Can a karmic marriage become happy? You can’t escape fate: what is karmic marriage and how to calculate it? Why are these relationships not viable?

Family relationships are not always cloudless. We often ask psychologists about the reasons for misunderstanding and discord. What if there is another explanation? And here it is not so important what we did to each other in a past life, what sins we pay for, what debts we pay or receive... It is more important to understand what to do if our marriage looks like a karmic one...

The concept of “karma” came to us from the East, although our folk proverbs very well reflect the essence of this concept: “What goes around comes around”, “What goes around comes around”... Many of our meetings with people in everyday life are far from accidental, but caused by our actions in past incarnations.

Experience shows that there can be many such karmic encounters throughout a lifetime. Coming into this world, we find ourselves surrounded by people who help us realize our karmic tasks. Usually these are our parents, marriage partners, children, friends, relatives, bosses, work colleagues. In this series, the karmic relationship between a man and a woman is often of greatest interest. They mean relationships between partners who knew each other in past lives and experienced strong feelings, and at the same time they still have some debts to each other. When meeting such people, there is often a feeling that they seem to have known each other for a very, very long time...

Which marriage is considered karmic?

One of the signs of a karmic relationship is when he or she, or perhaps both, carry within themselves such unresolved emotional states as jealousy, anger, guilt, fear, addiction. Having failed to find a constructive way out, the partners are attracted to one another in the next incarnation. The purpose of the new meeting is to provide each other with the opportunity to resolve the pressing issue. This occurs by recreating the same situation for a certain period of time.

Having met again, karmic partners feel an urgent need to become closer to each other and after some time begin to repeat the old scenario of their relationship, experiencing the same emotions and feelings. This way, they get a chance to deal with the same situation in a wiser way.

The spiritual purpose of this meeting for both lovers is to make different choices and manifest top quality- humility, acceptance, compassion, self-sufficiency, willpower, ability to control instinctive impulses, etc. What kind of quality is being developed can be understood from the type of karmic connection.

The following situations are indicators of karmic marriage:

  • The marriage happened unexpectedly for those around them or for both partners. The surprise is that these partners can be completely different in character, temperament, differ in social and financial status, have big difference aged.
  • Relationships are marked by a certain fatality and predestination, for example, in a situation of love-hate, when it seems that partners have been fighting each other all their lives and yet cannot live without each other, or when little changes in the relationship, they seem to be rushing according to a strictly defined program. Fate simply constantly brings partners together, whether they want it or not. A striking example- the heroes of the film “The Habit of Marrying”.
  • Long-term alcohol or drug addiction of a marriage partner. Apparently, such a “punishment marriage” is unknowingly chosen by one of the partners. Probably due to hidden feelings guilt - in a past life, a “good” partner was in the role of a problematic one, that is, everything was the other way around, but now justice is simply being restored.
  • The absence of children in the family. This is an indicator of the closed future for both clans through these people (after all, marriage is not only a union of a couple, but also a union of clans). Such relationships are closed in on themselves and serve for both partners to understand their own character traits and qualities, which should not be passed on to future generations. In a sense, this marriage can be called a “short circuit.” As a rule, it is eventually (after years or even almost immediately) terminated. The future of this karmic connection depends on how “correct” each partner was in his actions. If the partners showed themselves “correctly” (not from the point of view of morality, but from the point of view of Fate and the Higher Laws) in these relationships, for example, they did not swear and blame each other for infertility, but adopted a child from orphanage, then this couple may later have a child together. If only one of the partners tried to behave “correctly”, but did not receive support, as a reward, life will give him another partner, from whom he will have children.
  • Partners are in the role triangle “Persecutor” - “Victim” - “Savior”, described by the famous psychologist Eric Berne. In this case, the “Victim” voluntarily enters into marriage with the “Persecutor”, gives birth to children from him and long time experiences humiliation and insults.
  • Any problems with the health of the marriage partner in the future (living with a person in a wheelchair, mentally ill or early - before 40 years of age - death of a partner). In this kind of relationship, partners often show the highest qualities, experiencing states of true care and love that would not manifest themselves in a more prosperous situation. A striking illustration of such relationships can be seen in the films “Autumn in New York” and “The Notebook.”
  • A marriage is created not only unexpectedly, but also quickly, followed by a move to another city or even abroad, and at the same time family ties are severed.
  • Marriage occurs after short term dating (week, month) - as if something from above “opened” our eyes to each other. Such relationships are often marked by a “trance effect.” They begin in such a way that a person is not fully aware of the changes that have occurred and only after a year or more begins to perceive the situation soberly and consciously. Before this, he is driven by reactions that he is unable to fully explain.

