Unfavorable days in September influenced by planets. To succeed, you need to act fairly, without ignoring anyone’s interests.

September is the month of purity and summing up, because the master of analysis - Mercury rules the constellation Virgo. The beginning of the month with a cluster of planets on the northern lunar node in Leo may indicate the continuation of lion energies with thunder and lightning, with bright performances and fiery speeches, especially when the transit moon on September 8-9 goes through Aries, but let's start in order.

From August 27 to September 20, Venus moves into the sign of Leo: the desire to get all possible joys from life, the desire to indulge in idle rest and love is born. Feelings are shown openly and demonstratively. These days, the number of romantic meetings, intimate dates, and easy, non-binding affairs is sharply increasing. There will also be a lot of money spent: on gifts, pleasures, entertainment. People become more generous and pamper their children and loved ones with gifts. Possible small profits, occasional unexpected money. Various kinds of speculations are going well, this is also a time of sparkling rhinestones for people of art, famous people. Favorable for presentations, exhibitions, demonstrations.

On September 1, Venus passes the royal degree of Leo - it’s time to buy valuables and jewelry, elegance in feelings, generosity, the desire to shine.

On September 3-4, the transit Aquarius moon creates a tense aspect first to Venus, and then to Mars in Leo - an emotional outburst, whims and extravagance, quarrels.

On the 5th, Mercury becomes direct in its movement and this is pleasing, since a healthy analysis after the events of August will not hurt.

On September 6th, at the full moon (moon in Pisces), Mars moves into the sign of Virgo: a contradictory time when criticism can prevail over a romantic mood. Mars in Virgo is like a bull in a china shop, he is in a hurry to put things in order, put everything in its place, count, audit and record. A business that begins with Mars in Virgo usually progresses slowly, is moderately profitable, but will be constantly subject to changes for improvement and threatens to get bogged down in minutiae. During this period, the role of trade unions increases, issues related to employment, especially emigrants, become more relevant and pressing. In terms of health, Mars can provoke intestinal pain, appendicitis; in September it is undesirable to eat seeds and nuts - in nature, animals store in the fall what is useful in a hungry winter, and in the human body it goes to the reserve zone (appendix).

On September 11th, Mercury also enters its native sign, Virgo, which sets society in an analytical and functional mood.

On September 14th the sun makes an exact square to Saturn in Sagittarius - heartache, vitality problems, encountering obstacles.

On the 16th, Mercury connects with Mars in Virgo at 7 degrees: relationships with friends, sponsors, and guardians deteriorate due to harshness of statements, criticism, intolerance, and nervousness. Disputes, quarrels, conflicts, blackmail, betrayal can lead to a break in relationships. The danger of an accident with a friend, the possibility of his premature death due to the mistake of another person.

On the 20th there is a new moon at 28 degrees Virgo - a time when it is good to make wishes for further materialization.

On September 21, Venus moves into the sign of Virgo: the influence of Venus brings coldness, people are less susceptible to emotions, everything is analyzed and weighed. On the one hand, this impoverishes feelings, on the other hand, it warns against mistakes in choosing a partner. Due to the fact that at this time people attach great importance to little things, the slightest trifle, often not even tracked by consciousness, can cool the developing feelings. On the other hand, excessive criticism also manifests itself in relation to oneself, for example, a person considers himself not attractive enough to care for someone or accept courtship.

On September 22nd, the equinox with the moon in Libra conjunct Jupiter is a great time for successful transactions, as well as for lavish ceremonies.

On the 23rd, the luminary enters the sign of Libra, and the transit moon in Scorpio represents emotional vulnerability.

On the 25th, Mars becomes in exact opposition to Neptune in Pisces - the transit moon in Sagittarius at the apex completes the tauquadrate - conflict situation in the struggle for justice, rallies and scandalous disclosures of deceptions.

On the 28th, Pluto comes out of the loop, connecting simultaneously with the transit moon in Capricorn - the time when you want someone's professional psychological assistance, depressed mood, depression.

Routine work, putting things in order or cleaning can make me sad, but September still breathes the hot bliss of August, the energies of creativity and love are strong. Concentration on relationships with those whom Aries loves. Gradually, going deeper into September, an understanding of the laws of dialectics comes: the transition of quantity into quality. For more windy Aries, nature will remind them of their routine and proper nutrition.

A time of love, a desire to create (manifests itself differently for everyone). Own home can become a creative studio, and the muse, rattling pots in the kitchen, can inspire changes in the design of the house. Taurus - women will want to purchase art objects and bring more into their everyday life bright colors. In love there is healthy criticism and debriefing. The last week of September is dedicated to the “harvest.”

