Blue green metallic. Car color - which one to choose

What color to choose a car

Today, automakers, to our great happiness, offer a variety of options to choose from. large number car flowers
First, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the opinions of researchers and psychologists.
Women in general are more likely to pay attention to the color of the future car, while men are more concerned with the technical characteristics.
Men's preferences remain virtually unchanged from year to year - black, blue, brown and silver. At the moment, manufacturers are more often selling cars in white, orange and red colors. So for those who like to stand out from total mass Now there are more options.
Women, as observations show, like completely different colors of cars, and fortunately, in this case, manufacturers also became much more observant, and cars in women’s favorite shades began to appear on the market: blue, yellow, pink, light green, pink and others.
In our country, green cars are driven predominantly by females, but in Britain it is more often the choice of men.
The psychological portrait of the driver choosing this car is also quite conditional, since having examined many articles about the color preferences of individuals, let’s call all of us that way, some general trends were noticed only in relation to cars of black and silver colors. The rest of the gradation can only be conditional.

Research and statistics show how the color of your car can affect your safety, health and ride quality. There are also definitions of sexual attractiveness based on color choice.

SILVER AND GRAY COLOR are chosen by people guided by the practical side rather than by their own color preferences. As it was instilled in people with high intelligence, who have reached certain heights in life, however, they do not want too much attention to be paid to them. As a rule, they want to seem like someone they really are not, in order to avoid unnecessary frankness. According to psychologists, silver is the color of lies.
Gray is the color of an entire era. It was gray that became entrenched in Puritanism and post-war Britain, becoming a symbol of the collapse of the empire. It had an even darker meaning ancient East, where they sprinkled ashes on their heads as a sign of grief. In Rus', gray is the distinctive color of the poor peasant's clothing. But in the Renaissance, the attitude towards this color was different - it was considered one of the most elegant and graceful colors. Think gray wigs, gray velvet, brocade and satin. Today, gray is the most practical of all colors. “Noble mouse color”, in a word.
Security: but here there is nothing to say in favor of gray. Gray is less noticeable than others on the road, and at dusk, and even without signal lights, you shouldn’t leave a gray car on the roadway.
Practicality: if you want to remain invisible and do not want to attract attention to your person, gray is ideal for you. It's easy to care for. Well, tell me, what is the color of dirt and dust? That's right, gray. Therefore, for busy people and a little lazy, gray - you can’t imagine a better color.

BLACK shows the charm and classic preferences of the driver, thereby helping him to feel a certain superiority among the bright riot of colors of other cars. As a rule, it is chosen by vain people who want to impress. They are not afraid to take risks either in life or on the road. These are either socially weak people hiding behind such an aggressive color, or overly self-confident, but too short-sighted.
In Europe, “black” is the color of mourning, sorrow and even evil. But in Japan it symbolizes joy.
Safety: Russian traffic police unanimously insist that if someone rushes at incredible speed, avoids traffic jams on tram tracks, or even on oncoming traffic, and never allows a pedestrian to pass, then it is probably a heavily tinted black car. Statistics only confirm their words - most accidents involve a black car. This happens due to the fact that the car simply blends in with the color of the dark asphalt and becomes less noticeable.
Practicality: Another problem with black cars is the visibility of dust and scratches. It's not even worth talking about quick heating. In hot weather, black cars will give any sauna a run for its money. But if you live in a northern country, I advise you to choose this color. You’ll kill two birds with one stone: safe (black looks great on white) and warm, even when it’s minus thirty outside.

