Setting up and adjusting the power of a gas boiler. Description of the technical characteristics of the electric protherm boiler Connection of the electric protherm boiler

Assembly elements, installation and connection of the Skat Protherm electric boiler

Boiler components Skat Protherm


Manufacturer - Wilo
Power supply - 230V/50 Hz
Number of speed steps - 2
1st stage, rpm - 2500
2nd stage, rpm - 2600

Before filling and putting the Proterm Skat electric boiler into operation, you must perform the following steps:

Loosen the cap air valve pump

Loosen and unscrew the rotor shaft cap and use a flathead screwdriver to rotate the shaft.

If quite noticeable resistance is felt when the shaft rotates, it is necessary to dismantle the motor part of the pump.

After this, clean the entire stator or pump rotor of impurities.

Before removal Wilo pump It is necessary to ensure that the following conditions have been met:

The water temperature in the boiler unit has reached a safe value (40°C).

The boiler was switched off via the main switch.

The heating water inlets and outlets were closed.

The remaining water in the boiler was drained.

Wilo pump dismantling work:

Disconnect the connecting cable connecting the pump to the control board.

Remove the heating water pipe leading from the pump to the heat exchanger.

Disconnect the tube leading to the expansion tank.

Pull out the safety clip.

Loosen and unscrew the pump safety screws located at the bottom of the boiler.

After turning the pump slightly clockwise, remove it.

Safety valve

If the maximum permissible pressure value in the Proterm Skat boiler is exceeded, excess water will be drained through a safety valve. The valve response pressure is 3 bar. The outlet of the safety valve must be equipped with a suitable drain.

If it is necessary to remove the safety valve, do the following:

Wait until the water has cooled to around 40°C.

Disconnect the Skat Protherm boiler from electrical network.

Close all valves located under the boiler installation.

Disconnect the drain pipe from the safety valve.

Release the water from the boiler system using the drain valve.

Remove the safety valve retaining clip.

Heating water temperature sensors

Temperature sensors - If replacement is necessary, remove the sensor together with the retainer and pull out both two connectors.

Emergency thermostat - 100 °C causes the boiler to stop working - error code F20 (unlock manually). The emergency thermostat of the heating circuit is located at the water outlet of the boiler heat exchanger.

To replace it, unscrew the screws located on the thermostat holder, remove the thermostat along with the holder and disconnect both connectors.

Pressure sensor

The pressure sensor is used to determine the water pressure in the boiler (heating system). If there is a lack of heating agent in the boiler, the pressure sensor will transmit information to the control board, which will give a command to stop it.

As the water pressure increases, the volume of the membrane carrying the magnet will increase. Opposite the magnet there is a Gall sensor, which changes the incoming voltage on the Proterm Skat boiler control board depending on changes in parameters magnetic field. The change in the magnetic field parameters depends on the change in the distance of the Gall sensor relative to the position of the magnet.

Before removing the pressure sensor, it is necessary to close the heating water supply and then drain the water from the unit using the drain valve. Pull slightly to remove the pressure sensor connector. Using a flathead screwdriver, remove the pressure sensor safety clamp. Remove the pressure sensor by pulling it towards you.

Dismantling the heating water circuit heat exchanger

Heat exchanger dismantling work:

Remove the front cover, side panels and top cover of the boiler unit.

Disconnect the heating element wires from the Skat Protherm electric boiler control board and the terminal box and disconnect the grounding conductor.

Disconnect the heating water supply pipe at the bottom of the heat exchanger.

Remove the heating water drain pipe at the top of the heat exchanger.

Loosen and then remove the bolts located at the top.

Pull up slightly to remove the heat exchanger from the boiler.

Removing the heating coils

Dismantling operations:

Remove the front panel of the boiler and its top or bottom cover (depending on which element needs to be replaced).

Disconnect the appropriate heating element wires from the control board and terminal block, as well as the grounding conductor.

Using a wrench of appropriate size, unscrew the heating element from the heat exchanger body in a counterclockwise direction.