Geminis are masters of the epistolary genre... in September they will write romantic SMS to someone, while simultaneously renovating their house (or moving). There, under the roof own home working deals and signing of important projects may take place; by the end of the month the luminary enters the zone of love and creativity.

Venus and Mars actively mix the ambivalent desire to save and spend in September, gifts also take place. The month is dedicated to an abundant flow of information of various kinds. The last ten days of the month will also bring romantic correspondence or pleasant communication with charming relatives.

Mars will leave the sign of Leo on September 6th, and Venus will continue its path, pacifying the temper of the crowned ones until September 21st. Venus will bring a lot of love warmth and adoration, romance and sensuality. The luminary, in turn, will help you easily obtain food, and gradually other planets will move into the financial zone, which Leos will be incredibly happy about. September will be very velvety for Leos.

Virgo’s functional brains are created for creating projects, but from September 6th, alien, conflict-ridden Mars enters Virgo, bringing in a storm of all sorts of rubbish and aggression. Aggression is not typical for Virgos and therefore they will automatically begin to sort out this rubbish and slow down aggression, however, not everyone can do this and therefore some Virgos may develop health problems. Gradually, over the course of the month, the sign of Virgo will be filled with other planets: Mercury will bring analysis, and Venus will have a lot of charm and softness from the 21st.

Charming Libras are given sympathy and love until the 21st, but September is not the best time for entertainment; September offers Libra a deep analysis of what is happening, acceptance of one’s sins and remission of them, this is a time of withdrawal into oneself. From September 23rd, the luminary enters their sign, illuminating and bringing in the powerful energy of the sun. Libra begins to behave like kings and queens, giving the world aesthetics and beauty, increasing peace and justice.

Mars passing through the sector responsible for friends may indicate a showdown, but the entire month is dedicated to them - precious friends and girlfriends. On the 23rd-24th, the moon passing through Scorpios brings emotional dissonance, but life is good, and they feel it.

September is a little uncomfortable for optimistic Sagittarius due to the tense aspects of the sun and Mars to their constellation; bosses may demand new indicators from Sagittarius or be too critical of them professional activity. In terms of well-being, there may also be complaints about cardiovascular activity. The last week is dedicated to friends.

The velvet season is the right time for travel; business partners may appear from afar with dubious offers; the trips themselves, despite their attractiveness, may carry an underlying conflict. Foreign exchange earnings from partners are possible.

Aquarians have an active zone of extreme activity: you should pay close attention to the fact that injuries and surgery, therefore, it is advisable to exclude all types of extreme recreation. Financial issues with partners and government loans, in the zone of partnership relations there are bright, unforgettable days of the holiday.

A very active month for Pisces in terms of public activities and partnerships; partners are not always gentle towards sensitive Pisces, and sometimes even conflict, but the sign of Pisces is so flexible that even temporary disagreements pass quickly. The last week opens the curtain on the borderliness of existence and the chemistry of magic.

With the eclipses of August thundering, it would seem that it is worth exhaling, but so far there are few prerequisites for this. When considering the prospects for September, it is worth paying attention to the fact that until the very end, eclipses will be active, although their strength is gradually decreasing and by the end of the month we will be able to forget about them. However, new events are on the horizon. Before Jupiter changes signs in October, it will enter into one last contest with the powerful changemaker in our lives, the planet Uranus. We will live through the opposition between them throughout the second half of September and the first part of October. This means that the wave of change that they caused during their first conflict in the spring of this year will rise again and we will once again plunge into the events, or, more precisely, the consequences of the events of those days. At the same time, we do not discount the classical interpretation of this opposition - problems with transport, especially air, a large wave of changes in all spheres of life, growing like a snowball, separations and divorces due to the location of these two planets on the symbolic personal axis (Aries-Libra ).

On the other hand, there is some good news. For example, Mercury will move forward again on September 5th, while it is in a good position for itself, its position until September 30th is very strong, and this may indicate that we will have a way out of the situations that Jupiter and Uranus will present to us we will find it quickly and it will be quite effective and safe for the present and future.

It is also worth paying attention to what we are promised by the lunations of this month. The full moon will occur on September 6 in the sign of Pisces and will fall directly on Neptune, who travels through this sign. In general, the full moon card is quite calm, it contains many references to the strong fiery configuration that took shape in early August and will remain in effect until the second half of September. So the first part of September can be quite dynamic and at the same time constructive, it will allow you to do a lot, but you need to understand that Neptunian notes always bring excessive optimism and even fantasy, which means the first two weeks of the month are wonderful for creative projects, for those things that require a strong emotional attunement and inspiration, but may not be as positive for situations where only logic, reason and a lack of emotional involvement are required.

