeds the maximum permissible values, the roofing may simply not withstand it. In addition, very flat roofs made of metal tiles on private houses in most cases do not look very harmonious. It is impossible to arrange a comfortable attic or attic underneath them.

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Minimum permissible and optimal slope for metal tiles

Since roofing sheets of this type are made from high-quality steel, they can withstand quite serious loads. However, their relief texture contributes to detention in winter period time on the roof large quantity snow. And therefore, it is still not recommended to make slopes under this material, as well as under any other, too flat, despite its strength.

The minimum slope of a metal tile roof is 12º. But most manufacturers still advise installing rafters under sheets of this type at an angle of at least 14º. There are also special brands of metal tiles on the market, which can be installed on very gentle slopes - only 11º. But this coating option is rarely found on sale. In any case, when purchasing metal tiles of one brand or another, you should carefully study its technical data sheet. The permissible slope must be indicated there.

Roofs with a slope of 12º are made quite rarely. Most often, the angle of inclination of the roof slopes country house, covered with metal tiles, is 34-35º. This is optimal and actually very convenient option. With such a slope, not too much material is wasted, and the roof itself looks harmonious and impressive. In addition, it is this angle that is easiest to make with a standard length of lumber of 6 m. A roof steeper than 35º should only be assembled if it is broken and a residential attic is intended to be built under it. The optimal angle for layered rafters of such roofs is 40-45º.

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Design features of the rafter system

The roof frame for metal tiles is usually assembled using standard technology. However, some of its features rafter system for such a roofing material it still has.

When assembling it, consider the following:

  1. The recommended spacing between rafters for metal tiles is 60-90 cm.
  2. For the rafters themselves, you should take timber with a cross-section of at least 50x150 mm.
  3. The lathing is made of thick boards 30x100 mm.
  4. The pitch of the roof sheathing for metal tiles directly depends on the size of the segments of the sheets of the selected brand.

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Installation of metal roofing

This material is installed on the roof frame with the obligatory observance of the following recommendations:

  1. Sheets are cut using electric scissors, but in no case with a grinder.
  2. You should walk on already installed sheets in soft shoes, stepping between the waves.
  3. Mount the sheets using special screws with rubber gaskets. These fasteners do not tighten too tightly.
  4. Screws are screwed in when attaching sheets to the sheathing exclusively under the wave.

When covering rafters longer than 6 m, metal tiles are installed in rows along the height. The width of the horizontal overlap is determined depending on the angle of inclination of the slope. The higher the roof, the more water is retained on it during rain and the more airtight the joints must be. Therefore, if the angle of inclination of the roof rafters is 12-14º, the metal tiles are laid with an overlap of at least two waves. If this indicator is 14-35º, it is allowed to carry out installation with overlapping sheets of the upper row on one wave of the lower one.

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What materials and tools will you need?

Since the metal tile material is cold and also noisy during rain, the roof sheathed with it is usually insulated. At the same time, polystyrene foam is more often used as an insulator, but mineral wool. The point is that fibrous materials, among other things, are very good noise absorbers. In addition to mineral wool, for covering the roof with metal tiles you will need:

  • vapor barrier membrane;
  • waterproofing film;
  • roofing screws and galvanized nails;
  • thin steel wire;
  • bars with a thickness of at least 3 cm for counter-lattice;
  • boards for sheathing.

If the roofing is not included, you will also need to purchase all the necessary additional materials: eaves strips, valleys, apron for the pipe, ridge bar etc.

Tools you will need:

  • drill, screwdriver;
  • electric scissors for cutting metal tiles;
  • long rule and roulette;
  • construction stapler;
  • hammer;
  • folding ladder.

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Assembling an insulating pie

Installation of the roofing pie when used as metal tile sheathing is carried out in the following order:

  1. From the attic side it is attached to the rafters vapor barrier material. You can fix it using a construction stapler.
  2. A heat insulator is installed. It should be installed between the rafters. In order to place a support under the mineral wool, from the attic side on top vapor barrier film boards are stuffed or steel wire is fastened in a zigzag manner.
  3. Mounted on top of the insulation waterproofing material. It must be secured in a horizontal direction with a sag of approximately 2 cm. Otherwise, when the roof frame moves, the film may tear. Fix the membrane to the rafters with bars.
  4. The chimney is waterproofed. The film is placed on it and glued with mastic.
  5. Install the sheathing. It should be nailed onto the bars using galvanized nails. In the areas where the valleys are located and near the chimney, the sheathing must be made continuous.

