Electronics lifespan according to law. Why do household appliances break down so often?

Different manufacturing companies set their own service life for household appliances; for large-sized appliances - about 10 years. Small household items, such as kettles, irons and microwaves, last even less. Most manufacturers rarely provide a warranty of more than seven years on their equipment. The only exceptions are some components, such as compressors and motors for refrigerators. Their service life is 10 years.

Although, as practice shows, good technique can last much longer than the manufacturer's recommended period. Therefore, if your automatic machine has been washing regularly for 7 - 10 years, you should not send it to the trash bin just because it is outdated. It’s better to contact a service center, and if any deficiencies are found during diagnostics, they will be eliminated - and your old refrigerator, machine or stove will last another ten years, or even more. True, you shouldn’t rely on the specified service life and quality service if you use the equipment and forget about caring for it. After all, careful handling is a kind of investment in the durability of expensive devices. So, let's look at the approximate service life of various household appliances and electronics.

Refrigerator (service life 7 - 10 years)

The most necessary appliance in everyday life, as a rule, breaks down due to a burnout of the compressor motor. The main reason for such a breakdown is power surges. The refrigerator will last longer if you defrost it at least once every six months (with the exception of appliances with the No frost system) and follow a number of simple rules:

  • Do not place the refrigerator next to a gas or electric stove
  • do not put hot foods in the refrigerator
  • Keep water containers closed
  • wash at least once a month without using acidic substances

Washing machine (service life 7 - 8 years)

The main enemy of all washing machines is scale, which is talked about so much on TV. But there is no point in being afraid of it for the residents of the region, our water is very soft,” said the specialist service center Evgeny Podlinov. When using the washing machine you need to:

  • do not forget to open the tank of the car to dry it
  • do not overload the machine extra pounds linen
  • Use low temperature wash programs whenever possible
  • systematically clean filters

Kitchen stoves (service life 10 - 15 years)

The service life is the same for electric and for gas stoves. WITH gas problems less, but electric ones may burn out burners and switches. By the way, sockets for electric stoves also do not last forever - they need to be changed every 10 years. Caring for the slabs is simple:

  • After each use, the stove should be wiped with a dry cloth (unplug from the outlet before cleaning)
  • do not use abrasive or chemical cleaning agents
  • After each cooking in the oven, leave it open for ventilation.
  • Do not keep the stove on for a long time
  • The enamel coating may crack
  • do not use the surface of the slab as cutting board, as the enamel or glass-ceramic coating can be damaged
  • use dishes with a flat and dry bottom

Air conditioners (service life 10 years)

The lifespan of a cooling device often depends on the brand. Japanese air conditioners last longer than Korean and Chinese ones. But for the latter it is easier to find spare parts, and you only have to wait about a week for them from the state beyond the river. The main cause of breakdown is dirt, so you need to clean air conditioners from dust and poplar fluff regularly, especially for those who live on lower floors. The service life also depends on the quality of installation, which should only be trusted by a professional. And before the start of summer, you should call specialists to carry out scheduled maintenance - cleaning, diagnosing the air conditioner and refilling with freon.

Microwave oven (service life 7 years)

The most important condition safe work- refusal of metal utensils, as well as porcelain and earthenware with golden edges or rims. If any metal object gets into the microwave chamber, it can cause damage to the microwave itself. main part device - magnetron.

It is also worth remembering that:

  • the oven should be no closer than 40 cm from the refrigerator
  • ventilation holes must be open
  • The microwave must be promptly cleaned of dirt; the touch and other control panels can only be wiped with a slightly damp cloth

Vacuum cleaner (service life 10 years)

To avoid damage, it is important to remember that a vacuum cleaner running for an hour can easily burn out. Engine combustion is the main problem for this technique. The reason is simple - the engine is clogged with dust and the same power surges. To prevent this from happening, it is important:

  • Do not press the brush too hard against the surface to be cleaned (the floor)
  • do not forget about timely cleaning of the dust collector and remember that the fabric bag must not be washed under any circumstances, otherwise it will be damaged forever
  • Periodically clean all filters to prevent dust from entering the engine compartment.