The New Moon will occur on September 20th in Virgo, at the very end. The New Moon card is more intense. The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus will be in full swing at this time. The new moon point itself is in conflict aspect with Saturn and the Black Moon, and Mercury connects with Mars and this connection argues with the same Neptune, which I already wrote about above. It turns out that the time from September 15 to 25 is very difficult, full of discord, conflicts, and misunderstandings. This is exactly how I understand the connection between Mercury Neptune and Mars - we will not be able to hear each other, perhaps we will attribute a different motive to the opponent and quarrels will arise out of nowhere, on empty space. When Mars has a conflict with Neptune, this means that the will can be suppressed, decisions can be made but not implemented, and our energy is eroded and flows into empty talk. Probably, these 10 days in the second half of September will be the most unfavorable in the month.

By the way, September is notable for the fact that Mercury will conjunct Mars twice. Their first meeting will take place at the very beginning of the month, namely from September 1 to 5. This time is extremely favorable for bright events, communication, in which you need to make a good impression and for all sorts of organized holidays. If you are planning any presentations, negotiations, interviews, then you should consider these few days as the most suitable for this. On September 5th, Mars will change sign and a completely different message will appear. From festive, raging and perky, he will turn into a plowman who is ready to earn his bread to the fullest. You will have to work much more in September than in August and work mainly intellectually, since in the middle of the month there will be another meeting of Mercury and Mars (from September 15 to 18), but this time in Virgo, and there will be no holiday, there will be everyday life, responsibilities and constant voltage.

But with Venus everything is much happier this month. Let me remind you that Venus is considered as the planet responsible for love, harmony and relationships. Until September 20, Venus is in the sign of Leo. This is a rather demonstrative position for the darling of heaven, but it works to our advantage. This means there will be a holiday, bright feelings, romance and love. Venus will manifest itself especially intensely in the period from September 10 to 20. This is the most favorable time for your personal life, for making money, for working on your image. Relationships that arise between September 10 and 15 may be serious and durable. But in the second half of the month, Venus will move into the difficult sign of Virgo and will begin to dictate to us rationalism, logic and excessive criticism in relationships. At the very end of the month she will be in dispute with Neptune, leaving many of us in a state of disappointment and feeling deceived.

The last thing I want to draw your attention to is that this month Pluto turns direct on September 28th. Almost all authors say that the time of rotation of planets is extremely powerful and almost always produces events, and the time of rotation of Pluto will be difficult not to notice, especially if it affects something in the birth chart. We are waiting for a new round of transformations and some significant social events.


Dear friends! The month of August has ended - the month of eclipses, reflections, internal crisis, emotions. I hope you were able to avoid getting involved in other people’s aggressive manifestations and quarrels, devote August to cleansing and postpone important undertakings to September.
September has arrived and now it is important to plan your actions correctly.
Mercury is still retrograde until September 5th, which means buying gadgets, smart technology, it is better to postpone negotiations and conclusion of contracts until September 8. If it is possible to postpone the purchase of an expensive gadget or the execution of an agreement or the opening of a business, then it is better to do this during the period from September 26 to October 13, when Mercury will be in its strongest position. Within this period there is the most favorable and strongest period: from September 26 to October 8. Then you can plan your trips.
to plan important things for several months ahead, check out the forecast for the entire 2017

