Numerology of numbers: meaning of numbers and key concepts. The meaning of numbers in our life

And a car, a telephone, an index, a bank account... Ancient people assigned numbers magical properties. Until now, we consider the numbers 13 and 666 dangerous, and three and seven lucky. There is a whole science exploring what numbers mean. It's called numerology.

History of the science of numbers

Interest in the magic of numbers arose at a time when our ancestors were just learning to count. We find references to this in ancient China and Japan, in Rome, Greece, Babylon, etc. Trying to understand what the numbers mean, people created an entire occult science, similar to astrology.

The idea of Big Bang, who created the universe, was used by the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the consequences of this were mysterious vibrations that still determine the fate of the world and individual people. They were displayed using numbers. The Jews created the Kabbalah system on this basis. They calculated the vibrations of letters and, with their help, interpreted the original texts of the Bible, and also predicted the fate of a person by name.

The famous thinker Pythagoras, who lived in the 6th century BC, made a great contribution to numerology. e. Exploring various mathematical concepts, he came to the conclusion that it is numbers that underlie our universe. He derived the characteristics of numbers from 1 to 9, and also developed a system for predicting the future using calculations.

The Power of Primes

IN modern world numerology is very popular. With its help, they predict fate, make forecasts for the year, talk about the compatibility of people, and give advice on achieving professional success.

Particular importance is attached to prime numbers from 1 to 9, each of which corresponds to a specific planet. All other numbers are reduced to these by addition: 17 is 1+7=8; 59 is 5+9=14, in turn, 14, according to the already familiar algorithm, is reduced to 5. The resulting prime number is called “spiritual”.

Mathematics and planets

What do numbers mean in numerology?

  • 1 corresponds to the Sun. This number signifies leadership, striving for goals, selfishness and ambition.
  • 2 corresponds to the Moon. This is the feminine principle, which is characterized by softness, openness, obedience and uncertainty, uncertainty. The deuce is between two extremes; it is very important for it to maintain balance.
  • 3 is associated with Jupiter. This is the number of the universe, depicted in the form of a triangle. Its sides symbolize the past, present and future. The troika is revered in many religions, including Orthodoxy.
  • 4 corresponds to Uranus. This is the personification of the four cardinal directions, seasons, and basic elements (water, earth, fire and air). Four is the number of stability, strength.
  • 5 corresponds to Mercury. It is a symbol of risk, unpredictability, as well as the human principle (four limbs + head; five fingers; five senses). Five is considered lucky.
  • 6 is associated with Venus. The number represents harmony, perfection, reliability. It was in six days that God created the earth.
  • 7 is associated with Neptune. This is a symbol of mystery, knowledge of the unknown, spirituality and development.
  • 8 corresponds to Saturn. The number means rebirth, material success, reliability.
  • 9 is associated with Mars. This is a symbol of success, completeness.

Birth number

In numerology special meaning given to the date of birth of a person. Knowing it, you can determine the number of the soul of an individual and the number of fate. The first value coincides with your birthday. If it is a composite number, add the digits until you get a number from 1 to 9. For example, you were born on June 28th. Two plus eight equals ten, one when added to zero equals one. This is the number of your soul. She determines the choice life path, partners and friends. Great value this figure is up to 35-40 years old.

Then the number of fate comes to the fore. To find it out, the numbers of the person’s year, month and birthday are added one by one until a simple number is obtained. For example, you were born on November 29, 1988. We count: 2+9=11=2; 1+1=2; 1+9+8+8=26=8. Then all the resulting numbers are added again: 2+3+7=12=3. Three will be the number of your destiny.

Numbers and abilities

What do the resulting numbers mean? How do they affect life? Let's listen to numerologists:

