Mantras for success and fulfillment of desires. What are mantras? Mantra for fulfilling a wish - a very strong concentration of energy

The mantra of wish fulfillment helps Hindus make plans and implement their plans. It sets a person up for positivity and gives hope for the immediate fulfillment of his dreams, gives him faith in himself and his strength, and helps him not to lose self-confidence.

Mantras that fulfill wishes

Mantras for fulfilling desires work due to the strong energy that comes from the meditating person. Powerful sound vibrations generated during the reading of the prayer also contribute to the speedy fulfillment of dreams and help a person enter a trance.

Mantra of Goddess Tara

According to Buddhism, Goddess Tara is the mother of all Buddhas. Represents wisdom, femininity and strength. She is characterized by tenderness, love and compassion. She is also called the “green Goddess,” which translated from Sanskrit means “savior.” This is due to the fact that in all the images her body is transparent and glows green.

Among all the wish fulfillment prayers, the Tara mantra is the most powerful and powerful. Before reading it, you must imagine the image in detail, visualize her facial features and clothing.

In the process of chanting a prayer with Tara, it is customary to share your problems and talk about your deepest desires. You can ask for help in realizing your dreams. The mantra works more powerfully if you purchase a figurine of Tara and hold it in your hands or place it in front of you during meditation.

Features of the Tara mantra:

  • girls need to take the same position as the Goddess if they want to quickly get married or meet their loved one;
  • Tara will help men increase their income and fulfill other dreams;
  • The Tara mantra should also be chanted by older people to improve their health (it will help get rid of diseases or make them easier).

Also, this prayer allows you to achieve goals in different areas, removes all obstacles on the path to your dream. Helps you move up the career ladder and get the calling of other people.

There are 2 versions of the Tara mantra. Text of the first prayer:


Original Sanskrit text of the second Tara mantra:


Both mantras have the same effect on a person. During meditation, you should definitely turn on music. Before doing this, the text of the prayer should be memorized so that you don’t get confused when voicing it. The optimal duration of a meditation session is 15-20 minutes, no less.

Mantras for different areas of life

Other wish fulfillment mantras help improve the situation in different areas of life. Some are intended to gain financial independence, others - to attract love and improve health.

Other powerful mantras fulfillment of desires are described below.

Mantra text



Helps you forget unhappy love and build new relationships that are prosperous in every sense. Particularly effective if you need to get rid of depression or stress. Helps to survive a difficult situation and endure difficulties and life trials. Gives a feeling of calm, joy and peace.


This is the mantra for obtaining all blessings. Protects from misfortunes. Helps to destroy other people's bad intentions towards the meditating person. Promotes the speedy fulfillment of all dreams. Helps you attract what you want and forget the consequences of past actions.


Helps remove obstacles on the way to achieving your dreams. It is especially important for people whose professional activity associated with creativity. Helps to summon the Muse and create real masterpieces. After meditating on the basis of this mantra, you can expect prosperity in your career.

Mantras work effectively if they are used every day for a month. During one session, the text of the prayer must be repeated exactly 108 times. It will take no more than 15 minutes. In the process, it is very important to visualize your desire, to present it in detail. You should close your eyes, take a comfortable position (sitting or lying down), turn on the recording of the mantra and sing along.

To make your love dream come true

Prayer of Narayan - one of the images of Vishnu in Hinduism. This wish fulfillment mantra is very powerful and effective. Helps to gain spiritual strength, learn to love not only loved ones, but the whole world. Narayana denotes the bright spiritual path of all people.

By turning to Narayana in a mantra, a person calls on the deity to help fulfill his love dream. Some ask to send them a loved one, others ask to improve family relationships.

The strength of the mantra depends on the meditator. The stronger his faith, the faster he will get what he wants. In the process of saying a prayer, it is important to imagine the image of a loved one. If the meditator needs spiritual strength, it is necessary to visualize as much as possible the image of Narayana, which is composed of bright yellow light.

Text of the mantra for fulfilling a love dream or finding a spiritual path:


I worship Narayana!

To attract money

The most popular mantras for attracting money are Ganesh mantras. They are addressed to the god of wisdom and the patron of trade. By turning to him in prayer, a person can ask for good luck, increased income, success in his career or business. This god also helps in improving well-being and family wealth.

There are several Ganesh mantras that help make your deepest dreams come true.