WHITE The car is suitable for people who are trying to stand out, show their individuality, and get rid of feelings of inferiority. Although these are romantic, dreamy natures. It can also be said about the owners of white cars that they attach too much importance to the car as an accessory, trying to increase their social status.
When choosing “white” for your car, you need to decide who you are more of - a European or an Eastern person. After all, for some, white is associated with purity, youth and innocence, while for others it is a mourning color. Driving in China in a “white” car is not the same as riding in a white limousine somewhere in Geneva.
Safety: one of the undoubted advantages of this color is that in summer, in sunny weather, the interior of a white car is much cooler than in dark-colored cars. White practically does not attract heat.
In traffic, a white car is much more noticeable than others, and therefore safer.
White visually enlarges objects, which also increases your visibility on the road.
But in snowy weather white The car turns out to be its disadvantage: on white snow the car is practically invisible. Taking into account the fact that in Moscow there is snow from November to April, you should seriously think about whether you should opt for a white car.
Well, if you do buy a white car, beware of its black, brown and burgundy “brothers”. According to statistics, they are the ones most often involved in collisions with white cars.
Practicality: If you walk into a showroom with brand new, polished cars, the first thing that will catch your eye is the spectacular white cars. But don't rush to conclusions. To preserve this splendor, you will have to work hard, spending a lot of money on detergents and polishes. Well, get ready for the disappointment that will surely befall you when you see how quickly your car lost presentable appearance. Especially after the rain.

RED increases self-confidence, activates sexual energy, and also releases adrenaline. For their car, red is often chosen by self-confident individuals who have achieved a high position in society. They are not afraid to show themselves and often have leadership abilities. This color means blood and power. Owners of cars of this color want to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate themselves to others.
In Norway, Mexico, Iraq and Russia, red is enthusiastic; in China it is the color of brides, and even New Year the Chinese prefer to greet people in red: so much energy and vitality does not contain any other color. The Japanese do not support this point of view, considering red to be the color of anger. In the Middle East, you should completely abandon the red car if you do not want to be accused of serving the forces of evil and vice.
Safety: red has a powerful effect on the human body, significantly increasing aggressiveness, as if it “warms up” the blood. Owners of red cars practice an impudent driving style, they are harsh and peremptory, convinced that everyone but them creates obstacles on the road. An explosive mixture - red outside and inside (meaning the interior) - is not recommended at all, although it looks very impressive. It is believed that red provokes the release of testosterone into the blood, which means it increases sexual desire. Which is, of course, inappropriate on the road.
Being the owner of a red car is, in principle, quite safe. But beware of the red cars coming from the right! The unusual overlay of speed and color creates the illusion that a car is about to cut you off and wedge itself in front of your car. The higher the speed, the stronger the effect.
Another optical illusion of red deserves your attention - looking at a moving vehicle red, it seems that it is moving faster than the others and is much closer than it actually is.
Practicality: red looks impressive, but keep in mind that it quickly fades in the sun. However, for our country, where the sun is a rare guest, this is not a particular problem.
BLUE the car carries a calming energy. As a rule, it is chosen by suspicious people who see in everything secret meaning. However, girls can rarely be seen driving a blue car, since this color is more suitable for “masculine” colors. Such drivers are characterized by restraint, thoughtfulness and some shyness. They love a smooth ride and are treated with special attention to the smallest details.
To the ancient Egyptians, the color blue signified truth and truth. IN modern world- Western and Eastern - it is held in high esteem, symbolizing courage, calm, power and strength.
Safety: a person who has chosen a blue car is safe to be on the road with, he will never act rashly and riskily. He considers racing a frivolous matter. But pulling a stuck colleague out of a ditch along the road, and even towing him (completely free of charge) to his home, is always welcome. “Blues” are true friends who know that the most important thing in life is mutual assistance.
Practicality: If you are not ready to become a regular customer and frequent visitor to car washes, choose a different color.
YELLOW classifies their owners as ideological, dreamy and romantic people. Such people easily overcome all life's problems, as they are at ease. This color also helps with concentration.
Yellow is the most popular color after red in China, and is extremely revered in India, where it symbolizes splendor. But in Syria it is the color of death. Europe is also pessimistic - yellow flowers men give it when parting, and in the general cultural context, yellow is a symbol of despair.
Safety: Physiologists say that yellow activates the brain and remains in memory longer than other colors. You won't be able to be invisible in a yellow car. However, it is necessary to take into account that yellow visually shortens the distance.
Practicality: traces of dirt are almost invisible on a yellow car, and they look very organic. It's as if it was meant to be.
GREEN are chosen by those who avoid other people's influence on their lives, strive for everything new, unknown, but before that carefully weigh all the pros and cons. You can always rely on the people sitting behind the wheel of a green car. They are reliable and faithful.
Green is very popular in Australia, Ireland, Mexico and Russia. In China it is considered a symbol of luxury, and in India - peace and hope. In the West, green has a reputation for safety, permissibility and reliability (remember the permissive traffic light signal). But what about navigation, when the green flag was raised if a ship was in distress? And why is melancholy green, the serpent green, and anger also turning green?
Safety: surprisingly, owners of green cars belong to a risk group - it is believed that anything can be expected from them, so often they change their behavior on the road. Green, as well as blue cars, create the illusion that they are further away than they actually are.
Practicality: Carefully washed and polished to a shine, green certainly makes an impression. But let's be realistic - more often we see a completely different picture, which, however, does not spoil the impression much. Let me remind you that in a green car the main element is its owner. Therefore, feel free to look into the interior of a dark green car. You won't see stupid and boring faces there.