  • One is a sign of a leader, a strong, independent personality. Such a person goes towards his goal without relying on anyone else's help. He has a fairly agile mind, he is active, and knows how to lead others. Negative qualities: excessive self-confidence, overestimation of one’s capabilities.
  • “Twos” are insecure, romantic, trusting people who value communication. It is important for them to build harmonious relationships with your surroundings. Conflicts can lead to depression. Throughout their lives, “twos” constantly have to make choices. Negative qualities: indecision, compliance.
  • Threes are eternal optimists, inspired by struggle and freedom. Such people make successful businessmen or cultural figures. They are also lucky in love. Negative traits: habit of ignoring problems, disrespect for other people's feelings.
  • “Fours” are reliable, persistent, stubborn people for whom nothing in life comes easy. Ups and downs and unfounded criticism await them, but they are endowed with the ability to overcome any obstacles. Success comes to them at the end of life. Negative traits: mood swings, dissatisfaction with one's fate.
  • “Fives” are adventurers who are interested in everything in the world. They love to learn something new, have fun, and travel. They don’t know how to make long-term plans, they constantly come up with new ways to make quick money.
  • Sixes are cheerful people who manage to maintain good relationships with other people. They have a wonderful family great friends. In material terms, everything is also going well. “Sixes” know how to not only take, but also give. The main thing is not to overdo it. First of all, pay attention to your loved ones.
  • "Sevens" have strong intuition, they are interested in everything unknown. They are self-sufficient and prefer privacy. They are peaceful with people and love to give advice. They occupy a high position at work, but achieve real success late. Negative trait: pessimism.
  • Eights are hard workers who value money. They begin to accumulate them after the age of 35, having experienced several financial crises in their youth. These are calm, secretive, patient, practical and honest people with a vulnerable soul. Their life path is often unpredictable, they have few friends, since from the outside they seem tough. Negative traits: inability to obey, categoricalness.
  • “Nines” are given more than other numbers. These are people with a strong, powerful character and many talents. However, it is difficult for them to find their place among people, since Mars has endowed them with hot temper and aggressiveness. “Nines” must learn to give without demanding anything in return.

Alphanumeric matching

From a linguistic point of view, letters are graphic designation phonemes. A phoneme, in turn, is a sound wave that obeys the laws of mathematics. Since ancient times, in numerology, sounds have been correlated with numbers. Let's look at the numbers representing the letters of the modern English alphabet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A, J, SB, K, TC, L, UD, M, VE, N, WF, O, XG, P, YH, Q, ZI, R

Using such a table, numerologists calculate the number of your name, which affects your personal life and role in society. If you wish, you can also do this by translating your first, last and patronymic names into English language. After this, write down all the letters on paper, mark the corresponding numbers under them and add them up to get an elementary number.

Numerology and Russian alphabet

What do numbers mean in Russian? Numerologists began searching for such correspondences relatively recently and have not yet come to a consensus. Much controversy arises over the question of whether the letters “E” and “Y” are considered independent, or whether they are variations of the phonemes “E” and “I”.

Vedic numerologists offer the following option, taking into account the vibrations of sounds:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A, K, U, bB, L, F, YV, M, X, IG, N, C, ED, O, HE, P, Sh, EZh, R, ShchZ, S, ъI (Y), T, s

Practice shows that this table should be used to calculate:

  • name number (the sum of all digits of a person’s full name), which indicates the person’s innate inclinations and talents;
  • the number of heart desires (the sum of all vowels of the full name), which helps to understand our motivation and innermost feelings;
  • the number of individuality (the sum of all consonants of the full name), which allows you to see the ways of behavior characteristic of a person.

Second option

You can also find another table explaining what letters and numbers mean in Russian. It is based on the continuous numbering of the modern alphabet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A, I, S, bB, J, T, SV, K, U, bG, L, F, ED, M, X, YE, N, C, IE, O, HF, P, WZ, R, Shch

Practicing numerologists use it to decipher a person’s social mask. In life different people They call us by different names (short names, pet names, nicknames). By calculating their numbers using the table above, we will understand what role is imposed on us in communication. By counting the numbers of the surname and patronymic separately, you can determine what behavior was passed on to us by our ancestors.

What do the same numbers mean?

Sometimes the same number literally haunts us. We see it on signs, on TV, on store receipts, in newspapers. Doreen Virtue states that this is how guardian angels convey their messages to us. She offers the following transcript:

  • 111 - your wish will come true if you constantly think about it.
  • 222 - the business you started is beginning to bear fruit, so pay more attention to it.
  • 333 - patrons are ready to hear you.
  • 444 - you are in a difficult situation, but divine forces are nearby.
  • 555 - serious life changes are coming.
  • 666 - you are too fixated on money.
  • 777 - pleasant changes await you, thank the angels for this.
  • 888 - an important life stage ends.
  • 999 - get busy with your life, finish pending tasks.
  • 000 - it's time to take stock and think about the future.

