Effective and dangerous folk methods for the treatment of infertility: the opinion of obstetricians and gynecologists. Is it possible to get a long-awaited pregnancy after infertility? Plants that restore and preserve reproductive function

This is not an independent disease, but a consequence of various disorders in the body of a wife, husband, or both spouses at the same time.

Scientists have found that in 30% of cases, a barren marriage depends on the husband, in 60% - on the wife, and in 10% is caused by various disorders in the body of both.

Infertility is the inability to conceive and have offspring. Also defined in specific settings as the inability to conceive a child within one year of regular intercourse without contraception.

Miscarriage is also treated as infertility.

Distinguish between primary infertility, if in the first two years of married life and subsequently, the woman never became pregnant, and secondary infertility, if it was determined after one or more pregnancies.

They also distinguish between absolute infertility, when there are irreversible pathological changes in the body that prevent conception (absence of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, testicles in men) and relative, in which the causes of infertility can be eliminated.

Female infertility is a severe psychological trauma for both men and women.

In order to produce full-fledged sperm, in addition to proper nutrition and giving up bad habits, pendulum movements of the testicles and the exclusion of their overheating are necessary. Thus, a man should wear wide shorts and trousers, and not tight swimming trunks and jeans, at least for the time of pregnancy planning, and refuse saunas and baths for this period. The more often a man has sexual intercourse, the more sperm are produced by the next. But in order to conceive, sexual life is needed no more than 1 time per day during the fertile period of a woman (before and after it, more often). With a slight deviation of the spermogram from the norm, it is recommended to abstinence for 2-4 days until the woman ovulates, but not longer (with longer abstinence, the sperm counts deteriorate).

The effect of age on a woman's ability to conceive:

About one third of couples in which a woman is older than 35 have problems with the birth of a child.

More and more women are having babies after 30. About 20 percent of women in the United States are now having their first child after age 35.

Aging of the body reduces a woman's chances of having a baby, the reasons for this:

  • The health of a woman's eggs declines with age.
  • The ability of a woman's ovaries to produce eggs ready for fertilization decreases with age.
  • As women age, health problems accumulate that can prevent pregnancy. As you age, the risk of miscarriage increases.

Diagnosis and treatment of infertility

Finding the cause of infertility is often a long, complex and emotionally intense process. It may take months to pass all the tests and undergo the necessary examination. So don't be alarmed if the problem isn't found right away.

Treatment methods used for female infertility are aimed at:

  1. Restoration of the patient's reproductive function by conservative or surgical methods.
  2. The use of assisted reproductive technologies in cases where natural conception is not possible.

First, doctors can check if a woman is ovulating by doing a blood test and an ultrasound (ultrasound) of the ovaries. If there is ovulation, but fertilization does not occur, an additional examination is needed.

In the diagnosis of infertility, hormonal tests are widely used to more accurately determine the state of individual parts of the reproductive apparatus and their response to the intake of a particular hormone.

For the diagnosis of immune forms of infertility, the content of antisperm antibodies (specific antibodies to spermatozoa - ASAT) in the blood plasma and cervical mucus of the patient is determined.

Patients with infertility due to intrauterine adhesions or adhesive obstruction of the tubes are shown to be examined for tuberculosis (radiography of the lungs, tuberculin tests, hysterosalpingoscopy, endometrial examination).

The complex of diagnostic measures for infertility necessarily includes colposcopy to identify signs of erosion, endocervicitis and cervicitis, which are a manifestation of a chronic infectious process.

With the help of hysterosalpingography (x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes), abnormalities and tumors of the uterus, intrauterine adhesions, endometriosis, tubal obstruction, adhesions, which are often the causes of infertility, are detected. In this procedure, doctors use x-rays to check for physical problems in the uterus and fallopian tubes. The examination begins by introducing a special dye through the vagina into the uterus. This ink will be visible on the x-ray. This allows the doctor to see if the dye passes through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes normally. So doctors can find obstacles that may be causing infertility. Adhesions and narrowing of the tubes can prevent the egg from getting from the fallopian tubes to the uterus, and can also prevent sperm from reaching the egg.

Surgical methods for diagnosing infertility include hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.

Hysteroscopy- This is an endoscopic examination of the uterine cavity using an optical apparatus-hysteroscope, inserted through the external uterine os. In accordance with the recommendations of the WHO - World Health Organization, modern gynecology has introduced hysteroscopy as a mandatory diagnostic standard for patients with uterine infertility.


During surgery, doctors use an instrument called a laparoscope to see inside the abdomen. The doctor makes a small incision in the lower abdomen and inserts a laparoscope. Doctors check the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus for disease and physical problems. Doctors usually use laparoscopy to find scars and endometriosis. The indisputable advantages of laparoscopy are the bloodlessness of the operation, the absence of severe pain and rough sutures in the postoperative period, and the minimal risk of developing a postoperative adhesive process. Usually, 2-3 days after the laparoscopy, the patient is subject to discharge from the hospital.

Surgical endoscopic methods are less traumatic, but highly effective both in diagnosing infertility and in its treatment, therefore they are widely used to examine women of reproductive age.


In the presence of adhesions that pull the pipe and thereby close its lumen, salpingolysis is performed.

The operation of salpingolysis is, as a rule, auxiliary and can be effective only in cases where the patency of the fallopian tubes is due to external adhesions that pull the tubes and thereby close their lumen.


The purpose of the operation is to restore patency in the area of ​​the ampulla of the fallopian tube.

During this operation, the side wall of the fallopian tube near the ovary is opened and its mucous membrane is sutured with the serous one. Some surgeons sew an ovary into this hole, a significant surface of which turns into the lumen of the fallopian tube. This creates favorable conditions for the egg to enter the tube cavity and further into the uterine cavity.

Fallopian tube implantation in the uterus

If the uterine part of the tube or its isthmus is impassable, it is possible to transplant (implant) a healthy part of the tube into the uterine horn. In the absence of fallopian tubes, an ovary can be transplanted into the uterus. Assisted reproductive technology procedures sometimes involve the use of donor eggs (from another woman), donor sperm, or previously frozen embryos. Donor eggs are sometimes used for women who cannot produce eggs themselves. In addition, donor eggs or sperm are sometimes used when a woman or man has a genetic disease that can be passed on to a child.

Treatment of unidentified forms of infertility is the most difficult problem. Most often, in these cases, they resort to the use of assisted reproductive technologies.

In addition, indications for artificial insemination are:

  • tubal obstruction or absence of fallopian tubes; condition after conservative therapy and therapeutic laparoscopy for endometriosis;
  • unsuccessful treatment of the endocrine form of infertility;
  • absolute male infertility;
  • depletion of ovarian function;
  • some cases of uterine infertility;
  • concomitant pathology in which pregnancy is impossible.

The main methods of artificial insemination are:

  • method of intrauterine insemination with donor sperm or husband's sperm (IISD, IISM); method of in vitro fertilization (IVF);
  • intracellular injection of sperm into the egg (ICSI method);
  • surrogacy.

What is the danger of infertility treatment with folk remedies?

Infertility is only a symptom, so it is imperative to find out the reason why you cannot get pregnant before starting treatment. The use of folk remedies for infertility can aggravate the situation, for example, the use of sage for endometriosis or progesterone deficiency will only cause a relapse of the disease, and will not help to get pregnant. The use of sage in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle is generally contraindicated for women and can cause disruptions in menstrual cycles. The upland uterus can cause abnormal uterine bleeding and liver problems, which will also negatively affect the ability to become pregnant.

