Is it possible to twist copper wires? Correct twisting of electrical wires: connection methods

The electrical circuit is located over the area of ​​virtually the entire frame, providing the room with electricity for household and industrial devices, depending on the purpose of the building. Essentially, a cable is supplied from the central network, which is subsequently placed in the switchboard, from which several more come out, are routed to different ends of the room and connected to the distribution box, from where the final wires come out, ultimately connected to sockets, switches, etc. . Precisely in the distribution. boxes are created greatest number connections, and sometimes a soldering iron, welding, connectors are not used, but instead twisting wires, which does not require special devices or tools, but only those things that virtually everyone has (knife, pliers).

How to properly twist wires

In order to virtually reduce the possibility of occurrence and ignition, the twists in the distribution boxes must be made with high quality. If a person performs such an action for the first time, it is better to first carefully read the rules of such a connection, and only after that begin to perform the work. Let's figure out how to do twists correctly, what types there are, and what problems you may encounter when performing this work.

To begin with, it is worth saying that connecting two wires of different metals by twisting is not recommended. Many analytical articles and arguments have been written about this as to why this should not be done:

  • different coefficients of thermal expansion (metals react differently to heating and cooling, as a result of which the contact gradually deteriorates);
  • the appearance of an oxide film on the aluminum wire (it does not allow current to fully flow, the wire heats up and breaks down over time);
  • structural destruction of aluminum during electrolysis (these two metals form a galvanic couple, and after exposure to a humid environment, the metal ends are subject to heating and subsequent destruction).

Twisting of copper and aluminum wires

Copper and aluminum cannot be connected directly to each other. However, in many houses there are aluminum wires that need to be connected to copper wires, and twisting is sometimes the only way to connect. In this case, it is important to adhere certain rules, which will allow such fastening to serve for the maximum period.

  • To begin with, it is worth noting that the conductors must be tightly wrapped around each other. If their diameter is significant, there must be at least 3 turns, and if the diameter is up to 1 mm, in this case it will be necessary to wrap the wire around each other more than five times to ensure high-quality transmission of electrical flow. Also, after this it is very important to treat the bare surface with a special varnish that is resistant to water and moisture.
  • When connecting copper and aluminum wires, it is better to use a special steel plate placed between them. This will avoid their direct contact. Thus, the service life of such a connection will be much longer. If you don’t have such a component at hand, then you can resort to treating the bare copper wiring with solder, which will also avoid mechanical contacts of these two metals.
  • The ideal solution for connecting copper and aluminum conductors is to first apply solder to the copper core. Especially such pre-treatment is often used when connecting single- and multi-core wires, when in this way a wire consisting of several conductors is converted into a single-core one.

Twisting wires of different sections

This type of work implies the unambiguous use of additional means for connection. Such devices can be screw clamps, self-clamping terminals, bolts, tinned copper lugs, and walnut-type holes. Also, in order not to purchase additional components, you can use soldering or welding, etc.

If the difference in the diameter of the wires is insignificant, for example, 4 and 2.5 mm, then connecting them by twisting is not so difficult. To do this, you need to carefully wrap them around each other, after which you need to use welding or soldering. This fastening of two conductors will last for many years without complaints.

In other cases, twisting wires will not be reliable and durable. In such situations, you simply cannot do without additional components. In various situations, certain devices are used:

  • if significant, it is best to use a self-clamping terminal;
  • for branching from the main line to the distribution. The shield uses a branch compressor, which among experts is also called “Nut”;
  • To connect wires with a large diameter, a copper-tind tip is used.

Errors when twisting wires

The most common problem with connecting conductors in this way is that one wire wraps around another. This is completely wrong. The wires should evenly wrap around each other, thereby ensuring reliable passage electric current and create mechanical strength so that such fastening will last for many years.

The length of the twist depends directly on the diameter of the conductors themselves. It is worth considering that the minimum threshold for this characteristic should be no less than 3 cm. Otherwise, everything depends on the diameter of the wires: what larger diameter, the greater the length of the created twist should be, but there are no specifically prescribed standards on this matter; each specialist decides for himself what this value should be in order for the connection to be reliable and of high quality.

One of the fastest and at the same time most unreliable methods of splicing wires is twisting the cores. It is popular because it does not require special tools, and only insulating tape is needed to cover the joint. You don’t need to have special skills, just know the most common types of twists. However, this method is not without drawbacks.

