Plastic pipe for water. Plastic pipes for water supply

Can be used various materials. Today, plastic pipes for water supply are quite popular, the sizes and prices of which can vary over a fairly wide range. It can be difficult to make a choice in favor of a specific product. We invite you to get acquainted with the features of plastic fittings, their cost and recommended area of ​​use.

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Regulatory and technical documents

Pipes used for water supply installations must meet certain regulatory requirements. GOST 25151-82 establishes general requirements to the water supply system. Hygienic requirements to drinking water and the procedure for passing control is regulated by GOST 2874-82. Products from polyethylene are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 18599-2001, from PVC - GOST R 51613-2000. There are other regulatory and technical documents that define the procedure for installing a water supply system and present certain requirements for installation work. The parameters of non-pressure devices are regulated by building regulations.

Main Features

When choosing products for water supply installations, you should focus on their characteristics. The parameters of the purchased products depend on the installation location. We invite you to get acquainted with the characteristics that should be taken into account when purchasing materials for plumbing.

Diameters of plastic pipes for water supply and other overall dimensions

According to regulatory requirements for plastic pipes there are 34 standard sizes in the range of 10–1600 mm. The most widespread are non-pressure products with a diameter of 50–110 mm and a length of up to 8 m. The wall thickness is usually 3.2 mm. For pressure structures, the diameter can be 63–315 mm.

The main overall dimensions of plastic products for water pipes include:

  1. Inner diameter.
  2. Nominal diameter.
  3. Wall thickness.
  4. Length.

When choosing transverse dimensions, the installation location is taken into account. For the external system, products with a diameter of 32–100 mm are chosen. For the interior, you can purchase material with less cross section. For vertical risers, a diameter of 32 mm is sufficient; for horizontal sections, you can purchase plastic pipes for water supply with a diameter of 16 or 25 mm.


The weight of a linear meter depends on the characteristics of the material used and the linear dimensions of the pipe itself. On average linear meter products with a diameter of 16 mm weigh about 100 g, with a diameter of 25 mm - a little more than 200 g.

Advice! To find out approximate weight in kg, you should find the volume (in m³) and multiply the resulting value by 950.


For water pipelines operating under pressure, the strength characteristics of the plastic ones used have a fundamental pressure. The products used must withstand the pressure created inside the plumbing system, as well as the external pressure created by the soil.

Attention! Plastic pipes with high strength characteristics will have a higher price.


The maximum operating temperature is determined by the characteristics of the material from which the water supply is made. If for polyethylene it is only +45°C, then for metal ceramics it reaches +95°C.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Plastic pipes for water have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • long service life;
  • low noise level;
  • light weight. Plastic pipes are easier to install and easier to transport;
  • absence of corrosion processes characteristic of;
  • sufficient strength characteristics. High-quality products can be used for installing water supply systems operating under fairly high temperatures;
  • resistance to a number of aggressive substances;
  • absence from inner surface sediments;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental safety. Plastic products do not have harmful effects on human health or the environment;
  • the ability to form a water supply system of the desired configuration thanks to a wide range of accessories and fittings

The disadvantages include:

  • the complexity of installation work due to the need to use special fittings;
  • maximum temperature limit that cannot be violated;
  • different requirements for the installation of pipes made of different materials.

Areas of application

Plastic pipes have a fairly wide range of applications. They are used not only for installing water supply systems, but also for other systems. We invite you to get acquainted with the main area of ​​use of such products and their distinctive features.


The formed structure has a long service life. For its manufacture, various materials can be used, depending on the purpose and location of the work. For household purposes, mainly polyethylene and polypropylene are purchased. On industrial enterprises Products made from polyvinyl chloride are used for collective use. The features of the listed materials and the recommended area of ​​use will be discussed below.


Pipes made of PP, PVC, PE can be used for the device. Standardized sizes make it possible to use various plastic pipes for sewerage. The sizes and prices of such products are closely interrelated: the larger the transverse dimensions, the higher throughput and cost.

The choice in favor of plastic pipes is made due to:

  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • optimal strength characteristics. They are able to maintain their integrity at a meter depth;
  • low roughness, reducing the likelihood of blockages and sediment on the inner surface;
  • light weight;
  • accessibility;
  • easy installation.

Plastic pipes for heating

The choice in favor of a plastic contour is made due to:

Before purchasing plastic ones, you should decide on optimal diameter and type of system. The throughput of the system and the level of heat loss will depend on this. If the throughput is sufficient, it will be possible to abandon the branched system. When installing heating circuit plastic pipes with smaller transverse dimensions are selected: 8–10 mm. For systems with natural circulation, products with large cross-section.

Related article:

The advantages and disadvantages of polypropylene, a market overview and criteria for choosing pipes, the basics of designing a heating system - read in our publication.

Types of pipes for water supply

For the manufacture of long products, materials with different characteristics are used. We invite you to get acquainted with existing species water supply pipes and their features to make it easier to choose the material for your water supply.