Iron (service life 3 - 5 years)

Such a necessary thing as an iron most often breaks due to falling from an ironing board), but this is already mechanical damage and rather refers to not correct operation And. In second place is the combustion of the heating element (heating element). It is unlikely that this will be prevented. This item is also sensitive to voltage changes in the electrical network.

Kettle (service life 2 years)

An electric kettle is perhaps the most short-lived home household appliance. It has the same problem as with the iron - the heating element often burns out. And for reasons that are often unclear. That's why teapots don't last long. And besides, over time the plastic begins to release toxic substances. This device does not cost as much as a washing machine, so there is no need to risk your health and use it for more than two years. But you still shouldn’t forget about care:

  • you need to remove scale in time
  • do not turn on the kettle with a small amount of water
  • Do not pour cold water into an empty hot kettle
  • Do not pour water on the kettle and stand

TV (service life 7 - 10 years)

There are already televisions in every home, and more than one. This is the most popular consumer electronics device in every person's home. And naturally the most frequently broken one. The main reason for the breakdown is, as always, trivial - power surges. Most often, purchasing network filters and stabilizers helps. Another tip from service technicians: when the TV is turned off, unplug it from the socket, this will extend its service life.

Finally, we would like to show you an interesting video about the service life of household appliances and electronics.

Modern electronics (computers, office equipment, tablets, GPS navigators, mobile phones) refers to complex devices. Today, electronics are manufactured using high technology. The number of elements in microprocessor crystals, the size of flash card memory, the performance and capacity of hard drives, processor frequency and many other characteristics of components and assemblies of modern electronics are growing at arithmetic progression. Every year modern electronics become smarter, faster and more convenient. The most powerful modern machine (computer) becomes an ordinary average person in two years, and all this is thanks to the use of high technologies and constant progress in the development and manufacture of modern electronics. Modern man no longer knows how to live without modern electronics, but literally 30 years ago all this seemed fantastic. Any progress brings us both positive and negative points. Human cases have increased electric shock. Every year we experience more and more the effects of electromagnetic and radioactive radiation, but this leads to oncology and other diseases. Every six months, the fleet of modern electronics is significantly updated. Old technology ceases to meet user requirements (new requirements, interfaces, games, applications, etc. appear). Manufacturers do this deliberately so that we change our equipment more often and, accordingly, replenish their budget more often. When developing a new device, the manufacturer takes into account the service life. For modern electronics, the service life is a maximum of five years. Even if we do not consider technological progress, service life and user requirements, the components and assemblies of modern electronics physically wear out differently. Some units are capable of working for 7 years, while others may not last even 3 years. The main “trouble” of modern computers is hard drives. Some hard drives reach speeds of 15,000 rpm. Accordingly, no matter how hard programmers try to operating system economically read and write files, the drives and bearings of the hard drive quickly exhaust their service life. First, information begins to be lost, and then the computer completely stops seeing its hard drive. Until recently, the most important " Achilles heel The electronics were electrolytic capacitors. They often failed, were afraid of overheating, exploded, and caused short circuits. Scientific and technological progress has decided this problem, manufacturers began to produce not electrolytic, but solid-state capacitors. New look Compared to its predecessor, capacitors have high reliability, increased service life and good electrolytic capacity.

The main reason why modern electronics fail is overheating.

When purchasing modern electronics, one of the main criteria for the buyer today is the size of the product. To please the buyer, the manufacturer has to contrive: to make motherboards multilayer, placing billions of transistors on an area of ​​2-3 square millimeters, while reducing the size of the package to the limit. As a result, the product’s motherboard becomes more fragile and multi-layered, the density of parts placement increases and, accordingly, heat transfer, and due to the tightness inside the case, the ventilation (cooling) system deteriorates. Naturally, with a poor cooling system, the service life of the product is reduced significantly, and radio components fail faster. The tight body of the product causes rapid clogging ventilation holes dust and dirt. In turn, dust settled on the board can cause a short circuit and even a fire. electrical appliance. Fragile and multi-layer motherboards are afraid of shocks and falls like fire. For the above reasons, the service life of modern electronics does not exceed five years, and the physical and moral wear and tear of equipment forces us to increasingly buy new electronic products.