Two endings of karmic marriage

Usually, the further such a relationship goes, the more karmic tension increases, and eventually the couple breaks up. Theoretically, such a marriage can be extended, including until the end of life, but only if both partners move to a different level of relationship.

This means paying attention to the psychological side of relationships, controlling your reactions and thinking more deeply about your actions. With this approach, the couple begins to realize those “buttons”, those reasons that create most internal and external problems, and in the future each of the partners changes deeply internally. But this level of marriage is very rare.

Such relationships can be called healing. Their distinctive features:

  • People love and respect each other for who they are, they enjoy being with each other greatly, but they do not experience anxiety, jealousy or loneliness when their partner is not around. In such a relationship, you offer your loved one understanding and support without trying to solve his or her problems that arose in this life or brought from previous incarnations.
  • Relationships are filled with freedom and peace. Of course, sometimes there is misunderstanding, but the emotions it causes are short-lived. Both partners are ready to forgive.
  • There is a heartfelt connection between them.
  • Emotionally, both partners are independent. He or she is not filling a gap or emptiness in his or her life, but rather adding something new, important, vital, inspiring.

And if there is a lot of tension, suffering and tears in your relationship, but you are unable to break it, try to understand that nothing obliges you to stay with that person. Strong emotions are more often associated with deep suffering rather than mutual love. The energy of love is not so emotional, it is not oppressive, not exhausting and not tragic - it is extremely bright, calm and serene, joyful and inspiring.

Any relationship is given to us to develop our own personality and soul in order to become loving, free and creative beings.

They are far from being as rare a phenomenon as they may seem at first glance. The very concept of “karma” is rooted in Eastern culture, but it is not at all alien to Slavic culture. We are all well aware of proverbs like “As comes around, so comes around.” They convey the basic meaning of karma very well. And now it’s time to figure out what karmic marriage is.

Karmic marriage acts as a union of two souls, embodied in a bodily shell, which have already crossed paths several times in previous incarnations, but at the moment have unresolved mutual obligations. Before this, they could take on the roles of spouses, relatives, parents, lovers, or could be enemies.

In the current incarnation, karma again tied them together to give back theirs and work off negative karma (atonement for guilt, correction of mistakes). After all, it is the union of the hearts of two lovers that represents a huge purgatory in which human character and worldview are subject to global trials.

Examples of karmic relationships

If this information is too confusing for you, let’s try to calculate in what situations a karmic marriage occurs.

Suppose that in your previous incarnation you dated a guy who loved you dearly, with whom you planned to start a family. But you chose a more wealthy candidate over him. Then we can say with 100% confidence that in this life you will regularly encounter similar situations until you are able to realize and learn the lesson that life has prepared for you and develop the right strategy of behavior. This is quite similar to a computer game in which you are given try number two in the second round.

But when getting married, people, by and large, are not inclined to think about the negative and do not look at karma. Although the motives according to which a marital relationship is planned can tell a lot. Let's look at them using a number of examples.

Indescribable passion

It is one of the traditional reasons for concluding karmic unions.

For example, in his last incarnation Gennadievich was a promising scientist, but he was inflamed with passionate love for Nadezhda, who became his bride, and for her sake he left all his scientific works, without fulfilling the realization of his calling. In this life, on the contrary, he plunges headlong into his career and work, and does not pay any attention to representatives of the opposite sex. After all, his soul perfectly remembers the mistakes of the past, so on a subconscious level he is afraid to get married (he has developed a kind of phobia of marriage).

But such marriages will bring happiness only if they are based on sincere feelings and people are close in spirit. And if the decision was made solely for reasons of self-interest, then the likelihood that the marriage will be happy is equivalent to zero. According to the laws of karma, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to hide from a problem, shifting it onto someone else’s shoulders (one’s spouse).

The desire is understandable, but in reality it is impossible to achieve. After all, no one can solve our problems except ourselves. And no matter what we want to hide from (poverty, loneliness, pressure from parents), it will still overtake us. We will need to find the strength to solve the problem on our own, because only in this case the situation will disappear from our lives.

So, if you, for example, are only interested in your husband’s money, then a situation will arise when he loses his capital, and you will realize that you made the wrong choice. Just look at his position in society? The days will come when he will lose his job. And this is not a game at all higher powers with us, but a karmic lesson. Everyone must follow their own path and learn a lot.

Many young girls strive to get married as soon as possible in order to get rid of pressure from their parents or their excessive control. But they find themselves in the same bondage, only now from their spouse.

