What is impregnated wood and how much does it cost? Thermowood and impregnated wood in maf production

Already on several forums I came across a discussion of impregnated boards. The fact that people have become increasingly interested in this product will lead to an increase in its popularity, and as a result, the product will become more clear: where to use it, how to use it, harmful or not, Finnish or ours, etc.? I would like to make my contribution.

I’ll say right away that our company RedWood LLC is a manufacturer of impregnated wood in St. Petersburg, and I will praise my “swamp”, but I’m not going to confuse other people’s with dirt. Everyone has their pros and cons.
Send questions to our forum, we'll figure it out together.

Harmful or not?

I'll start with environmental friendliness. The treatment uses a water-soluble wood preservative to apply only on industrial installation impregnation in vacuumTanalith ® E 3494. Manufacturer: Arch Timber Protection Ltd, England. Approved for use worldwide. The main components are copper carbonate and boric acid. It seems that no one died from malachite, and boric acid is part of complex antiseptic and antifungal drugs(for example, fucorcin).

In Europe, impregnated wood is used for vineyard stakes. I think that winemakers have long dispelled all doubts about the harm of this product to humans. The attitude of our neighbors from the Scandinavian countries towards ecology is well known, but there all the wood used outdoors is impregnated in contact with earth and water.

Purpose of impregnation.

Wood rotting is caused by a fungus. Spores of various fungi are almost always present on the tree, remaining passive until they become suitable conditions. The task of impregnation is to destroy existing fungi and create conditions under which re-infection cannot occur. Like the famous satirist: “Cut off all the bushes at the roots: pests will come, but there’s nothing to eat!”

We conducted an experiment. They took a piece of timber cut from a thin log and placed it in a damp and warm place. Three days later a blue discoloration appeared, and after three weeks the fungus actively grew and affected the entire sapwood part of the wood. Then the fungus started having problems. It came up against heartwood, which was dead. Nutrient medium no, the cellular connections are broken. The fungus stopped.

This experiment showed that it is the sapwood part of the wood that needs protection, because is an excellent breeding ground for fungus.

The photograph shows that during the process of impregnating the decking board, the entire sapwood part was impregnated, and the preservative penetrated only 2-5 mm into the heartwood. The penetration of the preservative and the fungus followed the same path. They were stopped by dead heartwood.

Impregnation depth.

Impregnation is, although not a complicated, but very responsible process that requires appropriate equipment and precise implementation of the entire technological chain. The goal is to impregnate 95% of the sapwood and 2 to 5 mm of the core with preservative. Accordingly, the more core wood there is in the board, the less depth of impregnation.

Heartwood is impregnated by nature itself. Phenolic substances (core substances), which impregnate cell walls, significantly increase the durability of wood. In heartwood, the connections between cells are broken, capillary exchange is impossible. Accordingly, it is almost impossible to push the antiseptic inside. Heartwood is biologically dead, which is why it is valuable.

Before processing, the wood must be dried to at least 25-28%. Otherwise, a lot of water will remain in the sapwood part and the impregnation process will be carried out in violation.

It rots from the inside and on the saw cuts.

As for rotting from the inside, we personally haven’t had such examples in six years. The Finns and the British also responded negatively. Although, we admit the possibility that this is possible when impregnating the pillars from round timber. If the sapwood part is not sufficiently dried, its incomplete impregnation is possible. As a consequence, the destruction of sapwood from the inside, at the land-air boundary. But this is our guess.

As for rotting along the cuts, without contact with the ground, the chance is almost zero. The sapwood part will be saturated in any case. It is enough to tint the core part on the cut with oil so that it does not catch the eye, or cover it with sealant for the ends.

Another thing is in contact with the ground (fence posts, etc.). Here it is better to first trim to size, then carry out impregnation.

When producing boards for fences, we first cut the board to size and then impregnate it. This eliminates the need to touch up the ends and gives additional protection upon contact with the ground.

Finnish or ours?

One person called us and the following dialogue took place:

Client: Is your impregnated wood impregnated through and through?

We: It all depends on the amount of sapwood in the board and on the class of processing.

Client: I’ve been to America and Finland and there it’s saturated through and through. Why don't you?

Us: Great, we were there too and didn’t see anything like this. It is impossible to penetrate the core wood - this is physics.

Client: I see, that’s why your price is two times lower than the Finnish one - you dipped the board into the bathtub and passed it off as impregnated. Business in Russian.

