Are keywords needed? Keywords META tag — keywords and their meaning for search engines

Often, while spending time on forums and in the communities of Webmasters and optimizers, I notice how many people ask the same questions, start arguing about the topic - is it necessary to fill in meta tags, in particular keywords? It is very difficult to answer the interlocutor in a nutshell to this question, so I will try to explain everything “on my fingers”, in a new topic.

Do I need to fill in keywords

I will say right away that keywords you can fill it in or you can leave it blank. In both cases, you will not see the difference - I will explain why later. And it makes no sense to analyze the TOP-10, there is no logic here and you won’t be able to prove something.

To a greater extent, I would like to analyze the question of when this tag is used and make mistakes. In some cases, they can only worsen the visibility of your site.

Okay let's see Why is it not necessary to complete keywords meta tag? Back in the distant past, when search algorithms were simpler than they are now, SEOs filled in this tag in order to help search engines understand what is on the page or what the text is about.

Soon, Webmasters began to abuse the use of keywords in this meta tag. And over time, the importance of keywords has been reduced. Today, in sufficient quantities, there are new ranking factors, higher quality.

Yes, in the Yandex documentation for the Webmaster, you will read that keywords will help the PS better understand the content of the page. But filling will not give you an advantage over your competitors. Since the usefulness of the content does not change from this and "weighty and meaningful" keywords tag cannot be considered.

As I said, working on a site is a series of actions that work in a complex. Filling in the keywords tag can only become a "small plus" in the overall work of a large system.

Common mistakes in using keywords

And if you still decide to use meta tags, let's do it right. Let's consider the main mistakes that optimizers or Webmasters (performers) make. All options, real examples that I came across while working with client sites.

1. Repeat keywords on all pages

In this scenario, the performer selects "general" keywords that describe the subject of the entire site and inserts it on all pages.

Rule number 1: each page of your resource is unique, so keywords must be unique as well.

2. Spam keys on one page

"Classic of the genre" - the performer selects a footcloth from a "ten" keywords, using the main key, using various complementary words and changing the order of the keys in the bunch. It is more painful to watch when this option is used together with the first example that I gave at the beginning.

Rule number 2: a large number of keywords in keywords can only lead to sanctions from search engines, but will not make your site better in any way. It is enough to use 2-3 keywords.

3. Punctuation marks

Sometimes it is found that each word is separated by a comma. Or vice versa - they put words without commas, where this trend came from, I don’t understand.

Rule number 3: the keyword is not necessarily one word, more often it is a phrase of several words, which is separated by a comma.

4. Keys of a general nature

In this case, separate words are used that have a too broad meaning or concept.

Rule #4: Be more specific with keywords using phrases.

5. Use of keywords on service pages

The artist uses keywords on pages such as:

  • contacts;
  • Feedback;
  • About Me;
  • gallery;
  • and a number of other pages that do not have the goal of attracting a visitor.

Rule #5: In fact, the page data is already unique and low-frequency, so there is no need to use keywords. What's more, by using generic keywords, you're creating cannibalization on your site's pages.

6. Target action on the page

As you know, search engines divide information into segments. Suppose a performer sells something, but does not use a commercial key in the key.

Rule number 6: on a certain page of your site, a person performs an action: learns something, downloads, buys, orders, watches (photos and videos) and so on. Use keywords for the purpose and action the user needs to take.

7. Keywords using region

It happens that they use keys with a list of cities on commercial resources located in the immediate vicinity where a product is sold or a service is provided.

Rule number 7: there is no need to specify the region in keywords, for this search engines take data from other sources, for example, Yandex.Directory.

How to fill out

That's all for me, I want to add that today you can use it on one page synonym keys, which have the same semantic meaning for the user. For example, order sushi at home and sushi delivery- the meaning does not change.

Summing up, if you are in doubt and do not know how to correctly fill in keywords, it is better to leave this meta tag empty.

Today, I continue to fill in this tag. I use 2-3 keywords, copying them using Yandex.Wordstat - keyword statistics.

If you have something to add, or you have your own opinion on this topic, let's discuss it in the comments.