Mantra text

Meaning and Power


Om, worship to the great Ganesha

Allows you to control your material well-being. Helps eliminate financial difficulties. Helps to increase income by 2-3 times (provided that a person actively works on this and does not expect that only prayer will solve all problems).


Om, respect to the great Ganesha

Helps solve financial problems for creative people. A mantra that removes all obstacles on a person’s path. Also strengthens the mind and memory. Promotes the development of creative, creative thinking. Allows you to find new ways to realize your capabilities, which involve obtaining financial benefits.


Salutation to the one who removes obstacles

Helps you achieve your long-planned goals and avoid failures. Gives a person hope for a better future and provides the desired material enrichment. Helps you achieve excellence in any type of mental activity. Provides clarity of mind when making decisions related to financial matters.

All Tibetan mantras you need to sing before any endeavors (even if they are not related to making a profit). They help clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts and get rid of doubts. Contribute to making the most beneficial decisions for a person.

Meditations for fulfillment of desires

Meditation – psychological state arising in the process of reading mantras. Helps a person to temporarily get rid of unnecessary thoughts and plunge into a trance. This is self-contemplation to achieve spiritual insight.


First you need to write some of your wishes on paper, after which you need to fold it and hide it away from yourself. It is advisable that no one is in the room at the time of meditation.

Sit in the most comfortable position. Close your eyes and start chanting any wish-fulfilling mantra. Imagine yourself as a huge magnet that attracts happiness, luck, and most importantly, your deepest desire.

Meditation should be repeated at least 5 times. There is no specific time for it.

The speed of wish fulfillment depends on the power of the mantra. If it is very strong, it will also allow you to strengthen your energy and gain vitality.

"Green Gate"

Another name is “Magic Gate”. During the process, only one prayer can be read - the Tara mantra.

The meditator needs to imagine how he passes through the gate and sees beautiful landscapes:

  • mountains;
  • lake;
  • green grass;
  • Sun;
  • flowers;
  • blue sky, etc.

It is important that the landscape evokes admiration and joyful emotions and is stunning. You need to try to feel the freshness of the air, the slight flutter of the wind.

The next stage of meditation: you need to imagine that a person takes a canvas and begins to paint the landscape he sees. Don't skimp on colors. It is important to express all your thoughts and desires. After which the picture should be mentally released into the Universe and leave the beautiful valley without closing the passage behind you. It is advisable to perform the Green Gate meditation at least 5 times a month.

"Penetration into the future"

Before meditating, you need to think about what desire is needed at the moment and focus on it. After this, you need to take a comfortable position or take one of the asanas and close your eyes. You can chant any mantra.

The peculiarity of this meditation: you need to imagine that the dream has already come true. The meditator should consider:

  • what emotions he experienced at the moment of his dream come true;
  • what kind of people were nearby;
  • whether the expectation became a reality;
  • what smells and sounds were there at that moment;
  • in what environment everything happened, etc.

It is important that every moment is imbued with some kind of emotional color. These feelings should be a pleasant shock.


The mantra of wish fulfillment will allow you to realize what you have long planned as quickly as possible. In addition to making dreams come true, it helps to become spiritually enriched, get rid of financial difficulties and find love. The strongest and most powerful is the Tara mantra, which is realized during the Green Gate meditation.

Every person has a list of cherished desires. For some it is large, and for others it consists of several points. But why do some people’s wishes come true, and others call them lucky, while others have a list that gathers dust for years? In order to join the ranks of successful and lucky people, you can turn to ancient wisdom. Yoga has in its arsenal a magical tool called the mantra of wish fulfillment.

Reading the mantra correctly

When reading mantras, there is no need to think about the text or the meaning of the words. Prerequisite– creation of vibration. You need to find the right rhythm of reading that will tune these vibrations within you. By joining the general energy flow, your words-messengers will soon return with a positive result. The number of readings is classic - 108 times. Mantras for desire need to be repeated from 20 days to a month. It will be better if at the beginning of practice you find a good audio recording. First time, listen and read at the same time. When you get into the right rhythm and feel inspired by it, you can read on your own. It is also necessary to take into account that in yoga there are feminine, neutral and masculine mantras. All of them are suitable for reading by both women and men. It is very important that you are able to break away from the surrounding reality and immerse yourself in the world of sounds. If you have been practicing reading for a long time, you can read them in your head. Think about what your ultimate dream is. This could be gaining financial well-being, strengthening the health of oneself or loved ones, the love and attention of a particular person. Usually, one is enough, the one you like best, or it’s easier for you to pronounce. But, in case of fulfillment of desires, it is better to read 2 mantras. Since most intentions require finances, you can combine reading a mantra for desire with a spell to attract wealth. For example, you want to go on a trip. To do this you need financial well-being. In this case, read the mantra for desire 108 times. After this, read the money message any number of times, divisible by 3. Tune in to the positive and read.