This happens for the reason that dependence on someone is within us and is produced into the surrounding reality. What images are present in our heads is what we get in the end. Even a gentle and calm man will become a real domestic tyrant if you constantly expect this on a subconscious level.

How to avoid a karmic union

  • We need to change! Make yourself a person. Learn not to depend on the opinions of other people. This will definitely lead to positive changes in your life.
  • People who are not self-sufficient believe that happiness will be brought to them by another person who will need them. They tend to complain about problems, which they often inflict on themselves.
  • And more experienced souls have such state of the art, which allows them to help others. “Ancient souls” are not inclined to complain; on the contrary, others constantly turn to them to “cry into their vest.”

How to calculate and determine it

Interested in this question huge amount people, but in reality this action can only be done by an astrologer or an expert practicing reincarnation psychotherapy.

But there are also certain signs:

  • significant difference in age from 5 to 10 years. If it is more than 15 years old, then here we can 100% assert a karmic union;
  • In addition, you can calculate your karmic number, acting as a pointer to a certain period, with the completion of which serious changes will begin to “knock” in life.

To do this, you should add all the numbers of your birthday:

  • We take a sample - 05.25.1994.
  • Then the karmic number will be = 2+5+5+1+9+9+4 = 35.

But please note that if the number ten appears in the date of birth, you add it in full, and do not divide it by one and zero.

The fact that it is a karmic marriage is taking place can also be established by an astrologer by understanding the influence of each planet and calculating the angle between them. The degree of this angle is decisive. Angles of 20, 40, 80 and 100 degrees indicate a karmic union.

Another way is to turn to Tarot cards, but this procedure also needs to be carried out by an experienced professional, and not a charlatan. In progress card layout Certain combinations may appear that will indicate karmic connections between partners.

Do you want to get rid of a karmic connection? Then we strongly recommend watching the following video:

Conclusions that indicate a karmic marriage

  • Marriage is a surprise for the lovers themselves. It is unexpected because, according to all generally accepted rules, foundations and orders, they cannot be together. For example, a guy and a girl differ in their social status, financial status, environment, age, skin color, and so on.
  • There is an element of fatality and predestination. For example, partners constantly quarrel and swear, but are unable to separate or let each other go. Or from the outside it seems that the relationship is completely incompatible, but in reality the lovers are happy.
  • One of the partners suffers from addiction (alcohol or drugs). In this case, the second partner will definitely suffer. Most likely, there has been a change of roles in the present incarnation, and one has to own experience to experience what another suffered from in a previous life.
  • Childlessness. This means that the future for procreation is closed. In every marriage there is a union of not only two people, but also two clans. And karmic relationships in this case are given for the purpose of allowing partners to rethink their certain traits that the clan does not want to impart to subsequent generations. If rethinking does not occur (which happens most often), then such a marriage will certainly fall apart.
  • One of the partners is seriously ill. The situation is designed to awaken in the other person the highest aspects of love (care and compassion), which might not have arisen if everything was fine.
  • The marriage union is concluded very quickly, and then there is a sharp break in any ties (family, friendship), and the newlyweds change their place of residence (city, country).
  • Hasty marriage ( a few weeks after meeting). In this case, the relationship seems to be written according to a certain scenario: the couple realizes their new position only after a certain time has passed. And before that, they seem to be hypnotized and do not understand what they are doing.
  • In particularly rare situations it happens that people are forced to live together for many years, while they cannot imagine their separation. They do not experience fleeting love, but truly love their partner and accept him for who he is, with all his positive and negative sides.

If we consider such a marriage from a karmic point of view, then the partners were able to cope with all the tests sent from above, all karmic lessons were worked out, and all mistakes were corrected. Now they have the opportunity to enjoy each other's company, immersing themselves in every moment allotted to them. Their destinies are so closely intertwined, they are connected using chains and shackles, and not just energy threads.

Throughout their lives, people intersect with thousands of people like themselves. We are meeting some of the people for the first time, and some we have already met in past incarnations. There are many such people, but not all of them leave an indelible mark on our lives.

Very often in life it happens that a seemingly absolutely sane person loses their head from love at first sight. This happens both in youth and in adulthood. This can also happen at a time when a person is not free or has accumulated so many relationships in his baggage that he has decided – that’s enough!

What happens at that moment when the eyes of two people meet and a spark flares up between them? This can be explained by the birth of love. And yet, in most cases, this has the following explanation: former “halves” meet, those who in past lives were spouses, lovers, or had platonic relationships. When the eyes of two people meet, the energy of past lives that is recorded in their energy fields is activated. “Recognition” occurs.

