How to remove a wall in an apartment. Do-it-yourself dismantling of brick partitions

With the help of room redevelopment, it is possible to solve many problems associated with the inconvenient arrangement of rooms. However, there are walls that are strictly prohibited from being demolished. Otherwise, problems will arise related to the safety of living in this house. We’ll look further at how to dismantle partitions with your own hands.

Dismantling partitions: features and rules

Redevelopment is a process that includes the following actions:

  • dismantling load-bearing walls and partitions;
  • changing a window or door opening;
  • installation of an additional staircase indoors;
  • changing the room parameter to expand or reduce it;
  • installation of an additional window.

Each of the above actions must be agreed upon with the relevant authorities. It is strictly forbidden to demolish load-bearing walls. If the load-bearing wall is deformed, the load placed on the walls of the house will increase, and the foundation will not be able to cope with it. There will also be problems with the deformation of the walls and the appearance of cracks on their surface. In some cases, demolished load-bearing walls lead to the complete destruction of the house.

Therefore, when dividing two rooms into one, you should be especially careful in determining the load-bearing wall. Most often, load-bearing walls are located in a position perpendicular to the floor beam. All external walls are load-bearing. Internal walls very often serve only as partitions.

In order to determine functional purpose walls, first of all you should carry out an external inspection and determine the thickness. If the apartment is located in panel house, then the thickness of the load-bearing wall will be about 210 cm and above. In this case, the internal partitions are 80-100 cm smaller. In a brick building, the thickness of the load-bearing walls is more than 300 cm, and the thickness of the partitions is 100 cm and above.

Walls panel house most often made from reinforced concrete materials with various additions in the form thermal insulation materials, as well as elements that reduce the weight of the structure. For making internal partitions in a panel house, plasterboard is most often used. In a brick house, all the walls are made of brick - red or silicate.

Load-bearing walls are not subject to demolition, but interior partitions can be demolished. However, for this, you need to contact special structures that will issue permission for redevelopment.

To determine load-bearing walls in a multi-story building, study the BTI plan, which clearly indicates all types of walls. At the same time, a thick line indicates that the wall is load-bearing, and a thin line indicates partitions.

We also recommend that before demolishing any wall, you hire a specialist who will advise you on this issue. At the same time, calculations will be made to distribute the load on the walls of the house after the demolition of a certain wall.

You should also make sure that there are no passages through this wall. electrical wires. Otherwise, you should change the order of their arrangement. If you do not obtain permission to demolish a certain wall, you perform this action, then later in the process of selling or donating an apartment, problems may arise. big problems. In addition, you will need to pay a large fine for illegally demolishing the wall. In order to obtain permission to redevelop an apartment, you will need:

  • a plan developed by BTI for a certain redevelopment;
  • technical conclusion that allows you to demolish the wall;
  • obtaining permission from housing organizations, for redevelopment.

The type and technology for dismantling the partition directly depends on the material from which it is made. In relation to this indicator, the following types of work are performed:

  • dismantling glass partitions;
  • dismantling plasterboard partitions;
  • dismantling partitions made of brick or concrete;
  • dismantling wooden partitions;
  • work on installation and dismantling of partitions that differ in structure.

Do-it-yourself dismantling of brick partitions

If it is necessary to redevelop the premises, the brick partitions are dismantled. For laying unloaded brick partitions half or a quarter of the brick is used. That is, the wall thickness will be either about 70 cm or about 120 cm. In this case, you should take into account plaster layer, insulation, if available, putty and other types of finishing.

To connect the partition with load-bearing wall There are two ways. According to the first method, two walls are tied together, and according to the second, steel anchors are used to connect the walls, which are driven into two walls and connected with wire.

Please note that partitions with a thickness of 120 cm are particularly massive, so after their removal the load will be redistributed. To remove such partitions, permission must be obtained from the relevant authorities.

In order to dismantle brick walls and partitions, follow the instructions below:

1. Remove the baseboard using special equipment.

2. Gradually knock out bricks from bottom to top and disassemble the wall in rows. For these purposes, you will need a sledgehammer, a heavy hammer, a crowbar, and a crowbar.