Mantra texts


This is the Tara mantra, easy to remember and quite effective. It is effective for attracting desires related to health, material wealth, achieving victory in different areas Oh.

Another Tara mantra:


It not only helps to fulfill your plans, but also cleanses the aura and faith in one’s own strength.


“Golden mantra” that fulfills any aspirations. To strengthen it, you need to additionally read a spell to attract money.



This phrase will help improve your financial situation and fulfill your cherished dreams.

Any mantra for fulfilling desires goes well with meditation.

Meditation "Magic Gate"

Tara OM – TARE – TUTTARE – TURE – SVAHA (SOHA), and imagine that you are standing at a golden gate that opens before you. You enter the middle and see a wonderful picture: mountains, green grass, sun, transparent sky. Try to feel the freshness of the air and the fluttering wind. You approach the stretched canvas, take the paints laid out nearby, and paint all your desires. Don't skimp on the colors. After you put all your dreams and desires on the canvas, it will shrink in size and turn into a small crystal ball. Release him into the Universe. After this, calmly leave the valley of desires without closing the gate behind you. Wait for what you asked for.

Meditation “Penetration into the future”

Sit in a position that is comfortable for you. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. Think about the fulfillment of which of your desires is most necessary now. Concentrate on it. Imagine that your wish has already come true. Try to visualize the moment of its implementation, breaking it down into frames, like in a film. Every moment should be imbued with emotional coloring. Experience these emotions. They should come as a pleasant shock to you. Remember what you said, who was next to you, what smells and sounds you felt at that moment. Throughout the meditation, listen or read the mantra that you prefer. It's better if it's not long.

Meditation "Magnet"

Write on paper the desire that you want to fulfill at the moment. Fold the piece of paper and put it away from you. It doesn’t matter where, you can even hide it. Sit in a comfortable position. Closing your eyes, read your favorite mantra, and imagine yourself as a huge magnet that is located in a pleasant place for you. You should feel warm and cozy. Try to attract the written desire to you. Repeat the meditation several times in a row.

If the mantra of wish fulfillment is very powerful, you will not only achieve what you have long expected, but also strengthen your energy. Mantras and meditations are a powerful means of activating our vitality. Those that we ourselves sometimes have no idea about.

The wish fulfillment mantra (very powerful) is a popular prayer among Hindus that is chanted when starting a new business or making plans. It is believed that it puts the performer in the right mood, gives him a positive attitude and self-confidence.

Mantra of wish fulfillment: appeal to the gods

Mantras of success and fulfillment of desires are one of those types of prayers that are called upon support a person in his new endeavors. They often turn to the gods or the Universe for help, asking to remove obstacles that may arise on the way, about favorable events and conditions for fulfilling what they want.

Among the well-known mantras for fulfilling desires, the text of which is easily accessible, are prayers Tara. Tara or Green Tara is very revered in Tibet, where prayers are offered to her, asking for help in any matter, healing and protection. Below we present several different options appeals to Tara.

Text 1:


Text 2:


Text 3:


Another god who is often asked to assist in fulfilling desires and removing obstacles on the way to them is Ganesha. He is invoked with the following texts:

Text 1:

Om Sri Mahaganapataye Namah

Text 2:

Om Ganeshaya Namaha

Text 3:

Aum Ganadhipataye Om Ganakridaye Namaha

Similar requests are also addressed to the goddess Lakshmi, who personifies beauty, creativity, prosperity and success.