Treatment with folk remedies without first consulting a doctor is dangerous. Before using any folk recipes, you need to know your exact diagnosis and take into account the contraindications of the folk remedies used.

A good folk remedy for infertility is the recommendation of a healthy diet and the rejection of bad habits.

The effectiveness of infertility treatment is affected by the age of both spouses, especially women (the probability of pregnancy decreases sharply after 37 years). Therefore, infertility treatment should be started as early as possible. Many forms of infertility can be corrected with traditional or alternative treatments.

And once again about nerves and stress, this is very important if you want to get pregnant quickly. Create a positive attitude (meditation, auto-training, yoga will help). And you should never despair and lose hope!

2011-08-31 22:05:49

Anastasia asks:

Hello! I very much ask the doctor who will give me an answer to penetrate my problem. for me it is very important!
In 2008, I turned to gynecology, I was diagnosed with dysplasia and leukoplakia, I went to many doctors and everyone saw something of their own, some erosia, some only leukoplakia, but there was a category of doctors who said what I really have. .. and so I have handed over on HPV 15.10.2009 I have found out types 16,35,56,58, and the husband has handed over 05.11.2009. and he was found to have type 53, 70, well, as you understand, lethal treatment began: sporagat tab; livergol tab; Distractase; Enterogermin; Allokin injections; Rheosorbilact is a dropper; We were treated, then after a while we again passed for HPV on 01/30/2010. I was diagnosed with type 16,35,58, and 56 disappeared .... Question: How could this type disappear if HPV does not go away and is not cured ...? And my husband, after the same treatment, passed on 01/30/2010. identified HPV types 31,51,58... It turns out that after treatment one type disappeared (53) and two new ones appeared.... the same question, how can this be...?
To all this, I did an X-ray of the tubes, one tube is not visible on the X-ray, and adhesions on the other, ovulation does not occur ... I measured the basal temperature for 3 months at the same time at 8 in the morning, once the temperature reached 37 and on the next . the day immediately fell ... for three years I have not been able to get pregnant ... in 2006. I did an artificial birth at the fifth and a half month, then I was warned that it was highly likely that I would not be able to get pregnant, but I was young, stupid, and not experienced in intimate relationships (19 years old) now I am 24 years old.
so, my doctors couldn’t get to the treatment of infertility, because they studied my leukoplakia and dysplasia and thought what to do with it, and in the meantime I continued to run around the doctors, take all sorts of different tests, grandmas and grandfathers, engage in conspiracy treatments and treatments of various healers ... while I was running, they decided to go to saki to treat the tubes and stimulate the ovaries with mud, my husband and I went there, we were sent back home to treat my dysplasia. with dysplasia, mud therapy is prohibited and they said that only cut ... as a result, on December 13, 2010, I had conization of the epithelium of the cervix, but leukoplakia remained and the oncologist said that when I give birth, we will think of something with it (cut it out). While all this was healing, the leukoplakia grew, I continued to go to the solarium, smoke cigarettes and demand that doctors treat infertility, but then a new problem appeared ... in order to treat infertility, you need to stimulate the ovaries and inject hormones, we are even ready I was on IVF and it turns out that if you inject hormones, then leukoplakia will begin to grow and all these reptiles that have settled on my neck and vagina ... my gynecologist sent me back to the oncologist so that he would give a recommendation and advice on how to be in this situation and what to do... Today 31.09.2011. i went to the oncologist, when he looked at me, he said “what did they do to you, what didn’t they do, everything grows and everything is there, in the same place” he didn’t look at my uterus .. I told him why I was sent to him gynecologist, to which he replied that he would not give recommendations and would not take on such a thing either. they didn’t encounter this in oncology (what to do with infertility, with leukoplakia) and sends me to Kyiv to the institute to see a doctor ... and my gynecologist wrote this little scribble: In 1-3 zones, almost circularly extensive leukoplakia, coming out outside the 3rd zone, more on the front lip .... and said that leukoplakia is simple, but when my gynecologist looked, she said that it was proliferating ... What should I do, I'm already confused ... everyone tells us that we are in a vicious circle .. I’ll say right away that they took everything and everything that was possible, both my husband and I ... I have such a problem with him, he’s doing well ... I’m already tired and I’m very scared, there are few good doctors, I don’t know who to believe and where to run, what can you advise!???
Thank you in advance for your understanding and reply....

Responsible Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Hello! When you arrive in Kyiv, contact Sergey Nikolaevich Baksheev, he deals with cervical pathology and treatment using reproductive technologies. First of all, you need to eliminate the pathology of the cervix and this is quite doable, and then deal with reproduction. As for HPV, this is a question related to the quality of the analysis and sampling, and depends on the level of the laboratory

2008-08-24 01:26:08

Anna asks:

Good afternoon!!! I am 28 years old, did not give birth, an echo-negative homogeneous formation was found on ultrasound, with clear, even contours, 35 * 14 mm in size, no vascular signals were detected with color doppler, a ductal cyst with a diameter of 3.7 mm is located (1st phase of the menstrual cycle). 2 years ago this formation was and it was called mastopathy, I was very surprised by my new diagnosis?? Can this be reversed??? And what should I do now??? Where to begin??? And how to do without operation??? Since the leading doctor of the oncology center said without tests that an operation should be done, and also that pregnancy provokes its change from benign to ...... unkind ..... Tell me, do I have fibroadenoma and a cyst or just fibroadenoma? ?? Half a year ago I had fibromyoma and endometriosis removed, is it somehow related??? And I also have a problem getting pregnant, how can I painlessly check the patency of the tubes??? the possibility of getting pregnant, tk. many say that this cannot be done before the first pregnancy. I already checked it 2 years ago, the left one is in adhesions, impassable. What to do??? How to get rid of problems competently and with minimal risk to your health???? And if you can recommend good specialists (infertility, gynecology, a good doctor is very important today). Sorry for a lot of questions, but your answers will help me a lot. Thanks for the consultation!! Regards, Anna

Responsible Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

I cannot answer all questions in writing. Regarding your problem: for a start, I would recommend to make a puncture of this formation and finally decide what it is: a cyst or a fibroadenoma. The connection of this pathology of the mammary gland with fibromyoma and endometriosis is undeniable. For a more detailed consultation, a personal meeting is desirable.

2014-06-20 08:22:21

Alena asks:

I asked:
Good afternoon! Examination of the tubes showed that both tubes are passable, but there are distinct dilatations in the ampullae. Is it possible to get pregnant or what are the treatment options? Thank you in advance!

June 19, 2014
Answered by Khometa Taras Arsenovich
consultant information
Probably there is an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. You can try to conduct an intensive course of anti-inflammatory treatment and within 3-6 months after that try to get pregnant. This is provided that the age is up to 30 years, the experience of infertility is not more than 1 year and everything is fine in the spermogram of the husband. It is also desirable to exclude ingenious tuberculosis.

Got your reply, thank you so much! I want to clarify.
I am 35 years old, 3 years ago, I underwent a complete examination in gynecology, smears, tank-crops of torch infection, repeated ultrasound, MSG, my husband passed the sperm (normospermia). Diagnosis of infertility of unknown origin. I went through two courses of stimulation with clostilbegit and ovarium, but at the same time I did not have an injection of hCG and no more drugs were prescribed. The pregnancy did not occur. They didn’t send for the analysis of brilliant tuberculosis, could the doctor have missed this? After taking hormones, I gained excess weight, but now I decided to try to get pregnant again. Where to start where to go? According to tests and sensations, ovulation through a cycle, the cycle does not go astray.