The angle of inclination of any roof significantly affects its reliability and tightness. The minimum slope of a metal tile roof, according to SNiP requirements, must be within the range of acceptable values. Failure to comply with this rule may lead to a number of irreparable consequences. Metal roofing has a number of characteristic features, associated primarily with the specifics of this material.

Metal tiles as a roofing material are very popular. It can be used for arranging roofs with different geometric shapes. It does not place a large load on the structure. Installation of metal tiles is absolutely not difficult and can be done by any roofer. The varied range of colors of this material is very convenient when creating any design. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the slope of the roof.

The concept of slope and its calculation

The slope is the direct angle of inclination of the roof in relation to the horizon level. When conducting roofing works is a fairly significant factor. The angle of inclination of any roof is calculated as follows. The calculation can be considered using an example right triangle. For example: the width of the building is 10 meters, the height of the pediment at the ridge is 3 meters. Side with - ½ width. So a=3, c=4. From the program high school tg A=a/s. Total tg A=0.75. We look at the table of tangents on the Internet. The angle is 37 degrees. SNiP directly specifies the minimum roof slope angle, taking into account the type of material and climatic conditions. Taking into account the requirements of SNiP, the minimum roof slope, with a slope length of 6 meters, is 14 degrees.

What influences the choice of slope angle

The slope of any roof is designed to prevent snow or rainwater from accumulating on the roof. There are no standardized slope angles. The minimum slope is influenced by many factors. They must be taken into account when designing the structure. This is first of all:
  • type of rafter system;
  • climatic features;
  • roof configuration;
  • purpose attic space;
  • appearance buildings;
  • financial capabilities for roofing work.
The type of rafter system is chosen depending on whether the roof will be gable or hipped. If it is not planned to build a living space in the attic, then you should not raise the ridge part and directly increase the angle of inclination of the slope. When attic space is designed for housing, then the slope should be maximum.

Climatic factors

The angle of inclination of the slope is chosen, as a rule, taking into account the climatic conditions of the area where construction is taking place. Namely, depending on the amount of precipitation and wind speed in a given area.
  • The wind load is calculated taking into account the roof surface area. At the same time, it would be useful to provide for the strength of the wind and the possibility of disasters associated with it. A roof that is too steep usually increases windage and may not withstand strong wind loads. Experts have calculated that with a roof slope of 45 degrees, the wind force on it is 5 times greater than the wind load acting on a roof with a slope of 11 degrees. Installing such a roof will require more material, which will undoubtedly hit the owner’s pocket. If the slope is too slight, a gust of wind can blow away the roofing material.

  • In winter, snow accumulates directly on the roof slopes. At a certain slope it slides down. If it is small, then the roof will have to be cleaned to avoid damage to the rafter system. Taking into account SNiP, the roof projection must be carried out with a mandatory safety margin in order to avoid possible deformation of the metal tiles. The steeper the roof angle, the less opportunity the snow layers have to stay on it. But at the same time, the weight of the roof will be greater due to the increase in the amount of roofing material. With a large angle, the problem of installing multi-tier drainage systems arises. The difficulty is that per unit length of the sewer pipe there are quite a few large plot roofs. Since the water drains very quickly, it is more difficult to select a pipe with the required cross-section. The only way out is to install a drainage system in several tiers. And these are additional financial costs.

  • A significant factor influencing the choice of the minimum angle of inclination of the slope is the quality of heating of the house and its thermal insulation. If the thermal insulation of the roof is poor, then snow will not accumulate on the slopes, since it will thaw and slide down. However, with good thermal insulation, snow accumulations cannot be avoided.
The minimum slope requires the installation of additional waterproofing to prevent moisture penetration. To do this, apply a layer of silicone sealant to the joints.
Even in advance, when purchasing metal tiles, you should pay especially close attention to the recommendations of its manufacturer. As a general rule, he recommends designing a rake angle of 12 degrees or more. There is a more durable material that can be mounted at an angle of 11 degrees. This metal tile is made with a smoother surface, which promotes good sliding. If you do not take into account the manufacturer's recommendations and install a roof with a smaller slope angle, then heavy snowfall may result in a risk of roof collapse. The minimum slope angle is typical for regions with warmer climates, where the amount of precipitation in the form of snow and rain is minimal. At the same time, the roof perfectly withstands high wind loads.
This design is especially relevant for areas in which the number sunny days reaches its maximum per year. Since the roof area with such a slope is smaller, heating it in summer time creates less discomfort for the residents of this house. Moreover, with a smaller roof area, less metal tiles will be consumed. And this is a pretty good budget saving option. Since SNiP does not have strict requirements regarding what the minimum slope of a metal tile roof should actually be, it must be selected according to the recommendations of the manufacturer of this material. As a rule, its value varies in the range between 11 and 15 degrees. Its increase entails additional consumption of metal tiles. Excessive reduction requires additional waterproofing and installation of additional structures for reinforcement. That's why optimal solution This problem will be the choice of the average value. We recommend watching the video

