Whether the frosts are afraid of cauliflower. Cauliflower - landing seedlings in the ground

Grow a good yield Cauliflowernot difficult. Thus, you will provide yourself with the reserve of the entire complex of vitamins and mineral salts.

Hello friends and guests of the block!

1. Cauliflower - This is a vegetable rich in vitamins and mineral salts, an easily-friendly product.

Cauliflower - Always considered a delicacy. It is used in dietary nutrition, it prepares many delicious and nutritious dishes from it. The part of the plant used in food is a head formed from fleshy flowers that have grown together. This culture can be fruit under film shelters since May and October.

2. Cauliflower is very demanding of the fertility and moisture of the soil, the temperature regime.

Cultivating cauliflower should be taken into account that cultivation conditions depend on the cultivation time. Designed for early collection of cabbage, it is better to grow in greenhouses. When disembarking in open ground, you need to choose warm, solar places. One of the mandatory conditions of a good harvest is an increased humidity. In the shade, cauliflower grows by a densely abusive, and the heads are fine and unspoken. This culture grows best on the rich humid and squeaned soils. With poor soil - do not skimp on feeding. Almost any culture can serve as a predecessor for cauliflower. It is only not desirable to plant it after representatives of the cross-tech family. Color cabbage in some areas are grown on the same places for several years, and at the same time they receive excellent crops, but in conditions middle strip. Moreover, in the northern regions, it is better not to risk and carry out the alternation of cultures in one place.

3. Sow cauliflower into several techniques.

If the spring was crushed early and warm, and the soil warmed well, you can land a cauliflower into the ground already at the end of March - early April. Only in this case should be a temporary film shelter. And to guarantee the preparation of a good first harvest, use the greenhouse or greenhouse. The time from the moment the seedlings falling down to ripening the heads will be 50-55 days, so cauliflower does not prevent landing and growth of the main guests of the greenhouse - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers.

Matures cauliflower Not at the same time. In the greenhouse harvesting lasts 1-2 weeks, on the beds - 3-4 weeks, and in the fall - the whole month. Therefore, if you want all summer to be talked with gentle, delicious inflorescences, sow it with a periodicity of 3-4 weeks. The deadline for the seeding varies from July 10 to July 20 for different local climatic conditions. Cauliflower - excellent outfit culture. It can be safely planted after harvesting early vegetables so that the soil is not empty.

4. It is very important to choose the right cabbage varieties.

Sorts with a short period of vegetation are suitable for cultivation in a protected ground. But it is necessary to take into account that even in greenhouses can get a small, universal view of the head in adverse weather conditions. Good crop guarantee - Friendly spring, with abundance sunny days. The most common (and most reliable) average varieties, which are sown in May and fruit in July - August. It should be treated carefully to the varieties of late, with a long period of vegetation - there is always a risk that in our climatic conditions they will not have time to grow.

5. Pledge of guaranteed good harvest - good seedlings

Sign of healthy seedlings is a strong bush, with dark green leaves. In order not to delay the growth of plants, the seedlings are planted together with a room of land, and best of all right in peat pots. The full heads will not grow out of the underdeveloped seedlings suffering from a lack of nutrients, as well as from the overshades.

You can sow cauliflower in the greenhouse already at the end of February - or in pots, or immediately with rows of bed. It is not superfluous to promulate the planting cabbage with a mixture of peat and sand, it will greatly facilitate germination. Seedlings transplanted at a permanent place in 7-8 weeks.

By performing these simple recommendations, you will grow a good cauliflower harvest.

6. Seals when growing cauliflower can only be radishes and green crops because it quickly grows.

Redish in the alarms is seeded with a distance in a row of 3-5 msdvumy rows. At the same time, radishes should be early, with a short time of vegetation.

7. Depending on the variety, a cauliflower planting scheme is taken.

Cauliflower under glass and film can be planted at a distance of 30 × 40 cm or 40 × 40 cm. For early varieties in open soil It is better to stick to the scheme 40 × 40 cm or 50 × 40 cm. Middle-generated varieties are recommended to plant with a distance of 50 × 50 cm. Late varieties are more busy and they require greater "housing" - 60 × 60 cm. When planting seedlings of early varieties should not be too shuffle. It is desirable that the roots of the seedling are in a more heated sun, near-surface, layer. This will significantly accelerate the growth of the plant. in early spring. After planting plants, in two weeks they must be dipped.

8. Since cauliflower is afraid of frosts, build "Protective Shalashik" for it.

Each cabbage cottage hung up to mid-May, an indigestion owner necessarily takes a special cap or underfloor material. Also early in spring, when the danger of frosts is especially great, it is possible to cover the garden with a repeated film with a perforated film (300 holes per square meters. M), it is tightened to frames with a height of 10-12 cm with such a calculation so that the film creates a suitable microclimate and at the same time Not font of plants. Using this method, you can get a cauliflower harvest for 6-8 days earlier. The film is cleaned 2-3 weeks after planting seedlings, depending on the weather).

9. Cauliflower spoke well on fertilizers like mineral and organic.

Therefore, it is recommended to grow it on soils, well-fertilous. In addition, the cauliflower needs to be made 3-5 feeding (5 g of nitrogen per square meter. M), first three weeks after disembarking. You can also feed and cow. Microelements are useful for cauliflowers - molybdenum and boron are especially important.

Cauliflower Prefers soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction (pH 6.8-7.2). On the soils with an acidic reaction, it is necessary to carry out the spring.

10. To obtain a guaranteed crop require regular plant care.

Cauliflower Does not tolerate droughts and responsive to wet soil. During the tie of the heads, three-four-day thirst can destroy the harvest! During the vegetation, it is necessary 4-5 times to arrange "general watering": up to two buckets of water for each square. At the same time, it is impossible to allow soil drying, plants should be regularly water. Excellent results Gives mulching soil organic materials At the same time, moisture remains, remains a loose soil, after the rains, a solid crust is not formed on it. If you do not ring the soil for any reason, then you need to systematically tell the weeding and loosen the land.

11. It is important not to miss the harvest time!

Heads cut off, preventing the separation of inflorescences. In the heat they quickly pepper, darken and divided. Although new varieties are more resistant to the effects of the Sun, it is better to be renewed and pronounced heads with a broken or bound by the "tent" leaves. Cold cabbage late varieties are collected in front of frost. Non-leaving plants can be transferred to growing in a greenhouse and vigorously water. You can leave cabbage and in the garden, building a film shelter, as in spring.

Cauliflower recipes can see

By completing these uncomplicated recommendations, you are guaranteed to grow a good crop of cauliflower and provide yourself with a margin of vitamins and mineral salts.

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Cauliflower, like many other cultures, has own time Maturation. You can not break them if you want to get vegetables normal size, with excellent taste, which will be kept for a long time. Much in this business depends on the variety. In practice, the harvest should be removed as head ripes. When to clean the cauliflower with a bed, what factors pay attention to how to properly cut vegetables?

Since culture loves warmth, many gardeners are interested, whether the autumn frosts are terrible? When the temperature drops below 8 degrees of heat, small heads have consistently at the base. Later they turn into the so-called spare shoots. There is even a stop of the growth of primary inflorescences.

Save the heads easy. They need in this case assembly and ripening in the conditions of the room. If within the greenhouse it will be able to stably maintain the temperature at the level of + 10 degrees, then there are also a lot of chances of cauliflower.

Video "Secrets of Good Harvest"

From the video you will learn how to grow an excellent yield of cabbage.

Terms of collection

When can I collect harvest with beds? Dates vary depending on validity and the degree of maturity head. When choosing a variety, you are advised to make sure that it is a self-consecutful. Otherwise, the growing heads under the influence of the scores of the sun can easily change the color and crumble ahead of time. Some types of vegetable have to be dialed. For this, the wide sheets of culture are rolled, the bundles are made, which will serve as shelter. For many hybrid varieties, this does not have to do, since their foliage is able to climb the inflorescences on their own.

Early varieties to which Fruit, Alrania, White Perfection are perfected, permissible in mid-June. As for the middle-easier - Amethyst F1, Yarik F1, Bianca, then get the crop data of varieties is possible until mid-July. Since the timing of the ripening of such vegetables declared on the packaging of seeds is 100-135 days.

Late varieties can be removed in autumn. Since for their full-fledged aging passes about 5 months. They advise planning for harvesting 2 - 3 approaches. Inspecting the cochanists, you can cut down the root that is already matured. The formed specimens usually have in diameter 8 - 13 cm. The maximum weight of each head is 1, 5 kg. If you do not harvest on time, the vegetable not only loses valuable taste and useful materialBut it becomes yellow, swells, begins to acquire a purple shade. The average harvest timing - from June to August. Normally, cauliflower has a dairy-white or light cream color. Heads must have normal density and relief.


It is best to start cleaning kochanov when the street is dry and cloudless weather. The collection is recommended to test from lunch, and no later than until 19 o'clock in the evening.

Do not cut cabbage after the rain. She quickly loses its characteristic pleasant aroma and taste, and will also be kept bad. Cabbage prefers moisture and the presence of warm weather only during its active growth. With the onset of frosts of Kochary, it is better to remove for storage to the room.

The misunderstanding heads are necessarily digging with the root system and the earth. They advise you to remove the harvest of your favorite vegetables when there are above 15 degrees of heat.

How to cut?