Expansion tank

The expansion tank serves to equalize the pressure of heating water, the volume of which increases when heated. The expansion tank of the Proterm Skat electric boiler is designed for a maximum amount of water in the heating system - 90 liters (at a temperature of 75 °C). The expansion tank is located at the rear of the unit.

Before filling the heating system with water, check the pressure in the expansion tank. The initial pressure in it should be 0.2 bar greater than the static height of the water column in the heating system.

Fill the heating system with water. The filling pressure should be 0.2 - 0.3 bar higher than the water pressure in the expansion tank. The water pressure when filling the system is checked using a pressure gauge on the water supply side, in a cold state and after removing air from the system.

The valve for filling the expansion tank is located in its upper part. If water flows out of the expansion tank fill valve, this means that its membrane is damaged. In this case expansion tank needs to be replaced.

Work on removing the expansion tank:

Loosen and unscrew the screws located on the top of the boiler frame.

Loosen and unscrew the nut of the inlet pipe leading to the expansion tank.

Pull upward to remove the expansion tank.

When reinstalling, new gaskets must be provided.

Skat Protherm electric boilers do not have their own bypass, so it is recommended to install it directly in heating systems.

The boiler connection terminals must not be subject to loads from the heating system pipes. To do this, it is necessary to accurately observe the dimensions of the ends of all connected pipes, both in terms of height and relative to the distances from the wall and relative position individual inputs and outputs in relation to each other.

It is recommended to connect the electric boiler to the heating system in such a way that, if it is necessary to repair the boiler, heating water can only be discharged from it. During reconstruction, unfavorable layout, etc. The boiler can be connected to the heating system using flexible hoses intended exclusively for this purpose.

Used flexible hoses should be as short as possible, protected from mechanical and chemical influences, as well as from damage. The flexible hoses used must be replaced before the end of their service life or when they lose their ability to reliably perform their functions.

The Proterm Skat electric boiler can be used to heat water entering the underfloor heating system. In this case, it is necessary to connect an emergency thermostat designed for underfloor heating systems to the boiler (not included in the delivery package).

Emergency thermostat for regulating water temperature in systems underfloor heating connects to the boiler power supply terminal block. Typically, boiler systems are equipped with a factory-installed jumper that short-circuits the terminals for connecting an emergency thermostat for underfloor heating systems. The jumper must be removed before connecting the thermostat.

The heating system, according to the readings of the boiler devices, must be filled with water at least until it reaches a hydraulic pressure of 1 bar (which corresponds to the hydrostatic height of a 10-meter water column).

If a room thermostat is installed in a reference room, it is necessary that at least one of the heating batteries located there does not have a thermostatic valve installed.

To increase thermal comfort in the room in which the room thermostat is located, we recommend not installing thermostatic heads on the heating radiators at all.

Before installing a new Skat Protherm boiler, the heating system must be thoroughly cleaned. It is recommended to install a sump tank in front of the boiler, namely on the return heating water pipeline. The septic tank must be constructed in such a way that it can be cleaned regularly without
need to drain large quantity heating water.

A settling tank can be combined with a filter, but a filter and sieve alone is not sufficient protection. Both the filter and the settling tank need to be checked and cleaned regularly.

Installation work for the electric boiler Proterm Skat:

Hung on a rail mechanical design boiler unit with pump and accessories.

The covering can be removed and secured to the rear wall with screws.

To install the boiler, it is necessary to choose a place that will allow service operations to be carried out without major obstacles.

If the boiler is installed in open system, the water level of the heating system should create a pressure of 1 bar.

IN heating systems equipped with thermostatic valves, the water circulation can be completely closed, in which case it is necessary to install a bypass pipe that is not equipped with a thermostatic valve or use a bypass.

When installing the front panel, make sure that the plastic frame sits exactly in place and that there is a grounding pad under each screw that secures the front panel.

Electrical connection of the Proterm Skat boiler

Skat Protherm electric boilers are designed for permanent connection to fixed electrical wiring. It is necessary to install a disconnecting device in it - main switch, the distance between open contacts is at least 3 mm for all poles, provided the commissioning instructions are followed.