Mercury retrograde period from August 13 to September 4 good for reading old books, re-listening to past training sessions, putting things in order in documents, files, the computer, completing previously started tasks, meeting with old acquaintances, reviewing and adjusting old ideas and plans, and fulfilling old promises.
from August 25, Saturn returns to its stationary position. Saturn was in a retrograde position for a long time (since April 6, 2017) and slowed down issues of construction, repairs, and landscaping. This means that in September we will have the opportunity to very successfully resolve all these issues. Plan these types of work from September 8th. .
Still aspected by three malefic planets (Saturn, Mars, Rahu) the signs of Scorpio and Leo from August 27 to October 12 will give a certain emphasis to people’s attention in the areas of energy, mysticism, and interest in astrology. People can start playing sports, increasing their level of knowledge and fame, they can worry about children, hobbies, including romantic ones. may be different unforeseen situations. Requires attention regarding health reproductive function, kidneys, intestines, lower back, stomach, pancreas, gall liver, lymphatic system. It is recommended to carry out preventive, health, and cleansing procedures.
Particular attention to emotions, pressure, kidneys, lymphatic system, outflow of fluids from the body on August 30, August 31, September 25, September 26. These are very difficult days for emotional people and people with poor health.
On September 12, Jupiter will move into the sign of Libra. And will remain there until October 11, 2018. This transit is favorable both for starting new relationships and for reviewing or “correcting” existing relationships. Jupiter gives wisdom and understanding.
This will also be a favorable period for the realization of your creative abilities, because Venus, which rules Libra, in addition to the sphere of relationships, is also responsible for beauty, harmony, grace, fashion, creativity and art. Jupiter allows you to peacefully resolve your legal issues with your partners. The period is also favorable for resolving legal issues.
from September 15 take care of your love and relationships. Venus moves into Leo and there may be difficulties in relationships. Stay faithful and love your partner. Any wrong word can cause a scandal. This is valid until September 26th and especially stay calm on September 18th and 19th.
Female representatives, be careful. The period until the beginning of October can provoke aggression from men. Don’t walk alone at night, ask to be escorted to the apartment door, read amulets regularly, lengthen your skirts.
Also, during the period from September 15 to November 2, do not plan to purchase new clothes, new haircuts, cosmetic procedures aimed at changes in appearance, selection of wallpaper or interior items. From October 9 to November 2, it is advisable to completely abandon these plans (including the period is not favorable for marriages, purchasing a car), but in the period from September 15 to October 9, you can buy, but only what you really really liked and fits. Otherwise, you will have to redo the repairs, throw away purchased items, and the procedures will not bring the desired result. Postpone these things to November.

So, the astrological calendar for September:

from September 1 to September 4 waxing moon-period for the beginning of everything that will give its growth;
September 1st is Ekadashi day
September 2-3
September 3 is “winner” day, plan important things on this day
September 4 (from 9:44) - September 5 (until 10:11) - lunar day “empty hands”
6September at 10:02 (Moscow time) full moon Unfavorable time.
from September 7 to September 19 waning moon- finish things, get rid of unnecessary things, pay off debts, cleanse yourself;
September 8th is “winner” day, plan important things on this day. One of the most auspicious days month.
September 9 - lunar day "empty hands" - don’t start anything on this day. Beginnings on this day will not give a positive result; there may be obstacles and obstacles. The day is suitable for cleansing, resting, cleaning.
September 10 is the day of “fullness”, plan important things on this day
from September 12 - Jupiter moves into the sign of Libra and will stay there for more than a year. See. higher.
September 13 – “winner” day , plan important things on this day.
September 14 (until 18:06) - lunar day “empty hands” - don’t start anything on this day. Beginnings on this day will not give a positive result; there may be obstacles and obstacles. The day is suitable for cleansing, rest, cleaning
from September 15 - Venus moves into the sign of Leo. Recommendations for this periodSee. higher.
September 16, the transition of the Sun from the sign of Leo to the sign of Virgo “Kanya Surya Sankranti”- exclude the day from your endeavors; It is better to devote the day to routine activities. You can repeat the mantra: “Ram” or “Om Tat Sat” if important things are coming up.
September 16 is Ekadashi day- plan cleansing on this day and fasting;
September 17 (from 12:12) – “winner” day, plan important things on this day
September 18-19 can be emotional and nervous days.
September 18 (from 10:38) - September 19 (until 09:22) - lunar day “empty hands” - don’t start anything on this day. Beginnings on this day will not give a positive result; there may be obstacles and obstacles. The day is suitable for cleansing, resting, cleaning.
September 19- 30 lunar day, the day of remembrance of deceased ancestors. For those who planned to start working with the family, this is the most favorable day to begin atonement for the sins of the family. Or just stop by the church and light a candle.
September 20 at 08:29 (Moscow time) new moon,- be careful on the roads, emotional and nervous day; Unfavorable time.
from September 20 to September 30, the waxing Moon.
September 20, 21- make wishes;
September 22 – “winner” day, 3rd lunar day, very good for plans, creating dreams, attracting money, plan important things on this day
September 23 (from 08:53) - September 24 (until 10:09) - lunar day “empty hands” " - do not start anything on this day. Beginnings on this day will not give a positive result, there may be obstacles and obstacles. The day is suitable for cleansing, rest, cleaning.
September 25, 26 Moon in Scorpio and Moon in Conjunction with Saturn. - nervous, restless, emotionally difficult days; be careful on the roads, do not get into arguments, do not start anything on this day; Pay attention to the pressure. To soften, you can repeat the mantra: “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.”
September 27 (from 16:39) - September 28 (until 19:06) – “winner” day, plan important things on this day
September 28 (from 19:06) - September 29 (until 21:20) - lunar day “empty hands” - don’t start anything on this day. Beginnings on this day will not give a positive result; there may be obstacles and obstacles. The day is suitable for cleansing, resting, cleaning.
September 30 is the day of “fullness”, plan important things on this day. ONE of the most favorable days of September.
Plan your events taking into account the laws of nature, and then the Universe will give you only positive changes.
. . .
I wish you happiness, wealth, prosperity and harmony.
If it is important for you to know how the planets and lunar days affect you specifically, you can get
consultation with an astrologer on your personal horoscope. .