Why twisting - the main advantages

If you need to connect two copper wires together, you can solder them. But not everyone has this useful skill, and a soldering iron may not be at hand, for example, if the cable of a power tool or a wire in a junction box in the countryside breaks. Therefore, such a property of copper and aluminum cores as flexibility is very convenient - they can simply be folded together and twisted into neat turns. In this case, you won’t even need pliers if the metal cores of the wires have small diameter. This applies not only to television cable, antenna, telephone and many others, including computer ones.

Another advantage is enough high quality solderless connections. If the wire serves to transmit a signal, interference due to twisting usually does not appear, and if it does occur, it is in very rare cases. It is very important that this connection saves time and sometimes money. In particular, there is no need to wait for the soldering iron to warm up or equip a special welding inverter for wires, there is no need to tin every wire.

If the cores are varnished and do not provide contact, they can simply be scorched with a match or lighter.

When scorched, very thin veins easily burn or become brittle, which can already be considered a disadvantage.

What you need to know - the nuances of using twists and their disadvantages

So we've mentioned some of the challenges of working with very thin, varnished copper cores. Without stripping, they will not make contact, and simply scorching with an open flame means burning the wire. However, thick conductors cannot always be easily dealt with by conventional splicing. For example, aluminum is quite brittle and too many turns leads to microcracks, which cause the twisted ends to simply break. Approximately the same thing happens on severe frost with a copper core - when the turns are tightened too tightly, they burst.

There are also directly opposite nuances, in particular those related to insufficiently tight twisting of the ends of the wire. Each time, after connecting the cores of two cables by twisting, you need to connect the power without insulation and after 30-40 minutes check whether the core is heating up. The fact is that when the conductors do not touch tightly, increased resistance arises and the junction begins to heat up quickly, which can lead to burnout of the splice of the wires. It should be taken into account that due to temperature changes, the twisting of the wires weakens over time and still begins to heat up.

To connect the bare ends of the wire, just twist them with your fingers, but it is recommended to use pliers to create good, tight turns.

It is highly undesirable to connect conductors from two different metals, for example, made of aluminum and copper, but if there is no other option, a special terminal, caps or blocks should be used. We also avoid splicing a single-core wire with a stranded one, since they have different resistances, and with the same diameter they are designed for different loads. If you still have to resort to such a connection, calculate the peak power of the current that will pass through the conductors at maximum load. It should be within the acceptable range for the weaker wire.

Existing types of twists - a list of commonly used ones

There are dozens of schemes for interweaving single-conductor and multi-core cables together. At the same time, it is extremely important to know that you should always connect wires of the same type, or use special electrical distribution boxes with terminals or screw clamps. These same devices easily combine cores made of different metals. As for twists, there are parallel, serial and branches. The difference between them is the location of the conductors relative to each other. In the first case, the ends are placed side by side, in the second they are brought together, and in the last option we connect the conductor perpendicular to the exposed area.

As for the splicing method, there can be quite a lot of room for action. So, for example, multi-core cables can be pre-twisted at the ends and you will twist the wires correctly as if you had single-core cores in your hands. But it is still better to splice in a sequential manner, first separating the wires at both ends and then weaving them in with oppositely directed turns. Wires with one core each can be twisted in a simple way, groove or bandage. We will examine each of them in more detail.

We twist a stranded wire - the best option

As already mentioned, if there are no terminals, we use twisting, but the main condition for any multi-core cable is maximum contact of all conductors at the connection point. Therefore, having exposed the ends, we twist each of them at the base, a quarter of the length from the insulation, and then spread them apart with a whisk. We do this with each wire, usually you need to make 2 twists of electrical wires to get plus and minus (or zero and phase), less often 3 - if there is another phase or grounding.

For a serial connection, we carefully bring the bundles together in a counter motion so that the rims fit into one another and the wires intersect, even at different arbitrary angles. Next, we begin to twist the wires of one end away from ourselves, and the other towards ourselves, if you look at the cables from the side. In general, they will curl in the same direction, clockwise, when looking at each rim from the joining point.

The parallel connection of electrical wires is performed in almost the same way, only the ends with separated bundles of wires are brought to each other at a slight angle from the side until they intersect. After obtaining the desired contact, we simply weave all the wires into one thick braid. Then, of course, it is advisable to fill the resulting twist with tin, having previously tinned it, but if this is not possible, you can wind the insulation, always in at least 2 layers. For this purpose, special tubes are also used, placed on the wire before connecting.