Before installing the boiler, the user is required to ensure the installation of separate power wiring, including the main switch of the heating system, fuses, and also carry out other necessary changes in the internal electrical wiring.

In cases where it is not possible to connect to a three-phase electrical network, Proterm Skat boilers of the 6 and 9 kW power series can be connected to a single-phase one. To do this, you need to use the connecting bridge included in the boiler delivery package.

Using a connecting bridge, the contacts of the phase wires are mutually connected on the terminal block, designed to supply power voltage to the unit.

Elements of the Skat Protherm boiler control board:

Connecting heating elements
- K8 connector
- connector 1 (pressure sensor, extract air temperature sensor)
- connector K5 (control panel)
- connector J3 (HDO)
- connector K1
- connector J1 (pump)
- connector K2 (three-way motor valve)

When replacing control boards and communication boards of the Proterm Skat electric boiler, the following sequence must be observed:

Turn off the boiler and disconnect it from the electrical network.

Disconnect all connectors connected to the BMU and AI boards.

Replace BMU and AI boards.

Reconnect the connectors and check the correct connection in accordance with the boiler electrical diagram.

Connect the boiler to the electrical network and turn it on.

Check the correct choice of boiler model and adjust if necessary.

Exit service mode and after approximately 1 minute, turn off the unit and then turn it on again.

Rice. 4. Electrical diagram for connecting peripheral devices

1 - power cable, 2 - electric boiler, 3 - room thermostat, 4 - terminals for connecting boilers in a cascade (only for boilers of the 24 and 28 kW series), 5 - terminals for connecting an NTC sensor storage tank DHW, 6 - unloading relay, 7 - terminals for connecting an external temperature sensor, 8 - terminals for connecting a room thermostat

Fig.5. Electrical diagram Skat Protherm boilers with power 6, 9, 12 kW

1 - terminals for connecting boilers in a cascade, 2 - terminals for connecting an NTC sensor for a hot water storage tank, 3 - unloading relay, 4 - terminals for connecting an external temperature sensor, 5 - terminals for connecting a room thermostat, 6 - control board, 7 - sensor temperature of heating water (HW), 8 - pressure sensor (manometer) HW, 9 - control panel, 10 - contactor 2, 11 - auxiliary terminals N, 12 - heating elements, 13 - blocking, connection of an emergency thermostat for underfloor heating systems, 14 - additional terminal block 3 x 230/400 VAC, N, PE, 50 Hz, 15 - contactor 1, 16 - pump, 17 - connector for connecting a three-way motor valve, 18 - emergency thermostat, 19 - HDO connection




The fairly popular Protherm brand has long taken a strong position as a reliable manufacturer of heating equipment in Russia. In the entire range of electric boilers, there is one series - Proterm Skat. Protherm electric boilers are produced in 8 modifications with a power from 6 to 28 kW with the ability to continuously regulate power. Designed for use in closed systems heating with forced circulation of coolant. Boilers are installed on the wall, and all connections are made at the bottom of the boiler. Coefficient useful action equal to 99.5%, which is very high rate, even among electric boilers. The entire series of Skat boilers are single-circuit, and hot water supply is supplied by installing a boiler indirect heating.

Most of these disadvantages and advantages are inherent in most boilers operating on electricity.

Pros of Protherm Skat boilers

  • High efficiency
  • Easy to install
  • Unpretentious in maintenance
  • Eco-friendly
  • Doesn't require much space
  • Silent operation

Disadvantages of Skat series boilers

  • High cost of electricity
  • Dependence on power outages

Sometimes electric boilers are credited with shortcomings that are no longer relevant or were obviously incorrect; let’s look at some of them:

The boiler power is not enough to heat a house larger than 300 m2

This statement is incorrect, due to the fact that Skat boilers can be connected in a cascade to increase the heated area, if there is a shortage of 28 kW.