Karmic meeting

A relationship begins. Two people may have a real coincidence of tastes, consonance of thoughts, etc. A whirlwind of emotions picks them up and spins their heads. These two have not known each other before in this life, and they may not know anything about past lives. And it seems to them that this meeting, when they felt such a craving for each other, such an inexplicable attraction, is the finger of fate.

Yes, of course, such a meeting is not accidental. But the reasons for it can be very different. Perhaps they have to complete something that they did not complete in a past life. Perhaps they need to realize something. Karmic energy can attract two people, and they don’t even know it. And it is not at all necessary that in this incarnation they will experience happy love or even marriage. Very often such meetings occur precisely for karmic reasons.

When two people meet, and “recognition” arises, and it seems to them that they have so much in common that they were “brought together by fate,” we must remember that, having the memory of past lives, which everyone has in the subconscious, a person begins to impose certain expectations on the partner, one’s own projections, etc., in connection with the qualities and circumstances that existed then, in that life.

But now the partner is a completely different person, in some ways similar to that one, but in many ways new, since, being at the moment the quintessence of our past incarnations, we still carry within us the traits of many people, and not one specific person. And this other person (or rather, both new personalities who entered into a relationship) thinks, feels, and acts completely differently. And it is not at all necessary that relationships from the past can continue now. Even if it was love until the grave.

When confronted with reality, such relationships often fade away. A powerful attraction dissipates, everyday life invades, past and present realities collide and conflict.

Resetting karma

If people are wise enough, if the feeling they have is really strong and bright, they can find a common language, build relationships and, perhaps, somewhere on a deep level, realize or feel the reason that brought them together and work through it. And continue the relationship, free from karmic dependence.

More often it happens the other way around - people break up. Karma remains unworked and passes on to the next incarnation. Cases when men mature age“lose their heads” from love and leave the family for young mistresses - from the same series. Most often, this is also a meeting of former “halves”. Even in families where there is love between spouses, but problems constantly arise in relationships, when one or both do not want to understand or accept themselves. loved one, the topic of separation constantly arises.

It’s very easy, of course, to just walk away from a problematic relationship, break up and forget. This is the easiest way out. Yes, this is the easiest way, and many people do it this way. But without understanding why they are not comfortable, without realizing WHAT exactly we are working with this person, without neutralizing karma and learning a lesson, such a separation will not eliminate the problem. Karma with this person will remain unresolved and will be transferred to the next incarnation, the message he carries will not be deciphered, and the lesson will not be taught.

And in the near future, another person from a past life will be attracted with the same message and the same lesson, and everything will start all over again.

Many people spend their entire lives running away from their lessons and stepping on the same mistakes. But ask yourself, is this right? And isn’t it worth taking a more conscious approach to understanding the true reasons for your connection and finally breaking the Gordian knot of karma?..

How can you tell if a relationship is karmic?

Most reliable way- is to create a synastry good astrologer. If for some reason this method does not suit you, then all that remains is to analyze the relationship by studying the main signs of a karmic connection given below.

So, main signs that will help you understand that we are dealing with karmic relationships:

“At the first meeting, there is a strong mutual attraction to each other, a strong interest. You may feel that you already know this person, that you have seen them somewhere.

- Another person evokes feelings or emotions in you, the origin of which you cannot explain to yourself. These feelings may be completely illogical and not typical of you. This also includes not entirely adequate actions. That is, actions that are not typical for a person in relation to other people, but with a given partner, it’s as if something forces you to act this way and not otherwise.

— Relationships begin quickly and unexpectedly. At the same time, it seems that even the partners themselves can change little here. There is a certain predetermination in such relationships.

“It’s very difficult to break off such a relationship. Even if you do this by force, the image of this person will subsequently haunt you for many years. And all because you left work without finishing what you started.

— A karmic connection often resembles a love spell in its effect. Even if people break up, they are drawn to each other with an irresistible force. This connection is characterized by dissatisfaction with the existing situation. Dissatisfaction and inability to change anything.

— N unexpectedness. Relationships begin unexpectedly for both partners or one of them. They can be completely different in character, differ in social and financial status, and have a large age difference. In another scenario, partners may have known each other for years, but the decision to get married itself turns out to be a sudden continuation of the relationship: for many years they communicated only as friends, but suddenly one evening the situation turns into an intimate direction and after that the couple decides to get married.

Karmic marriage - greetings from the past

Karmic relationships are not as rare as they might seem at first glance. The concept of “karma” comes from the East, but what it defines is not something alien to us. We all know proverbs like “What goes around comes around” or “What comes around comes around.” The doctrine of karma says absolutely the same thing!

