How many degrees of frost withstands cabbage seedlings. Cauliflower, growing

Delicious I. vitamin rich white cabbage is very popular among gardeners and is grown by almost every cottage plot. This culture is rather unpretentious, but that the Cochanists are large and tight, it is necessary to know all the nuances of growing white cabbage, as correct and at what distance to plant cabbage seedlings in open sad And how to properly care for her after landing and throughout the season.

When you can plant cabbage into the ground

Dates of planting seedlings in the soil depend on the grade of cabbage white-baked:

  1. Early varieties You can plant in early May, when five leaves appear at seedlings. In Siberia at this time, it is still not warm enough, so the landings are engaged in about mid-May.
  2. Mediterranean grades It should be planted in 40-45 days after the seedlings appear. By this time, seedlings with a height of 15-20 cm should have from four to six leaves. In the ground, seedlings can be planted from mid-May until the beginning of June.
  3. Late varieties It is recommended to plant in the ground since mid-May, when there will be 4-6 leaves at seedlings, and it will reach the age of 30-35 days.

By folk signs The seedlings of late white cabbage can be planted when four sheets appear on nettle and sprouts. The cabbage to the ground can be engaged in the appearance of the kidneys.

Is the cabbage of frosts afraid? Capping seedlings with four leaves is not afraid of a short-term decrease in temperatures up to -4 degrees. The air temperature should be not lower than +8 .. + 10 degrees. At such a temperature of the soil on the site warms up, and it will be possible to plant seedlings. Therefore, when to plant cabbage in the Urals, in Siberia, Moscow region and other regions directly depends on weather conditions. In the regions with a warm climate where it is already warm in early spring, culture grown not ensure, and seed seeds right to bed.

Landing of white cabbage in open ground

Choose a plot and prepare the soil

Soil for white cabbage should not be acidic. If the ground on the clay or clay and sandy area, then the right acidity is 7.0 pH, the acidity of sandy soil should be about 6.0 pH.

Plot for planting culture should be well covered throughout the day. Lightly planted seedlings will begin to stretch out that it will negatively affect its further development.

After that, squeeze the cabbage into open ground?

The best predecessors are the following cultures: legumes and eggplants, carrots and peppers, pumpkin cultures and tomatoes, leek repka and potatoes.

It is impossible to plant a cruciferous culture after any kind of cabbage cultures (actual cabbage and mustard, radish and tour, repka and radishes).

Because the cabbage loves the fleece and other pests, on one bed or nearby, it is recommended to plant the frightening insect plants. These include:

  • spices;
  • nasturtium;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • tansy;
  • marigold.

Soil fertilizer

How to grow good cabbage ? To do this, carefully prepare the beds and provide plants with nutrients.

If the soil on the site has increased acidity, then add it to it dolomite flour or chalk.

Since cabbage loves organic fertilizers in spring for each square meter The site is made by the bucket by humoring, after which the garden is not very deeply loosen again, and the soil is spoiled by the back side of the robber.

Scheme of planting cabbage white in open ground

The distance between the plants depends on the variety of culture:

  1. Hybrids and early grades planted according to the scheme - 30x40 or 35x45 cm.
  2. Mediterranean grades According to the scheme - 50x60 cm.
  3. Late varieties Located with a distance of 60x70 cm (between copies and rows).

Since the leaves and the cochanists of the vegetable will grow, it is not recommended to thicken the landing.

Preparation of seedlings

To disembarking in open ground plants, you need to prepare correctly. For this, a week before landing, they are started to endure on open balcony or plot and exhibit where there are no drafts and direct sun ray.

On the first day, seedlings are hardened no more than one and a half hours, increasing the time for its location on open air Every day for several hours. If warm on the street is already even at night, in the last two days, the seedlings are left on the street around the round.

For the best survival of seedlings two days before disembarking, seedlings are fed by a solution of fertilizer of Kemira Suite. You can use any other fertilizer that contains potassium. This element contributes to the best survival of plants after disembarking.

Wells for cabbage

To get a good harvest, it should be properly digging and make suitable fertilizers in the wells. The size of the well should be slightly larger than the earthen com with the root cabbage system.

Fertilizers contribute to each dug hole:

  • wood ash - 50 grams;
  • humus - 2 handsties;
  • peat and sand - 1 handstone;
  • nitroposka - ½ teaspoon.

Fertilizers are pre-stirred from the ground and only then added to the wells, otherwise they burn the roots of the plants. Fertilous wells are abundantly watered so that in their day it turned out.


The cabbage seedling gently get out of a seedlings along with a lore land. If seedling grows in common drawerYou should use a small spatula and dig each bush along with the soil.