Polyvinyl chloride PVC pipes for water supply

Products made from polyvinyl chloride are sufficiently durable and can withstand low temperatures. PVC pipes for water have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • are not afraid of external negative factors and chemicals;
  • allow you to create a water supply system of any configuration due to the availability of a wide range of fittings;
  • long service life;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Thanks to the formation of a hermetic connection, it is possible to use PVC pipes for water supply installed on floating soil.

Polypropylene pipes for water supply

Products made from are resistant to active chemicals. They install quite quickly. Installation work can be done by yourself. Eco-friendly. They have a long service life.

The high rigidity of the water supply system forces the use of many rotary parts when installing the system. When exposed to high temperatures, they undergo significant deformation. To avoid negative consequences, thermal compensators are provided.

Manufacturers offer three types of products:

  • PN 10− for installing a cold water supply system and;
  • PN 20− for hot water supply. Universal products that can be heated up to +80°C;
  • PN 25 with maximum operating temperature+95°С.

To increase strength characteristics and stabilize parameters, PN 25 is reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum foil. The reinforcing layer can be formed internally or externally.

Metal polymers

Metal-plastic products consist of three layers: PE-X polyethylene, a thin layer of aluminum and another layer of PE-X polyethylene. The plastic is connected to the metal layer using a special adhesive composition. The polymer included in the material gives them sufficient flexibility and smoothness. The aluminum layer provides sufficient strength and reduces the amount of thermal expansion when heated. Metal polymers can withstand heating up to +95°C. They are light in weight. They are not afraid of aggressive environments. Water moving through the pipeline creates a minimum of noise.

The disadvantages of metal polymer include:

  • flammability;
  • low resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • high probability of product delamination;
  • limited selection of sizes;
  • low resistance to impact loads.

To connect water supply elements to each other, compression or press fittings are used, which are expensive.

Low pressure polyethylene HDPE

There are two types: for technical and drinking water. Due to their good elasticity, they are sold in coils, which can significantly reduce the number of plastic fittings used. Retains characteristics when cooled to -50°C. Has a long service life.


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“HDPE pipes are not suitable for hot water supply systems, since their operating temperature should not exceed +45°C.”

Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX)

Processing of polyethylene under high pressure allows you to qualitatively change the structure of the material. The resulting spatial structure gives plastic pipes improved mechanical properties. Products made from cross-linked polyethylene have high strength characteristics and can withstand high temperatures (up to +95°C). They can be used to install hot and cold water supply systems. When installing water pipes use compression fittings.

Which pipes are best suited for plumbing?

Plastic products are gradually being replaced by other materials. When deciding which pipes for water supply are better, you should consider functional features mounted system. Polypropylene products are suitable for hot water supply. Pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene have similar functions, however, its price for the same size will be much higher. Metallo plastic products superior in performance characteristics, but their price will be even higher.

Mechanic for operation of water supply and wastewater systems LLC "GK "Spetsstroy"

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“If there are a lot of turns and bends, you should stop buying small plastic pipes. This will avoid problems with pressure and flow.”

When installing water supply lines outside the house, you should immediately take care. From quality thermal insulation works will depend performance characteristics water supply Thermal insulation materials are selected taking into account the location of the house and the depth of the water supply.

DIY installation of plastic pipes for water supply

When starting to install plastic pipes for water supply with your own hands, you should carefully read the procedure for performing the work. The sequence of actions depends on the type of material used. The connection of polypropylene pipes is carried out as follows:

Illustration Description of action

Material is being prepared the right size and special. We heat the equipment to operating temperature.

Heat the parts to be joined for 15 seconds. They should not be turned while they are heating.

We connect the fragments together, ensuring the required spatial position.

Installation of PVC pipes can be carried out using several technologies:

  • by " cold welding» , in which it is necessary to use a special chemical composition;
  • through the use of special fittings, if you need to connect fragments made of different materials;
  • in a socket way. This method is relevant when installing sewerage systems.

How to warm up a plastic water pipe in the ground

If the level of insulation is insufficient, the water supply system in winter time may freeze. If this happens, you need to know how to warm up a plastic water pipe in the ground so as not to cause damage to it. You can do this as follows:

  • disconnect the plastic pipe from;
  • warm up large volume water;
  • We insert a smaller diameter hose inside the pipeline. Its length should be sufficient to reach the ice plug;
  • We supply heated water from the container inside the hose. The process can be accelerated by using a pressure pump;
  • we move the hose inside the water supply as the ice melts.

Instead of a hot pipe, you can use the heat generated as electricity passes through a conductor. However, this method requires certain knowledge and careful adherence to safety precautions.

Not so long ago, communications were installed using pipes made of steel and cast iron. Working with these materials took large number effort and time, and the cost was not cheap. Plastic pipes simplified installation work and reduced the cost of these works.

There has also been a noticeable increase in service life, expansion of application areas, simplified installation and increased safety of use.

Most best option in resolving the issue of water supply to residential buildings

Today there is a huge variety of these products. For use in water supply, there are the following types of plastic pipes: polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, metal-plastic.

During the manufacture of these pipes, coloring components are used, which determine the purpose of the pipe.

Pipe technical characteristics - highest value voltage and temperature, which determines its purpose. Pipe parameters: thickness, layering, metric indicator.