Famous mantras that help fulfill desires

Very strong mantra, removing all obstacles:

Maha Ganapati Mula Mantra
Om Shrim Hrim Klim Gluam Gam Ganapataye
Vara-Varada Sarva Janam Me Vasmanaya Svaha (3 times)
Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahi
Vakratundaya Dhimahi
Tanno Danta Prachodayat
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

And this prayer helps in partnerships and business:

Jay Ganesha Jay Ganesha Jay Ganesha Pakhi Mam
Shri Ganesha Shri Ganesha Shri Ganesha Raksha Mam
Gam Ganapataye Namo Namah
Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah

A golden mantra that grants success in any, both grandiose and smaller endeavors:


And this prayer will help fulfill your desires in love affairs:


Another mantra for making a wish come true:


How to chant mantras to make your wish come true?

Mantras that are aimed at fulfilling what you want have one feature. They are a must perform alone and at the same time you must know exactly what you want. Before you start practicing singing, determine for yourself what exactly you want, how this desire should be realized in your life, and also what it will give you, how it will affect you and those around you.

After this, you can select the most suitable text. This is done in the following way - listen to the wish fulfillment mantra online, after which they take the one that they like the sound of most.

Now that you have decided on your desire and mantra, you can begin the most difficult part - regular chanting. In mantra yoga best time for this morning is considered. Preferably at dawn you perform the selected prayer a comfortable number of times. The ideal number of executions is one hundred and eight times, that is, one japa. This number is determined by the number of beads on the rosary, which are usually held in the hands during practice so as not to lose count. However, in the first stage you can start with a small number. There are no restrictions on the number of times.

At first, go the mantra out loud along with the recording, later, when you confidently remember the text and correct pronunciation you can sing on your own. During practice, imagine how you feel as if your wish has already come true. Such visualization will only enhance the effect and will help your wish come true as soon as possible.

Is it worth mentioning that no one or nothing should disturb you during the process? Immediately after practice, take a break. go about your daily activities and forget about desire and mantras until the next morning.

When practicing mantras, do not forget to observe necessary rules, as well as about your desire. Be sure to concentrate all the power of your desire while singing, and your goal will definitely be achieved.

There is probably no person who does not have a cherished dream or desire. All people strive to achieve their goals. Everyone is waiting for a wonderful fulfillment of their dreams. But some people’s desires immediately come true, while others are less lucky. What to do in such a situation? Almost all nations have special spells or methods that help to establish contact with By higher powers and ask them for help. Today we will talk about mantras. With their help, without harming the world around you or yourself, you can fulfill your deepest desires. They first appeared in the East and are still actively used today.

Mantras are analogues of prayers (similar in their mechanism of action). A person is also required to pronounce a set of certain words that will connect him with the Higher Mind. By communicating with the Cosmos, people not only achieve their personal goals, but also find happiness and harmony. Now let's talk in more detail about the Eastern practice of prayer.

What are mantras?

Almost everyone has come across this concept, but what does it really mean? A mantra is a specific text in Eastern religions that requires the reader to accurately reproduce sounds. What is this for? Any vibration, word or sound has a great influence on a person. Physics has repeatedly confirmed this. Thus, through reading mantras, a person gets the opportunity to turn to the Cosmos with a request and will be heard.

You can ask for anything you want (except for revenge or harm to others). Currently, there are many mantras for health, beauty, longevity, fulfillment of desires and love, and much more. The division of Eastern prayers into male (saurya), female (saumya) and neutral is accepted. It all depends on what they end with. Male phat or hum, female - svaha and tham, neutral - pamah, namah. Moreover, everyone can read them (regardless of gender). It is not forbidden to recite several mantras at the same time (for example, prayer for material well-being and improved health), since desires are most often interconnected (but no more than two). Thus, you can significantly change your life and influence the well-being of your loved ones.

How to read mantras correctly?

Spiritual practitioners provide recommendations for saying prayers. These must be observed when reading:

1. Be in solitude. It is advisable that nothing distracts you when reading the mantra. Turn off your phone and eliminate all sources of noise that might interfere. You should completely immerse yourself in the sound of the mantra (enter a kind of trance).

2. Use video or audio recording. Nowadays you can find the necessary files with mantras on the Internet. If this is your first time reading Eastern prayers, you should first listen to how they should sound (pay attention to the rhythm, pronunciation, chant). Be sure to sing exactly as in the recording file. In a mantra, each sound is important and plays its role. Practice with video or audio and you will definitely succeed.