WITH best wishes, Irina Galskaya

The beginning of autumn will bring long-awaited peace and tranquility, which will be especially welcome after the heavy August eclipses. In September, we will finally feel relief, an improvement in our physical and emotional state, we will be able to manage our own lives, personally influence various situations and will not be subject to the karmic influence of eclipses. But I want to warn you that at the very beginning of September - from September 1 to 6, we will still feel the influence of retrograde Mercury and the negative aspects of Mars, which will be expressed in deception, illusions and uncertainty. There is a danger of making wrong decisions and falling for someone’s bait. It is very important to distinguish between false and true information.

This period also coincides with the full moon in Pisces. At this time, unspent energy may bubble within us, which makes it easy to lose self-control. Your health may suddenly deteriorate. You should be wary of road accidents and nervous disorders. Avoid quarrels and strong feelings. It is very important during this period not to lose the ability to look at things realistically. We begin to idealize reality, perceive insults more acutely, react to every random word and even harmless jokes. If possible, do meditation, relax by the water, and relieve nervous tension.

After September 6, thanks to the Sun in the earth sign of Virgo, we will begin to succeed in all things that are related to the disclosure of creative abilities. The period from September 6 to September 22 is a time when we will be able to take and give more, and become stronger physically. Venus and Mars in Leo call us to take action, help us start new things, help us make changes in our personal lives and at work. This period of increasing enthusiasm, ambition and self-confidence is favorable for the implementation of projects, trips, flights and successful career advancement. Even if at the beginning of September some things do not work out the way you planned, do not give up under any circumstances, do not rest on the result obtained. In September we will be able to correct and redo a lot - if only we have the desire! During this period, much will depend on us, our perseverance, our diligence and faith in victory and success. You must show persistence and courage, defending your ideas and interests, actively act and believe in yourself.

It will be easier for us than in previous months to find a common language with management and influential persons. Work that requires mental and creative effort will work well. Thoughts will be clearer and clearer, new ones will visit us original ideas. Before September 5, you should not conclude contracts or transactions, but you need to actively prepare for this by carrying out preliminary work. In September there will be one of the most favorable aspects– Jupiter sextile to Saturn, which makes this period one of the most favorable for any changes and endeavors. We need to be practical and firm in our decisions, not to be afraid decisive action. In business, try to show punctuality, hard work and determination. September will give us many good prospects and opportunities. Any of our active actions will lead to significant results, so this month the main thing is to adhere to an active life position, show perseverance and enterprise.

The planets have prepared the main prize for those who turn out to be truly strong and determined. Be ready to learn and adopt experience, willingly communicate and improve, especially professionally. Mid-September is the best time to start a new project, expand and reorganize your business. For those who love bright adventures, September may seem a little boring and too calm, since no extraordinary events are expected. But those who enjoy predictable situations will be able to successfully plan and enjoy in perfect order in business. The Sun in Virgo enhances qualities such as composure, consistency and determination.

September will be beneficial not only for your career, but also for your personal life. It will be favorable for relaxation, romantic trips, picnics and walks, interesting trips. But beware of making rash promises under the influence of feelings. September is a great time for “sighs under the moon” and declarations of love. Promising aspects of Mars, Jupiter, the Sun and Venus will help single people find their soulmate, and those who have already tied themselves into family ties will receive true pleasure from love, mutual understanding and the heartfelt participation of loved ones.

The culmination of the favorable influences of the planets will be the day of the Autumn Equinox, which falls on September 22 this year. From an energy point of view, this day is very significant and important. We are given a chance to change our destiny and make our lives happier.

Various types of negotiations are especially good at this time, since the stars favor openness and communication. It is ideal for reconciling with loved ones, finding a common language with everyone, engaging in commercial activities, undergoing interviews, and changing jobs.

