How to design a work office according to Feng Shui. Organization of the workplace: the right workplace according to Feng Shui, tips, photos

The carefree summer is coming to an end, and with it the holiday season ends. Tanned and rested employees of various companies are returning to their jobs...

In our difficult times, work is very important, you will agree. However, this does not mean that you need to work only to feed your family. In fact, most people spend almost a third of their lives at work. And some even live “at the machine”.

It is very important that work is fun. No wonder folk wisdom says that happy is the one who rejoices twice: once when he goes to work, and again when he returns home.

In this regard, I decided to talk about how to organize a field of work so that the work progresses and does not leave you throughout the day great mood. After all, his efficiency, health and income level depend on how comfortable a person feels in his workplace.

Feng Shui rules

Office planning and design rules or personal accounts are somewhat different from the rules for arranging residential premises. It basically lies in the relationship between yin and yang. If in the house these two principles must be balanced, since a cozy atmosphere is important, conducive to relaxation and rest, then in the office yang should dominate - an active, effective principle that stimulates a person’s creative and mental abilities.

Workplace location

Unfortunately, few people have the opportunity to choose workplace in the office. The employer usually takes care of this. However, please note the following:

  • Your workplace should be in tune with you.

IN various sources You can find recommendations that you should have a reliable rear behind you - a strong wall or at least an office partition. In this case, you cannot sit with your back to the door, on the aisle or in front of the window. But do not rush to unconditionally follow such advice.

I suggest taking a look at Bill Gates’s workplace():

Bill Gates's office (presumably during his time as Microsoft CEO)

as well as what the open space of many large and quite successful companies looks like:

As you can see, for comfortable work Any space is suitable, including open space, as long as the individual workplaces of employees are properly equipped. This solution is ideal for people involved in creative activities - advertising agents, designers and journalists.

However, many consider this idea of ​​placement not very successful due to the lack of sufficient personal space, the inability to concentrate, or for other reasons. While in the workplace, these people may feel discomfort, and this may soon affect their ability to work and their attitude towards work.

Therefore, before you begin to perform your duties, choose a position for your workplace that matches your inner feelings. If you can’t decide, but want to know for sure how to properly arrange your workplace, your map will tell you the best option.

  • The location of your workplace should correspond to your status.

The placement is of great importance for employees and their status. desks- if not in the entire company, then in the premises they occupy. If you are the head of a company or department, your workplace should be located farthest from the door, facing it, while you should be able to see and control your subordinates. In some cases, the manager’s office is separated by transparent sliding partitions or some elevation. This position is dominant. Other employees are seated according to their functions.


After you have decided on the location of your workplace, it’s time to start arranging your desktop.

  • The desktop should have a business look. Ideally, this is a laptop (computer or tablet), a phone, an organizer, reference books that should always be at hand, as well as documents in progress. And a couple more framed photographs depicting happy moments from your life. The photo can be placed on the table on the right. It is better to put unnecessary items and folders in closets, and place trinkets and souvenirs donated by colleagues on a special display shelf.
  • Set up your desk so that while you work, you sit in one of your favorable directions or in the direction of a favorable Face Star.
  • Don't sit under ceiling beams, bookshelves or air conditioners, and also make sure that no sharp corners of furniture, walls and/or certain structures are directed in your direction. At the very least, hide them behind fabric drapery or plants. You can stretch thick wool fuzzy thread or twine along sharp corners to smooth them out. negative impact until it becomes possible to move to another seat.
  • The passage to the table should be free, while the possibility of approaching from several sides means a wide range of possibilities and perspective.
  • A person should always have a perspective, so it is not recommended to sit facing a blank wall. But, if this happens, hang a painting or photograph on the wall depicting a natural landscape or street, creating a feeling of depth and visual relaxation. You can additionally install a similar image on the desktop of your monitor.
  • If employees' workplaces are located opposite each other, face to face, then confrontations and tense relationships in the team are likely. Turn the tables slightly towards the center. As a last resort, the situation can be smoothed out by placing some object or flower “on the dividing strip.”

Lighting organization

Lighting plays an important role. The best, as practice shows, is indirect general lighting in combination with individual lighting used directly in the workplace. This approach helps reduce employee fatigue and provide them with comfortable working conditions.