PURPLE Derived from energetic red and purposeful blue. About a person sitting behind the wheel of a purple car, we can say that he always achieves his goals, loves all sorts of adventures and, in addition, has occupied a certain position in society, because this is a majestic color, always present in the clothes of kings. Car on the track purple visually creates a “trusting environment”.
Violet is one of the most complex spectral colors. The Germans associate it with mourning, grief and pain, but the Japanese associate it with love passion.
Security: the “purples” are trusted. They certainly won’t organize a race to the bottom. On the road, purple is noticeable, but at dusk and at night it turns gray. Like cats in the night.
Practicality: see blue
BROWN This color is chosen by conservative individuals who are accustomed to keeping everything under control. Brown helps the driver gain confidence that he is in control of any situation on the road.
In antiquity and the Middle Ages brown they didn’t like it - they used it to paint the tunics of slaves and lumpen proletarians. In Islamic culture, brown is a symbol of decline and decay.
Safety: brown cars are poorly visible on the road at night and practically do not attract attention. Therefore, in difficult weather conditions Drivers of brown cars are advised to drive with their headlights on. But in winter, in snowy weather, brown cars, on the contrary, are noticeable and expressive. Although, remembering our winters with their slush and gray-brown mass on the asphalt, it seems that brown is not best choice for our latitudes.
Practicality: if you choose soft pastel shade brown, then visits to the car wash will be halved. In other cases, the situation is the same as with all dark cars.

PINK Creates a feeling of security and relaxation. A cheerful color, which is often chosen by kind, but too trusting people. Although sentimental.
This color looks great in nature. One cherry blossoms what is it worth! But an excess of pink in a person’s life is not welcomed by any culture. Too much pink is considered a sign of frivolity.
Safety: Drivers of pink cars are despised on the roads. It is believed that they are too much in the clouds, instead of focusing on the current situation. The “pink” ones themselves are absolutely harmless and very cute. They have high heels, long gel nails and blonde hair. And they smell very sweet.
Practicality: the pink car will always remain clean. This is the law of blondes.

BLUE Helps overcome shyness and fear. Driving a blue car, you can meet a creative person who thinks a little differently than others, collected and spiritually developed. Blue color calms and relaxes.
In India, a driver in a blue car will be said to be very truthful and always fair. In China - that something happened to a person (there blue is one of the colors of mourning).
Safety: blue, according to the observations of car enthusiasts, often interferes with correctly assessing the situation on the road, especially if it has been looming in front of your hood for about 20 minutes. It will also be invisible on a blindingly bright day when there is not a single cloud in the sky. In hot weather, such a car especially blends in with the color of the sky.
Practicality: like any light-colored car, dirt and dust are much less noticeable on it. But even this will not force the majority of men in our country to switch to a car painted blue. It's more likely female version, therefore, the issue with dirt and dust disappears by itself.