Try to celebrate this day in a special way by preparing something delicious. A pie with cabbage or meat is best. Place bunches of rowan berries along with leaves in vases - they protect against negativity and help against insomnia. Invite guests, cover beautiful table, spend the summer and joyfully welcome autumn.

Immediately after the day autumn equinox A relatively difficult period will begin, which will last until September 26. Already on September 23, the planets will introduce a certain tension into our actions. Possible mistakes at work, bad news, difficulties in trade, enmity, disputes, quarrels, debts, loss of official papers, documents, deterioration of financial affairs. Avoid long journeys. This may be a time of internal conflict and self-disappointment. In order to soften the effects of the aspects and live calmly through this unfavorable period, you should learn to completely “control” yourself. Your emotions shouldn't come out. You need to deal with things in depth and not waste time on trifles and unnecessary worries. Exercise caution and discretion.

Fortunately, the unfavorable period will not last long. Already on September 27, peace and tranquility, which are so characteristic of auspicious September, will be restored. At this time, the Sun will already move into Libra, which will help personal matters and communication with loved ones. This period will be the most successful for those who are prudent and diligent, and do not have the habit of putting things off “until tomorrow.”

The final days of September will be an excellent time to learn new knowledge and skills. Do not waste time on your own development, on reading and spiritual growth. The end of September is the best time to sign up for courses, trainings, and learn something new. September is one of the most favorable months in 2017, so try to make the most of its potential.

How will this month turn out for people of different zodiac signs?

ARIES. September is a fairly busy time for most Aries. They will have to devote a lot of attention and effort to work, show responsibility in relationships with colleagues and superiors, and also fulfill past obligations. By showing wisdom and restraint, many Aries will pass the test of maturity. This will allow them not only to significantly improve their financial situation, but also to raise their authority to a new level. They will achieve this thanks to their activity, talents, creative attitude to work, and charm.

TAURUS. At the beginning of autumn, Taurus lays the foundation for their material well-being. The first days of the month are favorable for travel and business contacts. You will succeed in many things; purchases made during this period will delight you for a long time: they will turn out to be successful and useful. In general, the whole of September will be favorable for you, your vitality and creative activity will increase, and you will be able to work on long-term plans with tripled energy.

TWINS. The first week of September is good for travel and business contacts. You will be able to complete the tasks started in August and unfinished due to various unfavorable factors. At the same time, family problems may worsen. In the second half of the month the situation will become more harmonious. Like-minded people and friends will help you out with money, help you get away from troubles, understand the causes of ongoing conflicts, and avoid them in the future. Gemini will have to reconsider their past obligations, perhaps change the environment, improve relationships with employees at work, friends and close relatives.

CANCER. The public recognition that some Cancers have been striving for for so long will finally come to them in September. Their intellectual potential will increase, their efficiency will increase, they will be able to plan the future, and reach a new level of communication. Therefore, Cancers need to use the beginning and middle of the month as efficiently as possible for all types of communication, short trips, and expansion of connections. By the end of the month, many Cancers will be able to significantly advance in their careers, in business, and improve their social status.

LION. Favorable month comes for Lviv who want to improve their financial situation, buy real estate, a car and use their talents for their own benefit. You just need to devote more time and skill to your professional duties, be more attentive in your work, and kinder to your colleagues. The wave of success may slightly overwhelm you, and, feeling a huge surge of strength, you will try to act more independently, independently. Small and large investments of money will be successful. The end of the month is calm and harmonious.

VIRGO. The first week of the month is mostly harmonious. In September, Virgo's intellectual activity will be quite high. high level, and life potential, natural optimism and sexual attractiveness will make it possible to identify your ill-wishers and secret supporters. In the second half of September, Virgos, using their personal charm, will be able to rely on allies and put an end to past troubles. At the end of the month, most Virgos will feel very confident. This is a very favorable time for them.

SCALES. Stormy, active life It is simply contraindicated for Libra in early and mid-September. This period is extremely unfavorable for you, so it is better not to make new plans or try to predict the future. The peak of tension and serious obstacles occur in mid-September. IN last week September, most Libra will be able to very effectively get involved in new projects and plans and achieve success. Their personal charm will increase.

SCORPION. The increased intensity of communication with friends, colleagues, and associates will be very productive, which will allow Scorpios to perceive the beginning of the first month of autumn as very favorable. To achieve positive results, you will have to work with the highest efficiency. In the middle of the month there will be a decline in business activity, and if you work under constant overload, your chronic diseases may come to light. So take a closer look own health, but do not self-medicate - go to the doctor.