Keywords - a list of keywords for the site page, not visible to the user, but visible to the search engine (placed in the page code inside the head tag). Based on keywords, search engines supposedly need to understand what it is about.

Keywords used to be as important as Title and Description, but recently they have lost their relevance. Or not?

History of Keywords

The introduction of meta tags dates back to 1995, and initially they helped determine the relevance of a page to a user's search query. At that time, there were few ranking tools at all, so meta tags played an important role.

The optimizers of the first wave took advantage of this and began to add popular queries that were not related to the site's subject, for example, "porn", "download for free", etc., into the keywords. When the trick was discovered by search engines, the data in this field no longer taken into account.

However, site optimization instructions wander from generation to generation, calling for keywords to be written along with the title and description (the latter, by the way, have not been canceled yet).

Official positions of Yandex and Google

The Yandex directory indicates that the Keywords meta tag can be used to determine if a page matches a search query. Unfortunately, Yandex did not say anything more on this topic, so you can regard this vague wording as you like. Today, however, most professional optimizers agree that the tag no longer plays a role.

Google was clearer - back in 2009, representatives of the corporation stated that they did not take into account Keywords.

This is not surprising, given the significant increase in the number of ranking factors over the past decade. If now even the keywords in the texts on the site are fading into the background, then what can we say about meta tags.

They can't help, but they can hurt?

Most site owners and their contractors simply can't leave the Keywords field alone - since it's already there, it needs to be filled in. Just in case.

The main key phrases related to the topic of the page are usually entered into the line. It's best to just enter the most frequent request (only one!), For example, "elite doors in Moscow." But someone is not limited to this and stuffs a huge list of keys into the field.

And if this meta tag is useless for ranking, then it is quite possible for it to start a site under the filter for overspam.

It turns out that in an effort to “do everything right,” you risk nullifying all the optimization work.

So is it worth it to write the keywords meta tag?

No. And again no. Search engines do not take into account the tag, users do not see it, and SEOs spend working time.

The easiest way to dispel your doubts is to look at competitors in the search results. We fill in the frequency query and see if the top ten sites in the search results have keywords. If most of them do not, then there is no point in prescribing them either. Will not help.

The best solution is to tame your perfectionism and focus on the really important tasks in website promotion. For example,

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to go a little more in detail than I did in the article about website promotion, to focus on the title, description and keywords meta tags, which have been factors influencing the success of web projects promotion for more than fifteen years.

But are they really that useful for your site? Or maybe they are the reasons for the stagnation or very sluggish movement forward of your Internet project? This is the question I will try to answer in this article.

When writing this material, I took into account not only my own experience, but also the experience of specialists who are considered authoritative in this field (for the most part, they were included in my list). Enter you again in .

Also, on many questions and terms encountered, I will refer you to more detailed materials, so as not to waste your and my time. Well, now let's quickly start resolving the intrigue - why title can be dangerous?

Are title, description, and keywords meta tags important for SEO?

So, in order to understand the course of my thoughts and not get lost, you need to start over, namely from the distant 90s, when the “great and terrible” meta tags (read about) were for the search engines available at that time. At that time, the idea that came to mind to Larry Page (one of) had not yet been implemented.

This means that the main factor by which the search engine solved the problem of relevance (the correspondence of the document to the question that the user asked the search engine) was the analysis of the text for the content of the words from the user's query. Not only the density (frequency of use) of keywords in the article was taken into account, but also the contents of the meta tags keywords, description and especially the title.

It is from those very distant times that there is a belief that these same meta tags are the key to success in promoting your article. But this is far from being the case, and even more than that - everything has turned upside down. They may be the cause, or they will simply put spokes in the wheels when trying to promote it. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

All this disgrace in the code can look something like this:

... They hinder progress ...

Actually, you will need to know the syntax for compiling a description, title and keywords mainly only for pro forma (well, or if you are creating a static site on Html files).

If you create a project on (site engine), then you will be given the opportunity to simply fill in the form fields, after which this content will be inserted into the title, description or keywords in the web page code. But this is not the point, because we are not talking about details (about them a little later in the text), but about global things - why these innocent things can be a deadly factor for website promotion.