Responsible Hometa Taras Arsenovich:

3 years is a lot. Taking into account age, one should go in a more active way than just being examined. You need to donate blood again for AMH, do an ultrasound to assess the ovarian reserve, and then, based on the results, either go for IVF or do laparoscopy. Sincerely, Taras Khometa

2014-01-24 17:06:13

Alena asks:

Good afternoon. I was diagnosed with infertility. Tubotomy was performed 6 months ago, there was an ectopic pregnancy. Now the examination of the tubes has begun, they are passable, but only with an increase in pressure by 3 times, poor peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, and there is no fibrial activity (did an echo-HSG). Sent to eco. So far, my husband and I have not even tried to get pregnant on our own. Tell me there is any chance. And what can be done. Thank you in advance

Responsible Danilenko Elena Grigorievna:

Good morning, Alena, the studies conducted by you testify to the presence of a tubal-peritoneal factor of infertility (this is a formidable diagnosis). In this case, I would recommend going in two ways: preparation for IVF (examination) and the second - healthy in any case, you need to be - absorbable therapy - placenta extract No. spontaneous pregnancy is possible).

2013-07-31 12:49:15

Jeanne asks:

Hello! I ask you to tell me what is the best thing to do, I am 22 years old, for two years I have not been able to get pregnant from my husband, we live in the open and do not protect ourselves. A year ago, I was admitted to the hospital with terrible pain in the small pelvis, they had an examination, ultrasound, tests, and they diagnosed me with secondary infertility, bilateral hydrosalpinx, accumulation of fluid in both tubes. The doctor ordered a laparoscopy. But it gives a small chance that with my diagnosis, two-sided hydrosalpinx will be able to save both tubes, the doctor says that of course he will look, try what can be done with the tubes, whether it will be possible to somehow plasticize the tubes and save them (which she doubts). Please tell me what to do in my case, is there a chance to get pregnant? I’m very afraid of laparoscopy, it’s just terribly (after all, this is a surgical intervention) I have a lot of weight, I’m overweight, I read contraindications for laparoscopy (this is a lot of weight) I’m 1.70 tall, weight 89 kg. exceeds. My husband and I really want a child and we don’t even know how best to do it, my laparoscopy was postponed 3 times for reasons, I caught a cold, got sick, had a temperature and the operation was canceled, maybe this is a sign not to do it? Please tell me what is the best way for me? Can I still get pregnant on my own after laparoscopy (if the doctor tries to save the tubes (or one tube) if possible)? Or in my case only IVF? In general, please tell me what is needed so that if it happens, what will I have to do IVF, how much will it cost me, at least approximately? Thank you for your reply, Regards Jeanne.

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

With bilateral hydrosalpinx, there is practically no chance of effective restoration of the patency of the fallopian tubes. With such a diagnosis, they must be removed. You should not be afraid of laparoscopy, I do not see any threats from increased weight. Of course, you would like to lose weight before starting treatment. Have you taken a glucose tolerance test? Is your menstrual cycle regular or are there delays? You may want to take metformin. The tubes need to be removed and IVF planned. Its cost will depend on your ovarian reserve and your husband's spermogram. If you take the maximum, it turns out 25-28 thousand UAH. I wish you success!

2013-07-28 22:01:22

Love asks:

Hello! I beg you to tell me what is the best thing to do, I am 22 years old, for three years I have not been able to get pregnant from my husband, we live in the open and do not protect ourselves. There was an early abortion, after that everything was checked, everything was fine, as the gynecologist said. A year ago, I was admitted to the hospital with terrible pain in the small pelvis, they had an examination, ultrasound, tests, and they diagnosed me with secondary infertility, bilateral hydrosalpings, accumulation of fluid in both tubes. The doctor ordered a laparoscopy. But it gives a small chance that with my diagnosis, two-sided hydrosalpinge will be able to save both pipes, the doctor says that of course he will see what can be done with the pipes, whether it will be possible to do some plastic surgery of the pipes and save (which she doubts). Advise, tell me please, how to be in my case, IS IT POSSIBLE TO DO IVF WITHOUT LAPAROSCOPY IMMEDIATELY??? IS THERE A CHANCE TO GET PREGNANT??? I am very afraid of laparoscopy, it's just terribly, I have a lot of weight, I'm overweight, I read contraindications for laparoscopy (this is a lot of weight), I'm 1.70 tall, weight 87 kg. exceeds. My husband and I really want a baby and we don’t even know how best to do it, God took me away from this laparoscopy 3 times was postponed for reasons I caught a cold, got sick, had a temperature and the operation was canceled, maybe this is a sign still not to do it, AND IMMEDIATELY IVF? ?? Please help me, tell me the best way to do it?? Thank you very much for your reply, regards, Love.

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

I will give you 100% truthful information without embellishment. An early abortion provoked an inflammatory process and, as a result, bilateral hydrosalpinx. Laparoscopy in your case is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, and both tubes must be removed, otherwise it is a constant source of danger in the body, a time bomb. Still, it will not be possible to effectively restore patency. With hydrosalpinx, you will not be accepted into the IVF program, the chances of the success of the program in this case are zero, we have seen this in practice more than once. There is nothing wrong with laparoscopy, your weight is not so critical, you are young and obstruction is the only obstacle in your way. Remove tubes and plan IVF, your chances of getting pregnant are high. I wish you success!

2013-05-27 11:58:07

Julia asks:

Hello. I am planning a pregnancy for 4 months, so far without results. As soon as I found out that there is a cat, she said to take it for toxoplasma. it became 199. The doctor scared that this could be the reason that you can’t get pregnant. I read everything and everywhere and I don’t understand where you write that if lgG is present, then you don’t have to worry, but somewhere that toxoplasmosis is the cause of infertility. With what is the increase in titer connected? and can this be the reason for the inability to get pregnant?

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Julia. Toxoplasmosis cannot be the cause of infertility. Toxoplasmosis is dangerous for the fetus when it first infects the mother during pregnancy, as it can lead to fetal pathology. But, if the mother has an infection in a chronic form, then only the antibody titer is controlled during pregnancy. The fact that you have an increased titer of immunoglobulin G for toxoplasma indicates that there is a causative agent of this infection in your body, you have been ill with toxoplasmosis in a latent form and are currently a carrier of this disease. Take care of your health!

2013-05-17 18:42:38

Irina asks:

Good afternoon, I was diagnosed with primary infertility, the cycle began at the age of 13, and it never settled, there were cycles of 90 days + mastopathy, it was observed in uch. A gynecologist, but now I’m already 24 out of the bottom for almost 4 years I can’t get pregnant, there were a lot of treatments and tests from vitamins, and contraceptive courses to stimulation with clostilbegit, of which I caught ovulation 1 time on an ultrasound when taking 150 mg. clostilbegit. But I decided to find a new doctor and take all the tests again.
Passed at 21 DC:

total testosterone - result 1.87 nmol / l, with a reference interval of a woman 21-50 years old 0.20-1.65

Estradiol E2-result 221.6 pg / ml, with a reference interval luteal phase 43.8-211.0

Prolactin result 13.69ng/ml, with a female reference interval of 4.79-23.3

Progesterone result 22.34 ng / ml, with a reference interval luteal phase 1.7-27.0

LH result 6.3 mIU / ml, with a reference interval luteal phase 1.0-11.4

FSH result 2.6 mIU / ml, with a reference interval luteal phase 1.7-7.7

DHEA-S result 286.1 mcg/dL, female reference interval 20-24 years 148.0-407.0

ACTH result 15pg/ml, at reference interval
T4 free - result 10.9 pmol / l, with a reference interval of 9.0-22.0

TSH result 1.51 mU/l, with a reference interval of 0.4-4.0

Cortisol result 244 nmol/l, with a reference interval of 138-635

Ultrasound at 30DC

uterus 41*36*33mm
endometrium 8 mm-granular
the endometrium is heterogeneous, due to areas of increased echogenicity without clear contours (possibly focal hyperplasia)
right ovary

33-20-11mm, the structure is changed, it represents more than 10 follicles in size. 5-8mm.
left ovary

41-19-18mm, the structure is changed, it represents more than 10 follicles in size. 5-7mm., single 11mm
They also ordered an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Which of the above can be taken as the cause of my infertility, and is everything in order with hormones, what should I pay attention to? What else should be examined?

thanks for the help

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

According to the conclusion of the ultrasound, you have polycystic ovaries, which gives similar delays in menstruation. Hormones testosterone levels are slightly increased. The condition of the endometrium also needs to be examined, undergo hysteroscopy. The main reason, I repeat, in polycystosis, you need to contact either an experienced gynecologist who specializes in endocrine pathology, or a reproductologist.