3. In order to protect the floor from damage during work, we recommend laying plywood or chipboard on it.

4. If you have problems dismantling the bricks individually, use a grinder or an air gun. It is possible to use an electric hammer drill.

5. If there is a window or doorway in the wall, then first you need to remove the bricks that are located above the lintels, and then the entire wall.

6. Use a grinder, sledgehammer and chisel to cut the remaining steel anchors.

If there is a need to partially dismantle the wall, for example during the installation of windows or doors. In this case, use a grinder with a nozzle made of diamond sputtering. With its help it will be possible to ensure an accurate and even cut.

If there is a heating radiator on the wall, we recommend using the services of specialists who will help to correctly transport them to other areas of the room.

Technology for dismantling concrete partitions

Most often, dismantling a wall is necessary if it is necessary to combine two adjacent rooms, such as a kitchen and dining room, a bathroom and toilet, etc. Initially, you need to obtain permission for redevelopment, then you should decide on the method of dismantling the concrete wall. To dismantle a concrete wall, use:

  • jackhammer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • powerful hammer drill.

The choice of one tool or another depends on individual characteristics premises. The right tool is the key to high-quality dismantling work. Try to avoid cluttering and dusting the room while working.

Please note that if there is a partition in the room, it is removed gradually in pieces of certain sizes, but in no case entirely at one time.

To remove a concrete wall, a standard grinder is most often used, which is equipped with a special circle. Next, pieces of the wall are gradually sawed off. We recommend initially dividing the wall into sections using markings, and then sawing them.

The traditional way to dismantle interior partitions is with a jackhammer. However, this option is relevant if the premises will subsequently produce major renovation. Since the use of a jackhammer is characterized by accumulation large quantity dirt and dust in the room.

A hammer drill will require a special chisel, which can be used to achieve a certain power to demolish the wall. In addition, with the help of a hammer drill it is possible to break through the wall in certain places, then a piece of the wall is removed using a jackhammer or sledgehammer.

If the premises are already inhabited and people live in the apartment, then we recommend giving preference the last method in the form of a hammer drill with a sledgehammer. However, in any case, before starting to dismantle the walls, it is necessary to check them for the presence of communications in the form of electrical wiring.

How to dismantle wooden partitions

In some cases, it becomes necessary to demolish partitions made of wood. They are found not only in wooden houses, but also in old high-rise buildings in the form of Khrushchev and Stalin buildings. In this case, wooden partitions are made from boards nailed together, which are painted with cement or lime plaster.

Since wood has a short service life, after several decades of service, such partitions need to be demolished. In this case, it is better to dismantle the old partition and replace it with a plasterboard version rather than repair the old one.

Initially, before dismantling the partition, turn off the electricity. Next, remove the plaster using a hammer drill or wide chisel. Next, gradually dismantle the wall itself. To do this, cut off small sections of it with a hammer drill. At the same time, try to remove all garbage immediately so that it does not accumulate in the room.

The reciprocating saw is the most best option to dismantle such a wall. It is quite sharp and easily destroys the wall. Dismantling the wall begins from the top, reaching halfway, you can try to dismantle the bottom yourself.

Collect construction waste in bags, and remove fragments of the partition to the street. If the fragments are too large, cut them into smaller sections that can be easily transported through a window or door.

Features of dismantling tongue-and-groove partitions

Tongue-and-groove slabs are a fairly popular material for the construction of partitions. The method of dismantling partitions made from this material directly depends on whether the slabs will be reused.

If the answer is yes, you should be especially careful when cutting the slabs. If the secondary use of slabs is not relevant, then the most optimal tool for dismantling them is an angle grinder or a high-power hammer drill.

Using a grinder, the wall is sawn into several fragments. A sledgehammer will help knock out the structure. In order to easily transport material from the premises, crush it into small areas.

When reusing the material, the dismantling process will take much longer. In this case, you will need a regular wood saw for the job.