The first desire after such conversations is to find and... talk. The second is to find and try to explain that he is wrong. Third, is it worth spending time, because if a person is interested in something, he will come and ask all the questions, look, touch, read on the Internet, etc.

We have been promoting this direction in St. Petersburg for 6 years. We've heard a lot of different things and made a lot of mistakes, but we can say one thing for sure - the quality of impregnation is absolutely no worse than that of the Finns, and the price is much lower.

Will she really not rot?

Yes, an impregnated deck board will not rot for 25-30 years. But will you need it all these 30 years? Trampling by feet, heels, snow shovels, thawing in the morning and freezing at night, stains from coals and barbecues, the first 150 nails in your child’s life, a rocking chair, etc. In general, the sun, air, water and the human factor will ruin the appearance of any decking board. In practice, after 7-10 years the terrace covering is changed and the cause of rotting is rarely in the first place. The terrace is for you, not you for the terrace. Hence the advice: impregnated boards are a good alternative to more expensive ones: larch and composite, which also tend to lose appearance.

Terrace board - larch, WPC, plastic or impregnated?

Well, what can I say. Each option has advantages and disadvantages. Those who are really interested will find the necessary information on the Internet, draw conclusions and make a decision. We can only praise our product – impregnated decking boards.

Doesn't rot;

Lowest price;

Eco-friendly, does not cause allergies in people and animals;

Length up to 6 meters;

Large selection of sections 20, 34, 45 x 95, 120, 145;

Doesn't get too hot in the sun;

Why do all discussions come down to decking?

It's very simple. The first impregnated wood was brought from Finland. It was a 28 mm thick terrace board, because only this can be sold at a price of 30-40 thousand per m3. This fact formed the opinion that impregnated wood is something cosmic and very expensive. But any lumber can be impregnated for any purpose: planed or not.

For example, a fence is a serious building. They built a new one from impregnated boards and forgot about it for 30-40 years. Years go by, you plant along the fence different bushes and trees. All this turns into a kind of hedge, which is slightly ventilated and does not interfere with natural air circulation. You know for sure that in the coming years you won’t have to destroy all this to repair the fence. Great alternative a fence made of corrugated sheets.

The same can be said about garden parquet. Making paths on a site from larch or WPC is an expensive proposition. Paving slabs additionally require serious earthworks+ hard work. And from impregnated boards or sawn logs - great option at a reasonable price. They laid the logs directly on the ground, leveled them and screwed garden parquet or just short terrace boards onto them.

In the landscape business, an irreplaceable thing: piers, frames for beds and flower beds,

gazebos and carports, construction of alpine slides and cascades, fence posts, bridges, strengthening the walls of ditches and ponds, greenhouses and greenhouses, staking plants and fencing bushes, etc.

In construction frame houses: facade boards and sheathing under them, under-roof sheathing, wind boards, beams and posts for terraces, strapping pile foundation etc.

Can it be painted? Is brown better than green?

The base color after processing is green. The brown color results from the addition of a dye, which does not affect the protection of the wood, only the color and cost.

We work without dye. This is due to several factors:

1. The price of impregnated lumber is lower. This is important for us, since we offer lumber for different purposes;

2. Green is easier to paint over other colors. For these purposes, we offer Finnish oil with colorant for decking boards or glaze coatings for fences.

How do green and brown colors impregnated board?

Impregnated wood immediately after treatment has two primary colors - green and brown. Brown looks better after processing. There are two reasons for this:

· immediately after treatment green very rich, looks a bit heavy;

· Around the knots and in resinous places, bluish spots are visible, which seriously spoil the appearance of the board.

But all these problems are temporary. Under the influence of UV, the poisonous green color disappears in two weeks, and the blue-green spots disappear. This is clearly visible in the photo. One board was pinned 2 days ago, the other 16 days ago.

· Under the influence of UV, the poisonous green color turns into a very pleasant yellow-brown (honey), which looks very harmonious. Brown changes color closer to gray.

· According to the rules, both green and brown terrace boards must be coated with protective oil with a UV filter. You can add a colorant to this oil and give the board almost any color.It is much easier to give a faded green board the desired color.

Another argument in favor of impregnated boards.

While delivering an impregnated board to one of our clients, our driver noticed a very clear example of how the destruction of unprotected wood by fungus begins just two years after the construction of the fence.

The photograph clearly shows the boundary between sound wood and sapwood. Dead heartwood, in which the connections between cells are broken and capillary exchange is impossible, has not actually absorbed moisture and the penetration of the fungus is not noticeable there. Under the influence of UV, only the color changed - it became gray.