We connect wires with one core - effective ways

The simple parallel option is the fastest. All that is needed is to connect two wires that need to be twisted together at a certain angle, and then twist them in even turns from the point of intersection. To make a serial connection, you need to slightly bend the bare ends of the wires, bring them together in a counter motion so that they intersect. Then wrap each one around the base of the other, one away from you, and the second toward you, if you look at the cable from the side.

Parallel fastening with a groove is made by curling one conductor around the other at two points - at the base of the stripped core, closer to the insulation, and near its end, which is previously slightly bent. This method gives a fairly smooth and durable installation, essentially consisting of two twists. Serial connection is carried out by mutual braiding of wires bent at the ends with a pass small area. Again, you will get two twists near the insulation itself.

A bandage is made in cases where the wires are too thick and difficult to twist together. In such a situation, the conductors are stripped of insulation and bent 90 degrees at the ends, after which they are connected to each other in parallel or in series. Then a thinner core is taken, also necessarily from a wire with one core, and wrapped in even turns around the mounted areas. Then insulation is applied.

The connection of three wires is no different, you just need to add a third core to one of the first two in a parallel way, and then connect them together using any of the options listed above. The same applies to the fork. The only difference in connecting the side wire to the bare area is that only it will be wrapped in turns, and the main wire will serve as the base. All of the above methods are suitable, including a bandage in a situation where the core of the cable being connected has a too large diameter.

Today, there are many ways to connect wires in a junction box.

Here are the factors that determine the choice of connector:

  1. Core material (copper or aluminum).
  2. Working conditions (outdoors, in an apartment, in water, in the ground, in the floor, normal conditions).
  3. Number of conductors (two, three, four, etc.).
  4. Core cross-section (same, different).
  5. Core structure (single-wire or multi-wire).

Based on these factors, the most suitable and correct method is selected. First, let's look at the materials that can be used to connect electrical wires in a junction box.

Existing methods

The following connection options are considered the most popular and effective:

  • use of terminal blocks;
  • installation of spring terminals (wago);
  • fixation with PPE (plastic caps);
  • crimping with sleeves;
  • soldering;
  • twist;
  • installation of “nuts”;
  • use of bolts.

Let's consider the essence, advantages and disadvantages of each method!

Installation of PPE caps

PPE stands for connecting insulating clips. The products are ordinary plastic caps that have a special spring inside that holds the wires.

Most often, such caps are used to connect cores in junction boxes.

Advantages of using these products:

  • low cost of PPE;
  • caps are made from non-flammable material, so twisting will not occur at the location;
  • quick installation;
  • The caps have a wide range of color shades. For example, if the wires do not have a wire, you can use PPE to mark it (using a white, blue and green cap).


  • relatively poor quality isolation and fixation;
  • It is impossible to combine aluminum with copper.

Crimping with special sleeves

Stranding and insulation

The old “grandfather’s” method consists of twisting the cores together. The essence of the work is that the conductors are stripped and carefully twisted with pliers, after which the twisted area is insulated.


  • simplicity of electrical installation work;
  • no material costs.


  • poor quality of core fastening;
  • The connection of aluminum and copper products is unacceptable.

WITH using existing methods We have figured out the connections of the wires in the box, now we will consider the remaining, important issues of this topic.

What to do if there are several wires?

There are usually no problems when connecting two contacts. But what to do if you need to combine three, four or more at the same time?

  • using wago terminal blocks;
  • crimping with sleeves;
  • soldering;
  • twisting using sizes;
  • twisting and wrapping with electrical tape.

We discussed in detail the order of connecting the wires for each method above. We strongly recommend that you use the first option, because... it is one of the most modern and effective. At the same time, the cost of the vag is not too high, and the wiring lasts more than 30 years.

What to do if the wires are of different sections?

To connect cores of different cross-sections in the distribution box, it is recommended to use the same VAG terminal blocks, or more cheap option– regular terminal blocks. IN in this case you need to carefully tighten the wires with a screw or secure them with a flag, and that’s it, the work is finished.

Please note that if the wires are made of different material, then it is necessary to use special pads with paste inside, which will prevent oxidation of the wires. Such pads include products from Wago.

Also veins different sections can be secured by soldering.

Combining stranded and single-core wires

Connecting single-core and stranded wires separately has no special features, so you can use any of the methods listed above.

