What to do, the hair didn’t stick out. Why does my hair stick out in different directions?

Learn about the benefits of a hairstyle and experiment with its decor to choose several options at once.

Let's look at all the hairstyle secrets in more detail using examples with photo and video accompaniment and step-by-step instructions.

You will be surprised how spectacular and festive this hairstyle can be and how simple it is to perform.

How to easily and simply make a hairstyle with a donut, 4 ways

Stylish and practical donut hairstyle – universal solution for many fashionistas.

It is perfect for both a formal business dinner and a beach party.

Learn about the benefits of a hairstyle and experiment with its decor to choose several options at once. Let's look at all the hairstyle secrets in more detail.

Let's start by discussing the merits of this hairstyle and then move on to performing it in different variations.

The base of the donut is a smooth and properly tied tail. But it is described in this article.

Take a look before you start creating your donut hairstyle.

A useful skill is braiding, it is used as an addition to the donut hairstyle.

What options for braiding exist and how to complement a donut hairstyle are described in this

How to make a braid from ponytails with elastic bands without braiding easily, quickly, simply.

Advantages of the donut hairstyle:

  1. The hair is collected and securely fixed.
  2. During the day or evening, your look will be flawless. You will easily forget about stray strands or falling out curls.

  3. Lots of variations from placement to decoration.
  4. The height of the tied ponytail determines the context of your hairstyle today.

  5. It will suit both hairstyles with bangs and without.
  6. The thickness of the hair is not important.
  7. A correctly selected bagel that matches the hair color will add volume to “thin hair.”

Depending on the structure of your hair and its interaction with combs, you should choose when to do this hairstyle.

For example, hair becomes especially frizzy after washing your hair, and layered haircut only makes the situation worse.

Advice from the professionals: Do this hairstyle on the 2nd day after washing your hair, this will make it easier for you to manage your hair and it will not fall apart and become very frizzy.

For those with hair that is not prone to frizz or is one length, we recommend making a bun on clean and only washed hair.

What length of hair is needed to create a donut?

The peculiarity of the donut hairstyle: owners of both long and long hair can do it in a few minutes. medium length hair.

To create such a hairstyle you will need some fancy hairdressing supplies.

Hair of different lengths can cause some difficulties, experiment with how to beautifully arrange the strands that do not fit into the bun.

What is needed to create a donut hairstyle? Without what can you not make a bun?

You will need to wash and dry your hair well. You can use styling products: gel, mousse or hair wax. They will make the curls softer and more pliable.

If you are the owner of luxurious curls, then you will have to part with them for a while. Before creating a hairstyle, it is better to straighten your hair with an iron, so it will lie flat and allow you to make your donut without unevenness.

Important: To fix your hair you will need hairspray.

It should be used on final stage creating a hairstyle.

A list of hairdressing tricks or a photo of a hair donut

Photo of a hair donut, hairpins, comb, bobby pin and styling products

In addition to clean hair and a little free time, you will need:

  • one or two thin elastic bands;
  • invisible;
  • hairpins;
  • decorative elements;
  • small foam donut (or sock).

Choosing the best bagel for your hair

The video will help you do right choice bagel when purchasing or creating. Find out which bagel is better and what by watching this video.

The secret of the hairstyle is the bagel or How to make a bagel hairstyle without a bagel?

If you don’t have such a donut, you can use: a thick elastic band, a twister hairpin, or a regular terry sock. The last “accessory” should be described in more detail.

The ideal tail is where the base is located on a line drawn through the cheekbones of the head to the very top of the head.
Suitable for lovers of high buns - bagels.

How to make a beautiful bun from an elastic band?

Terry elastic or any other thick one, if you don’t have one, take several thin ones at once. The task is to get a voluminous elastic band; the thicker it is, the more spectacular your bagel will turn out. Look at the photo, here is an ordinary thick terry elastic band.

Make a similar one from a terry sock or towel or belt.

The photo shows step by step how to use it and the finished bun.

Sock hair donut

Take a fairly thick sock and carefully cut off a part so that you have a soft tunnel. Carefully fold the edges of the sock until it turns into a small, neat donut.

Bunch of bagel with sock

  1. Gather your hair into a high ponytail, removing all the flyaways.
  2. Make sure that your hair is collected neatly, but if there are any disheveled strands left, try to eliminate them by combing them with a thin comb. The placement of the tail depends on where exactly you want your donut to be.