In stock plastic products There are several types with their own distinctive features.


Are very common in economic activity And industrial production. The cost of these pipes is the lowest compared to others. They can be used for open system thanks to its aesthetic appearance. They are mainly connected by welding or using fittings. The welding connection occurs using special glue and a rubber flap.

They have climate resistance, but their best qualities are manifested in the cold. So, these products are not used in hot networks, because... when they are heated to sixty degrees, melting of this material is possible.

Note: For the installation of hot lines, the most suitable are considered CPVC pipes.

PP pipes

This very durable type of pipe is designed for all types of plumbing and heating networks. They are universal and are used when installing various pipelines. Their properties fully comply with all modern standards, they are safe and environmentally friendly. One non-existent disadvantage of a polypropylene pipe is its inability to bend. To make corners and bends, materials such as corners and tees are used.

Polypropylene products are resistant to temperature changes due to their multi-layer nature. Installation of PP pipes is carried out by thermal welding, which creates fairly tight joints.

Important: Do not allow the material to overheat during welding work. polypropylene products, since in an overheated state the plastic product becomes brittle, which contributes to a short shelf life.

PE pipes

Polypropylene is an elastic material. It can be used even with increased seismic activity. It is one of the most common types of pipes.

These pipes are frost-resistant, UV-resistant, and flexible. Used in the installation of technical and domestic water supply systems.

There are varieties of these pipes - LDPE and HDPE:

  • PVD pipes have low density and are not used in household device, but only in laying the main pipeline.
  • HDPE Mostly black in color and they are used in the installation of drinking water supply. For hot water they are not used, because this material can become soft due to exposure to heat.

Features during installation work

Carrying out repair work at air temperatures below plus five degrees it should not be done due to the possible loss of flexibility in such conditions. If installation work must be carried out in winter, insulation is used. Installation is carried out using electric welding using a compression fitting.

PEX pipe. Most suitable for hot systems and heating. They have improved properties due to production under pressure. Installation work is carried out using connecting fittings.

PEX-AL-PEX. They have a multilayer structure. They are made from cross-linked polyethylene, the inside is made of aluminum or copper foil.

Home distinctive feature metal-plastic pipes- this is the ability not to change shape when folded. They are resistant to temperature increases and atmospheric pressure fluctuations, but expansion is possible due to thermal fluctuations. In hot systems using metal-plastic pipes, slight deformation is possible.

Therefore, the main criterion when choosing pp pipes for private houses is the functional features of the pipeline. So, if you need pipes for hot water supply, you need to choose polypropylene models. The functions of cross-linked polyethylene are also suitable, but the price is much more expensive.

Also, when choosing, you need to take into account the value of the diameter, it is this that affects the throughput characteristics of the entire network.

Note: For plumbing systems, the diameter of plastic pipes must be at least fifteen millimeters, and the riser is mounted with a pipe 25 millimeters in diameter.

If your water supply plan includes many corners, then it is not recommended to use small plastic pipes. This may cause problems in the system.
When installing an external water supply, do not forget about insulation.

Pros and cons of pp pipes

Plastic has the main advantage - it has a long service life. Such pipes are more resistant to external irritants than their metal counterparts. They are not susceptible to corrosive formations and salt and other formations on the walls.

Plastic pipes have become widespread not so long ago and it is difficult to determine exactly how long they will last. Manufacturers claim a service life of 50 years.

New generation plastics are made from environmentally friendly substances that do not have a negative impact on the environment. They are not able to change the properties of the liquid. The material has low thermal conductivity, so they are able to maintain heat. It is also believed that due to the good density of the pipe walls, noise from the water flow is suppressed.

The only downside of plastic is that not all types of pipes may be suitable for hot water supply. But thanks the latest technologies There are plastic pipes that can withstand temperatures up to ninety degrees Celsius.

Types of installation

There are different types of installation of plastic pipelines:

  • Butt welding: fasten pipes of the same diameter. The ends of the pipes are heated and connected using a special press;
  • Butt welding using electric spiral and coupling: the ends of the pipes are heated with a resistive component until melting, due to which the connection has good tightness;
  • Flange method: a fitting is welded to the end of each pipe, then they are bolted together, having first laid a sealed gasket.
  • With fittings: used here compression fittings- components made of polymers or bronze, which, as in the previous method, are attached to pipes and fastened to each other.

Of course, installation work must be carried out by experienced specialists who use special equipment to ensure the tightness of your pipeline.

Under the general name “plastic pipes”, the modern construction market offers a fairly wide range of products that differ in technical characteristics and scope of application. They are distinguished by the polymer material used for manufacturing. On this basis, they are divided into the following types - polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and metal-plastic based on any of the polymers.

The manufacturer's warranty on plastic pipes is 50 years.

By external signs polymer pipes various types can be difficult to tell apart. In accordance with standards, manufacturers carry out labeling containing all the information necessary to identify products. As an example, we can consider one of the common and affordable types - polyvinyl chloride (PVC, or PVC). These products are used in water supply, heating, sewerage networks, and when laying electrical wiring.

Russian manufacturers produce them according to 2 standards - for water supply and heating systems in accordance with GOST R 52134-2003, for internal sewage systems in accordance with GOST 32412-2013.