So, initially these meta tags were supposed to serve a good purpose - make life easier for search engines to identify the most relevant search query pages. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. If for some time there was an idyll, then only until there was competition for the Top of the issue (traffic comes mainly only from the first page of the search engine results for any), and the very presence of the resource in the Top did not directly affect the benefits received its owner.

The widespread spamming of description and keywords meta tags began, and the title also got it. When ranking, search engines could no longer focus on such easily cheated factors, and gradually the meaning of the words contained in the description and keywords, was completely leveled(perhaps not to zero, but very close to it).

For some reason, search engines did not dare to act so harshly with the title. The words contained within this wonder tag are still of paramount importance in ranking, but relatively recently even this postulate of promotion (which lasted about fifteen years) has become less unshakable.

Description and keywords - meta tags that do not affect ranking

So, let's do a subtotal. Keywords can be thrown in the trash? Well... Probably not. Personally, I try (if I don’t forget) to prescribe keys in it, but only those that are most often found in the article. The fact is that they almost completely ceased to influence the promotion in a positive way. But keywords are still capable of shitting all the raspberries. Search engines have not yet canceled the punishment for spam in meta tags.

What's the description? Everything is not clear here. Why? Again, spamming with keys in it can negatively affect promotion. Why is it needed then, if the keywords contained in it not taken into account when ranking, but can do harm at the same time?

The fact is that the contents of the description by the Google search engine can quite often be used as, especially at first. So, for example, my recent article about in the issuance of Google for the query "translit" looks like this:

This is not all the text from the description, because Google and Yandex take into account only a certain number of characters (you can calculate it yourself, but usually they are guided by 150 characters, including spaces):

I said that the snippet is formed in this way most often by Google, but Yandex sometimes also does not neglect this possibility. All for the same request “transliteration”, the snippet in its issuance, again, so far consists of the words contained in the description of this web page:

As you can see, in the resulting snippet of both search engines, the keywords of the query (which I also used when compiling the description) were highlighted in bold, which somewhat increases the chances of going to my site, because attracts more attention to the ad.

This is the main purpose of the description for site promotion - the snippet created by the search engine based on it should attract the attention of users and encourage them to choose your resource for the transition.

Whether or not the description you specified will eventually be used as a snippet is another question. Your business is to prescribe it with the obligatory mention of keywords, as well as with intriguing and exploiting curiosity content users (keeping within 150 letters).

However, this meta tag is just one of many ways to tell search engines what text they should use as a snippet. Moreover, this method is not the most reliable and does not give any guarantees, but it is simple and straightforward - you just need to get used to always filling in the description fields before publishing an article.

It is clear that if you are in the Top for the query "plastic windows", then you will use the whole arsenal of ways to influence the snippet (for example, this one), because this can result in simply fantastic amounts of profit due to the increased CTR of your ad (combined with title). But I personally am content with only the obligatory filling in description, well, also keywords (to a heap, but now I have already refused the latter, because, well, it is).

Title decides who will be in the Top and who...

What is the main difference between Title and Description? For spamming keywords in all three meta tags, you can seriously pay with subsidence of positions in search engines. This unites them and makes them a rather dangerous tool in inept hands.

But the Title (page title) has one difference. If you do not write the other two meta tags, then nothing terrible will happen by and large, but if you forget to write a title for a web page, then most likely it will will not participate in the search, i.e. will not be added to the index ().

Another thing is that almost all CMS automatically generate a title from the title of your article, and the ability to manually change it is usually provided optionally (for example, using the appropriate extensions). Therefore, only owners should take care of its mandatory prescribing.

But in itself, the presence of a filled header on absolutely all pages of your site does not make the weather. There are a number of nuances that must be observed automatically when compiling texts for titles and which can greatly affect both positively and negatively on.

Moreover, it should be noted that this tag performs two very important roles:

It is precisely from taking into account these two concepts that one should proceed when compiling the optimal text of the title. On this one could end the conversation about him, but not everything is so simple. Let's try to chew all this in detail and pay special attention to those mistakes that can lead to fatal consequences.