Dismantling plasterboard partitions

To learn how to dismantle plasterboard partition, it is necessary to initially determine the principle of its installation. Initially, drywall is fixed on a frame made of metal or wooden profile. These walls do not require additional documentation for their demolition. Dismantling a plasterboard wall is the easiest to perform compared to other types of partitions.

In order to dismantle a plasterboard wall, you must first remove it from finishing material in the form of wallpaper, ceramic tiles, putty or plastic. Next, you should get rid of the fasteners that secure the drywall to the frame. To do this, use a screwdriver or drill to remove the screws. If there are no cracks or other deformation defects on the surface of the drywall, it can be reused.

Next, you need to dismantle the frame part plasterboard construction. At the same time, the self-tapping screws that connect each other are also initially dismantled metal profile. A pry bar is used to dismantle wooden partitions.

To fix the vertical posts on the ceiling, special canopies are used, which also need to be dismantled. The plasterboard wall can be installed in another location, if the right technology its installation.

Before starting dismantling, determine the location where sheets and other construction debris will be installed. If the drywall will not be used a second time, cut it into several pieces and remove it from the room.

Many owners of standard apartments multi-storey buildings persistently strive to change the original dimensions of the premises and change their functionality. Most often this is due to outdated and inconvenient buildings built 50-70 years ago. After people received permission for privatization in the 90s, apartment dwellers felt like masters and began en masse to get carried away with redrawing walls and partitions, sometimes without thinking about what this could lead to.

But the authorities had concerns, and as a result, a decree was born obliging the BTI authorities to inspect apartments for unauthorized redevelopment during transactions for the sale of apartments. And if previously such actions of citizens were not regulated at the legislative level, then the Housing Code, updated at the end of 2004, provided for an entire chapter on the reconstruction of premises in apartment buildings.

According to his requirements, the owner of the apartment must submit an application to the housing inspectorate along with a package of documents and finished project reconstruction. After all, even in the new interpretation, the space must be arranged competently. Most often, apartment owners strive to increase the number usable area at the expense of a balcony or storage room, which requires demolishing an entire wall or a fragment of it.

Apartments often combine bathrooms, a loggia with a bedroom, and move the kitchen - sometimes even into the hallway in order to have an extra room. It is important to do all this wisely so that it works out, conveniently, safely, and most importantly, legally. But it is not a fact that you are allowed to do anything - you just have to ask.

What can be reconstructed?

In some houses, especially panel houses, even the demolition of one partition, which may also be load-bearing, can pose a threat to the rigidity of the entire building. IN brick houses partitions are almost never load-bearing, so there are usually no problems with obtaining permission.

  1. There are no special obstacles to turning the balcony into part of the living space. To do this, it is glazed and insulated, sometimes lined with brick, which, in principle, also requires approval.
  2. But you will not always be allowed to remove the window-door block for access to the balcony along with a fragment of the wall in order to make a larger opening. The reason for this is not only the impossibility of reducing bearing capacity design, but also the need to restructure the heating circuit.

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Built-in toilet

Note! Engineering communications are also affected when the partition between the bathroom and toilet is demolished. At a minimum, there will be a heated towel rail sticking out in the middle of the room, which will need to be removed and installed in a new location. But it may also happen that you will have to move the risers, which is also impossible to do on your own.

When rearranging the space of an apartment, you should remember that the bathroom should not be located above the kitchens and living quarters of neighbors living below. Above your own rooms - please, if you, for example, have an apartment on two levels. But at the same time it is necessary to perform waterproofing more high quality. Only a gasified kitchen cannot be located under residential premises.

It is especially important when demolishing walls not to disturb ventilation, on which the microclimate of the apartment and the comfort of living in it depend. This applies primarily to those who, having purchased two apartments on the same site, seek to unite them by demolishing the wall separating them. Most often this is a wall in the kitchen or bathrooms, inside which there is a common air exchange shaft.

Structural features of buildings

Most often there is a need to reconstruct load-bearing walls in the basement floors, in which today, in order to reduce rental costs, offices, salons, gyms and a cafe. When remodeling such premises, there is usually a need to move the openings. In this case, the wall is affected, which at the same time also serves as a foundation. So nothing can be done here without a preliminary examination and approval.

