We make homemade butter. How to make butter at home

If you have a jar of heavy cream or country sour cream at home, then you can safely start preparing natural butter. You shouldn’t even compare the result with a product purchased in a supermarket. There are no vegetable additives, harmful preservatives, or artificial colors in homemade butter, because it is based only natural ingredients. This oil can be given even to small children without fear. This recipe will be useful for adherents of a healthy diet.

The method of preparing homemade butter is very simple, and the necessary equipment - a blender and mixer - can be found in the kitchen of almost every housewife.

Recipe information

Preparation time: 40 min.

Number of servings: 200 g.


  • Cream – 1 l.

Cooking recipe

  1. To make butter, you need to buy very rich homemade cream. It is extremely difficult to make such a product from store-bought ingredients. Cream can be replaced with thick homemade sour cream. However, it is worth noting that butter made from village sour cream has a slightly sour taste. Even a product that has been stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days is suitable for making oil.

  2. The cream should be poured into a large, deep container. Beat the mixture with a mixer.
  3. After 10 minutes the mass will begin to thicken. During this period, you can take a short break so that the equipment does not overheat. Then start whipping the cream again.

  4. Continue whipping the cream, changing the mixer to the immersion blender attachment. This should be done after the mass begins to form lumps.

  5. Whisk the mixture until buttermilk (a whitish liquid) appears. The oil must be collected by hand. Separate it from the liquid. Drain the buttermilk into another container. You can use it to make dough, bake pancakes, etc. Fresh buttermilk is very beneficial to drink.

  6. Lightly knead the butter with your hands, giving it the shape of a dense lump.

  7. Pour ice water into a deep container. Rinse the oil thoroughly in it. The water should be changed several times.

  8. Drain the water from the oil container. If you want to cook butter with the taste of mushrooms, herbs or pickled herring, then you should mix a small amount of any crushed additive with the main product. After this, the mass should be thoroughly kneaded with your hands.

  9. Using a spoon, roll the butter into a ball. Give it the required shape.

  10. Then form the ball into a regular briquette. Smooth its surface with a spoon. The edges can be carefully trimmed with a knife.

  11. Wrap the butter in parchment or cling film. Place it in the freezer until it cools completely. After this, the butter can be stored in the refrigerator.
  12. Cut the finished butter into small slices. Serve home product with fresh bread or rolls. Appetizing, and most importantly, natural butter will appeal to the whole family. Bon appetit!

Note to the owner:

  • To ensure that homemade butter has a rich yellow-orange hue, you can add 20 g of natural carrot juice to it at the end of cooking (mix the butter and juice thoroughly using a blender, spoon or masher). But it should be remembered that due to the presence of juice in the composition, the oil spoils faster. Therefore, it must be stored at low temperatures and use within 3-4 days.

“You need not only to know, but also to apply.
One must not only wish, but also do...”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

To make essential oils at home, you need to know which part of the plant (leaves, stems, flowers, roots, fruits, peel or seeds) to use to make the oil. Amount of essential oil by composition and content of useful components All plants are different. And fluctuates in a range from 0.04 at the lily of the valley up to 6% in fennel fruits, and most of all in buds clove tree – 22%.

Raw materials for preparing essential oil

In the same plant healing properties may vary depending on the time of day and the season of collection of raw materials. And also on the method of extracting the essential oil and on the conditions and duration of storage

You can make your own essential oil from plants grown on personal plot or from wild ones.

Flowers are collected at the moment of their full opening (calendula, rose, chamomile). Leaves and stems - before the plant blooms (basil, rosemary). If all is used aboveground part plants, then the collection is also carried out during the flowering period (lavender, St. John's wort, yarrow).

Fruits and seeds are collected when fully ripe (coriander, milk thistle). During this period, the content of medicinal components in the plant (flavonoids, aldehydes, phytoncides) is maximum. This improves the healing properties of oils.

Roots and other underground parts of plants are dug up in the fall (burdock root). At this time, the growing season has ended and the roots are saturated with useful components.