Example of markings on plastic pipes.

In the first case, the designation contains the word “pipe”, the material designation indicating ten times the tensile strength MRS, the standard dimensional ratio SDR (the ratio of the nominal outer diameter to the nominal wall thickness), the nominal values ​​of the outer diameter and wall thickness, the service class, the nominal pressure and standard number. The labeling may be supplemented with the inscription “drinkable” if this requirement is met.

An example of a symbol for a pipe made of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride with minimum long-term strength MRS = 12.5 MPa, SDR 21, nominal outer diameter 140 mm, nominal wall thickness 6.5 mm, service class 1, maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa.

PVC-U pipe 125 SDR21 - 140´6.5 class 1/1.0 MPa GOST R 52134-2003.

In the second case, the designation includes the designation of the material, nominal values ​​of the outer diameter and wall thickness, and standard number.

An example of a symbol for a polyvinyl chloride pipe for internal sewage systems with a nominal outer diameter of 160 mm, a nominal wall thickness of 3.2 mm.

PVC-U pipe (PVC-U) 160´3.2 GOST R 32412-2013.

Labeling of imported products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of European and international standards. Compliance with the specified technical characteristics necessary requirements should be checked either according to the standard or a certificate of conformity.

In addition to technical characteristics, manufacturers additionally apply their logo and production date. The marking is applied in 1 m increments in a manner that ensures its preservation for the entire declared service life.

Types of plastic pipes

Thanks to many qualities common to most polymers, plastic pipes are versatile and can be used in a wide variety of systems and structures.

For sewerage

PVC sewer pipes

The advantage of plastic for use in sewage systems is its resistance to corrosion and clogging, and low cost. These systems, especially inside buildings, are non-pressure; the collector consists of blocks connected by a fitting without welding. For such systems, the material sufficient in strength and durability is PVC, and the diameter does not exceed 150 mm.

For the needs of industrial sewerage and external networks utilities polypropylene (PP, or PP) pipes are used large diameter, 300 mm and above.

Corrugated plastic pipes

The flexible design allows you to connect various equipment to the main sewer collector without additional fittings. Flexibility, along with a high melting point (up to 90°C) and electrical insulating characteristics, is used in corrugated plastic pipes for electrical wiring. In these examples, single-layer corrugation is used.

For sewer collectors and underground installation of communications, they are used, and the inner layer must be smooth.

By permissible load divided into light, heavy and super-heavy.

Depending on the purpose, PVC, polypropylene and polyethylene are used as materials for their manufacture. low pressure(HDPE), and fittings and couplings are used for installation.

For heating

Application of polypropylene pipes in heating systems.

The installation of a heating system must be approached with special attention, since its operation provides not only comfort, but also safety. The material must withstand high temperature- up to 95°C, pressure in the system, including possible pressure surges and water hammer. An important characteristic for heating pipelines is linear expansion.

These requirements are best met by polypropylene materials with rand copolymer (PPR), and the optimal choice is a pipe reinforced with glass fiber or aluminum foil with a nominal pressure of PN25.

The reinforcement ensures a low coefficient of linear expansion and high strength of the wiring when exposed not only to high temperatures, but also when water in the circuit freezes in emergency situations.

For water supply

For the needs of cold and hot water supply, according to the technical characteristics, we can use the entire range of modern plastic pipes. They provide a maximum service life of 50 years, corrosion resistance, resistance to temperature changes and low noise levels.

PVC pipes for water supply.

The choice of material depends on the purpose of the pipeline, the type of laying, and the complexity of the routing. For reasons of economy and practicality, they are used cold water from PVC and HDPE materials, for hot - or aluminum-reinforced polyethylene (PEX-ALL-PEX).

For hot water

Pipes used for hot water supply must ensure operability at temperatures up to 95°C and operating pressure of the system. For reliability, it is recommended to provide a certain margin of safety for these indicators.

This requirement is best met by reinforced polypropylene pipes, the use of cross-linked reinforced HDPE is also acceptable. PVC is not used for hot water due to its low temperature resistance.

For heated floors

Using metal-plastic pipes to create a heated floor.

The water temperature in water heated floor systems should not exceed 40°C. Limitations in the selection and use of material impose high costs for rework in the event of poor quality work.

Used for heated floors flexible pipes small diameter- 16 mm, which are laid in a snake pattern with a pitch of 40 cm. To connect the wiring to the heating network, welding is used through special couplings.

The nominal pressure must be at least PN10, the permissible operating temperature must be selected with a margin - at least 80°C. By type of material, the preferred types are cross-linked polyethylene PEX and metal-plastic.

High pressure polyethylene pipes

The chemical structure of high-density polyethylene provides it with softness and elasticity at the same time as sufficient strength and stability.

Three-layer LDPE pipes with reinforcement from synthetic thread can be used in systems with operating pressure up to 3MPa. The nominal operating temperature for them is +40°C, the maximum permissible is +80°C, but as the temperature rises, the strength characteristics and service life of the material decrease sharply.

LDPE is highly resistant to corrosion and is therefore widely used in the chemical industry.