  1. As for light openings, changing their sizes can, in principle, be allowed. However, in this case, not only the issue of the load-bearing capacity of such walls is considered, but also the architectural appearance of the facade, which may be disturbed.
  2. It is definitely not possible to make the window smaller. You can enlarge it without any problems, but only when the opening is closed by the glazing of the loggia or balcony. When arranging premises in the basement, you may be allowed not only to break through a door to the street, but also to enlarge or create window openings where there were none before.
  3. The easiest way is to obtain permission to reconstruct external walls in frame-type buildings. In principle, there are no load-bearing enclosing structures here at all; all loads are taken by a monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete frame.
  4. Brick or blockwork is just infill and can be removed without consequences. However, the elements of the frame - columns and crossbars, which are often an eyesore for apartment owners - should not be touched under any circumstances.

Note! For those who do not know, let us explain that columns are vertical load-bearing elements with consoles on which the crossbars connecting them horizontally rest. Along the entire length of the crossbars there are shelves, on which the floors in turn rest. Everything is interconnected and this structure cannot be violated. All that remains is to somehow play with them in the interior, which is what we see in the photos below.

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Decorative plaster

B presented step by step instructions drilling in concrete, ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. Useful tips about how to make improvised means with your own hands.

Removing a wall and strengthening the opening

If you have received permission to reconstruct the wall, then you have a project like the one in the picture below, which calculates what kind of reinforcement should be done and what metal profile should be used for this purpose.

All that remains is to figure out what is being done and in what order. Although the order of work may vary depending on the width of the opening. If it is small, then a fragment of the wall can first be removed and then welded around the perimeter with metal.

On large openings, especially on lower floors bearing the greatest load, there is always a possibility of collapse. Therefore, dismantling begins with reinforcement, and then parts of the monolith or masonry are removed.

Table 1. Strengthening the opening and removing the wall.

Steps, photoProcedure

According to the width of the opening and with a margin of 20 cm on both sides, cut two channels along the width of the opening.

To attach them in the places determined by the project, make markings and drill through holes for anchor ties. Their length should be slightly greater than the thickness of the wall, with a diameter of at least 20 mm.

In the places where the channels are installed, grooves 10 cm deep are selected along the upper horizontal of the opening. They are cleaned of crumbs and dust, lightly filled with concrete, and until it sets, the lintel elements are recessed into it.

The channel is laid with its back inside the wall, and its free cavity is filled with brick or also concrete. The result will be a very powerful reinforced lintel, which may be quite sufficient for a narrow opening.

After the lintel has gained sufficient strength (and this is at least 4 days), the contours of the opening are marked and a fragment of the wall is removed. The use of concrete breakers for this purpose is undesirable, since it is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and dirty. A diamond cutter is best for this task.

If this is provided for by the project, corners are welded onto the slopes and secured with a steel strip as shown in the photo.

At the next stage, the entire structure must be hidden under a layer of mortar. For this, a steel plaster mesh is installed.

The slopes are leveled first cement mortar

... and then made smooth with finishing putty.

In conclusion, all that remains is to install the door or design the portal in any other way.

Demolition of a wall or removal of its fragment is not an easy task, and of course it must be approached with full responsibility. To better familiarize yourself with the work process, we suggest watching the video in this article.

Check out modern options, and also with interesting photos interiors, in a special article on our portal.

Video - Demolition of a main wall

Video - Demolition of walls

Video - Diamond cutting of a doorway in a load-bearing wall

Most often the need for scrapping concrete walls arises among apartment owners when they plan to redevelop residential premises. For example, combine a toilet and a bathroom or two adjacent rooms.

Important! Demolishing load-bearing walls is strictly prohibited. Visually they differ from partitions in their greater thickness.

You must begin demolishing walls in apartments after receiving permission to carry out redevelopment from the local administration or department of architecture. It should be remembered that you need to contact such authorities after developing a redevelopment project, which should be developed by specialists from the design organization.