When to collect raw materials

The time of harvesting the plant is also important. It is better to collect plants in the morning, when there is no dew, and in sunny weather. Remember that plants cannot be collected from roadsides, near industrial enterprises. They absorb all dust, dirt and various industrial wastes. Best places for collecting plants - these are forests, mountains, meadows, unplowed fields.

How to dry

Dried raw materials are also used in the preparation of essential oil. Plants need to be dried, just like medicinal herbs, in ventilated sheds or other rooms, on paper, fabric mats, on shelves or boards. One more thing prerequisite- absence sun rays. Under the influence of the sun, essential oils evaporate and the beneficial components contained in the plant disintegrate. They can also be dried in ovens or electric dryers at a temperature of 30-40 °C. As a result of drying the plantlose more than half of their weight.

Compliance with all conditions for collecting and preparing raw materials guarantees the receipt of high-quality natural oil.

Oils prepared at home are identical in properties to natural essential oils, but are less concentrated and therefore can be used without dilution.

At home, it is better to prepare oils in small quantities and those for which special complex machines are not required. With your own hands you can prepare oil of calendula, lavender, rose, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, burdock, and from white lily flowers.

Cooking recipes

St. John's wort oil

There are more than 20 types of St. John's wort and only one is medicinal, it is called St. John's wort. St. John's wort is common in the central part of Ukraine. It differs from other species in its narrow leaf shape with a smooth edge and large flowers with elongated petals.

St. John's wort (hereinafter the name St. John's wort is used) is collected during flowering. St. John's wort oil is prepared at home from both fresh and dried raw materials. The dried raw material is threshed, removing the stems.

There are many ways to prepare St. John's wort oil with your own hands based on vegetable oils, such as sea buckthorn, olive, almond, flaxseed, sunflower and others.

Let's look at 5 of the simplest and most commonly used methods for preparing St. John's wort oil:

1. Fill 20 g or 2 tbsp. spoons freshly picked St. John's wort flowers 1/2 cup olive oil(100 ml). Leave for 4-6 weeks. Then squeeze, pass through a filter and pour into bottles. Store in the refrigerator. The resulting oil is used for kidney stones, bile duct diseases.

2. Fill 20 g or 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh crushed raw materials 300 ml of olive oil. You can take almond or sunflower. Leave for 21 days. Then squeeze, filter through a fine sieve and cheesecloth. Pour into dark glass bottles and store in the refrigerator or cool place. This oil is used for bruises, abscesses and suppurations.

3.Fill 3 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed raw materials from leaves and flowers of St. John's wort 200 ml of any vegetable oil. Leave in a sealed container for 15-20 days, shaking occasionally. Then squeeze and strain through cheesecloth folded in two layers. Place in the refrigerator. Apply the resulting oil for burns and non-healing wounds.

4.Fill 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh flowers 150 ml of any vegetable oil, preferably almond oil. Leave for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. Then squeeze and filter. Place in a cool place. Apply for the care of dry and aging skin, to prevent wrinkles.

5. Place 500 ml sunflower, corn or olive oil on water bath. Add 150 g of dried crushed flowers and leaves of St. John's wort. Keep on low heat for an hour. Then leave for two days. Then strain, pour into bottles and place in a dark place.

Calendula oil

To prepare calendula oil, collect the flowers of the plant without pedicels and in a ratio of 1 to 5. Take 1 part crushed flowers and 5 parts vegetable oil poured olive oil. For example, for 20 g of flowers, 100 ml of olive oil. Insist for 3 weeks. Then it is squeezed out and filtered. The oil is used to treat wounds, cuts, and bruises.

Lavender oil

To make lavender oil, flowering stems are collected and tied into bunches. The oil is prepared from fresh leaves and flowers and from dried ones. To prepare the oil, take 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed raw materials. Fill in 200 ml any basic vegetable oil(olive, flaxseed, macadamia, almond). Leave in a dark, cool place for 2 months. Shaking occasionally. At the end of this period, strain the resulting oil and pour into dark glass bottles.

Rose oil

To prepare rose oil, collect rosehip petals or garden roses with the brightest and most intense aroma. Roses should not be treated with any chemicals. On the same day, prepare the oil or rose water according to one of the recipes.