Trim heads easily succeeded with a knife. You can stop the choice on a sharp and small hatch. But it is not so easy to cut off the required amount of the stem. It is better not to use the secret, since they are unlikely to be able to make a smooth cut. Preferably garden gloves to protect hands. Cut off the cabbage so to leave the narry no more than 3 cm. Usually capture a couple of leaves. After collecting vegetables, they should be reduced as quickly as possible sun ray. Otherwise, it is not possible to harm not only appearance, but also the nutritional value of this beautiful vegetable.

Practice shows that cabbage, having the average and late maturation dates, which was collected in the autumn period, is preserved better than caused in summer. Cauliflower can be used to prepare various dishes, preserve and freeze. It is necessary to choose dense heads with the characteristic color, on which there are no inside the sprouted leaves, on short blooms.

Video "harvest and storage"

To grow seedlings, the cabbage uses several techniques so that the harvest is able to fame. It is customary to allocate 10. different species of this culture. Each of them has separate varieties. Very often, the cabbage is grown through seedlings. To do this, you need to know the features of the sowing and follow all the terms of exposure.

Cabbage is usually grown through seedlings. If the sprouts are strong and healthy, then it is safe to say that the crop will be good.

It is important to know how to raise the seedlings. To do this, it is necessary to produce high quality, effective care Behind the sprouts, after which it is gently putting them on the bed or to a greenhouse.

Growing seedlings cabbage

First of all, it is necessary to prepare seeds. To do this, they are disinfected, that is, they omit in hot water For 20 minutes, then removed and lowered in cold, boiled water for 2 minutes. Next should dry them. If you purchased seeds from a reliable supplier or in the store, it is not necessary to disinfect them, since the processing has already been carried out. Due to this, the cultivation of seedlings will be faster.

Before planting seeds, you need to soak one day. The water temperature must be at least + 2 ° C. This procedure is needed in order to increase the frost resistance of the plant. Also thanks to her, the seeds better germinate. In stores, you can often find special painted seeds, which previously passed the training course. Before landing, they do not even need to be soak. However, after soaking, the germination of ordinary seeds can be preserved for 3 years. Time and Features of sowing should be compared with the variety of cabbage. It is important to take into account climatic conditions for the period of growing seedlings. From this directly depends on the site of disemboding seedlings to the ground.

It is important to know all the subtleties of growing cabbage. To do this, it is necessary to determine its age, the period from landing seeds to their planting to the greenhouse. This period is different from each variety. For the red and white cabbage, it is 50-60 days, for broccoli 40-45 days, for cauliflower 50 days, for Savoy from 30 to 50 days and for Kohlrabi 30-35 days.

In this regard, it is necessary to respect the optimal duration of the disembarkation. Belococcal and red cabbage are planted from March 15 to 25, the late varieties of the same breed are sitting on April 15. Broccoli and cauliflower need to fall into several crops: the first in mid-March, the second in late May. Brussels cabbage plant at the end of April, and Kohlrabi - in mid-March. Research is maintained in an open, illuminated area. Previously, it is necessary to start seating a white cabbage. Seeds of some breeds, for example, blocked and Savoy, it is necessary to plant in the 3 stages with an interval of 4 days.

In order for the cultivation of seedlings ensured a good harvest, the culture biology should be determined. Cabbage is a cold-resistant, light-headed, perfectly tolerate moisture and presents increased demands on the quality of the soil. For sowing it is recommended to use a soft shotgun. It is important that it is not too loose. The main component, which should be present in the optimal number - peat. Its content in the soil should be at least 80%, the sand is about 5%, and the delicate land is about 20%. Often, a humus mixture (compost) is added to the ground, it improves its quality and provides good fertility.

Method of disembarking "Piking"

The method of disembarking "Piking" is a fallout of cabbage seeds into boxes.

This method implies seedlings of seeds into the boxes. It will be necessary to prepare wooden rectangular cores, the recommended height is 5 cm. They are filled with soil and make small grooves, 1 cm depth. At a distance of 2 cm, seeds are placed on each other. From above, the seeds are saturated with soil and compacted. The box is usually placed on the windowsill if the air temperature is 15-18 ° C above zero.

On the 5th day it becomes noticeable how the seeds germinate. After that, they are determined by a low temperature, approximately + 10 ° C. This is necessary in order for seedlings not to be pulled out. Then, when the seedlings reached the age of 11 days, it is planted into small containers. Their value can be 6-7 cm. Capacities with seedlings are stored at 18 ° C for 3 days. After the air temperature needs to be reduced to +14 ° C.

If you grow culture at home, take care of sufficient lighting in the house. Cabbage is very demanding to light. The light has favorably affects its development and protects seedlings from lounge and stretching. Also ensured normal growth. If you see that seedlings begins to pull out, it can say that you planted the seeds to each other too close or not reduced the temperature.

In order to exist seedlings from each other, special partitions are used, as an alternative, you can use trays for landing. If you apply them, it is necessary to put 2 seeds in each tray. After shootings are already visible, one plant, which is weaker, should be removed.

Other features of cultivation

To grow seedlings, you need to not forget about watering. It should be moderate.

To grow good seedlings, It is necessary to constantly water it and moisturize.

It is important to comply with light, temperature regime and maintain optimal conditions for seedlings. It is recommended to speed the room more often.

It should be remembered that the arid soil prevents the growth of seedlings. Moisturizing is one of the most important tasks. We should not forget that excess moisture is dangerous. This may lead to the fact that the roots will begin to rot, and as a result, the plant will die. The lack of light in the room usually leads to the stretching of plants. High temperatures also contribute to pulling up.

Seedlings need to harden. Due to this, it becomes a frost-resistant. It is necessary to observe the crop rotation. This will help protect seedlings from pests and protect against disease. Grow cabbage in one place follows no more than 2 years. The plot should be resting from landing at least 3 years. After the cabbage harvest is collected several times, it will be good for this territory beets, potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers.

It is not recommended to grown cabbage after the repa, radish, salad, tour and radish and radish are planted on the ground. In order to grow cabbage, you can use various types of soil: thin, samp, delicate-podzolic and neutral. Soils with a large clay content are unsuitable for use. Cauliflower and broccoli give a good crop even on soil with a large clay content. The plot on which the cabbage will be shattered must be well lit, spacious and free.

Organic substances can be used as a fertilizer, such as compost, manure. Often use wood ashes. Fertilizers are entered over 1 year. If possible, highlight more space for landing. If you use a narrow bed, for example, less than 1.5 meters, the seedlings will need to be distributed in 1 row. However, some species will fall out in 2 rows. In some cases, cabbage is planted in chess order. This ensures good germination.


How to grow cabbage seedlings yourself?

The process of cultivation of cabbage seedlings is almost identical to all varieties of cabbage. This article will consider an example of growing seedlings of white cabbage.

In terms of maturation and time, it can be divided into:

  • Early (seeded in the first half of March);
  • The secondary (seeded from March 15 to April 15);
  • Love (seeded in the first half of April).

How to pick up cabbage to seedlings?

For seeding cabbage seeds, a soil mixture is recommended, which consists of one part of the turf of the land and two parts of humus. It is recommended to add ash to this mixture, from the calculation of 1 kg of a mixture of 1 tablespoon of ash. This enriches the soil with additional trace elements and warns the emergence of certain seedlings.

Sowing cabbage to seedlings must be started with the preparation of seeds. Before proceeding with the seeding process, the seeds must be processed by applying generally accepted ways to prepare seeds before sowing.

Before sowing, seeds are carefully selected. Cabbage seeds are poured with 3% solution crash salt for 5 minutes. The pop-up seeds merge along with water, and the remaining thoroughly washed and dried. Seeds of large and medium fractions are selected for seeding.

Planting cabbage to seedlings are made by disinfailed seeds. From causative agents of diseases, seeds can be displaced using a solution of manganese, after which it was rinsed with water. But this processing gives a small percentage of probability. More effect can be achieved with heat treatment. For this, the seeds are placed in a gauze bag and fall in hot water for 20 minutes. The water temperature must be within 48-50 ° C, because At lower temperatures, the necessary effect will be lost, and with higher, seeds can lose their germination. There is another way to disinfect seeds: they are kept in garlic solution (30 grams of extended garlic dissolves in 0.5 glasses of water) for one hour. After that, the seeds need to rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly.

On the packing of seeds can be indicated that they have already passed the necessary processing. In this case, it is necessary to carry out only thermal processing, which is necessary to increase the stability of seeds to fungal diseases.

Places seeds in boxes 20 * 30 * 7. In the soil, it is praised at a distance of 3 cm from each other of the grooves depth to 0.7 cm. In these grooves and seeds are sown. After sowing, the surface of the soil is aligned and is covered with a film. The first shoots are manifested on the fourth day after evicting. Boxes with seedlings are recommended to be exhibited in the most illuminated places.

Main methods of growing seedlings

There are two generally accepted methods of growing cabbage seedlings:

  1. First method. As soon as germs appear, the seedlings are rebounded (unnecessary sprouts are removed). The distance between the remaining seedlings is 1.5 cm. After a week, the remaining sprouts are transplanted (dive) into cassettes (wooden or plastic) with cells of 3 sizes 3, cm. When picking, the plant must be deepened in the ground to seedy leaves. After 2-3 weeks, seedlings from the cassettes are transplanted into the cups, the size of which is 6 * 6 cm. The sprouts are removed from the cassettes with a lump of the earth, after which they are placed in the glasses to seedlines and put on the soil. The last step will be the transplant of seedlings directly into the ground.
  2. Second way. Seedling Cabbage from the boxes is transplanted immediately into the cups, bypassing the transplant stage to the cassette. The size of the cups for the early seedlings is 5 * 5 cm, and for late - 8 * 8 cm. When transplanting the main root must be trimmed by 1/3 of length. It is necessary so that the root system is better branched. Sprouts in the cups are plunged to seedy leaves with peaks.