  3. We tie the tail with a thin elastic band.
  4. Carefully place a foam donut (thick elastic band, rolled up sock), which will be the basis of the hairstyle, onto the tip of the tail.
  5. We twist the hair around the base, and, holding the ends with our hands, carefully begin to wind the hair onto the base, gradually turning it from the inside out.
  6. Gradually we bring our base, which is already completely covered with hair wound on it, to the base of the tail. We fix the donut with invisible ones.

How to make a bagel (video)?

Step-by-step video on how to create a donut hairstyle using an old sock with step-by-step instructions.

How to make a donut on your head with braids? or Making a bagel for long hair

  1. Tie a high ponytail and place a foam base on it, lowering it to the base of the ponytail.
  2. We distribute the hair evenly over the entire base so that it is completely covered.
  3. We tie another thin elastic band on top. It turned out to be a beautiful neat bagel and large number loose strands.
  4. We carefully collect them, twist them a little into a rope (or braid a couple of braids) and wrap them around the base of the donut, securing them with bobby pins or hairpins.

How to do a hairstyle with a donut?

Training video on creating a bun using the 2nd method with explanations.

Donut hairstyle with twister clip

This type of hairpin is undoubtedly known to everyone. This is a fabric hair clip on a wire frame with a small hole in the middle.

  1. To make a donut with such a hairpin, insert the ends of the tail into its slot and secure them with your fingers.
  2. Gradually twist your hair around the clip using rotational movements.
  3. When you bring it to the base of the ponytail, connect the ends of the hairpin, forming a donut.
  4. Carefully distribute the hair evenly throughout the hairpin and secure with bobby pins.

Watch the video to master the donut hairstyle made using a twister hairpin.

Donut hairstyle with braids

Bagel braids are an original hairstyle that will certainly make you stand out from the crowd.

Pay attention to the placement of the donut. If you do not plan to use others decorative elements and you want to draw attention only to the donut, then place it in the same way.

If you want to complement your hairstyle with a braid and shift the emphasis towards the decor, make the donut lower, closer to the back of the head.

In this embodiment, it is located as high as possible on the top of the head.

Using the knowledge gained above, form a bagel using one of the previously indicated methods.

Step-by-step instructions option 1:

  1. When winding your hair onto the base, leave a central, fairly thick strand. You will end up with a bagel with a tail hanging from the center.
  2. Carefully separate a small strand from the main one and braid it. It should be placed on one side of the donut, secured with a bobby pin, and the remaining tip should be wrapped around the donut, or simply hidden under it.
  3. We braid the braids from the left central strand. We place them evenly throughout the bagel.

Detailed instructions on how to make a donut bun in the video:

Video master class for a more visual understanding of the instructions for creating a bun with a donut.

Option 2:

For a fuller bagel, use a bulkier sock or bagel.

Decorate your hair with a bow or other hairpin if you want to enhance the effectiveness of this hairstyle.

Treat your hair with gel or wax to ensure clean, manageable hair without frizz.

Place the braids close to each other so that there is no distance between them and the donut is not visible.

In this case, it is extremely important to choose a bagel that exactly matches the color of your hair.

If your lower vellus hairs are falling out, spray them with hairspray and smooth them with a wide-tooth comb.

Instructional video with step-by-step slow steps to create a donut with braids:

Third option

A donut made using a sock, add braids to it, leaving a few strands in the center not collected in a bun.

Then, weave a braid from 1 strand and move it while holding 1 strand. We do this with all 3 strands.

We get another version of a bun with braids, different from the usual ones.

Option 3 of a braided hairstyle, in the 2nd minute a master class with a donut and how to decorate it is shown:

Donut hairstyle with plaits

More complex and stylish option hairstyles It is important to follow the instructions exactly step by step and arrange the strands beautifully so that it turns out beautifully and without stray hair.

Although this option will require more time than the classic one, its beauty is beyond any competition.

You will need:

  • tie a high ponytail;
  • put a foam base on it;
  • place it at the base of the tail.

Detailed instructions:

  1. Take a strand of medium thickness from the tail and twist it into a rope.
  2. Then we wrap the rope around the base so that its tip connects to the main tail. We add a thin strand to this tip, twist it again and thread it under the base.
  3. The bundles should be laid so that on the base they are located very close to each other.
  4. We cover the entire base with strands of strands.

Master class in video format on creating a donut with ropes:

Donut braided hairstyle

Unusual and sophisticated, with a hint of classics.

It will be appropriate for school and under an evening dress.

A center braid is the best accessory.

Lovers of hair clips or other decorations should be discreet in this hairstyle.