1.Distillation method with steam used in industrial production. A similar mini installation can be done at home.
Only from 5 kg of rose petals a total of 1 g rose essential oil in industrial production.

You will get very little oil, a few drops. But floral rose water is enough.

2. Natural rose water It’s easier to make at home than butter.

Take a wide pan and place rose petals in several rows on the bottom. Pour water so that the petals are completely covered with water. Place on the fire, covering the pan with a lid. When the water boils, turn the heat to low and simmer the petals for about 1 hour until they lose their color.

Then squeeze out the petals, strain the resulting rose water and pour into sterile jars. Place in the refrigerator. Such rose water can be stored without losing its smell and properties for a year.

3.This method of obtaining rose water a bit similar to the previous one. Also take a pan, on the bottom of which are placed several layers of rose petals, filled with water. Place a deep bowl or a wide-necked jar in the middle of the pan on the rose petals. The edges of the jar or bowl should be above the layer of water.

Cover with an inverted lid and put on fire. When the water begins to boil, reduce the flame of the burner, and fill the inverted lid with ice cubes. The steam along with the rose essential oils will rise up, settle as a distillate on the lid and flow into the jar.

Heat the pan with rose petals over low heat for an hour. Do not forget to check that all the water has not boiled away. Water can be added. At the end of the process, there will be natural rose water in a jar inside the pan. Store the resulting rose water in a cool place. You can use it for a year or even more, while rose water retains all its healing properties.

Orange oil

If you want to cook orange oil at home, you need to take the peel of several oranges.

  • Wash, peel the pulp and chop finely.
  • Pour into a jar and fill with any vegetable oil so that the crusts are completely covered.
  • Then put it in a dark place.
  • After 3-4 days, place the jar with the crusts in a water bath for 30 minutes, while the lid on the jar should not be closed tightly.
  • Then strain the resulting liquid and squeeze out the crusts, the oil is ready.

Store in a cool place.

Using the same recipe, you can prepare oil from lemon, lime and tangerine.

How to make citrus water

Natural citrus water At home they prepare it like this:

  • Peel 1-2 citrus fruits, wash and cut into small pieces.
  • Pour some water into a steamer or saucepan.
  • In a double boiler - on a wire rack, and in a saucepan - on a smaller sieve inserted into the pan, pour the chopped peel.
  • Cover with a lid and bring to a boil. When it boils, turn it off, let it brew and cool.
  • Then pour into bottles and store in the refrigerator.

It must be used within 10 days. This fragrant water is used to cleanse the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, morning and evening.

Attention! When growing, citrus fruits are sprayed with pesticides, just like our apples, the last spraying is usually long before the fruits ripen. And before transporting fruits, exporters coat them with wax or paraffin with preservatives to increase shelf life.

Therefore, before preparing the oil, very wash the peel thoroughly using a brush or kitchen scraper to wash dishes. Then plunge into boiling water for 1 minute to melt the wax. For washing, you can use soap or baking soda. I wash and pour boiling water from a kettle over it.

Another option— buy fruits grown without the use of pesticides. In the West they are sold in the organic departments of supermarkets. Prices for such goods are usually 2-3 times higher.

Attention! Grapefruit oil at home they don't cook.

Clove oil

Pharmacy clove oil has a high concentration. It must be diluted strongly and only a one percent solution should be used. Who doesn’t want to guess about percentages is better off making clove oil at home. It can be used for toothache and in the treatment of colds. Use it to make ointments and body creams.

For cooking clove oil you will need:

  • 2 sterile glass jars with lids;
  • olive oil or any base oil;
  • clove buds, preferably as fresh as possible

Here are some ways to make clove oil at home:
1. Rub 4 fresh(8 – which ones exist) clove buds. Pour into a jar with olive oil(300 ml). Close the lid and leave to brew for a week.
After a week, strain through two layers of gauze and pour into another prepared jar. Add 4 more crushed clove buds and cover with a lid. Leave it to steep for another week. Strain before use.

2. Rub one glass of cloves, pour into a sterile jar. Fill in vegetable oil(olive or corn) so that it is a few centimeters higher than the clove powder. Close the lid and leave to infuse in a sunny place for two weeks. After two weeks, pour the strained oil into another sterile jar and close the lid tightly.