The seedling is placed in the hole, the roots pour out the ground to the first real leaves, the land is slightly condensed and watered.

White cabbage: Growing and care

Cabbage loves to grow on well-lit plots, but the first time from the sun's rays, the seedlings should be covered with nonwoven material or newspapers.

If freezes are expected at night, protect your landings with nonwoven material or film. If the film is used, it is removed on her day, otherwise the plants burn. And here nonwoven material Protects seedlings from the cabbage flew, so the cabbage can be covered around the clock.

Watering cabbage

In the open ground, a lot of moisture is needed. In the first days after landing, the cabbage seedlings are watered daily, especially if it is warm weather and there is no rain.

Rooted and grown plants in hot weather without rains watered once every two or three days, and if sunny days Almost no, then you can restrict ourselves to watering once every five to six days. Regular precipitation will reduce the frequency of irrigation.

It is necessary to ensure that the soil under the bushes has always been wet, but not wet. It will help keep moisture in the ground and at the same time the mulch plants at the same time, which is best to use a peat with a layer of five centimeters.

Belococcal cabbage, which is supposed to be stored in winter, three weeks before harvesting is stopped watering. During this time, fiber should be accumulated in Kochanni, and they will be better stored.

Soil loosening and emptying cabbage

Plants will grow well and will turn out large, if after irrigated or rain the land on the garden to loosen, and the stem cabbage is inhaling. The loosening is necessary that air flowed to the roots, and after dipping on the stem, new roots will begin to grow, due to which the plant will be saturated with nutrients more.

The first dipping of cabbage is spent ten days after disembarking seedlings in the ground. The second time is plunged in ten days. The third diplocking is carried out if the kochevi begins to fall. After irrigated, the land from the stalks is washed away, which is why it is recommended to dip the cabbage after you are plenty of plants.

Cabbage feeding

After planting to the ground, the first feeder is carried out after seedlings come true and the leaves will begin to grow. At this time, the cabbage needs nitrogen. A nutrient solution for five or six plants is prepared from 10 liters of water and 10 grams of ammonia sellery. Instead of ammonia nitrates, you can use the chain of the infusion of cow manure, in which there is also a lot of nitrogen. It is preparing from hodge-and-water and water (1:10), after which it is about two weeks.

When you start tidabying, the cabbage fertures phosphorus and potassium. On 10 liters of water will need:

  • potassium sulfate - 8 grams;
  • double superphosphate - 5 grams;
  • urea - 4 grams.

Instead of industrial fertilizers, you can use rich in potassium and other minerals wood ashes, prepare an infusion (on 10 liters of water - 1 cup of ash). Before use, infusion is well stirred.

Pest Cabbage Processing

Protect seedlings from pests immediately after landing into the ground. Since the chemical drugs are not desired, folk remedies are used to protect plants and destroy pests:

  1. From flew and slug Immediately after disembarking, seedlings are twisted with tobacco dust and is covered with nonwoven material.
  2. From caterpillars and phon You can get rid of the infusion of tomato treasure or onion husks.
  3. Cabbage larvae and scoops They love to eat ants. They can be attracted by syrup of jam or honey, which is poured into a capacitance-affected in bed.

Score pests from white cabbage smell spicy herbal (Rosemary, kinse, mint, basil) and velvetsev.

Diseases of cabbage Belokochante

From diseases culture most often amazes:

  • keel;
  • blackleg;
  • false puffy dew;
  • gray and white rot;
  • fusariosis;
  • risoctonyosis.

About the signs, prevention and treatment of all these diseases is described in detail in our article "". Since all types of cabbage are amazed among the same diseases, you can go over the highlighted link and study them in detail.

So that the diseases as small as possible hit the cabbage, do not forget to observe crop rotation and agrotechnik, processed planting material and soil.


The white cabbage is digging together with the root, and the day dried under the canopy. Digitious, argued with beetles and small cochanists will not be stored, so they are immediately used in food or processed. Suitable for storage of vegetables for two centimeters below the Kochan is cut off the basses. Below should remain three or four listers.

Attention! Cabbage harvesting should be carried out before the temperature at night becomes less than -2 degrees, otherwise the kochans are freezed.

How to store cabbage in winter

Cabbage storage is needed high humidity, good ventilation And the air temperature is within -1 .. + 1 degree. That is why Cochans are stored in the cellar, after turning the walls in it negained lime And opacing gray.