Methods for dismantling concrete walls

The process of breaking walls is always accompanied by a large amount of dust, so it is recommended to carry out all work in an empty room. If it is not possible to remove all the furniture, then it must be reliably protected from dust.

There are several ways to break concrete walls:

  • Using a jackhammer;
  • Using a universal grinder equipped with a disc for working on concrete;
  • By using a powerful hammer drill or drill.

Additional tools can be used: a sledgehammer, a heavy hammer, construction vacuum cleaner, chisel. Not only the labor intensity of the work depends on the correct choice of tools, but also how accurately the process can be organized. For example, it is recommended to use a jackhammer to break walls only in non-residential premises, since in this case it will not be possible to avoid large dust levels.

Important! The partition between rooms cannot be dismantled in one piece. The wall must be demolished in parts, that is, the concrete must be cut into small pieces of arbitrary size.

Before breaking down the concrete wall, it is necessary to remove door leaf and dismantle door frame. To avoid damage flooring, it is also better to dismantle it indoors. For convenience, the subfloor can be temporarily covered with boards; they will soften the blows from falling pieces of concrete.

Attention! If there are electrical wires in the wall, the electricity in the house must be turned off. Sockets and switches must be removed and the ends of the wires insulated.

The sequence of operations when demolishing a concrete wall is as follows:

  • Directly on the surface of the wall you should mark the lines of future cuts. It is recommended to mark square pieces measuring approximately 40*40 cm.
  • In the upper part of the wall, according to the markings, it is necessary to drill through holes with a diameter of about 10 mm every 3-4 cm.
  • Next, you need to cut cracks in the concrete using a grinder, connecting the holes made to each other. If possible, there should be a person nearby who will work with the construction vacuum cleaner.
  • Using a hammer or sledgehammer, you should carefully knock out the square and preferably not drop it on the floor. The blows must be struck approximately in the middle of the square.
  • Exposed concrete after spilling should be cut off with a grinder.
  • Then the procedure is repeated.

The process of breaking a wall is not only labor-intensive and dusty, but it is also noisy, which can irritate neighbors. Therefore, it is important to have a completed permit, otherwise problems may arise. That is, if the redevelopment associated with the demolition of partitions is considered illegal, you will have to pay a fine and stop work. Moreover, architects may demand that the destroyed structure be restored, after which it will be very difficult to obtain permission for redevelopment.

Recently, apartment residents have been trying to change the layout of their rooms. Soviet "Khrushchev" apartments often have an inconvenient location of the bedroom and kitchen, creating uncomfortable living conditions. When dismantling walls, it is worth remembering that the process is labor-intensive. Concrete structures have impressive parameters - you need to stock up the right tools and carefully study the layout of the house. Sometimes the management of the house requires special certificates for permission to demolish walls and certain consent from the neighbors. Demolition of a wall in an apartment is a costly and lengthy process.


General characteristics of dismantling a wall in an apartment

Demolition of a wall structure has the main goal of increasing the space of the apartment and freeing the room from unnecessary buildings. When starting the “reconstruction” of a room, it is important to create a diagram of the future layout of the living space, make an accurate calculation and determine the quality of the wall to be demolished. When drawing up an apartment plan, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist. It will help you calculate weak points buildings and prevent future destruction and collapses.

Having completed the scheme, you need to contact a specialized housing committee and obtain permission for redevelopment. Each demolished structure must be regulated by the highest municipal authority. This will help avoid problems in the future.

According to the classification scale, two types of walls are considered:

  • Bearing;
  • Partitions.

The first version of the load-bearing building is the main component of the house. Thanks to the load-bearing wall roofing system gains reliable support. When dismantling it, the possibility of an oval roof appears. Without knowing the location of such a structure, it will be useful to call a competent builder who can determine the type of construction separating the rooms.

The second option is simple partitions. Brick partitions are considered common. Dismantling partitions does not entail complete or partial destruction of the house. Demolition can often be completed without additional skilled assistance.

