Poisonous indoor flowers. Names and photos

Plants at home are cozy and beautiful, your own garden in the middle of winter is just super! The flower shop emptied after you, a fashionable pot, seeds or seedlings were bought, and google admitted what drainage is. Fine. Now is the time to stop! Put the pot in place and carefully read the name of the plant, and then quickly check the list in this article to see if it is among those listed. Because here we are talking about poisonous plants, close contact with which can cost your life.

Vomiting, abdominal pain, arrhythmia, burning in the mouth and lips, cramps - this is not the whole list of "pleasures" that can be obtained if you do not find out in advance which plant has dissolved its leaves in the living room, and do not start treating it accordingly. It is better to show respect and caution - do not grab the bulbs and leaves with your hands until you are sure of their safety.

Signs that the plant is about to kill you:

    If you break a stem or break off a leaf, a juice similar to milk is released.

    Its leaves are smooth, as if varnished.

    It has yellow or white berries.

    Its leaves are shaped like an umbrella full of holes.

So, our insidious, but wonderful favorites:

Oleander (lat.Nérium)

The sap of this plant can cause blindness, arrhythmia and tremors, and the scent of flowers can cause dizziness. Indeed, a stunning beauty!

Lily (lat. Lílium)

She is definitely popular and seems so innocent. But some strains cause indigestion, vomiting, headaches, blurred vision, and allergies. And at night, when we sleep, the lily insidiously absorbs oxygen and emits carbon dioxide.

Orchid (lat.Orchidaceae)

Another dangerous beauty. Its smell causes insomnia, so it is not recommended to put the orchid in the bedroom, even if the pink flowers are in perfect harmony with the bedspread.

Tuberose or polyanthes (lat.Polyanthus)

White, cloud-like flowers can be misleading. No need to give in! The smell of tuberose causes dizziness and depression, headache and nausea.

A small green tree with beautiful carved leaves, having got which, you should not rejoice, it is better to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. After all, the juice of Fatsia is toxic and, when ingested, causes serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Toxidendron, andphan or eastern sumac (Latin Toxicodendron)

The stylish plant with sharp red-green leaves looks deceivingly harmless. Attention! Touching the plant causes severe allergic irritation, unpleasant itching, skin redness and blisters immediately and for a very long time.

Philodendron (lat.Philodendron)

Croton (Latin Croton)

Croton juice, white, similar to body milk, when in contact with the skin, causes severe burns, and if it enters the blood, it causes instant and painful death.

Azalea (Sims rhododendron) (lat.Azalea)

Once in the body through the mouth, it causes intestinal colic and cramps, so you do not need to eat the leaves, they are still of no use - despite the appetizing appearance, they taste so-so.

Dieffenbachia (lat.Dieffenbachia)

A tree with large yellow-green leaves. The juice is poisonous and can cause serious poisoning. Cut off shoots or leaves carefully - you can burn yourself.

Amaryllis (lat.Amaryllis) and hippeastrum (lat.Hippeastrum)

The poisonous bulbs and sap of these plants are rich in the alkaloid licorine, which stimulates the vomiting center in the brain. The amaryllis and hippeastrum bulbs are like the good old onions. The main thing is not to confuse. Once in the body, they cause vomiting, depression, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, drooling, loss of appetite, tremors, paralysis, and even inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

Brovallia beautiful (lat.Browallia speciosa)

It was named for a reason: it is truly beautiful, and everyone wants to plant it at home. Forward! The main thing is to remember that its juice, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes severe intoxication. The wisest thing to do is to get yourself a pair of rubber gloves first.

Clivia (lat.Clivia)

Its lush inflorescences are adorable, but if the leaves or rhizomes are handled carelessly, clivia juice causes vomiting, diarrhea, profuse salivation, and sometimes paralysis. Remember: beauty is deceiving and insidious.

Pepper nightshade (Latin Solanum capsicastrum)

At home, they usually plant a dwarf variety with bright round berries that you just want to eat. Not worth it, really. Nightshade berries are extremely poisonous.

Caladium (lat.Caladium)

All parts of the plant are poisonous, it causes suffocation and death.

Mother-in-law language or Sansevieria (Latin Sansevieria)

Not as poisonous as some would like to think. Causes short-term pain in the mouth and allergies.

Fikus (lat.Ficus)

Such a familiar, close and dear, it would seem, do not expect surprises from him. Whatever it is. If the juice comes into contact with the skin, it causes severe irritation and dermatitis. And yes, you don't need to eat it either.