2013-04-12 17:01:57

Anna asks:

January 25, 2013
Anna asks:
Hello, Igor Evgenievich. Tell me, please: I can not get pregnant for a year. Has a 6 year old daughter. I am 31 years old, my husband is 37 years old.
I passed tests for hormones in phases 1 and 2: everything is fine (FSH, LH, cortisol, ... at the middle limit of the norm), except for prolactin (normal 600, for 3-4 DC for the first time result: 747, for 2 times: prolactin 850, 3 times: 1581.
MRI results: Based on the MRI picture, no convincing evidence for the presence of a pituitary microadenoma was obtained at the time of the study.
Because there were leukocytes in the smear; she passed bakposev: only Klebsiella. I got cured. Now I am waiting for the result of bakposev after treatment.
I did an ultrasound to track ovulation at 8, 10, 14 DC, there is ovulation.
3 times did an ultrasound 2-3 days before menstruation: the fluid is determined. All the time I asked for an ultrasound, everything is fine. The uzists said yes
Colposcopy: 2 endometrioid cysts are small.
Once again the day before the monthly ultrasound:
The mother is pear-shaped.
the structure of the myometrium is heterogeneous by 1/3 of the thickness due to hypoechoic incl. up to 3-4 mm in d (foci of internal endometriosis) M-echo: fuzzy contours, Conclusion: echo signs of internal endometriosis 1 tbsp.
After that, the ultrasound was repeated 2 times: Yes, the uterus is pear-shaped, but the myometrium is clear, even.
The stomach really often hurts, pulls, then in the morning, then in the evening. Not much, but noticeable, like during menstruation.
They didn't look at the pipes. I'm waiting for the result of bakposev.

There are many questions. Would like to hear your opinion on what to do next?
What to treat in 1 turn? How to treat? And how to confirm whether there is adenomyosis? What is the cause of infertility? Learned that MRI of the pelvic organs can be done to diagnose adenomyosis? How informative is an MRI?

January 29, 2013
Palyga Igor Evgenievich answers:
Reproductologist, PhD
consultant information
Let's go in order. MRI does not make sense to carry out, even if there is moderate adenomyosis, it does not interfere with pregnancy. Bakposev has nothing to do with it either. You need to first check the patency of the fallopian tubes and adjust the level of prolactin by taking dostinex. It is advisable for a husband to take a spermogram if everything is in order with you, and pregnancy does not occur with an open sexual life. I don't see anything critical, good luck to you!

The diagnosis of adenomyosis was finally removed. Did an ultrasound and
they said that there are changes, but this is not adenomyosis. The tubes are passable (HSG). I correct prolactin with Bromocriptine 0.5 tons at night (in the 1st cycle, prolactin on day 3 was 467, FSH 20, I passed it myself, I didn’t know what I needed together with LH + FSH). The next cycle (I also drink bromocriptine) for 4 DM: FSH 59.5 (normal up to 12.6), LH 36.5 (normal up to 9). prolactin 1129 (normal up to 600). Tell me please. what do the results of the analysis mean? I will already drink bromocriptine 3/4 tabs a day. What do such high levels of LH and FSH indicate?

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

What is the final conclusion of the ultrasound? I am interested in the thickness of the endometrium, the number of antral follicles, is the dominant follicle developing and is ovulation taking place? The cause of your infertility is an endocrine factor. Prolactin needs to be lowered to normal and I would advise dostinex (it does not cause nausea). In addition, with elevated FSH, it is necessary to pass the AMG on the 2nd-3rd day of the m.c. High FSH and low AMH are indicative of low ovarian reserve (premature ovarian failure). It is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the increase in LH and FSH, and then prescribe hormone therapy. It would also be rational to donate thyroid hormones - TSH, T3, T4.

Popular articles on the topic: is it possible to get pregnant with infertility

Conception is a delicate and complex process that depends on many factors. Therefore, do not despair if you did not get pregnant right away. It is possible to raise the issue of infertility only after a year of regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives.