3. Shredded cloves pour it out into the slow cooker. Pour in any base oil so that it completely covers the cloves. Cook for 3-4 hours at the lowest temperature. Then strain and pour into a sterile jar and close the lid. If you don't have a slow cooker, use the oven at the lowest temperature and a thick-walled saucepan.
The resulting oil store in a cool, dark place, use within two months.

Melissa oil

Homemade lemon balm oil is used to treat skin, as a base for masks and creams.

To prepare the oil you need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of dry lemon balm;
  • 1 glass of any vegetable oil;
  • 200 g jar with lid;

Pour dry crushed leaves with vegetable oil. Close the jar with a lid and place in a warm, dark place for a week or two. Shake occasionally. Then filter through a sieve and squeeze out the filtered raw materials. Store at room temperature.

It is also recommended to watch :
‎How to make pine oil from pine needles with your own hands
Methods for obtaining essential oils
How to make sea buckthorn oil at home
How to make flaxseed oil at home

For many years people have been making butter at home. But today, homemade butter is a rare treat with a great fresh, creamy taste and silky smooth texture. It is a great way to rediscover magical properties milk. The principle of making butter at home is quite simple: you need to whip the cream for a long time until it turns into butter!
The tools for making butter are the simplest and you are sure to have something in your kitchen. It could be immersion blender with a whisk, or food processor, or a stationary blender, or a planetary (tabletop) mixer, or even an ordinary glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
I already wrote about. Now it's time to write about sour butter.

For cooking oil except cow's milk(or rather cream), you can use any other - buffalo, camel, goat, sheep or horse. Here, as they say, everything depends on your capabilities.
But today we will not just make sour butter, but first we will prepare sour cream at home. This is an intermediate step in making cultured butter, and you can stop there if you wish. Homemade sour cream made with your own hands is also indescribably delicious!

Sour butter differs from sweet butter in its richer aroma and slightly more spicy taste. Cultured butter is made by fermenting the sugars in milk (lactose) into lactic acid before the cream becomes butter. To put it simply, the cream is first fermented in a warm place and then whipped. Simply fermented cream is sour cream. Although in fairness it must be said that it is better to ferment cream with the addition of special starter cultures. This way the result will be much more predictable - the finished starter contains only certain “correct” bacteria.

When fermenting cream without a special starter, leave the cream at room temperature for 12-24 hours or until the cream begins to look shiny and taste good. A little sour. But you shouldn’t leave them to ferment for longer than 24 hours, otherwise they will taste too sour. And if your room is too hot, then 12 hours may be too much. Therefore, you will have to monitor the cream and taste it periodically.

To make butter, we need very good cream: we need fresh or pasteurized cream with a fat content of 33-40%. The fattier they are, the more butter you can get from a liter of cream. Ultra-pasteurized or sterilized cream is not suitable for making butter - cream changes its structure when heated at high temperatures and butter will never be made from it. Well, the composition of the cream should also be completely natural, i.e. only whole cream. And no thickeners or vegetable fats. And here the first problem awaits you. There are usually no such creams on store shelves. I once wrote about . The article identifies brands that generally sell heavy cream in Russia. But 99% of them are not suitable for making oil. So welcome to the farms for the cream. This is now the only option where you can buy this.

If you suddenly decide not to waste time looking for cream and fermenting it, but decide to make butter from sour cream, then when choosing sour cream it is worth considering that the sour cream should be as natural as possible, made only from cream with the addition of sourdough. If the sour cream contains thickeners, starch (even if this is not written on the package), vegetable fat and other rubbish that should not be in a good sour cream, then you may not get any butter at all or you may end up with very little butter and an unsatisfactory taste. . At the same time, you will be able to evaluate the quality of the sour cream that you are used to buying. Making butter will be a better test for sour cream than the “Test Purchase” program.

Homemade cultured butter was traditionally produced in Europe. For some reason it was not so popular in Russia.