Because then both the donut and the braid will be lost.

Step-by-step instructions with video:

  1. Making a ponytail.
  2. We put a foam donut base on its base, cover it evenly with hair, and secure it with a thin elastic band.
  3. Next, you need to start weaving a light braid from the strands located on top. Strands that surround the donut should be gradually added to it.
  4. The result is a braid that seems to cover a donut.
  5. We weave all the loose strands into it. When the entire donut is covered with a braid, its tip should be wrapped around and secured

The video will show you how to make a braided bagel.

Bagel braided reverse French braid with pick-up

The video will help you recreate a donut hairstyle with braiding. The hairstyle is suitable for school, as it does not take much time and is an evening version of a donut.

Bagel Kim Kardashian

Tutorial video on how to create a donut hairstyle like Kim Kardashian's. Suitable for hair that is 2 days old after shampooing.

Hair decorations with a donut

A hairstyle with a donut allows you to use a huge number of decorative elements. These could be: beautiful elastic bands, hairpins with original beautiful heads (pearls, rhinestones), artificial or even fresh flowers. Such decorations will add special charm and beauty to your hairstyle.

A donut hairstyle will help you become irresistible and not go unnoticed at any event.

Easy to implement and small quantity necessary accessories make it very popular.

Is your goal to create a beautiful, spectacular hairstyle yourself?
How to decorate it and diversify the range of your hairstyles?
This article discussed the use of a bagel in 1 variant, and there are many of them.
For those who want to learn more about evening styling and creating beautiful buns, this will help.

By clicking on this link, you can easily complement your skills by braiding braids with tiebacks (with lower, upper, double-sided), which allows you to complement your evening hairstyle, adding zest to the whole look and emphasizing your style.

I can't do anything
my hair is too long and thick
How can I live in this world if I can’t even make a donut cone with hair?
I'll go and open up...

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IN different times Different hairstyles are in fashion based on hair length and facial features. At the same time, fashion often returns. For example, careless hair buns were popular in the 50s all over the world; they came to Russia in the early 60s.

Despite the fact that the hairstyle is seemingly simple, over time, designers and craftswomen themselves have come up with many variations of a simple and convenient hair bun. For all their beauty, most of them are not at all difficult to make yourself.

There is a stereotype that a bun is one of the most natural hairstyles, so it should look like a fashionista a quick fix I gathered my hair and ran to run errands. However, modern “bundles” have gone beyond simplicity and entire types have appeared that are most appropriate for certain types hair and circumstances.

Messy bun for medium hair

At the beginning of the day, it is worth clarifying that medium hair reaches the shoulder blades. At first glance, this is not the best option for putting your hair together on your own. best length, however, even with it it is possible to create a beautiful bun.

Such option will do, if the face looks good with hair pulled back, without additional front volume. They can be worn either at home, while walking, or you can make an office version using gel, preventing any attempts of curls to break free.

To create a beautiful bun you need:

  1. Use a thin small transparent elastic band to create a ponytail of medium height. This important point, because if the ponytail is high, the lower hair will come out over time; if it is too low, the bun will get in the way and look as if it has “slipped” down.
  2. Twist the hair around your finger, wrapping it in a spiral, then wrap it at the base of the ponytail, around the elastic.
  3. Use pins to secure the tip so that it holds tightly and does not fall out. Next, you need to secure the bun in a circle using invisible hair.

Messy bun for long hair

Long hair is designed to create hairstyles and is easier to work with, especially for non-professionals. Today, the fashion for length has returned to girls' circles, so a bun of long hair will do younger people with any type of face.

His functional feature is for everyday wear, this option looks spontaneous and very feminine.

A messy bun can be done this way if your hair is long:

  1. The hair on the top of the head is gathered into a high ponytail; with the last turn of the elastic, the hair is pulled slightly upward, forming a hair cushion (it is not necessary to make it too high, otherwise the bun will lose volume).
  2. Remaining in the tail long hair curl around the base of the tail.
  3. The hairstyle is secured in a circle with bobby pins to match the hair color.

Bun for a date

The misconception is that you need to wear your best on dates and visit a hairdresser and makeup artist. Emphases on naturalness, regardless of what kind of beauty is popularized in magazines and on television, are always in fashion.