ORANGE The color of activity, optimism, speed. Invokes a feeling of success and well-being. As a rule, behind the wheel of an orange car sits an energetic person with creative potential and a strong thirst for life.
Orange is the national color of Holland (is it because of the tulips?). In China, it symbolizes hope for happiness and prosperity. But in Europe it’s twenty-five again: orange is the color of anarchy, chaos and protest.
Safety: people always keep an eye on an orange car. This is explained by the fact that orange activates, but does not overstimulate nervous system, allowing a person to feel energetic and cheerful without all kinds of stimulants.

A study by British scientists showed that the sexiest color for ladies is silver. The women gave second place to black, and third place to red. Men who drive white, green and gray, women are not interested in principle.
In addition, the silver color of a car is not only the key to a rich sex life, but also an indicator of the safety of its owner on the road, psychologists explain this phenomenon. According to official data, silver cars are 50% less likely to be involved in serious accidents than cars of other colors.
Cars that are white, yellow, grey, red and blue have approximately the same level of risk. People who drive black, brown or green cars are especially at risk because their risk of being involved in an accident and being seriously injured is doubled.

But that’s not all, scientists went further and found out which cars birds poop on more often. The research team concluded that the birds least likely to leave their markings are black and sea green cars. And most often, birds “bomb” white cars, because they associate this color with predators. So from this point of view, silver cars win again!
Whatever color you choose, in any case it will be exactly the one you dreamed of, and away with all conventions and gradations! Just enjoy your shopping!

4 years Tags: safety, practicality, car care, car color


Before choosing a car color, you need to set your priorities. What is more important to you - practicality, safety, or perhaps beauty and individual color preferences? Anyone planning to buy a car should know that light and bright cars are more noticeable on the road than dark cars. Statistically, they are less likely to get into accidents. If you have serious doubts when choosing a color, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of all the main shades.

White car color is quite popular today. White cars always attract attention and are clearly visible on the road. On a hot summer day, a snow-white car will always be a little cooler, because this color reflects sun rays, preventing the interior from heating up. However, this is the least practical solution: Dirt, rust and scratches will be very noticeable. If you need to paint over any damage, this will be the most problematic, since white paint the most capricious of all.

Black is even more popular than white. Black cars look solid and impressive. High-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen prefer to travel in black cars. However, if you want to choose a car color based on practicality, black is not the best choice. best option. Dirt and body damage are very noticeable against a black background. The black color absorbs the sun's rays, heating up the interior of the car in the sun. In addition, according to statistics, it is black cars that most often get into accidents, because... poorly visible against the background of black asphalt and in the dark.

Silver color is considered the most practical. Dust, dirty splashes and body damage on such cars are not noticeable. In summer, silver, like white, reflects the sun's rays well, preventing the interior from overheating unnecessarily. At the same time, a car of this shade is always noticeable on the road. The silver color is neutral, so it doesn’t irritate or bother you.

Those who like to stand out and attract attention often buy red cars. Bright and sexy, this color really attracts attention. Such cars are clearly visible on the road. However, there is a stereotype among drivers that red cars are driven mainly by women, who, alas, are not respected by everyone on the road. In addition, the color red has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and can quickly become boring.

Blue usually chosen by calm, confident drivers. Such cars are noticeable on the road, but when approaching they seem further away than they actually are. Dirt, dust and damage on blue cars are quite noticeable, so this color cannot be called practical.

It's no secret that color car primarily affects safety traffic. Moreover, its practicality also depends on the color of the car. Cars are produced in all colors of the rainbow and dozens of its shades, but how to choose “your” color?