What do they mean same numbers hours? If, by chance looking at your mobile phone screen, you see the time 00:00, is this a sign from above? Experts in “angelic numerology” answer this question positively.

The Universe constantly speaks to us using various symbols. If you accidentally glance at the dial and notice the coincidence of numbers, listen to the message. What do the numbers on the clock mean?

  • 00:00 - start life from scratch.
  • 01:01 - think about good things, and thoughts will materialize.
  • 02:02 - meet an ally.
  • 03:03 - don’t be afraid of change.
  • 04:04 - be patient, you are on the right track.
  • 05:05 - fateful changes.
  • 06:06 - think about the spiritual and you will be rewarded.
  • 07:07 - fulfillment of desires.
  • 08:08 - opportunity to earn money.
  • 09:09 - get rid of unnecessary things.
  • 10:10 - minor troubles.
  • 11:11 - success.
  • 12:12 - a successful union awaits you, which will bring money and change your usual worldview.
  • 13:13 - restrain your emotions.
  • 14:14 - change the environment.
  • 15:15 - your loved ones need you.
  • 16:16 - learn to give.
  • 17:17 - material benefit from a new acquaintance.
  • 18:18 - release the one who wants to leave.
  • 19:19 - do not give in to feelings.
  • 20:20 - friends will help you.
  • 21:21 - change your life by listening to your intuition.
  • 22:22 - don’t overestimate your capabilities.
  • 23:23 - stop and correct mistakes.

Without fanaticism!

Numerology - interesting science, giving us important clues. But everything needs moderation. Sometimes it is more useful to consult a doctor rather than rack your brains over the question: “What do pressure numbers mean in terms of numerology?” If the forecast foretells trouble, be careful, but do not panic. Every person has the power to change his destiny by making an effort.

What do the numbers mean? They are the starting point for better understanding yourself and the people around you. Knowing your weaknesses and strengths, you can work with them, move forward, skillfully avoiding the dangers lurking along the way. Listen to the numbers, your intuition, but don’t forget about logic. Then everything will definitely work out.

Numerology of numbers, logically, studies numbers. What influence they have on our destiny, how strongly they vibrate with us in unison and predetermine what is about to happen. They they tell unmistakably about a person’s character, his aspirations, about the future deeds and accomplishments awaiting him.

This is a science that is very close in its purpose to astrology. Some people call it the magic of numbers, but, like astrology, it uses only the accumulated experience of people in analyzing the factors influencing a person’s destiny and life. It also relies on fairly precise and ancient teachings, the origins of which were Pythagoras himself, who said that everything that exists is located in accordance with numbers.

Numerological decoding of numbers

Each of ten - from zero to nine, has its own designation in the numerology of numbers. They are full of secret meaning and are not easy to accurately decipher. Approximate numerology meanings of numbers from 1 to 9 look like this:

Name number calculation

The algorithm is simple and clear, it does not require complex manipulations, no need to rub crystal balls and toss coins. It answers the question of what the numbers in the date of birth mean. For this it is necessary perform several actions:

  1. We add up all the numbers of your date of birth in sequence, for example: you were born on April 15, 1995. 1+5+4+1+9+9+5, we get 35. In no case do we write, for example. 04/15/95, this gives 24 and calculates another result, which will be discussed below.
  2. Now we add two digits of the resulting number: 3+5 = 8.

This is your name number, you can read the transcript above. That’s how simple and clear everything is in digital science.

Additional Numerology Concepts

In addition to the name number described above, there are also life path number, which is calculated according to the “04/15/95” method and tells its bearer about karmic purposes. This calculation allows you to direct a person along the path of his destiny that is destined for him from birth.

Soul Number takes only the day itself from your date of birth. It talks about the more secret impulses and characteristics of your being and helps determine compatibility with other people or love partners, the correctness of your self-esteem and the attitude of other people towards you, and yours towards them.

00.00 - where you go, there you will return - life in circles.

However, at the moment of change (1st lunar day, 1st solar day, i.e. calendar day of the month, New Year) it is at this time that you can make any wish.

01.01 - a man will bring you good news.