Material as a building base for walls

When deciding to remove room barriers, it is worth remembering the categories of structures that are subject to dismantling:

  • Brick;
  • Stone;
  • Concrete based;
  • Woody;
  • Foam block;
  • Plasterboard.

The listed types have their own characteristics. The quality of the material affects the labor intensity repair work. Finding out the “composition” of a wall often becomes a complex process. Great option It will be to involve a professional who can identify the material and advise on its composition properties.

The classic wall has a thickness of 38 centimeters - the building standard.

Where to start dismantling the wall?

When starting to demolish the partition, it is important to clear the room of furniture and interfering parts. Required condition there is a shutdown of electrical power and other networks:

  • Heating communications;
  • Plumbing and drainage system;
  • Internet;
  • Satellite signals.

It is necessary to think through everything down to the smallest detail - right down to the purchase of capacious bags for excess garbage. According to public utility standards, repair work in an apartment can be carried out at certain hours - in the morning from 9:00 am and in the evening until 7:00 pm (Monday to Friday). Repair work is not allowed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Note: The beginning of dismantling must be accompanied by the collection of all necessary documentation. It is important to take into account the consent of neighbors. They must sign the appropriate papers. This will eliminate conflicts in the future.

Basic construction tools

The following tools will be useful:

  • Pick;
  • Jackhammer;
  • Chisel;
  • Wedges;
  • A massive hammer, you can use a sledgehammer.

The above list is more suitable for dismantling bathroom walls. They are often made dense and difficult to demolish. Wood-based buildings are relatively simple. They can be removed using a chainsaw. Concrete-based clutter requires special efforts - “breaking” it using a grinder or hammer drill. An additional tool can be a jackhammer. According to building codes, the construction of a concrete base implies the use metal frame in indoor unit. It can be demolished using a grinder.

Mandatory actions when demolishing a wall: main rules

Having the necessary permits to dismantle the structure, it is worth once again take care of the structure of the entire building. It is important to understand the load of the wall and the main roof supports. A diagram of the house and drawing up an independent clear plan will help with this. If it is possible to save part of the room partition, it is better to leave it untouched.

Here are some basic tips for dismantling: classical wall made of brick:

  1. The breakdown must be done gradually - brick by brick.
  2. Eliminating a doorway requires eliminating the trap first. It's worth moving from the door.
  3. A sledgehammer is a must. Its weight makes it easier to break the wall. The direction of dismantling is from top to bottom.
  4. Experts do not recommend demolishing the structure in large areas. Dismantling should occur gradually, in small parts.

Destruction of partitions

Partitions have a special structure. Their “liquidation” must be carried out according to a certain scheme:

  1. When starting work, marking it in parts will make the process easier. You can use a construction pencil for this. Cut out the parts with a grinder. The demolished elements can be of impressive size. They should not be lifted by one person alone (to avoid breaking your back). It's better to work wearing a mask. The process often gets dusty. You can get respiratory tract poisoning.
  2. Using a hammer drill. Represents a sound-rich process. When performing this, you should monitor adjacent buildings and try not to damage them.
  3. Point method. Holes are made in the surface with a drill (closely spaced). The wall is broken into pieces by a jackhammer.

Note: It is important to be careful to avoid bricks falling on a person. Initially, it is necessary to tap the areas for future impacts.

Remodeling an apartment is a noisy and dusty task. Before starting, it is recommended to wet the surface of the wall and floor with water. This will eliminate further dust formation. It is important to curtain the door and try to protect other rooms as much as possible from dust getting into them.

How to demolish a foam block wall?

Recently, the use of foam blocks in construction has become popular. It is easy to install, does not allow noise to pass through and does an excellent job of retaining heat in the room. It is used in construction interior walls and external.

Breaking down foam block partitions is not difficult. You can make it with a drill. The main problem is the iron reinforcement. You will need:

  1. Hammer
  2. Drill
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Saw.

Demolition must begin by removing the top layer - plaster. Gradually, the components of the foam block are removed with a jackhammer. It is not recommended to take out collected garbage common place for garbage collection. It should be transported to a special landfill for construction waste.