  • Cream with fat content from 33 to 40%: 1 liter (4 cups);
  • Salt: 1/2 tsp. (optional);

Cooking method

  1. To ferment, you will need a plastic or (better) glass or ceramic container with a wide neck and a lid. For example, if you have baking pots collecting dust, then you will finally need them.
  2. So, if you have fresh natural raw cream and you are 200% sure of the health of the cow from which it was obtained, or pasteurized cream, then put the sourdough starter into the cream (according to the starter manufacturer’s instructions) and let the cream stand in a warm place (28-33 degrees) for about 8 o'clock. If the temperature is below 28 degrees, the cream will take longer to ferment. It is especially not recommended to exceed the temperature, because... Sourdough is live bacteria that will die at high temperatures.
    If your fresh (unpasteurized) cream comes from a cow that you are not sure about and have never seen, then do not risk your health and pasteurize the cream first. It is necessary to pasteurize at a temperature of 60 degrees for 30 minutes or at a temperature of 70 degrees for 20 minutes. It is usually pasteurized in a thick-walled pan in a water bath so as not to overheat the cream. And for this you definitely need an immersion thermometer. The contents of the pan must also be constantly stirred to ensure uniform heating and the temperature must be monitored. Then let the cream cool to 33 degrees and add the starter according to the instructions.
  3. I am specifically writing about pasteurization of milk, because... Most likely, the cream that you will be able to buy will be from a farm or from a private farm. And in this case, the quality and purity of the cream will depend on the conscientiousness of the farmer himself.
  4. If you don’t have a special starter, then pasteurize the cream, pour it into a bowl in which it will ferment, and leave it in a warm place for a day.

  5. When the cream has completely fermented, you can determine this by appearance- the cream will thicken. And it will no longer be cream, but sour cream!
  6. If you have enough willpower and you don’t eat your homemade sour cream right away, then we continue further. Cool the sour cream to 16 degrees by briefly placing it in the refrigerator. To achieve best results, sour cream should be approximately 16 degrees Celsius before whipping. Sour cream that is too warm will produce butter, but it will be too soft and it may be difficult to retain it on the filter fabric. Those. Oil may seep through the holes in the fabric and be difficult to collect. But if sour cream is too cold, butter will not form. Well, more precisely, it will form, but only when the oil warms up, and I’m afraid your patience will not be enough.
  7. Transfer the sour cream to a blender, food processor, bowl stand mixer etc. and start whisking. In this case, various transformations will occur with sour cream. At first it will be white and fluffy, then it will turn into a dirty white heterogeneous mass, and only after that small scattered pieces of oil will appear yellow the size of a grain of rice. This will take from 5 to 8 minutes. At this stage you need to stop whipping and turn off the equipment.

  8. Let the oil sit for about 5 minutes. The liquid, called buttermilk, will separate from the butter during this time. Place a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth over a medium bowl. To be safe, I use a nut milk bag with a sieve - not a single grain of butter will escape through it.

  9. Transfer the butter and buttermilk to a sieve and let the buttermilk drain into a bowl. Never throw away buttermilk - this is also a valuable dairy product. You can use buttermilk to make pancakes, hash browns, cookies, bread, etc.

  10. Our next task is to remove the remaining buttermilk from the oil and make its structure homogeneous. To do this, you can transfer the oil to a large bowl filled with cold water and mash the meat thoroughly using a fork or mashed potato masher. I add ice cubes to the water so that the water is really cold and the oil does not stick to the walls of the container and the fork. If you have a potato press, you can run the oil through it. Change the water and repeat clean water. The oil must be washed until the water becomes completely clear. As a result of these manipulations, there will be no hidden cavities filled with buttermilk in the oil, and the shelf life and fat content of the product will increase.

  11. If you are making salted butter, now is the time to add the salt. In order for the salt to be evenly mixed in the oil, drain the water from it and then stir for about 10 minutes. With a mashed potato press, things will go faster - just pass the butter and salt through the press 5-6 times. Salt will enhance the flavor of the oil and extend its shelf life.
  12. At this stage, the butter can be shaped into any shape - you can make a simple rectangular block or put the butter in silicone mold for cookies. To obtain the shape, you can also use ceramic baking dishes, terrines, ramequins. There are even special presses, molds and stamps for oil.