In order to carry out fastening, you must choose one of two options: vago terminals or soldering. It all depends on your preference; we have provided the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

How to carry out work in water and land

During electrical installation work, a situation often occurs when it is necessary to fasten electrical wiring under water or in the ground. Now we will briefly look at the features of each case!

In water (for example, when installing submersible pump), it is recommended to use the following technology. To begin with, the ends are soldered, after which the soldering area is carefully insulated with hot-melt adhesive, over which it is placed. If everything is done efficiently and conscientiously, the joint will be airtight and safe. Otherwise, the electrical network may fail.

To connect an electrical wire in the ground (for example, after it mechanical damage), it is recommended to use the method provided above (hot glue and heat shrink), but it is better to play it safe and use the following technique. Clamp the ends of the cable using a terminal block, install a sealed junction box, and then carefully fill the box with special silicone sealant. Please note that the underground route must additionally be placed in a pipe or box to ensure reliable operation!

The electrical network got its name for a reason. It covers all rooms like a web, ensuring the operation of the equipment. To distribute energy between individual connection points (sockets, switches), junction boxes are used. One cable goes into them, but several come out. Required condition safe work electrical network is to twist the wires correctly and accurately. To do this, you can use different methods.

To better understand how to do twisting correctly, let’s figure out what options exist, the order, and the features of their implementation. Electricity is considered one of the communications that “do not forgive” mistakes. The result of illiterate actions is damage to the device, short circuit, or fire. Beginning craftsmen often ask: is it possible to connect the wires in the junction box yourself? Of course, but before that you should take the time to study the rules and features of electrical work.

Wire connection methods

Known different ways tightening wires in a distribution box: crimping, welding, soldering, various clamps. Some require more time, special materials, and equipment. Others are easier to implement, but poor execution significantly reduces their reliability.

Twisting is popular among folk craftsmen. The PUE classifies it as an unreliable method that does not guarantee reliable contact. It is usually used as a temporary option, for example, when checking the functionality of a circuit. In addition, it is considered preferable for sagging, loose networks. Advantages:

  • ease of execution;
  • minimum tools;
  • Easy to disconnect if necessary.

Among the disadvantages, one can highlight the difficulty of working with wires of different sections: the difference in resistance leads to heating of the insulation, its gradual melting. They try not to use this method for multi-core cables, since there is a high probability of a circuit break.

Do not twist copper and aluminum wires: the result will be unreliable, the point of contact will become a source of increased resistance.

The easiest way to twist wires is by twisting the previously stripped ends together. The tools you will need are a knife and pliers. First, a section of the core 5 cm long is cleared of insulation. The bare ends are crossed, bringing the individual parts as close as possible. Then use pliers to rotate the crosshair, bend it in any direction parallel to the main line, and isolate it.

Types of wire connections

You can use another option, when the stripped ends are folded in the middle and interlocked. Then the wires are wrapped together. For reliability, they are crimped with pliers and insulated. Electricians know many methods of twisting: parallel or serial bandage, groove. Correct twist should ensure the most complete fit of the cores.

Electrical tape is usually used for insulation. It is necessary that it extends at least 2-3 cm onto the insulation. You can use a thermotube. It is first put on the cable, then moved, covering the contact point. The tube should tightly grip the wiring, so it is heated a little.

For crimping, you will need a special sleeve, selected for the size of the bundle and the cable material. The stripped ends of the core are inserted into the sleeve, crimped with press pliers, and insulated.

In terms of reliability and quality, welding gives best result. In fact, they get a one-piece structure that is protected from oxidation and rupture. To complete this you will need welding machine, carbon electrode, flux. Step by step instructions implementations:

  • strip the ends of the cable from insulation, bring them to a shine with sandpaper;
  • twist the wiring;
  • fill the recess of the electrode with flux;
  • weld the contact point.

Clean the resulting “ball” from flux and coat it with varnish. Similar actions are performed when soldering. Here the contact is provided by solder melted using a soldering iron.

Twists of copper and aluminum wires

A lot has been written about why copper and aluminum cannot be combined with each other. The consequence of such contact is its heating, subsequent combustion. There are several reasons for this behavior of metals:

  • Difference in thermal expansion coefficients. Metals expand differently when heated and contract when cooled. Therefore, their connection gradually deteriorates.
  • Formation of an oxide film on aluminum. The film prevents the passage of current, the conductor heats up, and the connection is gradually destroyed.
  • Violation of the aluminum structure during electrolysis. Copper and aluminum form a galvanic couple. Under the influence of moisture, dissociation of ions begins, which leads to the destruction of the metal. The resulting shells and voids conduct current poorly and cause heating.