But the sapwood part of the wood, with good cellular connections, actively absorbs moisture. Optimal conditions have been created for the fungus - warm and damp. Greenish spots are already visible on the surface. The process of destruction is active.

  1. Deep protection formulations
  2. Antiseptics
  3. Fire retardants
  4. Combined composition
  5. Surface treatment
  6. Manufacturers' offers

Wood impregnation is the process of saturating natural material solutions and antiseptics in order to acquire the necessary qualities of future products:

  • Pest resistance;
  • Resistance to wetting, rotting;
  • Fire resistance;
  • Increasing the strength of wood;
  • Increasing the service life of wood.

“Impregnate” in Latin means “to fill.” In other words, the impregnate penetrates the structure of the tree, fills its space, strengthening the material from the inside.

What materials are processed

It is necessary to impregnate materials whose products are exposed to destructive factors:

  • Flooring and decking boards;
  • Blanks for the manufacture of garden furniture;
  • Timber and boards for the construction of canopies, gazebos;
  • Boards for fences, etc.

Deep protection formulations

The main requirement for all impregnating compositions is environmental friendliness and safety. Today, responsible manufacturers with a good reputation do not use toxic and caustic solutions for wood processing.

According to their purpose, impregnates can be divided into groups:

  • Impregnations for weather protection;
  • Fire retardants;
  • Combined.

Weather impregnations

Solutions of this type designed to strengthen the structure of wood in order to improve its resistance to weathering:

  • Temperature changes;
  • Seasonal climate changes;
  • Rain, fog, high humidity;
  • Ultraviolet;
  • Sunlight, prolonged heating.

These factors are rapidly spoiling untreated wood. The impregnated board firmly withstands these influences, does not crack, does not dry out, and does not change volume with changes in humidity.


Biocides included in antiseptics suppress the proliferation of microflora and completely eliminate it; new colonization becomes impossible. It is necessary to impregnate beams and boards of critical structures with solutions of this type:

  • Purlins and gaskets for them;
  • Floor beams;
  • Banding of walls, crossbars;
  • Cladding board, etc.

Fire retardants

Fire is merciless for all types of wood. Dry tree in to varying degrees support combustion and spread of flame and smoke, which threatens the person inside wooden house. To reduce risks or completely eliminate this property building material, components for the construction of structures in residential buildings must be impregnated with fire retardants. These are substances that do not support combustion; they minimize the ability of the material to smoke and allow you to gain time in the event of a fire.

Combined composition

Senezh-type impregnations are in high demand: they penetrate deep into the timber or board, compact the structure and create a protective hydrophobic film on the surface of the product. It does not allow water to penetrate the material. As a result, the product does not lose or absorb water and moisture, and retains its properties in any weather for a long time.

Senezh stops the primary processes of damage by fungi and some types of pests, and has insecticidal properties.

Another feature of the solution is that it protects wood from burning and has fire retardant properties.

Combined solutions are suitable for processing timber and floor boards, rafters, external and internal load-bearing beams, wall coverings.

Deep impregnation methods

There are 2 main ways of impregnating timber and boards: deep and superficial. Deep is preferred because the wood is processed throughout the entire volume or most of it.

Deep processing can be carried out using two methods:

  1. Dipping. This is a simple method that can be repeated under conditions household on private construction site. No dipping required additional equipment– only the reservoir with the drug. Wood quickly absorbs impregnates. The degree of penetration depends on the time the workpiece is kept in the solution from 2 hours to a week.

  1. Pressure impregnation. For this it is necessary industrial equipment– special installations in which autoclave conditions are created. Thus, the composition is quickly and deeply absorbed into the wood. It is allowed to use lumber with its own moisture content of 30%.

  1. The diffusion method is effective, but little in demand. The bottom line is this: stacks of wood are sprinkled with a mixture of sand and the drug in a ratio of 5:1 and wrapped in film. Soaking lasts up to 10 days. In this way, lumber can be processed throughout its entire volume. Low demand for the method leads to a long procedure time and high price finished products. Materials impregnated by diffusion are used for assembling critical structures.

Surface treatment

These are the simplest and at the same time ineffective ways to protect wood. And yet, the methods are used quite often; in many cases, surface treatment is recommended by designers.

  1. Painting solutions with a brush or rollers is carried out on horizontally laid wood - this is how the compositions penetrate into maximum depth up to 3, sometimes up to 5 mm. It is recommended to paint mounted elements in any plane 2-3 times to achieve a better effect.