01.10 - you started a business that has many pitfalls.

01.11 - today you need to become a leader, take the reins into your own hands.

02.02 - if a lady invites you somewhere, do not refuse.

02.20 - take your time, stop, otherwise you will run into conflict.

02.22 - you will have to agree on an important matter.

03.03 - you have the opportunity to have wonderful entertainment.

03.30 - don’t tell anyone about your feelings. 03.33 - good luck and happiness are on your doorstep.

04.04 - you are too focused on something, look at it from the other side.

04.40 - today is clearly not your day: everything is too mundane, no flight of fancy or surge of pleasant feelings.

04.44 - The heavens are angry with you and are throwing lightning. Wait, don't do anything.

05.05 - love awaits you.

05.50 - beware of change. 05.55 - don’t get involved in adventures.

06.06 - they will propose marriage to you.

07.07 - beware of loneliness.

08.08 - attention: either money or a career is ahead.

09.09 - change is coming.

10.01 - you will meet an influential man.

10.10 - it’s time for a new business.

11.11 - be careful, otherwise you may become dependent on someone (or something).

12.12 - your wish, made with a pure heart, will come true. You just need to have time to wish for it before the clock shows 12.13.

12.21 - you will meet and work together with a pleasant person.

13.13 - be careful: you have secret enemies.

13.31 - your old dream will come true if you are willing to pay for it with something personal.

14.14 - wonderful love awaits you.

14.41 - be prepared not to get into an unpleasant situation.

15.15 - beware of accidents and hooligans on the road.

15.51 - get ready for a stormy but short romance.

16.16 - be careful.

17.17 - in order not to spin like a squirrel in a wheel, ask a wise person for advice.

18.18 - a big change awaits you.

19.19 - great things await you.

20.02 - negotiate with a loved one, otherwise you will quarrel.

20.20 - come to an agreement in the family, otherwise there will be a scandal. 21.12 - birth of a child or a new project.

21.21 - a whirlwind romance awaits you.

22.22 - a new acquaintance is possible.

23.23 - dangerous connection.

23.32 - pay attention to your health.

But what if we see 14.41 on the clock (an unpleasant situation), but we need 14.14 (beautiful love)? Is it possible to crack this code too?

Can! On the one hand, it’s not difficult - you just have to look at the clock at exactly 14.14 and say firmly: “Beautiful love awaits me!” But on the other hand, there are complications: this can only be done on Friday and three times (three Fridays) contract.

Why on Friday? Because she is the one in charge of love affairs. Friday is under the patronage of Venus, the goddess of love. And it takes another day to wish yourself success in your work.

Which? See table:

Monday (Moon)- day of women's affairs and desires.

Tuesday (Mars) is the day of men's affairs and desires, sports competitions, and also the day when something needs to be conquered, to show courage and courage in something.

Wednesday (Mercury) is the day of trade, contractual relations, purchase and sale, finance and various business affairs where financial flows appear (but not large ones).

Thursday (Jupiter) is the day of managing serious matters, big money, the day of laws and justice. If you are offended, this is to Jupiter. Friendly and related requests - to him. Educational matters are also his.

Friday (Venus) is the day of love affairs.

Saturday (Uranus) is a spiritual day. All desires of the soul, requests related to mysticism, esotericism, religious and spiritual practices - on Saturday.

Sunday (Sun)- a day of rest, and therefore all requests come to him for entertainment, communication and, oddly enough, for quick enrichment, for gifts, especially those related to gold and precious stones.

So express your wishes in good days. And may they come true!

Numerology - the study of numbers - appeared to the world under different names. It was called the science of the ten lamps, the teaching of the ten stars, the secret of the ten pillars of the universe, the book of the wise, consisting of ten palm leaves, the secret of the outflow of the great sea. However, representatives of various magic schools agreed that all numbers, without exception, contain a certain secret meaning and can tell people a lot.

Tick-tock walkers...

Tell me, what conclusions will you draw if, for example, the number 12 or, say, 48 comes across your eyes several times a day? It’s okay, you most likely won’t pay any attention to it.But in vain, because the number 12 “screams” - expect a new acquaintance, and 48 hints at a stormy love affair.