So that the white cabbage is preserved as long as possible, there are several ways to store:

  1. Put wooden lattice boxes on the shelves and folded back in them.
  2. They are associated with twine two kochan and hang under the ceiling.
  3. Vegetables are stored with filled ground.
  4. Cocheans wrap up with paper, placed in a plastic bag and stored on the shelf or suspended. The package is not necessary.
  5. Perfectly stored under the ceiling of Cochanis in clay. They are pre-made in the clay solution, after which they dried. The clay solution must have a dough consistency for cereals.

In the absence of cellar, the cabbage can be stored in a vegetable separator of the refrigerator or on a glazed loggia with a suitable temperature. Casuals are pre-wrapped in paper and placed in a package that is tied, but not tight. In such conditions, the cabbage will be stored for about two months.

Now you know how to grow a white cabbage in an open soil. Observing the agricultural engineering and protecting landing from pests and diseases, you will get a good harvest of vegetables, which not only enough for salads, but also to salting.

Cauliflowerlike many other cultures has own time Maturation. You can not break them if you want to get vegetables normal size, with excellent taste, which will be kept for a long time. Much in this business depends on the variety. In practice, the harvest should be removed as head ripes. When to clean the cauliflower with a bed, what factors pay attention to how to properly cut vegetables?

Since culture loves warmth, many gardeners are interested, whether the autumn frosts are terrible? When the temperature drops below 8 degrees of heat, small heads have consistently at the base. Later they turn into the so-called spare shoots. There is even a stop of the growth of primary inflorescences.

Save the heads easy. They need in this case assembly and ripening in the conditions of the room. If within the greenhouse it will be able to stably maintain the temperature at the level of + 10 degrees, then there are also a lot of chances of cauliflower.

Video "Secrets of Good Harvest"

From the video you will learn how to grow excellent yield Cabbage.

Terms of collection

When can I collect harvest with beds? Dates vary depending on validity and the degree of maturity head. When choosing a variety, you are advised to make sure that it is a self-consecutful. Otherwise, the growing heads under the influence of the scores of the sun can easily change the color and crumble ahead of time. Some types of vegetable have to be dialed. For this, the wide sheets of culture are rolled, the bundles are made, which will serve as shelter. For many hybrid varieties It does not have to do this, because their foliage is able to climb on inflorescences on their own.

Early varieties to which Fruit, Alrania, White Perfection are perfected, permissible in mid-June. As for the middle-easier - Amethyst F1, Yarik F1, Bianca, then get the crop data of varieties is possible until mid-July. Since the timing of the ripening of such vegetables declared on the packaging of seeds is 100-135 days.

Late varieties can be removed in autumn. Since for their full-fledged aging passes about 5 months. They advise planning for harvesting 2 - 3 approaches. Inspecting the cochanists, you can cut down the root that is already matured. The formed specimens usually have in diameter 8 - 13 cm. The maximum weight of each head is 1, 5 kg. If you harvest a harvest on time, the vegetable not only loses valuable taste and beneficial substances, but also becomes yellow, swells, starts to acquire purple tint. The average harvest timing - from June to August. Normally, cauliflower has a dairy-white or light cream color. Heads must have normal density and relief.


It is best to start cleaning kochanov when the street is dry and cloudless weather. The collection is recommended to test from lunch, and no later than until 19 o'clock in the evening.

Do not cut cabbage after the rain. She quickly loses its characteristic pleasant aroma and taste, and will also be kept bad. Cabbage prefers moisture and the presence of warm weather only during its active growth. With the onset of frosts of Kochary, it is better to remove for storage to the room.

The misunderstanding heads are necessarily digging with the root system and the earth. They advise you to remove the harvest of your favorite vegetables when there are above 15 degrees of heat.

How to cut?

Trim heads easily succeeded with a knife. You can stop the choice on a sharp and small hatch. But it is not so easy to cut off the required amount of the stem. It is better not to use the secret, since they are unlikely to be able to make a smooth cut. Preferably garden gloves to protect hands. Cut off the cabbage so to leave the narry no more than 3 cm. Usually capture a couple of leaves. After collecting vegetables, they should be removed as quickly as possible to storing away from the sun's rays. Otherwise you can harm not only appearance, but also food value of this beautiful vegetable.

Practice shows that cabbage having the average and late maturation dates that were collected in autumn period, it is preserved better than caused in the summer. Cauliflower can be used to prepare various dishes, preserve and freeze. It is necessary to choose dense heads with the characteristic color, on which there are no inside the sprouted leaves, on short blooms.

Video "harvest and storage"

Depending on the ripening period, the cabbage differ and the timing of it is sowing - remember this.

2. Purchase quality seeds

Not least from the seed will depend on the quality of the seedlings, and therefore the crop of cabbage. Therefore, take a good sowing material.