  1. Rubbing is indicated for stubborn wood with a rough surface that is difficult to paint. The solution is literally rubbed into the surface with thick swabs using protective gloves.

  1. Spraying is used only for treating solid facades and floors. This method treatment is ineffective - penetration is only 1-2 mm. In this way, hard-to-reach areas of structures are treated, individual elements Spray coating is unprofitable due to the high consumption of impregnate.

Manufacturers' offers

Impregnated lumber is produced in Europe and Russia. Basically, processing is carried out by pre-order, but you can buy both blanks and products.

Manufacturers mainly supply boards of the following types:

Board type


Dimensions (cm)*

Price/m 3 (rub.)





Price/m2 (rub.)

Terrace EURO 2






*The ranges of length, width and thickness of the processed board are indicated in parentheses.

Product sizes and prices different manufacturers differ, the table presents the average prices and sizes of products of domestic timber processing enterprises.

The market is dominated by impregnated lumber from Russia and Finland. The difference in quality is insignificant, but the import price is significantly higher than the Russian one.

An innovative technique for protecting wood from rotting allows you to make your frame house as durable as possible.

Dear friends! The Mechtaevo company is continuously improving its technologies, and today it is time to offer our customers something fundamentally new! We launched own production innovative product: impregnated wood. This is a special vacuum impregnation material. It is produced at special equipment using the “vacuum-pressure-vacuum” method and opens up new prospects in the construction of frame houses. Impregnation can easily be called “a classic with a modern twist.” The first attempts to produce wood that was as durable as possible and protected from destruction were made in Europe and the USA at the beginning of the twentieth century, and a century after the idea arose, the technology was brought to perfection and adopted by progressive construction companies peace. Among them is our company Mechtaevo.

Wood is a reliable, environmentally friendly material, but its service life is limited. Over time wooden structures may be destroyed due to negative impact bacteria, fungi and various insect pests, both externally and internally. That is why it is very important to properly dry the wood and, more importantly, to ensure its reliable antiseptic protection.

Antiseptic application by brush
Temporary protection.

Typically, the frame of a building, its load-bearing structure, is covered with a layer of antiseptic. But this is only temporary protection. Wood, being hygroscopic, constantly absorbs and releases moisture depending on changes relative humidity air. Those. swelling and shrinking occur. As a result, cracks form. These may be large cracks, or there may be micro-cracks that are not noticeable and do not affect the strength of structures, but at the same time protective layer breaks, and wood-damaging bacteria, fungi, and insects gain free access inside the wood and destroy it from the inside.
Traditional technologies for the production of house frames do not provide for the protection of wood from exposure from the inside.

(through impregnation with antiseptic).
Increases the protection period by 3 or more times.

Impregnation technology involves impregnating wood with a special preservative composition almost completely through. Today, this method of protecting wood from rotting is the most effective.
Impregnation increases the service life of wood by 3 or more times!

Imagine a frame house that will last 3 times longer than usual. Dream, fantasy? This is real today! Mechtaevo is the first and only company in Russia that produces houses on an impregnated frame.

What is the impregnation process?

Wood processing using the impregnation method is carried out using special equipment, in special autoclaves:

Maximum saturation of wood with an antiseptic allows for the highest protection of the material from rotting. After impregnation, the service life of wood increases by 3 or more times.

VIDEO: excursion to our impregnated wood production


Antiseptic for impregnation

For impregnation we use Tanalith E - a preservative for water based British company Arch Timber Protection. It does not contain chromium or arsenic. It is absolutely safe for humans and animals. Tanalite E is ideally fixed in wood, does not erode or wash out. Integrates with the wood structure and leaves no marks on adjacent objects and surfaces. Wood treated with Tanalit E solution can be used even in direct contact with food.

Today you have a unique opportunity to make your home the most reliable and durable.
An impregnated frame is the choice of those who are building a house to last!

Ecology of consumption. Estate: In order to increase the service life of wood and reduce re-treatment intervals, a method of industrial impregnation of wood under pressure was developed, also known as the “vacuum-pressure-vacuum” method or VDV (V-D-V), also known as the impregnation method, also known as deep impregnation.