Drywall: from simple to complex

Drywall enjoys well-deserved respect. It is easy to use, economical, suitable for all types of buildings. Removing a building made from such material will not be a huge effort.
Starting demolition:

  1. Clear the room of all things and furniture. Tightly secure passage to other rooms.
  2. Place on the floor protective coating. Dust or dirt can become embedded in the parquet.
  3. Remove all electrical wires. Turn off the network power. Remove lamps and other lighting fixtures, decorative elements.

Several methods are recommended to be used. Their choice is determined by the type of wall and the presence of an iron frame in it. Often gypsum boards are built into plasterboard walls.

Let's look at three ways.

Changing the layout of the room involves demolishing the floors. In a private house, the owner can demolish any wall without asking permission from neighbors or the relevant authorities. Dismantling walls in apartment buildings must be carried out with the consent of certain authorities.

A significant percentage of residents of high-rise buildings are trying to change the layout of their apartments to expand them functionality. The main reason is the inconvenience and the configuration of the premises that has lost its relevance, because most of them were built during the Soviet Union.

Almost everyone tried to remodel their apartment without taking into account some architectural aspects. In this regard, many emergency situations were created that could cause irreparable harm to human health and the integrity of objects. Because of these concerns, a government decree appeared, which obligated BTI employees to inspect residential premises in apartment buildings for unauthorized dismantling of walls and partitions.

If the walls are demolished without supporting documents, then in the future there will be:

  • Difficulty in re-issuing documents;
  • During privatization;
  • Refusal to issue a mortgage.

If the repairs carried out did not create emergency situation, then the owner of the apartment faces only a fine followed by obtaining a retrospectively issued permit. In the event of an emergency, the owner pays a fine and returns the premises to its original condition.

The main reason for changing the layout is the inconvenience and configuration of the premises that has lost its relevance.

Dismantling a wall in an apartment without an accompanying document can be done if it does not bear the main load and then, in most cases, this document is necessary. This moment is determined by the parameters of the partition. For a panel house, the thickness of the main floor is 12–20 centimeters, the partition – 8-10 centimeters. In brick houses, the thickness of the partitions ranges from 8 to 12 centimeters, the main one - from 38 to 64 centimeters.

Dismantling a wall in an apartment without an accompanying document can be done if it does not bear the main load and then, in most cases, this document is necessary.

In a panel house

When demolishing walls in a panel house, to avoid the collapse of the entire reinforced concrete structure beams are installed for support. First, holes are made. Then the concrete layer is cleared. Metal rods are cut with a grinder. Dismantling of concrete walls is carried out in stages, in small intervals.

When demolishing walls in a panel house, in order to avoid the collapse of the entire reinforced concrete structure, beams are installed for support.

In Khrushchev

During the reign of Nikita Khrushchev, apartments were built according to a specific project. There were three vertical walls and several horizontal partitions. Demolition of the wall between the kitchen and the room in Khrushchev is the most common type of dismantling. This is done to increase the usable area. This move was allowed, but to be sure, it is advisable to measure the thickness of the wall before demolition.

Demolition of the wall between the kitchen and the room in Khrushchev is the most common type of dismantling.

Which walls can and cannot be dismantled?

Most often, reconstruction occurs in connection with an expansion of the area or a change in its functional value. A large percentage of alterations occur on the ground floors, in which it is planned to open a store or beauty salon in the future, and so on. Here the wall may be part of the foundation, therefore a full inspection of the structure by specialists is required, followed by permission.

A large percentage of alterations occur on the ground floors, in which it is planned to open a store or beauty salon in the future, and so on.

Window and other openings. It is important to determine the nature of the surface, based on which the further appearance of the building’s façade will be designed. Reducing light openings in high-rise buildings is quite problematic. You can increase them.

Dismantling a wall in a panel house - more affordable option, but only for external surfaces. The reason is that during the construction of a building, the entire load is “taken” by solid or prefabricated modules made of iron and concrete. However, the main wall can still be dismantled. In its place, supports are installed to strengthen the structure. The supports are subsequently decorated to match the interior of the room.