If the hair is of medium (or longer than medium) length, it is collected volumetric beam as follows:

  1. The hair framing the face is smoothed with a styler so that it can be styled as smoothly as possible.
  2. Below the back of the head, the hair is gathered into a ponytail (including straightened strands).
  3. The hair is slightly combed from the base of the tail.
  4. Two thin strands are separated on the sides.
  5. From the ends, the hair is slightly curled to the base of the tail, forming a soft (but not fluffy) pad of hair.
  6. It is secured under the tail with bobby pins and hairpins.
  7. The side strands are framed in a circle using the cross method.
  8. Depending on the severity of the hair, the hairstyle must be secured with hairpins.
  9. You can spray it with hairspray to make your hair last longer.
  10. It is very important to secure the base well, otherwise, if you move it carelessly, the hair will unwind into a ponytail again.
  11. Small silk scarves are often tied over the bun, but this is relevant if the girl has a general retro look.

Evening or holiday option

If you look at most evening hairstyles, you might not realize that many of them are based on a bun. They are suitable for the most part either for young ladies who are not afraid of a heavier look, or for middle-aged ladies, because volume around the face along with pulled-back hair suits this type of woman.

A messy bun can be easily done as a hairstyle for a special event. But you can’t do without backcombing and hairspray. The main recommendation for removing such beauty is not to try to comb dry, freshly let down hair.

It is necessary to remove all hairpins and clips, wash your hair with shampoo, hold the silicone-containing balm for 2 times longer than usual, rinse warm water, only after this, after drying your hair a little, can you comb it.

Otherwise, there is a risk of breaking the ends.

  1. The hair is combed from the roots and covered with hairspray.
  2. Gathered in a high ponytail, with the exception of two side strands. On the last curl of the elastic, the hair remains twisted in the form of a loop, without completely threading the ends of the hair.
  3. The ends are secured at the bottom with pins.
  4. The ends of the resulting loop of hair are connected with a bobby pin at the bottom.
  5. Loose strands are braided into voluminous braids or simply wrapped around a fixed bun.
  6. A couple of thin strands along the edges of the face can be twisted, covered with the face and left as decoration.

Bunch - fan

This option has 2 features, depending on your wishes: it can be done at the bottom and at the top. The lower one is suitable for girls who are not afraid of the effect of wet, “slicked” hair, the upper one is more typical for women of the older generation.

  1. The hair is straightened with a styler and divided into an even parting.
  2. They are divided into two parts horizontally: upper and lower.
  3. The lower part is pulled into the ponytail, leaving a loop of hair that was not pulled out in the last turn of the elastic.
  4. If the beam is lower, it remains lying down; if it is upper, it needs to be secured so that the fan itself looks up.
  5. The top strand, parted, wraps the bun in a circle.
  6. Using a strong fixation gel, the strands in the bun are divided so that the hair looks separate and not as a monolith.

Asymmetrical messy bun

The idea of ​​such a hairstyle was born in America back in the 30s, it was then that ladies fell in love with asymmetrical hairstyles on their heads, and over time this fashion has reached the present day. This design is suitable for all ages, for any type of face, due to the fact that there are an incredible variety of options, and all of them are more festive.

Curling your hair will help you create a messy bun on straight hair. This volume gives an airy look.

  1. The hair gets a little combed at the roots.
  2. If they are straight, then they curl a little closer to the ends.
  3. They are gathered into a side ponytail at the bottom, not far from the ear.
  4. They are wrapped either up or down, depending on which position will be more convenient for fastening.
  5. They are attached at the base and around the bun; if the hair is very light, then sometimes one method of attachment is enough.
  6. Besides curly hair that will stand out from the overall bun, you can pull the curls a little (but not completely) out of the hairstyle.

Messy curly hair bun

This type of hair is created for this hairstyle. There is no need to invent anything extraordinary. It is more suitable for young ladies, as it looks very youthful. Best of all, buns made from curls frame chubby girls.

  1. The hair is collected in a ponytail of medium height, not tight.
  2. The full length of the tail is wrapped around its base.
  3. Secure with invisible pins.

There is also another interesting option:

  1. The hair is gathered into a loose ponytail of medium height.
  2. The middle of the base of the tail is pulled apart and the tip of the tail is pulled into it, forming a large curl.
  3. It, together with the tip of the tail, is fixed with invisible pins.

It is important to try not to pinch your hair anywhere. Curls that are pulled too tight look sloppy and lose all their charm.

Volumetric option

If you want to tie your hair up, but don’t have the time to “conjure” the look for a long time, a simple voluminous bun will help out in such a situation. At the same time, it is important not to straighten or smooth your hair; the more careless it is, the better the look will turn out.