You will need

  • Temperament test


Most often, cars of dark colors - black, blue, gray and green - get into accidents. The reason for this is their invisibility to other road users, especially in bad weather conditions and at night. Too bright colors of cars bother car enthusiasts because they act as a kind of “stop signal” for them, often leading them into a stupor. Several bright spots at once significantly distract attention.
If you are a novice driver, you definitely need to take a white or silver car - there are an order of magnitude fewer accidents involving them.

Various colors require different care. On a dark car, any scratch or chip will be noticeable. Dirt and dust will also have to be endured in any weather and almost immediately after leaving the car wash.
Light colors are less demanding on washing and cleaning, since dust and dirt merge with the body paint.
On bright colors, chips and scratches will be noticeable, but dirt and dust are quite fixable for them. It is difficult to stain a bright color so that it is significantly distorted.

Buying a car directly depends on a person’s temperament. A red or yellow car will not suit nervous choleric people - this color will irritate them in the most inappropriate situation. For them optimal colors will be golden and greenish. Quiet and slow melancholic and phlegmatic people, on the contrary, will benefit from bright and provocative colors to “wake up” them on the road. Any color will suit a cheerful sanguine person, since this type of temperament reacts poorly to color shades, and emotions in him are caused by completely different events.

So, you can do brief overview the most common car colors. White color is perfectly visible on the road, visually enlarges the car and is comfortable for other road users. But, unfortunately, in winter time year, this function is lost due to snow - the car practically merges with the road. The silver color is convenient to use, but in winter it also gets lost on a snowy road. A black car is the most dangerous. In addition, the black color is not practical and gets very hot in the summer. The same fate befalls blue and green cars.
Red and yellow cars create the illusion of overtaking and speeding, but are generally quite safe.

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Please note

Thanks to the phenomenon of "optical illusion", it seems that a light-colored car is further away than it actually is. And, for example, red creates the effect of high speed.

Useful advice

Before choosing a car, consult with your friends; everyone has different impressions of colors.

Good automobile- This automobile, satisfying its owner appearance, in terms of functionality and technical specifications. It is the totality of all indicators that meet all the consumer’s needs that gives him the feeling of a good car.


Select the body type according to your preferences and functional purpose auto. For executive purposes, the sedan looks more impressive. For big family A station wagon or minivan will do. SUVs are recommended for travel and outdoor trips. Depending on your comfort requirements, choose a car class - from medium to executive.

The choice of engine must meet the requirements of power, efficiency, acceleration dynamics and type of fuel. Small cars need no more than 150 horsepower, sedans - about 200. More powerful engines cost significantly more, but give good advantage in speed and acceleration dynamics. These indicators give confidence when overtaking and allow you to win starts at traffic lights. The direct opposite of power is efficiency. If automobile is often used and is required to save the owner’s capital, pay attention to diesel engines. They are both economical and durable. On the other hand, they also cause problems when starting in winter, and are also noisier.

Select gearbox. Mechanical (manual) box – classic solution, familiar to experienced drivers. Simple, reliable and allows you to control the machine more accurately. Automatic makes driving much easier: it’s easier to get started and easier to drive around the city. Disadvantages: several higher consumption fuel, complexity and high cost of repair.

Select drive type. Rear-wheel drive (classic) cars are reliable and time-tested. However, on slippery road management becomes problematic. Front-wheel drive cars behave better on the road and are more sensitive to steering movements. All-wheel drive vehicles are more passable and stable on the road, but also more expensive to repair and operate due to increased fuel consumption. In addition, all-wheel drive vehicles are almost uncontrollable when skidding.

Please note maintenance and a guarantee. Japanese cars have the most attractive warranty conditions - up to 6 years of warranty. These cars have a reputation for being the highest quality. European brands do not provide such guarantees, but warranty service costs the owner half as much.

The level of equipment of the machine is of no small importance during everyday operation. Modern cars have more and more options as standard. If the standard equipment is not enough, choose a richer one with a greater level of comfort and safety. For additional equipment (options) you will have to pay additional amounts of money. Unfortunately, domestic cars in the most complete configuration are inferior to imported cars with basic equipment.