Frequent replacement of the heating element

Due to the fact that the heating medium is heated using a heating element, many believe that such a heating element will not last long, but you need to take into account the quality of the heating element itself and do not forget that it is not water that circulates in the system, but a coolant.

Installation of Proterm Skat boilers in a cascade

If a 28 kW boiler is not enough to heat the house, it is possible to install the Slopes in a cascade to increase the coverage of the heating area.
When two boilers are connected in a cascade, the second boiler is controlled using a room thermostat, which is connected to the first boiler.
This diagram will look like this:

The contacts of the room thermostat are connected to terminals 1 and 2 located on connector K8 of the main boiler, and terminals 9 and 10 of the main boiler are connected to terminals 1 and 2 of the slave boiler.

Only the Proterm Skat 28 kW and Proterm Skat 24 kW boilers can operate in cascade mode.

Construction of Skat boilers

Slope boiler design

Features of Proterm Skat boilers

Stepped power setting

Depending on the boiler model, the number of power levels varies. The widest range of regulation is available for Skat boilers operating from a single-phase network and having a power of 6 and 9 kW.


The warranty period for these boilers is 2 years.

Heating element

Depending on the power of the boiler, they are installed different quantities Heating elements, in modifications R13 were installed heating elements according to the following table:

Operation from 220V and 380V network

Boilers with a power of 6 kW and 9 kW are capable of operating from a 220V and 380V network; boilers of higher power can only be connected to a three-phase 380 volt network.

Components for boilers Proterm Skat

When purchasing a boiler, in addition to it, the manufacturer offers various accessories to expand the functionality.


For Skat boilers, Proterm suggests using three types of room regulators:
Exabasic (article 6195), Exacontrol (article 0020159367) and Exacontrol 7 (article 0020170571).

The simplest Exabasic model has only a rotary switch for setting the temperature, Exacontrol is already equipped with a display and has mechanical controls. Modification number 7 - has a weekly programming function.

Connection diagram of the thermostat to the Protherm Skat boiler

Temperature sensors

To adjust the operation of the boiler relative to the temperature outside the window, you should purchase an additional sensor outside temperature(item 0020040797).

External temperature sensor for Protherm boilers SKAT

IN retail network its cost varies around 2000 rubles (38 euros).

Installation of Proterm Skat boiler with boiler

If you want to secure your home also hot water, then you need to purchase an indirect heating boiler. In order for the boiler to start working in conjunction with the boiler, you need to purchase a Fugas three-way valve kit (article 0020015570) for. The finished kit will cost 116 euros.

Kit for connecting a fugas three-way valve to the Proterm Skat boiler Connection diagram of the Proterm Skat electric boiler to an indirect heating boiler

Proterm Skat boiler errors

Error F00

In Proterm Skat electric boilers, error f00 occurs when the NTC sensor at the heating output is disconnected.

Error F22 - dry start

On the Protherm Slope boiler, error f22 occurs due to a lack of water in the heating system.
To eliminate the error, you need to add water to the heating system and turn on the boiler again.

Error F55

The appearance of this error f55 on the display occurs due to insufficient water.
You need to disconnect the boiler from the power supply and contact a Protherm boiler specialist.
The error occurs when the relay or contactor, which is located on the board where the heating elements are connected, is stuck.

Instructions, certificates and passport for the Skat boiler

If there is no possibility of connecting to the gas network, and solid fuel heating is not available, then alternative way An electric boiler provides heat to the house. This article will introduce readers to Proterm Skat electric boilers, and will also provide instructions on how to start them up.

Electric boilers Proterm Skat

This single-circuit equipment is made in a wall-mounted version. It is possible to connect a water heater. Most models three-phase mains connection required, but models with a power of 6 kW and 9 kW can operate from a 220 V network. Selecting the required temperature level hot water and heating occurs using a display, which, by adjusting, helps control the operation of the equipment. Control is also carried out using a thermostat or outside temperature sensor.

To create a specific level of heat, the parameters are adjusted individually. Electricity supply is controlled remotely from the tariff meter. For domestic needs, you can install 24 kW and 28 kW units in a cascade.