High pressure polyethylene pipes in coils.

Products with an internal diameter of 16, 20, 25, 32 mm are produced in coils or coils, with a diameter of up to 180 mm - in straight sections from 5 to 20 m long.

Frost-resistant plastic pipes

Greatest resistance to action low temperatures have polypropylene pipes. When water freezes in them, they can expand slightly and restore their size when thawed, so they can be used for outdoor and underground installation.

The limitation on the lower limit of operating temperature is related to the permissible operating temperature and the permissible temperature difference between the walls. When the coolant temperature is not higher than 95°C, they can be used in frosts down to -40°C.

Gas plastic pipes

Gas determines many additional requirements for materials, installation and operating conditions. The use of polyethylene for gas supply systems, including main ones, provides the necessary parameters of gas tightness, frost resistance, and resistance to mechanical loads. At underground installation they do not require additional waterproofing.

Vulnerability to external influences limits their use in civil engineering and in areas with increased seismicity.

Existing types of gas polyethylene pipes PE-100 and PE-80 differ in wall thickness and permissible pressure. For the first they are 3.5 mm and 12 atm, respectively, for the second - 2-3 mm and 6 atm.

Square plastic pipes

Plastic products with square profile can also be used to transport various media, for example in ventilation systems. The main direction of their application is the production various designs- furniture, metal-plastic windows and doors, cable ducts.

For wells

When constructing wells, polymer products are mainly used for installing casing pipes that provide protection from the soil. Small diameter pipes can also be used as a needle well for water supply to a private home or cottage.

For wells

The advantage of constructing wells from plastic rings is their light weight and tightness, which does not require additional waterproofing. Plastic rings and pipes can be used not only when constructing a new one, but also to repair an existing concrete well.

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When installing any water supply system, be it a common branch in a panel house or a complex scheme with a pumping station of a private house, questions arise: what is better, metal or plastic pipes for water supply, sizes and prices for the required materials, do they correspond to your capabilities, and whether to hire specialists or cope on your own. If you install a metal system, how to deliver large and heavy materials? In this article you can find the answer to important question, which pipes to choose for water supply in an apartment or private house. Let's begin our analysis!

The modern market offers a wide variety of both pipes themselves and various fittings

In the domestic market, since the 90s of the twentieth century, there has been a surge in the popularity of plastic pipes for water supply. The dimensions and price of this material allow them to compete with metal pipes.

They have many varieties:

  • PVC products;
  • HDPE pipes;

  • Cross-linked polyethylene (LDPE – high-density polyethylene). A subtype of HDPE, adapted for hot water supply;

  • Metal-plastic products;

Positive and negative characteristics of each type

In essence, all types of plastic pipes have similar positive qualities, such as:

  • Unlike metal products, plastic are not subject to oxidation and rust;
  • When assembling a heating system, it is possible to use both polypropylene, cross-linked plastic, and metal-plastic (HDPE is not used);
  • Variety of products. Any diameter of plastic pipes for water supply is produced;
  • Frost resistance. PVC, cross-linked polyethylene and HDPE can withstand temperatures down to -10 o C, even if filled with water, due to their plasticity. That is, sudden frosts will not destroy your summer water supply. Metal plastic does not have frost resistance, even the slightest freezing leads to cracking ;
  • Light weight. There is a difference, of course, but in comparison with metal opponents it is not at all significant. You can easily deliver 100 meters of any plastic pipe in a passenger car;
  • Availability. Present in almost any hardware store;
  • Antistatic. They do not conduct electric current.
  • Service life. In the absence mechanical damage and subject to correct installation, all plastic products can last at least 40-50 years;
  • Hydraulic resistance. All types cope with water hammer in their own way;
  • If you have the tools and basic skills, it is possible to install plastic pipes for water supply with your own hands (with the exception of complex schemes).
For your information! It is worth noting that the press joining tool has a rather impressive price.

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Cable for heating a water pipe. Owners of private houses with an individual water supply system in winter are faced with the problem of freezing of pipeline sections. To avoid this, you can install a heating cable. How to choose it correctly, read the article.

Characteristics of PVC pipes for water supply: sizes and prices

There are two main abbreviations: PVC and uPVC. In essence, they are the same material - polyvinyl chloride. The letter “N” stands for non-plasticity. That is, the base is the same, but when plasticizers are added, the product acquires the property of plasticity. People call them polypropylene pipes.

Positive characteristics:

  • Affordable price;
  • A simple method of connection and installation;
  • Operating pressure 6 – 16 bar.


  • Ultraviolet intolerance. In direct sunlight, the structure is destroyed and the material becomes brittle. It cracks under mechanical stress. When installing a garden water supply, the pipeline is either buried in the ground or covered with protective materials;

  • The connection points are unstable. When using low-quality equipment or, in the case of inexperienced technicians, pipe joints are reduced in internal diameter. That is, if the installer overheats the material, the throughput of the pipe will be reduced and you will not be able to check its operation, since the joint looks perfect from the outside. The only way is to check the water pressure in the tap;
  • Operating temperature. At a coolant temperature above 60 o C, a pipe not intended for hot water supply melts. There are specialized fiberglass reinforced or aluminum samples ;

A melted single-layer PVC pipe in hot water supply is not the best option

  • Thermal expansion. As the temperature rises, the product increases its length. This factor is compensated by specialized structural elements. If the heating is installed incorrectly, the pipes sag.