Bashful mimosa or Gesner's tulip (lat.Mimosa pudica)

The most dangerous plant on the list - hair falls out from a long neighborhood with it!

Hurray, it seems the list is over, and you can put on gloves and a gas mask, calmly stick the seeds into the ground, water and forget? But no! Almost all indoor plants are poisonous to one degree or another. So it's better to think again.

It is believed that the abundance of flowers in the house is not only very beautiful, but also useful. Beautifully blooming, lush green "friends" are eye-catching and admirable. In addition, it is known that plants purify the air, emit phytoncides.

In cities where instead of clean air you breathe exhaust gases, and through the window you see a gray landscape instead of green grass and domes of trees, you really want to set up your little green garden on your windowsill.

Poisonous indoor flowers, photo and description

According to experts, it is not always possible to expect only benefits from indoor flowers. Some of them release compounds into the air that can negatively affect a person's well-being. And a leaf accidentally eaten by an animal or a child can cause severe poisoning.

Which of the home green handsome men are fraught with a latent threat? Here are the main poisonous indoor flowers most popular in floriculture, photos and names:

1. Oleander... Its magnificent flowers, gathered in clusters, emit a pleasant, but rather strong aroma that can cause headaches and dizziness. It grows very strongly, therefore, flowering is usually abundant. But the main danger lies in lanceolate leaves. A leaf accidentally caught in food can lead to the death of even an adult.

2. Dieffenbachia- an exotic flower with beautiful glossy leaves. The juice of this plant that gets on the skin can cause irritation, inflammation, and ulceration. And if it gets into the mouth, swelling of the tongue, larynx and temporary paralysis of the vocal cords are provided.

3. Monstera, popularly referred to as "the philodendron full of holes." Its beautiful huge - up to half a meter in diameter - bizarrely cut leaves contain toxins that are dangerous to humans and animals. When ingested, they cause a strong burning sensation of the tongue, profuse salivation, and inflammation. Eaten - vomiting, indigestion and intestinal inflammation.

4. Pachypodium Lamera sometimes called the "Madagascar palm". At the top of the thick trunk, leaves grow in different directions, which are very poisonous and can cause poisoning in both children and pets.

5. Famous ficus, whose glossy leathery leaves release substances into the air that are harmful to asthmatics and allergy sufferers. And the juice of this plant can cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin.

6. Spathiphyllum is a herbaceous plant whose flowers on a long peduncle have a beautiful white or green perianth that resembles a sail. Spathiphyllum juice can cause long-lasting ulcers when it comes in contact with the skin.

7. Poinsettia, or "star of Bethlehem". Poisonous, like all euphorbia. The milky juice causes skin irritation and blindness if it gets into the eyes.

8. Rhododendron better known as azalea... With proper care, it pleases its owners with beautiful flowers, similar to small lilies, for 2.5 months. Their thick, heavy scent can cause dizziness and even fainting. Fresh leaves and nectar contain toxic substances. Signs of azalea poisoning are watery eyes, vomiting, drooling and nasal discharge.

9. Adenium, which has a thickened trunk at the base and beautiful five-petalled tubular flowers. Its juice is poisonous to humans and animals.

10. Hydrangea... This plant, beautiful during flowering, contains one of the most poisonous substances - cyanide.

11.Hippeastrum... One of its onions, when eaten, can kill a person.

12. Aloe- a medicinal plant that causes poisoning in case of an overdose. Toxic to pets.

note photo of poisonous indoor flowers, which also pose a considerable danger to the life and health of humans and animals.

Fatsia, ivy, Japanese aucuba, shefflera family araliev, being eaten, can cause upset of the gastrointestinal tract, and upon contact with them - dermatitis and allergies.

Euphorbiaceae- jatropha, croton, akalifa - dangerous in contact with skin and mucous membranes.

Flowers from the family nightshade- brovalia, ornamental pepper, nightshade, brunfelsia - contain poisons in fruits and leaves that negatively affect all body systems - from nervous to digestive.

Indoor flowers poisonous to animals

Often, pets, especially cats, like to nibble on potted greens. If you have an animal in your house, you should know which indoor flowers are poisonous to cats and other pets.

What are the risks of ingestion of parts of poisonous plants?