Protherm Skat has:

  • two-way pump;
  • expansion tank;
  • safety valve;

The Protherm boiler can also be connected via a voltage stabilizer. Electric boiler in action has a slow start, that is, for two minutes it “accelerates” and its power is minimal. The heating elements are protected from overload, their operation is uniform, this is achieved by being able to adjust the rhythm (1.2 or 2.3 kW).

Electrical Protherm boilers The ramps are distinguished by their low weight (only 34 kg) and convenient dimensions, making it possible to install them in almost any area. The operation of the boiler is reliably protected by several functions:

  • protection against pump blocking;
  • a pressure sensor that monitors the water pressure level;
  • frost protection;
  • protection against valve blocking and water heater freezing (when connecting a boiler).

If errors occur in the operation of the boiler, automatic diagnostics occurs, ending with the results being displayed in the form of a code. The decoding of the codes is given in the product operating instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric boilers Protherm Skat

Proterm Skat has a number of advantages over other types of heating:

  • does not produce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, since has no combustion products, That's why this type heating can be called environmentally friendly;
  • An electric boiler is an affordable type of heating. It is used where it is not possible to connect to mains gas or can become an alternative form of heating;
  • does not require systematic maintenance, unlike, for example, gas or solid fuel models;
  • silent operation;
  • there is a heat level regulator;
  • able to adapt to domestic water not of the best quality;
  • resistant to voltage surges;
  • equipped with several types of protection.

Along with the advantages, there are some disadvantages:

  • electric boiler Protherm Skat needs to be connected through a stabilizer;
  • is unable to perform its work during a power outage.

Consumer Reviews

Consumers note that Protherm Skat provided an opportunity where gas connection was problematic or completely impossible. At stable work power grid, many refuse to connect gas, saving considerable amounts of money. In addition, the electric boiler is used in parallel with a gas unit, connecting them to unified system heating. This find allows you to significantly save money on resources, alternating them with each other during the heating season.

If you connect a water heater to Protherm Skat, consumers have the prospect of using hot water. Many people note the perfectly designed design of the boiler, which fits well into any room interior. You can successfully install it in living rooms, thanks to its silent operation, it will not attract increased attention.

The disadvantages are that when using only a boiler that runs on electricity, when it is turned off there is no alternative options heating. Therefore, before purchasing a Protherm electric boiler, you should make sure that there are no problems with electricity. Experts recommend use a voltage stabilizer, to ensure normal operating conditions for the Protherm Skat boiler.

In addition, the increased energy consumption of an electric boiler causes negative emotions among the population, since paying bills takes a toll. If we compare the costs of gas and electric heating, the Protherm electric boiler is a little more expensive, with identical heating parameters. From the above we can conclude that this electrical equipment is chosen by those who do not have the opportunity to connect to network gas, as well as those who care about environment and sees it as a source of ecological consumption.

How to put the Protherm Skat boiler into operation?

To start the boiler, you must follow the instructions below.

When the pressure is low, the “bar” light starts flashing on the display. To correct the situation, add water to the system. If in this case the pressure decreases, then you need to contact a specialist.

If you need to stop the operation of the Protherm boiler for a long time, you need to disconnect it from the power supply and turn off the taps. If a stop is needed winter period, That The system must be drained of water to prevent freezing.

How to care for a Protherm electric boiler? Do not use abrasive or chemicals. Better surface Wipe the housing with a damp cloth, then dry the surface.

Any malfunctions are indicated on the display by an error code. The code numbers are located and deciphered in the product passport.

If serious problems occur, for example the heat exchanger is frozen or water is dripping from it, It is prohibited to turn on the electric boiler to the power supply. You need to wait for a specialist who will diagnose and carry out high-quality repairs. Replacement of parts is carried out only using original spare parts.

So, dear readers, you have met alternative view heating Protherm Scat. When gas and solid fuel If you are within reach or you are a stickler for cleanliness, an electric boiler can be a good help.