Early Cabbage Seedlings

For growing seedlings of early cabbage, some rules must be followed.

Cutting seedlings must be carried out in three stages:

  1. After 7 days from the date of recording in the cassette. 2 grams of ammonium nitrate dissolves from the calculation of 1 liter of water, 4 Gy of superphosphate, 1 grade of potash fertilizers.
  2. After two weeks since the first feeding. The dosage of the components is doubled.
  3. Two days before disembarking in a permanent soil. At this point, seedlings already have a developed root system and 6-8 of these leaves. On 1 liter of water dissolves 2 g of ammonium nitrate, 4 grams of superphosphate, 6-8 gras of potash fertilizers.

Watering seedlings are carried out in moderate quantities. It is strictly impossible to allow excessive soil moisturizing.

To obtain healthy cabbage sprouts, it is necessary to provide it with 14-16 hour light mode. Depending on what power there are artificial lighting lamps, they are located on the seedlings at a distance from 10 to 50 cm (as the plants grow, the distance must be adjusted). The recommended time for the inclusion of artificial lighting lamps is from 8 am to 11 pm.

For the friendly germination of shoots and development of plants, the following thermal regime must be observed:

  • Before the first germs - 18-20 OS;
  • Sprouted seeds - a sunny day 15-17 OS, cloudy day 13-15 OS, at night 7-10 OS;

Cabbage care at home is practically no different from standard events. Before the seedlings are planted in a permanent soil, it is necessary to start hardening two weeks before the alleged transplant. In the first stages of the plant gradually teach to the cold air, for which the vehicles open. At the second stage, the plants are revealed to a balcony for 2-3 hours during the daytime, but protecting seedlings from direct sunlight. Gradually, time increases, and the protection against sunlight is cleaned. When conducting hardening, seedlings are practically not watered. On the last stage Hardening, if the night temperature exceeds the 2-3 OS mark, seedlings are left overnight in the fresh air, pre-tightened with a film stretched on the frame.

Seedlings in permanent soil

Rechazzle seedlings in permanent primer is carried out:

  • For early varieties - the end of April-beginning of May;
  • For secondary varieties - the end of May - the beginning of June;
  • For late varieties - mid-May.

It should be remembered that the cabbage is very susceptible to cold, so it is recommended to cover it at night. After disembarking, the first days the seedlings must be covered by direct sunlight.

Video: Caporous Seedlings Growing Technology


Growing a good crop of white cabbage in the country

How to grow cabbage on your own country? The white cabbage is a cold-resistant plant, demanding of humidity of soil and air, the intensive growth of plants is possible only with sufficient water supply. Friendly shoots gives at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. The temperature above 25 degrees acts on it oppressingly, and in hot weather (over 30-35 degrees) is not formed by Kochan.

Types of cabbage: 1. Wild annual. 2. Kochnaya. 3. Color. 4. Kohlrabi. 5. Brussels. 6. Savoy.

To obtain a good crop of white cabbage on its household plot or dacha, first of all, it is necessary to seriously approach the selection of landing sites. It should be an open and sunny smooth plot, at least with a small southern or southeast slope. The site is prepared from the autumn, freeing it from plant residues, and in two weeks they are drunk to a depth of 25-30 cm. Since the cabbage is a white-born responsive to the introduction of mineral or organic fertilizers, we introduce 3-4 kg of manure or 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof compost sq.m. On rich organic soils, there is enough spring introduction of mineral fertilizers (20-30 g of superphosphate, 20-35 g of potassium chloride and 15-30 g of ammonium nitrates per square meter). In the spring before planting the soil, they are drunk or loosened to a depth of 15-20 cm.

It will correctly grow a white cabbage in one place for no more than 2-3 years in a row. You can not use the same area for planting cabbage earlier than 4 -5 years. The best predecessors for planting cabbage - onions, cucumber, potatoes, root, legumes and grain crops. Grow cabbage white as ensureAnd sowing seeds in the ground.

Growing seedlings cabbage

The seeds of cabbage of white early grades are sown from March 5 to March 10, seeds of late varieties - from March 15 to March 30, the middle-air seeds - April 15-20. The soil mixture is prepared by seedlings, mixing in equal amounts of turf, peat and sand. Purprising land is better taken from the places of growth of perennial plants. On the bucket of the soil mixture add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of superphosphate, 2 tbsp. Spoons of wood ash and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of chalk or lime - fluffs. Ready soil mixture Fill the boxes for seedlings, carefully smash and watered potassium mangartean solution. In the ground they make grooves for seeds 1 cm depth at a distance of 3 cm one from another. Seeds are seeded in these grooves after 1 cm from each other and fall asleep with the same soil mixture. Water through a siter with a small amount of warm water.

Boxes with seedlings are placed on the windowsill, through the day the soil is sprayed with water. At a temperature of 18-20 degrees, shoots appear on 5-7 days. After the appearance of germs, it will correctly be a box with a sediment to the room, the temperature of which does not exceed 7-8 degrees. If this is not done, the seedlings will quickly stretch and will then die.

Cabbage seedlings dive diagram.

After about 10 days, the seedlings are picking. Before picking, the plant is watered with a solution of potassium mangartage. Seedlings are picked in a pot or cups with a size of 6x6 cm filled with the same soil mixture. Each seedman during dive is deepened into the soil until the seedy leaves. The potted seedlings contain at 17-18 degrees at temperatures. When seedlings come together, after 4-5 days the temperature is reduced during the day to 12-14 degrees, at night - up to 10-12 degrees. Water seedlings as the soil drying, the water temperature for watering is 18-20 degrees. The room is regularly ventilated.

During the first two weeks, the seedlings grow extremely slowly, gradually their growth will become more intense. Before landing for a permanent place, the plant should have 5-6 real leaves. For 15-20 days before the seedling seedlings in the open ground begin to harde the low temperatures and the action of light, making the seedlings in the afternoon or airing the room. The first incorrect feeding is carried out when two real leaves are formed in the plants. To do this, in 1 liter of water bodied by travelers of the trace element. The second feeder is carried out at the beginning of the seedlings hardened (in the water bucket are divorced by 1 tbsp. A spoon of potassium sulfate and urea). Steerly spend, watering the leaves of a small deck.

Rechazzle seedlings in the ground

The scheme of the right depth of cabbage: A-deep, b-normal, in-finely.

The grown seedlings of early grades of white cabbage is planted from April 25 to May 5, later - from 10 to 20 May, the secondary-season - from May 20 to 31, the last period of landing - June 1. The width of the rivers for early varieties is 40-50 cm, the distance between the plants in the row is 25 cm, for medium and late varieties, respectively, 60 cm and 35 cm. Planting seedlings are recommended on cloudy days or closer in the evening. Two hours before the landing, it is well watered with water. During the landing in the hole, 0.5 - 1 liter of water is poured, the seedlings are plugged to the level of the first real leaves and pressed the soil. The first 2 - 3 days landed seedlings shadow. After 4 - 5 days after the landing in the place of the dead plants, new ones are planted.

The happy owners of cottages and garden sites located in the southern regions of the country practicing seeds landing immediately at a permanent place in open ground and at the same time have time to get a good crop of white cabbage on their own dacha.

Sowing seeds in open ground

For sowing seeds of white cabbage to the ground, select the largest seeds (with a diameter of at least 1.5 - 2 mm). Seed seeds are exposed to heat treatment to disinfect them from pathogens of mushroom diseases. To do this, we produce seed exposure of 20 minutes in hot water at a temperature of 50 degrees, then quickly cool, placing 2 to 3 minutes in cold water. Processed seeds scatter thin layer to a bulk state. Seeds are ready for sowing.

Scheme of small shelters for cabbage.

Before planting the seed, it is well treated with the soil, breaking the lumps and breaking it to a depth of 15 - 20 cm. Seeds are sown in the studded grooves. The distance between the rows and nests in a row is similar to the distance when disembarking seedlings. In each nest sulfing 3 - 5 seeds, sprinkling them with a mixture of peat and humus. When forming on plants, the second-third real leaves of the crops thin, leaving two in the nests, and then one most viable plant. Next, take care of sowing, as well as in the case of growing seedlings.

In areas with soft winter, if there is a greenhouse in the country, apply winter way Growing white cabbage. In this case, landing seeds, to obtain seedlings, spend in September, and seedlings in the ground - in November. The crop is cleaned in mid-May, while the cabbage can be eaten before the formation of Kochan, which is especially valuable in the spring.

Caring for white cabbage

Care includes watering, weeding weeds and processing of rods, feeding, the fight against pests and diseases. The first two weeks of the plant thoroughly watered every 2 - 3 days at the rate of 8 - 10 liters per square meter, then watering spend once a week (12-15 liters per square meter). It will be the right time watering to transfer to the morning or evening. The water temperature for watering is not lower than 18-20 degrees. The most intense watering must be carried out during the formation of kochanov. It is necessary to ensure that the cabbage leaves do not fade against the lack of moisture in the soil, which leads to the excinment in the plant of thin roots.