On how to buy seeds properly, not to purchase an overdue, lost to the germination due to improper storage or in general the counterfeit sowing material is described in detail in publications:

3. Preparation of the correct soil

To grow strong seedlings Cabbage, you need to properly prepare a nutritional soil. Ideally soil for capping seedlings You need to cook since the autumn, but if for some reason you did not have time, you can do it now. Mix 1 pieces of the turf land and, add a bit (10 tbsp. Spoons for every 10 kg of soil) and mix the substrate well. In this case, the ash will be the source of not only micro and macroelements, but also an excellent antiseptic that can prevent the appearance on the cabbage seedlings.

Of course, you can prepare any other nutrient soil mixture - not only on the basis of the turf, but also, for example. The main thing is that the resulting soil is breathable and fertile. And also, preparing the soil mixture for the cabbage seedlings, never use the garden land, which previously grown cruciferous cultures: it certainly has infections characteristic of cabbage, and the likelihood of getting seedlings increases at times.

And in this video, our expert Tatyana shares his experience of compiling soil for seedlings:

As you can see, the land from the garden is really undesirable.

Want to know about the subtleties of compilation of soil for seedlings even more? Then read these articles:

4. Choosing the optimal period of sowing cabbage seedlings

It makes no sense to sow seedlings of cabbage in early January - it is too early, or at the end of May is too late. This capital truth knows every gardener. But, at least, approximate timing of seeds are known to us, sometimes it is difficult to determine a specific date. Let's all in order.


  • cabbage early grades must be evicted to seedlings from the beginning of March to about 25-28 months,
  • seeds of medium grades can be sowing approximately from March 25 to April 25,
  • well, cabbage late varieties - From the beginning to the 20th of April.

If such a duration of sowing cabbage seeds seem overly blurred and incomprehensible, then you will appreciate the recommendations from the article - it describes the algorithm to help calculate optimal deadlines Sowing precisely for your conditions.

Well, I will give another hint: Determine the period of sowing cabbage to seedlings can be based on the fact that from time to seeding seeds before the appearance of germs goes around 10 days (plus-minus a couple of days), and from the appearance of shoots before the disembarkation must pass 50-55 days. Based on this, it is necessary to sow cabbage to seedlings for 60-65 days until the desired landing in the ground.

Choose seeds for sowing cabbage to seedlings will help you with our market, where the proposals of the largest online stores are collected. .

Thanks to unacceptable manipulations, you can almost exclude dangerous disease Cabbage (such as a black leg, and so on) already in a repentance, and therefore, we will be able to grow healthy and strong seedlings.

If you have already acquired the processed seeds (it must be specified on the package), it will be enough to warm them in 20 minutes hot water (at a temperature of about +50 ° C). Warming up seeds, 5 minutes Cool them in cool water - so you will increase the resistance of the cabbage to various fungal diseases. Just keep in mind: you can not wet all seeds processed by the manufacturer! For some species, this is completely unacceptable, therefore, so as not to be mistaken, read about which applies, and what are their features.

6. Right sowing

It would seem that there is to bother: the seed bought, I prepared the soil and go ahead - this, as you want. Not certainly in that way. So that the cabbage seedlings were strong and chorenny, it is better to grow it from - only then the volume of its roots will be large, the seedlings themselves will grow more squat and strong, and it is easier to transplanting on permanent place. How to sow cappist?

Seeds early cabbage You need to carve into a tray or set. Before sowing the soil, we pour out well, and we try more not to moisten until shoots appear - this will warn the disease of the seedlings with a black leg. Why water the soil before sowing abundantly? The thing is that for germination, cabbage seeds need a lot of water - about 50% of their weight.

When shoots appear, they need, after leaving each aircraft area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 2x2 cm. After 2 weeks, when the seedlings are already growing a little, they need to dive, sozhaya according to the 3x3 cm scheme, for example, in the cassette. Piking, do not forget to shower the stem seedlings to the cotyledon! After another half months, seedlings need to transplant again, but already in the pots ( peat pots, plastic or paper cups Or any other) - Ideally, the size of the new capacity should be 5x5 cm.

Before picking seedlings, the cups are desirable to be treated with weak (blue in color) with a solution or any other drug that prevents the appearance of mushroom diseases.

If you do not have the desire to dive cabbage, then it is better to initially sow it into separate pots. When the time to land the seedlings at a permanent place, her root system It will be large, and due to the fact that plants have grown to transplant in individual pots, it is almost not injured (there will be a transplant).

7. Light for seedlings

In order for the seedlings of the cabbage ripening strong and chorenist, it is not enough to plant it correctly - it is necessary to carry out it, because there is little ordinary daylight at home the cabbage. With the help of an ordinary fluorescent lamp, we have a seedlings of about 12-15 hours per day.