3. Remember the order of training. For those just starting out, it is recommended to chant mantras in a group. More advanced ones say oriental prayers in solitude in a whisper. And the most experienced ones read them to themselves. Don't take on the most difficult level, starting from the first. While reading the mantra out loud, our material body is activated. If you say an Eastern prayer in a whisper, then influence subtle world. At the last level of reading the mantra, the main effect is on the mind.

4. Pronounce consonants clearly. Draw out the vowels a little, and everything that ends in “n” or “m” should be “pronounced with the nose” (“moo”).

5. The Eastern prayer is read 108 times (the ideal number, but any multiple of three will do). When combining two mantras, the second one is pronounced any number of times, a multiple of three (12, 36, etc.).

6. Use figurines of gods, images, incense. In short, everything that will help you concentrate on chanting the mantra. Refer to images and figurines of gods while reciting the mantra.

7. Define your goal. Clearly set yourself a task that the Universe will help you solve. Don't try to recite ten mantras at once. This is wrong. Solve problems in one area of ​​your life first, and then move on to another.

8. Attitude. Clear your mind and don't think about your problems while reciting. Positive mood plays important role for reading mantras.

9. Focus on desire. Imagine and visualize your dream.

10. Refer to the mantra regularly. Eastern prayer is usually read from twenty days to a month at any free time.

11. Learn the mantra by heart. This ideal option. This way, you can pronounce it without “cheat sheets” and pronounce it to yourself at any time.

12. Say the mantra over a glass of water. Nothing special will happen, but Eastern prayer can also change the structure of the liquid. Read the mantra exactly as before. It is more pleasant to drink water after the ritual; it is charged with the energy that you put into the ritual.

13. Read the mantra at dawn. Dawn is the universal time for reading Eastern prayers. If you have not found any special instructions for the mantra, then it is best to read it at dawn.

14. Listen to the mantra. Record an audio file on your phone or player and play it throughout the day. Good mood and internal harmony from listening are guaranteed. In addition, your dream will come true much faster.

15. Combine mantras with meditation. They are not only effective in pairs, but also contribute good health and mood. It is worth trying several times to see the benefits of meditation.

16. Give thanks. Don't miss this point. Thank the gods and the Universe for fulfilling your desire even after reading the mantra.

Mantras that make dreams come true

Now that you have familiarized yourself with the basic reading recommendations, you can begin to use mantras to fulfill your desires. Almost every appeal in Eastern prayer is addressed to a specific deity. Let's look at them in more detail:

1. Appeal to Green Tara. Traditionally, the goddess is considered the mother of all Buddhas. Tara is a symbol of compassion. People turn to her when there is no one else to turn to. The goddess is famous for quickly responding to prayers.

Tara exists in two forms: white and green (more common). It is recommended to read the mantra at sunrise and sunset. Prayer to Tara for the fulfillment of desires:


2. Appeal to Ganesha. The second deity to whom people turn for help in realizing their own goals. Ganesha is represented as a man “in the body” (with a belly), four arms and the head of an elephant. He patronizes business, art and helps to destroy obstacles on the path to dreams. Mantra to Ganesha:


You can contact Ganesha not only through prayers. This method requires only a little free time and your imagination, as well as an image of a deity. Place your hands next to your solar plexus so that they form a ball. Inside it, imagine what you would like at the moment (apartment, country house, motorcycle, etc.). After this, imagine how a beam appears from Ganesha and is directed towards your ball. Imagine until he accumulates divine energy. When the ball is full and you feel lightness and happiness, the ritual can be completed.

3. A mantra that grants fulfillment of desires, love and happiness. First of all, it is read in order to gain wealth. Who wouldn't want to have this? All components happy life collected in it:


So, there are many ways to connect with the Cosmos (prayers, spells, meditation). In the Eastern tradition, mantras are most often used. Now they are popular with us, as they have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. With their help, you can solve issues in different areas of life.

Worried about your health? Read the mantra about longevity. Do you want wealth and success in business? Speak with the mantra to Ganesha. Will you never get married? Chant the mantra to find love. The universe will always hear you and fulfill your desire. Don’t lose faith, hope, and everything will definitely come true. Singing mantras will bring into your life not only well-being, but also complete harmony with yourself and the world around you. Should you think about whether to use them or not? Chanting mantras is the most harmless way to improve your life. Feel free to set out on the path to new achievements, and the Universe will help you with this.