Starting the boiler

Warning: Putting the boiler into
operation and its first start-up must
be produced only by certified

by Protherm specialist
specialized organization!

When starting the boiler for the first time, make sure
is that:

1. the boiler is connected to the electrical network and

in this case, the phase and zero are not mixed up.

2. gas shut-off valve is open;
3. service taps for heating and hot water supply

4. The pressure in the heating system is

within acceptable limits 1 - 2 bar.
Install the main switch (Fig. 1,
pos. 7) to the ON position (I). Boiler
turns on and starts working in mode
heating water in the boiler (if the boiler
connected to the boiler). After heating the water in
boiler the boiler will switch to mode
heating (provided that the mode
heating active). In case of protective

boiler shutdown on the panel display
control, a message will appear indicating
malfunction (see “Messages about
errors“, page 8). Using a button
RESET (Fig. 1, item 6) unlock
boiler. If, after switching on, the protective
shutdown will occur again or is not possible
will unlock the boiler,
contact your service organization.

Boiler shutdown

When the boiler is switched off for a short time
install the main switch (Fig.
1, pos. 7) to the OFF position (O).
When the boiler is turned off for a long time
period it is necessary to disconnect it from
electrical network and shut off the supply
gas to the boiler. If in winter the boiler
not used, then the heating system
needs to be emptied. However
Frequent draining must be avoided and
top-up of the heating system to avoid
formation of scale and deposits inside

Starting and shutting down the boiler

Boiler adjustment

Operating a boiler without room

according to the readings of the boiler sensor. IN
terminal block XT5 on terminals 5 and 6 is
jumper (factory setting). Order

Turn on the boiler with the main switch;
set the required temperature

flow line on the control panel.

Operating a boiler with room temperature

In this mode, the boiler supports
set temperature in the heating system
by room regulator. Jumper,
installed in the XT5 terminal block on clamps
5 and 6, removed. In its place is connected
room regulator. If indoors
with room regulator on radiators
installed thermostatic valves,
it is necessary to convert them completely
open position.
Warning: On the control panel


Malfunction on-
outdoor sensor

The boiler operates without restrictions, but the temperature

The coolant is regulated by the boiler sensor (see.
“Setting the heating temperature”, page 5).

If the boiler does not operate in equithermal mode, then
such a message cannot appear.

Electric boilers are in demand among owners of country houses, residential dachas and other non-gasified buildings. They are characterized by good functionality and allow you to heat any buildings that are not connected to gas mains. Their typical representative is the Proterm electric boiler - this is a device from famous manufacturer, different high quality assembly and decent characteristics.

We decided to devote this review to Protherm electric boilers. In it we will tell you:

Equipment from such a renowned manufacturer really deserves special mention, so we will tell you everything we know about Proterm boilers.

Features of Proterm electric boilers

By installing such an electrical unit in your household, you are doing great choice. Instead of buying equipment from dubious brands, it is better to overpay a little and take a really worthwhile item from a well-known manufacturer - the performance of the entire system depends on the quality of the boiler used. Moreover, the Protherm company has extensive experience in the production of electric heating equipment.

There is only one model range- Skat.

Heating homes not connected to gas mains is always big problem. Existing on the market electric boilers They are either high cost or cannot boast of sufficient functionality. In this case, you always pay attention to small-sized and neat gas models, operating automatically and not cluttering up the space. The Protherm company is ready to offer owners of country houses similar solutions, but powered by the electrical network.

Protherm electric boilers are a unique solution that is economical. They are installed in both residential and non-residential buildings, regularly generating heat. Presented as a single model range called Skat - customers can choose from samples with thermal power from 6 to 28 kW. Thanks to this, they can heat rooms up to 280 square meters. m.

What are they good for?