  13. When you're done, wrap the butter in wax paper and store it in the refrigerator.


The finished butter can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks. For longer storage, wrap the butter in a double layer polyethylene film or put in plastic container. Well washed, salted and hermetically sealed butter can be stored in freezer up to 9 months. For example, I store butter for future use in the summer, while milk and cream are in abundance and rich in vitamins.


Personally, I associate the phrase “homemade oil” with early childhood. I remember being little, sitting with my grandmother in a cozy entryway behind a wooden tub of sour cream. We often made butter with her at home, quietly singing old favorite songs.

For a number of my friends, this same phrase evokes completely different associations. Hearing it, they imagine a simple useful product, while they compare preparing butter at home with a huge headache. Yes, not everyone understands that making homemade oil is quite easy.

Why make homemade butter?

Making homemade oil should be done by those people who love themselves and natural products. Of course, if you eat high-quality store-bought butter, nothing terrible will happen. But you must realize that this product, unlike homemade butter, is not made from cream alone.

Oil producers are allowed to add dyes, bacterial preparations, preservatives, flavors, emulsifiers, stabilizers, etc. to their products. Do you want to eat in the morning? fresh bread smeared with stabilizers and preservatives? No? Same thing. And it is not a fact that the oil you purchased contains only what we have listed. It may consist of more unexpected and dangerous components. Do you still think that preparing butter at home is a whim or stupidity? Hardly. Well, then let's learn how to make healthy butter.

Homemade butter from collected cream in a jar in 15 minutes

To prepare about 80 g of amazingly tasty and healthy homemade butter, you will need about 300-330 ml of cream. You can collect them from homemade fat milk. Just take a small ladle or mini ladle and skim off the cream that is on top of the milk. Of course, you can select them with a spoon, but this will drag out the collection process, and our task is to make homemade butter as quickly as possible.

Pour the collected cream into a half-liter jar. If you want to whip butter at home using a jar, you need the cream to occupy no more than two-thirds of the container. So if you have approximately 330ml of cream, a 500ml jar is the ideal container for whipping your homemade butter. Beating a larger amount of butter at a time, taking a lot of cream and using a larger jar, will be a little more difficult and longer. It is better to choose a container with some kind of corrugated areas or notches, because when using a jar with smooth walls, you risk breaking the vessel with unformed oil. A jar with a hermetically sealed lid is especially good.

So, pour the selected cream into the jar and close it with a lid. Take a glass container and start shaking the cream so that it hits either the bottom of the jar or the lid with which it is closed. After 5-10 minutes, you will notice that small particles of oil begin to form on the glass. Shake the jar for another four minutes. If you open the lid and see an already formed piece of homemade butter, you can stop shaking and start washing the creamy product.

First, drain the cloudy liquid (buttermilk) from the jar, then rinse the oil under running water cold water. You can rinse homemade oil directly in the jar until clear water runs out of the container. In this simple way you can prepare butter at home in 15 minutes.

Attention: the milk from which you cream must be room temperature. If you whip the cream too warm, the butter may turn out runny. But working with a cold product will take much longer. Then whipping can take 20-25 minutes.

To keep homemade butter longer, it needs to be lightly salted. After this, the butter should be wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerator.

Butter in a jar from store-bought warm cream in 4 minutes

You can whip butter in a jar of cream in five minutes or even a little faster. But for this you better buy heavy cream. Of course, even very fatty, but cold cream will need to be whipped for at least 15 minutes.

Before you start making homemade butter, chilled cream should be kept out of the refrigerator for about 10 hours so that it warms up evenly and well. After this, you will have to shake the jar for about four minutes. When the oil is clogged, you need to carry out all the steps mentioned above (drain the buttermilk, rinse, add salt, etc.).

Homemade butter in a modern manual butter churn in 3 minutes

Not everyone wants to shake a jar that is not suitable for churning homemade butter, even for those very 5-15 minutes. Many simply consider it undignified to cook a product in a vessel not intended for this purpose. If you are also not interested in this process, then you can buy a modern manual mini-churn. To be honest, it also resembles a jar. This type of butter churn is closed with lids on both sides. The cream is poured from the side where the silicone gasket with holes is located.