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Budget cars are a great choice. The secret to the attractiveness of these cars is their low cost of ownership and affordable price. It is important to decide how much you are willing to spend on buying a car.

Decide on the package. It is clear that the most inexpensive is the basic one. But will the sluggish engine, unclear body color and dull interior trim give you satisfaction? Perhaps a cheaper model with better configuration will be both more comfortable and more interesting in appearance.

Specify approximate cost repairs inexpensive models. It also happens that an inexpensive car costs the same amount of repair as a luxury car. This is a kind of fee for use special technologies assemblies, with the help of which manufacturers reduce the cost and selling price of the car, respectively.

Feel free to look into the showrooms of famous manufacturers of golf-class cars and even more expensive cars. They are all interested in maximum sales. Therefore, even the most premium brands have special offer. In addition, almost all showrooms sell used cars. And a used car from a prestigious brand will most likely surpass the quality and comfort of a new car from the manufacturer inexpensive cars. Your task is to make sure that the service life of such a used car is definitely not less than the guaranteed mileage of a brand new economy class model. And you can afford the money you have to pay to get your car in order.

Consider whether you can plan a purchase for the end of the year. As we approach New Year's holidays car prices are falling significantly. This is due to the fact that dealers are interested in selling off all the remaining cars produced in the past year. Selling them next season will be much more difficult, because such cars will formally be a year old already. In addition, at the end of the quarter, many companies pay bonuses and bonuses to their employees, so the task of car dealers and sellers is to ensure that this money is spent on their cars, and not on furniture, a tourist trip or a country house.

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Manufacturers of the global automotive industry offer a wide range of color scheme in every model range. But, ultimately, the popularity of a color, or rather even the fashion for it, is determined by voting with the wallets of customers. Although, the choice of color for the purchased car depends on several significant values. These are psychology, cultural context, safety and practicality. The most important thing is safety. Based on the main or most common colors - white, black, red, silver, blue (also green, etc.), the risks of an accident are approximately as follows:

White In the flow of cars on the highway, a white car is much more noticeable than others. This color visually enlarges objects and, accordingly, increases visibility on the road. Of course, this is not in winter. In winter, in snowy weather, the white color of the car turns out to be a disadvantage. According to statistics, white cars are “found” (accidents), as a rule, black cars and generally dark-colored ones.

Black According to traffic police statistics, most accidents involve a black car. Reasons – the car blends in with the color dark color asphalt and becomes less noticeable. In a solid black car sit “respectable” people who don’t like to drive slowly. Blue buckets on the roof remove any restrictions for owners of black cars.

Red This color has a strong effect on the body, increasing aggressiveness. Owners of red cars are adherents of a “dashing” driving style, convinced that obstacles on the road are created by everyone moving in front. The red car on the right evokes a feeling of speed and color superimposed. An illusion is created that the car is about to cut off and get in front of the car next to you. And what more speed, the higher the effect. Another optical illusion of red - looking at a moving car, it seems that it is moving faster than the others and is much closer than it actually is.

Silver (gray) The most weak point this color represents a lack of presence in bad weather conditions. The silver (gray) car is completely invisible in the shroud of rain. Also, a silver (gray) car at dusk, sometimes without signal lights, even a “standing” one is the most dangerous.

Blue (green, etc.) You can expect anything from owners of this color, they change their behavior on the road so often. Cars of this color create the illusion that it is much further away than it actually is.

Practicality of car color

The practicality of the color of the car is another of the main indicators when choosing a car.

For example, if you walk into a showroom with brand new cars, the first thing that catches your eye is the spectacular white cars. It’s better to immediately imagine the titanic work of maintaining this splendor in this condition.

The black color of the car is considered easily soiled; scratches and dust are much more noticeable on it. A very big disadvantage is the heating of the car in summer period operation.