But, according to magicians, numbers that are “reflections” of each other are of particular importance: 12 and 21, 32 and 23 or repeat each other - 12:12, 23:23, 11:11. Does this remind you of anything? Well of course electronic watch! Therefore, let’s begin to study the wisdom of fortune-telling using these cunning walkers.

Rule number one is to use the electronic oracle only on Tuesdays and Thursdays . Rule number two is not to cheat and not to manipulate the facts to suit yourself.Only accidentally seen paired or repeating numbers will lift the veil of the future before you.

Interpretation of the meanings of numbers

00.00 - any wish made with a pure heart will come true.
01.01 - expect good news from the man.
01.10 - alas, the business you started will not bring the expected result.
01.11 - do not refuse any offers today.
02.02 - expect an invitation to a party or a club.
02.20 - suppress irritation, watch your words.
02.22 - a certain secret will be revealed to you.
03.03 - love is knocking on your door.
03.30 - alas, your feeling will remain unrequited.
03.33 - meet happiness and good luck.
04.04 - look at the situation from the other side.
04.40 - today is clearly not your day. Fortune is not in your favor.
04.44 - get a scolding from your boss.
05.05 - secret enemies are plotting a dishonest game against you.
05.50 - beware of water and fire.
05.55 - a meeting with a wise man is just around the corner.
06.06 — imminent marriage(marriage).
07.07 - beware of people in military uniform.
08.08 - career takeoff.
09.09 - take care of your wallets and handbags.
10.01 - meeting an influential man.
10.10 - it's time for change.
11.11 - you will become dependent on someone (or something).
12.12 - success on the love front.
12.21 - meeting a charming woman (a nice man).
13.13 - beware of your rivals.
13.31 - get what you have been dreaming about for a long time.
14.14 - love will rule the roost today.
14.41 - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
15.15 — follow the advice of a wise man.
15.51 - get ready for a stormy but short romance.
16.16 - be careful on the road.
17.17 - beware of street hooligans.
18.18 - be careful on the road.
19.19 - success in business.
20.02 - quarrel with a loved one.
20.20 - scandal in the family.
21.12 - birth of a child or a new project.
21.21 - whirlwind romance.
22.22 - new acquaintance.
23.23 - dangerous connection.
23.32 - health problems.


00:00 - don’t plan serious things, you will be completely disappointed

01:01 - feel free to start a new business, everything will be fine

02:02- if you have a tingle in your side, then it’s possible that you are seriously ill

03:03 - you will successfully complete what you started earlier

04:04 - don’t take risks - you won’t see champagne

05:05 - if you are single, you will definitely fall in love. And if you already have a partner, then he is definitely up to no good

06:06 - everything will be fine everywhere

07:07 - today you are in charge. Think carefully about who you are going to be friends with.

08:08 - you can quarrel with a colleague or fall out of favor with your boss

09:09 - flirting or love affair is possible

10:10 - a very good day awaits you - enjoy

11:11 - there will definitely be gifts and other pleasant surprises

12:12 - higher powers by your side

13:13 - perhaps something or someone will make you go off your intended path. Be vigilant

14:14 - isn’t it time for you to fall in love?

15:15 - expect an unpleasant surprise or news

16:16 - don’t frighten Fortune, she’s a fickle lady

17:17 - take risks, but wisely

18:18 - perhaps you will unexpectedly receive an inheritance from an overseas uncle

19:19 - luck will visit your neighbor today, but certainly not you

20:20 - in a quarrel with your loved one, behave in a civilized manner

21:21 - you will regret what you did

22:22 - be very careful - danger is very close. But this is no reason to panic

23:23 - it was still the same day, but tomorrow everything will be much better. Stop looking at the clock - it's time to go to bed

Interpretation of numbers in numerology

ZERO (0) – carries very positive symbolism. The presence of this number also promises good without much effort. The favor of the Cosmos will be ensured, no matter how naive your views and actions may be. Zero creates a trusting atmosphere around.

The meaning of numbers in angelic numerology:

Throughout life, a person is surrounded by numbers. But few people think that each number has its own meaning and is a sign. Using the meanings of numbers, you can decipher the messages of fate and even influence events.

The magic of numbers, the energy they carry is ancient science numerology, which can significantly change your worldview and influence your future life.