Mantra of wish fulfillment: working with sacred vibrations

Today there will be a light educational program on mantras =) I can’t help but write about them on my blog, because, as you may have heard, there is a very powerful mantra for wish fulfillment, and this is definitely our topic.

In general, a mantra is a sacred text, word or syllable, distinctive feature which is accurate sound reproduction.

Important! The mantra of wish fulfillment is a magical remedy that, through sound vibrations, brings dreams and desires into reality. AND

With the help of a mantra, you can “reprogram” your own consciousness and change the attitudes that are embedded in it, as well as receive an “access code” to various parts of the brain where hidden possibilities and reserves. In other words, some mantras awaken the mind, others heal, there are those that help find the answer to a difficult question or create a feeling of happiness and joy of being. In this article we will look at the most powerful mantras and carefully analyze the most important thing for us - this mantra for wish fulfillment is very powerful.

History of the origin of the mantra

Mantras originate from ancient times, namely, they came to us from Ancient Egypt. At that time, people used mantras to protect themselves from evil, strengthen their spirit and bring prosperity into life.

The mantras are written in Sanskrit. The word “mantra” itself comes from two words: mind, which means consciousness, thought, and - trai, i.e. “to save”.

Unfortunately, the exact translation of the mantras has not survived to this day. Now they are simply divided into mantras for healing, mantras for love, well-being, protection and many others.

But despite the fact that we do not know exactly the exact meaning of the spoken phrases, their power does not decrease.

What is important here is not the text, but the vibration itself, certain sound vibrations that create the necessary energy field and call certain events into our lives.

Lullabies work on the same principle, with the help of which the child’s brain is sent the command to “sleep.”

Have you paid attention to the lyrics of lullabies? If you listen to them, you will notice that the text is not very conducive to restful sleep. “The little gray top will bite you on the side” or “The bird will carry you away”, logically, should scare the child and he will definitely not be able to sleep, but, surprisingly, the opposite effect occurs. Because it's all about vibrations and their effect on the brain and consciousness.

Works exactly the same mantra for wish fulfillment. The meaning lies in certain sound vibrations that create the necessary energy field and call certain events into our lives.

Mantra Om

Hindus, like Buddhists, revere “Om” (the most important sound of the mantra), otherwise known as “aum”, as a kind of quintessence of the word. It is believed that the sound “Om” provided the vibration necessary for the emergence of the Universe.

Hindus believe that this sound has always existed and will exist forever. Initially, it was felt by ancient Indian sages sitting in meditation, who told others about its existence. Nowadays, the mantra “aum” is used by everyone who practices yoga, pranoyama and chanting sacred words of power. If a practitioner wants to connect with the Universe, he needs to listen or chant the “aum” mantra.

The “aum” variation has its own sound decoding. “A” symbolizes the material component of the Universe, the physical body, a person who is in a state of wakefulness and who perceives the world around us only through the five senses. “U” speaks of the mind of the Universe and of each individual person, and also symbolizes the dream state. “M” is the consciousness of the Universe and each individual person, means a state of deep sleep.

In fact, the sound “Om” is the Hindu analogy of the Christian “amen” or “amen”.

Try sitting and saying “Om” while exhaling for a long time. You should end up with a long “m”. And you will notice how this sound-vibration will fill your entire body... Interesting sensations.

Mantra for fulfillment of desires. What do scientists think?

Very interesting research were carried out by the American scientist J. Turner. In his experiments he used graphic computers, synthesizers and other modern electronic devices.

Using Sanskrit, which differs from other languages ​​in its mathematical precision, to compile the program, Turner established that every image has its own corresponding musical image, and every sound, word, melody has a corresponding graphic color reflection.

The computer drew portraits, and a synthesizer connected to the computer created musical portraits using a program developed by Turner. Turner also identified a schematic representation of the Devata with a corresponding mantra.

Devata - (“deity”), in ancient Indian mythology, a deity, a being of divine nature. This designation applies both to gods in general and especially to the various classes of lower gods.

Simply fantastic, the scientist managed to prove that the mantra of wish fulfillment has not only a magical effect, but also a scientific basis.

Long-term scientific research conducted by scientists different countries show that repeating spiritual mantras has a beneficial effect on human health.

Reduces blood pressure, relieves stress and brings you into a pleasant state of relaxation and peace.