8. Timely irrigation

"Cabbage loves water yes good weather"- This saying-approval is equally true both in relation to the already grown kapanov, and in relation to its seedlings.

Plants as needed, but try not to allow both the soil drying and its convergence. In order not to overdo it with watering, most often loosen the soil.

9. Maintain optimal temperature

Growing cabbage seedlings, you need to monitor the air temperature indoors. Optimal temperature Before the appearance of cabbage sections, it is considered +18 ° C ... + 20 ° C, when shoots appear, the temperature must be reduced: during the day to +15 ° C ... + 17 ° C, at night - up to +8 ° C ... +10 ° С ( we are talking only about white cabbage!). Such seemingly sharp drops Day and night temperatures will be allowed to strengthen the seedlings, help prevent the depletion of seedlings.

Regarding seedlings, consider: reduced temperatures it tolerates badly, and this will only lead to a decrease in the harvest - the heads will be small and loose. The temperature regime of growing cauliflower seedlings, of course, can also fluctuate in the day and night. On average, the temperature must be maintained at 5-7 ° C above, rather than in white-born.

10. Mandatory feeding

Growing cabbage seedlings, do not forget to feed it, because it is in the eve of the young plants that need a balanced set of different nutrientsthat must be done in the most easily accessible form.

First subordinate must be spent approximately 7-9 days after dive. You can prepare a fertilizer: in 1 liter of water, dissolve 2 grams and ammonia nitrates, as well as 4 grams. One liter of the nutrient solution is quite enough to feed 50-60 plants. In order not to burn the young roots of the seedlings, at the beginning of them, and only then feed.

Second subcord You need to spend 2 weeks after the first. For it, we prepare a new nutritious solution from the same fertilizers, just their amount per liter of water we double. If the cabbage seedlings begin to turn slightly, it can be filled with a solution of the dung alive (1:10).

Third subcord It is necessary to spend a couple of days before disembarking the cabbage seedlings in the ground, and for this we prepare the solution: on 1 liter of water, add 3 g of ammonia nitrate, 5 g of superphosphate and 8 g potash fertilizer. The dose of potash fertilizers in this case increases the seedlings to get better in the open ground, which is why such feeding is called hardening. If you do not want to mess with cooking, you can use the finished liquid complex fertilizer, for example, "Kemira Lux".

11. Hardening

By hardening, the seedlings imply a set of activities, thanks to which the root plant of plants is better and their high survival is ensured. Cabbage seedlings are starting hardening about 10 days before landing in the ground.

In the first day or two, simply open the window in the room with a seedlock of an hour of 3-4. In the next few days, for a couple of hours, we make seedlings to the balcony (loggia, veranda, and so on), thereby exposing it to direct sunlight. After making seedlings in the sun for the first time, slightly sample her gauze, so that the bright spring sun did not burn the young ravend.

From the sixth day of hardening, we reduce watering (control so that the soil does not drive) and we take the seedlings to the balcony. There she will be until the landing in the ground. By the way, before landing in the ground, the cabbage seedlings should have 4-5 leaves, and in front of the disembarkation itself it is necessary to pour it well.

There are their secrets of growing cabbage seedlings and landing. The modern table is unthinkable without her. If you wanted to grow seedlings of cabbage at home, then first of all you need to think about the seeds, about those varieties that will ensure that the result will satisfy your wishes. But on the one hand, many gardeners have problems with a seedl of cabbage. On the other hand, there is nothing special and difficult. How to plant cabbage to seedlings?


Selection of Cabbage Seedlings

The varieties of this vegetable are incurred by many. There is an overnight cabbage, which is already looking at the end of June, forming a tight, juicy kochens, there are varieties, sleeping in the middle of summer, and there are varieties that are removed only at the end of October - they are designed for late storage.

In addition to white, there is a cabbage color, Brussels, Beijing, red, Savoy, Broccoli, Kohlrabi, decorative. The choice of varieties and the type depends on your needs.

First of all, answer seeds before buying seeds for very important questions:

  • you only want to use cabbage in the summer, to do from it, for example, vitamin salads;
  • you want to get it out;
  • or maybe you have a basement or other storage where you want to save it to a new harvest.

Sowing seed cabbage to seedlings

Cabbage seedlings are the same for any species. Her seeds resemble the seeds of radish, they still relate to one family of cruciferous, but a little bed.

Cabbage is grown mainly through seedlings. This is an extremely cooling, light-affiliated plant. Often ask about growing cabbage seedlings.