Let's start with the influence of the title tag on ranking (from the point of view of the webmaster - on promotion):

  1. As I already mentioned, the main condition for successful promotion should be the presence of headings on all web pages of your site. No title means no search traffic.
  2. The second important condition is that this tag should be used in the web page code only once and only inside the Head container (and not the Body). In general, the CMS (content management system) you use should be responsible for this, but it won’t hurt to check the correctness of its operation. To do this, just look at the source code of any page of your site and make sure that the title tag is included and correctly inserted into this very code.

    You can view the source code of a website page by right-clicking in your browser and selecting the context menu item "Source code" (in Opera), or "Page source code" (in Firefox), or "View page code" (in Google Chrome) , or HTML Viewer (IE).

  3. Titles for all pages of your site should be different from each other (be unique). It is quite difficult to achieve this in practice (for example, my main page has pagination and these very numbered subpages cannot boast of unique titles), however, for those pages that you are promoting, this rule must be observed. A large number of pages with the same title tell search engines that this site is similar to the GS.
  4. The order of keywords inside the title tag is also taken into account by search engines (mainly Google), so it is important to place the most frequent keys at the beginning (it will tell you about this), and then in descending order of frequency. Realizing this task in practice is not so easy, because the title of the page must remain readable and, if possible, enticing.
  5. Some CMS (for example, Joomla 1.5) form the default page title from the site name that comes first, and only then add the article title. Following the logic of the previous paragraph, this cannot be done, because you worsen the ranking (promotion) of your resource (you can find links to materials in the article about). Although a well-known SEO specialist refutes this principle with his example:

    An exception to this rule can be made for well-known brands, the mere mention of which can be an incentive to click on the ad (for example, ).

  6. Recently, Yandex and Google have become sometimes don't use title as the title of the site in the search results. Most likely this is a response to the fact that this tag does not reflect or does not fully reflect the content of the article. From this we conclude that the words you enter into it must be completely relevant to the text of the web page, otherwise the search engine will distort everything to its taste and color.
  7. Most experts advise limiting title length a certain number of characters (about 70), but personally I don’t always follow this rule, because I can’t make short headlines. In principle, Yandex can select fragments with keywords from this tag of any length, which allows you to optimize the article for a larger number of requests. It will not look like ice, but it is quite acceptable, in my opinion:

    True, Google, unfortunately, does not know how to do this, and the user may not see the keywords from his query at all in the ad heading for my blog:

  8. There is one more thing that I personally do not implement when compiling titles for my blog. By default, in many CMS it is formed from the text of the title of the article, which will most often be enclosed in . Because the presence of keywords in H1 is a ranking factor in itself (although not as powerful as title), it makes sense to prescribe the title of the entire page slightly different from the title of the article. I personally do not do this (it breaks), and they live in my H2 tags, and not in H1.

    In WordPress, unique titles are usually used to prescribe, but in Joomla, as described in the article about .

  9. In general, it is very important not to overdo it. On the one hand, brevity is the sister of talent, but simply listing the keys in a title can lead to sad consequences (decrease in positions or even a complete departure of the page from the index). On the other hand, in order to reduce its size, it is desirable to use less empty (stop) words (conjunctions, particles, pronouns) in it, which cannot affect the ranking in any way. All in all, need to find the golden mean.

How to write a title that exploits curiosity

A little higher, we examined the technical aspects that primarily affect the successful ranking of your documents (their promotion). But about the second task that Title performs, we have talked so far only very superficially. I'm talking about creating a catchy headline that can greatly increase the frequency of clicks on your ad in Yandex or Google search results (ctr).

It will not be very easy to implement all the tips described below in practice (it doesn’t work for me), but if it works out, then it may end up. The idea is to make the page title (title) not only meet all the requirements described above, but also be able to arouse curiosity among the majority of users who read it.

So, let's look at the basic principles of creating headlines that can evoke one of the most powerful driving forces of knowledge - curiosity. In order to satisfy his interest, the user will be able to read your article from cover to cover, the main thing is to maintain the interest that has arisen throughout the article and not disappoint the user at its end (do not cross the line and do not stoop to).

    Most of all, users are curious about such headings (title, including), statements in which challenge established concepts. This will be especially effective for a reader who is familiar with this topic, but your headline breaks his stereotypes and it begins to seem to him that he probably doesn’t know something (he missed something, didn’t take into account, or there is some kind of secret which he does not know).