Interpretation of numbers in numerology

ZERO (0) – carries very positive symbolism. The presence of this number promises happiness and goodness without much effort. The favor of the Cosmos will be ensured, no matter how naive your views and actions may be. Zero creates a trusting atmosphere around.

UNIT (1) – solar number, leader number, masculine principle. This figure contains enormous potential and promises success in business. Promotes self-affirmation and increases authority. One is a symbol of a person with a strong character and charisma. Helps you confidently move towards your goal and find the right solutions.

TWO (2) – feminine principle, duplicity, flexibility of mind. With this number it will be easy for you to find a compromise, achieve harmony and peace. If two occurs frequently in everyday life, this suggests that you should look deeper into yourself, try to understand your desires and aspirations. The deuce also speaks of the romantic nature of the owner.

THREE (3) is the number of magicians and creators. Favors everyone who is associated with art, promotes the development of talent. Three promises strong friendship. You are guaranteed the sympathy and interest of others.

FOUR (4) is the number of creation and perseverance. It brings success to those who honestly, without guile, move towards their goal, making efforts, concentrating their desires. Four energizes and encourages action. If your intentions are good, your efforts will definitely be rewarded.

FIVE (5) – contains the masculine and feminine principles. Where there is a five, you can expect any kind of relationship: love, sex, flirting. But it is also a symbol of freedom, choice, excitement, risk, speed, fear and shame. This figure promises fun and an interesting pastime, but also instability in relationships.

SIX (6) – care and participation. This is a symbol of a calm, friendly person, not prone to scandals. If you want to find the right decision, come to a compromise - the six will definitely help.

SEVEN (7) is a mystical number, the embodiment of secret knowledge. Sharpenes intuition hidden abilities. Gives its owners calmness and balance. Arouses interest in everything unknown and secret.

EIGHT (8) is a symbol of wealth and success. Justice will prevail where the number eight is present. This figure promises material well-being and success in financial affairs. Those with this number have a well-developed sense of responsibility.

NINE (9) – a symbol of the beginning and the end. A very favorable sign. Helps in any endeavors, contributes to the successful completion of started projects. Nine encourages its owners to noble deeds, altruism, and dedication. At the same time, with this figure, pleasant surprises are guaranteed.

ELEVEN (11) – guarantees that you will be the center of attention. Attracts pleasant surprises.

TWENTY TWO (22) is a symbol of stability and a guarantee of a positive result in any endeavor.

THIRTY-THREE (33) – such numbers are usually possessed by people with outstanding talent and extraordinary abilities.

FORTY-FOUR (44) – steadfastness, perseverance, indestructibility.

Angelic Numerology 888

If you are haunted by certain numbers that come in combinations of the same numbers, for example: 222, 777, etc., these are definitely signs sent by your guardian angel. This kind of numerology is called angelic.

The meaning of numbers in angelic numerology:

111 – fulfillment of desires in the near future.

222 - your endeavors will be crowned with success, do not stop there.

333 - your guardian angel is ready to help at any moment, you just have to ask.

444 – you are under reliable protection. Listen to your heart - it will show you the right path.

555 – big changes are coming.

666 – take care of your spiritual world. You pay too much attention to material wealth.

777 - luck is already on the doorstep. Soon you will learn to believe in miracles.

888 – it’s time for you to start new life. It's time for change.

999 – you are closer to your goal. This is a sign of completion of what has been started.

000 - be more confident in yourself and you will succeed.

The meaning of numbers is based on the doctrine of the connection between material phenomena and mathematical signs. The ancient magic of numbers influences a person’s life, so many people want to calculate the number of fate, date of birth or name. Knowing the meaning of numbers is useful to find answers to pressing questions and change your life for the better.


The meaning of numbers in the date of birth

The number determined by date of birth carries a special meaning and important information about the natural inclinations of man and his destiny.

Destiny number helps:

  • learn more about character traits;
  • unlock intellectual potential;
  • develop creative abilities.

Meaning of number 1

It means:

  • self-confidence;
  • vitality;
  • courage;
  • power;
  • strength.

People whose date of birth includes the number 1 are purposeful and ambitious. Winners by nature, they set challenging goals and achieve them.

Owners of this number:

  • principled;
  • intellectual;
  • positive;
  • persistent.