A karmic marriage is a union of two people who were already closely acquainted in a past life, but they still have some debts to each other. In past incarnations they could have been husband and wife, relatives, each other's parents, lovers or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together again so that they would repay each other’s debts and work off their karma (atone for guilt, correct mistakes). After all, the union of two loving hearts- one of the greatest purgatories on Earth, where our characters and worldviews are seriously tested.

Is everything too confusing? An example will help you understand. Suppose in a past life you had a guy who doted on you and dreamed of marrying you. But you left him because your boss’s son had his eye on you. Marriage with him promised you mountains of gold: career advancement, business trips abroad, a comfortable existence... And you, finding these arguments very convincing, left the one who loved you more than life itself...

Rest assured, a similar situation will certainly arise in this life and it will be repeated until you learn the lesson and do what you need to do. As in computer game: level two, attempt two.

However, before marriage, no one thinks about bad things and usually does not look at karma. But in vain. The very arguments that people use when getting married can say a lot about the future life of the spouses.

So, blind passion. This is a classic example of a karmic marriage. Let's look at it using a specific example.

In a past life, the nominal Nikolai Lvovich was a promising young scientist, but he loved his fiancée Anya so much that he abandoned scientific research for her sake and did not live up to his calling. In this life, he is literally obsessed with work and career, and tries to avoid women. Nikolai Lvovich’s soul remembers the experience of previous mistakes, and therefore the man is subconsciously afraid of marriage, just as others are afraid of water, closed spaces or heights.

But the laws of karma cannot be abolished, so in this life our hero finds himself in a similar situation. His fear and attempts to escape from love are covered by a unique mechanism of blind passion: Nikolai Lvovich falls in love like a boy, lives with his beloved, and raves about her. As a result, protective barriers collapse, fear recedes into the background...

It would seem, live and be happy! But no. After some time, our hero will again have to face the same problem as in his previous life. Once again you will have to make a choice between vocation and love, and accept the right decision, which in in this case looks like this: love and work can be combined, you cannot betray yourself and give up your calling.

Another classic example is it's time. If you are getting married not because you fell in love with all your heart, but because “the time has come” or because all your friends have long since started a family, this should alert you. From a biological point of view, you have simply reached marriageable age and are ready to start your own family and have children (often unconsciously to yourself).

From a karmic point of view, the desire to get married appears at the age when you did it in a past life, especially if the marriage was unsuccessful. In other words, a mistake from a past life, deposited in karma, is waiting to be corrected, and it seems that fate is pushing a person to action - try again.

Marriage of convenience. The wedding epidemic usually begins in the last year of college. When old connections are broken, the usual rhythm of life changes, girls and boys are warmed by the hope that together it’s not so scary to start new stage life. They are looking for a suitable partner - more promising, richer, with an apartment, a car... However, such a marriage is happy only when there are feelings and spiritual kinship between the young people. If the decision is made solely for selfish reasons, the likelihood happy marriage equal to zero. Indeed, from a karmic point of view, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to evade problems, to shift them onto the shoulders of the husband (wife).

The desire is both understandable and legitimate, but in reality no one will solve our problems for us. And no matter what misfortunes we hide from (loneliness, lack of money, parental dictate), they will certainly overtake us. AND This will continue until we find the strength to solve the problem ourselves.

What you value most in your husband is money- rest assured, sooner or later he will lose them, and you will be left with nothing. Are you impressed by its position and reliability? Alas, the day is not far off when he will be left without work... And these are not the whims of the villainous fate, these are karmic lessons. Everyone will have to go their own way and learn a lot..

Many young girls get married as protest or from desire to get rid of excessive parental control. And they end up in no less bondage, only now - from their husband. The fact is that they “carry” dependence on anyone within themselves and themselves “produce” it in the world around us. Even someone who was not born a domestic despot will become one only because you subconsciously expect it. All you have to do is sigh and say: “Well, apparently this is my karma!”

Change! Become an individual! Learn not to depend on anyone's opinion. Then your life will change for the better.

For older ladies or with a child in their arms, an incentive to get married can be... fear: “What if in a year it will be too late?”, “Who will need me?”, “And the child needs a father...” Sometimes the following argument is encountered: “I’m tired of waiting for a prince, let there be at least some kind of husband.” In other words, this is the case when a girl marries not the one she wants, but the one who comes to hand. If after a while she can discover hidden virtues in her spouse, the marriage will be successful. But, most likely, she will remember all her life that she agreed to a compromise and married a man not of her level.