Red has the most big drawback– fades quickly in the sun. Accordingly, caring for a red car, in terms of labor costs, is comparable to a white car.

Silver is considered the most practical color. Scratches are less noticeable. Dust and dirt do not stand out on a silver car. This is probably why, over the past ten years, silver has been the most popular color in Europe.

Blue (green, etc.) - easily soiled. Particularly noticeable are dust and dirt from splashes. On expensive cars blue, green, one-time, etc. colors, this state of the car is puzzling. Accordingly, practicality is very low.

For eleven years in Europe, the most popular car color was silver. This year, buyers' preference has changed to black, and this is 26% of respondents. White -19%. Silver -16%.

In the USA in 2015, the most popular color (unexpectedly) was white – 21%. Silver took second place with 20% and black took third place with about 20%. For Russia, there are statistics only for 2014. The first one is black, the second one is silver and the third one is white. Still, the determining factor when purchasing a car a certain color, is the “inner vision” of the future car owner, based on many, sometimes contradictory factors. But the safety factor should be the main one.

The choice of coloring is the most in a simple way personalization of the machine. This type design is not tuning, but at the same time allows you to show the character of the owner. Today we will look at which is the best color to choose for a car and what factors should be taken into account.

Psychological aspect

According to psychologists, it is possible to judge what character a person has based on the color of his car.
White. This is a calm and neutral shade, which is why cars painted with it are chosen by careful people who follow traffic rules. Their character is distinguished by generosity, honesty, and justice. In addition, it is believed that this color of car is chosen by people occupying high positions.
Black. Psychologists believe that this color is chosen for a car by insecure people with a gloomy perception of life. Their main traits are harshness and hot temper. Black cars are more likely to be involved in road accidents than others.
Grey. Like white, it is neutral. It is chosen for a car by people whose character is characterized by secrecy, prudence, distrust, and uncertainty. Their driving style is calm.
Red. Such bright color used for cars by people whose character is characterized by sociability, courage, will, authority, impulsiveness, and aggressiveness. They also have an aggressive driving style. Since the color red is a danger signal, on the roads cars painted with it are subconsciously perceived negatively.
Yellow. This shade of a car is rare. It testifies to the intelligence, sociability, calmness, adaptability, and phlegmatic nature of the owner.
Orange. This color is considered less flashy, but more expressive than yellow. People who choose it most often have intuition, but are prone to dishonesty. It is also very rare.
Green. Natural color. Owners of cars painted in it are most often serious, practical and busy people. They drive calmly and consider the car as a means of transportation. However, they are considered prone to rash maneuvers and frequent changes in driving style. It is also believed that green allows you to assert yourself, so it is suitable for insecure people.
Light green. Even though this color is close to green, other people use it for cars. Their character is characterized by authority. At the same time, they are considered stupid. On the road, drivers of such cars are also aggressive and often change their driving style.
Blue. The main features of the owner of a car of this color are spirituality, purity of thoughts, and melancholy. It is usually chosen for cars by mature people.
Blue. This color is most often used for cars by women.
Brown. This is the color of conservatism and stability. For cars it is chosen by confident people who follow traditions and family values.
Pink. Mainly female version. The owner of a pink car is distinguished by such features as sentimentality and vulnerability. Other traffic participants treat them with contempt.
Violet. People who prefer this color are characterized by delicacy and spirituality. Their character is calm, as is their driving style.
Silver. This shade is considered a sign of sexuality.
These are the primary colors. Other unusual, exclusive, cool shades are much less common.