The first thing to do is to get tested for all sexually transmitted diseases. Check up and, of course, recover. Treat your teeth, check the internal organs on an ultrasound. Make sure you are generally healthy. Then start trying.
If you are new to this issue, then read the second page of the article right away.
If nothing works out for you for more than a year, then you begin to wonder whether you should resort to the help of doctors.
The scheme of checks, as it is called "for infertility", looks like this:
1. Checking the thyroid gland.
2. Checking the size of the internal genital organs. (ultrasound)
3. Checking the patency of the pipes.
4. Checking the husband - spermogram.
5. Measurement of Basalt temperature - determines whether and when ovulation occurs.
6. Hormonal tests.
The order of research goes from the first point to the last, in order. If any problems are found, the examinations are suspended - treatment is carried out, then, if necessary, the examination can be continued.
Let's consider some points in more detail.
1) and 2) Thyroid and pelvic exams can be done at the same time on the same day.
3) Checking the patency of the tubes - this is when you are injected into the uterus with a special. solution. If the fluid has passed through the fallopian tubes, then everything is in order, if not, then you have an obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
In the case of treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes (this is done with the help of laparoscopic surgery), there is a very high percentage of failures, and in the case of a successful operation, there is a high probability of an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, good doctors recommend doing IVF right away, i.e. artificial insemination.
With artificial insemination, you are given a list of necessary examinations (which exactly includes all hormonal tests)
4) With a spermogram, it is better not to delay. You can do it at the stage when you check your fallopian tubes. Here are a few CUs:
The husband must definitely do a spermogram in the laboratory, because. sperm should immediately go to the study. Using the services of intermediaries (gynecological centers, etc.) you will do yourself a “bad service”.
The condition for passing the analysis is abstinence for at least 3 and no more than 5 days. Failure to comply with these conditions will lead to distorted and most likely negative results.
5) If the first three studies showed that everything is in order, then it's time to find out if you are ovulating (ie, are the eggs ripening). This can be found out by measuring the basalt temperature.
In the morning, immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed, insert a thermometer into the anus. The temperature should be measured after an uninterrupted night's rest of at least 6 hours. If you get up at night, then this should be noted in the records. Thus, the temperature is measured over several months.
If the temperature graphs show that everything is in order, then you proceed to the next step.
6) Take tests for hormones. Namely:
follicle stimulating,
The doctor may also prescribe additional studies for a more in-depth study.
Blood for hormones is taken on days 7 and 21 (all calculations by day are carried out from the first day of the onset of menstruation).
So, we briefly reviewed the scheme that doctors carry out when identifying the causes of infertility. The whole scheme freely fits in half a year. But ... you will never fit in half a year. It is not profitable for doctors to let a client like you out of the clutches - after all, you agree to pay to be examined.
Now I want to talk about the traps that doctors can set in this scheme in order to delay the process and, as a result, receive additional money.
1. Begin the examination process not in the order indicated above, but from the middle of the process. So, for example, when I first came to the doctor with my problem, she first of all began to find out if I was ovulating. Those. started from point 5.
What does it give? The fact is that the process of ovulation can occur in a woman not every month. And the doctor’s proposal to replace the procedure for measuring basalt temperature with a more modern way (namely, to come every other day for an ultrasound procedure) you meet with the feeling “all the best for the unborn child!”. How much this daily research itself does not harm and allows the egg to mature remains an even bigger question. And, of course, there is a real possibility that a completely healthy woman will simply not ovulate in a given month. That's when they offer you an "easy" (in the words of my doctor) to regulate it with hormonal pills.
Hormonal pills cannot cure - they only work when you take them. You use them for several months, but there is no result. After that, the doctor informs you that you need to be examined further, but you have lost these few months, while paying not frail money and, the saddest thing, you have lost a piece of your health.
If you, God forbid, become pregnant while using hormonal pills, then there is a high probability that your children will have problems with hormones.
2. You may be misled by norms.
In the forms where the results of the analyzes are recorded, the first column contains the parameters of the study, the second is the results of the study and the third column is the norm for the specified parameters. The fact is that in the third column, the ideal parameter may well be indicated as the norm, and you are concerned about a significant deviation from the so-called. "norms" may well be drawn into a completely unnecessary treatment process. As a result, you spend extra money on treatment. For you, it is essential that you waste your time and health (in treatment, one is always treated, the other is crippled). Although it is likely that in certain parameters you will improve performance.
3. They offer obviously unnecessary examinations or treatment.
For example, fallopian tube treatment - laparoscopic surgery By the way, when I was looking for information on the Internet, I came across the site of a very solid-sounding organization that recommended starting laparoscopy right from the first steps of the study. These doctors clearly wanted to cash in on another cool new Mercedes.
Of course, I could not find out all the traps that doctors set up in order to earn more money and delay the moment of conception. But I want to tell you about one more of my observations. About a very simple observation. About the very elementary knowledge that allowed me to get pregnant in the first month of its use. I would call the problem that tormented me "woe from the mind."
So: two very simple tips on how to get pregnant.
1. Sex should be done every 4-5 days after the end of menstruation in a woman. For example: on the 5th, menstruation ended - so the schedule is approximately the same - 9, 13, 17, 21 - the days of having sex. If for some reason it did not work out, then you can reschedule for one day. This schedule must be observed by both future parents. This is due to the fact that sperm in men matures somewhere on the 4th day, i.e. if you have sex every other day, then the sperm simply does not have time to mature, on the fifth day it begins to age and the ability to conceive falls. Here the opinions of doctors differ - some say that already on the sixth day the ability to conceive drops sharply, someone says that on the 9th. Probably, it also depends on each individual man. For a woman, this schedule is needed to get on the day of ovulation, which usually happens on the 14-15th day from the start of menstruation, but, as practice shows, ovulation can occur on any other day or not.
I also want to note that ovulation in women does not occur every month and this is natural and normal.
Primitive advice! It seems that doctors should start with him when they are approached with a question about problems with conception, but then what will you pay money for?
How about the advice to wait (refrain from sexual intercourse) until the day a woman ovulates and then have sex every day? What would be for sure ... They didn’t give it to you? I have been given many times. But just like that, your chances of having a baby tend to zero. Because on the day you need, the sperm will simply be old and incapable of conception (there will be no live spermatozoa), and then it will not have time to mature.
2. And the second tip is the position of having sex.
It is best to have sex the way animals do it. Watch dogs, mice, any ungulates, elephants, after all! This is the natural and best position for conception. The face-to-face pose was brought to us by civilization - enjoy it at any other time. To conceive a child, return to nature.
Of course, you can get pregnant in other positions. The recommended position increases the chances of conceiving a child by 30-40 percent.
When I ponder why such simple solutions to a problem did not come to me naturally in the natural course of life, I come to the following thoughts:
The above periodicity of having sex corresponds to the male natural natural rhythm. Women have a different rhythm. For some time, women do not need sex at all, then they need a lot and every day, then again there is a period of calm for a week, another. Why is there such a discrepancy?
I think this is due to the fact that initially people lived in tribes. When viewed from the perspective of such a “big family”, then such different rhythms in women and men give the best chances for the birth of a new life, and with the best survival. When a woman has ovulation days, she can have sex with many men and this increases the chances of pregnancy, at the same time a man has sexual relations with different women according to the maturation of the sperm.
It seems to me that it is these different rhythms between a man and a woman that give rise to the phenomenon that we call "adultery" - when a man wants to have sex, but his wife does not, and vice versa - a woman needs more, and a man cannot more.
Marriage itself is a phenomenon of civilization and is associated primarily with the inheritance of property. Those. in a tribe, a woman does not know from whom she became pregnant, and for her and her fellow tribesmen it does not matter. In our society, property belongs to individuals and is inherited - and, accordingly, you need to know who is whose child.
The following logic of creating a family is being built: for a man who works well, offspring must survive (better eat, be warm, etc.), which stimulates men to work better. In a tribe, all children are common and the tribe takes care of them, which means responsibility is blurred.
In nature, animals compete with each other for a place in the sun. A person competes, first of all, with another person.
How best to get pregnant (secrets of conception)
How to choose the time of conception?
The period when pregnancy is most likely to occur is called the fertile period. According to a study conducted in 1995 by the National Institute of Women's Health (USA), it lasts 6 days: five days before ovulation and one day after it. Ovulation occurs every month around the middle of the menstrual cycle. It can be determined using the method of measuring basal temperature. Immediately after ovulation, the temperature increases by 0.2-0.4 degrees.
There is a simple recommendation for couples to make sure their sex time is right around the ovulation period, when the female body is most ready to conceive: make love every other day between the 10th and 18th days (counting the first day of menstruation as the first day) of your monthly cycle .
However, you should not treat the sacrament of the act of love down to earth. This will put too much pressure on the whole pleasant, romantic, non-violent process of conception. It's best for a few months to just enjoy making love a little ahead of the expected ovulation date. When you realize that for some reason you cannot get pregnant, seek the advice of a doctor.
For a long time, it was believed that a man should abstain from sex for several days before a woman's most fertile period in order to accumulate more seminal fluid. This is partly true. Studies show that the more often a man ejaculates, the less seminal fluid he has.
It should be noted that the "fertilizing" property of sperm depends on the frequency of sexual intercourse. The more sexual intercourse and ejaculation, the better the main factor for conception - sperm motility.
At the same time, several acts a day have the opposite effect - the concentration of spermatozoa decreases significantly.
Does this mean that you need to make love every day to increase your chances of getting pregnant? Not at all.
Couples who have intercourse during their fertile period every other day have almost as high a conception rate (22%) as those who do it every day (25%). But for couples who have sex once a week, this percentage drops to 10, because they simply can miss the main moment when you can get pregnant.
Four or more acts per week constitute the optimal rhythm for conception. With abstinence, starting from the fifth or sixth day, this possibility decreases.
Does posture matter?
Popular rumor says that in order to conceive a child, you should give up certain sexual positions. This is not true. Spermatozoa have a special means of locomotion called a flagellum, so couples don't have to worry about their posture.
You can also ignore the opinion about the need to lie on your back for half an hour after intercourse, placing a pillow under your hips or lifting your legs up. When the seminal fluid enters the vagina, millions of spermatozoa rush up to the uterus and end up there in just a few minutes. And the fact that part of the sperm flows after intercourse is completely natural, and you should not worry about this.
If pregnancy does not occur
Do not panic. First of all, it should be remembered that after stopping oral contraceptives, at least a month should pass. If you have used Depo-Provera birth control, it may take six months to a year for you to ovulate again.
For women under 30 years of age, experts recommend not to worry about the lack of pregnancy during the year.
If you are older, then the difficulties of getting pregnant increase, so you should not delay with medical advice. Here is the scheme that experts recommend to follow: women aged 30 to 35 years should visit a doctor 6-9 months after unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, 35-40-year-old women should better go to a consultation after 6 months of unsuccessful efforts, and ladies - after three months having sex without protection.
The birth of a child, often, will require a change in the professional and social status of a woman for at least 6-7 months, so many people prefer to plan the birth of their offspring in advance. We bring to your attention the most reasonable ways to help get pregnant “for sure”.