This option is suitable for young girls of all face types; it looks best on uneven hair (light brown with a transition to the roots, balayage coloring), due to the play of not only the texture of the hair, but also the color.

  1. The hair is gathered into a loose medium ponytail using an elastic band.
  2. It is twisted around the base directly, without connecting it into a rope, or braided into a voluminous braid, if the length allows.
  3. Fixed with invisible ones.

Bun with a sock or donut

“Donut” is a device for collecting hair in a bun, sold in all hairdressing stores. It comes in different widths, depending on the required volume and length of hair. They are dense, like foam rubber, but consist of a thin mesh. Men's socks are considered an analogue (because they are longer): the nose is cut off, the socks are twisted into an elastic donut.

It is advisable to choose socks and bagels that match the color of your hair, otherwise fabric of the opposite color will look unsightly under the strands that have escaped from the bun.

Bagel for long hair:

  1. The hair is collected in a ponytail, either tight or medium-tight.
  2. The donut (or sock) is placed 3-4 cm further than the tip of the hair.
  3. Using both hands, twist the donut with hair to the base of the tail.
  4. Thus, the hair is collected in a bun, which can be held without hairpins, but if “your hand is not full,” it is better to additionally secure it with several bobby pins.

Bagel for medium hair:

  1. Hair is collected in a ponytail.
  2. A donut is placed at the base of the ponytail so that all the hair passes through it.
  3. The hair is wrapped around the donut, securing individual strands at the base.

With French spikelet

A braid and a bun are two types of hairstyles that look great even in their most careless execution. The ability to combine them is ideal for both everyday options and festive events.

  1. One or two braids are braided from the forehead (through the parting).
  2. One braid can be made straight or in the form of a headband.
  3. The braids are woven to the lower back of the head.
  4. If there are two of them, it is better to secure them with a ponytail, twist the ends of the hair around the base of the tail, carelessly pulling strands from it.
  5. If there is only one braid, you can bring it down to the very end and twist it either around itself or tuck it underneath.
  6. All options are fastened with studs.

Backcomb bun

Backcombing has been discussed in many types of buns, but this option is created for more fundamental hairstyles. It is suitable for adult women, but has recently become widely popular among young brides. A bun with a backcomb is one of the most popular types of wedding hairstyles today.

  1. The head must be clean.
  2. A fixative is applied to the hair.
  3. The curls on the top of the head are separated and pinned separately; they will come in handy later.
  4. The rest of the hair is combed with a special bristly comb from ends to roots.
  5. Carefully cover the backcomb with hair from the top of the head, smoothing it out to create volume.
  6. At the bottom, the hair is gathered into a ponytail, secured to a donut or in a bundle, using hairpins.

Bun of braids

A careless bun of braids is the most youthful option for collecting hair in a bun, used both for everyday wear and for a special occasion.

Step by step instructions on how to do it messy bun with braids.
  1. The hair is gathered into two ponytails of medium height, below the crown so that they are next to each other (not on the sides, like regular two ponytails).
  2. A voluminous braid is made from each.
  3. The braids are intertwined in a circle, forming a wide, voluminous bun.
  4. It is important not to pull them together.
  5. Secure your hair with hairpins and bobby pins.

Bun with bangs

A bun is a universal hairstyle that suits all face types. She looks most elegant with bangs, and with all its types.

  1. The higher the bun, the better it will harmonize with the bangs.
  2. Straight bangs remain unchanged, but sloping bangs are better to be curled a little.
  3. You can leave small curled strands on the sides. They will be a continuation of the bangs and will give the image more tenderness.
  4. To “shade off” short hair on the forehead, it is better to make a voluminous bun.

Low bun

For some women, low buns are inconvenient to wear, as they make it difficult to tilt the head back, and they are a little more difficult to do. However, if you leave volume on your head (the strict bun was mentioned above), then this hairstyle will suit girls of all ages.

  1. You can backcomb your hair a little for volume, but this is not necessary.
  2. Make a loose ponytail at the bottom.
  3. Take the ends of your hair and twist them from the end to the beginning of the ponytail.
  4. Connect the edges of the resulting tube at the top or bottom (whichever is more convenient).
  5. Secure the hairstyle with hairpins.

High option

A bun on top of the head is not for everyone. It will harmoniously dilute the image of fragile young girls with delicate facial features. It will plump up larger ladies and add years to older ladies.

In this case, a triangular face type with a slightly elongated chin is more suitable.