The color of a car affects safety in two ways. First of all, the visibility of a car depends entirely on what color it is. Moreover, this parameter changes in different conditions. Also, by the color of the car you can guess what driving style the owner is. In addition, you should consider which color is most susceptible to theft.
White. This color can be considered as the safest for a car due to the fact that cars painted with it are clearly visible in any conditions. Moreover, due to visual increase White objects make the cars even more noticeable. The exception is snowy weather, when white cars are difficult to see against the background of snow. According to statistics, they most often encounter black, burgundy and brown colors. White cars are not stolen very often, as they are very flashy.
Black. On the contrary, this color of cars is the most dangerous. This is partly because black cars are difficult to see in low light. In contrast to white, best conditions When black cars are clearly visible, it is snowy weather. Such cars are stolen quite often, but less often than silver and white ones. In many ways, popularity among hijackers is determined by class.
Grey. This color can also be considered the most dangerous for a car. This is because in some conditions, such as rainy weather or at dusk, gray cars are even less visible than black ones. In addition, they are stolen more often than others, since there are more cars of this color, so they are invisible.
Red. Thanks to the brightness, red cars are very visible. In addition, this color creates optical illusions in motion, due to which it seems that the object is closer and moving faster than it actually is. Therefore, surrounding drivers stay further away from red cars than from others. In addition, they are rarely stolen.
Yellow. It is very bright, so cars painted with it are clearly visible. However, yellow creates optical illusions that are the opposite of the effects of red. That is, a car with this color seems further away than it actually is. Car thieves have no demand for such cars.
Orange. Although this color is not so bright, cars painted with it still stand out in traffic, making them clearly visible. In addition, orange stimulates the nervous system. Due to its low prevalence, the likelihood of theft is low.
Green. Cars of this color are also very visible, but it creates an effect similar to yellow, that is, it visually increases the distance. The likelihood of such vehicles being stolen is low.
Light green. It is very safe, since such a car is light-colored, so it is clearly visible in any light, just like a white one. But, unlike it, light green cars are better visible in snowy weather.
Blue. In terms of safety indicators, it is very close to green and creates the same visual effect of increasing distance. Such cars are rarely stolen, but more often than green, yellow and red ones.
Blue. Unsafe because it is difficult to understand. The likelihood of blue cars being stolen is low.
Brown. This color is close to black, that is, cars painted with it are almost as difficult to see in low light conditions and are only clearly visible in snowy weather. Also of no interest to car hijackers.
Pink. In terms of visibility in various conditions, it is close to light green color, as well as in the likelihood of theft, therefore one of the safest color options for cars.
Violet. In good lighting conditions, cars of this color stand out in traffic, but at dusk they become close to gray in terms of visibility. Almost undetectable.
Silver. Given light color clearly visible in all conditions except rainy weather. Such cars are very popular among car thieves, just like gray ones.


In this aspect, we mainly consider which color is the most easily soiled.
White. Very easily soiled. Any dirt is visible on it, so white cars quickly lose their visual appeal, especially in damp conditions.
Black. It is also easily soiled, however, unlike white, in dry conditions, since dust is especially visible on it. In addition, black shows all defects well paint coating. Finally, such cars get very hot in the sun.
Grey. On the contrary, it is the most practical, since light dirt and minor defects are almost invisible on it.
Red. Not very practical, as it is characterized by a tendency to fade in the sun.
Yellow. On such machines, dirt is clearly visible, but dust is almost invisible.
Orange. Close to yellow, but better as it is darker and dirt is visible a little less.
Green. Not very practical. Reveals both dirt and dust.
Light green. Close to yellow.
Blue. Close to green.
Blue. Very practical, as it shows little dust and dirt.
Brown. Similar to dark colors, except light shades are better because they show less dust.
Pink. Close to yellow.
Violet. Similar to blue.
Silver. Similar to gray, therefore also the most practical color.

To the question: “what is the best color to choose?” — it is impossible to answer unequivocally, since many are guided primarily by preferences. In addition, buyers of used cars initially do not have the opportunity to choose, but repainting allows them to choose any shades, including unusual ones, which are not available upon purchase new car. If you are interested in practicality, it is better to choose gray or silver. From a safety point of view, light green, orange, and red colors are better. To protect yourself from theft, you should choose unusual, exclusive, cool shades. In this sense, it also matters what class the car is.