But now - the most important thing. You can sow seeds at home, but, know, the home microclimate for it is absolute nonsense. It just can't live in such a microclimate. The maximum for which she is capable of home is to climb it, but she immediately pools, the color will become pale green, then yellow, and then she will disappear. Therefore, home seedlings will not be able to grow. But if you have a cold veranda, glazed balcony Without heating, then it will be possible. Cold and light are important for it.

Therefore, the cabbage seedlings must be grown, roughly speaking, almost on the street. It is necessary to do, the so-called cold chatener. How to do it? Very simple.

You take a typical box, you can even use balcony for colors.

Capacity for seedlings
Seed seeds need to pour well

Fill it with soil. Soak, warming the cabbage seeds do not need. You can sow them by rows, but you can gossip. This is not so important. Important after sowing slightly sprinkle the seeds of the earth, it is necessary to pour it all and be sure to hide from above. Cabbage moisture-loving plantTherefore, harm from abundant irrigation will not be.

This box with sown seeds can not be left at home. We must bring it to the cottage or take into the garden. If you still have snow, then call it, put it on the cold earth a box with seed seeds. The place must be open, warmed by the sun. From above install arcs, stretch the film. This is how your rampant can be standing before the appearance of germs. Shoots will appear days in ten and twelve.

If you have already installed a greenhouse, the seatingman put inside, the additional arcs with the film will not be needed. Additional guy will need to be done only for seedlings, as it is afraid of frosts. And Belococcal, Brussels, Savoy, otherwise in additional shelter do not need, they endure freezing to -5 ° C.

If you have a stationary greenhouse, for example, glass, then the seeds can be sown simply into the soil of the greenhouse without a selection, as the land there early in the spring heats up very well.

So, the cold chatener is chief Secret receipt good harvest Cabbage.

How to care for seedled cabbage


After some time (10-12 days) in its cold seating page you will see such a picture - the woods of shoots.

Cabbage has extremely few seeds do not have sex. It is not terrible that your seeds rose so often. This is normal. It makes thickening to a certain stage - before the appearance of the 3-4th sheet. Up to this point, nothing to do with the sedate is not necessary - follow only that the earth does not dry, periodically water it. Remember that if on the street + 5 ° C, then in the greenhouse can be + 20 ° C, and this can cause soil cutting.

Of course, you can already notice that some plants are stronger, higher, stronger. Most likely, these are those that will be planted for a bed. But while they are all in equal terms. You can leave everything as it is, and wait for the appearance of the 3-4th leaves. Or you can gently transplant part of the plants from the seatingman together with a lump of land in a separate pot. If there are 1-2 seedlings of real leaves, then several plants can be transplanted at once in a separate pot. And if more, then squeeze immediately into a separate cup.

Picking seedlings

Cabbage very loves feeding organic fertilizersbut before landing better fertilizer Do not apply.

This plant has a very interesting feature - It is better to transplant it in the ground before, with the full presence of 1-2 present, when the 3-4th leaves only appear. Well, in the extreme case, when the 3-4th leaves have already grown, but not later. So how do you not get large beautiful kochens, but they will drive later. This pattern has long been noticed, but why it turns out - a mystery. Apparently, this is due to the energy of the medium.

It is usually planted in an open ground seedlings of cabbage 30 days after the appearance of germs.

This is about this size should be plants before landing.

You can transfer to a permanent place

I do not cut out cabbage seedlings. Let she grow densely. When disembarking into the ground, you bow down weak shoots, choose strong, strong, beautiful.

When you take out the cabbage seedlings from the pot or seedler, you will land it in the right way - after certain distances. Plants varying degrees Development is quickly leveled, catch up to each other. Even if some plants were depressed, they will quickly recover. For cabbage the earliest period of development is not the main thing, it is important for it what will happen on the garden after disembarking.

What does cabbage seedlings usually suffer from? How can I struggle with diseases and pests seedlings of cabbage? How to save the affected cabbage seedlings?

Grow cabbage seedlings and not encounter with a number of problems, diseases and pests - almost impossible. This demanding culture brings the gardeners a huge amount of trouble. But, possessing full information about the care and treatment of cabbage seedlings, you can avoid many difficulties and fix most of the errors.

What if the cabbage seedlings are a black leg?

First you need to find out what is this "black leg". A similar disease is a fungal infection, affecting rhizomes and plant stem. Its main feature is the blackery of the root seedlings, the thinning of the stem, and then full drying. In addition to ferrous spots, on the root neck of the patient plant, you can notice pupil formations or growths.