  • When burned, toxic gases are released.
For your information! Pipes reinforced with aluminum tend to delaminate over time due to frequent temperature changes. This effect was not observed for pipes with fiberglass.

Briefly about the marking of PVC pipes

Each product is marked. It is intended to separate areas of application.

Regions PVC applications products:

  • RRN – cold water supply;
  • РРВ – for high-pressure water supply and risk of water hammer;
  • РРР – for installation of hot water supply;
  • PPs - when assembling hot water supply with a coolant temperature of up to 95 o C.

Working pressure:

  • PN10, PN16 – cold water supply;
  • PN20, PN25 – hot water supply.

There are 2 and 4 meter PVC pipes for plumbing, sizes and prices are directly proportional to each other. That is, a 2-meter pipe costs on average 100 rubles, and a 4-meter pipe costs 200 rubles.


This type of structure is quite complex; it includes five layers.

Apart from metal competitors, it has the highest price, including installation costs. But the quality of the products and the reliability of the connections make up for these expenses. Used for installation of heated floors and water pipes closed type. That is, metal-plastic is the most trustworthy material for closed-type work. For example, heated floor. The pipe is laid entirely, without joints, since the coil can be 100 m in length.

There are two ways to connect tees:

  • Fitting;

Sectional connection

  • Compression.

Connection using compression fittings

Important! With temperature fluctuations, the constituent materials change their thickness, but the aluminum layer does not expand. For this reason, a leak occurs in the tees connected by a fitting; it is easily eliminated by turning (tightening) the nut. But after several pull-ups, the pipe may fail.

The most common diameter is 16 mm. This type is used when installing heated floors. We also produce samples of all diameters associated with private water supply: 20, 26, 32, 40mm. The change in strength characteristics with temperature changes is interesting. At a working pressure of 10 bar, the coolant temperature is (0; +95), but at a pressure of 25 bar, a temperature of no more than 25 o C is allowed. That is, with cold water supply, the working pressure can reach 94 bar.


The labeling states:

  • The maximum possible pressure is 10 bar;
  • The highest temperature is +95 o C;
  • Diameter – 16 mm;

The presence in the marking (X) indicates high quality seam

Low pressure polyethylene - HDPE

This type of pipe is more often used in the installation of industrial sewerage and casing of water wells. But this type has also found its application when installing water supply systems. The pipe has high strength qualities. For this reason, it is often used for horizontal directional drilling (popularly piercing underground).

It is also often used when laying permanent garden water pipes.

The colored stripes on the outside indicate which area the pipe is used in:

  • Blue stripe – water supply;
  • Yellow stripe – gas industry;
  • The absence of stripes is for technical purposes.


The abbreviation SDR stands for internal pressure rating. The lower the number in the marking, the denser the material. Pipe grade PE 80 or PE 100. Used in the construction of water supply and waste systems with a diameter of up to 90 mm.

Installation of HDPE pipe connections

Two types of docking are in demand:

  • Sectional. With the use of fittings, it is most common when constructing a private water supply system;

  • One-piece. Connected through specialized welding.

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Although they are much more expensive than others, they have a whole set of advantages in comparison with their polypropylene and metal-plastic counterparts, which we will discuss in the article.

Cross-linked polyethylene

The scope of application is similar to metal-plastic and PVC pipes. So to speak, HDPE manufacturers have created products suitable for installing hot water supply systems. The installation method is almost identical to metal-plastic.

The use of plastic pipes for water supply made it possible to get rid of the bulky steel networks that were previously equipped in almost all residential buildings and public buildings. Durable and easy to install, plastic pipelines quickly gained popularity and became the most popular type of polymer pipe products.

In order not to get confused in the varieties of plumbing products made of plastic, it is recommended to take a short excursion into the world of popular polymer communications, find out their features, familiarize yourself with the varieties, sizes and conditions of use.

The starting materials for the production of water supply communications are derivatives of complex polymers: polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and metal polymers. All of them are united under one name “plastic pipes for water supply” with various technical properties, characteristics on which the conditions of their use depend.

Classification table for types of polymer pipes
Type of polymer Recommended area of ​​use Features of application
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Cold water supply outside and inside the house 1. A rigid linear configuration is created
Polypropylene Cold water supply and hot water supply with coolant up to Three-layer with a high coefficient of linear expansion.
Polyethylene Supply of cold water outside and inside the house, burial in the ground 1.Movable flexible design. 2.Operational efficiency depends on temperature indicators.
Metal-plastic For cold and hot water supply 1. Preservation of shape after bending the configuration.

2.Ability to withstand high pressure.