Refrigerator, washing machine, microwave oven, vacuum cleaner, iron, kettle - our favorite helpers in the kitchen and at home. Parting with at least one of them due to a breakdown is always sad and unpleasant. However, as the wisdom goes, nothing lasts forever, and every electrical appliance has its own service life. Moreover, using equipment that has served its purpose is dangerous not only from a safety point of view, but also for health. So, how long do our favorite devices “live”? The answer was suggested to us by the head of the service operations department of the Tekhnosila company, Alexander Fedorov.


Each manufacturer sets its own service life for equipment, but most often it does not exceed 10 years. This is, according to experts, the recommended duration of use of large-sized appliances, in particular, a refrigerator. The most vulnerable part of the “kitchen owner” is the refrigeration compressor, and the most common cause of breakdown is power surges. In addition, experts advise, if possible, not to place the refrigerator next to the stove (keep ice and flame at a distance from each other), not to put hot foods in the refrigerator, and to wash it at least once a month, but without using acid-containing substances that can corrode parts made of plastic.

If you follow these simple rules and defrost the refrigerator at least once every six months (you can avoid this hassle by purchasing a device with the No Frost function), then you will extend the life of the device.

Many people try to save time and money by overloading the machine or using modes with high temperature for the fastest and most efficient washing.

Washing machine

Scale on heating element washing machine Many housewives have their worst nightmares, but this problem is not the only and far from the most common reason for sending a machine to a landfill. The water in our taps today is soft enough for appliances to serve properly for 7-8 or even 10 years, but many try to save time and money by overloading the machine or using high-temperature modes for the fastest and most effective washing. Time is money. It is better to run the machine one more time than to buy a new one. In addition, after the end of the cycle, you should leave the drum or tank door open for some time to dry, and also remember to regularly clean the removable parts of the device.

Microwave oven

With proper care and correct use The microwave oven will last about 7 years. Keeping the stove clean (both inside and outside) and heating food exclusively in special dishes (no earthenware, porcelain, metal!) - these are the main rules of a good housewife. You should also not close the ventilation holes, otherwise the device will simply burn out.

The most vulnerable element of a vacuum cleaner is the motor. If overloaded, it may burn out.

Vacuum cleaner

The most vulnerable element of a vacuum cleaner is the motor. If overloaded, it may burn out. To avoid damage, do not leave the device turned on. You also need to carefully monitor the condition of the dust collector and change the dust bag on time. Finally, it is periodically necessary to perform preventative maintenance on the vacuum cleaner: remove removable parts, filters and clean them thoroughly. With proper care, the service life will be about 10 years.


You will have to part with the iron early - after 3-5 years. In addition to fluctuations in the electrical network, a “fatal diagnosis” for this device can also be the burnout of the main working element - a tubular electric heater (heating element).


It would seem that the availability of electric kettles and their variety do not create problems: you can replace old equipment at any time, which we do as needed. However, experts say that you need to change your kettle at least every two years, as some plastic models can release toxic substances over time when heating water. In order not to risk your health, it is better to pay attention to products made of glass, ceramics and stainless steel when purchasing. You should also not forget about constant care of the device, then it can last much longer.

“Most manufacturers today warn that the maximum service life of their appliances does not exceed 10 years, if we talk about large-sized appliances, and 3-5 years for small household appliances,” our expert emphasizes. — Something has to be changed more often, say, an electric kettle, the long-term use of which is simply dangerous to health. However, if the owner takes care of her equipment, then often by the end of the officially declared “service life” the devices are in decent condition. In this case, you don’t have to throw them away, but use the recycling program (such promotions are often held in large chain stores) and get a significant discount when