SAGITTARIUS. September will be successful in terms of financial success and professional growth for Sagittarius. You will be able to implement your plans with minimal labor costs. The end of the month will be especially favorable for you. Many will significantly expand their life prospects, meet with success in a variety of areas, and find reliable partners.

CAPRICORN. In the first half of the month, you may have conflicts with others due to differences in views. But in the future, the whole of September promises good prospects for Capricorns. Your circle of communication will expand. Your creativity will begin to grow. For Capricorn men, Aries women can become reliable partners. Any of your undertakings, meetings, trips and travels will have positive long-term consequences at this time.

Further - more: the conjunction of the Moon and Uranus will activate the processes launched during the August eclipses, and the transition of Venus into Virgo will reward you with motivation for changes.

September 2: Mars trine Uranus

The time has come for the implementation of new projects. But don't rush to do it just yet take quick steps towards a new goal, think and weigh your strengths, review your resources. Considering the reverse movement of Mercury, it is not yet the right time for new activity, but nevertheless, you will be able to plan the step-by-step implementation of a new goal.

Consult more with those who have a different point of view than yours or their own original experience in solving a problem. The time is also suitable for charging talismans and amulets for good luck - it is preferable to work with money and career issues.

September 3-17: Mercury in the loop makes an aspect to Mars and Uranus trine

All this time, unexpected ideas may come to you, unexpected new things of a positive plan may appear.

September 4-5: Sun-Neptune opposition

This time is fraught with confusion. People don’t want to see the root of problems in themselves; they attribute failures to circumstances, intrigues, negative influences (“it’s not me who’s an alcoholic, it’s the damage they brought on me”). It’s impossible to adequately evaluate your actions, so be careful.

September 5: Mars ingression from Leo to Virgo

The time for grand gestures is coming to an end. You need to stop doing everything on a grand scale - there will be no benefit from such activity. The time of “fine work”, scrupulousness, and attention to detail begins. You need to measure seven times before doing something, and when you do it, carefully work out the details: a carelessly done little thing can become a serious hindrance.

September 6: Mercury turns direct

Before going straight, Mercury seems to freeze in one place. Just today. During these hours, there are more traffic jams, ATMs and terminals do not work more often, and interruptions in the Internet and mobile communications occur.

Even though Mercury finishes “backing up” and starts going straight, its loop does not end! From today until September 19, he will repeat the path he followed in August.

Issues that were stalled in August will begin to be resolved. Old affairs that reminded of themselves in August-early September will develop, it will become clear whether they will continue (for example, if you recently met some old acquaintances whom you have not seen for a long time, it will become clear whether communication will continue ).

The solution to business problems and financial issues receives the green light, and the obstacles that prevented us from moving forward gradually disappear. New acquaintances are relevant now, and this applies not only to business matters, but also to love affairs. Expand your social circle, sign up for clubs and trainings, and engage in targeted activity on the Internet.

A great day to start an Internet project that will generate profit in the long term. It’s also good to charge talismans and amulets - money, career, love. You can engage in practices of attracting love.

September 6: Full Moon in Pisces

A difficult Full Moon, full of emotions and forebodings. Spill out very easily harsh words, arguments arise out of the blue, and after them it is difficult to reconcile and apologize. On this day, due to the opposition of the Sun with Neptune, it is very easy to attribute non-existent qualities to a partner, both with a plus and a minus sign.

If something doesn’t suit you, then don’t brush your thoughts aside, but don’t immediately start sorting things out. It’s better to start analyzing the causes of your problems and think about why not everything in life turns out the way you would like.

A very suitable time for corrective practices - harmonization, getting rid of loneliness, attracting love.

It is not advisable to spend this Full Moon actively - activity will exhaust you. It is best to devote this day to meditation to understand your deepest desires.

September 9: Moon conjunct Uranus

On this day, the changes that were started during the Solar Eclipse on August 21 are activated. A very important day, it affects almost everyone.

September 9-10: Sun-Pluto trine

The aspect will add energy to everyone. Good days for acting in the interests of a large group of people, finding group support, managing a crowd.

September 12-13: Venus-Saturn trine

An astro-event strengthens feelings and helps to take issues of aesthetic choice, comfort, and beauty seriously. Decisions in these matters will be thoughtful and mature.

You can buy beautiful things, go to art exhibitions, decide on your sympathies for people.

September 13: Falling square of the Moon

People face consequences for their actions. It is no longer possible to change anything. If your mistakes and mistakes of the recent past led to failure on this day, you should not fight the circumstances, but show wisdom: look at what is happening and draw conclusions.