Why you should start practicing mantras today:

  1. Pronunciation of the mantra has a positive effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body.
    A scientific study was conducted in which participants chanted the mantra “Om” and practiced breathing exercises. The results showed that their lung capacity increased and their cardiovascular system was strengthened.
  2. Heart rate slows down.
    The process of pronouncing the mantra gives the heart rest and relaxation. This is due to its influence on the energy shell of your physical body. Pronouncing the sound “Om” increases the energy potential of our heart, and this energy can already be measured with modern scientific methods. When our heart is open, we become able to receive Universal love and energy.
  3. Chanting the mantra “Om” significantly changes the biochemistry of the brain.
    The researchers found that even after the initial 20-minute chanting of the mantra, the brain neurons of the experiment participants began to behave differently, affecting the emotions they experienced. The mantra “Om” helps to achieve peace, happiness and inner self-confidence - and this does not require long practice. The mantra has an unconditional positive influence to all areas and areas of your brain, without exception.
  4. The mantra calms the nervous system.
    Our DNA is much more than just a repository of data. It is a quantum antenna capable of both sending and receiving data, and when we chant the mantra, we fill our DNA with the primordial sounds of creation, purifying our own body and soul, and this is not an unfounded statement, but a scientific fact.
    Chanting a mantra can heal or reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety and even epilepsy by directly affecting this interface between us and the outside world. The singing of this short word especially affects the limbic system.

Gayatri is a very powerful mantra for fulfilling desires.

The meter of 24 syllables is called “Gayatri”, hence the name of the prayer.

The text of this mantra sounds like this:


In the first line “Om Bhur bhu-vah suvaha” we hear an appeal to the three worlds, the first is earthly, the second is middle, the third is heavenly, the abode of the gods.

Also, the Gayatri Mantra contains all three aspects, without which it is impossible to imagine worshiping God - praise, meditation and prayer. The first ten words are directly related to the divine. "Dhima-hi" is the aspect of meditation. “Dhiyo yo pah pracho-dayat” is a prayer to the Lord. With the help of this hymn, a person asks God to grant him all the strengths and talents he has.

The practice of Gayatri is the key to a clear and favorable future. By clearing your thoughts and directing them in the right direction, you will achieve your goals and results. In our case, we direct all our thoughts towards the fulfillment of our desires.

Gayatri is a very powerful mantra for the quick fulfillment of desires. It is considered the most popular and universal.

This powerful prayer clears the mind and gives protection human soul. Hindus and thousands of people around the world repeat the mantra every day at dawn with faith in its miraculousness. Her divine power is capable of attracting the following material benefits and spiritual values ​​into a person’s life:

  • healing,
  • longevity,
  • good health and healthy appearance,
  • harmonious family relationships,
  • harmony and tranquility,
  • fulfillment of desires.

The cleansing power of Gayatri is so great that it can “zero out” even bad karma and get rid of negative attitudes.

On the Internet, when I was looking for people who know what the mantra of wish fulfillment is, I came across interesting review from one girl. I leave all the text original:

Eh, I never thought that I would be so keen on Indian mantras...

It was not my thing, because I am a Christian and am only used to Christian prayers and the Bible. And then one day I was looking for meditations on music sites for self-tuning and working with images... and I came across mantras... I decided to download 3 of them and try...


In a word, at first glance, all mantras look like ordinary musical compositions, songs... However, they really act on a spiritual level, harmonize and balance the internal state.

After the first three mantras, I felt that my state was harmonized, balanced... Then I began to read about these mantras on the Internet, and it turned out that one of them really harmonizes... Amazing... The effect is noticeable after 10-20 minutes of listening, but this is just words…

After the Gayatri mantra I began to feel happy. When I am at home, listening to this magical mantra, I begin to dance... I feel that in the process of listening I am not only cleansed, but also my inner essence is harmonized, my true nature begins to reveal itself, I become more and more myself.”

Mantra for fulfilling wishes regarding health

Twenty years ago, when I first became interested in mantras, there was very little information. I had to literally collect it bit by bit, make clippings from newspapers and magazines, and simply copy some things by hand. At first I was just interested in it, this way I expanded my horizons. Yes, I uttered some mantras, but from time to time, without turning it into a system and without noticing any special effect on my body.

But one day I got sick. I was literally bedridden with a common cold, my condition was getting worse and worse, and at that moment there was no one at home. All relatives have left. There were no medicines in the medicine cabinet, and then I remembered the mantras. I struggled out of bed and found a folder with necessary information and chose the Mantra for recovery.