  • Juice philodendron are able to burn the mucous throats and tongue, and if leaves enter the stomach, it threatens kidney damage.
  • Leaves monsters contain needle-like formations that cause severe burning sensation in the mouth and throat.
  • Poisonous indoor flower dieffenbachia especially dangerous for cats, as its juice can cause laryngeal edema. This can lead to the death of the animal. If the juice gets into the eyes, the pet is threatened with conjunctivitis and corneal damage.
  • Contact with all euphorbia can lead to the formation of long-lasting ulcers in pets, temporary blindness, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, disruption of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hydrangea and ivy, like plants of the kutrov family, in animals they cause cardiac disorders, up to cardiac arrest.
  • Nightshade, their flowers and fruits, attract not only small children, but also animals. Eating them leads to vomiting, nausea, drowsiness.

Even the water, where the poisonous indoor flowers were cut, is fraught with danger for pets. Care should be taken to ensure that neither small children nor animals try it.

How to handle it correctly. Security measures

When a small child or pet appears in the house, it is best to give the flower to other hands. If you don't have the strength to part with your green pet, you should make sure that the plant becomes inaccessible. Indeed, sometimes it is impossible to explain to children and animals how dangerous this or that flower is.

Poisonous indoor flowers require care and special means of protecting the skin and mucous membranes when working with them. For example, dieffenbachia should be cut off, cut with gloves. And, of course, you should not rub your face or eyes with your hands after contact with the plant.

What to do if the juice still gets on the unprotected skin, mucous membranes or in the stomach?

  • When juice comes into contact with skin, wash the affected area with soapy water.
  • Eyes in this case, rinse with running water for 10 minutes.
  • If a poisonous flower or part of it has fallen into inside, you should rinse the stomach and drink sorbents or activated carbon in the appropriate dosage.

It should be remembered that drinking milk in case of poisoning with indoor flowers is categorically impossible, since toxins that have entered the body can be fat-soluble. In this case, milk will only aggravate the situation.

After providing first aid, the victim should contact the appropriate medical institution, where they will provide, if necessary, appropriate assistance and help to avoid the consequences.

In conclusion, we can say: when purchasing a houseplant or receiving it as a gift, you should learn as much as possible about it. This will help protect yourself, your children, and your pets from the dangers that many house flowers pose. And with proper handling and compliance with safety measures, even poisonous indoor flowers can delight with their beauty without causing harm.

There is a great variety of extraordinarily beautiful plants that are of great interest to connoisseurs of beauty. Many of them can grow in indoor conditions, which cannot but please flower growers. However, few of them know that these green friends are dangerous to health, and sometimes to the life of a person and his pets. There are a very large number of poisonous indoor plants that need to be grown very carefully.

Family Euphorbia

Its representatives are the popular poisonous indoor flowers, euphorbia (about two hundred varieties), jatropha, croton and akalifa.

Solyanum has excellent decorative properties, it is very compact, forms bright orange berries, which decorate the bush very much.

Datura, another name for Datura, is a bright plant with large aromatic inflorescences of calm tones.

The fact is that the stems of these plants contain the poisonous substance solanine, which, if it enters the human digestive tract, can lead to severe intoxication, the main features of which are:

  • Headache, dizziness, nausea.
  • Bitterness in the mouth and increased salivation, burning in the mouth.
  • Increased heart rate and difficulty breathing.
  • Severe poisoning can cause fainting and muscle paralysis.

Knowing which indoor plants are poisonous, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from danger. It is also worth observing all the necessary precautions when caring for them.

All plants have their own unique beauty, as well as certain advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before you start a green pet at home, you should carefully familiarize yourself with all its characteristics and properties. After all, not all types of houseplants are safe. All risks and benefits should be weighed to make a rational decision.


The cactus is not on the list of plants that should not be kept at home. These plants are rarely poisonous, and only the needles of this plant can pose a danger. If a small child appears in the house, it is enough to remove it higher, out of its reach, and there will be no threat to the child's health. The same applies to pets that have appeared in the house. For aquarium fish, snails or turtles, cacti are not dangerous even when standing in their usual place, on their windowsill. A kitten, puppy or a rat can knock over, prick him with needles, most likely, this will be enough to no longer approach him. In particularly severe cases, the needle can become stuck in the mouth or on the animal's body and cause discomfort. Most often you can remove it yourself, without resorting to the help of veterinarians. If you notice a needle late, it can cause a small abscess like any other splinter. Most cactus needles are not poisonous.