Design and color

To make the atmosphere comfortable and pleasing to the eye when decorating your workplace, first of all, pay attention to its color scheme. Color is a fairly effective tool for attracting positive energy and a mood generator. Avoid monotony and monotony when decorating your interior. Using a too bright, flashy palette is also inappropriate. In general, when choosing a color, it is best to stick to the “golden mean” principle - the color of café au lait, beige, light orange, yellow, as well as warm red or terracotta. Noble khaki, the soothing color of young greenery, and delicate marsh will create a feeling of confidence, security and joy.

The lack of Qi energy is quite effectively compensated through correctly selected and appropriately arranged plants, interior items, as well as office accessories, paintings and photographs.

Add a natural element solar energy You can place in a prominent place a dish with oranges or apples - fruits that symbolize Success and Prosperity. The focus of attention created in this way is one of the most effective ways physical and emotional relief and protection.

Movement of Chi Energy

The movement of Qi energy in the room and between tables should be smooth. If employees constantly move from desk to desk and/or from office to office, then there should not be too many moving objects in the interior. An excess of activity (yang energy) can lead to disruption of the harmony of the workplace. To prevent this from happening, you should complement the interior with yin elements - such as an aquarium, a mini fountain or a landscape depicting a calm surface of water or a blooming distance. After looking at them, a person will be able to relax and give his eyes a rest.

Be sure to ventilate the room, open windows in any weather and at any time of the year. Flow fresh air will increase the amount of Qi, therefore your ability to work will increase. This will immediately affect the level of your professionalism.

Oksana Golubova

Feng Shui Consultant

Work is an integral part of the life of every adult. Therefore, the design and location of the workplace affects not only career success and financial well-being, but also has an impact on well-being and mood.

Office decoration

According to Feng Shui, it is better to locate the office in a room located close to the main entrance. It must have the correct shape - square or rectangular. If any of the corners are missing in the room, this will affect the area for which it is responsible. You can compensate for its lack by hanging a mirror in its place.

The office plays a big role in professional success. Black and white or too bright design premises will have a bad impact on energy. An ideal Feng Shui office would be made in golden, beige, yellow, light orange, soft green and warm red tones.

To attract qi energy into the office, you need to take care of proper lighting. It should not be too sharp and bright. Excess sunlight should be avoided. Diffused, but not dim lighting, the source of which will be above you or on the left side, is considered favorable.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the workplace, like home, should be free of trash and dirt. All items must be kept in order and clean. If your office has a lot of cabinets or shelves with documents and books, be sure to sort them out and get rid of unnecessary things. But it is recommended that items that are attributes of the profession be given places of honor and placed in favorable areas. For example, a telephone and a computer placed in the success zone will contribute to it.

Workplace placement

The most important part of the office layout is the placement of the workplace. The correct location of the table according to Feng Shui will help to avoid troubles and difficulties, and will promote good luck in work, career and other areas of life. It must be installed according to the following rules:

  • It is not recommended to place the table in the south direction, as this will lead to overexertion and stress. A workplace oriented to the east will help aspiring businessmen, to the northwest will be favorable for leaders, to the west will be useful for a stable business, and to the southeast will attract creative energy.
  • Do not sit under overhanging structures such as air conditioners, beams or shelves. You will attract illness and failure.
  • It is not recommended to sit with your back to the door or window opening. This situation will deprive you of any support and will contribute to betrayal. If it is impossible to fit in any other way, the negative impact of the window behind you can be reduced by closing it with thick curtains, and the doors - by installing a mirror on the table, allowing you to see those entering the room.
  • Do not place your workplace directly opposite the door; it is better if it is diagonally away from it, so that those entering can see you.
  • The table should be positioned so that you can freely approach it from all sides. There should be free space behind him and in front. This will expand prospects and opportunities. A desktop placed in a corner, close to a wall or between cabinets will bring a lot of difficulties. If there is a wall or a high partition in front of you, hang a picture of an open space, for example, a flowering meadow or a calm lake - you will reduce all restrictions.
  • It is bad if a protruding corner is pointed at the table, as it will radiate negative energy. To neutralize the harmful effects, place a houseplant on the edge of the table directed towards this corner.
  • It’s good if there is a blank wall behind you. This will provide support and support from influential people. To enhance the effect, you can hang a picture of a sloping mountain on it. But placing open cabinets, shelves or an aquarium behind your back will have a negative effect.