It is possible that a couple of years after marriage she will actually meet her Prince. And this is not a cruel joke of fate, but the law of karma - Every person attracts to himself those circumstances and those people about whom he dreams. It’s just that not everyone has the patience to wait to receive their “request”.

Let's say you are a young girl (boy) in a good position, with a good salary, an apartment, a car. But all this does not bring you happiness, you only dream about family and children. In this case, you are either a person whom psychologists call a “non-self-sufficient person” or an “ancient soul.” It is quite easy to distinguish one type from another.

People who are not self-sufficient believe that they can only be happy when someone needs them. They complain all the time about the amount of trouble that they have caused themselves. And “ancient souls,” from the point of view of esotericists, have themselves developed quite strongly, but they come to this world to help others. The “old soul” does not complain about anything; on the contrary, others constantly come to her to complain. And they leave encouraged.

Now let’s draw conclusions about the features of karmic marriage:

The marriage was unexpected for the partners themselves. Unexpected, because according to all the rules, procedures and foundations, they are “not a couple.” They may, for example, have completely different social status, environment, financial situation or age difference.

There is a lot of sign, “fatal” and predetermined in their relationship. For example, their relationship appears outwardly to be incompatible with happy coexistence. They can constantly quarrel and swear, but at the same time simply cannot imagine life without each other.

Alcohol or drug addiction of one of the partners. This situation in the family is always accompanied by the suffering of one of the partners. Most likely, in this life they simply switched places, and now one experiences what the other experienced in a past life.

No children. A sign of a closed future for the family. Marriage unites not only two people, but also two families. Such relationships exist so that partners rethink their own traits that the family does not want to pass on to future generations. If rethinking does not occur, most often such a marriage is dissolved.

One of the partners has health problems. This situation is created to awaken the higher aspects of love, such as compassion and caring, which might not appear in a prosperous situation.

Marriage happens unexpectedly and quickly, after which all ties with other people, including family ones, are severed by moving to another city or abroad.

Very quick marriage after a couple of weeks of dating or less. In such relationships, everything happens as if according to a script and the couple understands their new situation only after some time. Before this, they seemed to be driven by forces that they themselves were not aware of.

It’s rare, but it happens that people live together for many years and cannot imagine life without each other. They are not in love, they truly love, accepting their partner for who he is, with all his shortcomings and advantages. From a karmic point of view, such spouses have passed all the tests, worked out all the lessons, corrected all the mistakes and now enjoy each other, appreciating every moment allotted to them. Their destinies are intertwined, they are connected with strong threads, bonds, and not chains or shackles.

A tempting prospect? So work on yourself! And remember that karma is not a dogma or a curse. It is just the result of how you lived in past lives and how you live in your current one. Correct mistakes, go through life with an open heart, giving love. And then you will certainly meet your happiness!

Based on materials from,, newspaper "Oracle"

It is known that chance often rules in life. We easily forget some meetings, while others remain in our memory for a lifetime. Very often, married or engaged people begin to ask themselves questions: “Did I choose the right person? Is he really my other half, are we suitable? You can clarify them in various ways, for example, by comparing the signs of the Zodiac. It is also possible to calculate karmic relationships based on the dates of birth of partners. But for this you need to know what karma is and how exactly it manifests itself in life.

How does karma affect destiny?

Usually karma is called innate, key moments that every individual needs to go through. They can appear at any age of a person, often changing his fate almost completely. Such key moments can be events, meeting people, marriage due to mutual attraction. Tarot cards usually indicate this: it is very difficult to bypass and overcome such obstacles. For example, dismissal, change of place of activity, marriage, love or even prison. The cards also indicate what to avoid and what year will be dangerous and difficult for you. Therefore, you can find out what a person’s karma is and the main key points using ordinary fortune telling, provided it is done competently and professionally.

Karma can also be determined by date of birth. When establishing spiritual connections, intuition plays a huge role. Usually the heart itself tells you whether this is your partner or not; falling in love, love, and even dependence and attachment do not just arise. The same can be said when there is one person in marriage, but another in the heart, therefore, without trusting your intuition, you should not rush into marriage and get married. Even if there is no one in sight, wait - your person will definitely appear. Well, if you want to understand your karmic connections with your partner or feel the spiritual field of a person who is close to you, it is not a sin to do a numerological calculation based on dates of birth.

1 – a union can be based on great love, passion and the ability to win hearts. You will achieve a lot thanks to your virtuosity in solving any matter or simply your ability to live beautifully and effectively present yourself in society. However, internal connections may turn out to be superficial, so the marriage may not last long - there is a danger of quickly getting tired of each other. It is possible that you have a magical effect on your partner or he on you.