Service life modern refrigerator, be it Atlant, Samsung, Liebherr, Stinol, Indesit or another brand - this is the parameter that should be trusted least of all. You can be sure that the refrigerator has the declared capacity. You can visually check the number of chambers or test the stated temperature. But service life can only be verified experimentally. And if the manufacturer claims that buying his refrigerator in a store means not worrying about its repair for 15-20 years, then you shouldn’t believe it. Yes, with proper use, most household appliances, regardless of their cost, can serve you for 10, 20, or even 30 years. But no one is stopping refrigeration units from being ordered to live a long life in five years. Yes, such situations cannot be called typical for modern devices, but it is not recommended to completely exclude them and lose sight of them. website

If you think that from the Soviet household appliances everything was different, then you are mistaken. Yes, today in many homes you can find working refrigerators from the USSR era that will last another 10-20 years. But who said that modern ones won’t work after so many years? Yes and in Soviet times a broken refrigerator was not something out of the ordinary. Therefore, there is no need to compromise on the quality of modern household appliances. Moreover, expensive refrigerators really have good quality, with minimal risk of breakage or defects.

Should you trust the manufacturer?

So, as you already understand, the expiration dates declared by the manufacturer are information that should not be trusted. But what you should trust is the warranty period, that is, the service life during which the manufacturer guarantees the buyer that the refrigerator will not fail. Unless, of course, the owner himself helps him with this. The time period specified in the technical passport and warranty card reflects the real state of affairs. If it is written that warranty period is 3 years, then during this time you don’t have to worry about the safety of your household appliances. It is not profitable for the manufacturer to overestimate it. And if it is underestimated, the buyer will begin to realize that this is consumer goods for which even the manufacturer himself cannot give a good guarantee. In other words, the warranty period is a number you can trust. Even if the refrigerator breaks down during the warranty period, you can be sure that you do not need to run for a new refrigerator. Unless, of course, we're talking about about failure due to the fault of the manufacturer, and not due to a voltage drop or because you beat off pieces of ice with a screwdriver.

Warranty periods

Do not think that after the end of the warranty period it is just as guaranteed to stop working. On the contrary, most refrigerators outlive their warranty periods two, three or four times, and feel very good about it. But after it expires, every breakdown is your problem, solved for your money. Therefore, after it ends, monitor your technique with extreme care. Wash and defrost it periodically, do not let dust accumulate on back wall, do not overload with products and also monitor the expiration date of eggs, cheese, milk, fish, meat, champignons, rolls, cottage cheese, chicken, dough, sushi, cutlets, minced meat, cakes, mushrooms, sausages, caviar, soup, broth, sour cream, minced meat, kefir, herring, pork, jellied meat and other products. And as soon as a smell appears in the refrigerator, they immediately begin to use all sorts of detergents and odor-removing agents that can harm the refrigerator and freezer compartments.

What conclusion can be drawn from the above information? There is only one conclusion. When buying a brand new refrigerator, take a close look at the period of use for which the manufacturer is willing to provide a guarantee. If it is suspiciously small, then think twice before purchasing this model.

To ensure that your refrigerator lasts as long as possible, follow all operating instructions:

  • Washing and drying machine for clothes, instructions for use.

  • Choosing a refrigerator according to climate class, types, Russian realities.

  • Which one can you buy now? electric stove in stores?

  • How to use a multicooker, cooking according to instructions.

  • What types of backlighting are there for an LCD (LED) TV screen?

To this day, in some houses you can find miracles of Soviet technology: ZILs have been rattling around in the kitchens for 25 years, Typhoon carpets are being vacuumed with anguish, and Vyatkas are still being washed without spinning. Such equipment was bought for centuries, and it successfully copes with the responsibilities assigned to it today without serious breakdowns. But the service life of modern devices often raises many questions among buyers and repairmen: where are the good old long-lived appliances and why is the life of brand new refrigerators and washing machines so short? Let's try to figure it out.
Have manufacturers, despite progress by leaps and bounds, forgotten how to make high-quality and long-lasting household appliances? Or are we being deliberately handed a disposable product, deliberately shortening its service life? The question is very ambiguous, says the leading engineer of the Belarusian state institute standardization and certification Denis Savich:

- On the one hand, a rare manufacturer will sacrifice its reputation: such a conscious disregard for quality will affect the brand image and sales volume. Competition constantly forces us to improve the characteristics of products, including increasing their service life. People are starting to pay attention to the technical and other parameters of products. On the other hand, some manufacturers can actually stay in the market by increasing sales of goods that are more or less low in price and quality according to the principle “broke - throw it away - buy a new one.”