Method 1. Single sexual intercourse

The first intercourse is the most decisive, with the highest concentration of spermatozoa. Subsequently, the concentration is reduced by about half. Therefore, many families refrain from having sex for about a week before the most important sexual intercourse.

Method 2. Motile sperm in a man

The male reproductive cell plays a decisive role in conception, so a man should be prepared, at least for the last two weeks. Be sure to include meat, fish, nuts in his diet - all this increases sperm motility. Alcohol and heavy physical exertion should be abandoned, which adversely affects the quality and quantity of spermatozoa. "Walking" your man - fresh air, nature, romantic atmosphere - all this helps to improve sperm motility and the mood of a man, which is also important.

Method 3. Selecting days

Previously, many religions stipulated a time when sexual activity was strictly prohibited. Usually under the ban were 7 days after menstruation. The custom was strictly observed, so the peak of sexual activity fell exactly in the middle of the cycle, when the probability of conception was highest.

And now about modern

A woman can only become pregnant for a few (2-3) days of her cycle - at the time of ovulation. And not every cycle is ovulating. Normally, a woman under 28 years of age has 9-10 ovulations per year, at the age of 28 to 33 years, about 7-8 ovulations per year, and even less after 35. In each menstrual cycle, one of the follicles in the ovary begins to grow. Under the influence of female sex hormones, a mature egg is formed. Somewhere in the middle of the cycle, this egg leaves the follicle and is ready to meet with the sperm.

The egg cell lives for about a day. Sperm - 3-5 days. If sexual intercourse occurs 2-3 days before the onset of ovulation, then there are few “live” spermatozoa, but if directly on the day of ovulation, then this significantly increases the chances of conception. Knowing this, you can definitely "get on the right day." How to find those right days?

1) the calendar method is the oldest and most unreliable, because even with a regular cycle, it is not a fact that ovulation occurs exactly in its middle;

2) measurement of rectal temperature (not a pleasant occupation) - does not give a clear result, because stress, colds, and diets change the temperature in the rectum by 0.2-0.3 degrees;

3) study of saliva crystallization - it is known that closer to the middle of the cycle, with an increase in the level of female sex hormones, saliva crystallizes in the form of fern leaves. But the nature of crystallization can be affected by coffee or tea drunk shortly, moreover, when you really want to, you can see fern leaves in a microscope, although they are not there.

Folk remedies for infertility: Drink an infusion of psyllium seeds (Plantago lanceolata) or an infusion of Rosyanka herb (Sedium rotundi folia). Sympathetic remedy: keep Ficus flowers in the house, and also helps to keep willow twigs.
The causes of infertility are as follows: 1. Inability to conceive from birth, which can subsequently disappear under the influence of any reasons. 2. Infertility of the husband. 3. Any physical defect in the reproductive organs. 4. As a result of the measures taken in due time against pregnancy. 5. Inflammation of the ovaries - former or present. 6. Strong inflection of the uterus. 7. Gonorrhea - former or present. 8. Overgrown tubes to the ovaries. Treatment for infertility should follow the path of curing the cause that causes it. But sometimes infertility is also caused by the nature of the food consumed by a woman, which lacks vitamin E, which is necessary for pregnancy. In this case, you need to eat more yolks, yellow (but not white) corn, yellow persimons, yellow carrots, as well as liver, lettuce, sprouted seeds of bread grains.
For a millennium they have been using St.
It is especially useful to drink a decoction of psyllium seeds for the treatment of menopause in men and women. Abundant menstrual bleeding, accompanied by pain, bad mood, depression, all this will be regulated by a decoction of the seeds. Also, a decoction is useful for female infertility, if it is caused by an inflammatory process in the pipes. To do this, a tablespoon of seeds in a glass of water should be boiled over low heat for no more than 5 minutes. Let it brew. Strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.
You can store the decoction in the refrigerator for two or three days. Drink the decoction either warm or at room temperature. Chinese traditional medicine recommends a decoction of the seeds equally to men. Folk

Healers believe, and even Tibetan medicine advises men with complete immobility of spermatozoa to undergo treatment from autumn to spring with a decoction of seeds in order to become a happy father.

The people also love knotweed for the fact that it treats infertility well, promotes conception and has a therapeutic effect on the functioning of the ovaries and uterus. The desire to have a son is sometimes so strong that it forces a woman to give birth several times ... again a girl! Both husband and wife are having a hard time with this situation. This is where knotweed can come to the rescue - it is not for nothing that young women, in whose family women predominated, even before conception drank an infusion of knotweed to give their husband their first-born son.

In case of infertility, highlander bird is used: Drink as tea infusion of grass 1 glass of grass per 1 liter of boiling water
Pour 20 g of knotweed grass with a glass of water, heat for 15-20 minutes in a bath. Insist 45 minutes. Squeeze. Drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 3 tbsp. l. herbs ramishia lopsided and insist in a thermos overnight. Drink 150 ml 3-4 times a day 1 hour after meals. This plant helps with infertility and many female diseases.
Inhale the smoke from the burned kirkazon seeds.
Russian healers and healers advised in case of infertility - to wear a linen shirt. Grow a ficus in the bedroom, take care of it like a child. At Christmas, put a candle that would burn until the morning, and ask the Virgin Mary to give you a child.

Traditional medicine against infertility
Some recipes of traditional medicine in the fight against infertility ...

1. The leafy tops of flowering astragalus, fluffy flowers in the form of a decoction, infusion or tincture are taken orally as a remedy in the fight against infertility, cardiovascular and many others. other diseases. Decoction: Art. a spoonful (with a top) of the herb, together with the beans, is boiled in a glass of water until half the liquid remains. Filter and drink everything 3-5 times a day before meals and before each sexual intercourse.

2. Herb adonis kukushkina (kukushkin color) in the form of infusion or tea is drunk with childlessness, chronic bronchitis, and many others. other diseases. Infusion: art. a spoonful of herbs insist an hour or more in a glass of boiling water and drink st., spoon or 1/4 cup of infusion (possible with honey to taste) 4-5 times a day before meals. Tea-arbitrary concentration, you can with honey to taste and without dosage.

3. Hare cabbage grass (skripun, stonecrop) in the form of juice from it or infusion is taken orally with general weakness, impotence, female infertility or other diseases. Freshly prepared juice is taken 2 teaspoons 3-5 times a day before meals. Infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of grass insist an hour in 0.5 liters of boiling water and drink 1/2 cup of infusion 3-5 times a day before meals.