  1. It is best to make a high bun loose, without the hair being pulled back.
  2. Hair that is too smooth and combed is only suitable for formal hairstyles.
  3. It works better using a donut.
  4. The wider and flatter the bun is, the more harmonious it will look on the head.
  5. Looks best on curly or curled hair.

How to decorate a bun: jewelry and accessories

A messy bun will look even more natural if you choose the right decoration. In everyday versions, decoration is used to complement the image, and in evening ones it is almost a mandatory attribute.

Many beautiful things are used for decoration:

  1. Flowers (artificial or real) fit perfectly between the strands. Artificial ones, as a rule, are already set on a stiletto heel.
  2. Bows are attached from above, from the side, but classic version– from below the volumetric beam. At the same time, their size should be in harmony with the collected hair. If the bun is small, a huge bow will not work, and if it is large, then a small bow will get lost against its background.
  3. Thin silk scarves are wrapped one or several times around a bun of hair and tied with a bow at the bottom.
  4. Hairdressing stores sell a huge number of medium-sized combs up to 10 centimeters, slightly rounded to fit the shape of the head. They are decorated with a scattering of crystals, flowers and other decorative elements.

Hairstyles can be formal or casual; even the most conservative girls like to change their look from time to time. By collecting your hair in a messy bun, you can make various variations of it, and within the same hairstyle you can always have a different look.

Useful video tutorials on creating messy buns for different hair lengths

10 options for messy buns:

Wedding asymmetrical bun:

There are times in every lady’s life when her curls just don’t want to be styled. Of course, to put it mildly, this does not evoke the most positive emotions. But there is a beautiful way out - you can put your hair in a stylish bun and in a great mood go towards your destiny.

Stylish hairstyle for both everyday life and celebrations.

Try uploading your photo and see how this hairstyle will look on you

Bulka with hairpins

This is the simplest method on how to make a hair bun with your own hands. It is also suitable for small haircuts, but the longer they are, the larger the hairstyle will be.

The result doesn’t have to be flawless; some carelessness won’t hurt here, because such a bun will help out in those moments when you need to look great, but there’s no time to wash your hair. This option holds the strands tightly, so it is perfect for sports.

The summary of his creation is as follows:

The photo shows how to do this hairstyle.

  1. We collect the hair in a ponytail and secure it with an elastic band.. It is more convenient to work with an elastic band with hooks; they do not damage and at the same time hold the strands best. You can find such hairpins in specialized stores for hairdressers. Yes, regular rubber bands are also suitable.
  2. Comb your hair and wrap it in a large bun or braid it in an airy braid.. Wrap it around the base of the ponytail.
  3. Secure the hairstyle with hairpins; the protruding ends can be tossed or secured with bobby pins, if desired..

This bun looks both elegant and sporty. For a traditional look, you can use products to add shine, and for a casual version, treat your curls with a texturizing spray in advance and make the braid looser.

Bun using a donut

This is what a “bagel” looks like, it happens various sizes and diameter, the cost depends on the size.

Another easy method is to make a bun with a donut, this is a special device similar to a sponge.

“Donuts” come in different colors and sizes, for larger or smaller volumes of bundles. There are even ones with a special coating of artificial strands - they are created for small hair, because they will be inconspicuous.
How to make a bun from hair using this device?

In order to do this hairstyle, you don’t need to have any special abilities, it’s simple and straightforward

  1. We gather the strands into a ponytail and tie it with an elastic band. It can be low or high, everything depends on what kind of hairstyle you want to get.
  2. We pass the tail through the hole of the donut, as if it were an elastic band.
  3. We tilt our head so that the curls are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the “donut”. You can secure their position by putting another elastic band on top of the “donut”.
  4. We tuck the remaining loose ends under the bun. If they are very long, you can wrap them around the base.
  5. We secure the hairstyle with bobby pins and hairpins. For a more “glossy” effect, use a spray or gloss varnish.

Pay attention! If you were unable to find a “bagel” in the shops of the town or simply do not have time for this, you can replace it with a very large and thick rubber band. It may seem strange, but an ordinary “sock” can also change this item. Simply cut off the toe and heel and roll the sock into a doughnut.

Backcomb bun

If you have thin curls and the methods described above do not suit you, then create a voluminous bun using backcombing. This option is not suitable for every day, because backcombing spoils the hair very much. But its harmful effects can be completely corrected by more careful hair care.

You can pin your hair up like this for extra volume.