Attractive for the black leg, as for other fungi, the following conditions are:

  • increased humidity
  • warm environment (soil)
  • increased acidity of land
  • thick planting seedlings
  • lack of air flow between plants

In other words, in order to avoid the emergence and development of the black leg, the following preventive acts must be carried out:

  • watering as needed
  • adhere to generally accepted planting standards seedlings (distance between seeds)
  • conducting indoors with seedlings
  • check the pH of the soil
  • disinfect the soil before landing in it seedlings
  • process and order cabbage seeds before landing

If the black leg has already struck seedlings, that is, several ways to deal with it:

  • try to save sick plant, separating from the healthy part of it affected (the slice should be green, not black) and rooting it into the ground
  • remove the sick seedling from a common drawer together with a lump of land
  • disembark healthy plants to another box, and the affected earth will throw
  • process healthy sprouts in the overall drawer with a mortar of manganese, burgundy liquid or copper Kaper
  • cover by upper layer Soil over the born with a black leg river sand, activated coal or ash
  • screw the soil with soda mortar (1C.l. Food soda for 1st water)
  • saplings transplanted into open ground, and infected with a black leg, can be fertilized with manure or chicken litter

Why cape seedlings Purple leaves?

Experienced gardeners explain the appearance of cabbage at seedlings purple leaf Two states:

  • lack of useful trace elements, in particular nitrogen and phosphorus
  • stress transferred to the plant (Picking, landing in Open soil, disadvantage or excess moisture, low room temperature)

In the first case, seedlings can be helped by banal feeding the missing substances. It is worth noting that it is necessary to fertilize the plant in moderation.
In the second situation, it is desirable to first find out what caused stress, and only then take measures:

  • If the seedlings are cold, then she needs to provide comfortable temperature conditions
  • If there are problems with watering, they need to be solved
  • If the plant suffers from the change of the situation, then you can simply give it time for acclimatization

On the seedl of the cabbage appeared holes and white spots: what to do?

There are a number of diseases that are able to cause white spots and holes in the seedlings of cabbage:

  • Puffy dew
  • Peronosporosis or false torment dew
  • Nitrogen shortage
  • Cruciferous flea

Puffy dew is not considered too serious, especially if it appears on an adult plant. The best prevention of the disease is the observance of the rules of the crop rotation and the fight against Byrian. However, this ailment is able to reduce crop yields, because the patient is desirable to treat any drug from flour dew. Most often, the phytosporin is used for this purpose (applied no more than once every 2-3 weeks).

Peronosporosis as well as malicious dew, dangerous only for young plants. It is possible to prevent its appearance using the organization of comfortable conditions for seedlings, disinfection of the soil and seed before planting. Competimate the same disease is possible with the help of industrial means, by type of topaz, or solution liquid soap and copper moods (1st.l. of these funds of water).

The third problem is easy to solve into the soil of organic or mineral nitrogen fertilizers.

Cruciferous flea, like no other, is able to extend the cabbage seedlings in a matter of days. You can prevent the attack of this insect with the help of autumn and spring treatment Soil before planting seedlings, as well as by disinfecting the cabbage seeds themselves. Many gardeners practice planting such plants around their beds as coriander, dill or parlor. These cultures make a smell that is unpleasant insect. If the flea still penetrated the cabbage planting territory, then it is necessary to fight with more radical methods: chemicals, influence of ash or copper sulfate solution.

The cabbage seedlings: what to do

  • The causes of wading seedlings of cabbage can be banal violations of rules and planting procedures seedlings. In addition, novice gardeners make a lot of mistakes during the care of the first shoots - either too polished by water, or, on the contrary, not enough. Another common error may be a violation temperature mode Or humidity level in a room where there are boxes with a seedler.
  • Well, the most obvious and common occasion to concern about the worst seedlings of cabbage is the attack of pests. With each of them you need to fight accordingly.
  • It is also worth saying that experienced gardeners prefer not to grow seedlings of this culture at home, but to sow it immediately into a greenhouse or a greenhouse.

Why does the cabbage seedlings yellow and dries?

  • The yellowing of seedlings of cabbage after its transplantation into open ground is normal and common phenomenon. All the more should not worry, if the wishes are only lower, seedy leaves. Such a plant reaction to the transplant is considered the norm.
  • Also yellow seedlings of cabbage can from insufficient or excessive irrigation.
  • Paint her leaves in yellow Maybe a strongly burning sun or, on the contrary, planting in the pronted section of the garden.
  • An additional feeding of seedlings with complex mineral fertilizers can be released from such a situation.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be weight:

  • Strong Blowing Cabbage Seeds in Soil when landing
  • Insufficient or, on the contrary, enhanced watering
  • Failure to comply with temperature regime
  • Insufficient humidity indoor with seedlings
  • Absence fresh air indoors or, on the contrary, strong drafts
  • Violation of the procedure for processing seeds or soil before landing
  • Attack of pests

Why cape seedlings crushed leaves?