Dismantling a wall in a panel house is a more affordable option, but only for external surfaces.

Preparatory work before demolition of walls

Preliminary work is carried out before demolition. All things and furniture are removed. The general heating system, water supply, electricity, gas, TV antenna and radio point should be turned off.

You also need to prepare bags for garbage disposal. If the volume of waste is large, then you should take care of the dumping site in advance. It is necessary to know the regulations for carrying out repair work in high-rise buildings. On weekdays this is from 9 am to 7 pm. On weekends, silence should be maintained, and you should not use devices or units that create vibration.

If the volume of waste is large, then you should take care of the dumping site in advance.

Necessary tools for dismantling walls

The choice of tools depends on the type of wall to be demolished. For dismantling brick walls You will need a pickaxe, a crowbar, a jackhammer, in some cases a sledgehammer, as well as metal wedges.

Concrete walls are destroyed using a hammer drill, grinder and jackhammer. For demolition wooden floors- chainsaw.

The choice of tools depends on the type of wall to be demolished.

How to dismantle walls in an apartment

Dismantling is carried out in only two ways. The ceiling can be completely destroyed or partially dismantled. The first method is optimal for partitions made of stone, the second - for walls made of plasterboard and sometimes brick.

The ceiling can be completely destroyed or partially dismantled.


If a load-bearing wall is dismantled, a new project diagram must be drawn up, which must be agreed upon and obtained permission from the relevant authorities. Here it is better to involve a specialist who will draw up correct calculations with the distribution of the existing load on the wall and will distribute the subsequent one.

Demolition of a load-bearing wall in an apartment requires a number of preliminary actions. Before starting work, you must have a plan from the BTI, a conclusion for the demolition of the wall, and a permit from the housing inspection. load-bearing wall cannot be destroyed immediately. It is being taken apart piece by piece.

A load-bearing wall cannot be destroyed immediately. It is being taken apart piece by piece.


It is also impossible to demolish a non-load-bearing wall without the approval of the BTI; a number of similar difficulties may arise with the subsequent re-registration of the apartment. However, the labor costs here are much less. For example, demolition does not require erection of support beams. But again, it all depends on the area of ​​the wall. Otherwise, the demolition technique must correspond to the material from which the ceiling is made.

During demolition, erection of support beams is not required.


Here, as in the main actions, you can immediately completely destroy the wall using a sledgehammer. Or you can, using a crowbar, a pickaxe and a sledgehammer, disassemble the wall brick by brick, which can later be used in the construction of a new facility. The second method is relevant if the bricks were laid on lime or a thin cement layer.

You can use a crowbar, a pickaxe and a sledgehammer to dismantle the wall brick by brick.


To protect the flooring from concrete blocks, it should be covered with boards. Marks are made on the wall to identify step-by-step analysis ceilings As a rule, markings are placed in the form of squares.

A series of holes are drilled on each line at a uniform distance from each other. Further using circular saw a square is cut out. Using a percussion tool, the square is knocked out. Taking into account cement dust, it is advisable to carry out work in overalls.

Taking into account cement dust, it is advisable to carry out work in special clothing.

Removing the wall between the kitchen and the room

Demolition of the wall between the kitchen and the room cannot be carried out by cutting out the entire area. In fact, this can be done, but the question will arise about the weight of the entire slab, as well as the method of pushing it out.

The best option is to break the wall into small pieces that can be easily picked up and thrown away. The wall can be disassembled completely or partially. The demolition between these two rooms is more due to the expansion of space. You can leave small sections of the partition to zone the room into residential and kitchen area. This is true for studio apartments.

You can leave small sections of the partition to zone the room into a living and kitchen area.

Disassemble the main or non-load-bearing wall apartment building without approval and obtaining a conclusion. You also need to think about your neighbors, whom it is advisable to warn in advance about the nature of the work, because many have children who need a nap during the day.

Video: How to break a wall without noise and dust