The first inter-row processing is carried out on a depth of 5 cm about 10 days after landing, later loose as necessary after irrigation or rain, preferably every week. The first dips is carried out approximately 20 days after landing, re-after 10 days. Plugging must be carried out with wet land, which activates the formation of additional roots and increase resistance to the lodging.

For the entire growing season, 3 - 4 feeders are carried out. The first is carried out to enhance the growth of leaves, for which the complete organic fertilizer is used. To do this, 0.5 liters of casczyce cowboy are divorced in the water bucket. Consume 0.5 liters for each plant. After 10 days, they give a second feeding, where 0.5 liters of cowboat or chicken litter and 0.5 microelement tablets are separated on the water bucket. Consumption of 1 liter for each plant. The third feeder is carried out in June, only for late varieties, in order to strengthen the growth of Kochan. The solution is prepared, ranging in 10 liters of water 0.5 liters of cowboy or chicken litter with the addition of Art. Spoons of superphosphate and one microelement tablet. Consumption - 6 - 8 liters per sq.m. If necessary, in order to get a more significant harvest, such feeding can be repeated in August.

For prophylaxis against the slugs, aphids and snails of the plant and the soil around them are powered by wood ash, consuming a glass on sq.m.

A worthy reward to each owner of the cottage is the good harvest of vegetables grown by the work of his own hands. Now we describe the harvest process grown by us.


Harvest cabbages of early grades are cleaned in July - August, selectively, as Cochanic maturity formations; The secondary-season - from the end of September, late - from mid-October. Cabbage for serving can be removed at the end of October (it can withstand freezing up to -10 degrees). Cocks cut sharp knife. The cabbage intended for long-term storage is necessarily leaving a long numor with 2-3 loosely adjacent leaves. Harvest Stored at a temperature of 0-5 degrees and air humidity 80-85%.


What temperature can the seedlings of tomatoes in the greenhouse, in the open soil, on the balcony, under the passionate material, in the greenhouse?

A very popular culture for growing in the owners of country sites is tomatoes. Large yields useful vegetable Hardworking gardens get almost in any climatic strip. The first question for novice tomatoes is optimal and permissible temperatures. The question of which temperature is withstanding the seedlings of the tomato, sounds in different variations, because you need to know the temperature modes for the germination of seeds, planting seedlings, the ripening of fruits in different conditions. Answers are needed to choose an optimally convenient way to get a good harvest.

Motherland and the history of the settlement of tomatoes

In his homeland, in the tropics of South America, and now wild species of tomatoes are growing.

Knowing it, you can definitely answer one of the questions, namely, what minus temperature Withstands the seedlings of tomato. No. Freezers in the air and especially on the soil the plant does not withstand and dies. In Europe, it fell from light hands Columbus. This is the case when known exact date - Thousands of four hundred ninety-third year. It began to cultivate for culinary purposes only by the middle of the sixteenth century in warm European countries. And already with the light hand of the Italians "Golden Apples", the fruits of the plants were so called here, the "Pomo" became a literal translation. Hence the Russian - "Tomato". The answer to the question of how the decrease in temperature is withstanding the seedlings of the tomato, in Russia, the scientists under the leadership of E. Grachev, and the founder of Russian agronomy A. Bolotov, became obstacle during the reign of Ekaterina II. With their light hand, a juicy vegetable appeared on the tables of people across the country.

Botanical description

Tomatoes - this is a grated herbate plant. In my homeland can be a perennial. In countries with climate, Posurgeons are annually. The root system is a rod with a variety of lateral branches, it is covered by a variety of hairs. In open warm soil, in the southern regions, the roots reach a meter length. In the greenhouses develop to thirty centimeters. Roots are easily formed on any section of the stem. The stems themselves are reprehension or requiring garters, and according to the nature of growth: constantly branched - intenerminant and, on the contrary, determinants. The leaves of the usual form, but the color of them changes under the influence of external conditions and the state of the plant. Flowers of both sexes are collected in the inflorescences "fruit brush". Fruits - fleshy and juicy berries, different sizes and shapes. Color of mature fruits - from golden to brown and purple, depending on the variety.

Tomatoes - self-polishing plant. It starts to bloom about the fifties day after germination of seeds, and the fruits ripen more days later in sixty. During this period, any sharp external changes, especially temperature fluctuations, can be destructive for harvest. And here it would be necessary to know what the lowest temperature is withstanding the tomato seedlings, and not allow plants to enter extreme temperatures - below five degrees. It will die in the heat above forty three degrees.

Selection of Tomatov varieties

In the question of choosing a variety in the initial stages, you can use the recommendations of experienced gardens, but your personal experience more valuable. In any case, you need to buy seeds of several types of tomatoes. Conduct work from germinating them in seedlings until harvest is obtained. Autumn works will show which variety of tomatoes justified the expectations specifically in your garden. When choosing tomato seeds for an open section without greenhouses, the first mandatory question should be the following: What temperature can the tomato seedlings landed in open ground? Here you need to give preference to low hybrid varieties With well-developed, resistant temperature drop in the root system. And in order not to persecute the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich minimal temperature withstands the seedlings of tomatoes, take the following condition for weapons. The varieties are better to choose the early, early or medium. Vegetation in these groups passes, respectively, up to seventy, to ninety and up to one hundred days. An example of deterministic varieties: Dubok, very tasty and high-yielding white pouring, early and with the same agate fruit, resistant to temperature troubles and with a special tomato flavor, pink sweet Demidov, ideal for the preservation of ladies' fingers. The question of which temperature is withstanding the seedlings of tomato in a greenhouse, if it is built on your site, it will be no less important in the case of a selection of a grade for a greenhouse. Here you can give preference to income-verminal hybrids. The main stem of different types of tomato wood can grow more than a year. The height of the variety is littered 1, for example, almost four meters, and Crown covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than fifty square meters. Vintage a year to one and a half tons. it best grades for greenhouses covered not just a film, but modern transparent plastic materials For agricultural businessmen.

Major variety is also suitable for industrial scales. Even during the cold season, the gardeners who choose this variety will not worry the question of which night temperatures can withstand tomato seedlings. It is characterized by high resistance to sharp temperature differences and major diseases of tomatoes. In addition, long-term transportation does not harm their product form. According to taste qualities, many consider Pink Mikado as the best greenhouse and fast ripening variety. Increased sugar content makes the pulp of fruit sweet and juicy. If you are a big lover of self-grown tomatoes, and the place for growing is limited to an apartment in a city high-rise building, then it's time to find out what temperature can the tomato can withstand on the balcony. In this situation, it is better to choose a variety of minor fruits and low-spirited bushes of Cherry type, cascade ed, a red pearl. All of them are lovers of the morning or evening sun and will withstand the night decrease in temperature to twelve degrees.

Requirements for lighting and watering

Good lighting for light-affiliated plants is a necessary condition. For tomato seedlings, lack of light is especially dangerous. Saplings are poorly developing, the stems are pulled and weakening. Adult tomatoes with a shortage of light almost do not bloom, faded. The plant turns into a green bar. The tomatoes of southern varieties and those that are grown in greenhouses and greenhouses suffer from lack of sun. Lack of light is the cause of bad taste of tomatoes. Polenic grown without the sun can be poisonous. In the greenhouses, without natural light, the plants are more often sick than those that are grown on the open soil. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that for soil and greenhouses are different irrigation modes.

To save greenhouse plants from sheet mold, it is necessary to reduce watering. In open areas, the plant should be regularly political, especially during the period when the fruits are formed and ripen. Soil under roots should not be rehabilted and turn into crust. Watering it usually alternate with loosening. Pour water is needed under the root, not falling on the leaves, the plants are poorly tolerated. Water before applying is better to defend during the day. It should not be cold - this is the question of which temperature is withstanding the seedlings of the tomato in the open soil. The required humidity for the soil is 70%, for air - 60%. Increased moisture and lack of heat reduce yield.

Source requirements and neighbors

By the soil, there are not such strict requirements as light and heat. Excellent if you boast a high-grade chernozem in a garden or in a greenhouse. A light loamy and sugal soil of medium acidity is well suitable. In a very acidic soil, it is necessary to make lime. Tomatoes do not recommend landing for more than two years in a row on the same place. Poor for the crop of tomatoes, if pepper, eggplants or other vegetables, taking up from the soil, grew up on the site before them. Bow, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin and carrots are considered good predecessors. Polenic vegetables, potatoes and peppers are not suitable as neighbors on the beds, their root highlights are constrained by the growth of tomatoes. In addition, their diseases and pests are the same, which increases the risk of defeat. Next to the tomatoes are good to plant onions, asparagus, parsley, calendula.

These neighbors have a beneficial effect and protect against the listed attacks.

Preparation of seeds for seedlings

The cultivation of tomato seedlings start with the preparation of seeds. The first stage is their check. High-quality seeds are full, in five percent salt solid, they are drown. All that pops up, - empty or fired seeds. Selected samples are well washed flowing cold water And they lower the minutes for fifteen in a single percent solution of potassium permanganate. After disinfection, it is washed with cold water again and the whole night is soaked in a solution of special trace elements. It is better to buy a ready-made composition for the preparation of the solution. Pushed seeds for punishing lay on a wet fabric. During this period, perhaps until the week, the fabric should always be wet. Excess moisture, as well as drying, adversely affects germination.