I began to pronounce it, or rather, sing it many, many times in a row, until I felt some vibrations inside my body. I must say that soon after this the crisis passed, the temperature subsided, the body aches disappeared, in a word, I began to recover without resorting to any medications. Of course, I didn’t limit myself to pronouncing that mantra once, but periodically repeated it several times in a row, and this gave me a powerful boost of energy.”

This is a woman's review that I found on the Internet.

As we have already said, a mantra is a healing sound. Getting into consciousness and subconsciousness, it begins to carry out a very labor-intensive process of cleansing the body. Although scientists cannot fully explain the miraculous results of using mantras, there is no doubt that they are the best medicines. Moreover, they do not have side effects, but this is important.

Mantra for health and healing

Om, Surya Namaha is the mantra of health. The word "namaha" comes from the Sanskrit "namaste" - greeting, worship.

Thus, by reciting this mantra, a person worships the Sun God, asking him for help. Well, in a healthy body, of course, the rejuvenation mechanism turns on. Repeating this mantra is a powerful healing practice.

Universal mantra for cleansing

“Om mani padme hum” translated from Sanskrit means “the pearl shining in the heart of the lotus.”

What is the mantra “Om mani padme hum” used for?

Chanting this mantra calms the nerves, helps to achieve a state of harmony and peace, cleanse oneself of negative thoughts and emotions, cleanse and harmonize space.
Practitioners of this mantra have noticed that its pronunciation evokes an internal fire and can warm up the body.

How does this mantra affect a person:

  • harmonizes the overall state of mind,
  • calms the mind
  • cleanses from any negative external influences.

Magic mantra that fulfills wishes

The power of the Green Tara mantra is known to many peoples East Asia. She helps fulfill innermost desires, destroying obstacles and defeating evil forces. This mantra is often called the Dalai Lama's favorite mantra.

Tara means “savior” from Tibetan.

She was born from a Lotus bud, onto which the tear of the deity Avalokiteshvara (the embodiment of the infinite compassion of all Buddhas) fell, mourning the suffering of the world. It's very strong mantra for fulfillment of desire.

Feel the mantra, dissolve in it, feel its power. Your desire has already been launched, they are already working on its fulfillment.

Just remember that it should not carry a bad intention or cause harm to anyone. Green Tara does not tolerate evil. She gets rid of him. Therefore, let our desires be bright, bringing the common good.

How to determine your mantra?

Reading many different mantras, inner world a person will get lost, it’s like the saying: “You’re chasing two hares…”

In order to choose your mantra, you need to understand what exactly you want to get, what area of ​​life to improve.

Having identified your problems, realizing what you want to fix in your life, listen to mantras that are aimed at getting rid of your illness. M Anthras for wish fulfillment are very powerful and effective. Practice your favorite mantra several times. If you feel comfortable during and after practice, continue working with it alone.

So that your wish fulfillment mantra brings you visible results in the most short terms, follow these five tips (they are the same for all types of mantra):

  1. During pronunciation, you do not need to think about the meaning of the words. It is important to create a certain vibration. The right rhythm will set the energy waves in the right direction.
  2. The course of working with mantras to fulfill desires is 21 days. The main thing that prevents you from achieving your dreams is laziness and mistrust. If you stop studying after a few days, your wishes will hardly come true. Meditation requires consistency and faith. When you want to stop, it's time to show will and perseverance.
  3. It is recommended to cast spells 108 times in one session. This number is very important. One means Supreme Energy, zero means the perfection of God's creation, and eight means indestructibility and eternity. But, if pronouncing the mantra 108 times is too difficult for you, you can limit yourself to another number, a multiple of three. To avoid losing count, you can buy at specialty store or invent your own rosary with 108 beads.
  4. It is not recommended to cast several spells at the same time. It is best to choose one area, and after 21 days move on to another.
  5. While pronouncing the text, you should distract yourself from extraneous thoughts and, focusing on the process, think about your innermost desire.

Consciousness is rebuilt, adjustment to a new vibration begins, and all the forces of the Universe are already nearby. All that remains is to accept the mantras of wish fulfillment and begin to receive the fulfillment of all your most cherished desires. Recommend your favorite mantras - leave links or names in the comments.