  • Simple single-circuit design - if you like simple and reliable equipment, you will definitely like the products of this brand;
  • Wide power range – it is possible to choose a device that is suitable in terms of power and price;
  • High efficiency – efficiency, according to the manufacturer, is 99.5%. This means that almost all of the expended electricity is converted into heat, without significant losses;
  • Absolutely silent operation - even if the equipment is in the bedroom, it will not interfere with a good night's sleep;
  • Precise temperature control – create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in your home;
  • Availability of universal models - they can operate from single-phase and three-phase networks with a voltage of 220 or 380 V;
  • Easy installation - you can handle the installation yourself, without the help of specialists.

Prices range from 37,900 to 47,000 rubles - this is the official price from the manufacturer as of April 2016. In some other stores it may differ up or down (usually more). But nothing will stop you from buying a Proterm electric boiler in the official online store - this is the most economical and reliable option.

The cost of the equipment may seem high, but Protherm always stands behind the quality of its products.

Technical characteristics and appearance

The Proterm electric boiler will fit into any interior due to its small size and wall placement.

As befits good equipment from famous brand, Proterm electric boilers are housed in neat, compact housings. Thanks to this they can fit into any interior, even the most sophisticated ones. Case dimensions – height 740 mm, depth – 310 mm, width – 410 mm (dimensions are identical for the entire Skat model range). Inside we will find everything you need for the heating system to work:

  • Circulation pump;
  • Automatic air vent;
  • Expansion tank 7 liters.

There is no need to worry about installing the piping - just connect the pipes and radiators, fill the system with coolant, after which you can start testing.

Models with a power of 6 kW and 9 kW can operate from both single-phase and three-phase networks. More powerful ones are three-phase. The equipment is not afraid of power surges and does not cause overloads on the network - a stepwise increase in power is provided here. The maximum current in the circuit when the heating elements are operating is up to 50 A. The maximum coolant pressure in the system is 3 atm, the temperature is up to +85 degrees.

When connecting Protherm electric heating boilers to the electrical network, you must ensure that the cross-section of the wires corresponds to the power consumption.

Layout of inlets for Proterm electric boilers, as well as their dimensions.

Protherm electric boilers are equipped with convenient control panels. They contain LED indicators and liquid crystal displays. Self-diagnosis systems are provided - error codes are displayed on built-in screens. Thermostats are used to create a comfortable atmosphere. Security systems include an overheating sensor, frost protection, a pressure sensor, safety valve and an anti-blocking system for the circulation pump.

An interesting functionality is the ability to connect external storage boilers, which are purchased separately.

Popular models

The electric boiler Protherm Skat 9 KR 13 is the most popular. Used to heat rooms up to 90 square meters. m.

As we have already said, electric boilers from Protherm are represented by the only Skat line. Therefore, all equipment has similar characteristics, differing in electrical power and current consumption - all other data is identical, down to dimensions and weight. As for the most popular models, they are designs with a power of 9 kW, 12 kW and 21 kW.

In addition, the Skat model range includes models with a power of 6 kW, 14 kW, 18 kW, 24 kW and 28 kW - the maximum heating area depends on the power (calculations must take into account heat loss and the possibility of connecting a boiler).

Instructions for use

When installing and configuring the device, you must follow safety regulations and use protective equipment. Boilers are installed in a dry place, away from flammable structures, emergency exits, air conditioners and other electrical appliances. Installation in places where water may enter the equipment is not allowed.. Also, operation in freezing areas is not allowed.

Mount the equipment on solid walls, taking into account the weight. Heating pipes must fit smoothly and without distortions. Connection to the electrical network is carried out using wires of suitable cross-section, directly to the electrical panel, through additional RCD circuit breakers. For protection against impacts electric shock the equipment must be grounded. You also need to make sure that the supply voltage complies with the established standards. External components and modules are connected in accordance with the instructions.

Table for calculating the required wire cross-section and fuse rating depending on power

Ideally, the installation should be carried out by certified specialists, but if you follow the instructions and follow the safety rules, nothing bad will happen.

During equipment operation, it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the system and respond to possible errors. If the equipment works normally, users can only set desired temperature. Temperature selection heating circuit and temperature in the external storage boiler (if equipped) is done using buttons on the control panel - parameters and errors are monitored using the LCD display.