Growing seedlings

The ground for the extension of the proceeding seeds is more profitable to prepare on their own. It should be loose and lightweight, well-driving air and moisture. You can mix robust to the ferry soil, sand, humid and peat. It is important that the plants of the family of the families did not grow on the soil used. Instead of sand you can mix wood sawdust With ash, i.e., take the components that can be reached. For watering the substrate, a mineral solution is prepared from about twenty grams of superphosphate and ten grams of carbamide on the water bucket. For planting seeds use long, better wooden boxes, where they are unfolded with tweezers after a couple of centimeters from each other, in a flat long groove in the prepared land of the depth of one and a half centimeters. Pop up the ground and covered with a film. Boxes put in a warm place.

Here it is appropriate to the question of which temperature is withstanding tomato seedlings under the underfloor material. The border temperature of germination of seeds is ten degrees of heat; To speed up the process, you need at least sixteen degrees. Further, before the appearance of several leaves, the temperature should be from twenty to twenty-four degrees, it is allowed to sixteen degrees on cloudy days. At night - from fifteen to seventeen degrees with a plus sign, otherwise the growth stops. When the seeds are sprouting, they are transferred to the illuminated place. If there is not enough natural, artificial deexpension is used. It is important to monitor the temperature of the air and soil, if everything is fine, the film is removed during the day. The room where the seedlings are preparing, it is necessary to ventilate, but there should be no draft. When the first two leafles appear on the sprouts, they are dismissed, we are familiar to the gardens - dive, in small paper or plastic cups With holes for drainage at the bottom. Seedlings are selected healthy, with strong roots.

To stimulate the growth of lateral roots, the rod root is cut. They dive them into the prepared ground, watered and kept warm to twenty degrees. When the leaves are more than four, days ten to landing in constant soil, the temperature day and night decrease by a couple of degrees. You can set a pot into the street, and in the greenhouses and greenhouses to remove the top windows for hardening the plants, provided that at night there will be no frosts. That is, you always need to remember which minimum temperature withstands seedlings of tomatoes, and watch it not below twelve degrees. After hardening the landing, seedlings are healthy, with thickened at the base, clean, smooth stem. When growing, except light and heat, seedlings require feeding. The first need to make days ten after the transplantation of the pot. Good prepare organic feeding. To do this, in water dissolve the dung alive in the proportion one to four or chicken litter in the proportion of one to fifteen. Twenty grams of superphosphate and some wood ash are added here. It is necessary to withstand the same intervals between the feeders of about two weeks.

Sawing time seeds

Because it is planned to transfer the seedlings of tomatoes to the ground, permanently in a greenhouse or balcony, choose the seed planting time. It depends on the climate of the terrain and the selected variety. The seedlings of ordinary low-speed varieties can be raised in fifty - seventy days, and for tomato giants, the deadlines increase to the ninety days. On the open soil in medium latitudes, for example, seedlings are carried out at the very beginning of summer. For closed soil, the timelines can be shifted to the question of which temperature withstands the tomato seedlings in the greenhouse. It must be taken into account, what kind of type it is, what a coating is a film or polycarbonate. For balcony seedlings, you need to take into account where the balcony windows come out, it is open or glazed, which insulation you used.

If the balcony is located on the southeastern side, plastic windows are insulated and there are plastic windows, then the timing of landing is similar to greenhouse terms, and the answer to the question is relevant to the question, which temperature can withstand tomato seedlings in the greenhouse.

Requirements for greenhouse conditions

Immediately told the time of disembarkation, which means that the time when the greenhouse should be ready. If you call a greenhouse covered with a film without heating, then seedlings can be transferred to it only in mid-May, completely eliminating possible night frosts in your area. If the climate allows, and the greenhouse without heating is covered with a film in several layers, and you use additional paper shelters and watering warm water, you can plant seedlings in the last days of April. In film greenhouses, where there are heating, seedlings are planted from the tenth to the fifteenth of April. Absolutely rhetorical question, which temperature withstands the seedlings of tomato in a greenhouse from polycarbonate, because they are usually constructed for year-round growing vegetables.

Now about the size of the earth for a greenhouse. Seedlings of low-speed varieties are planted at a distance from thirty centimeters from each other. For tall, no less than forty centimeters are needed. The distance between the rows, on planting technology, should be from fifty to sixty centimeters. It is better to plant a bushes in a checkerboard order - two rows, aisle, etc. On the site about one and a half or two square meters can be placed from eight to twelve tomato bushes. For business greenhouses from polycarbonate, five to six hundred and ends are needed. In any greenhouse, there will be additional lighting - real lamp or reflective solar rays mirror surface. The craftsmen use even the usual household foil on the plywood. In the greenhouse or on the plot there should be a source of water, more profitable - well or well. Remembering which temperature withstands the tomato seedlings, and that it is impossible to water it, it is impossible to water it, you need to stockposses, where the water is disappeared and warmed up in the sun or special instrument. And if the cultivation of tomatoes in the greenhouse for you is not just another experiment in the series of failed, it is better to take care of the additional source of heat, except for the sun.

The owners of greenhouses and greenhouses before each new planting will necessarily have all parts, walls and coatings of the design to treat chlorine lime, spray it and soil. The upper, five-point meter of the soil in the greenhouses change to the new substrate, dripped and watered by a solution of mangartee after each harvest. All these measures will help to prevent frequent greenhouse diseases of vegetables. In general, greenhouse steam beds are arranged by type of trench, where you first lay hot manure, about thirty-thirty five centimeters, and then prepared, as for seedlings, the nutrient mixture is up to fifteen centimeters up. No need to forget about the mandatory and regular ventilation of greenhouses. The designs of the greenhouses must contain the windows not only on the sides, but also at the top.

Tomatoes with Grokes

If your goal is not a tomato business project, but a ripe, sweet, juicy tomato to a dinner with your own bed near the house, then decide on the question that the tomato can withstand seedlings in the open soil, and start. Choose a sector under the garden on the garden, where much light, and therefore it will be warm. Last year, the cucumbers grew well here, by the way. In the autumn, you, as it should be, a portion of the switched and made fertilizers. After winter and before planting, once again, everything was well explosion and added nitrogen fertilizers. In late May, a constant temperature was established. In the afternoon from twenty two to twenty five degrees. At night, warm, there is no fifteen plus below. You can plant. Water from the well in a large barrel on the garden warms up in the afternoon in the sun above twenty degrees. There is nothing to water. And no "struggle" for the harvest, just, if working with a desire, good and love for nature, everything will turn out.


When and how to put cabbage to seedlings (video instruction)?

Optimum deadlines for each variety

To obtain high rates yields and high-quality vegetables, stalks should not be overgrown. Sprouts at the time when they need to be put in the open ground, they can have approximately 15-20 cm in height. By the number of leaves at early varieties - 6-7 pieces, later - 4-5.

Usually, at home, landing cabbage seeds are produced in March. However, for each region, due to different climates, the landing conditions may differ. Like the time of disembarking shoots to the garden.

The best age for landing sparks is considered 55-60 days. Based on this, you can determine the optimal period when sowing cabbage to seedlings, yourself. For example, if you plan seedlings to open ground, you are planning in the last few days, it is properly to sung cultural seeds at home from March 25 to March 30. Also in March it is to plant a Beijing cabbage to obtain seedlings. It is preferable to sow seeds of culture in the second half of March. The term of its maturation is 45-55 days.

Preparation for sowing seeds for seedlings

Not only from the timing of planting vegetable crops depends on the yield. So that the seedlings were strong, were able to survive during sudden frosts, it is necessary to know how to grow seedlings. In particular, the sowing and care of seedlings should be followed.

Planting work begins with the acquisition of seeds and preparation of containers, soil. Planting material in the form of seedlings cabbage can be purchased in each flower shop. In principle, like the soil. For the cultivation of seedlings, wooden drawers can be prepared with a depth of 10-15 cm. Fill them with either a special substrate bought on the market, or soil. It can be prepared at home yourself. To do this, take the previously disinfected:

  • 2 pieces of turf land;
  • 1 h. Nicky peat;
  • 1 h. Stroke.

Seeds are preferable to choose only large. Before sowing, they are better to processed correctly. If information is not contained on the package. In contrast to the standard procedure prepaiming training, Cabbage seedlings should be immersed in hot water. It is enough 15-20 minutes to hold them in this fluid. After that, put a minute to 2 - in a container with cold water. Now they can be sowed to the ground.

Sowing and growing seedlings

Prepare everything you need can be started. Cabbage seedlings should be placed on the surface of the soil, which are filled with drawers. Upon completion of the procedure, they should be sprinkled with a small (up to 1 cm) of the soil layer, then pour. After that, put the boxes closer to the light. It is desirable that the temperature regime in the place is from +6 to +12 degrees.

Cabbage shoots usually appear on 4-6 days. For all the time the germination should properly water the soil - as it dry. When the first sheet appears on the sprouts, the seedlings are to dive. Unlike white-baked cabbage, Beijing can be grown without dive.

Those who have heated greenhouses can transplant seedlings in them. At the home environment, picking is carried out in deeper individual containers. It is best to grow cabbage sprouts in peat-humus cups. So you can save root system Cultures, when the time comes to plant it in the open area.