There are a number of factors provoking the leaf twisting process at seedlings of cabbage:

  1. Lack or oversupply useful substances in the soil (not pectoble or overgrown with the soil)
  2. Burn due to spraying seedlings of various kinds chemicals as feeding or treating from pests
  3. Insufficient or rare watering
  4. Attack Butterfly Bellenka
  5. Defeat of the leaves of the plant of cabbage tool

Cabbage seedlings stretched out, turned around: what to do?

  • If the seedlings of cabbage for some reason stretched out before the dive, it must be immediately seeded by individual containers.
  • In the process of such a transplant, it is advisable to pinch the root of a seedling, blocking it at the same time before seedy leaves.
  • After picking seedlings, it is advisable to put it in a cool place (from +10 to +13 degrees) for 7-10 days and provide it with decent twelve-hour lighting.
  • If the seedlings stretched already after the dive, then you can try to cut the top to it or handle it special drugsthat slow down the growth process.

How to plant sagging seedlings?
  • Experienced gardeners recommend expanding seedlings, on the eve of landing it into open ground, do not water at least a week.
  • It is possible to moisten the soil in such seedlings only a couple of hours before the transplant.
  • The emergence of seedlings should also be broken, breaking the two lower leafs.

  • Any plant, especially being in the seedling stage, is afraid low temperatures. Cabbage in this case is no exception.
  • Seeding of this culture is best to plant in open ground after the probability of the onset of night frosts will be minimized.
  • If this risk is still present, then the plant needs to be prepared for this in advance.
  • Even when landing seeds need to be heard.
  • It is also desirable to temper the already crumpled sprouts.
  • Prepared seedlings can withstand frosts up to -4-5 degrees.

Frosted Cabbage Seedlings: What to do?

  • Cabbage seedlings can be treated with special chemicals.
  • Such a kind of funds will help the seedlings to cope with the victim, which happened to her.
  • Some gardeners are recommended to pour such plants. cold water (ideally melt) water.

TLL at seedlings Cabbage: how to deal?

  • Capping TLA is small pestwhich detects its presence in a white cabbage, and then brown raid on the leaves of its seedlings.
  • Tar, like any other pest, is easier to prevent than overcome.
  • PREVENTION AGAINST CABUS TRI is right landing and Cabbage Care.
  • Many gardeners land near Cabbage Cabbage Fragrant, dill, parsley, rosemary, mint, etc. The smell of flowering of these plants scare many insects and other pests.
  • The folk remedies for combating cabbage tool are infusion of tomato tops, tobacco dust or wood ash, as well as soap solution.
  • Of chemical preparations Anabazine sulfate has proven well, a solution of which is processed by seedlings.

How to treat seedlings of cabbage from diseases and pests?

On shelves specialized stores There are dozens, or even hundreds chemicalscontributing to getting rid of various cabbage ailments or pests. However, many gardeners still prefer to use only natural preparations or substances to help fight these problems. Thus, it is possible to be sure that the pesticide will not fall into the cabbage coach, and the vegetable will be absolutely safe for the human body.

Here are the most popular and proven folk ways Capping seedlings from diseases and pests:

  1. To fight with cruciferous flesh It is possible by spraying seedlings with a solution of vinegar, chicken litter or clean, pollination of the sifted wood ash and tobacco dust or haired lime.
  2. Get rid of cabbage tri help: rubbing the leaves with a soap solution, spraying with a solution of iodine with milk, ash with soap or infusion of tomato, potato tops.
  3. Capportean Belyanka is afraid of spraying as a solution of ash and soap, infusions of burdock, onion, garlic or weeds.
  4. It is possible to deal with the cabbage moth by pollination of seedlings of wood ashol.
  5. Changing a cabbage fly from the garden by watering cabbage saline and plowing soil wood ash, naphtalin with sand, tobacco dust, and also by spraying seedlings extract coniferous plants Or infusion of celery stems.
  6. Only methods of prevention can be struggling with cabbage weeving - no other substances this insect is not afraid.
  7. Scare up the slugs and snails can mustard powder, climbs of garlic or bow, as well as a solution of ammonic alcohol.
  8. For such major pests, it is still possible to equip bait traps - a wigbed container with wandering yeast, kvass or juice.

We hope that our article will help protect your cabbage seedlings from numerous problems. Good shoots and harvest!

Diseases and pests seedlings Cabbage: video