    The desire to understand all this flares up, and this is what you needed. An example, perhaps, can be to some extent the title of this article (a test of the pen, so to speak).

    So, in the way described above, you create some confusion (tear) in the reader's head, thereby trying to stimulate him to read your article. But not everything is so simple. Many readers will be on their own minds (people tend to value their knowledge, as a rule, higher than they have a place to be).

    They will decide that they already know what your article will be about. You need to write a title so that they understand that you know what they know, but you will talk in the article about what is still unknown to them.

    Well, it would be nice if the text of the article corresponded to the title compiled with such difficulty. Each paragraph should maintain intrigue and curiosity by quietly answering the reader's questions.

    In general, it is clear that the matter is dark. If you have talent, then using these tips to create a catchy title you will succeed, and if not, then it will not work (like me, for example).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Among Internet users, webmasters and even professional site optimizers (SEO) there are many legends and an abundance of misconceptions about the influence of certain factors on the results of website promotion using search engine optimization methods.

It is impossible to consider all such misconceptions about website optimization methods in one article. We will focus on just one of them...

The description and keywords meta tags are useless...

Is it so?

I will quote a couple of critical phrases from the lips of an employee of a respected company about a certain book on website promotion. The author writes in the mailing list: Tips on how to correctly fill in the title, meta keywords and meta description tags. Obviously, they are outdated, since search engines have not paid attention to meta tags for a long time."

Let's not cling to words, let's skip the Title tag mentioned in the heap. Its importance is beyond doubt. But there is a characteristic misconception about the role of meta tags.

Yandex and meta tags...

Under the heading:

How do I get my page to be found by those who need it?

several tips have been written. I will give only two, I will skip the rest, since everyone can read them for themselves on the Webmaster Tips page. Since our article was written, the page has changed a lot, but the following was written there:

There are a number of tips to help users find your page:

  • [... skipped...]
  • Give each document a description in the description tag
  • Don't forget about keywords, as unique as possible for each page
  • [... skipped...]

Do you need comments, I think not. Anyone who can read will easily understand that the keywords and description meta tags must be filled in, and this must be done wisely. The content of these tags for each page of the site must correspond to its content.

For some time now (in 2007), what has been written above has become slightly outdated, since the above advice has disappeared on the indicated pages of Yandex with advice to webmasters. Whether it follows from this that Yandex completely stopped taking into account information in the keywords and description meta tags, I do not know.

But now Yandex has a page dedicated only to

Meta tags and page content

Among those who use keywords and description meta tags, there is a very common mistake - all pages of the site contain the same meta tags in content.

Most often this is due to the fact that the site is static or the content management system does not provide easy filling of these tags individually for each page of the site.

It is worth noting that all of the above refers to the category of tips for optimizing pages for the Yandex search engine. Other search engines (Google, Rambler, etc.) may act differently. To find out the features of optimizing sites for them, you need to read other sources.

Meta tags and Google...

The Google search engine gives clear and concise tag instructions , you should not ignore them :-) . We quote:

Guidelines for creating good meta descriptions

  • Create a separate description for each page. Using identical or similar descriptions on every page of the site does not provide any benefit when individual pages appear in search results. In such cases, we will most likely not show boilerplate text. Whenever possible, create descriptions that accurately reflect the content of a particular page. Site-level descriptions can be used on the home page or other shared pages, and otherwise use page-level descriptions. If you don't have time to prepare an individual description for each page, try creating a content hierarchy: at the very least, create descriptions for the most important URLs - for the home page and other popular pages.
  • The description must include clearly labeled facts. The meta description should not consist only of sentences, it can and should include structured data about the page. For example, news articles or blog posts might include the author's name, publication date, and related information. This will provide potential visitors with very important information that would otherwise not be included in the snippet. Likewise, product page descriptions can include important information such as price, age group, manufacturer, scattered throughout the page. A good meta description will help bring this data together. For example, the following meta description gives detailed information about a book.

  • Use quality descriptions. Finally, make sure that the descriptions actually describe. Because users don't see meta descriptions when browsing pages, this content is easy to overlook. However, high-quality descriptions can get into Google search results and significantly improve the quality and volume of traffic coming to the site from search engines.