Depending on the physical properties, each polymer has its own recommended area of ​​application, which must be known for proper selection of material

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic pipes for water supply

The enormous popularity of everything for water can be explained by the presence of the following technical advantages and indicators:

  • Solid service life. If the water line is installed technically correctly and operating conditions are not violated, the water line can operate effectively for 50 years.
  • The internal cavity is not subject to corrosion and is not overgrown with silt and salt build-ups. The absence of obstacles in the way of water flow has a positive effect and the water pressure will remain unchanged.
  • Simplicity and ease of installation. Home craftsmen can easily lay pipes for water supply in the country.
  • The plastic pipe water supply network can be installed on any terrain. The installation of rotating elements does not require complex additional equipment.
  • Polymer products are several times lighter than their metal counterparts. This indicator allows you to significantly reduce the load from the water supply on the supporting structures of the building.
  • Pipe communications made of plastic do not lose their effectiveness under conditions of temperature changes. When the material is heated, there are no various swellings or delaminations on the outer surface, and when the water inside freezes, the integrity of the water main is maintained and the pipe does not burst.
  • Polymer building materials are easy to transport. Storage does not require special conditions.
  • Environmental safety. Even with prolonged use, plastic is non-toxic and does not emit substances harmful to human health.

In addition to technical indicators and characteristics, it is worth noting the economic component of costs. Compared to steel water pipes, the cost of plastic pipes will be much lower. If you do the installation yourself, you may incur the cost of laying plastic water pipe will be minimal.

Disadvantages of plastic water pipes:

  1. Restrictions in use for hot water supply associated with high coolant temperature.
  2. Impossibility of use for fire-fighting water communications.
  3. For the installation of each type of plastic pipes, different technological processes connections.

Difficulties may arise when disposing of polymer pipes, but this small flaw is compensated by a long service life.

Main Features

When choosing pipes for plastic water supply, you should focus on the technical characteristics of the products. There is a direct dependence of the technical properties and features of polymer pipes on the material of their manufacture. For the production of polymer building materials it is used various types raw materials having different temperature, weight and strength characteristics

Media temperature

Plastic plumbing can be used for both cold and hot water supply. However, not all types of plastic are intended for hot water supply.

In the table below, compiled on the basis of recommendations from manufacturing plants, we can conclude that the scope of use of plastic for hot water is limited by the technical properties of the source material.


Among the main technical characteristics water pipes intended for water supply, important criterion is their weight. It is known that light weight compared to metal water pipes is one of the main advantages of plastic communications. When laying water pipes along walls or under the ceiling, it is important to know how much the pipework will weigh and whether the wall or ceiling structure can withstand this load. If you don’t have a reference book on plastic plumbing materials at hand, you can use the following rules to calculate the weight:

  1. The weight indicator is directly dependent on the diameter and thickness of its walls. For example, one linear meter of a plastic pipe product with a diameter of 16 mm is equal to 100 g. At the moment there are no strict weight standards and upon purchase the weight of the product can be seen in the attached certificate.
  2. Calculation formula for independently determining the weight of polymer pipe products: weight in kilograms 1 linear m. plastic pipe =((Dn - T)/40.55)*T, where Dn is the outer diameter, T is the wall thickness, 40.55 is a constant.

There is another way to find out the approximate weight value: determine the volume of the pipe in m3 and multiply by a constant factor of 950.


Strength indicators are especially relevant for plastic pipes laid in the ground. They are operated under conditions of internal high pressure water flow and external load from a large volume of soil. Manufacturers suggest using for these types of water pipes utility networks products with more high performance in terms of strength, but the price of such building materials will be much higher than that of conventional plastic ones.

Polymer pipes, despite numerous positive characteristics, are sensitive to pinpoint impacts; for example, a careless blow with a hammer, especially at the junction, can destroy the integrity of the structure. Therefore, when laying a pipe, knowing the fragility of plastic products, you should take precautions and carry out the installation carefully and carefully.

Table of pipe diameters for water supply

The throughput of the entire water supply system depends on the choice of pipe size for the water supply system. For each type of polymer pipe products, there are different norms and standards with different wall thicknesses.

Table of pipe diameters for water supply by type of polymer
Variety GOST Conditions of use Allowable diameter, mm Wall thickness, mm
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) R 51613-2000 Connection to bathtub and sink From 10 to 315 From 1.6 to 6
Supply to the toilet From 15 to 315
Connection to washing machine From 15 to 315
Polyethylene (PE) 18599-2001 Light pipes From 20 to 100 2,0 – 29,3
Average 2,0 – 45,3
Heavy 2,0 – 45,5
Polypropylene(PP) 32415-2013 Internal wiring 40,50 and 110 8,1
External wiring, into the ground From 150 From 32.1 to 35.2
Metal-plastic Laying water pipes 15,20 2

There is a rule that for laying a water line, the pipe diameter should not be less than 15 mm, and for installing water supply risers, diameters from 32 mm are used.

When choosing pipes of the required size, you should take into account the dependence of the cross-section on the length of the water line:

  1. When the length of the water system is less than 30 meters, the use of pipes with a diameter of 25 mm is allowed.
  2. If the length of the line is more than 30 meters, it is recommended to use a cross-section of 32 mm or more.

For short water lines up to 10 meters, plastic products with a diameter of 20 mm will be relevant.