2 – your karmic connections come deep from the past. The union can turn out to be mysterious and romantic. However, relationships can deteriorate due to excessive head-in-the-clouds behavior of either one of the partners or both.

3 – relationships are more influenced by the woman, not the man. It is possible that for him the connection will play a karmic role, and for the woman it will simply bring another entertainment or a convenient option for life. A strong, lasting alliance based on mutual respect between partners is also possible.

4 – this karmic connection has to do with a man, not a woman. It is possible that in her male line there is a connection with your partner. The union will be strong, although much here depends more on the man than on the woman.

5 - the highest wisdom. This relationship will be based on understanding, a very strong karmic connection on a spiritual level, which will not appear immediately.

6 – a situation of constant choice, disagreement. Most likely, the union will not be strong, since each of the partners is in constant search, including sensual pleasures, even on a subconscious level.

7 – strong connection at the level of life. People will be able to go through many life trials for the sake of their happiness. Mutual victory, happiness achieved through hard work.

8 – relationships can become formal, based on calculation rather than love. There is a connection between these people out of necessity; feelings do not prevail. However, for those who are committed to a calm and permanent relationship, such a connection can promise great joy and a calm, measured life.

9 – a good karmic union, often until a very old age, strong relationships on a spiritual level, even if they do not appear immediately.

10 – people are destined to be together or revolve in an eternal search for each other. The situation can last quite a long time; it is advisable to get out of such a circle if the relationship does not work out initially. There is a danger that they will last throughout life, not giving satisfaction and happiness.

11 – the karmic connection in this union is very weak. Most likely, partners in this situation are simply showing off in front of each other, playing the role well, but will not be able to find sincerity and true happiness until the end of their days.

12 – no, partners may be karmically too different to live together. Most likely, for one of them the relationship may become completely destructive. Reasonable sacrifice will help you overcome negativity without harming yourself and the other partner.

13 – a karmically empty union, although a strong change is possible through it.

14 – calm karmic relationships that have power. It is possible that it will have a greater impact on a generation of children than adults, promoting their development.

15 – in this union there is hidden a certain danger, deception, temptation. It is possible that it will be disastrous for both or one of the partners. Communication comes through destruction.

16 – negative karma. There is a danger of destruction not of the soul, but of material well-being, poverty, or will happen in fate because of these relationships radical change, which you do not immediately realize.

17 – a bright and lasting union. Positive karma allowing you to live a peaceful and happy life. Perhaps maintaining kindness, a child’s view of the world in a positive sense until old age, good relationships with subsequent children and grandchildren, and relatives.

18 – relationships between partners are built on a deep, unconscious subconscious desire, attraction shadow side personality that is not fully understood. Most likely, the lovers themselves do not realize why they are drawn to each other. Union can change the life of every person and reveal the secret essence.

19 – there is karmic attraction. Union bares positive aspects, based on light energy.

20 – karmic connection along the material line. It is possible that the union will force partners to reconsider their material assets and start achieving goals that were once put on hold.

21 – there is a karmic connection that is associated with a child or children.

22 – a union that is empty in karmic terms, nullification, falling in love on a physical level, leading to disappointment. Relationships can also leave behind a feeling of emptiness.

Of course, this is not the only way to find out karmic relationships based on the dates of birth of partners, but it is based on a numerological interpretation based on the Tarot arcana, and they provide the most accurate information, just like the cards. Therefore, this calculation allows you to understand the karmic essence of the union and its role in your life.

It feels like you are walking in a vicious circle. Home-work-home -... Others go somewhere together, walk, and you repeat the same circle. Your husband or wife has the same excuses, oh well, I just parked the car, oh well, we’ll be late again, oh well... You live as if someone else’s life, adapting to another person. You remember what the meeting was like for the first time: you were burned by an electric current, as if you had known this person all your life, and that was the first bell, especially if there was immediate intimacy. Or you fall in love with married people all the time, married women. Here, too, you need to figure it out, not necessarily karmic relationships, here you need to dig into your family tree, there, most likely, lies the answer.