Methods for treating wood with antiseptics

There are several ways to process wood and give it additional properties, such as fire resistance, resistance to UV rays, moisture resistance, resistance to fungi and rot. Methods of imparting the desired properties to wood can be classified:

  • Coating wood with a special solution using a roller, brush, sprayer or rag. This method is ideal at home; there is no need for expensive equipment, everything can be done easily and simply using improvised means. The advantage is the simplicity of the method and good performance (for example, with a spray gun). The disadvantages are low quality impregnation, the antiseptic penetrates into the depths of the wood to a hundredth of a millimeter.
  • Soaking wood in special baths with a solution. This method is more suitable for use in industrial conditions, although local craftsmen often use it at home. The disadvantage is the long impregnation time and the shallow penetration depth of the solution (1-2 mm.). The advantages include deeper penetration of the solution than with the first coating method.
  • Impregnation of wood in an autoclave. Also this technology meets with the name “VDV”, which in decoding means “vacuum-pressure-vacuum”. Lately there has been too much talk about impregnated wood, this old in Europe and new in our country method of deep wood processing. The word impregnation comes to us from English and means “impregnation”. The wood is impregnated in an autoclave to a depth of 10 - 20 mm. This is the technology we will talk about today.

Wood impregnation technology

Let's first watch a short video about autoclave impregnation and then move on to the technology:

Impregnation begins with the wood preparation process. To do this, the wood is processed into final products, dried and cut into final sizes. A dried board absorbs the solution better, while the moisture content of the board should not exceed 30%, which creates conditions for impregnation of atmospheric drying wood. This allows you to significantly reduce production costs. It is at a humidity level of less than 30% that water leaves the cavity of the wood cells, but it remains in the walls of the wood cells. The antiseptic solution penetrates into the cavities of wood cells and thereby forms a protective layer.

When choosing a technological mode for wood impregnation, the following facts should be taken into account.

  1. The denser the wood, the more difficult the impregnation process is.
  2. Impregnation of sapwood is easier than impregnation of the central part of the tree.
  3. From the age of the tree. Ripe wood, especially the core, is quite difficult to impregnate, unlike young, unripe wood.
  4. There is a large list of defects that interfere with or impair the quality of impregnation. This is resinousness and needle picking. False kernel near foliage. Also, curly wood is poorly impregnated.
  5. Impregnation of the upper part of the barrel is much easier than the denser lower part.

That is why wood is often sorted before impregnation and, if possible, raw materials with the same properties are loaded. This allows you to obtain wood after impregnation with the same depth of impregnation and save on overconsumption of antiseptic. Wood with mechanical inclusions, falling out and rotten knots, rot, blue stains, end and face cracks must be sorted before loading.

Wood impregnation process

Wood products are placed on the loading mechanism of the autoclave. Then the lid is loaded and closed. In a closed chamber, pressure is evacuated and a vacuum of 0.07-0.09 MPa is created (normal atmospheric pressure 0.1 MPa) - we get “B”. After this, a warm antiseptic is supplied, depending on the technical process; its temperature can range from 15 to 90 degrees. An antiseptic is pumped in with a pressure of 1.5 MPa (15 bar; for comparison, the average pressure in a pipeline with water is 3 - 5 bar). The main impregnation process is underway, which takes up to 70% of the entire cycle - we get “D”. After maintaining the pressure, a vacuum is created again to pump out excess antiseptic solution, we get “B”.

Duration of impregnation of the most common types of wood to a depth of 1.5 cm around the perimeter, 4-6 cm from the end:

  • Pine - from 3.5 to 4 hours.
  • Cedar - 3.5 hours.
  • Larch - from 6.5 hours.
  • Fir - 6 hours.
  • Spruce - 6 hours.
  • Birch - 4 hours.

Above are approximate data for calculating equipment performance.

What is made from impregnated wood?

Treated wood is quite common in Europe and is typically used for outdoor applications, mainly for fencing, outdoor furniture or paving. The average service life of impregnated wood is up to 70 years. In addition to all of the above methods of application, impregnation can be found:

  1. Sleepers.
  2. In saunas.
  3. By the pools.
  4. In the baths.
  5. For the manufacture of boxes used outdoors.
  6. Coatings and cladding of buildings.

The main competitor of VDV products on the market is WPC (liquid wood). Products impregnated with preservatives have a number of advantages over liquid wood:

  • The cost of airborne products is cheaper than liquid wood.
  • This natural wood impregnated today with environmentally friendly copper-based solutions. IN
  • Impregnated wood is more resistant to mechanical damage.

How does a wood-polymer composite benefit from impregnated wood:

  • Receiving products from unnecessary waste woodworking, so to speak, their disposal.
  • Cheaper raw materials are polymer and sawdust.
  • The technology for producing liquid wood is much simpler.