How long a house will last and how long its roof will last depends directly on what kind of roofing material will be used. Naturally, it is also important how the building will look externally, as well as how environmentally friendly the roof will be. Nowadays, metal tiles have become the most popular material. She has high performance resistance to the external environment, intense loads, and also has good bearing capacity. Naturally, in addition to this, for long-term service, you need to correctly select the minimum angle of inclination of the metal tile roof. The article describes which optimal parameters to use for this characteristic.


What are the advantages of metal tiles

This material has a number of advantages:

    Metal tiles light in weight. For one square meter falls from five to seven kilograms. It is used to cover the roof, which has complex design. Thanks to its lightness, there is no need to reinforce the rafters. This roof does not load the walls and foundation.

    Due to the ease of installation of roofing material and the absence of the need for special tools, cost of work installation is relatively low.

    This roofing material has wide color palette, so you can choose any of them to suit the overall tone of the building.

    The tiles are made from thin sheets of steel, the thickness of which is from 0.4 to 0.7 millimeters. Thanks to her profile, she is able withstand heavy loads.

    Anti-corrosion sheet roofing material protected galvanized and polymer protective layer, which is applied to the surface.

The main advantages of the material are durability, low cost and aesthetic appearance.

What is slope

The roof slope is the angle formed between the roofing material and the ceiling.


In documents it is indicated as a percentage or degrees. It is calculated by mathematically dividing the distance from the highest point at the intersection of the rafters, which is called the ridge, by one-half of the entire width of the building. The slope of the roof depends on:

    what material the building will be covered;

    design frame roof and its main parts;

    as far as the roof can resist atmospheric phenomena;

    price works of master roofers;

    weight all layers used.

Note! If the slope of a metal roof is changed from 22 to 45 degrees, the slope will increase by 20%. And this will significantly affect the cost of roofing materials, as well as the weight of the entire structure. In this case, the slope must be determined during the design of the entire building in order to have an idea of ​​the load on the foundation.

What does the slope of the roof depend on?

For those people who do not understand construction at all, it is very difficult to determine exactly what the minimum roof slope should be. Here you need to take into account natural factors, which constantly have an impact on the roof. These include:

    Snow layer, which will fall in winter. If the slope is greater, the snow will slide off on its own.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services roof design and repair. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

    Ability wind resistance. In regions where winds constantly blow, you need to keep the slope minimal so that gusts of wind glide over the roof and do not create a sail effect.

Since this material for covering a building is very light, sparse lathing is allowed, but when installing rafters, you must strictly adhere to the distance and angle at which they will be installed.

How many degrees should the minimum angle have?

The minimum slope of a metal tile roof is 10 degrees. A slope is allowed that ranges from 10 to 90 degrees. Choosing optimal angle the slope must be taken into account that at a small degree the space between the roof and the ceiling cannot be used for any economic purposes.

If the largest roof angle is set for metal tiles, then go out onto the roof in order to carry out technical work, it will be very difficult. Moreover, the larger the angle, the higher the ridge is located and, accordingly, the area that needs to be covered increases.

Thus, more roofing materials will be needed, and this will affect the budget. In addition, payments for roofing work will also increase Source

When correctly calculating the roof slope angle for metal tiles, the calculator must take into account the following aspects:

    Roof tile model. It should be noted that most manufacturers indicate the minimum slope of a metal roof in the product description.

    Which roof view Planned: single or double slope.

    How will it be clear the snow from the roof.