When used to dive deep wooden boxes, correctly withstand between cabbage stems Distance from 7 to 10 cm. To fill the tanks, it is desirable to use soils prepared from:

  • 7 pieces of peat;
  • 1 hour. Dernea Earth;
  • 1 h. Korovyaka.

This mixture, if you sustain proportions correctly, stimulates the growth of cabbage kochanov. And if it is used to fill peat cups, you can harvest in the form of mature vegetables by 1.5-2 weeks earlier. If comparing S. traditional methods landing. Cabbage seedlings are preferably fertilized. The procedure can be made 7 days after planting plants. Use bird litter for these purposes, or manure. Also worth venting out the premises with seedlings of culture. However, drafts better exclude.

Regarding the temperature at which the culture of this culture will occur, it is recommended to withstand:

  • happy +14 to +18 degrees;
  • at night - from +7 to +10.

Cabbage seedlings can be planted from the second half of May. By the time, each stem should be 4-5 sheets. No more. Beijing cabbage can be planted when it is not more than 3-sheets. Given the grade and climatic conditions of the growing region, optimum time You can choose yourself.

How and where to transplant seedlings

Seat seedlings of such vegetable culture as cabbage, better at a distance of 40-50 cm. The depth of the well is better to do, based on the sizes of peat cups. If you grown sprouts in boxes, then you can make a hole in accordance with the height of the walls of the container. The well watered before the landing. Each worth pouring about 1 liter of water, then immediately put a sprout in it. It is necessary to plant the stem so that the soil level is on a par with the first leaf on the plant's stem.

If you choose the right place for further cultivation White cabbage, yield can significantly increase. Yes, and care for the culture will be easier. So, for example, it is best to plant cabbage seedlings after legumes, grain. Capolate cochanists also grow well, if its predecessors on the plot were cucumbers and root. Beijing cabbage can be grown after potatoes, carrots.

As you can see, the cultivation will not be difficult, if you know when to sow cabbage to seedlings. And also, if you familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of culture to correctly produce cultivation of seedlings and care.



How to plant cabbage at racket

Before planting major cultures in the greenhouse, it can be grown by cabbage seedlings. different varieties. In view of the early, medium and average early varieties of white, color and other cabbage types.

Seeds of white cabbage germinate at + 3 ° C. At the soil temperature + 20 ° C, the process is accelerated. On average, shoots begin to appear after 3-4 days from seeding. In the greenhouse, it is better to grow sipped and fitted seedlings grown before that at home.

Usually seedlings of white cabbage has no more than 5 present leaves. From the moment of shooting it should be about 2 months. In general, if the seedlings are planted at the end of May, sowing is made approximately March 25.

Survive frosts and give a good harvest can only strong, high-quality seedlings. So that it turns out to be, you need to take care of the correct pre-sowing processing of seeds. First of all, they need to be displayed manually in size ( better diameter 2 mm).

Before the cabbage to plant seedlings, the seeds should be placed in the water for 20 minutes, the temperature is up to 50 ° C. Then grains 3 minutes are cooled into cold water and dried to the flowability.

In order to avoid the appearance of bacteriosis and keel, seeds can be warm up to 20 ° C for another 20 minutes. After that, grain is 1.5-2 hours placed in the solution: 0.5 g / l boric acid and molybdata. To increase the germination of seeds, they are processed in a 0.5% urea solution.

Some daches advise sowing cabbage seeds in mid-January. But, in general, the seeding time is determined by the fact that the seeds of seeds take place 8-12 days, and in full-fledged seedlings turn more 45-50 days. Also determined deadlines for seedlings of cauliflower.

Seedlings in sowing boxes should grow until the first sheet appears, then they are sipped. When picking, weak and late sprouts are relected, as well as those that struck the "black leg" and which have no top kidney seedlings.

During the dive of seedlings (especially stretched) plunge almost to the seedlings, so that seedlings were strengthened by the formation of additional roots.

If the cultivation of seedlings of cabbage is carried out in a greenhouse under the film, then it is necessary to take care of additional lighting. Seedling cabbage does not tolerate blackout since the appearance of germs. It is better to put seedlings in the boxes. Polyethylene film is underwered under the soil boxes.

The bottom of the boxes is also covered with a film with holes through which the excess moisture flows from irrigation and sub-barker solutions. If seedling in the boxes is grown, thus, it is easier to move it towards the greenhouse and rebel the poor-quality sprouts.

There is seedlings abundantly, but not very often. Watering water should be a bit warmer than the soil where the seeds grow. Before planting seedlings to open soil, it is necessary to compose a temperature in a greenhouse for several days with the air temperature outside it.

Growing onion sediate

Everyone knows that the bow can be obtained directly sowing seeds - Chernushki in open ground. The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to uniformly distribute very small seeds after 5-8 cm, resulting in a large number of Dear seeds now. In addition, in the southern and southeastern regions of Ukraine in some years, it is difficult to get strong shoots in the sorrow. After the shoots are strengthened, it is necessary to carry out the time-consuming work on breaking on plants and the formation of density.

The advantage of the seaside method is that the consumption of seeds is reduced several times. You can immediately at the fallout seedlings to form the desired lingerie landing. But there are certain problems with the preparation of seedlings, especially if there are no greenhouses or greenhouses.

Best for the cultivation of the onion onion, the peninsula, minority varieties and hybrids are the best way. Seedlings are grown in heated greenhouses, warm greenhouses or in a heated room. Seed onion seeds in boxes 15-25 March.

The best soil for the cultivation of the seedlings of the onions is a ferry land, half-mixed with a humus, or a sphagnum peat of a milling blank, neutralized and tired of a vegetable handicapped mixture (50 g per bucket of peat). The soil is poured into a seaside box with a layer of 8-10 cm. The seeds are sown into the grooves, the distance between which is 5 cm, and between the seeds - 0.5-1 cm. Close up of seeds to a depth of 0.5-1 cm, after which seeds are sealing from above, And then watered.

Before the appearance of sections, the temperature is maintained at 20-2 °, and after their appearance, the temperature is reduced by a few days to 10-12 °. In the future, the temperature regime is maintained in the afternoon in the range of 15-18 °, at night - 6-10 °. As soon as the seedlings are fixed, they are thinned in thickened places, leaving the plants in the ranks at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

Luke seedlings are twice with mineral fertilizers in a dissolved form at the rate of 10 liters of water 10 g of urea, 20 g of super-phosphate, 5 g of potassium chloride or 20-30 g of a garden toe (now there are similar new types of fertilizers).

7-10 days before the seedling landing in the open ground, it is tempered using reinforced ventilation, reduce the temperature in the room where it is grown, decrease watering and put it out to an open place.

By the time of planting seedlings should be with well-developed leaves, the diameter of the stem is 0.5-0.8 cm.

Considering this, now many gardeners prefer the cultivation of commercial onions during the growing season of seeds, but with preliminary preparation seedlings.


The plants of the rap-chat onion are withstanding the temperature to small minuses, and therefore after pre-hardening it can be planted as early as possible when the soil matures. To make it convenient to plant seedlings, we should not make wide beds. The most convenient is the ribbon two-row method according to the circuit 20 + 50 cm (two rows after 50 cm). In rows of plants are placed at a distance of 4-6 cm from each other. This is about 10 square meters. m need 500- 600 pcs. seedlings.

Plants are planted in freshly cut grooves (gaps) with water lulling. If possible, it is also possible 2-4 days before the landing to hold a presets by watering the norm 10-15 cubic meters. You can also immediately after planting to pour at the rate of 8-10 liters per 40 pcs. The soil near the plants are sealing to the roots. After 2-4 days, the soil loose, in the places of plant falling new ones.

Particular attention is paid to the regular watering of the planted seedlings in the first 10-15 days. Water after 2-3 days, until the plants come together.

In the future, on the random plants of the onions lead the same care as behanded from seeds or seeds. In the first 10-15 days, Luke seedlings need to be filled with a cow (1: 5), man-oil or nitrogen fertilizers (two matched box on the water bucket). If there is little water to irrigate, you can medley to climb grass or other materials.

Full commercial bulbs from seeds in one year can be obtained only with regular watering after 7-8 days, giving 10 square meters. m at 400-500 liters of water. When drought watered in 5-6 days. Watering stop 20-25 days before harvesting (approximately August 15-20)

Protection against disease

Onions onions can affect such diseases: peronosporosis, penitzelosis or blue-green mold, bacterial rotting of internal scales, alternariasis, fusarious rot, gray rot, white rot, black mold. One of the most harmful diseases - peridosporosis. For its prevention and treatment, it is recommended to use such drugs: quadris (6 ml per 5 liter of water), Ridomil Gold MC (25 g per 5 liters of water), Figal (25 ml on 5 liters of water).

The most dangerous pests of Luke: Lukovaya Fly, Lukova, Lukovka, onion hidden, leek mole, tobacco (onion) tripe, root (onion) tick, stem leek nematodes, leek sheetoblushka.

Do you know that the fruit of ripe sweet pepper is rich in such useful vitamins as A and C. The presence of these vitamins in pepper is much larger than in the fruits of carrots, lemon and many others.

How to grow good pepper seedlings

Many dackets grow pepper seedlings at home on the windowsill. Arriving such seedlings in preferential terms, then suffer from it when they will overtake in open ground. Seedling is badly leaving, weak growth is observed, there are diseases, in general torment.