To prepare 125 g of butter you will need 220 ml of farm cream. You simply slowly pour in the cream that seeps into the jar through the holes mentioned above and let it settle. It’s good if the air temperature in the house where the cream is stored reaches 25°C. The cream should sit in the churn for about 8 hours. After this, you just need to shake the churn for about three minutes.

Now open the lid on the side of the churn that is intended for pouring in the cream. Squeeze a few tablespoons of the remaining liquid through the holes. After this, pour a little water into the churn and rinse the oil. After draining the water, open the churn from the back. Take a spoon and remove the oil.

Salt the prepared homemade butter and place it in the refrigerator to cool. Having such a special device, you can make not ordinary homemade butter, but with the addition of various ingredients. For example, girls can beat butter with honey. But men will like homemade garlic oil.

Let's go back in time or cook in a wooden churn

You can also look for a wooden churn. Not only does such a butter churn look quite colorful, it will also give you the opportunity to remember how you used to make homemade butter with your grandmother (well, of course, if such a thing happened in your life).

A wooden butter dish usually consists of a mortar into which sour cream is poured, a lid that prevents the whipping product from splashing, a pusher, and some kind of stick (which is used for whipping). This stick, at the end of which there is a round piece with holes or another figure, is inserted into the hole on the lid. After you pour the sour cream into the mortar, put on the lid with a stick inserted into the hole and begin to beat the butter.

Remember that you cannot fill the churn to the top with sour cream, otherwise it will come out and splash. It is better if you fill the mortar by a third with sour cream. Beat homemade butter in a mortar for 15-20 minutes.

If some of the sour cream still comes out, you can collect it and, opening the butter can slightly, return the escaped product to its place. When the sour cream stops jumping out and you hear squelching sounds, this can only mean one thing - the butter has been whipped to such an extent that the buttermilk has already separated. Work a few more minutes and you can pull out the oil.

Food processor instead of butter churn

If you urgently need to get about 250 g of butter, for example for baking a cake, and you don’t have time to heat the cream, you can use a food processor. It will quickly liquefy even chilled cream into butter. Many food processors come straight with special knife for whipping butter.

To make butter in a food processor, simply pour the cream into the bowl of the machine and begin beating it until the buttermilk comes out. Almost 250 g of homemade butter is obtained from 400 ml of market heavy cream. When the butter is ready, pour it into a colander and rinse. If you didn’t use all the butter when preparing your baked goods, you can wrap the remainder in parchment paper and put the natural product you made yourself in the refrigerator.

Making butter at home with a mixer

To prepare 450 g of butter, you will need about a liter of not too thick sour cream. From fattier sour cream you can get about 600 g of homemade butter. This method is good because using a mixer, as well as a food processor, you can quickly make butter from chilled dairy product.

Before putting medium-thick sour cream in the refrigerator, it is better to pour it into a bowl in which you will then beat the butter. At first, the speed of the mixer can be set higher, but after a few minutes, when the sour cream turns into buttery crumbs, reduce the speed of your hand-held machine. Otherwise everything will start to fall apart different sides.

Beat the butter until the crumbs begin to float in the whitish water. After this, place the oil in a colander to get rid of the liquid, but do not rush to crush it into a solid lump. Only after thoroughly washing the butter crumbs under cold water can you begin to form balls from homemade butter. Wrap the pieces of butter in cling film and place in the freezer.

Prepare butter in a saucepan from frozen cream (waste-free production)

There is no special need to whip frozen cream in a food processor or mixer. Yes, and whipping completely thickened cream using technology is a little problematic. This can be done with a regular tablespoon.

To get 400 g of homemade fatty butter, you will need half a liter of thick store-bought cream, a saucepan, a spoon and a little time. Pour the cream into the saucepan and start stirring it. After a few minutes, the cream will set even more and the stirring process will become more intense. You basically just have to carefully squash the cream against the side of the saucepan.