Meta tags and Rambler

Rambler takes the most uncompromising position, on the page "How do I get Rambler to find my documents?" writes, and I quote: "Rambler's robots ignore fields when scanning and all other fields , Besides . This is due to the fact that our system tries to index the document as it is (that is, as the user sees it). It's no secret that web page creators often abuse these fields in an attempt to force search engines to find a document for queries that are not directly related to it.

Let's add that CMS UlterSuite allows you to manage meta tags without problems, it allows you to have them on each page of the site as required by the content of this page.


The New Year is already very close. There are only two days left. And this means that it is time to sum up the results of almost the past year, which I will do tomorrow. Well, now I will tell you about what meta tags are and how to correctly write them on the page and something else.

Let's start by defining meta tags:

Meta tags are HTML or XMTL tags designed to convey structured data about web pages to search robots and browsers.

These same tags are needed only by browsers and search robots. Perform the following functions:

  • Send search engines and browsers information about the web page;
  • Contains control commands for the search robot and browser;
  • Provide information about the web page and author.

But today we will analyze only the tags that perform the first two functions in the list above. They are the most important in terms of SEO.

Meta tags Description, Keywords and Title tag

So, the Description, Keywords and Title tags convey information to the search robot and browsers about the web page. If they are filled in correctly, the indexing of the page improves, so special attention should be paid to filling them out. But first, let's deal with each of the tags.

  • Meta tag Description - indicates the description of the web page, which is usually used by search engines in snippets;
  • Keywords meta tag - keywords that correspond to the content on the page are indicated here;
  • The title tag is the title of the page, which you can see in the search results and on the browser tab. This tag is not a meta tag, but it performs similar functions to those listed above.

Previously, 20 years ago, with the help of only these tags, it was possible to move up to the TOP without any problems for any keyword, the main thing is to fill them correctly and that's it. But at the present time, the situation has changed dramatically: due to the fact that webmasters abused this, search engines no longer take these meta tags into account as a ranking factor. Now, just by filling them out correctly, it is impossible to advance to the TOP.

Perhaps the question arose in your head: why then are they needed? And here is the answer: meta tags, as mentioned above, have a positive effect on page indexing. In addition, the information indicated in them is the most important factor in internal optimization. And this, believe me, is important!

Robots meta tag

  • Index - enable indexing;
  • Noindex - disable indexing;
  • Follow - allow link indexing;
  • Nofollow - prohibit link indexing;
  • All - allow indexing of the page and links
  • None - disable indexing of the page and links.

In some cases, this meta tag is really needed. You need to handle it very carefully, otherwise you can inadvertently close the necessary pages from indexing.

How to fill meta tags?

All meta tags are written within tags , that is, at the very beginning of the code.

As you can see, the meta tag is written in the code with the element “ ” with the required attributes:

  • name - the meta tag itself is written;
  • content - the value of the tag is written.

See the example above.

How to fill in the Title tag?

The Title tag contains the title of the page, which is displayed in the search results and in the browser tab. In fact, this is the most important tag in terms of attracting visitors from search. And this means only one thing: the more attractive the headline is for a potential client, the more visits you will have (provided that you are in the TOP 10, of course).

The title should contain the keyword for which the page is being promoted.

What are meta tags and how to fill them?

How to fill meta description tag?

Description is also very important for attracting visitors, since PS put in the snippet what is written in this tag. The number of characters is limited to 120-150 characters. Therefore, it is extremely important to make a description that would carry the maximum information content about the page.

Filling Tips:

  1. Do not duplicate what is written in the Title tag;
  2. Dilute the keyword with thematic text;
  3. Write only to the point!

How to fill in the keywords meta tag?

This tag is only for PS and they do not take it into account, which means it is useless. Therefore, I will tell you a little about him.

Keywords must be listed separated by commas.

From everything written, we can conclude that the most important tags are Title and Description. Their filling should be given special attention!

Well, that's all, dear friends!

See you soon and see you soon!

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    Can browsers accept meta tags?

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    Is the title tag a meta tag?

  3. Task 3 of 5

    3 .
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    What is the description meta tag?