A significant part of the average person's life is occupied by work. Sometimes you have to spend 12 hours a day or more at your workplace, so the surrounding space plays a huge role in the success of your work. It doesn't matter where the work is, in the home or office. Impeccable comfort is important for success. Feng Shui experts talk about how to achieve it and not waste energy in vain. Whether these methods of attracting money and success work or not - there is no need to guess, just test them in practice.

If the office is at home

At home, you are free to do whatever you want with your work area. And this is good, because it is much easier to arrange the table in the office according to Feng Shui relative to other interior elements.

The ideal option is when the table is positioned so that you can see the door, but are away from it. You should see it, but you shouldn’t place the table directly opposite it. Is it possible to make such a change? Then hang a mirror opposite the entrance to the room so that the entrance is reflected in it.

If the door and window are opposite each other, you should not place a workplace between them: it is believed that in this case a “draft” will form, which will carry all your ideas and plans away. It is important that there are no entrances or windows behind you: this causes a subconscious feeling of threat, anxiety, and drains energy.

If you are running a business, placing a table in the eastern part of the room will help in its promotion. The southeastern part favors creativity, the western part favors stability in life, and the northwestern part promotes the development of leadership qualities.

According to Feng Shui, the table in the office should be positioned so that there are no sharp corners directed at you behind your back. Overhanging structures silently cause illness and injury. If you work at a computer, hide all wires and tubes if possible. It wouldn't hurt to buy wireless mouse and a keyboard: this way you will increase the comfort of your zone. In addition, wires are considered “thieves” of money.

Make the lighting working area sufficient, but not too bright: add a table lamp to the general light.

Feng Shui of a workplace in a company office

If you are an ordinary office employee, then there are few opportunities for rearrangements. However, even when working in a company building, you can arrange your personal space in such a way that it will orient you to success.

If besides yours there are other tables at which colleagues are working, then you should not arrange the furniture so that you are face to face with them. Otherwise, frequent disagreements are possible. Sitting facing the wall, you block the channels for the emergence of new ideas and energy for their implementation. The window and door should be located to your side.

To win the “love” of management, it is better to sit facing them, even if the boss’s office is far from yours. In order not to lose your favorite work, you should not sit in front of any mirror surfaces that show your reflection. The workplace should not be reflected in mirrors, especially if you deal with money.

Do not position your face or back to long corridor, even hidden behind the door office space. This is especially bad for the success of people in leadership positions.

The place of work should radiate positivity

Place things in your workplace that inspire and delight. These can be photographs of loved ones, slogans, items of personal success. Take a photo of yourself where you are successful and happy - and place it near you to attract even more luck. The image of a path leading to a distance or a staircase going up in the northern part of your place will lead to advancement in your career.

If foreign objects It is forbidden to place them on the table; put them in a box. This way you will have the opportunity to admire your favorite things every time you take something out of there. Place a beautiful screensaver on your desktop with peaceful landscapes or objects of your dreams.

Color range

If you want to arrange a workplace in the company’s office according to Feng Shui, but you don’t like it color design rooms, arrange variety on your table. So, an orange mouse pad or bright photography V orange tones will raise your energy and relieve fatigue.

Red color of fire. It is suitable for energetic people and helps them succeed even more in business. However, too much of it in the interior can cause increased fatigue and irritability when staying indoors for a long time.

Dark blue and black. This is a symbol of water, helping to find peace and focus on creativity. In excess, these colors impart uncertainty and vulnerability.

Metallic colors. Silver, gold, white and gray colors. They attract wealth, but in excess they make a person greedy.

Brown. The element of color is earth. A person who chooses this color gains stability and confidence in tomorrow. However, too large number brown leads to weakness, stubbornness, and self-criticism.

Putting things in order

How often do you clean your workplace? Usually people get used to the mess very quickly and stop noticing it. It becomes the norm of life. According to Feng Shui, one of the methods of attracting money is to put things in order on the table with a certain arrangement of objects on it.

  • Career area. It is located right in front of you on the table. Leave it blank so that new horizons of success open up before you.
  • Creative sphere. Located on the right. Everything that has already been completed - documents, folders, reports, etc. - is better to put here. However, any imperfections should not be stored right hand. Also, here you should place your favorite photos, creative images, etc.
  • On the left is the health area. This is where we store all unfinished or planned matters. For health, you can place a crane figurine or a wooden container with nuts.
  • In the far right corner it is good to place photos of couples in love, or you can have your own (if you already have a loved one).
  • It's worth growing in the far left corner money tree or any other plant: it will bring wealth.