Karmic relationships

Signs of karmic relationships:

  • You don’t want to talk to this person, you even try to pass, but you continue to talk and feel that all this is not happening according to your will. Sometimes tears well up in the eyes from such a split.
  • It's impossible to fall in love at first sight, think about what motivates you? maybe just passion?
  • It’s just an uncontrollable animal state of desire for sex, you are always thinking about him, about her, how you will do it. Too little time has passed from acquaintance to intimacy
  • Pity, desire to help, to end the ongoing problem of the object of love. Imagine her as your own
  • Too trusting, they are ready to give their last shirt to a stranger, assuring themselves that he (she) loves you, you must help
  • You can’t break up with him, you can’t break up with her, you feel bad together, but apart it’s painful

Why does this happen, you ask. Yes, everything is simple, you have love from previous incarnations, you once loved and abandoned, or vice versa. Or maybe they loved unrequitedly. Your subtle bodies push you to do this, your mental memory pulls these feelings out of you.

Never swear on blood. Blood is a clan, an oath leads to the imposition on your entire clan (depending on whether a man or a woman swears on the clan) on the female or male line - to connect fate with a representative of another clan. You swore and forgot, ran away, and then your children crossed paths and got married, there are so many such examples in life. Remember, an oath on an icon imposes special obligations; to change them you need to contact a priest. You shouldn't joke about things like that.

Clients contact me different ages. But when a person between 55 and 65 asks about what to do, whether to get a divorce or not, this is a signal for me: was there love? Creating a family implies that two people live together, develop, i.e. read, travel, raise children together. And of course they love and respect each other. One just thought, the other said. And no one wants a divorce.

Types of karmic marriages

5 main types of karmic marriage:

  • SOCIOPATH. Your husband or wife is a sociopath, pathologically jealous. In such a relationship, you are constantly sad, the situation puts pressure on you and becomes tense, you want to break off the relationship, but when you imagine that your faithful will pester you, you resign yourself to the situation. pity, who do you pity? I would like to know? It smacks of sadomasochism, doesn’t it? You are sad and really want to know why I am doing all this.
  • ADDICTION. Alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, stinginess, greed, etc. It is difficult to break off relationships only for those who are in a karmic connection. You repeat again and again. Only I can help, he or she is confused, I can change him, her. And the scary answer is I will be left alone. Who really needs to be saved?
  • SICK. Your relationship is at a standstill. Perhaps you want to start a family, but your partner refuses to do so. The relationship seems stable, you have been living together for many years, but you feel sick. And here it is, they gave the long-awaited go-ahead, they invited you to get married, and oops, you get ready for the wedding and run away.
  • EMOTIONAL INCONSISTENCY. This is exactly how you can talk about your couple if the husband and wife are closed from you, do not share their thoughts and fears with you, and all attempts to have a heart-to-heart talk end in scandals. You want to go out into nature, run, swim in the pool, but your other half wants to lounge in bed or do the 74th mopping of the floors.
  • BETTER THAN ONE. You turn a blind eye to everything, betrayals, deceptions, fears, trying to maintain the union. It’s easier not to see real things, to deceive yourself, convincing yourself that “many have it worse,” “tomorrow will be better,” “I can always end this,” and so on. Although in fact, it will not get better, just like you will not be able to end such a relationship, and you will only console yourself with thoughts that you are the master or mistress of the situation and everything is in your hands.

Getting rid of karmic marriage

If a woman cannot change the situation, then she radically changes her hairstyle, if a man cannot change the situation in the relationship? he begins to collect stamps and go hunting. There are three ways out of a karmic marriage, depending on your attitude towards yourself:

  • work off karma, find out what it is connected with. Find out using numerological and astrological calculations. View threads of generations. And if the karma is not heavily burdened, then it will pass painlessly, you both will feel that you need to part, without offense or scandals. Most often, people with spent karma remain friends after a divorce
  • unfulfilled karma, if the other half passes into another world, and even after terrible pain or illness, such as cancer. The likelihood of meeting in other incarnations is high. Prayer will help here. You can clear karma with the help of the prayer “For the purification of the race.”
  • violent exit. As a rule, the breakup is painful, courts, division, bullying each other. From time to time they try to restore relationships (as in a Sociopath’s marriage, better than one), they dragged their whole family into their divorce. It’s important to come to an agreement here, try to remain NOT enemies, so as not to attract karmic love into your next relationship.

An incident from life, a girl got married, it seems like a good couple, her husband loves her, but she is sick and bored. She got divorced, and her husband died tragically, started drinking after the divorce, and got into a car accident. She got married, and after a while her new husband began to beat her, and again it was sickening and painful. Or a woman has been married for 54 years, 34 years, her husband carried her in her arms and idolized her, and now she leaves her husband, saying love has passed, and her husband is trying to hang himself. He wants to know what he did wrong. After the divorce, she decides to live with another man, who quickly determines her place: a man’s word is law, complete submission, and he’s not above drinking.

This is what happens.

My sunny ones, listen to your intuition, love, and don’t work off karma)))