And those who land the seeds of pepper on the seedlings to the greenhouse are then in the best position. Seedling easily tolerates transplant in open soil, it is less susceptible to diseases.

Preparing pepper seeds to sowing

To use the method of growing seedlings in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, you need to do a certain job with the seed foundation.

Before planting the seeds, it is necessary to be treated with a strong manganese solution (1 teaspoon on half a liter of water) for 30 minutes, after rinse well with boiled water. And then we use an ordinary thermos.

In advance prepared bags, disinfect seeds in varieties. We put the bags into the thermos and poured the nutrient solution (one small spoon of ash wood, dissolved in one liter of warm boiled water).

The thermos cover should be tightly screwed down and leave for a day, while you shake the thermos from time to time so that the ash precipitate is not formed. Then, take out the bags from the thermos, slightly spray with clean boiled water, lay out on the plates and put in a warm place for a couple of days.

Continue regularly carry out a lung spraying bags with water. Moisture in the seeds should be present constantly, up to the moment of puncture. See after such treatment, the seeds quickly and together germinate.

Soil preparation for sowing

For the preparation of soil in the greenhouse to seeds, take in equal shares part of the sand and land, add to two parts of the peat. For every 10 kilograms of the mixture, add two spoons of wood ash, one spoonful of nitroposki and superphosphate.

We distribute the mixture in the garden and then everything is well drunk. Running, carry out disinfection (pour hot water), tightly close the greenhouse for stepping for 20 minutes. Everything, the garden is ready, you can land seeds.

Pepper Care

The first feeding of pepper seedlings is best carried out after the first real leaves appear. For the first feeding, a solution of calcium nitrate (one spoon on the water bucket) is good. You can use a borne korovyan (1 kilogram on the water bucket).

The second feeder must be held 10 days after the first (one spoon or matchbox Urea on the bucket of warm water).

In the production of feeding, this is what is important. Before each feeding first, we first break the planted ground with warm water, repeat the procedure when the feeder was finished to wash off the remnants of fertilizers from the plants.

For good height It is necessary to make so that in the greenhouse the earth had a small amount of moisture. Here you need to be especially attentive if the earth will be overwhelmed, the roots of seedlings can just die and your work will be done in vain.

Feeding and watering, as practice shows, it is best to do in the morning using warm water. For the next after feeding the day, be sure to do not forget to bundle the soil around the plants.

During the period of growing seedlings, when she gains strength, in the greenhouse, make a plot of ash (one spoon is about three plants), while carefully follow that the ash does not fall on the plants.

Hardening start gradually. First open the greenhouse for twenty minutes, with each day increasing the time of hardening. About one week before the transplantation in the ground, frame or film from the greenhouses can be completely removed.

Immediately before the transplant, break the garden with the seedlings of the steady water (in no case use water from the crane). Then, along with an earthen room, carefully transplanted the pre-prepared beds.

The pepper seedlings grown by you enters open soil tempered, it is less than the danger of the disease. The yield is much higher than with seedlings, which was grown in the raised conditions.

Seedlings: Eggplant Growing

How to prepare the ground for eggplant seedlings

Favorite place of growing eggplant - light, a fertilous soil, which is well warmed. Best predecessors - legumes, winter wheat, cabbage, cucumber, onions.

From the autumn prepare the place of the future landing - the soil is slightly loosened, provoking the growth of Byriana, after 2 weeks they produce deep plowing, and the early spring is harrowing and left before disembarking.

Optimal age oaklazhanov seedlings For landing is 55-60 days. Therefore, depending on the region, the seeding period is calculated by the countdown, minus 2 months before the onset of sustainable warm weather.

Eggplant can easily get sick from any infection, so the land for seedlings from the garden is less suitable. It is better to use the composition of peat and sawdust (3: 1). Instead of sawdust, you can use river sand.

Care for seedy

Eggplant is poorly restored damaged roots and unimportantly transfers the pickup, because the seeds are desirable to immediately suck in peat glasses or cubes with a prepared and fertilized soil mixture.

Seed landing depth is less than 1 cm. For germination, drawers should be placed in a warm place. As a rule, shoots appear on 8-10 days. Sprouts need to provide good lighting, and the air temperature is recommended to reduce to + 15-18 ° C.

With the weak development of plants, they need feeding. To do this, use mineral fertilizer from the store, or composed of its own recipe, and no more than 30 g of dry fertilizer take on the water bucket.

Not bad feeding is "Azophoska". It is best to make a feeding in the morning, and immediately after feeding you need to spray seedlings, so that they do not get a burn. It is best to make a spraying of warm, heated in the sun with water.

When growing eggplant seedlings, it should be remembered that the systematic watering protects the stem from premature obsession, but too frequent watering further reduces the yield.

Excessively high temperature in combination with high humidity The air makes young plants very gentle and fragile, which negatively affects the transplantation.

When a real sheet appears, the seedlings need to be removed into the shadow for a couple of days to strengthen the root system. It is due to the weak root system that the first leaf is developing very slowly.

If the seedlings were still sown in the box, then the plants need to be counted in separate pots, which is perfect for the lower part of the PET bottles of 1.5-2.5 liters. To do this, it should be good to moisten the land, holding the seedling behind the sheet, carefully dig and remove the plant from the ground, keeping the ground on the roots.

Damaged seedlings are removed during the dive process. After holding a dive, seedard eggplazhanov The first time is poured by a weak solution of manganese. After that, the tank must be placed in such a way that the plants are evenly obtained by light.

As feeding eggplants most need nitrogenous and potash fertilizers. After the transplant, it is usually started to feed plants for 15-20 days when they fit well. The feeder should be carried out no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.

The subtleties of growing seedlings

Cultivation of seedlings is a process that will require certain knowledge from you. In this article, we will look at some important subtleties of this exciting process.

To begin with, stocking the required number of boxes and tanks for sowing and picking seedlings. You should not use a large container for these purposes and sow various varieties in it with rows.

Some seeds will come up after 3-5 days, and they will need to immediately put on a well-lit place. Others will go through 5-10 days or more, and before that time they must be kept under the film.

Therefore, it is better to use small tanks, let each grade be its own container. Soil can be used purchased, it already contains all required amount nutrients.

Preparation of seeds to sowing

Before sowing seeds, it is necessary to decapitate in a mortgage solution at least 3 hours. Then 10-12 hours (better for the night) to put in any organ-mineral preparation and, then, for 3 hours to the immunostimulating. After each drug, the seeds need to be washed in hot (about 50 ° C) water, 1-2 minutes.

Saw seedlings are better through the lunar calendar. In the second-third decade of January, eggplants, peppers and flowers sow - all that long does not rise and slowly grows. Tomato seeds sow in February in two or three receptions.

Care for seedy

Capacities with crops are covered with a film and kept in a warm place (with a temperature not lower than + 20 ° C). Once a day you need to ventilate them for 3-5 minutes.

After the friendly "loops" appear, drawers put under the lamp of daylight. The backlight of the seedlings is needed even if your windows come out on the south. To highlight in the morning (approximately from 5-30 to 9-30) and in the evening (from 17 to 23 hours).

Picking seedlings

Peppers and eggplants to dive better when they have seedy leaves. Do not deepen! Tomatoes and the rest of the seedlings are transplanted after the appearance of 1-2 real leaves. It is necessary to deepen to the cotyadal, watered as needed, but not to fill.

After 5 days, make the first feeding of seedlings, then feed every 7-10 days. Organic fertilizers alternate with mineral. Before landing in the soil, it is necessary to prevent 2 times the seedlings of copper chlorokis and immuno stimulants.

source http://vam-dachniki.ru/tonkosti-vy-rashhivaniya-rasady/

Need to pick up suitable time To collect, use the appropriate tools and prepare cabbage for continuous storage. You will also have to take into account weather conditions and timely track the degree of maturity of the whimsical product.

Is it afraid of frosts?

Is there a cauliflower of autumn frosts afraid? Cauliflower is known among other vegetables extreme thermobidity.

If the ambient temperature drops below + 8-10 ° C, then small heads begin to form a white inflorescence, which will subsequently become spare shoots. The development of the main inflorescences is likely to suspend.

The growth of cauliflower with the onset of cold weather slows down significantly, which requires immediate sending them to pouring at home. Strong frosts capable of damaging cabbageBut they still still have the opportunity to save with greenhouses.

It is easy to implement only if the stable temperature in + 10 ° C will be maintained inside.

Whatever the cauliflower variety you get on the site, carefully take care of the ripening period, track those that have already slept, and gently cut them with a clean knife. Warm weather will be wonderful for collection, when there were no rains for a few weeks.

Try not to overtake the vegetables on the garden longer than the deadline, otherwise the inflorescences will acquire a yellow shade, break down and lose the impressive share of taste and nutrients.

There are no reasons for concern if the cabbage has not yet matured, and in the yard begins to get cold. You can assemble the victims of the low temperatures of the cochanic with a diameter of 5 cm and send them to a ripening in a greenhouse.

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Delicious and rich in bonded cabbage vitamins is very popular among gardeners and is grown by almost every summer cottage. This culture is pretty unpretentious, but that the Cochans are turned out to be great and tight, it is necessary to know all the nuances of growing white-baked cabbage, as it is right and at what distance to plant cabbage seedlings into open ground and how to properly care for her after landing and throughout the season.