When work makes you happy

Our work is an integral part of life. For some it brings satisfaction, joy and material well-being, and for others it brings a feeling of unfulfillment, boredom and disappointment. In any case, many of us spend almost the entire day at the workplace. So why not make your stay at the workplace at least comfortable, and maybe even more successful?

Wherever your workplace is located: in a huge corporate office or at home, in a cozy corner of your bedroom, you have the power to create good hair dryer shui workplace. It turns out that such simple manipulations as correct location desktop in relation to doors and windows, its competent arrangement, the color scheme and even the specific placement of papers on it can have a significant impact on your work life. This will help you concentrate better on your tasks and achieve faster results. best results and actively develop.

Correct location of the desktop according to Feng Shui

In relation to the window

If your room is very large windows- this is good, you probably have a lot of light and air. But try to sit further away from such a window. A large window creates a feeling of unconscious danger and prevents you from concentrating on specific tasks.

In relation to the door

Feng Shui regarding the table mainly comes down to the right choice places for its placement in relation to the windows and doors in the room.

Since ancient times, walls have been associated with protection and support, and doors with danger. Therefore, do not sit with your back to the door at your desk. Sitting with your back to the door, you will always be in tension, anxiously awaiting an “attack” of troubles from behind. Also, don't sit with your back to the corner. It is best if you have a flat wall behind you or closed cabinet. No one should look at your table sharp corners cabinets, walls or other tables.

The optimal location of the table is near the wall, with your back to it, with a window and a door to your right and left, so that you can see everyone entering the office and receive sunlight. And if we remember the rules of comfortable work, familiar to us from school, try to ensure that the light falls on the workplace from the left (for left-handed people - from the right).

Table and mirror lighting

Desktop in relation to the window

As for the lighting of your workplace in general, it should be good in the office itself, and also present on your desk. Place a lamp on the table with an ordinary light bulb, avoid fluorescent lamps. Such a lamp, and even in beautiful lampshade honey or golden color (these are the colors of money and prosperity) will be yours faithful assistant and a kind of symbol of good luck.

There is a special attitude towards mirrors in Feng Shui; you need to be careful with them. Try to sit in your office so that you are not reflected in the mirror, otherwise all your efforts will simply be absorbed and dissolved. This is especially true for people who work with money - they can simply disappear.

Chair in the workplace

The chair must be proportional to the size of your table. Like the table itself, it must be stable, therefore slippery floor coverings and spinning casters on legs are not the best combination. It is advisable to have a chair with armrests and a comfortable back - this will not only give your back a comfortable, comfortable position, but will also allow you to feel support and support in your affairs.

It is also very important to properly organize the desktop itself - after all, it can also be divided into sectors using the Bagua compass and activated. You can read about how to do this in our article on desktop feng shui.

Feng shui home workplace

Workplace at home

If you work from home, then it is much easier for you to properly equip your workplace. You can choose where to place your desk in relation to the windows and door. Therefore, be sure to take the opportunity to Feng Shui your workplace at home. This won’t hurt any more, because working at home, when you don’t have a demanding boss or pressing deadlines, requires special concentration and good conditions for the workflow.

In general, determining in which sector your table is currently located and in which zone it should actually be located is very useful. If, for example, you see that your work is not going well, you cannot concentrate, and your tasks are creative, then a table standing, for example, in the southwest (in the family area) will clearly not improve the work process.

Therefore, decide on the sector in which you will place your desktop using the Bagua compass. Of course, the best sectors to work in would be the sectors of fame, career and wealth. Depending on what goal you set for yourself in your work, use Feng Shui to activate the zones you need.

We have discussed all the recommendations for the location of the desktop itself in the room above. They are applicable for choosing a place to place a table both at home and in the office. Let us remind you that best place for the table it will be near the wall, diagonally to the door and with the window on your side.

If you are an office employee, then you most likely did not have the opportunity to choose your workplace. But you can do something to arrange it in accordance with Feng Shui recommendations. This particularly applies to your desktop.

Choosing colors in the design of the office

Workplace color scheme

Modern offices in a minimalist hi-tech style, using the principles of open space and cubicles made of glass and metal, are not the best assistants in organizing the Feng Shui of the workplace. Unfortunately, white and black offices are now in fashion, but these are the colors of stagnation and despondency, and certainly not creativity and the generation of new productive ideas. Therefore, be sure to try to dilute the interior of your office bright colors. For example, warm yellow or orange colors will symbolize prosperity, green will make you more confident and calm, and different shades red - encourage action. Find your harmony in the combination of colors, and then they will surely work to achieve success.