The presence of aluminum wiring in houses leads to the need to combine it with new ones copper conductors. Using simple rules, you can avoid heating the contact and ensure its reliability. When performing twisting, it is important to wrap the conductors around each other. The number of turns is more than 3 for a thick wire, at least 5 for a thin wire (less than 1 mm). The finished connection is sealed with a protective varnish that is resistant to water.

Maximum reliability is ensured by a method in which the copper is pre-coated with solder. This is how they create reliable contact between single and multi-core conductors. To do this, the multi-core wire must first be tinned with solder, it will become single-core.

To make the contact detachable, use a bolt, nuts, and spring washers. All elements are placed on the rod one by one, avoiding the combination of copper wires and aluminum. For example: a conductor with a diameter of less than 2 mm will fit perfectly on an M4 bolt.

The development of electrical engineering has brought new comfortable ways of working with different materials. An example is a terminal block. Its advantages:

  • comfortable;
  • reliable;
  • eliminates contact between bare areas.

The end of the core is stripped of insulation (approximately 5-10 mm), inserted into the hole, and clamped with a screw. The terminal box is indispensable when restoring a broken circuit or connecting a chandelier. It can only be placed in the wall in a junction box.

The Wago terminal block is deservedly popular. It can be disposable or reusable (with a lever). The terminal block works simply: insert the cable with force, it is fixed. Disadvantage: more expensive than other traditional means.

The danger of twisting copper and aluminum wires

Twisting wires of different sections

Often the master is faced with the task of connecting wires in the junction box different diameters. This can be done in several ways: twisting followed by soldering (welding), screw terminals, self-clamping terminals, bolts, nut-type couplers, tinned copper lugs.

The easiest way is to twist wires in a box that are similar in thickness (for example, 4 and 2.5). At big difference It is difficult to ensure quality contact. The wires must wrap tightly around each other, then they are welded or sealed. A strong connection will last for years without complaints.

A reliable contract between conductors of adjacent cross-sections is created by the ZVI screw clamp. The cables are started from different sides, each is clamped with a separate screw. The choice of clamp is made taking into account the characteristics of the conductors and the permissible current. Execution principle:

  • strip the ends by 2-3 cm;
  • insert them into the box;
  • tighten the screws.

If the wires have a large cross-section, you can twist them using a Wago self-clamping terminal. Its peculiarity is the presence of special sockets for each core. Marking the terminal body will help you figure out how many wires you can twist and what cross-section.

Long-lasting contact of wires in the junction box guarantees bolted connection. It allows you to fasten two, three or more wires using nuts, washers, bolts. Step-by-step mounting instructions:

  • strip the core by 3 cm (you should get a full turn);
  • prepare a ring from the core according to the diameter;
  • put a washer on the bolt, a ring of one conductor, another washer, a ring of the second conductor;
  • Place the next washer and tighten with the nut.

This way you can connect several wires together. Their number is limited only by the length of the rod.

The question often arises: how to twist the wires together to branch from the main line in the distribution panel? The solution most often is a branch compression, in common parlance - a “nut”. It allows you to branch a line from it without cutting the main line. For this right place The main part is cleared of insulation, a clamp is attached, and an additional “branch” is inserted. It can also be used to connect two separate cables. When choosing a “nut”, you need to know the cross-section of the main cable and branches. Using compression you can connect copper wire with aluminum.

The body of the “nut” is not sealed. To protect it from moisture, dust, and debris, it should be insulated.

The compression connection procedure is simple:

  • disassemble the housing by removing the retaining rings with a screwdriver;
  • strip the insulation (the length corresponds to the dimensions of the die);
  • loosen the fastening;
  • insert the cores into special grooves on the dies;
  • carefully (without overtightening) tighten the bolts;
  • place the die in the body;
  • close the housing, install retaining rings.

To work with a thick cable, you will need copper-tind lugs and crimping pliers. The connection turns out to be bulky, so you will need to provide enough space in the box for it. A ferrule is put on each core, crimped, secured with a bolt and nut, washer, and insulated (with electrical tape, heat pipe)

Reliable wire connection

Errors when twisting wires

A common mistake when twisting is to wrap one wire around another. This option does not provide the required mechanical strength. The conductors should wrap around each other evenly. It is unacceptable to cheat thin conductor on a thick one, a tight fit cannot be achieved.