You can compare a modern compact washing machine with its Soviet “ancestor”: the advantages are obvious. However, the materials in them will differ significantly: some have been replaced with lighter and cheaper ones (and therefore less durable), the body has become more presentable, but plastic. Even the slightest savings by the manufacturer on the component elements of the device can affect the service life of the entire mechanism. This, of course, reduces the cost of the refrigerator, but the quality may also suffer from a reduction in price. And the consumer society, where material goods are cultivated, dictates its conditions to us. Not every household appliance survives to a “well-deserved rest” for the simple reason that many are accustomed to changing their technical “toys”: as soon as a washing machine, iron or refrigerator acquires a new bells and whistle, it immediately pushes aside its predecessor. And advertising encourages this approach and calls at every step: “Fly in!” Hurry up! Buy it!”

Touches to the problem

Everyone knows what a warranty period is. By the way, according to statistics, the vast majority of products fulfill it successfully and without complaints from the buyer. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of manufacturing defects or other initially hidden defects. It is in such cases that this very guarantee protects us from low-quality products. The situation with the concept of “service life” is much more complicated. Speaking in simple language, the manufacturer must provide you with the opportunity to use the product during this time. What does it mean? If the instruction manual for, say, a refrigerator states that it should serve faithfully for 10 years, then throughout this period you must be provided with the possibility of repair: exactly that amount of time since the release of the last refrigerator of this model will be stored or manufactured spare sets of spare parts.

Of course, the declared service life may not at all coincide with the real one: your electric kettle It may not reach it or, on the contrary, it may be significantly reworked. If the equipment breaks down much earlier than the time allotted to it, there is nothing left to do but fix the breakdown at your own expense. But is it necessary to send to a landfill a still working device that, according to the papers, has exceeded its service life? Common sense should be used here.

Of course, the service life directly depends on the correct operation of the device. In most cases, equipment lasts much longer than stated in the instructions if you handle it properly. In Soviet times, service life was strictly regulated: refrigerators had to last 15 years, gas stoves - 20, electric stoves - 16.5. The concept of “service life” is enshrined in law, but for the most part it is measured by the manufacturers themselves after various tests and studies. Maybe we should return to the practice of old times and clearly indicate the lifetime for each device? Denis Savich believes that from a technical point of view this would be a poorly justified decision:

- The declared service life is more of an economic characteristic rather than a technical one, as it allows you to calculate the approximate service life of the product before replacement. The manufacturer, when determining the service life, proceeds from his own conditions, and the actual operating conditions of the consumer may be different. For example, some people have a refrigerator in their dacha and only turn it on for a couple of weeks, while for others it works all the time in their apartment. Washing machine, TV, microwave, electric kettle can be used only a few times a week, or they can be used without a break in some establishment. Which device will fail first? One manufacturer uses cheaper materials and components; the service life of its household appliances will be shorter, but the price will be lower. And the other chooses high-quality and expensive components. The buyer himself determines the category of the product. Therefore, it would be wrong to set a single service life for everyone: this will affect competition, price, and the ability to choose household appliances. But the manufacturer must indicate the service life of the products to inform the consumer.

It’s worth listening to manufacturers, because such numbers appear in operating instructions for a reason: outdated equipment can cause a fire. For example, the service life of gas stoves is very strictly regulated: 10 years. During this time, the manufacturer will still produce spare parts for your model. However, the period can be officially extended if the stove is working well: gas service employees will carry out the necessary diagnostics. But after 20 years, even with timely diagnosis and good condition, the stove will still have to be replaced.

Help "SB"

Approximately how long can household appliances last?

Refrigerator - 7 - 10 years.

Washing machine - 7 - 8 years.

Vacuum cleaner - 3 - 7 years.

Microwave - 7 years.

Dishwasher - 5 years.

Kettles, hair dryers, small household appliances- 3 years, professional - 5 - 7 years.