When you can plant cabbage into the ground

Dates of planting seedlings in the soil depend on the grade of cabbage white-baked:

  1. Early varieties You can plant in early May, when five leaves appear at seedlings. In Siberia at this time, it is still not warm enough, so the landings are engaged in about mid-May.
  2. Mediterranean grades It should be planted in 40-45 days after the seedlings appear. By this time, seedlings with a height of 15-20 cm should have from four to six leaves. In the ground, seedlings can be planted from mid-May until the beginning of June.
  3. Late varieties It is recommended to plant in the ground since mid-May, when there will be 4-6 leaves at seedlings, and it will reach the age of 30-35 days.

By folk signs The seedlings of late white cabbage can be planted when four sheets appear on nettle and sprouts. The cabbage to the ground can be engaged in the appearance of the kidneys.

Is the cabbage of frosts afraid? Capping seedlings with four leaves is not afraid of a short-term decrease in temperatures up to -4 degrees. The air temperature should be not lower than +8 .. + 10 degrees. At such a temperature of the soil on the site warms up, and it will be possible to plant seedlings. Therefore, when to plant cabbage in the Urals, Siberia, Moscow region and other regions directly depends on weather conditions. In regions with a warm climate, where it is already warm in early spring, culture is grown not by a seaside way, but seeds seeds directly to the garden.

Landing of white cabbage in open ground

Choose a plot and prepare the soil

Soil for white cabbage should not be acidic. If the ground on the clay or clay and sandy area, then the right acidity is 7.0 pH, the acidity of sandy soil should be about 6.0 pp.

Plot for planting culture should be well covered throughout the day. Lightly planted seedlings will begin to stretch out that it will negatively affect its further development.

After that, squeeze the cabbage into open ground?

The best predecessors are the following cultures: legumes and eggplants, carrots and peppers, pumpkin cultures and tomatoes, leek repka and potatoes.

It is impossible to plant a cruciferous culture after any kind of cabbage cultures (actual cabbage and mustard, radish and tour, repka and radishes).

Because the cabbage loves the fleece and other pests, on one bed or nearby, it is recommended to plant the frightening insect plants. These include:

  • spices;
  • nasturtium;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • tansy;
  • marigold.

Soil fertilizer

How to grow good cabbage ? To do this, carefully prepare the beds and provide plants with nutrients.

If the soil on the site has increased acidity, then add it to it dolomite flour or chalk.

Since the cabbage loves organic fertilizers, in the spring for each square meter of the site contributes by the bucket by the burden, after which the garden is not very deeply loosen again, and the soil is spoiled by the reverse side of the robber.

Scheme of planting cabbage white in open ground

The distance between the plants depends on the variety of culture:

  1. Hybrids and early grades planted according to the scheme - 30x40 or 35x45 cm.
  2. Mediterranean grades According to the scheme - 50x60 cm.
  3. Late varieties Located with a distance of 60x70 cm (between copies and rows).

Since the leaves and the cochanists of the vegetable will grow, it is not recommended to thicken the landing.

Preparation of seedlings

To disembarking in open ground plants, you need to prepare correctly. For this, a week before landing, they are started to endure on open balcony or plot and exhibit where there are no drafts and direct sunlight.

On the first day, seedlings are hardened no more than one and a half hours, increasing the time for its location on open air Every day for several hours. If warm on the street is already even at night, in the last two days, the seedlings are left on the street around the round.

For the best survival of seedlings two days before disembarking, seedlings are fed by a solution of fertilizer of Kemira Suite. You can use any other fertilizer that contains potassium. This element contributes to the best survival of plants after disembarking.

Wells for cabbage

To get a good harvest, it should be properly digging and make suitable fertilizers in the wells. The size of the well should be slightly larger than the earthen com with the root cabbage system.

Fertilizers contribute to each dug hole:

  • wood ash - 50 grams;
  • humus - 2 handsties;
  • peat and sand - 1 handstone;
  • nitroposka - ½ teaspoon.

Fertilizers are pre-stirred from the ground and only then added to the wells, otherwise they burn the roots of the plants. Fertilous wells are abundantly watered so that in their day it turned out.


The cabbage seedling gently get out of a seedlings along with a lore land. If seedling grows in common drawerYou should use a small spatula and dig each bush along with the soil.

The seedling is placed in the hole, the roots pour out the ground to the first real leaves, the land is slightly condensed and watered.

White cabbage: Growing and care

Cabbage loves to grow on well-lit plots, but the first time from the sun's rays, the seedlings should be covered with nonwoven material or newspapers.

If freezes are expected at night, protect your landings with nonwoven material or film. If the film is used, it is removed on her day, otherwise the plants burn. But the nonwoven material will protect the seedlings from the cabbage flew, so the cabbage can be covered around the clock.

Watering cabbage

In the open ground, a lot of moisture is needed. In the first days after landing, the cabbage seedlings are watered daily, especially if it is warm weather and there is no rain.

The root and grown plants in hot weather without rains watered once every two or three days, and if there are almost no sunny days, then it can be limited to watering once every five to six days. Regular precipitation will reduce the frequency of irrigation.

It is necessary to ensure that the soil under the bushes has always been wet, but not wet. It will help keep moisture in the ground and at the same time the mulch plants at the same time, which is best to use a peat with a layer of five centimeters.

Belococcal cabbage, which is supposed to be stored in winter, three weeks before harvesting is stopped watering. During this time, fiber should be accumulated in Kochanni, and they will be better stored.

Soil loosening and emptying cabbage

Plants will grow well and will turn out large, if after irrigated or rain the land on the garden to loosen, and the stem cabbage is inhaling. The loosening is necessary that air flowed to the roots, and after dipping on the stem, new roots will begin to grow, due to which the plant will be saturated with nutrients more.

The first dipping of cabbage is spent ten days after disembarking seedlings in the ground. The second time is plunged in ten days. The third diplocking is carried out if the kochevi begins to fall. After irrigated, the land from the stalks is washed away, which is why it is recommended to dip the cabbage after you are plenty of plants.

Cabbage feeding

After planting to the ground, the first feeder is carried out after seedlings come true and the leaves will begin to grow. At this time, the cabbage needs nitrogen. A nutrient solution for five or six plants is prepared from 10 liters of water and 10 grams of ammonia sellery. Instead of ammonia nitrates, you can use the chain of the infusion of cow manure, in which there is also a lot of nitrogen. It is preparing from hodge-and-water and water (1:10), after which it is about two weeks.

When you start tidabying, the cabbage fertures phosphorus and potassium. On 10 liters of water will need:

  • potassium sulfate is 8 grams;
  • double superphosphate - 5 grams;
  • urea - 4 grams.

Instead of industrial fertilizers, you can use rich in potassium and other minerals wood ashes, prepare an infusion (on 10 liters of water - 1 cup of ash). Before use, infusion is well stirred.

Pest Cabbage Processing

Protect seedlings from pests immediately after landing into the ground. Since the chemical drugs are not desired, folk remedies are used to protect plants and destroy pests:

  1. From flew and slug Immediately after disembarking, seedlings are twisted with tobacco dust and is covered with nonwoven material.
  2. From caterpillars and phon You can get rid of the infusion of tomato treasure or onion husks.
  3. Cabbage larvae and scoops They love to eat ants. They can be attracted by syrup of jam or honey, which is poured into a capacitance-affected in bed.

The pest will scare away from white cabbage smell of spicy herbs (rosemary, cilantro, mint, basil) and velvetsev.

Diseases of cabbage Belokochante

From diseases culture most often amazes:

  • keel;
  • blackleg;
  • false torment dew;
  • gray and white rot;
  • fusariosis;
  • risoctonyosis.

About the signs, prevention and treatment of all these diseases is described in detail in our article "". Since all types of cabbage are amazed among the same diseases, you can go over the highlighted link and study them in detail.

In order for the disease as little as possible as possible cabbage, do not forget to observe crop rotation and agrotechnik, to be processed by planting material and soil.


The white cabbage is digging together with the root, and the day dried under the canopy. Digitious, argued with beetles and small cochanists will not be stored, so they are immediately used in food or processed. Suitable for storage of vegetables for two centimeters below the Kochan is cut off the basses. Below should remain three or four listers.

Attention! Cabbage harvesting should be carried out before the temperature at night becomes less than -2 degrees, otherwise the kochans are freezed.

How to store cabbage in winter

High humidity is needed for storing cabbage, good ventilation and air temperature within -1 .. + 1 degree. That is why Cochans are stored in the cellar, after turning the walls in it negained lime And opacing gray.

So that the white cabbage is preserved as long as possible, there are several ways to store:

  1. Put wooden lattice boxes on the shelves and folded back in them.
  2. They are associated with twine two kochan and hang under the ceiling.
  3. Vegetables are stored with filled ground.
  4. Cocheans wrap up with paper, placed in a plastic bag and stored on the shelf or suspended. The package is not necessary.
  5. Perfectly stored under the ceiling of Cochanis in clay. They are pre-made in the clay solution, after which they dried. The clay solution must have a dough consistency for cereals.

In the absence of cellar, the cabbage can be stored in a vegetable separator of the refrigerator or on a glazed loggia with a suitable temperature. Casuals are pre-wrapped in paper and placed in a package that is tied, but not tight. In such conditions, the cabbage will be stored for about two months.

Now you know how to grow white cabbage In the open soil. Observing the agricultural engineering and protecting landing from pests and diseases, you will get a good harvest of vegetables, which not only enough for salads, but also to salting.