Negative qualities include:

  • selfishness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • vanity;
  • impermanence.

Meaning of number 2

The number symbolizes:

  • delicacy;
  • grace;
  • flexibility;
  • politeness;
  • tact;
  • femininity.

Two is the number of inequality. People with destiny number 2 are confident in themselves and are able to convince others. They often face difficult choices and always make their own decisions.

The owners of this number are different:

  • artistry;
  • rich imagination;
  • friendliness;
  • patience;
  • tact.

Negative sides:

  • excessive scrupulousness;
  • craftiness.

Meaning of number 3

The number determines:

  • fantasy;
  • creation;
  • good luck;
  • cheerfulness;
  • inspiration;
  • connection with the other world.

Numerologists believe that the number 3 is like a pendulum, constantly striving for balance. People with this destiny number are successful, although they are not distinguished by their talents and determination. They are used to going with the flow and being content with little. They are eloquent, can convince others and lead. They will succeed if they put in a little effort.

Number 3 gives its owners:

  • optimism;
  • imagination;
  • ease of character;
  • sense of humor.

Negative qualities:

  • boastfulness;
  • inattention;
  • talkativeness;
  • restlessness;
  • wastefulness;
  • laziness.

Meaning of number 4

The number symbolizes:

  • subsequence;
  • work;
  • patience;
  • organization;
  • rationality;
  • sustainability.

The number 4 shapes the elements, cardinal directions and seasons of the year. People with destiny number 4 stand firmly on the ground and have clear rational thinking. They make scientists and researchers.

Characteristics of the owners:

  • neat;
  • prudent;
  • diligent;
  • reliable;
  • strong;
  • polite;
  • decisive.

Negative qualities:

  • lack of imagination;
  • earthiness;
  • stinginess in emotions;
  • excessive conservatism;
  • sharpness;
  • pessimism.

Meaning of number 5

The number means:

  • change of place;
  • variability;
  • mobility;
  • curiosity.

Five is a fatal number. Its owners are constantly in search, their lives are unpredictable and unstable. These people are psychologically unstable. In order not to fall into depression, they need freedom, movement forward, fresh impressions.

Number 5 creates the following qualities:

  • independence;
  • love of freedom;
  • love for sensations;
  • sociability.

Negative aspects of character:

  • excessive impulsiveness;
  • slowness;
  • promiscuity;
  • psychological instability;
  • poor concentration.

Meaning of number 6

It symbolizes:

  • calm;
  • harmony;
  • family hearth;

A reliable and stable number, it can indicate attachment to home and family ties, comfort. A person with the number 6 will always help with advice and deeds; he is ready to do anything for the sake of his loved ones. I am used to acting according to plan and thinking about my behavior.

Holders of number 6:

  • faithful;
  • good-natured;
  • know how to sympathize;
  • honest;
  • selfless.

Negative qualities include:

  • excessive sacrifice;
  • lust for power;
  • jealousy;
  • suspicion;
  • tendency to flattery.

Meaning of number 7


  • introspection;
  • philosophical attitude to life;
  • unity with nature;
  • wisdom;
  • developed intelligence.

Seven is the number of wisdom. Its owners love to learn new things and enjoy the little things. They have great potential and developed analytical skills. They are characterized by perfectionism and the ability to cope with difficulties.

Positive qualities:

  • ingenuity;
  • restraint;
  • resourcefulness;
  • self-esteem.

Negative traits:

  • duplicity;
  • secrecy;
  • nervousness;
  • excessive self-focus.

The meaning of the number 8

The number symbolizes:

  • wisdom;
  • confidence;
  • materiality;
  • harmony.

A sacred number signifying justice and harmony. Eight is a symbol of the infinity of life. Holders of the number are successful and achieve material well-being.


  • willpower;
  • organizational skills;
  • self-discipline;
  • ambition;
  • leadership qualities.


  • difficult character;
  • slowness;
  • greed;
  • vanity;
  • fixation on material goods.

The meaning of the number 9

It means:

  • stubbornness;
  • steadfastness;
  • courage;
  • communication skills;
  • versatility.

The number 9 is the strongest of the prime numbers, but at the same time gentle and soft. Filled with love for the world around us, connected with the divine principle. Those with the number 9 are given good intelligence and outstanding creative abilities.