Having carried out all the calculations and taking into account the above points, provided that the length of the slope surface is 6 m.p., the minimum slope is set at 22 degrees. Naturally, this result is not indicated in technical documentation. It is calculated by experienced craftsmen in the process of observing roofs already in use.

Carrying out calculations

To determine more precisely what the minimum slope should be gable roof from metal tiles you need to know two numbers:

    height from the top of the parapet to the ridge;

    width buildings.

To make the calculation, the distance from the parapet to the ridge is divided by the size of half the wall and the result is the desired angle.


To determine the result as a percentage, the resulting number must be multiplied by 100.

Important! In order for the result to be accurate, you need to measure the distance to the ridge not from the surface of the ceiling, since this is a gross mistake, but from the top of the parapet.

Naturally, there are exceptions in construction when the slope is only 10 degrees. But this is done in the case of special construction recommendations. It should be taken into account that with such a slope an increased load is created on the surface when snow falls. This way the sheathing is made continuous. In addition, you need to lay a waterproofing carpet on it. Also, special gaskets are placed under the butt sides of the roofing sheets.

Video description

In the video you can see the low angle of the roof:


It is best, when working with metal tiles, to know the instructions from the manufacturers and follow them all unquestioningly. In addition, we must remember that experience cannot be replaced by anything, therefore, everything installation work It's better to trust the professionals. Turning to a reliable construction company, you receive speed of work and a documented guarantee.

Metal tiles allow you to quickly and easily create a reliable roof covering. To do this you need to select quality material, know the installation technology depending on the angle of the roof. This indicator largely determines the quality of installation.

The angle of inclination of a metal tile roof and its features

The angle created by the floor plane and the roof slope is called the roof slope angle. This indicator can be expressed as a percentage or degrees, which is more relevant than a percentage. The calculation is made by dividing the height of the ridge by half the width of the building. The angle of inclination is regulated by the rules of SNiP, manufacturers of roofing coverings and depends on the operational, technical properties materials, as well as the conditions in which the constructed roof will be located.

This indicator is important for calculating the parameters of the roof and its elements. The following factors also depend on the angle of inclination:

  • the possibility of using any roofing material;
  • parameters, design and materials of rafter system elements;
  • effective removal of sediments and prevention of their accumulation;
  • cost of roof and covering installation;
  • roof weight and quantity necessary materials to create it.

During the design process, all issues related to the angle of inclination, area and other indicators are resolved. Changing these data during construction will lead to disruption of the entire process, namely: increasing or decreasing the roof area, the need to change the cross-section of the rafters and other actions. For example, if the slope of a roof covered with metal tiles was changed from 22 to 45°, then the area of ​​each slope will increase by 20%. As a result, additional materials, installation work, and calculations will be required.

Calculation of the angle of inclination

Knowing the length and height of the ridge run from the cornice is necessary for independently calculating the angle. In this case, the laying represents the distance of the lower horizontal zone of the slope from the corner area to the projection of the upper point of the roof on the eaves. The slope is indicated by the symbol i and is calculated in percentage or degrees using the formula i = H/L. In this case, H is the height of the roof, and L is the length of the roof. To convert the result into a percentage, you need to multiply it by 100. At the end of the calculations, select the appropriate material that can be used with the existing slope of the slopes.

The pitch angle of the roof depends on the ratio of the height of the ridge and the width of the span

Video: features of finding the roof corner

Minimum inclination angle

For high-quality installation and maximum use of the properties of metal tiles, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there is a minimum angle of inclination that allows the use of this material. The smallest acceptable parameter is 12°, and if the angle is smaller, then metal tiles are not suitable for roofing. This is true for both hip and half-hip structures.

High-quality metal roofing is possible if you take into account important indicators designs

The minimum tilt angle is often used in regions with strong winds, but is small snow load. This is due to the fact that a slope of 12° does not make the roof a special obstacle to the wind and gusts pass freely over the structure. If the region is characterized by heavy precipitation in the form of snow, then a steeper roof for the building is necessary.

Established standards SNiP and GOST regulate the design of many structures and structures. This also applies to roofs covered with metal tiles, namely, there is a recommended value for the angle of inclination of the slopes. Acceptable average angle for pitched roofs ranges from 20 to 30°, which makes the metal tile coating as functional and practical as possible. Gable structures can be constructed at an angle of 20–45°.