The most important Feng Shui recommendation, regardless of where your workplace is located - at home or in the office, is cleanliness and order, which should always be in your workplace. Get rid of paper waste in a timely manner, then you will have both literally and figuratively free space for new interesting ideas.

Every component of our living space influences us and the events in our lives. Is no exception workspace where we spend most of our time. A harmonious atmosphere, which will be provided by the correct flow of favorable energy Qi, will fill with energy and help in work, bring wellness and satisfaction, dispel irritability and squabbles, promote fruitful interpersonal communications, recognition and promotion.

In order for your work to be productive, bring the desired results and opportunities for growth, it is very important to properly arrange your workplace and, in particular, correctly position your desktop, which we will talk about in this article.

As you know, in Feng Shui the principle of the dominant arrangement of priority furnishings in rooms is very common. It also exists in the office and is most favorable for success in the service. The most favorable place for a desktop should meet the following principles:

  • relative location of the desktop front door in the office it is considered more important than the location in space in accordance with the cardinal directions;
  • if possible, the table should be as far away from the door as possible;
  • a person sitting at a table should be able to see the entire room;
  • the door to the office should be clearly visible in order to control the entrance to the room;
  • the desktop should not be opposite the entrance, but slightly diagonally from the door, then you will not be attacked by energy moving in a straight line, and you will be able to see everyone who enters the room.

Being in a dominant position provides an excellent overview of the entire room and especially the entrance door to the office. This arrangement symbolizes the ability to control ongoing processes and, ultimately, success. The one who has his back to the door is in a vulnerable position, which in Feng Shui symbolizes the location of the victim. This may also mean that many important things and events will happen behind your back. Positioning yourself sideways to the door is also considered unlucky, although less vulnerable.

If it is impossible to place the desktop so that you can see the door - that is, without changing your body position, or this position does not suit you, distracting you from work, you should put a small mirror on it or, even better, hang it on the opposite wall large mirror, which will allow you to clearly see the door and everyone entering the room. This remedy is very effective and affordable.

Also it is important to stay as far away from the door as possible- this symbolizes control over the situation in the workroom and the availability of sufficient time to react to incoming people. Compliance with this condition leads to calmness, confidence, ingenuity and, as a result, better quality work being performed.

Another desktop recommendation is maintaining freedom of access to it- this will have a beneficial effect on the work process, expand your prospects and opportunities, and on a subconscious level give you a feeling of security. Sitting at a table facing a blank wall can lead to isolation. Do not move the desktop or one of its sides towards the wall. If there is not enough space in the room to provide free space on both sides of the table, it is advisable that the passage on one side be at least 50 cm wide. You should not place furniture or stack books in this place, as this deprives its owner of the opportunity to use the passage, especially thereby weakening it energetically.

Also It is not recommended to sit down too much close with your back to the wall and put something behind the desktop. This is only acceptable if you work in a large office. It is advisable that there be a distance of at least 90-100 cm between you and the wall. If the chair touches the wall from time to time, this can cause disappointment and causeless anger.

Desk location back to the window or door creates a certain vulnerability according to feng shui, although this is not a negative factor. The positive effect of this arrangement is good lighting. If a feeling of anxiety arises in this situation, it is recommended to hang a faceted crystal sphere or bells on the ceiling at a distance of about one-third of the height of the window. If the window is too large, it is recommended to hang curtains or blinds to visually reduce it.

Much more dangerous the situation is considered to be when there is a door behind the seated person. Using the recommended bells and spheres as protection here is clearly not enough. In this situation, it is better to hang one of these products above the chair at your desk. In addition, to hide the door, you can hang a curtain, tapestry or put up a screen (the most dangerous is an external door located behind your back).

Don't clutter your office heavy and large furniture- it takes up a lot of space, and this prevents the free movement of both people and energy flows in it. This may take the form of depression or fear. Remove any unused large items or replace them with smaller ones. This will solve the problem.

Success in business is a delicate thing, but as in any area of ​​life, we can provide ourselves with some support with our own hands and attract favorable Qi energy to our aid, which will make the process more comfortable and open the doors to new opportunities and prospects.

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