    The giant Metropol Parasol umbrella covers the Plaza de la Encarnacion in Seville, Spain, protecting the pedestrian area and cultural center from the sun. It is a system of many wood panels and is the largest timber structure on the planet. Note that this is impregnated wood. Project developed architectural bureau J. MAYER H. Architects. The work lasted from 2005 to 2011. The length of the structure is about 150 m, width - 70, height - 26.

    Previously, we have already examined in detail one of the varieties of modified wood - acetylated, which is produced by Dutch company Accsys Technologies under the Accoya brand. It should be noted that this technology is not the only one that makes it possible to obtain wood material with similar strength characteristics. And now we will talk about impregnated wood, which is also not afraid of water, mold and pests and even allows you to build a frame house from impregnated wood.

    The essence of the technology is the antiseptic treatment of wood using deep impregnation. During the processing process, due to high hydraulic pressure, a special antiseptic liquid penetrates as deep as possible into the solid wood, ensuring almost 100% impregnation throughout the entire volume. Thus, impregnated wood is wood impregnated with water-based protective antiseptics during deep processing in autoclaves.

    In foreign countries, the technology is called “impregnation” (from the English to impregnate - saturate, saturate) or “tanalizing” (after the brand of the most commonly used antiseptic-preservative Tanalith E). In our country the name “vacuum-pressure-vacuum” is also used, since the impregnation process is based precisely on the described principle. Thus, it is equally correct to call the technology “the vacuum-pressure-vacuum method, or simply “impregnation.”

    Impregnation of wood is carried out in autoclaves using the "vacuum-pressure-vacuum" method.

    The impregnation process takes place in sealed chambers - autoclaves, where a vacuum is created (-0.6 atm), due to which moisture and air are removed from the pores and capillaries of the wood. This stage lasts from 1 to 12 hours depending on the task.

    Then a special antiseptic composition is fed into the autoclave and increased hydrostatic pressure (12.8 atm) is created, ensuring the penetration of the substance into the deeper layers and, as a result, saturation of the wood (from 3 to 12 hours). This technology makes it possible to saturate up to 95 percent of the sapwood part of the tree and up to 5 mm of the core with an antiseptic.

    After a while, excess liquid is removed from the chamber, and a vacuum is again created there to reliably fix the composition inside the wood and to remove excess moisture (from 1 to 12 hours). Finally, the finished product is removed from the chamber, dried under natural conditions and shipped to the customer.

    Impregnated wood initially has a slightly greenish tint, which after time becomes honey-brown. After treatment, it does not smell or stain. It is not harmful to the health of people and domestic animals, since modern means impregnation, do not emit toxic volatile substances.

    The best substance, according to experts, is the wood preservative Tanalith E, a water-soluble composition based on copper triazoles. Currently it is the most popular for impregnation.

    As a result of processing, the protective components of the antiseptic are securely fixed throughout the entire volume of wood and cannot be removed. In fact, this ensures long-term protection and environmental friendliness of the material. Impregnated wood does not need to be additionally painted or impregnated.

    Impregnated wood initially has a slightly greenish tint, which after time becomes honey-brown.

    As for the service life of impregnated wood, expert opinions differ. Some say that “the service life is practically unlimited,” others say 20-30 years, others 30-40. There is also a group of experts who give an evasive assessment: “Impregnated wood lasts about 5 times longer than regular wood.” It is suggested that you calculate the exact deadline yourself. The most evenly matched are European manufacturers of impregnated wood, which provide a guaranteed service life of 60-75 years for their products.

    It is stated that the impregnated board can long time contact with fresh and salt water, wet soil. However, it should be noted that it is constant, and not periodic contact with water that can still cause damage.

    After many years of research, experts have determined that there is no rot in impregnated wood. True, it can appear, but only on saw cuts. To prevent this, it is better to trim the wood according to the right sizes and only after that treat the saw cuts with antiseptics.

    Impregnated wood is used in the construction of fences, mooring bridges, the construction of greenhouses, gazebos and canopies, as flooring on terraces and verandas, for making garden furniture. Moreover, this material is used in the construction of frame houses as lathing, pillars, beams and facade boards. Note that impregnated wood is not afraid of cracking and drilling.

    Thus, when using products made from impregnated wood, there is no need for complex care for them. For example, there is no need to update facades and fences, which consequently leads to cost savings. At the same time, it retains its attractive appearance and geometry for decades. Impregnated wood is not afraid of moisture and insects. Just remember that its use indoors is prohibited. As they say, the costs of technology. Ideal material humanity has not yet invented it.