Abstract of the creation of the beam:

  1. Wash and dry your curls thoroughly. Do not use heavy leave-in products - they will not last long at all.
  2. Let's lean forward and dry the strands in the direction from the back of the head. Let's rise, shake and straighten the strands, bend down again and repeat the function. The more times you do this, the longer the bouffant will last - the strands should become very voluminous.
  3. Let's collect the strands in a ponytail, apply varnish to the curls at a distance of fifteen to 20 cm in order to maintain the splendor.
  4. Divide the curls into several parts and comb them using a comb with a narrow tip and thick rounded teeth that do not damage the curls.
  5. We twist the combed strands into loose strands and arrange them in the form of a bun. Secure with bobby pins, hairpins, hairspray – that’s it, your beautiful hairstyle is ready.

Advice! In order to completely get rid of frizz, rinse your hair with a huge amount of smoothing conditioner and carefully untangle the strands with your hands. Do not use a comb - wet strands are very fragile and are not at all difficult to destroy.

Big bun using a roller

For a special option, you can make a bun with a roller. The hair must be secured to the roller itself, but it is better to use a tight elastic band so that the hairstyle can last longer.

So, a detailed summary of how to make a bun with a roller:

The fastener is painfully easy to fasten.

  1. First, we collect the highest tail and secure it with an elastic band, not very thick.
  2. After this, we begin to wind the strands onto the roller. They must be screwed in a downward direction.
  3. When you reach the base of the tail, wrap the roller around it.
  4. Then you should feel for the clasp and fasten it.
  5. All that remains is to moderately distribute the strands over the roller so that the hairpin is not visible through them.
  6. If you couldn’t fit all the strands into the bun, that’s okay. Falling curls will give a serious hairstyle a little hint of negligence.


Be beautiful every day!

A bun is probably the most popular hairstyle for all occasions. Its advantages are that it is quick, simple and easy to do. And with the help of its many interpretations, you can create an inimitable hairstyle both for every day and for a special occasion.

And the video in this article contains additional aspects on this topic, take a look!

Long hair, no doubt beautiful decoration for a woman's head, but promises serious work on the care and creation of hairstyles. Today we offer you to consider options on how to make a beautiful bun on your head yourself at home. in various ways: using an elastic band, a donut, hairpins, on the side, high on the top of the head, etc. Let's consider options for medium (to the shoulders) and long (to the middle of the back and below) hair, straight and curly hair step by step instructions. We will also bring to your attention photos and videos on the topic.

How to properly make a bun on your head?

Before starting to create a fashionable image (including hairstyles), every girl needs to learn how to follow the advice of experts (stylists, designers):

The complete image needs to be taken into account: makeup, clothes, accessories, styling, etc. ;
it is better to create a hairstyle on normal clean hair , for a lasting effect, use fixing agents: varnishes, gels, mousses etc., for those with smooth, thin curls, it is better to use backcombing;
no need to create an image on wet or damp hair, this will make it difficult to work ;
choose a hairstyle taking into account your data: dBuns on the top of the head are not recommended for tall girls with a swan neck; tall hairstyles are perfect for short necks and/or short stature; voluminous hairstyles are not suitable for petite beauties, etc.

Contrary to popular belief, such hairstyles can be created for any length of hair: short, medium or long hair. It looks most interesting if the hair has a modern coloring using the ombre, boho or highlighting technique. It can be complemented with various decorative means, a hat (with fur, with a multi-colored ornament self made(for example, three-color), a veil or shawl with a rose, a round yoke, etc.), for example.

How to make a bun on your head using an elastic band

A hair elastic is a unique tool for creating a beautiful look. There are a huge selection of options for its use, both in a single version and with the addition of auxiliary accessories, for example, hairpins. The simplest (classic), but elegant option is done like this (an ordinary vanilla toggle switch, based on an ordinary bun):

The main principle of operation, of course, is simplicity and ease. To get started, you can practice creating ideas on a doll (for beginners) or watch a video on YouTube.

Create a messy modern bun on your head

How to do ridiculous disheveled bun on the head e? We offer a quick and easy option using a loop:

  • gather the mop into a ponytail on the top of the head (horse): in the first turn, thread it all the way through, and on the second, do it not all the way (so that it looks like a loop), so that the hairstyle turns out voluminous; before this procedure, moisten the mop with foam;
  • on the loop and the remaining ends, make a light backcomb (make it careless, you can slightly tousle it with a pencil);
  • fix the result with varnish.

Such sloppy variations are perfect for both children (little girls) and young people, both for every day and for special occasions. Another option: an inverted bun, made using a spiral or spring.