Positive qualities:

  • capacity for compassion;
  • unselfishness;
  • altruism;
  • devotion.

Negative features:

  • naivety;
  • thoughtlessness;
  • selfishness;
  • impracticality;
  • incontinence;
  • gloominess.

The meaning of the number 11


  • magical power;
  • religiosity;
  • intelligence;
  • mysticism.

This mysterious number patronizes the smart and strong people with a penchant for everything occult and supernatural.

The main features of its owners:

  • intricacy;
  • skill;
  • charming;
  • inspiration;
  • developed intelligence.

Negative sides:

  • tendency to fall into sin;
  • excessiveness.

The meaning of the number 22

The number symbolizes:

  • logic;
  • law;
  • balanced actions;
  • illusions;
  • dreams.

Owners of this number:

  • proud;
  • practical;
  • honest;
  • have leadership qualities.

Negative qualities:

  • boastfulness;
  • haste;
  • vulnerability;
  • suspicion.

Methods for calculating numbers in numerology

You can determine your destiny number by calculating by date of birth, by the Pythagorean square, or by the letters of your name. It is based on the addition method, which involves reducing all resulting values ​​to prime numbers from 1 to 9.

Calculation by date of birth

For example, if a person was born on November 27, 1991, the day, month and year of birth is considered (11/27/1991). Thus, we add 2+7+1+1+1+9+9+1, we get 31. We add the numbers again, and the result is 4.

Sometimes the final result gives the number 11 or 22. In this case, there is no need to add further - you have received a special number.

The video talks about the method of calculating the fate number by date of birth. Filmed by the OGO FACTS ™️ channel.

Calculation using the Pythagorean square

By using the Pythagorean square they learn about a person’s predispositions. Square reveals weak points and suggests a behavioral strategy that will lead to success.

It analyzes:

  • character;
  • health;
  • energy;
  • penchant for science.

For digital calculations using the Pythagorean square, the date of birth from which the calculations are made is used. It is difficult to calculate it yourself, so there are special online services on the Internet.

Calculation using the Pythagorean square Pythagorean square

Meaning of name numbers

To find out the number of a name, imagine that each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a serial number (from 1 to 32). Write all the numbers in a row and add them up using the same method as with the date of birth. For example, Ekaterina is 631269161, that is, 6+3+1+2+6+9+1+6+1 =35, 3+5= 8.

Each of the numbers of the name influences the fate of a person and his inclinations.

Explanation of meanings

The numbers of the name indicate the following:

  1. Owners of one firmly move towards the goal. They are self-confident and principled, they see things through to the end. They often choose to become a lawyer or a politician. One is a difficult number that requires strong character and will.
  2. A person who strives to achieve inner harmony, but does not know how to do it. Often gives up on things, stopping halfway. Inclined to mental disorders, depression, experiences constant disappointment. Creative personality, living by inspiration and impulses.
  3. A stable personality who maintains balance in all areas of life - material, spiritual and personal. Can adapt to circumstances and change behavior. Self-confident, successful, achieves his goal without much effort. He often realizes himself in the profession of a doctor, teacher and others.
  4. Positive people have bright, positive energy. They not only arrange their own lives, but also help others. Professions are often associated with social sphere(psychologist, teacher, social protection).
  5. Those with an A rarely bring their plans to life and do not finish the job. They are tempted to give up everything and start over. People with number 5 need constant support and control. They need to pull themselves together and try to organize their lives.
  6. A successful and harmonious number. Its owners are able to concentrate and manage time. Being in the thick of things, they do not lose their heads. Their professions are often related to law. Also has good driving and cooking abilities.
  7. People with name number seven are adventurers by nature. There are people who are addicted to gambling, spend money on meaningless purchases. At first they are lucky, but this does not last long. Such people are not suitable for a profession associated with large monetary turnover.
  8. A person whose name corresponds to an eight depends on material assets. Attaches importance to things, money, well-being. Absorbed by earthly vanity and does not think about the spiritual sphere of life. Usually these are businessmen, administrators, politicians. They need to be periodically distracted and experience new emotions.
  9. People with name number 9 have a special purpose in the world. These are religious figures, prophets. Forces from above help them fulfill their mission.