4. Royal (bee) jelly in its pure form, mixed with honey or alcohol, is taken sublingually or orally as a means of promoting the recovery of the body, restoring its strength after severe organic and infectious diseases. Milk and its preparations contribute to the rejuvenation of the body as a whole and are indicated for infertility-childlessness. Fresh milk 20-30 mg (at the tip of a knife) 3-5 times a day, long before meals, put under the tongue and hold until completely absorbed. Do not suck, do not chew, do not swallow, but wait for it to dissolve under the tongue. Mixture: 10 g of milk is mixed in a water bath with 100 g of honey, 1/4 teaspoon of this mixture is placed under the tongue and kept until completely dissolved, or 1/2 teaspoon of the mixture is diluted in 1/2 cup of warm milk, this solution is drunk 3-5 once a day 60-90 minutes before meals. Tincture: 1 part milk is mixed with 20-30 parts of 40% alcohol and take 10-1.5 drops of tincture per 1/2 cup of warm tea or milk 3-5 times a day one hour before meals.

5. With childlessness (female infertility) and impotence, urine therapy is used, for a fairly quick result, it is necessary for a man and a woman to switch to a vegetarian diet and regularly take their urine (preferably an average portion) of 1/22/3 cup and more than 3-4 times a day. day one hour before meals. This method of treatment will create a surge of energy in the form of potency, rejuvenation of the body and the ability to bear children.

Ancient healers left the recipe for infertility treatment with fresh quince juice, but such treatment requires a “pure” heart and selflessness. Drink juice - from a young month to two-thirds of it, every evening, one tablespoon.

For a millennium, St. John's wort has been used as incense (they set fire to and soak the room, clothes with smoke) from spoilage and infertility. It is especially useful to drink a decoction of psyllium seeds to treat menopause in men and women. Abundant menstrual bleeding, accompanied by pain, bad mood, depression, all this will be regulated by a decoction of the seeds. Also, a decoction is useful for female infertility, if it is caused by an inflammatory process in the pipes. To do this, a tablespoon of seeds in a glass of water should be boiled over low heat for no more than 5 minutes. Let it brew. Strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.

You can store the decoction in the refrigerator for two or three days. Drink the decoction either warm or at room temperature. Chinese traditional medicine recommends a decoction of the seeds equally to men. Traditional healers believe, and even Tibetan medicine advises men, with complete immobility of spermatozoa, to undergo treatment from autumn to spring with a decoction of seeds in order to become a happy father.
During treatment, it is useful to take therapeutic baths: 50 grams of plantain roots and leaves to infuse for 40 minutes in a liter of boiling water. Strain, pour into a bath, the water in which is 36-37C. The bath can be taken at any time of the day, for 15 days each season - autumn, winter, spring.

White and pink roses, which have a delicate aroma, are the richest source of vitamin E, and this is a vitamin of youth, high sexual ability and ability, an excellent stimulant for the ovaries, improving spermatogenesis in men.
It is necessary to collect the petals of white and pink roses and prepare water, oil, syrup from them. A syrup of white and pink roses facilitates conception, if the “culprit” of infertility is a woman, if a man, then you need to take a dark pink or red rose.
The people also love knotweed for the fact that it treats infertility well, promotes conception and has a therapeutic effect on the functioning of the ovaries and uterus. The desire to have a son is sometimes so strong that it forces a woman to give birth several times ... again a girl!

Both husband and wife are having a hard time with this situation. This is where knotweed can come to the rescue - it is not for nothing that young women, in whose family women predominated, even before conception drank an infusion of knotweed to give their husband their first-born son.

In any case, there will be no harm from weed-ant, but it will bring benefits. Infusion: 3-4 tablespoons of dry or fresh herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. It is better to insist in a thermos, at least 4 hours. Drink half a cup 4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.
In Japan, China, Mongolia, chrysanthemums not only decorate gardens, but are widely used to heal the soul and body. The soul rests and heals only by admiring the flowers. Lilac-violet chrysanthemums are especially healing. These flowers are like plant hormones. Inhalation of smell, petals added to food, the best treatment for hormonal deficiency, impaired hormonal metabolism. Therefore, we advise men and women to admire, keep in the house, add these plant hormones to food, and the manifestations of menopause will be mild, physiological.

Odorless chrysanthemums do not have a healing effect, only beauty is healing in them. With infertility, before finding out who is the cause of this problem in the family, admire the chrysanthemums. Maybe you don’t have to look for the culprit of this situation if you fall in love and learn how to grow, care for chrysanthemums with love.

Hippocrates, Dioscorides and other ancient Greek physicians called sage "sacred herb", considering it especially useful for female infertility. The name comes from the ancient Greek words: sun and health, well-being. One of the main properties of the sacred herb is to improve memory, cleanse blood vessels. Sage is a repository of phytohormones. Their role is not well understood, they act as catalysts and are similar to human hormones, similar to estrogens (female sex hormones).
That is why it is useful for women after 35 years to take a rejuvenation course: three times a year for a month, regularly drink a glass of infusion in the morning: 1 teaspoon of sage in a glass of boiling water. Insist until cool. Drink slowly, 30-40 minutes before meals. You can add lemon or honey. An infusion of sage seeds promotes conception, helps both men and women - in the latter, the "suction" reflex of the cervix increases, frigidity is significantly reduced or completely disappears.

All these unpleasant phenomena will quickly and completely disappear if linden, which is also a phytohormone, is added to sage. In ancient Egypt, after devastating wars or epidemics that claimed a large number of people, women were obliged to season food with sage, drink brewed tea from it in order to quickly restore the population. The priests gave the holy herb free of charge, especially carefully monitored the use of sage by young women. Domestic medicine advises drinking slightly salted fresh sage juice for the same purpose.

It should be remembered about moderation in the use of sage: allergies may appear, large doses can lead to poisoning. For brewing, a teaspoon per glass of boiling water is enough, and divide this portion into 3 parts. Drink a dessert spoon 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and at night, 11 days in a row, immediately after the cessation of menstruation. Course - 3 months. If the desired pregnancy does not occur, then take a break for 2 months and repeat the treatment.

With infertility in men and women, a decrease in sexual function, hypoleperemia (poor-quality seeds in men). Reception inside on 0,2-0,3 gr. mummy together with carrot juice, or sea buckthorn juice, or blueberry juice 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach in the morning and evening before going to bed (according to 1:20). The course of treatment is 25-28 days. The desired results are sometimes achieved by mixing the mummy with egg yolks, and with the juices of some medicinal plants. Strengthening of sexual function is noticeably felt already on the 6th-7th day.
In case of infertility, highlander bird is used: Drink as tea infusion of grass 1 glass of grass per 1 liter of boiling water Pour 20 g of knotweed grass with a glass of water, heat for 15-20 minutes in a bath. Insist 45 minutes. Squeeze. Drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

Shilajit mixed with carrot juice (calculated as 0.5 g of mumijo per 250 ml of juice) enhances the sexual potency of men and promotes the fertilization of infertile women.

Drink as tea a decoction of herb adonis. Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. herbs, insist, wrapped, 2 hours and strain. Drink 3 times a day.

Drink a decoction of the herb of Adam's root. Brew 1 cup boiling water 2 tsp. herbs, insist, wrapped, 2 hours and strain. Drink with infertility 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.

Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 3 tbsp. l. herbs ramishia lopsided and insist in a thermos overnight. Drink 150 ml 3-4 times a day 1 hour after meals. This plant helps with infertility and many female diseases. Inhale the smoke from the burned kirkazon seeds.

For inflammation of the ovaries and infertility: mix 50 g of coltsfoot leaves, sweet clover grass, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers and centaury grass. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. mixture and leave for 2 hours. Take 1/3 cup 6 times a day before meals and between meals for 1-2 months (with complete abstinence from sexual activity during treatment).