Bun on the head with an elastic band for medium hair

An original idea for creating hairstyles with plaits. It looks more elegant if done at the back of the head (can be on the side). The scheme is simple:

You can create both an ideal and vice versa - an imperfect image (stylish, casual). For the second, you will need a regular pencil, with its help you need to fluff up the knots a little and make them careless.

How to make a voluminous bun on your head using a donut

The most common option for creating a bun is a donut (if you don’t have a special elastic band with a sponge (donut or donut), you can replace it with a rolled sock). The result is feminine, neat and curvy:

  • make a ponytail using an elastic band (top or bottom);
  • thread the head into the bagel/sock;
  • make a palm tree from the tail, moving the donut towards the ends (not all the way);
  • distribute the tips evenly around the entire circumference;
  • wrap them under a donut and scroll until you hide all the curls under the roller;
  • On top of the structure, put an elastic band in the color of the mop;
  • secure the contours with pins.

We will tell you below how to make a bun on your head without a bagel and a sock.

Fashionable bun on the head: photo

A modern look can be created on one's own without resorting to the help of beauty salons. Many of the described methods are successfully used even by world-famous screen stars. However, it is easy to verify this by looking at the photo illustrations of the results presented to your attention: here are regular buns (classic), and using bagels, hairpins, with French braids, etc., etc.

Types of buns on the head: how to do?

There are a lot of hairstyles that you can do yourself, you just need to choose the appropriate option:

  • bunches on the side (one or two vanilla beans);
  • with a French braid on the side or in the center;
  • disheveled (messy, fluffy);
  • bow;
  • released strands and without them, etc.

We have already described some options, and some we propose to consider further.

Two buns on the sides of the head

This unusual model also has two versions: can be done high, in the middle, or low at the back of the head . To create a hairstyle, divide the curls in half (an asymmetrical division (with a zipper) looks original), make ponytails with an elastic band on each separated strand and create a unique design of the chosen model (babette or cool elongated horns, for example). The messy option is great.

Such appearance requires special details in clothing: the most simple options for newborns, booties and a dress are enough, but for older ones you need to think about general style: beige tunic set with fur collar and a shirt with a graceful round yoke on the front (autumn-winter), vest with a wide belt or yellow border (or, for example, a highlighted rectangle) under classic trousers, mohair jumpers and jackets, mini and maxi length skirts, figure-hugging dresses, etc.

Experts recommend creating own projects (sketches of models) based on patterns tailored to your image. This way you can decorate your existing wardrobe by simply adding leaves, roses (at the seams, gradient or along the entire length). But here it is important to know what it should look like correctly , then the details won’t be too much. The ubiquitous Internet and master classes from master designers will help with this, where you can download pictures, parts layout diagrams, etc. for free.

High bun on the head: description

The high version (standing bun) looks impressive under any circumstances, as it is a classic of the genre. To create it:

This is unusual option - transformer, aka universal(if you don’t twist the second strand, you get an elegant ponytail with a hair frame at the base). Both options are suitable for different activities. The first is appropriate for active activities (sports performances, for example) : rhythmic gymnastics, ballet(often preferred by ballerinas), sectional wrestling, dancing(twister, for example) etc. The second one resonates well with everyday activities: office work, walking, etc.

If you add accessories (hairpins, flowers, beads, stones, etc.), he becomes great option holiday hairstyle: for a wedding (goes perfectly with the bride’s wedding dress, you can secure it with a net to match the style of the veil), to graduation and just for an evening date with my boyfriend . In the absence required length curls, you can create an image using a false wig (individual curls), it will also emphasize individuality. For boys, you can add men's accessories.

How to make a bun on your head with your hair down?

This image can be created mixing styles (combined style): selected option(this can be one bun (back or side) or two side ones, it would be more appropriate to make them match the main hairstyle, for example, careless and chaotic) make from part of a haystack(divide into two or three quarters), leave the rest free. This hairstyle looks great and with and without bangs , in addition, it is suitable for men as a fashionable men's hairstyle and for women/girls.

You can create stylish And creative image by adding interesting details: hairpins with roosters or bats , for example (children's and youth image, great for boys and girls). Or create a romantic image using Japanese (Chinese) chopsticks , in a word, create exclusive hairstyles!

Using an elastic band for long hair

Another interesting way: with a French braid . It looks very impressive and is very simple to do: the mop is divided into two unequal parts , big part is captured in the tail with an elastic band, from less braid the braid across the head, wrap the ends of the braid around the elastic band and secure it. From the rest (gathered in a tail) they make bunch tourniquet method.