This video will help you understand diameters in millimeters and inches and their conversion:

HDPE low pressure polyethylene pipes

The starting raw materials for the manufacture of low-pressure polyethylene pipes (LDPE) are high-molecular polymers obtained during the polymerization reaction of ethylenes during low-pressure processing. For laying drinking water supply networks, only materials made from virgin polyethylene are used; the water pipe is black with a blue stripe. Polyethylene pipe products without stripes, obtained as a result of processing of secondary raw materials, are used in sewerage. Due to the physical property of polyethylene softening under the influence of high temperatures, HDPE products are not recommended for use as water supply pipes for hot water.

Advantages of HDPE polyethylene pipes for water supply:

  • low weight, which has a positive effect on transportation and installation;
  • do not corrode;
  • simple and quick installation;
  • the internal cavity is not overgrown with silt growths;
  • is not damaged even when the media freezes. If the winter temperature drops below – 20 degrees, the material becomes brittle;
  • long service life.

Polyethylene products are mounted by special welding or using. They are sold in the form of 6-meter sections and coils of various lengths.


To make it easier to select HDPE plastic pipes for the water supply system, special markings of letters and numbers are used, displaying detailed information:

  1. Plant - manufacturer and compliance with GOST manufacturing standards, for example GOST 18599-2001.
  2. International brand designation, for example PE100, PE63, PE80.
  3. The size of the outer diameter, measured in millimeters.
  4. Wall thickness.
  5. The value of working and maximum permissible pressure.
  6. Date and batch of manufacture.

The color of the outer surface serves as a guide to the area of ​​use: a pipe for drinking water is black with a blue stripe, black without stripes is used or cable networks.

Polypropylene pipes for water supply

Polymer pipe products made from polypropylene are distinguished by their versatility. They are used not only as pipes for laying cold water, but are excellent for organizing hot water supply. The range of produced diameters is from 16 to 125 mm. They go on sale in separate pieces 4 meters long. Polypropylene water pipes are marked with the letters PP.

According to their structure, pipe products made of PP polypropylene are divided into single-layer and reinforced multi-layer structures. Single-layer modifications are very flexible and therefore their scope of application is limited to non-pressure water supply systems. Reinforced ones consist of the following words:

  1. Thick-walled polypropylene pipe.
  2. Thin aluminum foil.
  3. Protective polypropylene layer.

Multilayer polypropylene pipes are used to organize cold water supply. This type is not recommended for hot media. This is due to the fact that due to the high coefficient of linear expansion under the influence of a high-temperature coolant, deformation changes are observed in the products and they can sag.

Polypropylene pipe products are produced for water systems with pressures of 10, 16, 20 atmospheres and various thicknesses walls

To connect polypropylene pipelines, special soldering irons are used, which melt the ends and turn the connection into a monolith.

Metal-plastic pipes

Metal-plastic pipes are a three-layer structure consisting of cross-linked polyethylene, thin aluminum foil and a protective layer of polyethylene. The design of the product is quite flexible, retains its shape after bending and therefore, with small turning radii, it can be laid without corner and rotary fittings. Metal-plastic can withstand high coolant temperatures, and works well in conditions of high pressure water flow. If very hot water circulates through the pipes, minor deformation phenomena may occur.

Metal-plastic is marked with the letters PEX-Al-PE, which can be deciphered: cross-linked polyethylene + aluminum + polyethylene. Produced in diameters from 16 to 40 mm. It is important to know that the brand reflects the internal and external diameter, for example 12 - 15 or 20 - 25.

Metal-plastic products are used to supply cold and hot water up to +95 degrees.

Cross-linked polyethylene PEX

Polymer pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene are a high-tech product produced after processing polyethylene with high pressure. As a result of this treatment, macromolecules are “cross-linked” with each other, and a durable polymer with the properties of plastic is formed. Pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene are designated by the letters PEX. Installation is carried out using special connecting fittings. This type The material is ideal for supplying hot media. Produced in diameters from 12 to 315 mm. The surface is marked with information about the manufacturer, permissible temperature, operating pressure, diameter and wall thickness, date of manufacture.

Polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC) for water supply

Pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are intended for cold water installations. It is not recommended to use PVC communications to supply hot water. This is due to the physical property of the PVC polymer to melt at temperatures from 50 to 80 degrees. For hot water, a modification of CPVC is used, which stands for “chlorinated PVC.”

Manufacturers produce PVC pipe products with diameters of 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 40, 50, 73, 75, 90 and 110 mm, with wall thicknesses from 2 to 18.3 mm. To install a water main, special fittings are required.

Which plastic pipes are suitable for hot water

If you rank plastic pipes for hot water in terms of popularity,

then you get the following line of leaders:

  • metal-plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • cross-linked polyethylene.

Each of these varieties has its own pros and cons, which should be carefully studied when familiarizing yourself with the technical characteristics.

Plastic pipes for water supply, sizes and prices

You can see the estimated cost of plastic water pipes in the table below:

In conclusion of the review of plastic pipes for water supply, I would like to say that the efficiency and reliability of the water supply system depends not only on the selected type of pipe, diameter and cost. The most important thing is professional installation and the use of quality materials.