Even those types of cacti that are considered poisonous in their homeland are unlikely to remain as such on the windowsill in the apartment. They need too much hot sun to produce poison, and this is most often impossible under the sun of the middle lane. But besides true cacti, there are plants that are often grown at home and are often called cacti for the presence of thorns. Poisonous ones are also found among them. First of all, these are all types, or europhobia. It looks, depending on the species, different, but a common feature for all is the appearance of white milky juice on the fractures, which in concentration resembles not milk, but rather heavy cream. It is this juice that is poisonous, contact with the skin can cause allergies and even chemical burns - the strength of the reaction depends on the amount of juice and the degree of sensitivity. If the juice gets into the mouth, it can also cause burns to the mucous membranes and upset stomach and intestines, and in addition, headache, dizziness, nausea, and darkening of the eyes.

Many succulent plants, even without the presence of thorns, are unknowingly referred to as cacti, and there are many poisonous among them. In recent years, adenium, a plant with a bizarre thickened trunk and beautiful flowers, has become very popular in indoor floriculture. The plant is unpretentious, easily grows both from the cuttings, which makes it even more common. But not everyone knows that this plant is completely poisonous - bark, roots, leaves, flowers and even seeds. When it comes into contact with the skin, its poison is not dangerous, but when it gets inside, it causes damage to the whole body. Many varieties of aloe, popular in recent days, are also poisonous. Aloe striped and aloe frightening when ingested can cause intestinal and uterine bleeding, leading to miscarriage. This is especially dangerous due to the fact that other types of aloe are used in traditional medicine.

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In nature, there is always a chance to stumble upon a poisonous plant. And if adults are likely to just walk by, then curious kids who want to taste everything could get hurt.

site reminds: many very dangerous plant species are grown as decorative and can be seen not only in the forest, but also on window sills and flower beds. Therefore, in the city it is also worth being vigilant.

Where occurs: In the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere; prefers damp places, swamps.

There are several types of buttercups, many of which are poisonous.

Where occurs: In Europe, Asia and North America. It grows in very damp places, in swamps and river banks.

It smells deceivingly of carrots, but it is one of the most poisonous plants on Earth. Only a botanist can distinguish it from dozens of other types of umbrella. Better to just avoid picking up plants that look like milestones and grow in damp places.

Why is it dangerous: In case of poisoning, vomiting, convulsions, depression of cardiac activity occur, death may occur. Only 100-200 g of rhizomes of a milestone will easily kill a cow.

Where occurs: Temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, Australia.

The most common representatives are red and black elderberries. All parts of the plant are poisonous, and if you just touch the elderberry it is best to wash your hands. Interestingly, black berries are completely safe when ripe; they are used to make drinks and pies.

Where occurs: In tropical and subtropical regions. It is used in landscaping and is grown as an indoor flower all over the world.

A truly insidious plant that attracts with its pleasant scent and beautiful pink or white flowers.

Where occurs: In Europe, Asia and North America. Because of its beautiful purple, blue and yellowish flowers, it is grown in flower beds. It is a tall and prominent plant.

In the ancient world, it was used to poison arrows. Even bees can get poisoned if they take honey from aconite. By the way, delphinium is its close relative, and it is also poisonous.

Why is it dangerous: VERY poisonous plant. Causes abnormal heart rhythms, numbness of the skin of the face, hands and feet, darkening of the eyes and death. The juice penetrates even through the skin.

Where occurs: In North and Central America, Europe, southern regions of Russia.

Datura resembles potatoes or tomatoes, which is not surprising, because he is their close relative. It is an inconspicuous plant with thorny capsule fruits with black seeds inside. Its white flowers give off an intoxicating smell.

Why is it dangerous: Contains alkaloids that cause heart palpitations, disorientation and delusions. In severe cases, death or coma is possible. Shamans of many nations used this plant in their rituals.

Where occurs: In the temperate regions of Eurasia, one species exists in the United States.

Just a giant among the umbrella, which looks quite impressive, but it is better not to be photographed next to him.

Why is it dangerous: Some species contain furanocoumarins, which, when exposed to sunlight, cause painful burns. Therefore, if hogweed juice gets on your hand, wash it and protect it from sunlight for about two days.

Where occurs: Everywhere. It can often be seen on window sills, including in childcare facilities.

A huge number of species belong to milkweed, often they are very different in appearance: some look like cacti, others like flowers. Teach children not to touch unfamiliar plants, even if they are growing in pots.

Why is it dangerous: The juice leaves burns. Later, malaise, edema and temperature join.