Depending on the angle of inclination, the type of roof is determined

The recommended parameter can be specified by the manufacturer of the roofing material. Often this indicator is used when using metal tiles, but this approach is quite objective and non-individual. Following the manufacturer's recommendations will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the characteristics of metal tiles, for example, improve rainfall or prevent sheet breakage, but important role The climate of the region plays a role.

Video: how to measure the angle of the slope

Determining the optimal angle

Roofs can be different in shape and size, so their parameters are always calculated individually. Determining the angle of inclination depending on the type of roof covering allows you to independently find out its value and create reliable design, which is resistant to wind and snow loads.

Broken and complex roofs require professional calculation of the slope angle

If the roof has a broken shape or many slopes with fractures, then the calculation of the parameters should be carried out professionally. Often all slopes do not differ from each other by more than 20°. This takes into account existing standards and standards, required design dimensions, climatic factors and other features.

The optimal angle for a roof covered with metal tiles is 22°. This indicator was identified by professional craftsmen as a result of many years of experience working with similar structures and studying the properties of metal tiles.

Slope of a hipped roof made of metal tiles

A roof with 4 inclined surfaces is called hip or hip. Each slope must have a certain angle of inclination, but the design has symmetrical sides. The end parts are sometimes shortened, in which case the roof will be called half-hip. To calculate it, the same rules are used as for a full-fledged hipped roof.

A hip roof is easy to construct, but requires careful calculation of parameters

An accurate calculation of the angle can be carried out by a professional, and if it is not possible to get such help, then it is worth taking into account the optimal parameters depending on climatic conditions:

  • a minimum value of 12° is used for strong wind loads but light precipitation;
  • if the region experiences snowy winters, then you can choose an angle of 55–75°;
  • for climates combining strong winds and heavy rainfall, an average inclination angle of 30–50° is convenient.

This approach is easy to implement if you know the weather conditions in your region of residence. Relevant data can be found in available information sources and websites of meteorological centers.

The angle of inclination is determined separately for triangular and trapezoidal slopes

Gable roof and its slope for metal tiles

When determining the level of slopes for a roof with two inclined surfaces, the same principles apply as when basic calculation hip design. These are climatic factors and the material of the external coating.

A simple gable roof has symmetrical sides

The optimal indicator for a gable structure is an angle of 20–45°. This slope does not make the roof an obstacle to the wind and ensures rapid drainage of snow and water. If you need to create a spacious attic, then this value is increased. In this case, the amount of roofing material increases.

When installing low-slope roofs made of metal tiles, experts recommend the following actions:

  • increasing the frequency of sheathing slats and reducing the pitch between the main rafters, which allows minimizing the risk of collapse or damage to the roof under snow load;
  • implementation during installation of metal tile sheets horizontal overlaps 8 cm, and vertical - 15 cm;
  • thorough insulation of joints silicone sealants, intended for roofing work.

If the roof consists of slopes various forms, then for each of them the angle is calculated individually

An angle of 45° is optimal for rapid removal of water and snow cover. There is another feature here - the heavy weight of the roofing, which is why it can become deformed or slide off the slope. The only solution in this case will be additional fixation of each covering element to a durable sheathing.

Asymmetrical metal roofing

Original and simple solution for construction beautiful home is an asymmetrical roof with slopes different lengths. They are two surfaces with different angle tilt Therefore, it is especially important to select for each side a parameter that will ensure the design’s reliability, practicality in operation and resistance to climatic conditions.

The indicator of each slope is determined individually

When calculating such a roof, it should be taken into account that the surface with a large slope should be located on the side of the prevailing winds. This will ensure rapid precipitation, but the slope should not be too steep, as in such a case it will become an obstacle to the wind and can be damaged by strong gusts. In this case, the angles of the surfaces should not differ by more than 25–30°.

Asymmetrical roofing allows you to create a canopy for the veranda

In the process of constructing an asymmetrical roof, it is important to take into account that the center of gravity is not in the middle of the building, as is the case with a gable or other classic roof. Therefore, a reinforced rafter system is created, and the roof inclination angle should not be more than 45°. If the slope is greater than this indicator, then the windage of the structure increases, which leads to its damage.

Determining the roof slope angle - important process, on which the effectiveness of metal tiles as a roofing depends. Accounting climatic factors, building parameters, and the required usable volume of the attic will allow you to find out the optimal location of the slopes and make them as easy as possible to use.