September 13-14: Sun-Saturn square

These are unfavorable days for taking important steps because you will encounter obstacles in the process. These days are difficult primarily for those who are focused on career heights and solving professional problems. It may turn out that the desired promotion is delayed or the reward finds someone else, bypassing you.

At this time, it is undesirable to take initiative if you really have nothing to support your achievements with.

But if you have specific numbers and facts in your hands, go ahead and decide to talk with management about a promotion or salary. But don’t try to put pressure on the complaint by talking about your problems. Only facts that speak about your high professionalism. You should also be careful with money on this day, avoiding taking out loans and expensive, unnecessary purchases.

September 15-16: Venus-Jupiter sextile

Gives you a good mood, and if you work hard, good luck.

September 18: Venus-Uranus trine

Brings unexpected favorable turns in personal life and financial affairs. Promotes the perception of new things in terms of beauty and art. You can go to contemporary art exhibitions. It’s worth going to the store if you want something, but it’s not clear what: you will definitely become interested in something unusual, this will lead to interesting results.

September 20: New Moon in Virgo. Venus enters Virgo

For those who have been languishing for a long time waiting for sufficient motivation to start something new, this is a great time. If you are definitely tuned in to your goal, you know how to go towards it, and you just don’t have enough energy for the first step - this is the right day. The atmosphere in personal life and financial sphere is changing.

People become more rational and restrained both in feelings and in money. Little things that you shrugged off with a sweeping gesture while Venus was in Leo become of great importance.

You can solve any pressing problems - personal, financial, related to your profession. Take into account the positive influence of Venus in Virgo - it will be easier for you to manage contacts with difficult people, but you are also required to reduce your level of criticality.

You can worry about image issues, take care of your figure - join a gym, go on a diet, or try practices to increase attractiveness. And of course, the New Moon is a great time to remove energy negativity, recharge talismans, and practice wish fulfillment.

On the same day, the opposition of Mercury and Neptune helps to distinguish lies. But this requires inner honesty, and the desire to fall into self-deception will be very great.

September 22: Sun ingress from Virgo into Libra

The Sun in Libra brings relationships with people to the fore, creates situations in which you need to negotiate, find a compromise, act together with someone. Situations are most often ambiguous; you need to be able to look at them from different angles, not rush to a decision, and weigh everything.

To succeed, you need to act fairly, without ignoring anyone's interests.

On the same day, the trine of Mercury and Pluto will bring a flow of information and contacts, and what’s nice is that you will have time to process everything.

September 23-25: Mars-Neptune opposition

It increases intolerance and fanaticism in people, and in men it increases the tendency to cheat. Deceptions and intrigues prevent you from doing anything.

September 24: Jupiter-Uranus opposition begins

The influence of the astro-event will continue into October. This is an aspect that affects not individuals, but society as a whole. The destruction of stereotypes, a conflict between public opinion and reforms, and a sudden collapse of authority are likely.

September 25: Mercury square Saturn

Disputes and conflicts on this day will not lead to good things, even if you win them. Try to spend this day “on your own wavelength,” doing only things that do not require involvement in group work. It’s better not to catch the eye of management unnecessarily, even if your work is impeccable.

But it’s worth understanding yourself, especially in matters related to changing jobs or professions. A good time to learn new skills.

You can also start revising documents and putting your affairs in order. The main thing is to take your time, because in a hurry you can miss something important. A good day for practices aimed at increasing material well-being and getting rid of obstacles on the way to it.

September 28: waxing square of the Moon

People become as active as possible. Also from this day until the Full Moon (in October) there will be the most active events.

September 29-30: Venus-Neptune opposition

A busy time for those who prioritize love and personal life. This is the right moment in order to thoroughly begin to sort out the “blockages” in relationships, analyze the reasons and find out what is hidden from your eyes.

Intuition is working at full capacity today, and you are unlikely to miss its clues. Just don’t rush to voice complaints to your partner just yet, although you will be able to find out something better and better understand his behavior.

If something worries you, then you should honestly tell him about your fears. Without slipping into manifestations of jealousy and mistrust, talk about your internal problems and feelings. But be prepared to “pause yourself” at any moment and listen to the other person.

Today is a great day for love fortune-telling and corrective practices: charging love talismans, getting rid of loneliness, attracting love, harmonizing relationships, increasing attractiveness.

Another important point of this day: no experiments with finances - loans, large purchases and even updating your wardrobe today will not bring you the expected results.

September 30: Mercury ingress from Virgo to Libra