The length of the twist depends on the cross-section of the wires. It should be at least 3-5 cm. Options for clutching in a ring, loose fit, or not twisted are unacceptable.

Direct connection of copper with aluminum leads to rapid destruction of the contact. Craftsmen often forget to install an intermediate plate, which will prevent direct contact of metals.

Surely everyone who has dealt with electrical wiring repairs knows how to twist wires. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated in the simplest interweaving of cores, which are then isolated and laid into junction box. But everything is not so simple, because... It is precisely this unreliable method of connection that is one of the main reasons. To your homemade twist served for a long time and was safe, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with simple tips provided below.

What is the danger of such a connection?

Twisting is the simplest and at the same time complex way of connecting wires. Let us immediately note that PUE 2.1.21 () lists all permitted connection methods, and twisting is not among them. It's prohibited!

2.1.21. Connection, branching and termination of wire and cable cores must be carried out using crimping, welding, soldering or clamping (screw, bolt, etc.) in accordance with current instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

If, when twisting, you do not tighten the connected conductors well, the contact will be poor, with high . Even if you tighten it well, the twist may loosen. Such contact will heat up. Moreover, the stronger the more current flows through it. The heating will cause the insulation to “float”, and because of this a short circuit will occur, with all the ensuing consequences - sparks, fire, electric shock!

It’s not for nothing that the rules of the PUE strictly prohibit the use of this method in electrical installation work. Despite this, most electricians, and even experienced ones, use this method in everyday repair work.

If twisting is used, it is only to check the functionality of circuits or to organize very short-term lines, for example, during repairs to connect power tools and other things. But even in this case, it is better to use a variety of terminal blocks.

So, how to twist wires correctly? We'll talk about this now!

Detailed instructions

First, let's consider the simplest option, when it is necessary to connect two single-core conductors of the same metal (for example, copper).

The technology looks like this:

  1. Carefully strip both cores of insulation to about 5 cm. You can also use a special one for this.
  2. We clean the exposed veins to a metallic shine with a knife or sandpaper.
  3. We cross the two wires and twist them clockwise together so that they wrap around each other in a spiral (see diagram below).
  4. We insulate the finished twist using electrical tape. It is also recommended to use, which reliably protects the exposed area from the external environment.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. The peculiarity is that it is necessary to expose the veins by at least 5 cm and twist them with pliers so that there is continuous and reliable contact.

I would also like to give some advice on more difficult situation when it is necessary to twist single-core and stranded wires. In this case, first repeat points “1” and “2” from the instructions provided above. Next, you need to cross the products and carefully wind the stranded wire around the middle of the single-core wire (at a distance of 2.5 cm from the end). When all the turns are wound, the free end of the single-core conductor must be bent with pliers towards the turns, as shown in the photo below. After this, the connection is insulated and placed in the junction box. By the way, in the same way you can make a good twist of two stranded wires.

You should draw your attention to the fact that it is forbidden to twist aluminum and copper under any circumstances.

First and main reason– a galvanic couple is formed between aluminum and copper, as a result chemical reactions, when moisture gets in (it will be there in any case), electrolysis begins and the connection is destroyed. The contact resistance increases until it disappears completely, at which time it begins to heat up and burn. At DC such a connection will collapse especially quickly.

The second reason is copper and aluminum different coefficient thermal expansion, under load, when the contact heats up - the conductors will expand “differently”, and after cooling the twist will weaken and the resistance will increase even more - like a snowball.

The third reason is that oxide always forms on the surface of aluminum. protective film, due to which the contact resistance also increases, therefore, to connect aluminum wires, they are coated with quartz-vaseline paste, and the terminal blocks for them are sold already filled with this paste.

These are the diagrams you can use when twisting wires with your own hands:

An interesting device will allow you to quickly fasten:

Twisting of wires as such is prohibited by the PUE, but if it is used in conjunction with other means, it does not contradict anything:

It is important to note that none of the above options makes the twist waterproof, so if you decide to fasten the conductors under the plaster in the wall, without a box, be sure to insulate the connector.

That's all you need to know about how to properly twist wires with your own hands. We strongly recommend that you use more modern methods, and use twisting only when installing temporary electrical wiring! Do not twist under tension under any circumstances, because today there is no such in a safe way. Any electrical installation work must be done with the lights off!