Russian healers and healers advised in case of infertility - to wear a linen shirt. Grow a ficus in the bedroom, take care of it like a child. At Christmas, put a candle that would burn until the morning, and ask the Virgin Mary to give you a child

Primary infertility is considered if a woman has never had a pregnancy. If there was at least one pregnancy, regardless of whether the woman gave birth, a miscarriage occurred or an abortion was performed, and the woman subsequently cannot become pregnant, then infertility is considered secondary.

The most common cause of secondary infertility is abortion, especially if it is done before the first birth. After an abortion, inflammation of the appendages or uterus, changes in the endometrium, obstruction of the fallopian tubes may occur.

Primary infertility in men is considered if none of his partner has become pregnant. If this man had at least one pregnancy, and subsequently, conception does not occur, then infertility is secondary. The nature of the occurrence of infertility can be divided into: inflammatory, endocrine, immune and idiopathic - i.e. obscure origin.

According to the World Health Organization, the causes of female infertility are:

Problems with ovulation 39%

Fallopian tube damage 30%

Difficulties with sexual intercourse, problems of the cervical canal 18%

Endometriosis 13

The causes of male infertility are:

Varicocele 42%

Obstruction of the seed pathways 14%

Other problems 13%

Normal/female factor 8%

Idiopathic (of unknown origin)

Let's look at the causes of infertility in order:


Problems with ovulation

If the menstrual cycle is more than 35 days or less than 21 days, then there is a risk that the egg is not viable or does not have time to mature. In most cases of non-ovulation, the ovaries do not produce mature follicles and, as a result, eggs do not develop. Mature eggs do not appear, ovulation is impossible, there is nothing for spermatozoa to fertilize.

Ovarian dysfunction.

When there is a violation of the production of hormones in the hypothalamus-pituitary gland, signals do not enter the ovaries, the rhythmic production of hormones is disturbed, and ovarian dysfunction can occur. During the production of too much or too little LH and FSH, or if their ratio is violated, the maturation of the follicle is disrupted, the egg either does not mature or becomes unviable. This disorder can occur as a result of a head injury, due to a tumor, with chemical disorders in the pituitary gland.

Hormonal problems.

Hormonal disorders can lead to the absence of menstruation, or to the lack of egg maturation. Violations can relate not only to sex hormones, but also to any others, for example, the pancreas or thyroid gland.

Early climax.

Early menopause (or ovarian dysfunction) is rarely the cause of a lack of ovulation.

The age of the female menopause usually occurs at 50-55 years. For some women, menstruation stops at the age of 40-45, because. egg reserves are depleted earlier. Some doctors consider this to be ovarian failure syndrome. Sometimes with hormonal treatment, physical therapy, or a more active sex life, this syndrome can be overcome. Why some women experience early menopause is still not clear. It is usually hereditary. Very rarely, genetic abnormalities are the cause of the complete absence of egg maturation. An example is Turner's syndrome, in which girls are born with underdeveloped ovaries, or the ovaries are completely absent. The so-called ovarian agenesis.

Polycystic ovaries.

This phenomenon can lead to changes in the ovaries and to disturbances in hormone metabolism. External manifestations of polycystic ovaries are increased hair growth, cycle disorder or amenorrhea, lack of ovulation, as a result - infertility. This reduces the production of (FSH), although the level of (LH), estrogen and testosterone is usually within the normal range or even elevated. A low level of FSH leads to the underdevelopment of the follicles produced by the ovaries, and as a result, the eggs do not have time to mature. Follicular cysts up to 6-8 mm in size are formed, they can be seen on ultrasound. The altered ovary is enlarged by 2 times, its surface is covered with a smooth white capsule, even a mature egg cannot pass through it.

Violations in the cervical canal.

If very thick mucus is formed in the cervix, then the spermatozoa cannot overcome it. If the mucus is poisonous, then the spermatozoa die. Mucus may not be suitable for chemical composition or due to immune characteristics.

Cervical erosion.

Polyps in the cervical canal or erosion due to changes in mucus can be the only cause of infertility. Therefore, prior to infertility treatment, it is necessary to remove polyps.

Fallopian tube damage

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes or changes in the mobility of the tube. Damage to the tubes can occur due to inflammatory processes, sexually transmitted (or from the genital tract). Violations in the tubes can be different: the formation of hydrosalpinx (accumulation of fluid in the fallopian tube, sealed as a result of inflammation), damage to the cilia lining the tubes from the inside. The fallopian tubes can be damaged during previous births, miscarriage or abortion, diseases of the internal organs (for example, chronic appendicitis or colitis). There is also a congenital disorder in the development and structure of the uterus or tubes, bending of the uterus. These deviations can be determined using ultrasound, but an X-ray of the tubes gives a more accurate diagnosis.

Scars on the lining of the ovaries

They can lead to the inability to produce follicles. Scars can form with extensive or repeated surgical interventions. For example - with an ovarian cyst. Infectious diseases can lead to the formation of scars on the ovary. This leads to violations of the development of follicles and, as a result, the absence of ovulation.

Unexploded follicle syndrome

The causes of this syndrome are unknown. Its essence is as follows: there are women who, despite the normal maturation of the follicles with the egg, i.e. every month. But timely rupture of the follicle does not occur, the egg remains inside the ovary and does not participate in fertilization.


Endometrial cells form the inner surface of the uterus and help the embryo to feed, and in the absence of pregnancy are involved in menstruation. In violation of the endometrium - the cells grow, polyps or deep "pockets" appear in the thickness of the uterus, they can penetrate into the fallopian tubes, ovaries and even into the abdominal cavity. This phenomenon is called endometriosis. It disrupts the maturation of the egg, interferes with the spermatozoon with the egg, and disrupts the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall.

Psychological reasons

There are conditions called stress amenorrhea. As a result of stress, the functions of the female body are disrupted. The so-called idiopathic infertility (i.e. of unclear origin) can also be caused by psychological reasons. Subconsciously, a woman has a negative attitude towards a possible pregnancy and the body takes her fear for a command not to become pregnant, and includes processes that prevent conception.

Violations of the structure of the uterus

When the uterine cavity is deformed, the effect of an intrauterine device occurs. In this case, the egg cannot attach to the endometrium. These diseases include uterine polyps, uterine fibroids, endometrioid formations, or a congenital condition - a saddle, bicornuate uterus, a uterus with an incomplete septum, a double uterus. Structural features are detected by ultrasound. Treatment of these deviations is not an easy process.

uterine fibroids

This is a benign growth in the wall of the uterus. Depending on the location of the fibroid, it may be accompanied by bleeding and pain. Symptoms worsen after menopause. The same symptoms may persist in menopausal women while taking hormone replacement therapy with estrogen.

Absolute female infertility

Absence or obstruction of the fallopian tubes. With absolute infertility, the possibility of having children is in vitro fertilization with subsequent transfer of embryos into the mother's uterus (IVF).

A very common cause of many of the abnormalities described above is STDs.(sexually transmitted diseases).

Therefore, at the stage of diagnosis, doctors first of all determine whether a woman has an STD. In the case of existing diseases, they are first treated, and then the consequences that were caused by these diseases.

Sometimes a woman's awareness of her infertility problem can develop into another psychological problem. A woman who wants a child begins to think that she is pregnant. What it is .

Men can also be infertile.

Almost every woman wants to experience the joy of motherhood. If the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur, the woman strives to find out about all the possible reasons.

One of the members of our club could not get pregnant for 5 years. Now she is raising her son and shared with us