This task seems a little tedious at first, because you don’t know how much longer you will have to knead the thick cream. But when you see how the buttermilk begins to stand out, you realize that there are only 5-6 minutes left before the process is completed. You need to get rid of this escaping water, as in previous methods of preparing oil at home. Don’t rush to pour it into the sink, because you can collect the buttermilk in a bowl and, replacing milk with it, cook delicious pastries. It turns out that 500 ml of heavy cream, if handled correctly, will provide you not only with 400 g of butter, but also with 100 ml of buttermilk for charlotte.

To quickly get rid of the released liquid, tilt the container slightly while kneading the cream near one side of the saucepan. This will allow the buttermilk to run to the opposite side of the pan without mixing with the butter. Extract homemade oil using this method, you can, without rushing anywhere, in 10 minutes. Since you are unlikely to eat 400g of fatty butter quickly, it would be wise to freeze some of it.

How to shape homemade butter

If you want to get a perfectly smooth piece of butter with a beautiful shape, then you will need a plate and sleight of hand. Place the butter, separated from the buttermilk, washed and squeezed out of water, into a deep plate. The piece should be of such a size that it can roll slightly across your dish. Now start tossing the oil a little. This will knock out excess water and make the surface of the product smoother. The oil must not only be tossed, but also rolled over the plate. Using a plate, you will get a piece of butter, free of residual water, with a smooth surface and correct oval shape.

Recipes for making original homemade butter

It has already been mentioned that you can make homemade butter with garlic or honey. But these are not all products that go perfectly with butter. Let's do something unusual and make delicious homemade butter with peppers and onions for men, with orange zest and cranberries for women, etc.

Homemade Butter with Peppers and Onions

Cut half a red bell pepper into pieces and fry in a frying pan until soft. After this, put the pepper in a food processor, add 100 g of homemade butter and a few stalks of green onions. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Place the thoroughly ground mass on parchment paper or foil and roll into a small sausage. Now our original oil needs to be cooled in the freezer.

Homemade butter with cranberries and zest

To prepare sweet homemade butter, in addition to 100 g of the freshest butter, you will need two tablespoons of cranberries, the same amount maple syrup, a large spoon of orange zest.

Place butter and cranberries in a food processor. Wash the orange and finely grate its skin. Pour the syrup over the butter and strawberries, add a spoonful of zest and chop all the ingredients well. The resulting mass, just like the previous one, is placed in foil (baking paper), rolled into a sausage and frozen.

Homemade oil for gourmets

Both boys and girls will definitely like this homemade oil. First of all, you need to get the same 100 g of homemade butter. You can get it using any of the methods mentioned (using a food processor, mixer, hand churns, jars, spoons with saucepans, etc.).

So, for a gourmet snack, in addition to butter, you need to have Parmesan. To prepare the original sandwich butter, four tablespoons of grated Parmesan is enough. Place the butter and parmesan in a food processor and add to it sun-dried tomatoes(two tablespoons). The finishing touch is basil leaves. Take no more than five leaves. That's it, our ingredients are ready for grinding.

The resulting gourmet snack also needs to be wrapped in paper or foil, just like sweet butter with syrup or savory with pepper.

Homemade herb butter for meat and potatoes

I don't know about you, but some people love to eat steak fries with herb butter. To prepare this creamy masterpiece, you need to mix 100 g of butter with a spoon of lemon juice, two pinches of salt, rosemary, parsley and oregano (1 tbsp each). The butter is served chilled.

Natural butter, without the addition of vegetable fats, emulsifiers and other additives, is almost impossible to find. Many people are now asking the question: “How to test butter for naturalness at home?” If you still want the real thing homemade butter, you can cook it yourself. Butter homemade will be slightly different from store bought. Due to the fact that there are no emulsifiers in homemade oil, it is harder. There may also be more water in the butter, as it is difficult to completely extract at home. When stored for a long time, it begins to taste bitter, since it contains no preservatives. Typically, most butter is stored in the freezer. To make butter at home you need only natural cream. You need to whip the cream using a blender. You will also need some cold water to rinse the butter from the buttermilk. We hope you enjoy our this dairy product!

Ingredients for making homemade butter

Step-by-step preparation of homemade butter with photos

Use butter to make sandwiches, add to porridge and other dishes. Bon appetit